01x71 - Episode 71

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x71 - Episode 71

Post by bunniefuu »





♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beauty wood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you ♪

♪ I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ Since we're together,
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

♪ Won't you please,
won't you please ♪

♪ Please, won't you be
my neighbor? ♪

I'm so glad to see you.

I've been thinking about you
for 2 whole days.


What did you do this weekend?

Did you enjoy it?


I thought often about you,

and today,

I went to the drug store
and bought something,

and I thought you might
like to guess what it is.

It's a brush...

but it's not the kind
that brushes your hair.

It's a brush for your...


Toothbrush, toothpaste,
and some tooth powder --

I'll show you.
Come on over here.



There it is.

It's yellow.

Now some people --

it's in
its own little container.

Some people like to use
tooth powder,

and some people like
to use toothpaste.

I think I'll choose
toothpaste for today...

...and just brush my teeth.

If you have a bathroom,

you brush your teeth
in the bathroom sink,

and if you don't
have a bathroom,

you brush your teeth
in the kitchen sink.


My dentist always told me

to brush
from the top down like this

and from the bottom up,
like that,

so it's

[Mumbling] down, down, down,
down, down, down,

down, down, down,
down, down, down,




Mm, tastes good.

Such a good,
fresh taste.

Do you brush your teeth?


Now, after you've brushed
your teeth,

you clean out the sink...


...for the next person.



And you do that,
oh, once or twice a day,

and you go see your dentist
about twice a year.

I think maybe I'll ask
Picture Picture

to show us the very last time

I was at the dentist's office.

Picture Picture on the wall,

would you kindly show us all

the last time
I visited the dentist?

Yeah, that looks like
part of his office.

There I come in,

and the dentist
assistant takes my coat...

...and I sit down
in the chair --

always do about the same thing
every time I go --

and she puts a little towel
around my neck.


It's a soft towel.


That's so I won't get any water

or any spit on my clothes.

Then she puts all
the dentist's tools --

the things that he uses
to keep your teeth healthy.

And there's my dentist...

...and he washes his hands.



And he studied a long time
to be able to know

just what things are right
to keep your teeth healthy.


He wants you to open
your mouth very wide

so he can see in very well.



Then he puts some kind of water
in your mouth,

and he asks you to spit it out.

It's fun to feel it spray
in there, too.



And there's some more
of that water going in.


And then his assistant puts
something else on that,

and he sprays
some very good-tasting stuff.

That's about the
last thing he does.


And it's not only good-tasting,

it helps keep your teeth
good and healthy.

We usually say goodbye
and shake hands...

...and then I make
an appointment for next time.

Thank you very much,
Picture Picture.

Thank you.

Do you ever go to the dentist?

Well, dentists are other people
who really care about you

and want to keep you well.


I sometimes think of
Donkey Hodie

when I think of teeth.

You know,
he has such a big mouth

and such great big white teeth.

Wish we could just visit him.

How could we do that?

'Cause, you know, he lives at
Someplace Else.

Maybe we could just make-believe
that we're there --

Someplace Else.
Let's close our eyes and try.

Just make-believe that we are
going to Someplace Else.

Now open your eyes,
and there we are at...

[ Magical music plays ]



Nice day.

Speedy delivery
for Donkey Hodie.
Hee-haw. Oh.

Speedy delivery,
speedy delivery here.

Hello there, Mr. McFeely.

Well, good day,
Donkey Hodie.

Good day.
How are you today?

I'm glad to see you.

I'm just fine.
How are you?

Well, I'm fine.
Thank you.

I stopped by
the pharmacist,

Donkey Hodie, and picked up
your bottle of mouthwash.

Ah, good.
Could I see it, please?

Oh, certainly.
I'll just unwrap it.

The pharmacist put
a layer of tape around it here

Donkey Hodie, and I'll unwrap it
here for you.

He's a good man,
the pharmacist.

He's a good man.
Yes, he is.

There we go.

There's your bottle
of mouthwash, Donkey Hodie.

I'd like to smell it and see
if it's the one I ordered.

We'll take the top off there,

and I'll hold it up
to your nose.

[ Sniffs ]

That's the one.
That's the one?

That's the one I like.

Well, I'm glad.

I'll put the top back on
so it doesn't spill,

Donkey Hodie.

Oh, I have an idea there,
Donkey Hodie.

Would you like to pretend
and show me how to gargle?

Would you like
to do that for me?

Ah, sure,
I'll pretend for you.

Alright. I won't take
the top off this time.

We'll just pretend this time.

Yeah, 'cause I gargle
inside at my sink.

That's right.
That's right.

Now we'll just pretend
and just lean back,

and I won't
take the top off.

[ Gargling ]
There you go.

Ah, that sounds
just like it.

Oh, good. Good.
[ Gargling stops]

What's the matter
with Donkey Hodie?

Is something wrong?

Miss Saturday.

I just brought him his new
bottle of mouthwash

from the pharmacist,
you see?

Oh, how lovely.

And we're pretending
how to gargle.

He's just showing me.

He's just pretending,

[ Gargling resumes ]

Very good, Donkey Hodie,
very good.


Do you want some,
Sara Saturday, haw-hee?

Oh, no, thank you,

I have some at home,

but I came to invite you
and Mr. McFeely

to the dance room
of the castle.

Are you having a dancer today,
Miss Saturday?

Oh, yes, and
she's just wonderful,

but she wants people
to tell stories,

and she's going to make up
dances about their stories.

Oh, she must be a clever lady,
a clever lady.


I don't know what story
I'd tell.

You'd better do the story,
Mr. McFeely.

Well, me? Oh, no, no, no.
I can't do the story,

too busy today,
too busy today,

Donkey Hodie, too busy.

I better leave pretty soon.

Well, why don't you tell
the story of

how you learned
to stop biting people, Donkey?

Why, that's an excellent idea,

You tell that story,
Donkey Hodie,

and I'll rush off now.


Good day, Donkey Hodie.

Good day.
Good day.

Uh, thank you,
Mr. McFee--

Well, what about
my parcel, Mr. McFeely.

Oh, I'm sorry, Donkey Hodie.
That was my main purpose.

Oh, here.
We'll just set it right here.

Oh, I get so excited.

Good day.
Good day, Miss Saturday.

Good day.

Good day,
Mr. McFeely.

Good day,
Mr. McFeely.

He's always
in such a hurry.

Yes, well, that's what
his speedy delivery

is all about, I guess.

Well, now are you ready
to come with me to the castle?

It sounds like a grand idea.

Well, if you'll just
follow me this way,

we can go together
to the dance room,

and we'll make up
those stories.


Wonderful day,

wonderful window,

wonderful lady,

wonderful idea.

Just follow me, Donkey.


Oh, I hope they ask us to come
to the dance room, too.

Wouldn't you like
to hear the story

of how Donkey Hodie
learned not to bite?


Little babies bite sometimes,
you know,

but they have to learn
how not to, too.

Just the way you
and I learned how not to.

[ Tele-can ringing ]

What'd you say?

Oh, thank you
very much.


[ Tinkling ]

Yes, Edgar.
How are you?

[ Tinkling ]

Oh, I'm glad.

We want
very much to come.

Yes, we were hoping
you'd invite us.

[ Tinkling ]

We'll count to 13, won't we?

And we'll be able to go
to the dance room.

Yes, we will, Edgar.

Thank you.
[ Tinkling ]

Ready to count to 13
with me?

Ready, traffic light?

to the dance room,

Oh, it's lovely,
just beautiful.

I love the way you dance,
Miss Vetra.

Thank you,
Your Highness.

Such a pleasure
to have you back with us here,

uh, in my royal castle.

Takes such practice,
doesn't it?

Oh, it does.

Exercises, exercises,
always doing exercises.

Well, with fingers and eyes
and legs and arms?


Oh, what a pleasure
to have you here.

I do hope
we're not too late.

Oh, Sara Saturday,
we're delighted

to see you
at any time.

Uh, Miss Vetra,
may I present, uh,

Sara Saturday
and Donkey Hodie?

to meet you.

Uh, well,
hee-haw, same here.

I sure am
delighted, too.


Uh, Donkey is
all ready to,

uh, tell us a story
for your dance,

Miss Vetra.

Oh, yes?

But, of course, uh,
my story would be first.

Uh, everyone will give
a story for a dance,

but, of course,
the king's comes first.


I was going to ask you

if you wouldn't give us
your story first,

King Friday.

Oh, really?

Uh, well, I will.


Uh, my story is about
the first day

I got my first crown,
Miss Vetra.


There I was, sleeping in
my princely room,

and, oh,
the morning came,

and I awakened and
looked out of my window

and saw it was
a beautiful day,

and then I got dressed,

and I opened my door
to the royal hall.

And what should I see
but 17 pillows

and, on top of those pillows,
my first crown.

How beautiful.

Well, I placed it
on my head

and regally marched
around my own room

and all through the palace,
happy for the day.

That is
a beautiful story.

Uh, could you dance
that one for us, please?

I'll try.

Oh, thank you.

Thank you.

I'm anxious to see
how she will dance my story.

I imagine she will start
with the part where I said,

"I was a prince asleep
in my princely room."















Excellent, Miss Vetra,

That's exactly
the way it was

when I got my crown
for the first time.

Well, now it's
Donkey Hodie's turn.

Don't you think?

Do tell me the story,
Donkey Hodie.


Well, once upon a time,
uh, I was a biting donkey.


I bit people, and people
were afraid of me.

Miss Vetra: Oh.

So, I was all by myself,
and I was lonely,

and I didn't know why,
and one day,

I decided maybe it's because
I'm a biting donkey,

so I decided just
to use my mouth

for chewing my food
and talking,

and after that,
I had a lot of friends,

after I learned
not to bite anymore.

That's a good story.

Excellent story.

Uh, do you think you could,
uh, dance that story?

I will try.

So, now Miss Vetra is going to
be a donkey who first bit

and, after a while,
learned not to bite

but to use his mouth for talking
and chewing his food.

Miss Vetra.










Oh, that was just excellent,
just excellent.

Didn't you think it was,
Donkey Hodie?

Oh, well, I certainly
thought it was.

I really did.

Do you know what
my best friend gave me

after I learned
not to bite anymore?

Uh, what was that,
Donkey Hodie?


A piece
of the rainbow.

A piece
of the rainbow?

What a lovely idea.

It's sort of like the seal
of a promise, isn't it?

Yes, it certainly is.

A lovely idea,
just lovely.

Hmm, yes, well, uh, it's
your turn now, Sara Saturday.

Well, I hadn't thought much,
uh, for a story.

Uh, maybe I'll just
make mine up right now.

Whatever you like.

Miss Vetra
seems to be able

to dance anything
we tell her about.

Well, once upon a time,
there was a little baby.


And his mother had to go out
for some shopping,

so she called her good friend
Sara and she said,

"Sara, would you come
and sit with my baby

while I go shopping?"

But Sara was visiting
a very special friend

and just hated
to leave,

but she knew that she needed
to take care of the little one

because big people
used to be little,

and they needed somebody
to take care of them,

so when you get to be
grown up,

you take care of
little people,

so Sara went to take care
of the little one.

Oh, lovely, Miss Vetra.

A very touching story,
Sara Saturday.

Well, the story is really true,
King Friday,

and my friend does need me
to go to her home

and take care of
the little one.

You know I love
to sing to the babies

while I sit
with them.

I sing...

♪ I'm taking care of you ♪

♪ Taking good care of you ♪

♪ For, once, I was
very little, too ♪

♪ Now I
take care of you ♪

I think
I'll just take a --

a pretend piece of the rainbow
and give each one of you one.

Here, Donkey Hodie,

is a little,
pretend piece of the rainbow.


Thanks, very much.

Here, Miss Vetra, is a pretend
piece of the rainbow for you.


And here, King Friday,

is a pretend piece
of the rainbow for you.

Uh, is this a promise
of return?

Yes, it is...
Please do
come back.

...King Friday,
and your bit of rainbow

is the biggest
I've ever given to anyone.

It is?

Yes, King Friday.

You're a very special man
to me.

I am?

Uh, well, I'm a king.

I know, but you're a fine man
underneath that, too.

Well, um, well, uh,
farewell then, Sara Saturday.

Uh, you will return?

Yes, I will after I've taken
care of the little one.

Uh, farewell,
Sara Saturday.




Uh, farewell,
Sara Saturday.

Uh, well, in the meantime, uh,
we shall go to the "T" room

and have some refreshment.

Uh, excellent story dances,
Miss Vetra.

Thank you.

May I come, too?


Of course,
Donkey Hodie.

You're a fine donkey, too.

Are you ready?

To the "T" room then.

I shall meet you there,
Miss Vetra.

So, Sara Saturday is going off
to take care of a little one.

She often does babysit,
you know, for her friends.

Bet she's a good babysitter.

She's so understanding
about how people feel.


The king will miss her.

He always misses her
when she goes away.


That's a good idea,
making up stories

and then dancing to them.

Don't you think?

You could make up a story,

and you could make up
a dance to a story, too.

That one about
Donkey Hodie biting

and not having any friends.

Then after a while,
he realized, "Hmm.

I don't have any friends.
I wonder why."

Then he figured out it was
because he bit people,

so he changed.

He was able to grow that way.

I loved that part
about the rainbow.

Didn't you?

Let's try that.

You just pick out a piece
of the air beside you.

Pretend it's a rainbow

and then hand it to somebody
in your family and say,

"Here's a piece
of the rainbow."

It's pretend, sure,

but pretending's good.


And it's good to take care
of people, isn't it?

As you grow,

you take care of
more and more people.

♪ I'm taking care of you ♪

♪ Taking good care of you ♪

♪ For, once, I was
very little, too ♪

♪ Now I take care of you ♪


I like that, too.

Well, better get my toothbrush,
toothpaste, and powder

'cause the dentist
takes care of us,

and he likes us to take care
of our teeth, too.

♪ Now I take care of you ♪

I like the parts each day
when I'm able to be with you.

We sort of take care
of each other, don't we?


Visit together,

enjoy each other.

And I guess the next time

that we'll be enjoying
each other together will be...

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a song or two ♪

♪ One, two ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a smile for you ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope
you're feeling happy ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope your day
is [snaps] snappy ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ It soon will be tomorrow
and be our day ♪

♪ We will say
a very happy tomorrow to you ♪

Here's a bit of pretend rainbow.

It's my promise that
I'll be back tomorrow.

See you then. Bye.


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