01x83 - Episode 83

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x83 - Episode 83

Post by bunniefuu »



♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beauty wood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you ♪

♪ I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ Since we're together,
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

♪ Won't you please,
won't you please ♪

♪ Please, won't you be
my neighbor? ♪

Hi, so glad to see you.

I was just down
at the neighborhood drug store.

Could you guess
who might be there?

Somebody you know, mm-hmm.

He usually wears an apron
and a great big hat.


Chef Brockett.

Well, he said that he wanted
to take some pictures,

and he didn't have a camera,

and I have a camera,

and so he said
he'd buy the film,

and we could put it
in my camera.


This camera's
one of those cameras

that takes pictures
in 10 seconds.

Can you count to 10?

Let's do it together.


That's easy, isn't it?

You probably are able to count
to more than 10, aren't you?

Well, there's a song that's
called, "One and One Are Two",

and that really helped me
a long time ago

to learn how to count.

If you don't know yet,
maybe you could sing it with me

and learn, okay?

♪ 1 and 1 are 2 ♪

♪ 2 and 2 are 4 ♪

♪ 4 and 4 are 8 ♪

♪ And 8 and 2 are 10 ♪

♪ 1 and 1 are 2 ♪

♪ 2 and 2 are 4 ♪

♪ 4 and 4 are 8 ♪

♪ And 8 and 2 are 10 ♪


♪ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ♪


♪ 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ♪

How many fingers are you?

First you were that many,

got to be 2 years old...3,

some people are 4 years old,

some are 5.

Some people are 6,

some are 7,

some are 8, some are 9,
and some are 10,

and some are more
than all of that, mm-hmm.

Why don't we ask Picture Picture

if it would show us the numbers

while we sing
that song again, okay?

'Cause it's over
and over and over again

that you have to do things
to be able to learn them, yeah.

Picture Picture on the wall,
would you kindly show us all

the numbers for that
"One Plus One Equals Two" song?

Would you please?


♪ 1 and 1 are 2 ♪

♪ 2 and 2 are 4 ♪

♪ 4 and 4 are 8 ♪

♪ And 8 and 2 are 10 ♪

Now all the numbers.

♪ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ♪

That's what they look like.

♪ 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ♪

Oh, I like that,
Picture Picture.

Thank you very much.

[ Knocking on door ]

"You're welcome," it said.

Do you hear somebody
at the d--

Maybe that's Chef Brockett.
Let's see.

Is that you,
Chef Brockett? Hi.

I got
the film, yeah.
You got the film?

Come on in.
I'm glad you're gonna
let me use your camera.

Well, I'll show you
how we load it.

Fine, good.
That's exactly
the right kind.

This is it, huh?

I'll open up
the box.
You know
my friend?

Oh, yeah, hi.
How are you?
[ Chuckles ]

We are gonna cook up
some pictures today

instead of cooking up
some food.


Click, click, click
with the pictures.
The man told me

that you rub
the picture with this.

after you take it.

It's in a big package.
That's right.

And there it is.

♪ I had the camera,
you got the film ♪
[ Chuckles ]

I used to say,
"fill 'em."

Did you say,
"fill 'em"?

It wasn't right,
but I didn't know that then.

Now you say "film".



Put it
just in like that?

Are we all ready
to take a picture now?

Very soon.

You better take
the first one.

Now, first you have
to pull this long thing.

Are you ready?


Now, see if it's all set
and ready to go.

I'll take the first one
of you, alright?
Take one of me?

How do you
want to look?
Well, I'll just
be here.

Right there?
[ Chuckles ]

You tell me
when you're ready.
I will.

You ready?

[ Laughter ]

Oh, you put
your finger.


That's what you do
for the kitchen, isn't it?

Alright, now, are you
ready to count?


Oh, it's
a good one.

It really
looks like me.

Like it?
Yeah, it looks
just like me.

It turned out good.
[ Chuckles ]

Turned out
very well.

Let's put this up
like this and go, "Shhhh."


That's the way.

Yeah, everybody
gets a kick out of that,

when I "Shh."

Want to take
one of me?

Now, all I do is...

You press that down,
and then that one.

This down --
You better get
way over there.

Okay, I'll get way over
so I can really see you.

Okay, now, smile.
[ Chuckles ]

Think of something funny,
that's the best way.

That's good.
[ Shutter clicks ]

I did it.
I hope it comes out.

Alright, now
we pull this out.

Now, are you
ready to count?

Can I pick it off
this time?


[ Chuckles ]
Hey, I got you good.

That's good.

Yes, it is.

Except I just cut the top
of your head off a little bit.

That's alright,
but you know who that is.

Sure. It looks like you.
It looks just like your face.

That looks good.

Why don't we have
a little milk?

Would you like
some milk?
Oh, I'd like that.

If we go in the kitchen,
you know what, though,

you'll have to be --
shh -- quiet.
Oh, that's right.
I will.

Okay? Come on.

I just don't like you to come
without going in the kitchen

for a little minute.

Shh, shh, shh,
shh, shh, shh.

Big -- Big glass
or a little --

Little glass.




[ Bottles clatter, door shuts ]



Pretend to take
a picture of you?


[ Clicks tongue ]




Pretend glass of milk.


Why don't we
take a picture

of the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe?



You use your camera,
and I'll use the telescope.


This is fun,
isn't it?

Do you see
Lady Elaine Fairchilde?

Yes, she is with X
by the tree.

I wonder
what they're saying.


I just know that it's going
to be a wonderful opera, dear.

Now, you're sure that you want
to be Benjamin Franklin?

I mean, you can be
anybody you want to be.

Oh, yeah, Lady Elaine,
I want to be Ben Franklin.

I always want to be
Ben Franklin.

Alright, dear.

Now, you get ready for it,
and we'll have a grand time.

Are you sure it's alright
with King Friday?

You leave King Friday
up to me, dear.

You just think about
Benjamin Franklin.

Toot, toot.
Well, toot, toot,
Lady Elaine.

Toot, toot
to you.

Boy, it'll be great to dress up
like Ben Franklin again.

[ Chuckles ]
I'll tell you...

Hello, X.
Oh, hello,

What are you going
to be in the opera?

Oh, X, I -- I just can't seem
to think of anything

for an opera
about camping.

I'm afraid I'm just going
to have to tell Lady Elaine

to call it all off.

Call it off?

I worked
all last night,

and I just
couldn't write anything.

I think Lady Elaine

has already got
something cooking.

I mean, she asked me
if I wanted to be Ben Franklin.

Ben Franklin
in a tent?
won't it be fun?

[ Chuckles ]
I don't know.

I'd better check
with Lady Elaine.

I think she's
over at the castle right now.
Oh, you do?

Well, I-I'll check with
Ms. Paulificate to make sure.

See you later.

Say, Reardon?

Are you sure this opera
and everything

is alright
with King Friday?

Mm, well,
that's, uh --

that's something that
I think we should ask about.

After all, it is --
it is his garden...

...even if he is away
for a few days.

see you later.
Wild blue yonder.

[ Chuckles ]


Uh...[clears throat]
Ms. Paulificate?

[ Tinkling ]

Yes, well,
this is Reardon.

Uh, I wonder
if you could tell me

if Lady Elaine
is at the castle, please?

[ Tinkling ]

Oh, she
is at the castle,

and she's carrying a big sign
about the opera?

[ Tinkling ]
Oh, I see.
Well, thank you.

I-I'll get right over there.
Thanks so much.

[ Singsong tinkles]
[ Singsong ]


Lady Elaine?

Lady Elaine?

Lady -- oh.
Oh, hello,

Lady Elaine.
Would you help me
with this please?

Well, yes. W-What do you
want me to do with it?

Just put it up there
where the, uh, 13 is.

Oh, where -- You mean you want
to put it right up there

at the king's balcony?
That's the best place
for people to see it.

Oh, well, are you sure that
it's alright with the king?

Oh, you leave
the king up to me.

You just think
about the opera, Reardon.

I have thought
about the opera, Lady Elaine.
You have? Good.

I've decided that, well,
we have to call it all off.

We can't do it.
Well, I've thought
about it too, dear,

and I've decided
that we can do it.

But I can't think
of a thing about a camp.

Well, I've thought
of something,

and it's going to be
just marvelous.

You mean --

you mean, you've
already written the opera?

Just the story, but that's
the most important part.

You can put all the music
and the finery in.

Now, you see,
in the opera,

I'm the manager
of Castle Campsites...

[ Titters ]

...and X the Owl will be
Benjamin Franklin.

He wants to be,
you know?
Yes, I know.

Well, Benjamin Franklin
comes to my Castle Campsites...
[ Sighs ]

...and he wants a tent
for the night.

You see,
he's on a trip,

and he isn't carrying
his own little tent.
Oh, I see.

And then
there's Lady Aberlin.

She'll be the girl
in the covered wagon.

She takes
everyone's picture.

Oh. There's a girl
in a covered wagon

who takes
everyone's picture?

That's right. Isn't it
a wonderful idea?

I see, and does she
take your picture

and Ben Franklin's

and then that's
the end of the opera?

Oh, no.

She takes your picture
most of all.
My picture?

Well, uh,
who am I supposed to be?

I bet you've never played
a part like this, Reardon.

Well, who am I,
Lady Elaine?

Can't you guess?

I'm afraid to try.

Well, you're
the Hobby-Horse Express rider,

and you're handsome,
and Lady Aberlin's beautiful,

and you sing a song to her.

Wait a minute.
I have it for you.

Oh, a song.
This song,
you sing it to her.

how does it go?

Oh, it's called,
"Let's Go Right Away".
Let's see.

♪ Let's go right away ♪

♪ Go somewhere today ♪
That's it.

♪ Let's be together
and stay and stay ♪

♪ Let's go together today
right away ♪

♪ Let's be
together today ♪
Oh, beautiful.

♪ Oh, some days
it's good to play alone ♪

♪ But some days
I get bored ♪

♪ There's just so much
you can do yourself ♪

♪ With a ball or a doll
or a sword ♪

♪ But whenever I hear
you've got some time ♪

♪ And want me
to be with you ♪

♪ I wonder
how you knew ♪

♪ 'Cause that's what
I wanted, too ♪

♪ Let's go right away ♪

♪ Go somewhere today ♪

♪ Let's be together
and stay and stay ♪

♪ Let's go together ♪

♪ Today right away ♪

♪ Let's be ♪

♪ Together today ♪

You're hired, dear.

You're in the opera.
You have a wonderful part.

Oh, I'm just thrilled
about it all.
Yes, well,
I'm beginning

to like the opera
a little better, Lady Elaine.
Well, I hope so.

Well, then,
now we have everything,

but a covered wagon.

All we need
is a covered wagon.


You mean a, uh,
covered wagon like this?

Just a minute.

Just a minute.

I want you to ride your
hobby horse and look for one.

Oh, I have a hobby
horse? Well, where
is it, Lady Elaine?

It's right behind
the castle.

Oh, I'll get it.
Just pick it up.

[ Chuckles ]
Oh, dear. I don't
see it anywhere.

Right back there, dear,
just pick it up and -- oh.

Oh, look at that.

Why, you think
of everything, Lady Elaine.
Well, I try to.

but that covered wagon.
[ Chuckles ]

Wish we could
find one.

Well, is it a covered wagon
like this, Lady Elaine?

Why, you have
everything, my dear.


That's it.
You're a clever boy.

I know you'll find one.

Toot, toot.
Toot, toot.

Does anyone know
where we can find

a covered wagon for our opera?

A covered wagon just like this?

That's a good picture
you've taken of Reardon.

He's gonna be a good
hobby-horse rider, isn't he?

Boy, he's lucky
he can be in that opera.

And Lady Aberlin, she's
going to be taking pictures...
I know it.

...just the way we did,

click, click, clicking
her pictures.

I've always wanted
to be in an opera.

You have?

Yeah, I'd love to.

Well, Chef Brockett,
why don't you, uh --

why don't you just
volunteer for this one?

Aw, they don't
need me. I-I --

There's nothing
I could --
Well, they need
a covered wagon.

You just heard them
say so.

Well, they could just get
a wagon and put a cover over it.

[ Stammering ]
I can't be a covered wagon.

But if they need
a singing covered wagon,

oh, you could
volunteer for -- Look.

This looks like a front of a
covered wagon, don't you think?

Hey, it kind of does,
doesn't it?

You wouldn't have to have "CB"
for "Chef Brockett" on it.

You see, you could
just tell them

that you would be
the covered wagon.

That's a wonderful idea!

I think I'm gonna
go there and volunteer

to be
the covered wagon.
Well, sure.

Hey, thanks, Mister Rogers.
That's a great idea.

Maybe I'm gonna be
in an opera!

Well, you've always
wanted to be.

[ Grand singing ]
♪ I love to sing ♪

♪ Thank you for letting me
take pictures ♪

♪ With your cameraaaa ♪
♪ You're welcome ♪

♪ Now I'm going to sing
in the operaaaaa ♪


Have a good time.
You'd better hurry.

♪ Bye ♪

So maybe Chef Brockett
will be in the op-- Oh, Trolley.
[ Dinging ]

What you say?
[ Dinging ]

He wonders where we could
find them a covered wagon.

there is one on its way

to the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe.

[ Whispering ]
Chef Brockett wants to be

the covered wagon,
[ Dinging ]

Would you take us in?

We'd like to see whether
they accept him or not, okay?
[ Ding! Ding! ]

Thank you.
[ Dinging ]


Does anybody know where
we can find a covered wagon?

Oh, hi, Corney.

Here's a covered Rockit for you,
if that might be of help.

Oh, thank you, Corney.
Let me see.

It's a rocking chair,
and I put a cover over it.

I see that.

Well, let's see what I can do
with this cover.

You can do it yourself,
you see?

You were saying
covered wagon, but all I --
Covered wagon, yes.

Well, Lady Elaine
specifically said

that it should be
a covered wagon.
I see.

She didn't say
anything about a Rockit.

Well, if you can't find
a covered wagon,

you can always use
the covered Rockit.

Alright, Corney.
Thanks so much for your help.
Oh, you're welcome,

and I hope
you have a good opera.
Thank you.


Have you found
the covered wagon yet?

Oh, gee. No, we haven't
found it yet.

Do you have any idea
where we could find one?

You're looking
at him!

You mean, you want
to be a covered wagon?

and I can sing, too.

Hmm. I've never heard
of a singing covered wagon.

Well, you find something
new every day.

Let's go tell
Lady Elaine.

Hey, that sounds
like a swell idea.

[ Singsong ] Doing things,
doing things, doing...

Oh, hello, dear.
Hi, Lady Elaine.

We have
our covered wagon.
Where is it?

♪ I am
your covered wagon ♪

♪ I love to sing
and play ♪

♪ I am
your covered wagon ♪

♪ Tomorrow and today ♪

Why, Chef Brockett,

your hat does look like
that part of a covered wa--

You're a marvel,
and you're a dear, too.

I'm going to tell
Lady Aberlin

we've got her covered wagon
for the opera.

[ Chuckles ]

Don't forget,

the biiiiig day.

Can you read
that sign, dear?

Oh, sure.
What's it say?

"Opera tomorrow."
You can read.

Can you read it,

Yes, I can,
Lady Elaine.

is the opera.

Whoo-hoo, lovely.

She's very excited.
Yes, she is.

She went to a lot
of trouble

with all the tents
and signs

and everything,
didn't she?

Yes, but, you know,
it's a funny thing,

she had everything
here already

before I ever came.

I'm ready.
I'm ready.

Hi, X.
Are you ready?
When do we start?

Well, the opera
is tomorrow, X.

Oh, tomorrow.
[ Chuckles ]

Oh, hello, there,
Chef Brockett.

Are you gonna be
in the opera?

Yes, I'm gonna be
the covered wagon.

I am Ben Franklin,
you can see.

I am Ben Franklin.
I am he.

Well, how do you do,
Ben Franklin?

Glad to meet you,
Covered Wagon.

Glad to meet you.
[ Chuckles ]

Are you sure,

that, uh, King Friday would want
all of this stuff in his castle?

Well, uh, King Friday
is a great opera lover, X.

I'm sure it'll be alright
for an opera.

For an opera.

Just so long
as Lady Elaine

will take it all down
after the opera.

Yes, well,
we'd better get busy.

There's a lot to do
before tomorrow.
Yeah, I know.

Singing our lines
and everything.

Okay, Covered Wagon.

Okay, we'll have
a grand time.

That's right.

[ Dinging ]


So Chef Brockett is going to be
the covered wagon.

Oh, boy.

We better take our things, yes,
and put them in the wastebasket.

That should be a good opera,
don't you think?

Do you clean up
after you've done some things

in your play time?


If you were going to make up
an opera,

what part would you
like to have?

You know, they were talking
about Benjamin Franklin --

well, X is going to be that --

and the campsite manager --

that'll be
Lady Elaine Fairchilde --

and Lady Aberlin is going
to take pictures,

and also the covered wagon,

the singing covered wagon,

Here are the pictures
that Chef Brockett and I took.

Tell me, who's on the top,
Chef Brockett or Mister Rogers?

Alright, now, close your eyes.

Now, open your eyes and tell me
who's on the top this time?


There's Chef Brockett
in the front

and Mister Rogers in the back.

And here's the one
that he took of Reardon.

Good pictures, huh?

There he is singing,
"Let's Go Right Away".

That's what we'll be
doing tomorrow

when we go to the opera.

Well, that's cleaned up. Now, I
better clean up the kitchen.


I like it
when they do things like that

in Make-Believe, don't you?



One and one are two glasses,

I wish you'd try making up
an opera some time, mm-hmm.

You know,
whatever you want to say,

you just sing it, mm-hmm.

For instance, if you'd like
to say to your mom or your dad

or one of your brothers
or sisters tonight...

♪ Good night ♪

♪ Good night ♪

♪ I'm going to bed ♪

♪ Sometimes I don't want to ♪

♪ But I'm going anyway ♪


And then sing...

♪ But tomorrow is coming ♪

♪ Tomorrow is coming ♪

♪ It's going to be
a special day ♪

♪ Tomorrow is coming ♪

♪ Tomorrow is coming ♪

♪ That's why I can say
goodbye to today ♪

Just make up your own songs,
just like that, mm-hmm.

♪ Do, do-do, do, do-do ♪

♪ Do, do-do, do-do ♪

♪ Do, do-do, do, do ♪

♪ Tomorrow is coming ♪

♪ Tomorrow is coming ♪

♪ That's why I can say
good-bye to today ♪

See, we made
that one up together.


I must take some more pictures
with Chef Brockett.

I think I'll just
go over to his house

when I leave you here

and say, "Chef Brockett,

there are a few more pictures
left in the camera."

He's probably getting ready

for his part in the opera.


I'm all set to go,

and I surely will be set
to see you...

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a song or two ♪

♪ One, two ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a smile for you ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope
you're feeling happy ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope your day
is [snaps] snappy ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ It soon will be tomorrow
and be our day ♪

♪ We will say
a very happy tomorrow to you ♪

You always make each day
such a special day.

You know how?

By just your being you.

See you tomorrow.




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