12x06 - Episode 6

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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12x06 - Episode 6

Post by bunniefuu »


-[SINGING] It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood.

A beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly
day in this beauty

wood, a neighborly
day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So, let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together we might
as well say, would be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please?

Won't you please?

Please won't you be my neighbor?

[TALKING] Hi, neighbor.

We're back together again.

One time I say
goodbye and I go away.

The next time I come
back and say hello.

I just got this blanket
from the cleaners.

I'll show it to you.

I like that blanket.

It fits on that
sofa bed over there.

I'll just show it to
you, how it works.

Do you know anybody
who uses a sofa bed?

It's a sofa.

And it can be a bed.

I was just thinking
about some children

I know who like to hold their
blankets very close to them,

especially when they
have to do something

new or something hard.

Having that blanket
close is sort of

like feeling that your mother
or dad is close to you.

Different children
have different feelings

about different things
like blankets and pillows

and teddy bears and all.

[SINGING] Sometimes
you feel like holding

your pillow all night long.

Sometimes you hug your
teddy bear tightly he's old

but he's still strong.

And sometimes you
want to snuggle up

closely with your
own mom and dad.

At night you even need the light
sometimes, but that's not bad.

Please don't think it's funny
when you want an extra kiss.

There are lots
and lots of people

who sometimes feel like this.

Please don't think
it's funny when

you want the ones you miss.

There are lots
and lots of people

who sometimes feel like this.

It's great to know you're
growing up bigger every day.

But somehow things you like to
remember are often put away.

And sometimes you
wonder over and over

if you should stay inside
when you enjoy a younger toy,

you never need to hide.

Please don't think it's funny
when you want an extra kiss.

There are lots
and lots of people

who sometimes feel like this.

Please don't think
it's funny when

you want the ones you miss.

There are lots
and lots of people

who sometimes feel like this.

[TALKING] And then
when you feel you

have all the comfort
inside that you need

and you don't need your
blanket or your pillow

or your teddy bear anymore,
you can put it aside.

But not until you're ready.

And you're the
only one who knows

when you're ready for that.

Important things to think about.

You sometimes just need some
quiet time to think about them.

I brought you a film today.

This is a film of people making
blankets like this blanket.

Thought you might
like to see how

people make blankets like that.

So we'll just put it in the
picture picture projector

and see people making
blankets at a blanket factory.

Many spindles of yarn.

That's how blankets start out.

As many strands of yarn.

All different colors put onto a
machine that unwinds the yarn.

And the yarn is pulled
through those little holes

on to that big role there.

See all the different colors?

Those are all separate
strands of yarn.

And that person is
checking to make sure

that the yarn
doesn't get tangled.

I wonder what that feels like.

What do you suppose
that feels like to him

when he puts his
hand across there?

Might feel like a soft guitar.

And now the yarn is ready
to be woven together

on a machine that's
called a loom.

This is a loom.

People who make these blankets
must think a long, long time

about where each
thread should go.

After they've decided how
the blanket will be made

they use this
machine to make it.

And of course the machine works
so fast that the blanket just

seems to appear, doesn't it?

Yards and yards and
yards of material

all being wound up
on that roll there.

Now it's time to
clean it and comb it.

This machine has lots and
lots of tiny little hooks

that brush the
blanket over and over

until it's soft and fluffy.

And some of the material
has mistakes in it.

Like a thread missing.

And this person checks
every bit of that material

and fixes those mistakes.

Now it's time for that
long, long, roll of material

to be cut into lots of
regular sized blankets.

And they're so wide that it
takes two people to cut them.

And they do it very,
very carefully.

Now it's time for the
long piece of material

called binding to be sewed on.

This keeps the threads
from coming loose.

Looks like a shiny red ribbon.

Have you ever seen
binding on a blanket?

Have you ever seen
people folding blankets?

They look really
soft, don't they?

It's almost finished now.

There the label is put on.

And that person is
putting it in its own bag.

Each blanket in its
own special bag.

And zipped up.

That's how people make blankets.

Isn't that interesting?

To think that that-- that people
would take all those strands

of yarn and weave them together
to make something as beautiful

as this.

'Course it's only when those
blankets go to somebody's home

and the moms and dads
and children use them

that those blankets get
to be really special.

Takes people to make
things really special.

I guess we say that
a lot don't we?

But it's true.

And it's very important.

It takes people.


-Machines don't do
anything by themselves.

It takes people to
make things work.

Now, do you remember the naughty
thing Lady Elaine Fairchilde

did when she painted over
the faces of those dolls

Corney was making?

Well her punishment was
something she suggested.

She was to work for free at
the factory for two full days.

Well she started and now
everybody's finding out

what a good worker
she really can be.

Let's make believe that things
are going even better today.

In fact, somebody could
be in the neighborhood

with some blankets.

Let's think about that in the
neighborhood of Make-Believe.

OK Trolley.


-Neighborhood Trolley,
the C.A. Blanket Company

would like to give you a
free sample trolley blanket.


-Well of course you've never
heard of a trolley blanket.

That's because trolley
blankets are new

and you're one of the
first to receive one.


-Well that looks very,
very good on you.


-Well we're glad you like it.

And of course when
you're moving you

could always store your
trolley blanket inside

or leave it in your car barn.


-Well, you are very
welcome I'm sure.

Oh, and please tell all your
friends about it, won't you?


-Oh Mr. Aber, oh Mr. Aber.

-Hello, X.

-Hello there.

-How are you?

-Oh, I'm good but I
thought you sold airplanes.

-Oh, I do.

I do.

But I sell other things too.

-So do I.

-Oh is that right?

I didn't know you
were a sales owl.


I am.

I started selling things for
Corney, but I sold too much.

-Too much?


I sold things that
he doesn't make.

And that made for trouble.

-Well, I can see why.

You must really
like to sell things.

-Oh, I really do.

I like to help people get
things that they need.

-Say, how would you like to
come into business with me?

I really do need someone else.

Especially someone with wings.

-Someone with wings?

When would you like me to start?

-Well, whenever you say.

-How about right now?


-Well I'll have to
tell my neighbor.


I always tell our her I'm
going away from the tree.

-That's very
thoughtful of you X.

-Meow called?

-Hen, you remember Mr. Aber?


Meow good meow see you.

-Well it's always good
to see you too Henrietta.

-Guess what Henrietta.


-I'm going to work
with Mr. Aber.

-Meow meow Corney?

-Oh sure I'll sell
for Corney, too

but I like to sell
more than he makes.

-Meow meow you make
meow meow Aber?

-Well we make trolley blankets.

-Meow meow beautiful meow.

X THE OWL: Uh, they come in
all different colors Henrietta.

CHUCK ABER: See that?



X THE OWL: And they can be
used as a rug in a tree house.



X THE OWL: And wall hangings.

-Sure you could
put it on the wall.


X THE OWL: Or even wrap-arounds
for those cold evenings.

-Meow really beautiful meow.

-Uh, how many would
you like Henrietta?

-Meow one meow each.

-One of each color?


-Yes ma'am.

-We'll have them to you as
soon as we can make them.

-Meow meow very much.

-And thank you Hen,
for everything.

-I'll meet you around the
back of our tree Mr. Aber

and we can take off from there.

-Very good, sales owl.

-See you, Hen.

-Meow meow meow
meow meow meow meow.


Meow meow be so nice
meow all meow colors.

Meow X meow come and visit.

-Hello, Miss Pussycat.

-Meow meow Chief
meow Discipline.

-Do you know where X might be?

-Meow meow out selling.

-Oh, I see.

Well, Lady Elaine found a
few mistakes in his orders

and she wanted to talk
to him about these forms.

-Meow tell him meow.


No hurry.

Just don't want him
to worry about it.

-Meow K. Thank you meow meow.

-See you later Henrietta.

-Meow meow.

Meow meow meow meow meow.


-Lady Elaine.

-Important or not?

-Just a report on X the Owl.

-Did you find him?

-He's not home at the moment.

-Well the minute he
gets there I expect

him to come over here
for his spanking.

-His what?

-His spanking.

I have established a blanket
policy at the factory.

Anyone who makes a
mistake gets a spanking.

-Lady Elaine I need to
remind you of something.

-What's that?

-What happened to
you when you painted

all over those
king dolls' faces?

-We're not making dolls anymore.

That's one of the things
I've changed around here.

Corney's going to handle
just what he can, no more.

-That's very fine.

You've done some
good things here.

-And anyone who makes a
mistake will get a spanking.

-I have to ask you
again since you

haven't answered my question.

What happened to you when
you spoiled those dolls?

That wasn't just a mistake.

That was naughty.

-Well what did happen to me?

-Well you were told to come
here and work for two days.

-Yes, but that turned
out to be good.

Good for Corney and
good for his customers.


-And good for me.

I like the work.

-That's what discipline
is supposed to be.

-Good for all?


-I thought it was like
getting a spanking

or going to jail or
something like that.

-That's just a little bit.

And just for some people.

The best discipline
makes everybody

feel better in the end.

-Not worse.



-So what about X
the Owl's mistake?

-I guess I could explain that
form to him a little better.

All he has to do
is use a black pen

on the even lines and
a red pen on the odd.

-And you were going to him a
spanking for not doing that?

-Well you have to learn somehow.

-I hope you know by now
that that's not how.

-Well, I guess.

MR. MCFEELY: Speedy delivery.
Speedy delivery.

Hello Chief.

Good day, Elaine.

-Who's the delivery
for Mr. McFeely?

-Well, it's for Cornflake
S. Pecially and all

his associates of the
neighborhood Rockit factory.

-Well that's who we are.

Corney, could you
come here a minute?

Important or not?

-Looks important to me.

-Oh, that assembly line is
going so smoothly, Lady Elaine.


Look who's here.

-Oh, hello gentlemen.

-Hello there, Corney.

-What can I do for you?

-Well I have this
delivery here we

thought you might like to have.

-Oh what is it?

-It's a plaque from the B.B.B.B.

-Oh, the Better Buy
Business Bureau?

-Now let's see.

That's what it looks like.

Yes that's right.

-What does it say?

Well now, Chief
why don't you read

it and I'll hold it for you.


Better Buy Business Bureau

congratulates Cornflake
S. Pecially and all

of his associates of the
neighborhood Rockit factory

for adopting more better
business practices

during this week than any
other business in the world."

-The whole world?

-That's what it says.

-Well if something good can come
from something bad, can't it?

-That's what people are for.

-To help make that happen.

-Incidentally Corney,
we're changing that rule

about the spanking
for every mistake.

-Oh, good What are
we going to do?

-We're going to sit down
and explain things first.

-It sounds reasonable to me.

Well, I've got to
get back to my job.

You can put the plaque up
wherever you want Lady Elaine.

-Oh, good.

Come on in gentlemen.

We'll decide together.


-Be right in Lady Elaine.





-Something good can
come from something bad.

Corney's right.

And sometimes good
people do bad things.

[SINGING] Sometimes
people are good

and they do just
what they should.

But the very same
people who are good

sometimes are the very same
people who are bad sometimes.

It's funny but it's true.

It's the same isn't it for me?

And sometimes people
make noise and they

break each other's toys.

But the very same people
who are noisy sometimes

are the very same people
who are quiet sometimes.

It's funny but it's true it's
the same isn't it for me?

And sometimes people get mad.

And they feel like being bad.

But the very same
people who are mad

sometimes are the very same
people who are glad sometimes.

It's funny but it's true.

It's the same isn't it for me?

And sometimes people
are good and they

do just what they should.

But the very same
people who are good

sometimes are the very same
people who are bad sometimes.

It's funny but it's true.

It's the same isn't it for me?

Isn't it the same for you?

[TALKING] Isn't it that way?

Not anybody's good
all the time and not

anybody's bad all the time.


This feels so good here.

What do you do when
your parents ask

you to do something
you don't like to do?

Like putting on your boots
when it's wet outside.

Do you sometimes make a
fuss and then do it anyway?

Put this bed in.

Did you ever do something
that your parents

told you not to do?

And when you did it they got
very angry and spanked you?

Well, if children bite
or kick another person

or hurt their
brothers or sisters

their parents can get very
frightened and very angry.

It's important to remember that
if you do hurt a little brother

or sister and your mother
or dad punishes you

that's not because your mom
or dad loves the baby better.

No, it's because the
baby is helpless.

And your parents
want you to grow

to be a good brother or sister.

Some food for you fish.

Oh, here's my clarinet.

I've been practicing
my clarinet.

Somebody sent me
a player clarinet.

It's sort of like
a player piano.

It has a roll here and
then you just blow in it

and turn the roll.

I'll show you how it works.

Well it's easier.

But I think this
sounds a lot better

even though it takes
a lot more work.


Ah, there's so
many ways that you

can show people
that you love them.


I do that by coming to
visit with you here.

[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling
you're growing inside.

And when you wake
up ready to say

I think I'll make
a snappy today.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling.

The feeling you know that I'll
be back when the day is new.

And I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will too.

[TALKING] I'll be
back next time.

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