01x49 - Episode 49

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x49 - Episode 49

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you
be mine? ♪

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beauty wood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you
be mine? ♪

♪ I have always wanted
to have a neighbor ♪

♪ Just exactly like you ♪

♪ I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ Since we're together,
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine,
could you be mine ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

♪ Won't you please ♪

♪ Won't you please ♪

♪ Please won't you
be my neighbor? ♪

How are you?

Do you know what that is?


Do you like vanilla
or chocolate milkshakes?

So do i. Uh-huh.

That's where I've been.

Just had a milkshake
at the drug store.

And I got an extra
pair of straws.

You know what that is?

A "v."


And that's an "i."

And I think I'll
go to the kitchen

And take the straws
and make some bubbles.


I saw mrs. Rubin along
the way, too.

And she said she was
going to come by

And have something for us
to do today, too.

Just some plain water
for bubbles. Ok?

We'll put a little
soap in it.

That'll make a lot.

See them?

Now do two straws.

[Blowing bubbles]

Nice bubbles.

I like to be with you.

♪ Let's go right away ♪

♪ Go somewhere today ♪

♪ Let's be together
and stay and stay ♪

♪ Let's go together today ♪

♪ Right away ♪

♪ Let's be together today ♪

♪ Together's the way
I like the best ♪

♪ I like to be with you ♪

♪ I like the things
you explain to me ♪

♪ The things you
show me to do ♪

♪ Let's go right away ♪

♪ Go somewhere today ♪

♪ Let's be together
and stay and stay ♪

♪ Let's go together
today right away ♪

♪ Let's be together today ♪

♪ Oh, some days it's
good to play alone ♪

♪ But sometimes I get bored ♪

♪ There's just so much
you can do yourself ♪

♪ With a ball or
a doll or a sword ♪

♪ But whenever I hear
you've got some time ♪

♪ And want me to be
with you ♪

♪ I wonder how you knew ♪

♪ 'Cause that's what
I wanted too ♪

♪ Let's go right away ♪
[doorbell ringing]

♪ Go somewhere today ♪

There's somebody
at the back door.

♪ Together
and stay and stay ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

Come in.
Hi, mrs. Rubin.

Hi, mr. Rogers.

I've been expecting you.

Well, I can see you've
been expecting me.

♪ Let's be together
today ♪

You know my friends,
mrs. Rubin, don't you?

Yes, I do. Hi.

What do you have?

Well, let's see
if you can guess.


Looks like a dog
on his back

With all 4 legs up.

Now it looks like
him standing up.

Heh heh.

Or it could just
be a design.

Yes. Who made it?

It was made by
a 4-year-old girl.

And she was blowing
through a straw

Like this.

Oh, I was making
bubbles with straws

Just a little while ago.

And there was ink
on the paper.

And that's all
there is to it.


Of course, sometimes
when a blowing

Reminds you
of something,

You can add something
else to the picture,

Like this little
girl did.

So they drew something
over there, hmm?

Right. This looked
like a sun,

And it reminded her
of an animal
in the sun.

And of course,
you can put light
colors on dark paper

Or dark colors
on light paper.

Whatever you want.


But you need dark
and light to be able

To see the difference,
don't you?

Well, here's one
by a 6-year-old,

Which has some dark
and some light.


Gee, they look like
lovely trees

Out in the woods.

You know, the more
you do something
like this,

The more you begin
to be able to make

The paint or the ink
do just what you want
it to do.

And, of course,
your paper

Can be as big
as you want it to be.


Provided you have
newspaper underneath.

Are we going to
be able to do some--

Oh, that's a pretty one.

Isn't that interesting?

I wonder if you can
guess how that was done.

I don't know.
Like that.

Right. Instead
of blowing,

This 6-year-old
girl used the straw
as a tool

And just pushed
the paint around.

Gee, that's pretty.

Isn't that nice?

Would you like
to try some?

Yes, ma'am, I would.
I thought you would.

Should I use
my own straws

Or are these
special ones?

Any straw is fine.

And you need a sort
of slippery, smooth
sort of paper

So the ink
or the paint

Doesn't get absorbed
too easily.

Like shelf paper?

Like shelf paper
or shirt cardboard

Or something
like that.

Would you like
to use that?

I would.

And I'll use
the shelf paper.

Ok, and of course,
you can use paint
or ink.

What if you don't
have paint or ink?

Do you have
some food coloring?


You can use that.

I'll just use my own
food coloring, then.

Ok, go ahead.
And while you're
doing that--

What are you
going to use?

Well, I think
I'll use some ink.

Because if you
use paint,

You have to remember
to thin it down enough

So that you can
blow it easily.

And I'll just drop
some on the paper.

Then you just
use the straw.

Boy, you've got to have
a lot of paper around,
don't you?

You got to have
a lot of paper

Because very often
you go right off
the edge.

And it's fun to learn
how to make the paint

Or the ink go just where
you want it to go.

But you have to

I'll have to get down.

Yeah, the lower
you are,

The better it works.

[Both blowing]


It does make you
kind of tired,
doesn't it?

Oh, it makes you
almost dizzy.

If you blow too hard.

You have to wait
and take pauses
in between.

What else can help?

This is a real
long straw.

Well, actually,
if you have
a shorter straw,

I don't know, I think
we might have some
shorter straws here,

That would make it
a little bit easier.

You have one?

Thank you.

Get closer here.

Oh, nice.

One of the best parts

Is being able to
turn the paper.

I guess you could
even make it go like this.

Oh, sure.

The thing that
I like is feeling

Like I'm the one
who decides

Which way it drips.


You know, sometimes
when you're painting,

It drips when you
don't want it to.

[Blows] nice.

But when you're

Or dripping on purpose,
it's your idea.


I think I'll add
another color.

Something lighter.

Go, little drop.


You should have a big
person with you

When you do this,
shouldn't you at first?

I think so.

And besides which,
most big people

Like to do it, too.

You bet we do.

Speaking from
personal experience.

And then it's fun
to turn your paper

And decide if it reminds
you of anything.

Oh, yours is pretty.

Does that make you
think of anything?

Mm-hmm. Design.

A design.

It makes me think
of branches.

Branches of trees
against the sky.

And remember what
those children did

With the straw,
that one little girl?


She used it just
to draw with.

Does that look like
a lightning bug to you?

I mean, if that would
just light up

Right in there.

Fly around.

That's fun.

Well, I'm glad
you enjoyed it.

But, you know,
I promised some
of the children

In the neighborhood
that I would come

And help them with
their blowing.

Oh, good. Well,
they'll have a good time.

So if you don't mind,
I'm going to

Take my equipment

Do you need my
little straw.

Oh, I was wondering
if I could borrow
your little straw

And if I could borrow
your food coloring,

Because I think that's
a wonderful idea.

Have the food coloring.

Thank you so much.

Thank you,
mrs. Rubin.

I guess your friends
will want these back,
won't they?

Yes, I do want to
take those paintings.

Somehow you always
like what you've done.

Well, it's so much fun

If you like the things
you do yourself.

Sure it is.
Thanks for coming.

Thank you.


♪ Let's be together ♪

♪ Today ♪

What do you think of?

Why don't we just
use our straw

For the telescope today? Ok?

Let's see what's
going on

In the neighborhood
of make...

[Ding ding ding]

We were just
using a straw...

[Ding ding]

A letter from the--
thank you, trolley.

[Ding ding ding]

Let's see what
it says.

"Please come right away

"To the d room
of the castle.

There's a special
treat here."

And it's signed
lady aberlin.

[Ding ding ding]

Oh, trolley,
would you take us?

Let's go to the d room
of the castle, ok?

See what's
going on there.

[Ding ding]

Meow meow is so exciting.
Meow meow meow.

Yeah, tell us, why
did you get us here,
lady aberlin?

Well, this dancer

Is so fine

That I just--
I just knew

Uncle friday
would love him.

And I wanted you
to see him.

and we will see,

We will see?

Ah, oui. Yes.

Oh, all of you.

Well, what kind of
dancing does he do?

Well, I don't know
how to describe it,

You'll have to see,

It's so different,
you mean?

There's only one
like him in the world,
I think.

Oh, my.

Oh, it looks like
the king's coming now.


[Music playing]

Lady aberlin,
assembled guests.

Whom do you have to
entertain me today?

Your majesty,
great uncle friday.


We have a very rare
treat for you today.


Yes, what it
might be?

Well, we have
with us in the castle

One of the world's
foremost interpreters
of the dance.

of the dance.


I shall be pleased
to meet this gentlemen.

Grand. Uncle friday,
assembled guests,

Paul draper will
dance for you now.

[Classical music playing]

[Shoes tapping]

[Song ends]

[Classical music playing]

[Cheers and applause]

What a beautiful meow.

X: that was wonderful,
wasn't it?

Very nice of you.
Very nice of you.

Oh, superb,
mr. Draper.

What a pleasure
to meet you here

In my castle.

Thank you
very much indeed.

It's exceedingly
nice to meet you, too.

Oh, thank you.
Lady aberlin,

You have done a fine

For my pleasure today.

Lady aberlin:
thank you,
uncle friday.

I was sure
you'd like--

I would like to meet
some of the other people

In the court.
Might I please?

Henrietta pussycat.

How do you do,

Meow, mr. Draper.

You have
a beautiful meow.

Thank you.

Lady aberlin:
and daniel tiger.

Mr. Draper:
hello, daniel tiger.

Hi, mr. Draper.
My goodness,

I'm so pleased
to see someone
dance so beautifully.

Oh, that's very
kind of you.
Thanks a lot.

Lady aberlin:
and x the owl.

Hi, mr. Draper.
Boy, do you ever
fly neat.

Ha ha ha.
Oh, x the owl,

That's much too kind
of you. Thanks.

And grandpere.


Oh, enchante,
mr. Draper.

Merci beaucoup.

[Speaks french]

[Speaks french]

Now, mr. Draper,
since so many

Of my young friends
have enjoyed you so much,

I would like to ask,
how does one begin

To be as good as thee?

Well, it's very nice
of you to say that.

I would say that it
starts with love, really.

With love?

Loving it to want
to do something

With--with all
of your heart--


All of yourself--

All of your strength.

So you begin like that.

You work hard.

Sometimes it is the way
you'd like it to be,

And then sometimes
it isn't

And you must start
all over again.

That's the way it is
with everything, isn't it?

Even with being
a king, I suppose.

It is. Sometimes
it's the way you'd
like it to be

And sometimes
it isn't.

You look very...
Very relaxed, though,

And exceedingly strong
and very happy yourself.

Sometimes one looks
happy outside

When the inside is
sometimes different.

I would like myself
to be able to dance

To be able to express
some of those
different feelings.

I trust you could dance
even when you're angry.

Is that not so?

I might be able to.
Are you ever angry?

Do you mean you get
angry, too, sometimes?

I do, mr. Draper. I do--

I get angry,
but not very often.

I interrupted you,
I believe.

Were you going to
say something else?

I simply say
that everyone

Has anger at times.

It depends how we
use our anger

That's important.

Would you...

Would you like
to see how...

I might show
some ideas if

I were very angry

I would, mr. Draper.

Well, if you are angry
and you'd like to dance
about it,

It might look
something like this.

[Music playing]

And you would feel
a lot better

After that,
wouldn't you?

You feel sure
of your own self,

Perhaps, after that

If you've expressed
the way you feel inside

A little bit, yes.

I'd like to see you
dance how you would dance

When you're very happy.

Very happy?
Very happy.

I was very happy when
you saw me dance before.

I'm sure.

I mean, before
the angry number, you know,

Because almost all
the time when you dance

You are happy.

But especially to...

I think especially
to be happy

Might look a little

[Classical music playing]

King friday:
oh, superb.

Might look a little
like that.

You're superb.

Did you ever
miss someone,
mr. Draper?

Oh, yes, indeed.

I miss--all the people
I ever meet I love,

And if I am not
seeing them,

I miss them.

And I know very
many people.

I miss you, betty,
when you're not around.

And would you like to
see how that goes?

I'd like to see you
dance the way

You might miss

[Classical music playing]

King friday:
and if that someone

Should return?

Oh, excellent.

Oh, yes.

Thank you very much.

Well, we rejoice

In your presentation,
mr. Draper.

I should like to
invite you all

To my cc room
for some--

Cc room?
What's that?

That's where we have
our cup custard,
mr. Draper.

Oh, I'd love some.

Yes, it's one of
my favorite dishes.

I almost never eat it,
but I'd like to try it.

Have some of my
royal kind, sir.

Off this way to
my cc room.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Come along.
Come along, friends.

Come along.

Oh, that was a special
treat, wasn't it?

Gee, I'm glad
lady aberlin invited us.

Paul draper.

He said that it all
starts with love.

And he's able to dance
so beautifully.

I bet he's been dancing
since he was a little boy.

Sure, he was a
little boy one time.


Well, they're going to
the cc room

For some cup custard.

Think I'll just
have a little milk.

Wonder if they'll have
milk with their cup custard.

Everybody has feelings.


I'm glad king friday
was able to talk

About some of his.

I wonder if maybe he
might be missing somebody.

You know, it was
sara saturday

Who talked about
cup custard

And even made him
some one time.


♪ Please don't think
it's funny ♪

♪ When you want
an extra kiss ♪

♪ There are lots
and lots of people ♪

♪ Who sometimes
feel like this ♪

♪ Please don't think
it's funny ♪

♪ When you want
the ones you miss ♪

♪ There are lots
and lots of people ♪

♪ Who sometimes
feel like this ♪

Babies have feelings.

Children have feelings.

Mothers and fathers,


Policemen, teachers,

Everybody has feelings.

And it's so good to be able
to talk about them

And be able to listen
to other people's, too.


I have feelings.

I have feelings about
leaving you each day

When I go from here.

But you know,
it helps to know

That I'm gonna see
you the next day.

Does it help you, too,

To know that we're going
to be together tomorrow?

Does it? Good.

Well, then let's just
sing that tomorrow
song together.

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start
the day tomorrow ♪

♪ With a song or two ♪

♪ One, two ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day
tomorrow with a smile ♪

♪ For you ♪

♪ Till then, I hope
you're feeling happy ♪

♪ Till then, I hope
your day is snappy ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ It soon will be tomorrow
and be our day ♪

♪ We will say
a very happy tomorrow to you ♪

You always make each day
such a special day.

You know how?

By just your being you.

There's only one person
in the whole world like you.

If you made one of
these drawings,

It would be different
from anybody's

In the whole wide world.


Because you are
the only one like you.

I like you.
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