01x50 - Episode 50

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x50 - Episode 50

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beauty wood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ I have always wanted
to have a neighbor ♪

♪ Just like you ♪

♪ I've always
wanted to live ♪

♪ In a neighborhood
with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ Since we're together,
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ Won't you
be my neighbor? ♪

♪ Won't you please ♪

♪ Won't you please ♪

♪ Please won't you
be my neighbor? ♪

Almost forgot my sweater!

Well, I usually put on a sweater
when I come to be with you.


Are you ok today?

I am 'cause I'm getting to visit
with you now.

That makes my day
a special one...

When you're with me.

You know what neighbors are?

Neighbors are people who live
close to each other.

They're able to talk with each
other and be with each other.

And that's what you and I are.

[Music playing]

I bet you have lots of
neighbors that you play with,

Don't you?

I brought a basket of some
things that are kitchen things,

And we're going to have
a matching time with them.

♪ Bum bum bum bum,
bump bum bum bum ♪


And a paper plate.

You know what that is?

Ok, now, is that the same
as that?

Is that the same as that?

Ok. Is--wait a minute.

Is that--stand up there,
mr. Pear.

Stand up, mr. Pear.

Mr. Pear doesn't want
to stand up.

There. Is that
the same as that?

Is it?

All right. Now,
is that the same as that?

Good! Those are 2 apples.

And then--wait a minute, now.

And is that the same as that?


All right, mr. Pear.

Go on. There.

Is that the same as that?

Mm-hmm. They're all
so different, aren't they?

But they're all fruit,

And they're
all things to eat. Ooh.

I forgot to ask you
about that one.

Is that the same as these?

No! It's a banana. And...

Is that the same as this one?

Ha ha! Ok! 2 Bananas,

Right in front of me.

And every one of them is

And every one of them is fancy.


♪ Some are fancy ♪

♪ On the outside ♪

♪ Some are fancy
on the inside ♪

♪ Yes, sir ♪

♪ Everybody's fancy ♪

♪ Everybody's fine ♪

♪ Your body's fancy,
and so is mine ♪

♪ Boys are boys
from the beginning ♪


♪ Girls are girls
right from the start ♪

♪ Yes, sir ♪

♪ Everybody's fancy ♪

♪ Everybody's fine ♪

♪ Your body's
fancy, and so is mine ♪

♪ Only girls can be
the mommies ♪


♪ Only boys can be
the daddies ♪

♪ Everybody's fancy ♪

♪ Everybody's fine ♪

♪ Your body's
fancy, and so is mine ♪

♪ I think you're
a special person ♪


♪ And I like your ins
and outsides ♪


♪ Everybody's fancy ♪

♪ Everybody's fine ♪


♪ Your body's fancy,
and so is mine ♪

It sure is! And I like
you just--

[Doorbell rings]

I wonder who that might be.
Let's go and see.

Who's that at my back door?

Good day, mister rogers.
Good day! Good day!

Mr. Mcfeely, how are you?

How are you today?
Oh, I'm fine, thank you.

I brought you a little
surprise, mister rogers.

Well, what is it?

Well, don't you
know what it is?

Why, it's
a steam shovel
I brought. Here.

I'll show
you how it works.

A little friend of mine
told me to bring it over

To show it to you

Because I'm much
too busy to play
with it today,

Mister rogers, but I
thought maybe you
could help me.

And we'll put this
right back up here.

Did your friend show you
how to use it?

Why, yes, he did, but
I was in such a hurry,

He didn't have
much time.

But I think I know how
to do it, mister rogers.

Now, this little lever
down here will make

The bucket go up
and down, mister rogers.

All rightie. Now,
here we go.

I'll just turn it on
here and push--oh!

Mister rogers,
can you stop it?
How do you do it?

I think it must be--

Oh, yes, how did you know
that, mister rogers?

Well, you turned
it that way, and then...

Oh, I see. Well...

Maybe it just--
it's coming back!

Well, you're very good,
mister rogers.

Now, let me see
if I go--

Oh, almost went off the
table, mister rogers.

Now, how do you think
we can do the next one,
mister rogers?

Can we make the bucket
go up and down?

Do you think you
can figure that one out?

Because I'll see if you
know, mister rogers,
all right?

Do you know, mr. Mcfeely?

Well, I think--oh. Oh,
but it fell off,
mister rogers.

Well, I guess you know
how to put that
string back up, do you?

Oh, yes, I'll put it
up here on the
little pulley there.

Now, see if you can
do it, all right?

That's right,
mister rogers.

Oh, I have something
in my pocket here.

Do you know what I
have, mister rogers?

What is it, mr. Mcfeely?

They're marbles.

Oh, good.
Shall we try to lift
some marbles up?

Do you think we
can do that?

Oh, that'd be a great idea.

Oh, yeah. Put them down
on the table here.

Do you have a plate
or something?

Why, here's
a paper plate.

Shall we put them on
that, mister rogers?

All rightie.

And I'll just put that
plate right there.

You're a very
resourceful man.

Wait. But I have some
more marbles here,
mister rogers.

Oh, they all fell out
of the bag.

Here. I'll put them
on the plate.

There we go.

Now, shall I try?

This is a very fancy
toy, mr. Mcfeely.

Why, yes. You know,
they use this

In digging foundations
for homes.

Did you know that?

Remember the building
down the street
last year?

Well, they used one of
these steam shovels.

It was a big one.

A real one.

It takes a lot of
practice to run one of
these, mister rogers.

Yes, I can see that.

Now, let's see. Which
button did you say--
wait. This one.

I don't know what
that might do.

Oh, it's going around.
Now, how do we stop it?

It has to go this
way, mister rogers.

Over there. Push that.

There. Very good.
Now, I'll stop--

And over to here,
it'll stop
right there.

Now, one of these

I would think so, yeah.

This right here.
Why, it's working.

Good for you, mr. Mcfeely.

Now will I do
this button?

Try it. Try it. Sure.

All rightie.

That's what playing's
all abou--

Why, it's working,
mister rogers.

The marble's in
the bucket now.

Isn't that great?

How do you get them out?

Oh. But how do we
get them out now?

Shall I think--
now, we'll press
a button, all rightie?

We'll press this button.
Shall we press this?

It went back down
again. Ha ha.

This button.

Try that one.

All rightie.

Oh, that doesn't work.

I bet it's this button.

Here. I'll push this
little button right--
oh, no!

Well, mister rogers,
can you help me out
of this dilemma?

I'm not too fancy
with toys, you know.

I think you're doing
very well.

And this is the longest
you've ever stayed
with me, mr. Mcf--

Why, yes. Oh, speaking of
staying, mister rogers,

You know,
I have to go shortly.


Why, oh, fine. Fine.

But you must teach me
that sometime,
all right?

You play with it while I
get that one that went over.

All rightie.
Up and down,

Up and down.

I'll try it once more.
There we go.

Up. And up this time.

Oh, it's working.
It's working.

There we go.

Now we'll let it down
once more.

And they'll all come
out, right?

No. It has to go
clear to the top.

Oh, clear to the top.
I see.

There she goes. Almost,
and out she comes. Oh!

There. Oh, I'll run over
here for this little marble.

I think you did very well.

Why, thank you. Here's
a marble over here,
mister rogers.

There we go. We must
clean up everything
we play with, right?

Yes. Well, could I play
with it for a while?

Why, sure,
mister rogers.

I'll leave it here,
and I'll come back later
on this evening.

All rightie?

Oh, you have to leave,
do you?

Shall I go now,
mister rogers?

Well, I'd like you
to play something
with me, if you would.

Well, just a few
minutes, all rightie?

All rightie.

Ok. If you'd give me
that basket there...

This little basket.

Well, it's--
now, what do you

Why, there's fruit
in here, mister rogers.

Yeah. We've been doing
some matching.

All right.

I'll move this
contraption over here.

Is this...

The same as this?

Why, no, mister rogers.

That's a banana and
that's an apple.

All right. Now, is this
the same as this?

Why, they're
both round,

But that's a marble
and that's an apple.

Good for you.

Is that the same as that?

Oh, no. They're both
fruit, of course,

But that's an orange
and that's a pear.

You know them very well,
mr. Mcfeely.

Oh, I know them
very well,

Because I deliver
a lot of fruit,
mister rogers.

And speaking of
I must leave now

Because a lot--
more deliveries

And I'll be back
later on for my
little steam shovel.

Enjoy yourself,
mister rogers.
Enjoy yourself.

A lot of deliveries.

Thank you, mr. Mcfeely.

mister rogers. Good day!

Thank you.

Mr. Mcfeely.

Isn't this great?

Let's see if it'll
go in itself.

I'll take a couple
marbles with me.

I want to see if it'll go
on the floor itself.

[Motor whirring]

It's going.
Come along.

Now, come on over
this way.

Did you ever play with something
like this?

When I was a boy, I just loved
to play with things like this.

Yup, I used to like to pretend
that I was the man

Running one of these big
steam shovels

Or the man that was out
in the street with that drill,

You know, and making a lot of


Ok, let me see, now.

[Motor whirring]



♪ Bum bum bum bum ♪

Let me s--i want this to go
around this way.

No. Over here.

I bet mr. Mcfeely liked to do
that when he was little, too.

There. See if you can pick
up that.


But this is the best practice
for that, you know?

All 3 in the hand. Ooh--


Hey, trolley. Oh, gee,
I didn't know

That you were coming
so soon.

Yeah, we've been playing
with the steam shovel.

Uh-huh. Could you go
over to here for me?


Good. Now back to here.

Say, trolley, you're great!

Once more.
Over to here, all right?

Clear over to here.

Right to there. Good!
Now back.

It's fun to have your toys
do what you want them to do,

Isn't it,

Like playing
with your soldiers

Or your families.

You know, the rubber families
and things like that

Or all those little cars.

And you just make them do
what you want to do.

That's how you learn,
by playing.

It sure is.

How you learn to be

Playing with
the small things.

Trolley, we are ready
to go with you.

How would you say "trolley"
in french? I think--


Oh. Le tram?

Good. Ok, le tram,
would you take us

Into the neighborhood
of make-believe, please?

In we go.

Grandpere: ...vous
en francais,

Et la machine
vous le donnera.

You mean all I have
to do is say a word
in french

And then that very
thing will come out
the door

And down the chute?


voulez-vous essayez?

Sure. I'd love
to try it.

What do you think
I ought to say?

Ah, qu'est-ce que
vous desirez?

I think I'd like
an orange.

Un orange. Tres bien.

Alors, demandez-la
a la machine...

So all I say is
"un orange" very loud...


And an orange
will appear.

Vous verrez. Oui.
Vous verrez.

Guess anything can
happen in make-believe.

Un orange.

Vous voyez...
N'est-ce pas?

C'est excellente!
Un orange.

That's fantastic.

Un orange!

Too much!


Un, deux. Un, deux.

Deux oranges
vous avez maintenant.

Deux oranges.

May I try it again?

Entendu. Oui.

Un orange.

Ah! Tres bien...

Oh, that's great.

...machine, oui.

Alors, maintenant,
vous avez trois.

Un, deux, trois.
Trois oranges.

Trois oranges.

Wonder if it
works with bananas.

Oui. Certainement.

Shall I try it?

Oui. S'il vous voulez.


It didn't work.

Non, non, non, non. Il faut
le dire en francais.

Oh, that's right. I have
to say it in french.


How do you say
"banana" in french?

Un banane.

Un banane.

Oh, voila! Un banane.

That is wonderful.

Vous aimez ca?

Now I have 2 kinds
of fruit.


Alors, voulez-vous

No, they don't look
alike, though, do they,

Even though
they're fruit.

Oh, non, non, non.
Le banane, les oranges.

May I have one of each?

Mais certainement.
C'est pour vous.

Oh, thank you.

I'll put the other here
in your tower.


Tres bien, la machine,
n'est-ce pas?

Tres bien, machine.

Oh, it's a wonderful
machine, grandpere.

Tres bien, machine.

Thank you for letting
me use it.

Je vous en pris.

Alors, bonne chance
avec beaux fruit.

Au revoir.

Merci, grandpere.

Au revoir.
Au revoir.

Tres bien, machine.

Hi, trolley.


Do you know the french
words for an "orange"

And a "banana"?


Un orange and...

Un banane.


Would you like to
take them for a ride?


Ok, fine.

See you later.

Hi, henrietta.

Meow. Meow m-meow
meow, dr. Marchl. Meow.

How are you?

Meow. Meow-kay. Meow
meow, dusting. Meow.


Meow meow meow meow
meow meow meow meow?

I just saw a machine
at the tower.

It belongs to grandpere.

Meow meow machine?

It was fantastic.

All you had to do was
say a word into the machine

In french,

And whatever you asked for
came out of the machine.

Meow meow meow
meow? Meow...


Meow meow meow meow
meow m-meow meow?


Never heard, meow,
such a thing.

I'd never seen anything
like it before either.


Just terrific.

so lucky, meow.

Meow meow meow meow, all
sorts, meow, machines.

Meow, rough and tumble.

Meow, boys, meow, lucky.


M-meow meow meow meow
meow meow meow meow meow.

Hello. Hello.

Meow, x.

Oh, hello,
dr. Marchl. How in
the world are you?

I'm fine, x. How are you?

Oh, I'm
nifty galifty.

Ha ha! What you
all been doing?

Henrietta and I were
just talking,

And I was telling her
about a machine

That I saw at the tower.

And she was just saying
that sometimes,

She wishes that
she were a boy

And she could play
with machines

And do, kind of,
rough and tumble things

Like boys do.

Meow, meow. Rough
and tumble. Meow.
M-meow, meow, meow.

Meow, meow-meow m-meow

Well, that's funny,
'cause sometimes,

Like in that opera
when I saw

Taking care of
the baby,

You know what?

I thought it would
be nice

Taking care of
that way.

Meow did?

I even remembered

The song you sang,
henrietta. I do.

♪ I'm taking care
of you ♪

♪ Taking
good care of you ♪

♪ For once I was
very little, too ♪

♪ Now I take care ♪

♪ Of you ♪

♪ Meow ♪

♪ Meow meow meow meow
meow, you ♪

♪ Meow meow ♪

♪ Good care ♪

♪ Meow, you ♪

That's the one.

♪ Meow, once, meow meow ♪

♪ Very little ♪

♪ Meow ♪

♪ Meow meow meow,
care ♪

♪ Meow, you ♪

that's the one.

Boy, I think it must
be nice

Being a girl

And taking care of
that way.

Meow meow meow meow meow.
Rough and tumble sometimes.


Well, but I'm a doctor,
and I'm not a girl,

And still I take care
of people.

Meow. Meow, daddies,
too, meow.

Yeah, that's right.

Men doctors
and daddies

Can take care,
can't they?

Sure can.

Meow meow, hard, meow meow,
girl, meow meow,

Being, meow, digger,

Meow m-meow meow meow,
meow, for us sometimes.

M-meow meow meow, meow meow.

Gee, I guess sometimes it
makes you feel pretty mad

To not be able to do
some of those things.

Meow. M-meow meow meow,
have meow idea, meow.

M-meow meow meow meow.
Excuse me. Meow.


Henrietta gets

All sorts of
ideas sometimes.

Oh, I guess it's kind
of funny

That boys sometimes wish
that, you know, they

Could do
things that girls do

And, on the other hand,
girls wish that they

Could do things that
boys can do.

Meow meow meow meow meow

Meow meow meow
meow, idea, meow.
Took, meow, hat off.

Meow meow meow meow meow,
dig, meow meow, garden.

Oh, that's a good idea,

Meow meow, pots,
meow meow, seeds.

I'll bet you you can
do lots of digging

When you plant the seeds.

I'll bet you get,
all over, dirt, too.

Meow meow. Good, meow.
Meow meow meow meow,
thank you.

That's a good idea,

Um, meow, x. Meow.
Take care, meow meow.

I will?

Meow, sure. Meow, meow
m-meow, meow, meow.

She's a good friend.
She's my neighbor.

[Bell rings]

Tell me what you got
out of that machine
at grandpere's place.

Well, I asked for
an orange,

And an orange came out.

An orange?

An orange!

Did you know I like
oranges better

Than any food in
the whole world?

No. I didn't know that.

I sure do. Ha ha!

I know where there is
an orange.

You do?

Sure. I'll get it for you.

Is it still over in
the machine, though?

No, it's on the trolley.

The trolley?

Mm-hmm. Would you like it?

Hey, would I ever!

Ok, I'll get it for you.

Oh, an orange,
an orange.

A trolley
for an orange.



Gee, that was quick.

I told x that I'd get him
an orange.

May I take the fruit
back now?


Thank you. And thank you for
taking such good care of it.


See you later.

Oh, boy.
There you've got it.

Here it is.

I wonder if
benjamin franklin

Liked oranges. Ha ha!

Oh, I imagine he would.

Oh, golly. I like--

Would you like
this one?

Yeah, I like to learn about
him. Oh, I would like it.

You mean it's for me?

It sure is.

Oh, thank you, dr. Marchl.

I like to think about
benjamin franklin

And the kinds of things
he liked.

He liked to do scientific
experiments, you know?

Oh, he sure did.

Yeah. You know what...

What's that?

What is that--
that banana?

Yeah. I got this from
the machine, too.

Oh, it came out, too.
Do you like bananas?


Ha ha ha!
I think I'm
gonna eat this one.

That one's for yourself?

Well, thank you for
the orange.

And you know what?

I think I want to be like
benjamin franklin and you.

Well, that's fine.

Some days you can be
like benjamin franklin,

And some days you
can be like me.


Boy, you can choose.
Isn't it great to be
able to choose?

Ha ha!

Well, thanks a pile
for the orange.

I'm going in and getting
some juice from it.

Ok. See you later.

Have a good day. Would you
close my knothole, please?

Sure will.

It saves the draft,
you know. Bye-bye.


X really likes oranges,
doesn't he? Yeah.

And henrietta wanted
to do some digging.

Oh, she wanted to play
with machines

And all sorts of things.

And x wanted to care
for people.

But, oh, you know,
sometimes girls

Would like to try out some
boy kind of games,

And sometimes boys
would like to have

Some play house kind of games.

You don't have to play
the same thing all the time.

No. But everybody has
a chance to take care--

Take care of his toys,
take care of his pets,

Take care
of other people.

Do you remember the song
"I'm taking care of you"?

Let's try singing it together.

♪ I'm taking care of you ♪

♪ Taking good care of you ♪

♪ For once I was
very little, too ♪

♪ Now I take care ♪

♪ Of you ♪

All very big people were
very, very little one time.

Mm-hmm. And when they
were very, very little,

That's when they started

Learning how to take care of
things and other people.

Mr. Mcfeely thought
of me when he saw

This little thing today.

He'll come back for that

Better go to the kitchen
and clean up.

♪ Take care of you ♪

What about the french word
for "orange"? Remember that?

What did grandpere say it was?

L'orange. Mm-hmm. "The orange."

Or "un orange," 1 orange.

And what about "un banane"?

Banane, say hello to l'orange.

L'orange, say hello
to le banane.

You know how they would say
it in french, "hello"?


Bon is "good," jour is "day."
Bonjour, "good day." Mm-hmm.

Here are the marbles.
Better put them in their bag.

Set them by the steam shovel.

I'll take this and maybe tonight
have a fruit salad

Or just eat them like this.


I'll leave these for
mr. Mcfeely.

I bet he'll play with this
himself. Mm-hmm.

Ahh. It's fun for me to be
able to take care of you

For a little while each day.


I sure will be thinking
about you all weekend long.


And I'll be thinking about you
tomorrow, too.

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow ♪

♪ With a song or two ♪

♪ 1, 2 ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow ♪

♪ With a smile for you ♪

♪ Till then I hope
you're feeling happy ♪

♪ Till then
I hope your day is ♪

[Snap snap]

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ It soon will be tomorrow ♪

♪ And be our day ♪

♪ We will say ♪

♪ A very happy tomorrow
to you ♪

You always make each week
a special one

By just your being you.

I sure do like you.
See you next week.
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