Babes in Toyland (1961)

Christmas & New Years movies collection.

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Babes in Toyland (1961)

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, everybody.

My name is Sylvester, Sylvester J. Goose.

My friends call me Syl, or sometimes Silly.

At this time, it is with unmitigated pleasure...

Sylvester, talk faster.

Talk faster?

You're lucky to find a goose who can talk at all.

As I was saying, it is my pleasure to present

your hostess for this occasion, weighing 189 pounds...


I present the one and only Mother Goose.

Thank you, Sylvester.


I'm here to invite you to a celebration in our village.

Tomorrow is the wedding of Tom and Mary.

2 of my closest friends.

I know.

So put on your best smile, set free your imagination,

and come with us to Mother Goose Village.


All right, boys, open the curtains!

♪ Down in the square ♪

♪ in the Mother Goose Village Square ♪

♪ all the people gather ♪

♪ when there's some excitement in the air ♪

♪ see how they run ♪

♪ for they always have lots of fun ♪

♪ exchanging bits of gossip ♪

♪ and the news of everyone ♪

♪ come join the crowd ♪

♪ you'll be happy and mighty proud ♪

♪ to be welcome where so few outsiders ♪

♪ ever are allowed ♪

♪ you'll mingle with the people ♪

♪ you'll meet everybody there ♪

♪ down at the village square ♪

♪ here comes bo-peep ♪

♪ who is never without her sheep ♪

♪ there's Jack and Jill ♪

♪ who have tumbled down the hill ♪

♪ come and meet the people and see what's in the air ♪

♪ down at the Village Square ♪

♪ Jack be nimble, Jack be quick ♪

♪ do your trick with a candlestick ♪

♪ Simple Simon met a pie-man ♪

♪ going to the fair ♪

♪ show us, Simon, what the pie-man ♪

♪ demonstrated there ♪

♪ lemonade ♪

♪ let's have a lemonade ♪

♪ fill your cup and join us ♪

♪ in the grand parade ♪

♪ be aware ♪

♪ tomorrow's big affair ♪

♪ is the wedding in the garden glade ♪

♪ good neighbors, soon we'll see ♪

♪ man and wife to be ♪

♪ dancing with each other so contentedly ♪

♪ to youth and love ♪

♪ may neither ever fade ♪

♪ to Tom and Mary ♪

♪ drink a lemonade ♪



♪ Lemonade ♪

♪ let's have a lemonade ♪

♪ here's to all the bright and lovely plans they've made ♪

♪ drink to life ♪

♪ their long and happy life ♪

♪ while they face the future unafraid ♪

♪ good neighbors, here we see ♪

♪ groom and bride-to-be ♪

♪ beaming at each other oh, so trustingly ♪

♪ may all their dreams come true and never fade ♪

♪ to Tom and Mary ♪

♪ drink a lemonade ♪

fie on you, you frivolous fools.

Your tide is at the surge.

Today you sing a happy song.

Tomorrow... A dirge!


You see, unbeknownst to Mary, she inherits scads of money

when she marries.

Thus it carries, that if I'm to get my hands on Mary's money,

the person Mary marries must be me.
Not Tom, me.

I must do away with Tom.



Come, let us plot.



Now, gentlemen, it is said you'll do anything for money.

You see, your infamous reputation is widespread.

Oh, thank you, Mr. Barnaby.

Now make note while I plan this little caper.

Mark this down.

Mark this down.

Item one... item one... Kidnap Tom.

Kidnap Tom.

No, no, kidnap him.

Item 2... Item 2...

Throw him in the sea.

Throw him in the sea.

No, no, just throw him in the sea.

Item 3... item 3... Mary's sheep. Hmm.

These sheep support her.

Somehow I must thwart her.

She's much too independent with them.

Therefore, she must be without them.

Steal the sheep.

Steal the sheep.

No, steal them.

A-a-anything else, Mr. Barnaby?

That's all for now, gentlemen, and, uh,

when this deed is through, this tidy stipend is for you.

A pittance. Preposterous.

This experience should make us wiser.

We do not do business with a miser.

Come, Rodrigo.

We are wasting our time.

Behold, my mercenary friends.

Does this satisfy your greed?

Oh, indeed it does.

Indeed it does.

Gonzorgo, Rodrigo, let us scheme.

♪ I embezzle and I swindle ♪

♪ and I keep 2 sets of books ♪

♪ and the income tax collector ♪

♪ always gives me dirty looks ♪

♪ now the thought of Mary's money ♪

♪ has a very strong appeal ♪

♪ so underhandedly I've planned ♪

♪ another shady deal ♪

♪ and I won't be happy ♪

♪ till I get it ♪

♪ unwittingly some papers she will sign ♪

♪ she will never have a hint ♪

♪ that in the finer print ♪

♪ her inheritance is mine, all mine ♪

♪ we enjoy committing mayhem ♪

♪ for a monetary gain ♪

♪ and we specialize in crimes ♪

♪ which are completely inhumane ♪

♪ now we're on our way to steal some sheep ♪

♪ and drown the boy at sea ♪

♪ and then directly we'll collect ♪

♪ a very handsome fee ♪

♪ and we won't be happy till we get it ♪

♪ in some lagoon, a body soon will splash ♪

♪ we're eager to proceed ♪

♪ to do this evil deed ♪

♪ just as long as we are paid in cash ♪

♪ we're an awful gruesome threesome ♪

♪ and we're rotten to the core ♪

♪ of the jobs we pull, you'll see some ♪

♪ that will make you hate us more ♪

♪ whether larceny or m*rder ♪

♪ makes no difference what the crime ♪

♪ we'll forge a check or cut your neck ♪

♪ if we can make a dime ♪

♪ and we won't be happy till we get it ♪

♪ oh, what a shame ♪

♪ they'll hate our name in town ♪

♪ but what are we to do? ♪

♪ unhappily, it's true ♪

♪ we'll take anything that's not nailed down ♪

♪ and we won't be happy till we get it ♪

♪ Mary, Mary ♪

♪ quite contrary ♪

♪ how does your garden grow? ♪

♪ with silver bells ♪

♪ and cockle shells ♪

♪ and pretty little maids ♪

♪ in a row ♪


Did you bring the mallet?

Good. Now remember, you hit him on the head with the mallet,

and I'll put him in the sack. Is that clear?

Not now.

He isn't even here yet.

Now, we'll wait until they...

Get ready. Get ready!

Shh. Here they come.

I wonder if he'll try to kiss her.

♪ I've been dreaming ♪

♪ through the long, lonely past ♪

♪ dreaming ♪

♪ I would find you at last ♪

♪ locked in my arms ♪

♪ ever to stay ♪

♪ just a whisper away ♪

♪ now we're here, love ♪

♪ with that moment ♪

♪ in view ♪

♪ here, love ♪

♪ and it's all coming true ♪

♪ all that I've dreamed ♪

♪ day after day ♪

♪ just a whisper ♪

♪ away ♪

♪ all my love dreams ♪

♪ are at last coming true ♪

♪ love dreams ♪

♪ binding me close to you ♪

♪ locked in your arms ♪

♪ ever to stay ♪

♪ just a whisper away ♪

♪ time is near, love ♪

♪ when our lives will entwine ♪

♪ dear love ♪

♪ soon you'll vow to be mine ♪

♪ all that I've dreamed ♪

♪ day after day ♪

♪ just a whisper away ♪

he's just trying to bite her.

Come now, it isn't nice to eavesdrop.

♪ Time is near, love ♪

♪ when our lives will entwine ♪

♪ dear love ♪

♪ soon you'll vow to be mine ♪

♪ all that I've dreamed ♪

♪ day after day ♪

♪ just a whisper away ♪

♪ double-dealing, double-crossing ♪

♪ this are things that we adore ♪

♪ there are many types of treachery ♪

♪ within our repertoire ♪

♪ now we're on our way to take young Tom ♪

♪ and throw him in the sea ♪

♪ and then directly we'll collect ♪

♪ a very handsome fee ♪

♪ and we won't be happy till we get... ♪

Look, Rodrigo, a gypsy camp.

Gypsies, eh?

I've heard it said that gypsies buy babies.

I wonder if they'd be interested

in purchasing this fine, strapping youth.

Rodrigo, I have an idea.

Why don't we sell Tom to the gypsies,

and that way, collect for him twice, understand?

Listen, Barnaby is paying us to get rid of Tom.

But if, instead of throwing Tom into the sea,

we sell him to the gypsies, we'll be paid for him again.

Once by Barnaby and once by the gypsies.

Can't you see that?


♪ Now, this young man could fetch a fancy price ♪

♪ why throw him in the sea? ♪

♪ we'll trick old Barnaby ♪

♪ and we'll find ourselves collecting twice ♪

to the gypsies!

♪ We won't be happy till we get it ♪

♪ no, we won't be happy till we get it ♪

♪ yes, we won't be happy till we get it ♪

♪ no, we won't be happy till we get it ♪

Mother Goose, will Tom admire me in this gown?

Land sakes, child, he'll just adore you.

I think it's beau-tiful!

What if it rains?

But it's a bright, sunny day!

Suppose Tom forgets the ring.

Oh, now Mary, don't be funny.

Well, it could happen, you know.

A friend of mine was get... Hush, Sylvester.

I hadn't finished.


Hand me a pin, Sylvester.

Thank you.

Now, let's see.

There's something borrowed, something blue.


Good day, friends.

And here's something old and ugly, too.

Ah, what a charming bride.

The sweetest and the loveliest I have ever seen.

Why, that oily... Hush, Sylvester.

Thank you, Mr. Barnaby.

May I offer you my best wishes

for your future happiness and joy?

You miserable, miserly... Sylvester, no.

For lunch, I had roast goose!


That's the way we lost mother.

Would you please excuse us?

We have so much to do.

Ah, yes, of course.

The preparations for the wedding, and... Oh, what's that?

Come on!

Some small excitement.

This is Mary's cottage, sir.

Oh, thank you, my dear fellow.

Rodrigo, take care of this lad.

No, no, don't hit him, tip him.

Oh, thank you.

My word, 2 shipwrecked sailors.


Whatever are they doing here?

I... I can't imagine.

Now remember, we are sup...

My friend and I would like to know,

are you Miss Mary quite contrary?

Yes, sir, I am she.

Well, uh...

We don't know how to tell you this, Miss Mary.

No, we don't know how to tell you this at all.

We were 20 leagues at sea.

It was calm as it could be, when out of the north,

there came a sudden squall.

He was standing at the wheel, he was, Miss Mary,

and across the deck, the mighty ocean roared.

Then the mizzen broke and fell, and we heard the fellow yell

as it bashed him down and swept him overboard.

♪ Slowly, slowly ♪

♪ he sank into the sea ♪

♪ though we tried to save him ♪

♪ he sank into the sea ♪

but who, sir?

Who sank?

Oh, it was Tom, ma'am.

Tom sank.

Tom sank?

Tom sank?

Who's Tom sank?

What preposterous rumor are you spreading, sailor?

Go on your way!

Unless... You have some evidence?

Some proof of what you say?

Oh, yes, sir.

What proof do you have?

We are bringing you his personal belongings,

and in his hat we found this soggy note.

Though the salty ocean spray somehow washed the words away,

I'll see if I can't decipher what he wrote.

"Darling Mary", he begins, or is that "dearest"?

Yes, that's the term he uses, we agree.

Now, the boy goes on to tell

how he hopes this finds you well.

It's too bad he slowly sank into the sea.

♪ Slowly, slowly ♪

♪ he sank into the sea ♪

♪ with no life preserver ♪

♪ he sank into the sea ♪

but this was to be our wedding day.

Why would Tom be at sea?

Does this letter offer some explanation?

I presume he's written more.

Oh, yes, sir.

"I am poor", the letter reads, "and can't support you,

"and it's best I sail away "and set you free.

"Noble lady that you are, "you'd be better off by far,

if you were to marry wealthy Barnaby."

We advise you to forget him now, Miss Mary.

Our condolences to you, we do extend.

But we'll blame you not, my dear,

if you care to shed a tear,

for the way he met his most untimely end.

♪ Slowly, slowly ♪

♪ he sank into the sea ♪

♪ to the very bottom ♪

♪ he sank into the sea ♪

how about that?

Oh, my poor, brave Tom.

Sacrificing his life for my welfare.


Oh, poor Mary.

Come, children, in the house.

There's something fishy about this!

Hush, Sylvester.

Well, I wouldn't trust either one of them.

The fat one or the idiot.

Well done, boys.

Now for item 3.

Item 3, steal the sheep.

On your way.

Gentle Mary, so grief-stricken and remorseful.

Oh, to see you thus is more than I can bear.

Erase your sorrow now.

Be resourceful for yourself

and those poor children in your care.

Take advantage, my dear, of my infatuation!

May I point out you are deeply in my debt?

I could seize your home through legal confiscation!

Oh, I do hope you don't take that as a threat.

Feast your eyes upon my mansion, tall and stately,

and imagine it a castle, dear, in Spain.

Come, my love.

For I'd admire it greatly

that you be my queen and live in my domain!


♪ In our castle in Spain ♪

♪ you'll be living rent-free ♪

♪ every capital gain ♪

♪ you'll share with me ♪

♪ from this village below ♪

♪ every cent we will drain ♪

♪ and our fortune will grow ♪

♪ in our castle in Spain ♪

♪ every mortgage and lease ♪

♪ I will re-valuate ♪

♪ and for you I'll increase ♪

♪ their interest rate ♪

♪ you'll eat nothing but cake ♪

♪ you'll drink naught but champagne ♪

♪ you'll be in on the take ♪

♪ in our castle in Spain ♪

♪ surely you must agree ♪

♪ that it makes your head whirl ♪

♪ to be marrying me ♪

♪ you lucky girl ♪

♪ you have caught me today ♪

♪ in a generous vein ♪

♪ come now, what do you say ♪

♪ to our castle in... ♪




No, thank you, Mr. Barnaby.

I don't want your castle.

I'd never marry just for wealth alone.

And even though Tom may be gone, his memory I'll keep.

I'm sure that we can carry on with the income from our sheep.

Your sheep?

Yes, of course.

Our sheep.

My sheep! My sheep!

Our sheep!

Bo-peep, what's the matter, darling?

Our sheep, they're lost.

Oh, no. They can't be lost.

Have you looked in the fields?

Did you search the hills?

Yes, I've searched everywhere.

♪ My sheep are gone ♪

♪ for good ♪

♪ there goes ♪

♪ our livelihood ♪

♪ I'm sure my poor ♪

♪ sweet fleecy things ♪

♪ would come home ♪

♪ if they could ♪

♪ but they are lost ♪

♪ you see ♪

♪ as lost ♪

♪ as lost can be ♪

♪ and I must weep ♪

♪ because my sheep ♪

♪ cannot return ♪

♪ to me ♪

♪ no, oh, no, they're not gone for good ♪

♪ yes, oh, yes, they are gone for good ♪

Oh, no. Oh, yes.

♪ Oh, no ♪

Oh, yes!

♪ Never mind, Bo-peep ♪

♪ we will find your sheep ♪

♪ wherever they may roam ♪

♪ dry your tears, Bo-peep ♪

♪ have no fears, Bo-peep ♪

♪ very soon, your sheep will be home ♪

♪ for a while, Bo-peep, try to smile, Bo-peep ♪

♪ and keep this fact in mind ♪

♪ when they're ready to ♪

♪ they'll come home to you ♪

♪ wagging their tails behind ♪




What is it, Bobby?

I know where the sheep are.

You do?

Yes. I followed their tracks, and you know where they led to?


To The Forest Of No Return.

The Forest Of No Return?

The Forest Of No Return?


Well, thank you anyway, Bobby.

I think it's a slick trick, a rotten plot!

Miss Mary.

Yes, Mr. Barnaby?

Remember my offer.

I'll be awaiting your decision... My dear.


Now she'll have to reconsider... Yes, even this very night.

Well done, gentlemen.

Not now!

Tomorrow, when the swelling goes down.

Be in my attic when the bank opens.

Don't worry about anything.

Just try to get some sleep.

Everything's going to be all right.

Come on. Get into bed now.

What's the matter, darling?

I'm so sorry I lost the sheep, and I know it's my fault.

Don't worry about the sheep.

They'll find their way home.

You'll see. Come on... Get under the covers.

Good night, children.

Good night, Mary.


Bills, bills, bills.

♪ The price of milk and eggs and bread ♪

♪ is rising every day ♪

♪ now with our bankbook in the red ♪

♪ these bills are hard to pay ♪

♪ if we stop buying chocolate cake ♪

♪ and lived on green string beans ♪

♪ exactly how much would it take ♪

♪ to live within our means? ♪

♪ put down beans and cross out cake ♪

♪ let me see, oh, dear me ♪

♪ what a job to undertake ♪

♪ milk plus bread, oh, my head ♪

♪ add, subtract, and multiply ♪

♪ till you're overcome ♪

♪ this is much too hard for us ♪

♪ we can't do the sum ♪

♪ the stove and rugs and furniture ♪

♪ will soon be repossessed ♪

♪ this makes me feel quite insecure ♪

♪ and mentally depressed ♪

♪ would we be better off somehow ♪

♪ by living in a tent? ♪

♪ how can I pay the mortgage now ♪

♪ and save the 6 percent? ♪

♪ picture us inside a tent ♪

♪ beastly poor, insecure ♪

♪ we must save the 6 percent ♪

♪ 6 times X, how complex ♪

♪ numbers always stick our brain ♪

♪ why are we so dumb? ♪

♪ this is much too hard for us ♪

♪ we can't do the sum ♪

♪ I'm not a great financial whiz ♪

♪ of that there is no doubt ♪

♪ the outcome of our income is ♪

♪ our income's all gone out ♪

♪ if we walk on our hands with care ♪

♪ instead of on our feet ♪

♪ would what we save on shoe repair ♪

♪ suffice to make ends meet? ♪

♪ walking on our hands with care ♪

♪ off our feet, make ends meet ♪

♪ saving on our shoe repair ♪

♪ leaving holes in our soles ♪

♪ what should we be adding to ♪

♪ or subtracting from? ♪

♪ this is much too hard for me ♪

♪ I can't do the sum ♪

♪ looks like there's no hope for me ♪

♪ I can't get ♪

♪ out of debt ♪

♪ if I marry Barnaby ♪

♪ that's the end, why pretend? ♪

♪ am I doing right or wrong? ♪

♪ my heart feels so numb ♪

♪ no use trying anymore ♪

♪ I can't ♪

♪ do ♪

♪ the sum ♪

she just can't marry that nasty old Barnaby!

She mustn't! She can't!

Say, if we go and find the sheep and bring them home,

then she won't have to marry Barnaby.

But the sheep are in the forest of no return!

What's the matter? You scared?

No! No!

All right, then let's go!

Hear ye, hear ye.

A meeting of the town!

Hear ye, hear ye!

All assemble!

All assemble!

An important announcement!

Hear ye, hear ye!

A meeting of the town.

Hear ye, hear ye!

All assemble.


You are gazing at a happy man.

If he's happy, I'm a chicken.


I'm about to take a bride.

Tomorrow, this little lady will become Mrs. Barnaby!


I'm sure we'll both be happy.

Will we not, my sweet?


Poor Mary.

Ooh, I'd like to belt him!

Shh, Sylvester!

To sing and dance and entertain you,

I have hired a band of gypsies.

I'm sure they'll brighten up this happy occasion.


Ah, here they come!

♪ Gypsies, we are the gypsies ♪

♪ and we are here today and gone tomorrow ♪

♪ cheerful, we're always cheerful ♪

♪ our life is nothing but a happy song ♪

Rodrigo, you realize these are the same gypsies we sold Tom to?

Shouldn't you be smiling, my dear?

♪ A wandering vagrant am I ♪

♪ a product of sheriffs' ♪

♪ evictions ♪

♪ a gypsy by birth ♪

♪ I have roamed half the earth ♪

♪ telling fortunes ♪

♪ and making predictions ♪

♪ my skill ♪

♪ is a magical art ♪

♪ I'm not just ♪

♪ the usual Swami ♪

♪ I don't entertain ♪

♪ with fake Legerdemain ♪

♪ and my breath doesn't reek ♪

♪ of salami ♪

♪ Floretta, Floretta ♪

♪ the gypsy is here ♪

♪ in telling your fortune ♪

♪ she's made a career ♪

♪ your past and your future ♪

♪ she quickly can see ♪

♪ she knows all that has been ♪

♪ and what is to be ♪

♪ Floretta, Floretta of brilliant renown ♪

♪ it is your good fortune that she is in town ♪

♪ the past and the future ♪

♪ I quickly can see ♪

♪ one glance at your palm ♪

♪ and it's all known to me ♪


♪ Come forward, my lovely young maid ♪

♪ your name, as I make out ♪

♪ is Mary ♪

♪ I see in your palm ♪

♪ you are lonesome for Tom ♪

♪ crying over his o-bit-u-ary ♪

but your darling Tom is alive!




♪ And I can see much love ♪

♪ and laughter ♪

♪ this line of your life ♪

♪ shows that you'll be Tom's wife ♪

♪ and forever live happily ♪

♪ aaaaaaf-ter ♪

♪ Floretta, Floretta of brilliant renown ♪

♪ it's Mary's good fortune ♪

♪ that she is in town ♪

♪ her past and her future ♪

♪ she quickly can see ♪

♪ she knows all that has been ♪

♪ and what is to be ♪

♪ now, this is the palm of a cad ♪

♪ a sly reprobate and a mean one ♪

♪ corrupt and malicious ♪

♪ conniving and vicious ♪

♪ a scoundrel ♪

♪ if ever I seen one ♪

♪ he seeks a young maid for his wife ♪

♪ while plotting her sweetheart's ♪

♪ abduuuuc-tion ♪

♪ the crimes he's involved in ♪

♪ will one day be solved ♪

♪ and result in his ♪

♪ utter destruction ♪

♪ Floretta, Floretta ♪

♪ of brilliant renown ♪

♪ old Barnaby's sorry ♪

♪ that she came to town ♪

♪ observe now, dear friends ♪

♪ and please try to stay calm ♪

♪ good-bye to Floretta ♪

♪ and hello ♪

♪ to Tom ♪


♪... Tom ♪


Come on, come on!

Come on!

Going somewhere, boys?



Where are you, sheep?

Here, sheep.

Where are you, sheep?

Here, sheep. Here, sheep.

Here, sheep! Come on, sheep.

Where are ya?

Here, sheep. Come on, sheep.

Come on, sheep.

Come on, sheep.

We're lookin' for ya.

Here, sheep. Where are you?

Here, sheep. Come on.

Here, sheep. Where are you?

Here, sheep. Where are you, sheep?

Look, Mary.

A note.

"Dear sister Mary, please do not marry.

"Let that old Barnaby burn.

"We've gone with Bo-peep to look for the sheep

in The Forest Of No Return"!

Forest Of No Return?

Oh, those poor children in that dreadful forest!

We must go after them at once.

I hope we're still in time!

Now, gentlemen, you insidious idiots!

You stumbling fumblers!

I don't mind a double-cross and I don't mind a triple-cross,

but see that you execute no quadruple-cross,

for this, to me, is insincerity.

Now... this time I want no mistakes.

I want Tom disposed of!

As for Mary... Leave her fate to me.

Come, let us pussyfoot.

Here, sheep.

Please come home.

Here, sheep.

Here, sheep. Where are you?

Please, sheep, come here.

Please come home. Here, sheep.

Here, sheep.

Sheep... sheep... Here, sheep!



♪ Can't you read, can't you see? ♪

♪ this is private property ♪

♪ aren't the signs plain and clear? ♪

♪ no one is allowed in here ♪

♪ but since you're here, you should know ♪

♪ we will never let you go ♪

♪ you can cry, you can shout ♪

♪ but you can't get out ♪

♪ this is The Forest Of No Return ♪

♪ this is The Forest Of No Return ♪

♪ those who stumble in ♪

♪ those who fumble in ♪

♪ never can get out ♪

♪ we have come seeking sheep ♪

♪ now, alas, you're in too deep ♪

♪ we don't mean any harm ♪

♪ you have caused us great alarm ♪

♪ then we'll be off, on our way ♪

♪ sorry, but you'll have to stay ♪

♪ we will cry, we will shout ♪

♪ still, you can't get out ♪

♪ this is The Forest Of No Return ♪

♪ this is The Forest Of No Return ¶

♪ you have stumbled in ♪

♪ you have fumbled in ♪

♪ now you can't get out ♪

Help! Help!

Help! Help!

Tom, quick, this way!

Help! Help!

Help! Help!

Help! Help!

Mary! Mary!

Thank goodness you're safe!

We were so worried about you.

And look who's here.


Hello, Willie.

Tom, you're back!

Tom! Tom, you're back!

Tom, you didn't drown!

No, no, I'm fine, just fine.

But how are you? Are you all right?

Yes, we're all right.

But we didn't find the sheep.

We'll find the sheep later.

But right now we're going to take you home.

No, Mary, I think it's too dark to travel any more tonight.

I think we should settle down right here for the evening,

till morning, anyway, then we'll look for the sheep.

Oh, we can't leave anyway. We're captured.

You're what?

We're captured.


The trees captured us.

The trees captured you?

What trees?

All these trees.

Oh, they're all right. They're just a little tired.

Oh, yes. Yes, of course.

The trees captured you.

All right. Let's look for a nice spot to settle down

until morning. How 'bout here?

Come on, settle down.

♪ We saw trees that walk ♪

♪ try to get some sleep ♪

♪ they could even talk ♪

♪ not another peep ♪

♪ and they sang a song ♪

♪ while they danced along ♪

♪ children, quiet, please ♪

♪ let's forget the trees ♪

♪ we're not telling lies ♪

♪ I will take your word ♪

♪ they had evil eyes ♪

♪ darlings, that's absurd ♪

♪ and they raised a fuss ♪

♪ and they threatened us ♪

♪ children, we suggest ♪

♪ that you get some rest ♪

♪ go to sleep ♪

♪ slumber deep ♪

♪ drift away ♪

♪ on fleecy clouds ♪

♪ above ♪

♪ you ♪

♪ close your eyes ♪

♪ sail the skies ♪

♪ nestle gently ♪

♪ near the ones ♪

♪ who love you ♪

♪ go ♪

♪ to sleep ♪

♪ go ♪

♪ to sleep ♪

all right, boys.

Let's go. We'll sneak up...


Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!

Wake up, everyone! Come on, wake up!

Wake up! Come on, wake up!

Wait a minute! What's going on?

See? We told you about these trees.

What's the meaning of this? Explain yourselves!

Well, he wants an explanation!

The explanation is... That you are out of bounds.

These are restricted grounds.

You're not supposed to be here!

Didn't you read the signs?

But... but what are you going to do with us?

What will be done with you the toy maker will decide.

The Toy Maker?


You are on Toyland Property!




Settle down! Quiet! Quiet!

♪ 'Twill do no good to fight ♪

♪ we warned you not to fuss ♪

♪ we firmly and emphatically ♪

♪ demand you come with us ♪

♪ yes, we demand you come with us ♪

♪ you'll have to take us in ♪

♪ straight in ♪

♪ to Toyland, must we go? ♪

♪ quite so ♪

♪ are you inclined to change your mind? ♪

♪ unanimously, no! ♪

fall in. Line up.

Forward march!

♪ Toyland, Toyland ♪

♪ beautiful girl and boy land ♪

♪ while you dwell within it ♪

♪ you are ever happy there ♪

♪ childhood's toyland ♪

♪ wonderful world of joyland ♪

♪ wouldn't it be fine if we ♪

♪ could stay there for evermore? ♪

♪ Toyland, Toyland ♪

♪ we're on our way to Toyland ♪

♪ don't know when we'll get there ♪

♪ but we know there's fun in store ♪

♪ Toyland, Toyland ♪

♪ wonderful girl and boy land ♪

♪ once you leave its borders ♪

♪ you can never return again ♪

♪ this is as far as we go ♪

♪ here's where your troubles begin ♪

♪ go down to the Ridge and over the bridge ♪

♪ and all of you turn yourselves in ♪

not yet, boys.

The odds will be better when they're sleeping.

We will wait till nightfall.

Come... let us lurk.

Come on, come on! Hurry up!

Mr. Toy Maker, Mr. Toy Maker, open the door!

Open the door! Please!

Kids, kids.

They must be closed.

Yes, look.

"Closed for alterations."

What's over here?

Come on!

Gee, I wonder what's inside.

Hmm. Looks like Toyland has been deserted.

Mr. Toy Maker.

It came from over there.

Oh, Mr. Toy Maker, it's all ready, sir.

For goodness sake, Grumio, you know I'm busy!

But there's something I...

Listen, I'm working on a new invention.

This is fantastic.

What... what is it?

What is it?

I'll tell you what it is.

What is the first thing a boy does when he gets a new toy?

Well, I... I'll tell ya.

He takes it apart to see how it works.

But with my invention, he doesn't have to do that.

The toy is already broken.

I made that up myself, you know, in the other room there.

Mr. Toy Maker... Oh, was there something you wanted?

Yes, there's something I want to show you, sir.

Please, please come with me. Please.

This is my new invention.

This is your invention?

Yes, sir.

How do you like it, sir?

Oh, fine, fine. It's awful nice.

Very nice. You do very good work, Grumio.

Very good. Beautiful.

Oh, just a minute, sir.

Don't you want to see how it works?

How what works?

My invention!

This does something?

Oh, yes, sir. It certainly does!

It makes toys.

It does?

This is my new toy making machine.

You'll never ever need these hand tools again, sir.

This is the latest concept in automation!

Here, let me explain.

Let's say we wanna make a doll.


Now, first we have to diagram the problem

for the machine on the occiligraph, you understand?

Just make a doll. That's all.

Make a doll. Yes, sir.

Now we select the ingredients.

Uh... blue eyes, blonde hair, smiling lips.

Oh, and suppose you want to make it a girl doll...

Um... sugar... and spice... Everything nice.

One doll, demonstration purposes at slow speed.

And now, automation takes over!

Is that so?


Oh, that's wonderful!

This is astonishing!

Simply astonishing!

A real doll!

Grumio, this is amazing!

Oh... thank you, sir.

Can this machine make a toy boat, too?

Toy boat coming up, sir.

Now I'll make a boat.

Uh... hull, decks, smoke stacks, lifeboats...

And we'll need, uh... There's a mast and a poop deck...

Stop mumbling.

Make the boat. Make the boat.

We'll run this one at, uh... medium speed,

and once more, automation reigns supreme!

This is overwhelming!

A doll! A boat!

Oh, my machine can make anything, sir!

Grumio... You are a genius.

Thank you, sir.

And now, to work.

And now, as we have a deadline to meet,

I will start the machine at full production.

Uh, just a moment, Grumio.

You'll start the machine?

Oh, no, you won't.

I'm the head toy maker here.

I'll start the machine in full production.

You're just my assistant.

Will you please step aside?

If I need any help, I'll call you.

Here. Hold these, please.

If I want you, I'll call you, Grumio,

or I'll call you assistant.

It depends entirely on the mood I'm in.

Now, let me see. We need some wagons,

we need marbles, we need dolls.

We could use some roller skates.

Children love roller skates, you know.

Some parcheesi sets... I think you're overloading it, sir.

I think about 4 million each to start with.

4 million?!

And I think we'll start at super speed!

Pick that up, assistant.

Hoo hoo hoo!

Oh, that's just remarkable!

Ho ho ho, hoo hoo! My!

Oh, my!

What's this thing here?

No, Mr. Toy Maker, please, get out of there, sir, please!

Really remarkable.

You're making it very difficult, sir.

Please don't touch anything else!

Oh! This is wonderful!

Hoo hoo hoo! Hoo hoo... Stop that, Grumio!

It's real!

Oh! Hoo hoo hoo!

Oh, Grumio! This one's broken!

Get a little glue.

Hurry up! Oh...

There's something wrong, Grumio!


Do something fast!

There's something wrong here, Grumio.


I think something's wrong!

Stop that thing! Grumio!

Grumio, come here!

Grumio, look out!

Look out, Grumio!

Look ooooout!

You know something?

I think we should go to lunch.

This is catastrophic!

My goodness!

I'm ruined!

Absolutely ruined!





Oh, there you are. You are alone responsible for everything...

Just you and you alone!

Did you say that your invention

was to make toys or to make noise?

Go! Get outta here!

Go on! Go to your room

and invent something to destroy yourself!

This is horrible!

I'll never make that Christmas deadline now.

My, my, this is... This is terrible!

Just awful.

I, uh, I beg your pardon, sir.

Why, who are you?

Well, my name's Tom Piper, and... What are you doing here?

We came to see you.

Who are you?

She's my sister.

Well, you shouldn't be here!

Don't you know that it isn't right

for children to see these toys until Christmas day?

These... we... well, we... We had a lot of toys around here.

But you can see... Well...

This is the only toy in the whole factory that isn't broken.

We're really very sorry, Mr. Toy Maker.

Yeah, thank you.

But what are you doing here?

We're arrested!

The trees said for us to report to you.

Well, naturally, you have to report to me.

I'm not only the head toy maker, I'm also the Mayor of Toyland

and the chief of police.

We noticed you have quite a problem, sir.

Yes. Quite a problem. Yes.

Well, is there anything we can do to help?

Half-past October.

The deadline near.

The children will have no Merry Christmas.

Mr. Toy Maker, we're strong, and we're willing to work.

I think we'd make a fine assembly line.

And we'd work day and night, wouldn't we, children?

Yes! Yes, sure!

Please, please let us help you.

You wanna work?

Nobody wants to work these days.

It's not automation, sir, but we've got our hands to use.

Well... Maybe I could try it. Ha.

What have I got to lose?

All right, folks. I'll put you to work.

I've been such a dope.

As long as there are people, we should never give up hope!

Yay! Yay!

First we have to clean up that assembly room.

Come on. We haven't got a moment to lose.

♪ Painting eyes on funny faces ♪

♪ putting on a smile or frown ♪

♪ come now, there's lots of orders coming in ♪

♪ bolting wheels on axle braces ♪

♪ so they never will break down ♪

♪ children ♪

♪ we need 600 more of these, you know ♪

♪ cutting, sewing, pressing dresses ♪

♪ every little doll gets one ♪

♪ putting curls in all their tresses ♪

♪ isn't it a lot of fun? ♪

♪ Christmas coming ♪ ♪ things are humming ♪

♪ busy, busy ♪ ♪ in a tizzy ♪

♪ hurry, hurry, hurry ♪

♪ till we're done ♪

♪ hurry, hurry, hurry till we're done ♪

♪ gluing legs on chairs and tables ♪

♪ never any less than four ♪

Say, you! Please pay attention to your job!

♪ Cows and goats for tiny stables ♪

♪ put a dozen in or more ♪

Willie! This is no time for foolishness!

♪ Packing, pounding, fitting, nailing ♪

♪ every little thing must run ♪

♪ some for flying ♪ ♪ some for sailing ♪

♪ isn't it a lot of fun? ♪

♪ Christmas coming ♪ ♪ things are humming ♪

♪ busy, busy ♪ ♪ in a tizzy ♪

♪ hurry, hurry, hurry till we're done ♪

♪ we must not waste an instant ♪

♪ hurry, hurry, hurry till we're done ♪

♪ quack, quack, quack, quack, chick, chick, chick, chick ♪

♪ teedle-iddle lum tum tum ♪

Oh, that's good!

♪ We should be happy when we work ♪

♪ boom, boom, boom, boom, tick, tick, tick, tick ♪

♪ teedle-iddle lum tum tum ♪

careful! You're gonna sh**t him in the head!

♪ Oink, oink, oink, oink, ding, ding, ding, ding ♪

♪ teedle-iddle lum tum tum ♪

♪ bang, bang, bang, bang, bing, bing, bing, bing ♪

♪ teedle-iddle lum tum tum ♪

♪ quack, quack ♪ ♪ chick, chick ♪

♪ boom, boom ♪ ♪ tick, tick ♪

♪ oink, oink ♪ ♪ ding, ding ♪

♪ bang, bang ♪ ♪ bing, bing ♪

♪ tum tum tum tum tum ♪

♪ teedle lum tum la la la la la la ♪

♪ tum tum tum tum tum ♪

♪ teedle lum tum la la la la la la la la ♪

♪ tum tum tum tum tum ♪

♪ teedle lum tum la la la la la la la la ♪

♪ tum tum tum tum tum ♪

children, this was a magnificent day's work.


Let's all wash up, and we'll have supper.

Then early to bed, kids, so we'll be

nice and fresh in the morning.

My goodness! You're all so industrious!

You know something?

I think we're gonna make the deadline after all...

Thanks to you children.

Good night.

Good night, Mr. Toy Maker!

Come on, kids. Wash up now.

Aw! I'm not tired!

Up, up, up.

Night is about to fall.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.


Let us pussyfoot.


Come on, now. Into bed.

I like making toys.

You can make them, but you mustn't keep them.

Aw... Good night.

Good night, children.

Good night, Mary.

Go to sleep.


♪ Smiling eyes, golden hair ♪

♪ made with such loving care ♪

♪ she's just a toy ♪

♪ what a thrill it will be ♪

♪ when she's found 'neath the tree ♪

♪ by some little girl ♪

♪ Christmas morning ♪

♪ and her true life will start ♪

♪ when she's taken to heart ♪

♪ with childhood joy ♪

♪ and you'll never believe ♪

♪ all the love she'll receive ♪

♪ though just... ♪

♪ a toy ♪

♪ I'd love to see ♪

♪ 'neath my Christmas tree ♪

♪ one special doll ♪

♪ meant for me ♪

♪ smiling eyes, silken hair ♪

♪ you'll need such loving care ♪

♪ you're just ♪

♪ a toy ♪

♪ you were planned and designed ♪

♪ with one person in mind ♪

♪ to hold you and keep you ♪

♪ forever ♪

♪ and you'll live for the love ♪

♪ and the happiness of ♪

♪ this lonely boy ♪

♪ and each night he will say ♪

♪ in a whimsical way ♪

♪ you're just ♪

♪ a toy ♪

quickly, now's our chance.

I got it! I got it! I got it!

Mr. Toymaker! Where's Mr. Toymaker?!

He's in his room asleep.

I've got to show him something.

I've got to show him my new invention!

Mr. Toymaker, Mr. Toymaker, please, wake up, sir.

Don't sh**t me! Don't sh**t me!

Just a minute, sir. Please, wake up.

This is my new invention.


My new invention.

This is another one of your inventions?

Yes. sh**t me.

Oh, please, sir. Wait a minute.

This is my... this is a scientific triumph.

It's a biochemical breakthrough.

Sir, please, my new formula for toy-making

is even better than automation!

It's better? Yes.

Good night.

Oh, please, sir, please, please.

Let me demonstrate this. This really works.

Get back, get back. Please, get back.

This is very, very dangerous.

Watch closely, sir.

Big chair...

Toy chair.

Poof. Just like that?

Just like that.

A big table...

Toy table.

This is provocative! Give me that thing.

Oh, careful, sir. This is a very dangerous compound.

2 molecular discharges will result in complete obliteration.


Very interesting.

Oh, I see.

Poof, but not poof poof.

That's correct.

Let me poof that thing.

Oh, no, sir, no, no, you mustn't, sir.

One thing you must and should remember:

I am the head Toymaker.

You're just my assistant.

Mr. Toymaker, maybe you shouldn't.

That's a very dangerous... Have you seen our new invention?

Don't aim it at them, sir.

Oh, wait'll you see it make toys.

It makes wonderful... But it's very dangerous.

You'll have to stand back, please. Stand back there.

Stand back a little.

Big desk...

Toy desk.

Now I'm gonna show you... Oh, please, don't point that, sir.

Well, wait till you see what I'm gonna do now.

Big bed...

Toy bed.


This is simply wonderful!

Now I can make thousands of toys at one time.

Grumio, you are a genius.


Mr. Toymaker... Listen to me, Tommy.

Isn't this a wonderful way to make toys?

Yes, sir, it is.

It's a wonderful invention, sir, but...

Where are you going to get the big things

to reduce to small things?

Where are we gonna get the big things

to reduce to small things?

Good question, sir.

I think so.

Well, I think we could always, uh...

I don't know.

You are a nutwit.

You and your stupid inventions.

Go! Go to your room!


Silly invention.

I knew it wouldn't be any good the moment I saw it.

Whoever called you a genius?

Poof on this poof g*n!

I think I can use this poof g*n.

You and your nutty ideas.

Waking me up in the middle of the night

when all I wanted was a little sleep.

My goodness.

This is only good if my foot's asleep.

What happened here?

I'll show you what happened.

Must be me.

That grumio's got me so confused.

It's terrible.

I need sleep so much.

My goodness. Grumio.

Who are you?!

Tom! Mary!

Who are you?!

Get out of here!

Come, little one.

Do you realize that g*n has reduced a human being?

Tom! Mary!

Get out of here!

What's going on here?! Put me down!

Let me down, you monster, you ogre!

There, there, little fellow.

No harm will befall you.

Fact is, I'm going to need you.

I want to go to sleep!

What's going on here? Let me down!

Put me down, you monster, you ogre!

I just want to go to sleep!

Ah, yes.

There, little fella.

There's a safe place to keep you till I need you.

This g*n will make our job much easier.

Now for our next victim... Tom.

Follow me, boys.

Please, please, don't let him do that to Tom.


I beg your pardon?

After talking things over, we have decided

not to take part in your diabolical plan.

Consider us no longer in cahoots.

Furthermore, we are going to expose you to everybody.

Won't you reconsider?

Not a chance.


Now, there's no use in talking about it.

We want nothing more to do with...

Ohh, Mr. Barnaby! Please, Mr. Barnaby!

You wouldn't sh**t us, would you?

Oh, Mr. Barnaby! Please, sir!


Please, please, go away, Mr. Barnaby!

Go away!

Please, leave us alone!

Good evening.

Mr. Barnaby.

What are you doing here?

I've come for you, my dear.

How dare you come into my room?

Tom! Tom!

No need to scream.

Your little Tom is quite close-by,

and I do mean your very little Tom.

Oh, no.


I will now at last have your hand in marriage.

Never. Never!


May I remind you that just a little overdose of this...

Stop, stop!

I'll do anything you say.

Of course you will.

Come, my dear.

Now, if you folks are ready.

Are you ready, dear?

Are the witnesses ready?

And the best man?

Now, by the power vested in you as the Mayor of Toyland,

proceed with the marriage ceremony.

We are gathered here to witness this young lady

making her first step toward unhappiness.

She's gonna marry you.


I was just trying to liven things up with a little humor.

Never mind the humor. Perform the ceremony.

We are gathered here to unite this man

with this poor, unfortunate girl n marriage.

Do you, Barnaby, take Mary to be your wedded wife,

to keep her in sickness, in adversity, in poverty, in tragedy,

in disaster... What are you doing?

Well, I was just trying to talk you out of it.

I'm warning you.

Do you, Barnaby, take Mary to be your wedded wife?

I do.

Are you sure you don't want to think this over?

I do not!

No, I can see that you don't.

Now, do you, uh, uh...

Do you, Mary, take this man to be your wedded husband?

I do.

That's funny, I take him to be your grandfather.

Would you stop this infernal stalling?

On with it! On with it!

Oh, for heaven's sake. Such a dreadful temper.

I'm glad I'm not marrying you.

Oh, I am marrying you, but I'm marrying you to her.

Now, where was I?

will you hurry up?

I want to get married.

All right, all right.

Now, uh, let me see now.

Yes, there it is.

Will you please tell me what the trouble is now?!

Oh, all right. Just a minute.

It won't be a minute.

Uh, we are gathered here...

Come on!

Drummers, forward!

Now, let me see... Where was I?

You were right here!

Oh, oh, heh, yes. Thank you.

Thank you very much. Thank you.

What's that?

They're playing the wrong music.

Well, get on with it anyway.

On with it!

All right.

Forward march!

Eyes right!

Where are my glasses?

They are on your head!

Oh, so they are.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

And let's have no more of these delays.

Now take her hand.

Now comes the good part.

If there is anyone... Any man,

or any woman, for that matter...

Who has good reason why this marriage

should not take place,

let him... or her if, you know... Whichever it is,

let them speak or... Stop!

Barnaby, you scoundrel, unhand that girl!

Look. Look who's run away to become a toy soldier.

Take cover, Mary.




All right!




Give 'em a broadside!




Sound the charge!


Infantry, attack!

Give 'im a broadside!


Oh, my toys!

My toys!

Now for the toy general.

Watch out, Tom!



Bombs away!

That's enough of this horseplay.

Tom, look out!

This is better.

Mr. Barnaby!

Stop him!

Don't let him get away!


Come on, Barnaby. Fight like a man.

Look out, Tom!


I've got it! Oh, I've got it!

Mr. Toymaker!

Here I am.

Grumio, I'm down here!

Well, sir, it appears that you need a shot

of my new invention, my restoring formula.


Yes, sir?

You are a genius.

Oh, thank you, sir.

Hey, Grumio!

How about us?

Take care of my friends.

My friend and I would like to thank you.

Grumio, please, help Tom.

Anything you say, Mary. Where is he?

Here I am.

You can't seem to get it through your thick skull that I...

Am the head toymaker, and you are just my assistant.

Now you got it. Heh heh.

Step aside.

Allow me.

Darling, you were so brave.

I'm so proud of you.

What's going on?

What's all the noise?

Oh, you've been playing with the toys.

That's right, children.

We've been playing with the toys.

That's right.

We were just playing with the toys.

♪ Tom and Mary ♪

♪ Tom and Mary ♪

♪ good-bye, good luck to you ♪

♪ Tom and Mary, Tom and Mary ♪

♪ your beautiful dream has come true ♪

♪ two lives blended, as intended ♪

♪ while all the world in tune ♪

♪ smiles divinely, for you're finally ♪

♪ on your honeymoon ♪

♪ Tom and Mary ♪

♪ Tom and Mary ♪

♪ good-bye, good luck to you ♪

♪ Tom and Mary, Tom and Mary ♪

♪ your beautiful dream has come true ♪

♪ two lives blended ♪

♪ as intended ♪

♪ while all the world in tune ♪

♪ smiles divinely, for you're finally ♪

♪ on your honeymoon ♪
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