01x80 - Episode 80

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x80 - Episode 80

Post by bunniefuu »




♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beauty wood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you ♪

♪ I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ Since we're together,
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

♪ Won't you please,
won't you please ♪

♪ Please, won't you be
my neighbor? ♪


Oh, I'm so glad to see you.

I was thinking about you
as I walked down the block.

Uh-huh. I said,

"My friend will be there",

and there you are.

Oh. What about my big boots?

Do you ever like
to wear high-top shoes

or any kind of cowboy boots
or something like that?

What about high-heel shoes --

ever like to wear them?


I'm putting these on,

so I can show you some
telephone lineman equipment.

You know, I started thinking
about telephones a lot

after seeing King Friday

talking with
Sarah Saturday yesterday.

The telephone is
a wonderful thing, isn't it?

Imagine being able to dial
some numbers like that

or press some buttons

and then be able to talk
with somebody at the other end.

But there are lots of things
that people have to know

who are in the telephone company

to keep the phones
in good order.

This is a tool bucket
for a lineman.


And these are some climbers.

Now I must find the one
that says "left."

That's it.

Oh. First of all, I want to
show you this little thing.

You know, this is the thing that
you put on your leg like this

if you're somebody who
climbs up telephone poles.

And here, take this guard off --

this is a gaff.

It's like a little knife,

and that knife just digs
into the telephone pole

and helps you climb up the pole.

I'll put the guard back on.

This is the way it goes on.

Leave plenty of room here.



You see my hat?


This hat is good and strong.
[ Knocking ]

You hear it?

Well, if anything should fall,

it would hit the hat
and not the head.


Now, that one goes on there,

and then this one
would go on here,

and then you'd just go like
this up the telegraph --

telephone pole.

Now these are the gloves --

three in one -- look.

All to keep the man safe.

And that one

goes into this one --

that's rubber,

so you won't get a shock
from the lines --

and this one

goes into this one.

Yeah. There's so much to know

about repairing telephone wires

and installing them, too.


Let's just take our tool bucket
over to Picture Picture

and ask Picture Picture
to show us a real lineman

working on
a telephone pole, Okay?

Picture Picture on the wall

would you kindly show us all?

You're already doing it --

a real lineman
on a telephone pole.

There he is, starting to go up.


See his gaffs
going into the pole?


See? He's got that belt
around him there,

and he's got his bucket
hanging from his big belt.

And he attaches another part
of the belt to the pole,

all to keep him safe up there.


And all of his tools
are right around that belt.

Hammer, hammer, pound, pound.

Look how little the houses
and the cars look.

He's so far up in the sky.


Boy, it takes a long time

to learn how to make
that kind of repairs.


Looks like he's going down.

Oh. He's going down a bit
and then under and around.



See his hat, his gloves?


And there he's
pulling the line up...


...and that's a telephone line

that's going to go
into a new house.



You really have to
learn your trade...

...when you're doing
a job like that.



There he's putting his bucket
back onto his belt.



And he's about to go down...


...putting his gaffs
into the pole again.



Now he's taking off
his climbers...


...putting the guard back
on the gaff.



Thank you very much,
Picture Picture.


Boy, you have to study
a long time

to be able to do
something like that.

This is a pretend telephone.

Yeah. You know. We use it to
pretend -- talk in and listen.

Don't you ever wonder about
the insides of things,

the insides of real telephones,

and maybe the insides
of people, too?

Everybody is fancy.

♪ Some are fancy
on the outside ♪

♪ Some are fancy
on the inside ♪

♪ Yes, sir ♪

♪ Everybody's fancy ♪

♪ Everybody's fine ♪

♪ Your body's fancy ♪

♪ And so is mine ♪

♪ Boys are boys
from the beginning ♪

♪ Girls are girls
right from the start ♪

♪ Yes, sir ♪

♪ Everybody's fancy ♪

♪ Everybody's fine ♪

♪ Your body's fancy ♪

♪ And so is mine ♪

♪ Girls can be the mommies ♪

♪ Only boys can be the daddies ♪

♪ Yes, sir ♪

♪ Everybody's fancy ♪

♪ Everybody's fine ♪

♪ Your body's fancy ♪

♪ And so is mine ♪

♪ I think
you're a special person ♪

♪ And I like
your ins and outsides ♪

♪ Yes, sir ♪

♪ Everybody's fancy ♪

♪ Everybody's fine ♪

♪ Your body's fancy ♪

♪ And so is mine ♪

That's the way
I feel about you.

Sure do.
[ Knocking at door ]

Do you hear a knock?

Somebody at the door.


Hi, Jerry. Come in.
How do you do,
Mister Rogers?

Good to see you.
I'd like you to know my friends.

This is Mr. Gleba.

He's a man who
installs telephones.

I asked him if he'd show us
what some look like.

You know, I said,
if you'd come by,

maybe you'd show us
the insides of some phones.

Well, we have a few here.

We'll try and show you
the inside of these.


This one here I'm unwinding,
this is a dial-type phone.

As you can see,

just by turning this,
you dial different numbers.


Would you like
to see the inside of this?
You bet I would.

Get these screws
out of here.

Now, you're the only one

who would do something
like that, aren't you?

Oh, yes.
We go to school.

Well, in fact, we spend
a lot of time in school

actually learning
how to repair these

and watching where
all these wires go.

Oh. Look at that.
Up front here,

I guess you can notice that
there's two bells or two gongs.

[ Ding, Dong ]
That's actually
what makes that ringing sound

when your phone rings.

And it goes fast,
back and forth.

Yes, it does,
something like this.
[ Ringing ]

And all those wires.

Yes, all those different-colored
wires in there.

We'll take a look
at the back of this dial here.

So, when you're in school, you
learn about all of the insides?

Oh, yes. All those wires have
a certain place to go.

That's the reason why nobody
else should open these up.


Oh. Well, I never would.

Back on the dial here,
you can see that,

when we turn
this finger wheel...

[ Clicking ]

...these gears
actually spin.

Oh, all the...
Oh, boy.

And that's what
sends the number.

That's what sends
the number.

And right here is what
we call a switchhook,

and, when we set
the receiver down on the phone,

this goes like this,
and then, when we pick it up,

it goes like this.

And down here, we have
a couple of contacts,

so whenever this is up,

this is where we get
our dial tone from,

and that tells us
when we can dial on the phone.

that's complicated,

but I guess,
after a while,

it's second nature to you.

Yes, it is.

And you have to know how to put
them back together, too.

Don't you?
Yes, you do.

Sometimes they're harder
to put back together

than they are
to take apart.

I bet.

Do you have
any children?

Yes, I do. I have two
little boys at home.

Two boys.

I bet they'll be interested
in seeing the insides of phones.

Oh, yes, they will.

They have a daddy
who really knows

how to repair telephones.

I have
another phone here.

It's a push-button type,
if you'd like to see that one.

I would.
It's just about
the same inside,

except we have a little bit
of a different dial.

How do you like
that one?
Oh. That's
a different color, too.

Yes, it is.
I like the buttons.

And this one, we get
our different number

by pushing these
different buttons.


And we'll open
this one up.
You say it looks
pretty much the same.

Oh, yes, it is just
about exactly.

Some people have
dial telephones,

and some people have
push-button telephones,

but they are all
mighty fancy. Ooh!

As you can see, in the back,
we still have that bell there.

[ Ding, Dong, Ding ]

And lots of wires.

Yes, the same type of wires
that we had in the other one,

except for, up here,
as you can see,

when we push
these buttons, we...

Like, a few little things
move there.



You have a very
special job, Mr. Gleba.

Oh, it's
quite enjoying.

You know, we have a
pretend telephone here...
You do?

...in my room. Yeah.

My friends and I,
when we play together,

we use a pretend one

'cause, of course, we don't
want to use one like that.

I see.
It's right back there.
It's just a tin can.

Oh. That's a fine telephone
for playing.


That's what we use it for.
That's very nice.

Well, I have
to install these now,

down the streets,

so I better
get a move on it.

Oh. They're going to go
in different people's houses?

Yes, they are.
Hey, good.

Well, thanks for coming.

Thank you very much.

Say "goodbye" and "thanks"
to Mr. Gleba, okay?

Thanks, Mr. Gleba.
You're welcome.

See you soon.

A lot of people
in the neighborhood

who know how to do
a lot of things.

Let's take a look

at the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe, okay?

[ Mystical music plays ]

[ Dinging ]




Meow, meow, meow,
fancy, Meow.

Oh, thank you.
You are
a fancy dancer.

How in the world
are you, Lady Aberlin?

Oh, I'm just fine.
How are you both?

Oh, we're great.

Meow, meow, meow, meow
a wonderful day, meow.

Oh, yes.
It's a beautiful day.
Meow, meow
dress, meow?

Meow. It certainly
is a meow dress.

M-E-O-W. Meow.
M-E-O-W. Meow.

Hey, Lady Aberlin, did you
hear about King Friday?

What do you mean, X?

About your Uncle Friday
and his invitation?

Meow, meow,
so exciting, meow.
What kind
of invitation?

Well, it happened

What were
you doing yesterday?

I was studying,

and I didn't even have a minute
to get to Make-Believe.

Meow, meow
really exciting, meow.

Well, please tell me,

Oh, it's
a nifty-galifty thing.

Meow, meow, meow,
meow invitation...

...meow Sarah Saturday.

Sarah Saturday sent
the invitation?

Yeah. She asked
King Friday and Edgar

to come for a visit.

To her house?
Isn't that great?

Oh, it surely is.

I'd better get over
and help him get packed.

Meow, meow,
not so fast, meow.

Meow may not meow going.

Not go? Why?

Well, King Friday said
that he was so busy,

and being a king and all,

well, he just said
that he would think about it.

He would
think about it?

You bet
he'll think about it.

Meow, meow, meow,
meow make cup custard.

Oh, yes.
Meow, meow,
meow root beer.

She probably will.

Yeah, and she might even
show him some books

with Benjamin Franklin
in 'em.

Oh, he's just
got to go.

Well, of course
he will.

I'll do what I can.

Yeah. See what
you can do.

Thanks -- thanks for
telling me, friends.

I think
it'll make him happy.

Meow, meow,
meow, meow.
Oh, I do, too.

Meow, meow.
Meow good luck.
[ Exhales ]
Thank you.

Thank you.

Make your appointment.

Meow good luck, meow.

Miss Paulificate?

[ Tinkling ]

It is Lady Aberlin.

I -- I would like
to make an appointment

to see
Uncle Friday, please.

[ Tinkling ]

Where is he?
[ Tinkling ]

In the "D" room,

Well, do you think
I could possibly

have an appointment
with him?

[ Tinkling ]

Oh, good,
in 1 8/9 minutes.

[ Tinkling ]

Thank you very much,
Miss Paulificate.
[ Tinkling ]


You've just got to
talk him into going, dear.

You've just got
to talk him into going.

Oh, Lady Elaine,
you startled me.

I haven't seen you
in such a long time.

Well, I'm just cooking up
a few things, dear.

Do you want Uncle Friday
to leave for a little while?

Oh, it would be
just great,

perfect, I'd say,

just perfect right now.

I think it would be
very good for him myself.

It would do
everybody good, dear.

Well, I'll see
what I can do.

Oh, toot-toot,
Lady Abe-dear.

Lady Elaine.

♪ I'm a man
who manufactures ♪

♪ Who manufactures chairs ♪



♪ And every wares ♪

[ Clap, Clap ]

♪ who manufactures ♪

Hi, Corney.
Oh, hello there,
Lady Aberlin.

How are you
rocking today?
Oh, just grand,
thank you.

Have you heard the news
about Uncle Friday?

Well, what is it?

He and Edgar have been invited
to Sarah Saturday's house.

Well, I hope they
have a good time.

They may not go.
Oh, I see.

Well, I guess
they're too busy.

I'm certainly
too busy for trips.

I've got lots of business.
See you later.

Okay, Corney.


[ Dinging ]
Wish me luck, Trolley.

[ Ding! Ding! ]


Try your best, dear.
I'm counting on you.

Lady Elaine
certainly wants

Uncle Friday to go away
for a little visit.

[ Royal trumpets play ]

Lady Aberlin,
I presume?

Correct as usual,
Uncle Friday.

You desired to see me?

Yes, sire.

I wanted to tell you
how pleased I am

to hear
of your invitation.

Oh. I have thought
a lot about going.

I think I had better not.

Oh, but, Uncle Friday,

she'll give you cup custard
and root beer,

and she may even show you a book
with Benjamin Franklin in it.

Benjamin Franklin?

Oh. Well...

I just mean...

I really think
you'd have a grand time.

I feel it my duty
as a king to stay here

and take care
of the castle.

But -- but,
Uncle Friday,

Miss Paulificate and
Handyman Negri can do that,

and I'll help
whenever I'm here.

Yes. Oh. Well,
Edgar is invited, too.

Oh. well, of course.

Sarah Saturday knows that Edgar
makes you feel comfortable.

Oh, suppose -- suppose I just
call her on the telephone?

Oh, grand.
I'll get the phone.

Oh, good.
Oh, good.

Should I,
or should I not?

To go,
or not to go?

Here's the phone,
Uncle Friday.

Oh, the phone.

Do you know
the number?

Yes. I do,
Uncle Friday.

As I remember it,

the area code...
[ Ringing ]



It's the --
It's the operator.

The area code is --

♪ 3, 1, 1... ♪

and the number is...

♪ 5, 5, 5

Oh, how good
of you, yes.

Shall I tell
the operator?

Would you please?

Operator, would you
please get me

the following
long-distance number?

♪ 3, 1, 1 ♪

♪ 5, 5, 5

Oh, there's a lovely
musical number.

Yes, it is.

Thank you, Operator.

Is it ringing?

It's ringing.

Oh, hello,
Sarah Saturday.
[ Tinkling ]

Oh. Is she?

Yes, it's Lady Aberlin
calling all the way

from Uncle Friday's

[ Tinkling ]
She's at home.

Yes. Yes.
Oh, oh.

We've all been very excited
about your invitation.

[ Tinkling ]
Yes. I'll speak with her.

Yes. Yes, he is, and --

and he would like
to speak with you.

He's right beside me,
Sarah Saturday.
[ Tinkling ]


Oh, thank you so much.

Just a moment.
Here he is.

This is Sarah Saturday.
Thank you.

Hello, Sarah Saturday?

[ Magical chiming ]

It is Sarah Saturday.

Yes. How are you?

[ Magical chiming ]


I like to hear
your voice...

[ Magical chiming ]

...but I'd rather
feel your hand.

[ Magical chiming ]

I'd rather
see your face...

[ Magical chiming ]

and watch you

[ Magical chiming ]

but I like
to hear your voice.

[ Magical chiming ]

Well, she says if --

if I want to see her face
that I should come to visit.

Well, it's Friday now,

and, uh, perhaps I could
come for the weekend.

What do you think, Lady...
Oh. That's wonderful.

Yeah, the weekend.
Yes. Oh, of course.

Edgar and I will --
will both come, yes.

Alright, then.

Until a little while then,
Sarah Saturday.

You may hang up.
Call out the staff.

Bring out the trunk.
Sound the general rejoice bell.

Make arrangements
for the weekend.

The king is leaving
the castle for the weekend.

Oh, wonderful.
The king is going
for the weekend.

Thank you,
Lady Aberlin.
Uncle Friday.

Yes. I have
a great deal to do.

I would like to make
an announcement,

members of Neighborhood
of Make-Believe --

wonderful news!

Uncle Friday is
going to visit

Sarah Saturday this weekend.

Nice going, dear. Nice going.
You're a real sport.

What a time we're
going to have.


Lady Elaine,
don't you mean,

"What a time Uncle Friday
is going to have"?

Oh. Um,
did everyone hear me?

Uncle Friday is going!
He decided to go!

Hello, Trolley.
[ Ding! Ding! ]

Uncle Friday is visiting
a friend this weekend.

[ Ding! Ding! ]


[ Dinging ]

So, King Friday and Edgar
are going away for the weekend.

Oh. Wasn't that a good
telephone conversation

with Sarah Saturday?



I wonder what Lady
Elaine is cooking up.

She says, "We'll have such
a good time with them away."


Well, you can't go inside
people to find out what --

what's there,

but sometimes
people will tell you

what they're thinking inside,

and that's a good, peaceful time

when people will tell you.

♪ Peace and quiet ♪

♪ Peace, peace, peace ♪

♪ Peace and quiet ♪

♪ Peace, peace, peace ♪

♪ Peace and quiet ♪

♪ Peace, peace, peace ♪

♪ We all want peace ♪

♪ We all want peace ♪

King Friday will have
a peaceful weekend,

and Sarah Saturday
understands him so well.


I think he likes her, don't you?

He said, "I like
to hear your voice,

but I'd rather feel
your hand," he said.

"I'd rather see your face
and know you understand...

...but I like to hear
your voice", over the phone.

I like you, too.


And you and I will be
having a weekend, too.

But we'll be together next week,

and I'll be thinking about you.

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a song or two ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a smile for you ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope
you're feeling happy ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope your day
is [snaps] snappy ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ It soon will be tomorrow
and be our day ♪

♪ We will say
a very happy tomorrow to you ♪

You make every day and every
week such a special one.

You know how.
By just your being you.

There's only one person
in the whole world like you.

You're mighty special to me.
Bye. See you next week.



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