01x70 - Episode 70

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x70 - Episode 70

Post by bunniefuu »




♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beauty wood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you ♪

♪ I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ Since we're together,
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

♪ Won't you please,
won't you please ♪

♪ Please, won't you be
my neighbor? ♪

So glad to see you, mm-hmm.

You know where I've come from?

From a glass shop --
Mr. Zandhuis.

Could you say
Mr. Zandhuis' name?

Mr. Zandhuis, because he's going
to come here a little later

and show us something
very special about glass,

not the window kind of glass,
some other kind of glass.

Can you guess
what might be in here?

Mm-hmm, glass,

but one is an owl,
and the one --

[ Latches unsnap ]

I won't tell you.
I'll show you.

Are you the owl?
I think so.

You see, they're wrapped
very carefully

because glass
can break so easily.

Yes, this is the owl.

Would you sit down, please, owl?


Can you guess
what kind of an animal this is?


It's called a penguin.

Penguin, would you go down
and meet Mr. Owl?


There they are,

and here's one
that Mr. Zandhuis made himself.

So fragile.

This is a swan.

There's a swan.

Would you say hello
to the penguin?


Say hello to the owl.


These look like toys,
but they're really not.

No, and sometimes when you see
decorations like this

that are very fragile,

you feel as if you'd like
to play with them,

don't you?

Well, they're just
not for playing.

They're for looking.

♪ Sometimes people are good ♪

♪ And they do
just what they should ♪

♪ But the very same people
who are good sometimes ♪

♪ Are the very same people
who are bad sometimes ♪

♪ It's funny, but it's true ♪

♪ It's the same,
isn't it, for me? ♪

♪ And sometimes people get wet ♪

♪ And their parents get upset ♪

♪ But the very same people
who get wet sometimes ♪

♪ Are the very same people
who are dry sometimes ♪

♪ It's funny, but it's true ♪

♪ It's the same,
isn't it, for me and ♪

You know, I have some friends

who make up their own words
for that song, mm-hmm.

In fact, one of them
one day said...

♪ Sometimes people
touch things ♪

♪ and when they really
never should ♪

♪ Things like this ♪

♪ But the very same people
who touch things like this ♪

♪ Are the very same people ♪

♪ Who don't
touch things like this ♪

♪ It's funny, but it's true ♪

♪ It's the same,
isn't it, for me? ♪

♪ Isn't it the same for you? ♪

Sometimes owls and penguins
and swans visit each other.

[ Doorbell rings ]

That may be Mr. Zandhuis now.


Is it you, Mr. Zandhuis?

Hi, I'm glad
to see you.
Mister Rogers.
How are you, Mister Rogers?

Thank you for coming.

Now this is your glassblowing
equipment, isn't it?
That is right.

Mr. Zandhuis said he would come
and blow some glass for us.


That's a very hot flame,
isn't it?
It is very hot.

You would not put
your finger in there.

Instead of starting
with this tube.

I will start directly
with a more-finished product.

And that's glass,
is it?
it is glass...

and I will make it
very hot now.

And are you going to blow
a swan for us?

I would love to.

[ Fire hissing ]

This is the body
of the swan,

and now
I will make the neck.

Good swan.

Did you learn
in Holland?

Yes, Mister Rogers,
I did.

I went to Holland
one time,

and the people there
were so kind to me.

I tried to learn
some of the language.

Bet that wasn't
very difficult.

Yes, it is
a difficult language.

It's true.

Okay, now...
let's see.

Look at
that beautiful swan.

I will put some
colored glasses on there.

Oh, you put colored glass
on it, too.

Is it like
pasting it on, huh?

Uh, yes.

That's its beak.

That's its beak...

[ Glass rustles ]

...and now its eyes.

[ Glass rustles ]

So, and instead
of going on with this one,

I would like
to finish one

I had already
partly finished.

This one over here.

What do you do then?

I would like
to make a tail now

and take this
glass tube off.
[ Whispering ]
Make the tail.

Oh, he's
a beautiful swan.

...it takes about five minutes
for it to cool off.

And there he sits,
the new swan.

Yes. Please do not
touch this over here.
No, I wont.

That is still warm.

Hello, swan.
Can you touch this head?

Oh, yes.
That is cool now.

You know, one time
when I was at your shop,

you made a balloon
for me,

and then you made it go
"Boo," like that.

Would you like me
to make one?
Would you do it?

I would love to.

Just to show
how very fragile it is,

and there's air
inside this, isn't there?

That's right.
That's right.

You practice
a long time, I guess,

to make
things like this?


[ Pops ]
It is very thin,

Ooh, it's very thin.

Won't that cut you?

It will not cut you, no.
It is so thin.

Oh, it's just like
a piece of paper.

Mister Rogers,
I have to go now.

I have another class
to teach.

You're going
to teach a class

in teaching people
how to do this?

In teaching people
who to blow glass.

Oh, it's such
a special art and craft.

I'm very grateful
that you would show us.

Let's say Mr. Zandhuis'
name together, okay?

Zandhuis [Zan-dwees].

Is that right?
That is correct.

Good. We've practiced
things toget--

How do you say
"Goodbye" in Holland?

Dag [Dahgh].

Well, let's say
"Dag" to Mr. Zandhuis.



Thank you very much
for coming.
Mister Rogers.

Will come back
for your things?
I will come back
and pick this up later.

Oh, good.

Thank you very much.
Good day.

It's a real pleasure
to have you here.


Oh, I want
to bring this one.


Now I want you to go down
with your other swan friend.

This is a brand new swan...
to visit with this one.

More and more friends
gathered together there.

A whole glass family.

Mr. Zandhuis,
isn't he a special person?

So many special people
right in your own neighborhood,

and if you go out and visit,
that's when you find them.


Your mom and dad
can take you on visits, too,

to very special
people like that.

We have a special thing
we do, don't we?

We make our open telescope

and look right into the
Neighborhood of Make-Believe.

Will you do it with me?

See what's going on
in that neighborhood today.

Did you know we were
gonna surprise Donkey Hodie

with a visit today?
[ Dings ]

Well, I'll see you later.
I got to see Hen.

[ Dinging ]


[ Bell jingling ]

Meow, meow-meow, ringing,
meow, doorbell, meow.

Oh, hi, Henrietta.
Handyman, meow.

Lady Aberlin told me

that you could tell me
the best way

to get
to Someplace Else.

Meow-meow, meow-meow-meow,
meow-meow, like to go, meow.

♪ Meow, go, meow,
Someplace Else ♪

♪ Meow, meow, meow,
Someplace Else ♪

♪ Meow, go,
meow-meow ♪

♪ Meow, left,
meow-meow ♪
[ Whispering ]

♪ Meow, right,
meow-meow ♪
...and then right.

♪ Meow, meow,
meow, meoooowwww ♪

♪ Meow, meow, meow,
Someplace Else ♪

♪ Meow, meow, meow, ♪
Someplace Else ♪

Meow-meow-meow, meow-meow-meow,
Oh, Okay,
I think I got it.

is everybody ready?

Yes. Yes,
we're all set.
Meow-meow, meow-meow.

Henrietta just gave me
the directions.

Oh, good.

Well, should we
all good at one time?

No, Lady Aberlin thinks
that we should take turns.

That way, you know, he can
have visits all day long.

Okay, well,
I'll tell Daniel

to come
a little later then,

and I'll come over
with you all.

meow-meow-meow, meow-meow.

Meow, King Friday,
we're not sure yet.

Lady Aberlin's trying
to talk him into it right now.

Meow-meow, meow-meow-meow,
meow room?

Uh, no, I think they're
in the castle garden.

Why don't we
take a look?

...how busy I am,
Lady Aberlin.

Uncle Friday, this is my day
to be a good fairy.

Yes, well, be a good fairy
Someplace Else.

But -- But you know how much
it will mean to Donkey Hodie

if you come.
Not today.
Not today.

I have important
matters of state today.

Well, it's fun to go
Someplace Else.


Well, I shall return
in 28 1/2 seconds

with my final reply.

Final reply.
Lady Aberlin,
what did he say?

He's not
going to come.

Important matters
of state, you know.

Did you tell him
that he'd be expected

to make
a speech there?

And did you mention
the royal carrying chair

that we'd take him in?

No, I didn't!
Where is it?

Well, I'll go --
I'll go and get it.

Oh, that's
an excellent idea.

[ Grand piano-music plays ]

[ Whispering ]
Oh, it's beautiful.

I have returned
with my final reply.

Uncle Friday...

...I've seemed
to have forgotten

two very important matters
about today.

Yes, Handyman Negri
reminded me of them.

Well, of --
of course,

you know that, uh,
you will be expected

to give a speech, uh,
when we go to Someplace Else.

Oh, a speech --
I-I will?

Uh, yes, yes, and there's
one other thing.


Uh, well,
we have...
Handyman Negri:
This, sir.

King Friday: Oh.

Yes, that looks like
a royal-carrying chair.

Well, it is, sir,
and I-I made it myself for you.

Yes. Isn't it beautiful,
Uncle Friday?
Well, yes.

it would be more beautiful

with a king in it.

Oh, yes, it --
it would.

Well, then,
you'll go, sir?

Do you think?
Of course I'll go.

I mean --
I mean to say, uh,

my final reply is...

...that I shall proceed
to Someplace Else

so that the day for the Donkey
will be a very special one.

[ Sighs ]

And I trust you both know
the way to get there.

Oh, yes.
Oh, oh, yes.

You do?

Well, how do you go?

Lady Aberlin and Handyman Negri:
♪ To go to Someplace Else ♪

♪ To go to Someplace Else ♪

♪ First go to meow ♪
Oh, lovely.

♪ Turn left at meow ♪
Oh, there.

♪ Turn right at meow ♪

♪ Turn meow at meow ♪
Meow at meow?

♪ To go to Someplace Else ♪
I see.

♪ To go to Someplace Else ♪

Oh, I see.
That must be the best way.

Oh, yes, I'm sure
it's the best way to go,

Uncle Friday.

I went that way yesterday.

Oh, well,
shall we proceed then?

Of course.
Oh, yes.

I'm anxious
to get in there.

Oh, this is
a very special day.

Yes, it is.
Oh, it is.



Do you suppose
the fairy

forgot to make my wish
come true?

Do you suppose?

Do you suppose?

Maybe she forgot
the way to come back.

Donkey Hodie.
Oh, Good Fairy.

Welcome back.
I mean, is this
the Donkey Hodie

who asked the fairy
to bring some visitors?

It is. Lady Aberlin,
hee-haw, you came back.

Of course I did,
and I know a lot of people

who are going to make
your wish come true.

Hee-haw, what
do you mean?

Oh, [clears throat]
just watch and see.

You mean watch
through my window here?
That's right.

Great, hee-haw.
[ Gasps ]
Look who's coming now.

Great day.
Look who's coming.

Meow-meow, meow-meow-meow,
Donkey Hodie, meow.

Henrietta Pussycat.

Boy, am I glad to see you
through my window.

Meow-meow, meow-meow-meow,
come and play, meow.

thinking of you, meow, meow.

What do you think of my window?
Don't you like it?

beautiful window, meow.

See, it's got
three panels --

one up here,
one over there,

and the big one
to look through down here.

Hello, Donkey.

Hee-haw, X the Owl.

Boy, am I glad
to see you.

Meow-meow-meow, meow-meow,
meow, meow-meow, meow.

Oh, boy. Both of you
came to play.

You bet we did.

We wanted to see
your new window for one thing,

and we wanted
to see you, too.

Hee-haw, wonderful day.
Hee-haw, wonderful day.

It's fun to see people
come through your window,

isn't it,
Donkey Hodie?

[ Grand piano-music plays ]

X the Owl: Hey, look
who's there.
You alright,
King Friday?

Yes, I told you this was
the good way to come.

Yes, you did,
Uncle Friday.

King Friday came, too.

Yes, and he's gonna
make a speech.

Of course I'm going
to make a speech.

Are you ready
for my speech?

Oh, yes.
we're ready.

Yes, Uncle Friday.
We're ready.

If it were not for me,

you would not have seen
a king this day.

I'm making this day
special for all of you.

End of speech.

Oh, bravo.
Oh, marvelous.

Donkey Hodie:
Wonderful speech.


meow, meow,
wonderful, meow.

King Friday:
And what games to do you
plan to play, Donkey?

Yes, Donkey Hodie, what games
were you going to play?

Hee-haw, well, I had
thought of playing

"In and out the window"
since I have this window.

Oh, that's perfect.
that's marvelous.

Yes, that would be
a good idea.

Why don't you young ones
play it first,

and I'll watch?

Meow-meow, meow-meow-meow,
fine idea, meow.

Yeah, well,
first let's do it

this way, Henrietta.

♪ Go in and out the window ♪
Like that.

♪ Go in and out the window ♪

♪ Meow, meow, meow, meow,
meow, window ♪

♪ And see what we can see ♪

X the Owl:
♪ Oh, go in and out the window ♪

♪ Go in and out the window ♪

♪ Go in and out the window ♪

♪ And see what we can see ♪
I'd like
to do that

if you'll take me
back there, please.
Oh, certainly,
Uncle Friday.

Oh, thanks for this
wonderful surprise.

you're welcome.
Yeah, next time, call me
and tell me you're coming

so I can be looking
out the window for you.

Now let's all
go play around here.

Come along.

Bring King Friday
back, too.

Are you comfortable,
Uncle Friday?
X the Owl: ♪ Window ♪

♪ Go in and out the window ♪

Lady Aberlin and X the Owl:
♪ Go in and out the window ♪

♪ And see what we can see ♪

Meow, meow-meow,
loved that.

Hey, look.
Here comes King Friday.

Yes, well, I'd like to sing
the song, too, if I may.

♪ Go in and out
the window ♪

♪ Go in and out the window ♪

♪ Go in and out the window ♪

♪ And see what we can see ♪

an excellent time.
Oh, grand.

Hee-haw, wonderful day.
Wonderful day.

Why don't you come in to my
R-room for some refreshments?

Oh, you
have one, too?

Lovely. Come along.
In we go.


Even King Friday liked the game
"Go in and out the window."

♪ Go in and out the window ♪

You could play that, yeah.

If you had a friend,

you could take
your friend's hand,

and make a window,
and then go under.

Have you ever played
"Go in and out the window"?

Lots of things
you can do with friends

or brothers and sisters.

Boy, wasn't Donkey Hodie

happy to have all those people
come and visit him?

You bet he was.

He's a special donkey,

and there he was living
at Someplace Else and lonely,

but you have to have people
make your wishes come true.


You don't just wish...

...and things happen like that.

You have to tell people
what your wishes are, yeah,

and then they're the ones
who help make them come true.

I'm gonna go out to the kitchen.

I heard somebody in the kit--

Why, he's been here.

Mr. Zandhuis
has been here already.

Look what he left.

Why, you're all by yourself.


Are you a lonely swan?

Did Mr. Zandhuis
leave you here for us?

Well, we've got some friends
for you in the other room.

Would you like to come with me?

Okay, let's go to the other room
and put this one --

Look how well
he cleaned up the kitchen.

A real artist
and a real cleaner-upper.


Now, more friends all together.



Better put them in their towels.

Owl, are you ready?

Come on,
fly into your towel...


♪ Do, do-do, do ♪

♪ Do, do, do, do ♪

...and pack you up.

Penguin, are you ready to come?

[ Chuckles ]

I like the penguin, don't you?


Got to be very careful
of the beak.

I like you, too.

And now the family of swans...

...thanks to Mr. Zandhuis.

It takes him a long, long time

to learn how to do something
fine like that glassblowing.

He probably started
when he was very, very young.


He told me one time, too,
that he was a musician

even before he started
to blow glass.

He liked songs and,
as a matter of fact,

he used to hear songs
right in the air.

♪ Once upon each lovely day ♪

♪ You can hear your song ♪

♪ Once upon each lovely day ♪

♪ Your song comes along ♪

♪ There in the air
there's a little tune ♪

♪ Just wandering ♪

♪ Looking around for you ♪

♪ Can't you hear it? ♪

♪ It's there in the air
staying good as new ♪

♪ And wondering
when you'll come near it ♪

♪ Once upon each lovely day ♪

♪ Listen for your song ♪

♪ Once upon each lovely day ♪

♪ Pass your song along ♪

We pass songs along to each
other all the time, don't we?

You might know of a neighbor

who'd like to have a song
from you.

Maybe during the weekend,

you could give a song
to a neighbor -- any song.

You could make it up, you know?

Just, you know, "I like you.

You're my neighbor.
I like you."

That's right.

I'll be thinking about you
this weekend...

...and next week
we'll be together again.

I wonder what you'll be
doing tomorrow.

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a song or two ♪

[ Whispering ]
♪ One, two ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a smile for you ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope
you're feeling happy ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope your day
is [snaps] snappy ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ It soon will be tomorrow
and be our day ♪

♪ We will say
a very happy tomorrow to you ♪

You always make each day
and each week a special one.

You know how?

By just your being you.

Sure like you.

See you next week.





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