01x85 - Episode 85

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x85 - Episode 85

Post by bunniefuu »




♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beauty wood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you ♪

♪ I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ And since we're together,
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

♪ Won't you please,
won't you please ♪

♪ Please, won't you be
my neighbor? ♪

I have a furry neighbor
for you to see.


Name's Henry.

Look. He's practically asleep.

Are you going to waken up

and meet some of your
neighbor friends, Henry?


Good. Come on.


Mr. McFeely asked
if I'd take care of him

for a while this afternoon.

[ Meows ]

Henry, welcome to our place.

We have a little bit of crumpled
paper I thought maybe...

How would you feel
about getting that?




Rather have the paper, huh?

Here's some string.



You're a playful kitty.

Yeah, you're a playful kitty.
Would you like something to eat?

Would you like a little milk?

[ Meows ]
Meow. Can you say "meow"?

[ Meows ]


Let's get her something.

Okay? Let's get you some milk.

See if Henry is hungry.

Are you a hungry kitty?
Look here.

Look what's happened
to me, Henry.

I got my sweater
caught in my zipper.

There. It's okay.

Some milk.
[ Meows ]

Yes. Yes.
[ Meows ]

[ Meows ]

[ Meows ]

Just a second.
[ Meows ]

Just a second.
[ Meows ]

[ Meows ]

[ Meows ]

There's some milk.
[ Meows ]

Yes, Mr. McFeely said
you might like some milk.

[ Meowing ]

[ Meowing ]

Meow. Okay.


Look right here,
see if you'd want some.


Oh, you are hungry, Henry.

I think I'll take your picture.

Yes, I brought a movie
camera with me today

because I thought maybe it might
be fun to take Henry's picture.

I'll just get over here.


[ Film running ]



Good. That should be fun
for our collection.

You know, there are people

who take movies
of wild animals, too.

Mm-hmm. They go
out in the jungle,

and they take their cameras
with them,

and they get as close
as they can.

But they're protected, mm-hmm,

but they get close up
to these big animals,

and then they just
take movies of them.

Let's ask Picture Picture

to show us some
of those movies, okay?

Picture Picture on the wall,

would you kindly show us all

some movies
that someone has taken

out in the jungle
of wild animals, please?

Oh. Those are hippopotamuses.
There they go.

And that is a water buck.

You know what that is?
It's a giraffe, a long neck.

Now there's a rhinoceros.
See him twitching his ears?

He's trying to get
the flies away.

Hello, rhinoceros.

And there's a leopard...

resting in the shade.

Hello, leopard.

That's a lioness.

And that's a male lion.

See the male lion
has that fur mane?

Look at the elephants
walking along so slowly.

Imagine somebody taking pictures

of those great, big animals
out in the jungle.



I like elephants.

They don't hurry.

Their long trunks

and those great, big tusks
made out of ivory.

Thank you very much,
Picture Picture.

"You're welcome".

Sometimes wild animals bite,
you know.

They get very angry,
and they just run

and hit and bite
and scratch and claw.

And sometimes
little babies bite, too.

But as you grow,

you learn to use words

to say that you're angry
or you're happy or you're sad,

and you just don't bite.


There are lots of
different ways to do things

when you're angry without
hurting other people.

What do you do
when you're angry?

♪ What do you do
with the mad that you feel ♪

♪ When you feel so mad
you could bite? ♪

♪ When the whole wide world
seems oh so wrong ♪

♪ And nothing you do
seems very right ♪

♪ What do you do?
Do you punch a bag? ♪

♪ Do you pound some clay
or some dough? ♪

♪ Do you round up friends
for a game of tag? ♪

♪ Or see how fast you go? ♪

♪ It's great
to be able to stop ♪

♪ When you've planned
a thing that's wrong ♪

♪ And be able to do
something else instead ♪

♪ And think this song ♪

♪ I can stop when I want to ♪

♪ Can stop when I wish ♪

♪ Can stop, stop, stop anytime ♪

♪ And what a good feeling
to feel like this ♪

♪ And know that the feeling
is really mine ♪

♪ Know that there's
something deep inside ♪

♪ That helps us
become what we can ♪

♪ For a girl
can be someday a lady ♪

♪ And a boy
can be someday a man ♪

Right. If you're a girl,
you can be a lady.

If you're a boy,
you can be a man.

This kitty will be a cat.

Mm-hmm. He'll be a cat someday.

You'll grow up to be a big cat.

How'd you like to go out
and swing on the porch?

Would you?

I think that this kitty, Henry,

has had enough milk
for right now.

Let's go to the porch
and swing with Henry.


Okay, Henry. Have you ever swung
on a porch swing before?

There you go.
You're going to jump. Are you?

Boy, you're --

Henry jumped.

Hey, there's Miss Emilie.

Miss Emilie, come on up.
I have a kitty.

How are you?
Fine. How are you?

Great. Will you sit on
the porch swing with me?

I would love to. Hi.
What a pretty kitten.

Oh, aren't you
a sweetie?

I'm keeping it
for Mr. McFeely today.

Oh, he's such a sweetie.
What's his name?

His name is Henry.

Is it eighth, I wonder?

Oh, I don't know how many
are in his family.

Oh, he's a pretty one.

Have you got a poem
for anybody today?

Well, you know me.

I always seem to be able
to read your thoughts.

I have a poem about,
of all things, kittens.

Henry, there's a poem
tailor-made for you.


"What fun it is to have
a pet,

a dog perhaps,
or better yet,

a kitty cat
so blithe and gay

would always
join you at your play.

A paper ball
tied up with string,

I've always found,
is just the thing,

lots of fun
with a kitty cat.

My father
used to do just that.

He was a schoolmaster
those days,

a serious man
in many ways,

but he could play
for hours at that,

a ball of string
and a kitty cat.

Dogs are smart,
as we all know,

but I've always felt,
you know,

that cats are
the cleverer of the two.

However, I leave that
up to you."

[ Chuckles ]
There are some people
who like dogs best

and some people
who like cats best.

I know. I have
always liked cats.


I like the idea
that your dad

used to like to have a cat
and play with it.

Oh, he played with it
for hours upon hours.

He loved cats.

Have you been

to the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe lately?

Yes. I talked to Daniel
not long ago.

Oh, he's one who always looks
for the best in everybody.

Oh, he's a darling. He really
is a darling little thing.

He says the king won't be back
until next week.
Not next week?

Not until next week.
My goodness.

Well, I'm sure they miss him
when he's gone.

I'm sure they do.
I know I do.

He always entertains
so royally, doesn't he?
Mm-hmm. King Friday.

Remember the time he had
that lovely Vija Vetra

to dance for him
in the "D" room?

Oh, yes. I like the time
that she did

all of those
cat things, you know.

Oh, yes, well,
that's very appropriate.
The lion
and the kitten.

Why don't we just pretend
that we're there?

That's a very good idea.
Would you like to?

Remember the time

that Vija Vetra
was with King Friday.

We could lean back our heads
and just look and see.









Oh, what were you,
Ms. Vetra, a cat?


Oh, I like the way
you were behind the place

and then came over
with your foot

and into the other place.

Oh, lots of places to play
in this castle, are there not?

Oh, yes,
lovely castle.

You know, all cats begin
as little kittens.

I wonder if you would dance
a little kitten for me, please.

I'll try.
Thank you.

Here we go.
Little kitten. Lovely.














Oh, lovely. Here's some milk
for you, kitten.

Here's some milk.
Have another sip.

Oh, Ms. Vetra,

do you have another member
of the cat family to show me?

Oh, yes.
There are many cats.

There are many cats,
aren't there?

The next one
will be a tiger.


I have a tiger friend
who's a tame tiger.

Are you going to be
a tame tiger or a wild tiger?

I rather prefer
the wild tiger.

Good. We shall watch
you be a wild tiger.

Pretend wild tiger.












Oh, excellent.

What a good wild tiger
you are.

[ Roars ] Like that.

Can you say [Roars]
like a wild tiger?

[ Roars ]

Good. Excellent,
Ms. Vetra.

Do you have one more animal
from the cat family to show me?

Yes, indeed.

What is it?

The very king
of the beasts.

The king of the beasts.

The lion.
The lion.

I'm king of the land,

and you're going to be
king of the beasts.

Very majestic lion.

Very majestic beast
he is.

Will he walk around
like a king, do you suppose?

He is a king.
Well said.

Here we go.












I bow to you,
king of the beasts.

You bow to --
My turn to bow.

Thank you kindly.
I enjoy visiting with kings.

And I also enjoy

with very talented dancers,
Vija Vetra.

Thank you.
Thank you so much.

Perhaps you would come
with me to the "C" room,

where we can discuss cats
at length...

I'd love to do that.
Thank you.

...and have some
chocolate with me, too.

That begins with a "C".

It's just down the hall
from the "B" room,

across from
room number three.

I shall meet
you there, Ms. Vetra.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Oh, lovely
feline dancing.

Mister Rogers:
This kitten really
closed his eyes.

Oh, look at that sweet
little thing.

It was a good performance,
wasn't it, Vija Vetra?

Wonderful. I love
the way she dances,

which reminds me, my dear,
that I better dance off myself.

I'm going to see
my granddaughters.

I have two now,
you know.
Oh, I know.

Do you have any
pictures of them?

Well, as every grandmother
in the world always says,

I just happen
to have them with me

to show to nice people
like you who ask for them.

But actually, I show them
whether people ask for them

or not, you know.
I just show them.

I would think so,
you'd be proud of them.

I certainly am.
Is that Miriam?

That is Miriam.

And this is Naomi.

Oh, they're beautiful.
Aren't they lovely?

Miriam and Naomi.

Don't you think they're
charming old-world names?

Oh, yes.
Miriam's the older girl.

Yes, she's going to be
four next month.

And Naomi is the baby.
Naomi's nine months old.

Oh, I hope you'll
give them a kiss for me.

I certainly will. I'll give them
one for myself and one for you.

I really must dash.

What are you going to do?
You going to have a...

Oh, yes. We're going to go
for a walk first,

then we're going to have
a pretend tea party.
Oh, good.

Miriam and I have
wonderful tea parties.

Good-bye, Henry.

I wonder if you
really are Henry XIII.

Have a good day, Ms. Emilie.

Thank you, dear.

Thanks for stopping
and thanks for the poem.

Come on in, Henry.

Yeah, we had a great time
on the porch, didn't we?

I never knew that
we'd stay that long.

Miss Emilie has
two granddaughters.

The older one is Miriam,

and the younger one
is Naomi. Yep.

When Naomi came to their house,
she was just a tiny baby.

And Miriam was the older girl.

Mm-hmm. She was the big sister.

Did you ever have a baby
come to your house to live?

Did you?

♪ When a baby
comes to your house ♪

♪ It's a girl or it's a boy ♪

♪ It's a sister or a brother ♪

♪ But it's never just a toy ♪

♪ It can cry ♪

♪ And it can holler ♪

♪ It can wet ♪

♪ And it can coo ♪

♪ But there's one thing
it can never ♪

♪ It can never be like you ♪

♪ You were there
before the baby ♪

♪ Now the baby's always there ♪

♪ Now you wait for special
moments ♪

♪ With your mother
in the chair ♪

♪ You're a very special person ♪

♪ You are special to your mom ♪

♪ And your dad begins to say ♪

♪ You'll always be
the older one ♪

♪ It's so good ♪

♪ To know that always ♪

♪ There's a special place
for you ♪

♪ And a special place for baby ♪

♪ Right inside the family, too ♪

♪ You've a place
that no one else has ♪

♪ There is only one like you ♪

Only one like you. Mm-hmm.

Doing okay, Henry?
There's only one like you, too.

Henry cleaning your paws.
Yeah. Fine kitty.

Why don't you pretend
you're a kitty?

You could do that,
you know,

the way Vija Vetra did.

Lick your paws just the way
Henry is doing now.


Why don't you pretend
you're a lion, too?

Right. Good.

Now why don't you just stand up
and pretend you're an elephant

and walk very slowly
and very hard?

Good. Fine.

That's the way
the elephants walk along.

Right. Let's go over
and thank Picture Picture again

for showing us
those wild animals.

Okay. Thanks,
Picture Picture, again

for showing us
those wild animals.

I hope you have a good weekend.

"You, too, Mister Rogers."

Oh, thank you,
Picture Picture.

Hope you have
a good weekend, too.

I'll be thinking about you the
whole time, beginning...

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a song or two ♪

♪ One, two ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a smile for you ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope
you're feeling happy ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope your day
is [snaps] snappy ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ It soon will be tomorrow
and be our day ♪

♪ We will say
a very happy tomorrow to you ♪

You always make each week
such a special one.

See you next week. Bye-bye.



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