I Believe in Santa Claus (J'ai rencontré le Père Noël) (1984)

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I Believe in Santa Claus (J'ai rencontré le Père Noël) (1984)

Post by bunniefuu »

[cheerful symphonic music]

- Come and play, hey come on!

- No.

- He's scared of playing ball.

- Simon is a fraidy-cat.



- Who did that?

Let's here it.

Well, tell me.

- He was the one.

- Let's go.

- It wasn't me.
- Don't deny it.


- I didn't do it, no!
- In you go.

- He didn't break it you did.

- Yes but being locked
up always scares me.

- There we are.

Go to sleep now.

Your glass of
water's right here.

- Thank you.

- Sleep well sweetheart.

- I will Grandma.

- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.


["On s'prépare pour
Noeël" by Francis Lai]

♪ No more school

♪ No more rule

♪ No more working like a mule

♪ Christmas days on its way

♪ Can be found everyone

♪ There is something to be done

♪ To prepare Christmas day

♪ Bits of string anything

♪ Colored glass and angel wings

♪ Like the star in the sky

♪ That the wise men followed by

♪ When preparing Christmas day.

♪ Paper hats chocolate mouse

♪ Got to work to make the snow

♪ Christmas day's on its way.

♪ Little Joe on his knees

♪ Scooping up to plant the tree

♪ Father Christmas is here

♪ Sing along Christmas song

♪ Nothing's right
and nothing's wrong

♪ At this time of the year

♪ Church bells
ring children sing

♪ Hoping they'll get everything

♪ That he promised to bring

♪ That he promised to bring

♪ That he promised to bring

♪ That he promised to bring.


- Fabulous I mean
it, what a chorus.

You're fantastic!

Now you're all gonna
write Santa for Christmas,

is everybody ready?

- Yes!

- Yes.
- You sure?

- Yes.

- You too.

- [Child] Yes.

- You ready, and you Melody,
what will you ask him to bring?

- A house for my barbie, and
furniture and barbie clothes.

- [Teacher] I see, and
Phillip, what do you want

Santa Clause to bring you?

- A talking robot.

- Is that so, I bet a lot of
you are gonna ask him for that.

Well how about you,
what will you ask for--

- [Simon] Teacher.

- Yes Simon.

- Can I go to the bathroom?

- Of course go right ahead.

Now then what will you ask for?

- I want a walkie talkie.

- A walkie talkie?
- Yeah.



[bell rings]

- You're a good class.

Emanuel move along,
don't doddle.

What have you got on your cheek?

- Nothing.

- But your whole cheek
is red, what did you do?

You can tell me?
- Nothing.

- You mean you don't feel it?

- No.

- You never said what you want
Santa to bring for Christmas,


- I want my mother and father.

- Of course you're quite
right, you tell him that.

But I don't know if
Santa is able to do that.

- I want them to come back.

- Then they will, see
you tomorrow, bye bye.

- See you tomorrow.

- Goodbye Elodie.
- Goodbye.

- You wait, on Christmas
day I'm going to roast you

and eat you with
oyster stuffing.

- You think he's an Ogre?

♪ Look at the lovers
look at the lovers

- Don't be silly, an
Ogre's bigger than him.

- Did you ever see one?

- No, but they eat children,
everyone knows that.

And they're huge.

- Dear Santa Claus, this
year don't bring me any toys.

The one thing I
want is for my papa,

and Momma, to come back.

That's the best present
you can bring me.

I was very good.

Grandma will agree.

So please bring me my parents.

Love from Simon.

- Did you all put your names
on the back of the envelope?

- Yes.
- Fine,

and you all wrote
Santa's address huh?

- Yes.

- Oh none of you
is terribly sure,

I spelled the name of
the village Rovaniemi.

- I wrote it.

- Yes, that's right, do you
know where Rovaniemi is?

- No.

- Rovaniemi is a long way away,
where it snows in Lapland.

Here let's see what you wrote.

To dear Mr. Santa Claus,
that's nice and polite,

I'm sure he'll like that.

Fine, right I want
all of you to go over

and put your letter
in Santa's mailbox.

Go on, one at a time, no,
no don't push, slowly.

Don't worry, all of your
letters are going to get there.

- Come on.

- Ow, that hurt.

- No hope of finding
French couple alive.

Taken hostage by African rebels.

Yes but they don't
know that they're dead.

- The ultimatum that they
sent to the Prime Minister

expired two months ago.

- Poor Simon.

I'm afraid he won't get
the present he wants.

- Alas no.

- If you wish for
something very hard,

your wish will always come
true, your loving Papa.

["L'Arrivée à Rovaniemi"
by Francis Lai]

♪ Stop all your crying business

♪ What for

♪ Cause there's a
Father Christmas

♪ You sure

♪ Lives in Rovaniemi that's
in Lapland you should know

♪ Quickly we must go faster

♪ Why's that

♪ School Mistresses and Masters

♪ We have

♪ Go there it's very nice
to build the Christmas ties

♪ They said that
when it's snowing

♪ He comes

♪ That's when you see him going

♪ To roofs

♪ Going around Rovaniemi
in a big red sled

♪ Stop all your crying business

♪ What for

♪ Cause there's a
Father Christmas

♪ You sure

♪ Lives in Rovaniemi that's
in Lapland you should know

♪ Stop all your crying business

♪ Stop all your crying business

♪ Cause there's a
Father Christmas

♪ Cause there's a
Father Christmas

♪ Stop all your crying business

♪ Stop all your crying business

- Now listen everyone,
with the last day of school

before vacation are you
all happy that we're going

to visit the airport at Roissy?

- Yes!
- You are?

- Why are they taking
pictures of us?

- [Man] Now I will explain to
you the symbols on the board.

- Now you all keep
still and listen.

- Alright up on that side

you have all the
different flight numbers.

Next you have the name
of the airline company.

Now this gives you the final
destination of the flight

and what time it's
scheduled to leave.

Those little blinking
lights mean the flight

is about to take off.

Passengers who are
late better hurry up

or they might miss
their airplane.

- Oh I have a good idea.

- What?

- Why don't we take a plane?

- Oh yes!

- Now we're just pretending,
fine we'll fly to, uh.

- Let's go for real.

- We can't do that,
it'll be almost real.

Now we'll fly to New York.

- Yeah!

- Good, now then,
all set for New York?

- Yeah!

- Great, on our way.

- New York is over this way.

- You say everything
teacher says like a parrot.

- New York is to the left.

- I haven't bit anybody.

- Yes you've been extra
specially good today.

Stay together
children, that's it.

- [Announcer] Flight

- Rovaniemi, but that's where
we sent our mail to Santa.

If I go to see Santa Claus,
and if I'm real polite,

I bet he can get my
Momma and Poppa back.

- Yes but the plane
won't take you.

- If I want it to, it will.

- You have to have a ticket.

- Ah, here are the two children
we've been waiting for.

I've looked all over for you.

There you are hurry, the
plane's about to leave.

Take my hand.

We're all here, we
can go now, let's go.

Sit there, where you'll
be next to the window.

Right, now fasten your seatbelt.

And you too.

- Thank you.

- I'm scared.

- Me too.

- I just know that I'll be
in trouble with my parents.

- Don't worry, say it was me.

- They won't believe me.

- Why you're crying,
is something wrong?

- No, I'm fine, I'm fine.

- Oh this is the first
time you took the plane

without your parents, nevermind,
everything will be fine.

Look, we're almost ready to go.

- Have a nice
Christmas children.

- [Children] Goodbye!

- Goodbye.

- [Simon] Don't worry
as soon as we get there,

we'll tell Santa Claus to call
my grandma and your parents,

and teacher.

- Right, is everyone here?

- [Children] Yes!

- Terrific, let's take off.

- Anyways, the plane trip
hasn't hurt your appetite.

It's sugar.

They make it hard to open, huh?

- Yeah.

- Well once we get to this
place, we've got to figure out

how to find Santa Claus.

[gentle music]

Hey Elodie, wake
up we're here look.

It's beautiful.

It's really like Christmas
here, it's all white.

Everything's covered in snow.

Wow, it's fabulous.

[announcer speaks
in foreign language]

Come on.

- Okay now what?

- Well,

I guess we just leave.

To begin with, we
can get rid of these.

- Right, goodbye.

- How will we find Santa Clause?

We don't know
where his house is.

- Should we ask somebody?

- We don't have to,
the teacher told us

he lives right in Rovaniemi,

in a little village in
the middle of a forest.

We find the forest,
and then it's easy.

His house is right
in the middle.

[gentle music]

There look, see
what did I tell you.

There's the forest.

- [Elodie] I'm cold.

- [Simon] We're
almost there, come on.

We just have to find the
middle of the forest.

- [Elodie] Is the middle
of the forest very far?

- [Simon] I don't think so.

- [Elodie] I'm cold.

- [Simon] We mustn't stop,
it's dangerous, keep walking.

- I'm hungry, you told
me we were almost there.

- Now look, this forest it
must have a middle, right.

Since we're crossing
the entire forest,

we must come to the
middle, sooner or later.

- And Santa Claus, will
he be waiting for us.

- Right.

- [Elodie] Do you think there
are wolves in this forest?

- [Simon] There might be.

- [Elodie] Oh, I'm scared,
what if they eat us up?

Pretend we're in the
desert with lots of sand,

and it's really hot, I
mean it's burning hot.

- We're burning to death, we
just want to go swimming huh?

- But anyway, there's
no water in the desert.

- I'm glad there isn't.

I'm too cold and too
sleepy to go swimming.

- No we're hot, and
we're not sleepy.

- Most of all, we're not hungry.

- That's right,
not one bit hungry.

- Wait a minute, we
have to figure out

which is the right path.

- I think it's that way.

- Alright, poof poof
who'll choose, you or me,

climbing on the apple tree.

Paper, pepper, piper, fiddle

if you can not
repeat this riddle

you can not go with me.

- Paper, pepper, pip- let's go.

Does everything in the
world have a middle?

- Our teacher said that
everything has a beginning,

and an end.

Therefore there
must be a middle.

You mustn't sleep Elodie,

that's the way that
people die of cold.

[bell jingles]

- What are you children doing
in the forest at this hour?

- Santa Claus.
- Santa Claus.

- [Simon] We came to
see you Santa Claus.

- [Elodie] We even
flew in an airplane.

- You must be half
frozen my poor children.

Quickly climb into my sleigh
and get a blanket over you.


Come here.


Oh there's nothing
to worry about.

Wolves are no different
than other animals.

If you believe they're
nice, they're nice.

If you believe they're
mean, they'll be mean.

That's all there is to it.

Dasher, get up, let's go.

A ho!

Here's Santa Claus' house,
home sweet home at last.

Now we can get
warm, there you go.

Just a little further,
we'll have a nice cup

of hot chocolate and
thaw out by the fire.

There children go on in.

- Is this your
house Santa Claus?

- Mm hmm.

- I like it, it's nice.

- Go on sit down on
the bed over there.

Mind if I reach over
you to put this down?

Thank you so much.

There we go.

One more for me.

[cuckoo clock whistles]

Breakfast is all ready.

You go wake them up.

- Wake up.

- [Santa] Did you have
a good sleep children?

- You bet.

- It's good to eat when
you're hungry isn't it?

You know you're the first
children who ever came up here

to see me?

- Well you know Santa,
you live pretty far.

- It must've taken courage
to embark on this long trek.

Tell me your names children.

- Elodie Perrin.

- Mines, Simon Pourquier.

- Elodie Perrin and
Simon Pourquier.

Elodie Perrin and
Simon Pourquier, wait.


There's so many
children these days

the books not big enough.

I've got a little list,
I've got a little list.

Elodie Perrin and
Simon Pourquier.

E L O D, Elodie Perrin.

forth and so forth.

Six and a half years
old, behaved at home.

Works well at school.

Asked for a doll for Christmas.

Fine, an excellent record.

Except for two or
three minor incidents,

you've been a very good
little girl all year long.

- How about Simon Pourquier?

- [Santa] Simon Pourquier,
Garenne Colombes,

Seven years old.

Special note, parents
missing in Africa since June.

For more information
punch three.

Oh yes, you're the little boy

who wants his parents
for Christmas.

I got your letter
yesterday morning.

- Can you do it?

- You're not asking for
a Christmas present,

you realize that?

It's politics.

- What's politics?

- It's nothing you'd want
in your Christmas stocking.

- You'll do it Santa,
I'm sure you will.

- Me too, we trust you Santa.


- To think that there are kids
that don't believe in you.

[happy instrumental music]

- These are my very special
reindeer for Christmas.

They go all around the
world, in just one night.

Yes, to deliver toys

to good little boys
and girls everywhere.

- Those poor reindeer,
they sure do work hard,

just for us kids.

- Yes, it's a very long trip.

- Sure is.
- Long trip,

and that's why I save the
best reindeer for that.

- For what?

- For work on Christmas.

The others are everyday reindeer

Melodie, Simon come on!

This way.

Careful the snow is slippery.

Come on Elodie, there
we are that's it.

Now give me your hand.


Now you're going
to see my workshop.

It's not very big, but it's
where we make all the toys.

There, you go ahead,
up the stairs.

Don't slip again Simon.

["Paroles de L'usine à
Jouet" by Francis Lai]

♪ This is where night and day

♪ Hammer got and
sawing really try

♪ So do I

♪ Fingers gel hold it slow

♪ Do it careful nice and slow

♪ There you go

♪ Don't just so

♪ Over here once a year

♪ We've build
rabbits, toys and firs

♪ Very nice

♪ Very nice

♪ Stop at two red and blue

♪ They go on the flowers not you

♪ Wash your face

♪ Take your place

♪ sl*ve away night and day

♪ Mass production for the day

♪ Stockings hang

♪ Bang bang bang

♪ Put it back on the track

♪ There's a missing
wheel you know

♪ Mr. Jones

♪ Lazy bones

♪ Waking up shaking up

♪ Do like all head dressers do

♪ Thread it through

♪ Pretty too

♪ Give it back silly boy

♪ Elephants a children's toy

♪ Little thief

♪ Nasty sneak

- Mary Ellen, I would like
you to meet the two children--

- Oh I already know them.

- Good Fairies know everybody.

- Are you a real Fairy?

- Well of course, what
did you think I was?

Tell me you two, don't you
think it was pretty naughty

of you to off without
telling anyone?

Oh well, sometimes
you have to disobey.

Isn't that right Santa?

That's how you start growing up.

Nevermind, you're
forgiven and so are you.


You must never go over
there, it's forbidden.

That's the kingdom of the Ogre.

- The Ogre?
- That's right.

They say that he traps
children when he finds them

in his forest.

He locks them up and makes
them do all his work.

And know what he
does with them then?

- No.
- He eats them for dinner.

- Sure, every Ogre
eats children.

Mary Ellen, since
you can do magic,

you think maybe you
could help Santa Claus

get back my Momma and Poppa?

- But I can only do Fairy magic.

- It's better than nothing.

- Simon.

- Do Ogres always eat up
all the children they find?

- Well yes of course they do.

- Then it's like their
business I guess.

- Precisely, that's why
we don't want any children

wandering in the Ogre's forest.

Tell me Simon, your papa
and Momma, where are they?

- In Africa.
- Of course

but where in Africa?

- Just Africa.

- There.

Goodnight children
and pleasant dreams.


- Now you're positive
of the address huh?

See that you tie it well,
it's going to China.

- I've got to talk to you.

- No please Santa, it's
the 23rd of December

and I still have hundreds
of orders to fill.

- Take a look at this one.

- What's this?

Dear Santa Claus, this year
don't bring me any toys.

I've never heard that
before it's amazing.

The one thing I want is for my
Momma and Poppa to come back.

I was good this year,
Grandma will agree.

So please bring back my parents.

Love from Simon.

- The boy took an enormous risk

when he came up
here to visit me.

I owe it to him to find
his mother and father.

- I know what you're driving at.

We're going to Africa.

- Well it looks like that.

- You don't have to pretend
with me, you need me

and my magic wand because
your wonderful sleigh

only travels at Christmas time.

- You know the best
thing with Fairies

is that they understand
everything at once.

- Now you be careful,
don't push your luck.

Fasten your seatbelt Santa,
time for the countdown.

Destination, Africa.

- Well that's at the
other end of the world,

what time will it be
when we get there?

- Don't worry, I'll
take care of that.

I can fix a clock or two.

Are you ready?

- Well I guess so.

- Ready?

- Ready.

- Away we go.

Here we are, Africa.

Isn't it exciting.

- Well look at that.

- No time to admire the
scenery, we have work to do.

- That's right.

But, where are Simon's parents?

They should be here
shouldn't they?

Something funny's going
on, it's too quiet.

- Oh look over there,
a lady's scarf.

Are they in there?
- No.

- Oh this is terrible,

what do we do now,
where could they be?

- Well you're the
Fairy here not me.

If you might've told me I
could've worn my summer suit.

- This is not time to
start complaining Santa.

Look, car tracks,
they were taken away.

Come on.
- Not so fast.

- Hurry!
- Slow down.

- Hurry up!
- So hard to run.

And these aren't
my running shoes.

- Oh come on!

Don't be such a slowpoke Santa.

Oh come on, put
some energy into it.

- Energy, do you
know how old I am?

[piano music]

- [Mary Ellen Voiceover]
You must never go there,

that belongs to the Ogre.

The Ogre traps little children,

he makes them do all his
work, then he eats them.

It's forbidden to go into
the Ogre's forest, forbidden.

- Elodie?


Elodie no, you mustn't
go in the forest.

It's the kingdom of the Ogre!


Elodie, no!

Don't go there it's forbidden.

Come back!

- I just want to see
what an Ogre looks like,

just for a minute.

- Come on let's go back.

- You go back, I didn't
tell you to come.

- But I'm scared.

- Me too.

- Don't go any further,
it's too dangerous.

- I just want to see
the Ogre, just once,

after that we'll go back.

- After that will be too late.

Look, there's his ax.



- So little children, going
for a walk in my forest huh?


Don't you know it's forbidden
to walk in this forest?

This is my property.

Those who venture in this
place don't ever go back.

- It wasn't on purpose, we
didn't know it was yours.

We were lost.
- You were eh?

Then you should both be
happy that I found you.

I detest children who cry,
but you've come just in time.

I'm fresh out of
my fat children.

I swallowed the last
one two days ago.


- All this heat.

I can't take anymore.

- But where are you going?

Come back here,
what are you doing?

Santa Claus.


- Oh that's more like it.


Come on in, the water's fine.

It's so good.

You wouldn't believe
how refreshing it feels,

come on in.

- [Mary Ellen] No thank you.

- Don't be a spoil
sport, come on!

- No.

- Why not, are you afraid?

- From a crocodile, yes.

- [Santa] A croco-what?

- A crocodile.

- A crocodile?


- Come on out of there quick.

Come on hurry.

- [Santa] How did
I get into this?

- [Mary Ellen] Well
I got you out of it,

I turned him into a little bird.

- Oh crocodiles.


- I know, in the locker.

In you go.

You too.

And don't move.

Let's look at you, you're both
such savory little morsels.

I don't know which
of you to eat first.

The boy has nice
fat rosy cheeks,

but the little girl
looks very tender too.

It's always so hard
to choose a menu.

My boots, come on take them off.

Go on pull.

Now on your feet, put them away.

No, over there,
next to the fire.

I want them to be warm tomorrow.

Alright, now come back here.

I'm not going to eat
you yet, don't worry.

I'll wait a little while.

Do I have to come over
there and fetch you?

Are you too afraid of me?

I don't think you
like me very much.

Children never like
me for some reason.

It's too bad because
I like them so much.

With carrots and spring onions.

Look at the state of this
house, it's a pigsty!

If there's anything
I hate, it's dirt.

And then when it's all clean,
that's when I'll eat you.

Home cooked meal in a clean
house, who could want more?

My mouth is watering already.

Alright hop to it!

And still your
stumps, I'm starving.

- Santa Claus, wouldn't
you be more comfortable

if you took off that
big heavy jacket?

- Take off my fur jacket,
simply isn't done.

Imagine Santa in short sleeves?

- You're right, I must say
I hadn't thought of that.

But it kind of a
special emergency.

- For Santa Claus special
emergencies simply don't exist.

- Oh, look at them
they're so cute.

- Oh, my goodness.


- And once more Santa Clause,

they're terribly
disrespectful in front of you.

- You're pulling my leg,
you mean to say you know

what those creatures are saying?

- Well of course, all
Fairies can understand

the language of animals.

- Well what are
they saying then?

- The Momma monkey was
asking her husband,

tell me, is this Christmas day?

Santa Claus has gone bananas.

And Poppa said, you're quite
right, he's early this year.

- Well that's outrageous.

- Well that's what
he said, hold on.

And now the Momma monkey
is telling her husband

to get the children.

Hey, not bad eh?

- Well.

Translate that
one for me please.

- Oh well, the big
monkey was just saying,

look at him, it's Santa.

Such a nice beard and
he's so good looking.

Now here's something
that will please you.

It's very complimentary,
the big monkey just added,

how does he keep so young?

- Ho, ho, ho.
- It's true, believe me.

He isn't old at all.

The little ones are only
interested in their presents.

They see you and it makes
them think that Christmas day

is here early.


- You mean you talk monkey talk?

- Now of course I do,
I understand them right

so I can speak to
them, it's obvious.

- I don't have my sack of toys.

But you could fix that.

- It's always something.

Watch that stump.


- Whoa, oh.


- I chose the right thing.

- You certainly did.

- I think they really
like my presents.

- Have a good meal [laughs].

- Everyone likes to
eat at Christmas.

Santa Clause, we forgot Simon,

if we want to find his
parents we better get going.

Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.


[metal scrapes]

- Hey, watch what you're doing.

- The Ogre told us
that he wouldn't eat us

until we finished
cleaning the whole house.

So if we never
finish cleaning it,

that means we'll never be eaten.

- Yes but what fun is it to
clean a house forever and ever?

- Would you rather be eaten?

And anyway, don't forget about
Mary Ellen and Santa Claus.

When they get home
and see we're gone,

they'll know we're
prisoners here.

- That's enough.

You're here to work,
not to talk, I'm hungry.

[gentle music]

- Oh my old bones.

Mary Ellen, up.

- Thank you Santa Claus.

- I don't believe
it, snow incredible.

Why doesn't it melt like me?

- Don't be ridiculous
Santa, that's salt.

- Oh, they're collecting salt,

ask them if they've run
into Simon's parents.

- Well I guess it's worth a try.

Excuse me, we're looking
for a young couple

that was taken
hostage from France.

- [Santa] You haven't
seen them have you?

You wouldn't know where, where
they're being held that is.

- Gone far away.

- [Santa] Gone far away?

- Oh yes.
- Gone?

- Gone away.
- Which way?

- Gone that way.

- They went there?

- Yes.
- Oh dear.

- How long ago did they leave?

You don't know?
- Don't know.

- Well.

- Put the prisoners in there!

Bring the radio here.

Put the guard on the
hut, come on move!

Put the r*fles over there.

Send runners out to all
the nearby villages quick.


- Hello Poppa.

- Happy to have me home again?

- Yes.
- You sure?

- Yes.
- Oh good!

Well, I trust your new living
quarters are comfortable.

- Look, you can't possibly
keep us hostage forever.

- As soon as your government
agrees to denounce

the corrupt forces now
in power in my country,

you'll go free.

- We have a little
child, a family.

Did you ever think of that?

- And me, I have five
children and three wives.


- Are you gonna take
all day, hurry up!

- We are hurrying Ogre!


- Watch what you're
doing clumsy!

All over my clean floor.

Sweep it up!

Girl, come over here.

Do you call clean?

- When something's not
clean, where does it go?

- In the laundry.

- Exactly, and you're in
charge of the laundry,

go wash it again.


Bird brain, do you want
to flood the place?

Wipe it up!

- I'm glad you're here at
least, you're a good boy.

I like you.

[drum music]

- [Mary Ellen]
What do we do now?

- [Santa] There
are only two of us,

it'll be a little
hard to surround them.

- So what do we do?

- Let me think for a second.

- Well come on!
- How could I possibly think

with you constantly
talking in my ear?

- In any case, it's
beautiful here.

The sky is blue
and it's so sunny.

- Shh, you want
us to get spotted?

- Hands up, hands up.

- Oh dear, now I've done it.

- Move.
- Oh I'm sorry Santa Claus.

We should've been quieter.

- What do you mean we,
you're the blabber mouth.

- Santa Claus!
- It's Santa Claus!

- Is it really Santa Claus?

- Wow, Santa Claus.

- In there?

- Santa Claus, wow.

- [Man] Chief,
spies, enemy spies.

- So you were spying?

- I'm not spying.
- Quiet!

Who are you working for?

- But I assure you I--
- Moscow, CIA?

- But I tell you
we aren't spies.

- That's what they all say.

Your disguise is
a bit ridiculous.

- It's not a disguise.

- So what is it then?

- Why, I'm Santa Claus.


- Right, Santa Claus, and
I'm Alexander the Great.

For the very last time,
who are you working for?

- Why I work for everyone,
I'm really Santa Claus.

- Making fun of me are you?

- No you've got it all wrong,
this man is Santa Claus.

He's not lying, I'm not
either, because I'm a Fairy.

- Let's call in Peter
Pan and make up a trio.

You'll be very sorry
you made fun of me.

- No it can't be Santa,
Poppa wouldn't do that.

- What are you talking about?

- Someone said that Poppa just
put Santa Claus in prison.

- That's marvelous,
good for Simon.

- Yeah, he's a fine boy.

- That's right,
you're very fortunate

to have a son like him.

- I'm glad to know he's alright.

- Well, so you're gonna
get us out of here?

- [Santa] Well that's
what we've come her for.

- But they've got
you prisoner too.

- That doesn't mean a thin,
our good Fairy will get us out.

- With the greatest
pleasure [laughs].

The magic wand, the
magic wand is gone!

- Now listen children,
he's disguised as Santa,

but he's actually a
foreign agent, that's all.

- Are you sure he's a spy Poppa?

- Why of course, who
else could he be?

- He could be the real Santa.

- Come on now, the real Santa
travels just one night a year.

The night of the 24th,
to the 25th of December.

Guard, what date is it today?

- The 23rd of December General.

- There, you see.

Alright, now run and play.

- How's I get stuck
with a Fairy like you,

this is incredible?

- I'm very sorry, I
didn't mean to lose it.

- You're sorry are
you, you're sorry.

The soldiers arrest,
just leaves your wand

and walks away, now she's
sorry, isn't that sweet?

You must be out of your mind!

Tell me it's just a
joke, please, come on.

- I know but it's not.

- You know that Christmas
eve is tomorrow night,

and Santa Claus is prisoner

somewhere in the
middle of Africa.

We've got to get out of here!

- Hey look, he's
your father right?

If he put Santa in prison,
then you know what that means?

There won't be any presents.

- That's true, he can't
be in two places at once.

And so he can't climb
down the chimney.

Maybe he's only a spy,
maybe he's not Santa.

- Okay, but what if he
is, then what happens?

- All because of us,

no children anywhere will
get any presents this year.

- Well that's terrible,
but we can't free him

all by ourselves.

- Yes we can.

- Yes, yes!

- Come on move it, how long
do you fumble fingers need

just to clean up a house.

- I think we'll need a few
more hours, it's very dirty.

- I can't wait a few
more hours, I'm hungry.

- I'm tired, I
can't work anymore.

I want to sleep.

- Don't be impatient, when you
finish cleaning that house,

then you'll sleep forever.


Come here.

- No!

- No don't!

[g*n fires]

- To the attack, hurry!


- Oh I can't eat that.

- You better get used to it

cause you're going to be
here for quite a while.

- Well it wasn't my fault--

- So it was mine, was it,
I hope you're satisfied.

This year, for the very first
time since the world began,

children will have no
toys for Christmas.

- I know.
- No toys from Santa.

- Are you really Santa Claus?

- Why of course.

- Who let these g*ns be stolen?


- Is it really Santa Claus?

- It's really him, he told me.

- You mean you
children are going to

you're going to
let us, wonderful!

Oh thank you children.

- Thank you Santa!

Oh we're free.

- All thanks to these
wonderful children.

- This is fantastic!

Hurry, there's not
a minute to lose.

Come on, we have to
get the magic wand.

- I hope it's still there.

- Me too.

- Oh good, here it is.

- You have to get
back right now,

I still have thousands
of gifts to prepare.

Get the reindeer ready before
I start out tomorrow night.

- You can take take the jeep.

You go that way, and you come

to the camp with the red cross.

- Thank you.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

- Thank you children.

- Goodbye.

- Come on Santa Clause,
hurry, hold on to my hand.

Are you ready?
- Ready.


I'll go check on the children.

- Alright.

- Children [hums].

They're not there.

- Oh I knew it, I just knew it.

I saw footprints leading
into the Ogre's forest.

You got get the
elves, I'll go first.

- Quickly we're going
to the Ogre's house!

We have to hurry!

The Ogre has Simon and Elodie,

we have to rescue them
before it's too late.

Hurry, are you all here?

One, two, three, four,
five, six alright, let's go!

["Ballade pour une
Fée" by Francis Lai]

♪ Five foot two and
feeling very strange

♪ Eyes of blue and
tears like water rain

♪ Feel a bit like
little red riding hood

♪ Lost myself somewhere
inside this world

♪ Like the star
falling from the skies

♪ Tell my darling
want in many lies

♪ Falling like the
damsel in distress

♪ Can you hear me it's an SOS

♪ Lost out in the land
of the midnight sun

♪ I'll reach out a
hand to the little one

♪ Like a sailboat
waiting for the wind

♪ Twilight colors
soft as anything

♪ I have wandered far from home

♪ Late enough for me to be alone

♪ Call me forest
children sing my song

♪ I just need a
shelter 'til the morn

♪ Calling like a
damsel in distress

♪ Can you hear me it's an SOS

♪ Lost out in the land
of the midnight sun

♪ I'll reach out a
hand to the little one

♪ La la la la la la la la la



- Well, so little red riding
hood's lost in my woods.

- No, no, let go of me, no!

Oh you monster.

- Supper time children.

You, will make a
first class appetizer

with cream cheese dressing.

You will be my main
corse, nice a juicy.

And as for you.

- Don't you touch me.

- I'll put whipped cream on
you and have you for desert.

I'm hungry.

- Monster!

- What are you waiting for?

Use your Fairy magic to save us.

- But here in the
Ogre's kingdom, Fairy
magic doesn't work.

- Quiet!

I can't stand chit chat
while I'm eating, it's rude.

- Oh we didn't say
anything, it's true.

- Nothing at all.

- Mr. Ogre please, what
if you began with me?

- Quiet, I intend you
to be a gourmet desert.

- No, but it's in your own
interest to start with me.

She's so small, there's
hardly anything to eat.

Whereas, I'm a bit more
well padded so honest,

in my opinion I'd be a
much better appetizer

and she'd be a
very sweet desert.

I'll be delicious.

- Maybe you're right.

- Simon we're playing for time,
because Santa will be here

any minute, he'll rescue us.

[gentle music]

Wait a second Mr. Ogre, if
I were you I'd season me,

with some parsley and sage

and fine French dressing.

I'll have a better flavor.

After all, you have
such good taste.

- You're right.


- Yah!

- Get to him Elves, if he
makes one move, clobber him!

- Oh, well good for you.

Fabulous work Santa, thanks
for getting here so fast.

I'm glad to know we're
able to count on you.

Know what he almost did?

- No.

- He almost ate me as dinner.

- You!

- Me a Fairy.

You were wonderful Simon,
thanks to you we're free.

- Hurry up and untie them
Elves, we can't doddle here,

we have a fantastic
amount of work to do.

- That's right, oh you
did it Simon, you did it!

At last we're safe my darlings.

[cheerful music]

- Mary Ellen,
where's Mary Ellen?

We forgot her, and we
didn't even say goodbye.

Mary Ellen!

- No matter what,
I'm always with you,

even when you don't see me.

I watch over you.

- Are you coming back with us?

- Ah no, I'm afraid not, you
see on the stroke of midnight,

I vanish 'til the
following year.

Oh look at that children.

- Hello!
- Hi!

- Control tower this is
Bravo Charlie Delta, over.

- [Control] Go ahead
Bravo Charlie Delta, over.

- Too many things flying
around up here these days.

But I still know a trick or two.

- You do?
- Ready,

hang on to your hats children.

On Dancer, Prancer.

- Control tower, forget it.

[bells ring]

- Do you hear that,
it's time for me to go.

- No, please stay with us.

- Yes.

- But I'll be with you.

I'll always give you courage,

because courage is within you.

Goodbye children.


- There we are, wait
for me there children.

- We're on the rooftop
isn't it great?

- Oh Santa, couldn't we
go down there with you,

just this once?

- Alright, you'll
be the first ones.

But when you're
inside the chimney,

don't do anything just
let yourselves go.


And two.

Watch your head.

Now then, one helicopter
and one gas station.

There, you take this one,
and you take this one

and you put them over
there by the tree.

Now where did I put the
decorations, oh here they are.


You take this Elodie, and
arrange it over the toys.

Here's some more.

Just put this right
here, that should do it.


time to be on our way.

Let's go.

Come on, into the chimney.

Ready, get set, go.



- Santa Clause,
when I put my shoes

in front of the fire place,

what would I get
tomorrow morning?

- If a child has been good,

you know he always
gets what he wants.

That is if he knows
what he wants.


Goodbye children.

- Goodbye Santa.

- I have a long way to go yet.


- Bye Santa Claus.
- Bye Santa.

Come on, let's go home and put
our shoes by the fire place.

Then we'll come back to church.

- Okay.

- Everyone ready, one two three.


- My dear boy.

- Come on you two,
take your places.

You're terribly late, go on.

Now everyone's here.

One, two, three.

["Noeël, un Enfant"
by Francis Lai]

♪ Long ago the breath that sang

♪ Love and peace
met their timid way

♪ Here on earth to guide us on

♪ A little child was born

♪ Long ago the prophets sang

♪ Long before men
had found his way

♪ It was written in the snow

♪ Bless this happy morning

♪ Noel Noel

♪ Noel Noel

♪ Here that Christmas bell

♪ Noel Noel

♪ Noel Noe

♪ It was written in the snow

♪ A little child is born

- There all tucked in.

Sleep well.

- Goodnight Grandma,

you know when Santa Claus
comes tomorrow morning--

- Tell me all that
tomorrow morning.

- [Simon] Tomorrow morning--

- Tomorrow morning.

- Tomorrow morning Santa
Claus is going to give me

my Momma and Poppa.

If you wish for
something very hard,

your wish will always come true.

Your loving Poppa.

[gentle music]

If you wish for
something very hard,

your wish will always come true.
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