01x48 - Episode 48

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x48 - Episode 48

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you
be mine? ♪

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beauty wood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪
[Toy squeaking]

♪ Could you
be mine? ♪

♪ I have always wanted
to have a neighbor ♪

♪ Just like you ♪

♪ I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ Since we're together,
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine,
could you be mine ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

♪ Won't you please ♪

♪ Won't you please ♪

♪ Please won't you
be my neighbor? ♪

Hi. This is neddie.

Neddie's a dachshund.

And mr. Mcfeely stopped her by
just a little while ago

And asked if I would
take care of her for a while.

He was helping a pet store


And neddie's just
a little bit strange

'Cause this is the first
time she's visited with me.

But this is one of
her special toys.

It's a little mouse,
and it squeaks.


[Squeak squeak]

Ok, neddie, why don't
you try to get

Your little toy, ok?


Want to fetch it?

Down it went.

Look here.

I have a little
bit of food.

I thought she
might be hungry.

Neddie. Look.

Would that be good
for you?



Neddie has long, not
very long,

But straight, black hair.

It's so soft.


You like that?


When somebody strange
is at your house,

Sometimes they like
something to eat.



Do you have some
kind of a pet?

Do you want some more?



There are all kinds
of dogs, you know.


Dachshunds were dogs
that were originally
in germany.


And they were good
because they could get

Into holes very easily

And get right in.

Couldn't you?
Your kind of dog.

Ok, I'll bring
the food in.

Maybe you'd like to
see inside.

Want to see inside
my house?

Come on.
Let's try.

Come on, neddie.

Come on.

That's right.
In this way.

Whoa, she likes it
in here.

Don't you?

Come on over and let's
look at some of the dogs

In this book.

Can you see this book?

Ok. Stay right
beside me.

That's it.

Now, the first dog
in this book

Looks very much like you.

See if I can hold neddie
and the book, too.


See, that says "dogs,"
that book.

See? D-o-g-s. Dogs.

Now, look at the first
dog in the book.

Does that look like neddie?

See, it says "dachshund"

Right under it.

Now let's see what the next dog
looks like, neddie.

That's right,
it's a collie.

See that?

Collie has long fur.

Long hair.

That one's called
a scottish terrier.

Have you ever seen
a scottish terrier?

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Yes. You're a fine dog.


That's a dalmatian.

Sometimes called
a coach dog,

Dalmatians are. Mm-hmm.

And that's a white dog
with black spots.

What's this one?
A cocker spaniel.

Have you ever seen
a cocker spaniel?

All sorts of dogs
in the world

With all kinds of
fur and hair.

Ooh, that's
a saint bernard.

They like it where
it's very cold.


Ooh, look at
the english sheepdog.

Look at the long hair.
It's all over its face.

Comes right down its eyes.

What about this one, neddie?

That's called
a basset hound.

Basset hound has
long ears.

You have long ears,
too, neddie.

See the husky?

That curly tail.

Neddie jumped down.

Well, there's one more
I want you to see.

It's a puppy.

See the little puppy?


Oh, that's what
you wanted.

Well, here.

Let's get it on the floor.


You're really
comfortable now,
aren't you?

Something good
to eat.

How would you
like to go

To the neighborhood
of make-believe?

They're different
animals in there, too.

They're make-believe
kind of animals, though.

Yeah. I'll get
the telescope,

And we'll show neddie
the neighborhood
of make-believe.

This is how we
do it, neddie.


Just look through
the telescope like this.

And we look for
daniel's clock.

Daniel tiger's clock.

There it is,

Ticking and tocking away.

Now, this is
the museum-go-round.

And that's
x the owl's tree

And that's henrietta
pussycat's house

And the factory.

And here comes
the trolley, neddie.

[Ding ding ding]

Here comes the trolley.
Would you like to see it?

Come on, let's see
the trolley.

[Ding ding]

See the trolley coming?

Isn't that something?

Trolley, this is neddie.


Neddie, I'd like you
to know trolley.

[Ding ding]

Trolley, neddie has
never seen

The neighborhood
of make-believe,

And I wonder if you'd
take us in there
right now today.

Would you, please?

We'd like to go.
Thank you.

[Ding ding ding]

Are you an apple?

Chef brockett, fake voice:
yes, I am.

Oh! Are you
a talking apple?

Yes, I am
a talking apple.

I never saw an apple
that talked.

Well, I talk
all the time

Because I like
to talk,

And it's fun
to talk.

Oh. Are you sure?


Chef brockett.

[Real voice]
hi, daniel.
How are you?

I'm fine.
How are you?

Fine. Thank you.

Oh, I like the way
you made the apple talk.

I really surprised
you, didn't i?

You surely did.

I mean, I was playing
with my little block of wood.

I sometimes play that it's
a boat or a train

Or something, you know.

And then all of
the sudden,

I looked up and there
was this apple.

Oh, I bet you
were surprised.

See, I'm doing a lot
of things with apples,

And I decided to
bring some over

For some of
my friends.

I thought you'd
like one.

You mean you're
cooking with them?

Oh, yes.

Oh, you like to cook,
don't you?

I love to cook
because I'm a chef.

Of course you are.

♪ I'm a chef,
I suggest ♪

♪ That you all be
very quiet while I cook ♪

♪ You may look ♪

♪ But you must be very quiet
if you don't ♪

♪ Then I'll shh
and I'll shh shh shh ♪

♪ For it's silence that
I ask for in my kitchen ♪

♪ I'm a chef, I suggest ♪

♪ That you do
the way I do ♪

♪ Because it's best
if you rest ♪

♪ When you're stirring
up a stew ♪

♪ And if you don't ♪

♪ Then I'll shh
and I'll shh shh shh ♪

♪ 'Cause it's silence that
I ask for in my kitchen ♪

♪ I like quiet things ♪

♪ Like pockets,
quiet lockets, sockets ♪

♪ I like quiet high
sky rockets ♪

♪ Quiet folk
like brocketts ♪

♪ I'm a chef, I suggest ♪

♪ That you show me
what you want ♪

♪ For you can,
you can ♪

♪ You can even ♪

♪ And if you don't ♪

♪ Then I'll shh
and I'll shh shh shh ♪

♪ For it's silence
that I ask for ♪

♪ Lovely silence
that I ask for ♪

♪ Lovely silence, silence,
silence in my kitchen ♪


You have a quiet
kitchen, don't you?

Very quiet, yes.

Oh, I like this apple.
Is it for me?

Yes, it is.

Oh, thank you very much.

I hope you enjoy it.

Without you around,
though, it won't talk.

No, that's right,
but it'll taste good.

I'm sure it will.
I'll go taste it now.


Thank you,
chef brockett.


♪ Buh buh buh
buh buh buh ♪






Hey, chef brockett.


Oh, you were teasing
me, weren't you?

I was knocking
on the other side

Of the knothole.
I know it.

How in the world
are you?

I'm fine. How in
the world are you?

Oh, I'm just great.

Boy, isn't it
a swell day?

It certainly is.

Well, you know what,
I got a surprise
for you, x.

And sometimes when
I have a surprise
for somebody,

It kind of makes me

You know, until
they see the surprise.

Is your surprise
in your basket?

I do have a surprise
in my basket.

That's where it is.

What is it?

Well, wait till
you see.

I made something
for you.

You made it?
That's right.

What is it?

It's something I made
out of apples.

Could it be
apple strudel?


Could it be apple
something else?

No, it's not apple
something else.

You know what it is?

It's apple sauce.

Hey, apple sauce
with apple pictures on it

And words right
on there.

That's right.

Oh, thank you,
chef brockett.

Did you make it

I certainly did.

How did you do it?

Oh, I get the apples
from the tree,

And I grind them up
and cut them up,

And then I boil them,

And then I make them
nice and smooth

And put in some
lemon and sugar.

Oh, you'll like it,
I hope.

Oh, I'm sure I will.

What do you have
for henrietta?

The same thing.

Oh, good.

Henrietta! Hen.


Why do you
call her hen?

Well, you wouldn't want me
to call her henry, would you?

No, I guess that
wouldn't fit

A pretty little
girl like her.

Why don't you ring
her bell?

I think maybe
I better.
[Bell ringing]


Meow meow.

Meow meow meow meow
meow meow beautiful meow.

Chef brockett: heh
heh. Hi, henrietta.


Meow meow x.

Hello, henrietta.
Guess what,

Chef brockett brought
me some apple sauce,

And it's going to
taste good

'Cause he made it

Meow meow.

Meow meow meow
meow meow meow.

Well, I wanted to
bring x something

'Cause I like him
a lot and he's
my friend,

And I wanted to give
him a nice present

Because, well, he's
kind of special to me

And I thought
I should bring--


Oh, henrietta, no.

Meow meow meow meow.

Don't be sad.

I won't tease you

Meow bring me
something meow?

I did. I brought you
applesauce, too.

Meow thank you,
meow brockett.

With pictures of
apples on the front,

And it even says
"apple sauce."

Meow thank you.

Meow meow meow
meow some, too.

X: of course
you do, henrietta.

He thinks of
both of us.

Sure. Ha ha.

Meow meow meow
give you meow purr.

Oh, I'd like that.


Ooh, ooh,
that's a nice one.

Meow meow give you
meow kiss?

Thank you.

Meow meow.

Thank you,

And I'll give you a poem.

A poem?


I mean, you gave him
a purr and a kiss,

I'll give you my poem.


It's--the first word
is "you're"

And the last word
is "galifty."

Just so you'll know
when it starts
and when it ends.


You're the apple
of my eye.

I just think you're keen.

Thank you for
this apple sauce.

It is truly nifty galifty.

Ha ha ha.
That's a nice poem.

Yeah, I'm glad
you like it.

I'm gonna go try
my apple sauce.

Want to come, hen?

Meow meow meow
meow meow.

Do you have something
for somebody else?

Oh, yes, I have
something for
his highness.

And I have to go
make an appointment
with him.

Oh, king friday,
he'll sure like it.

Thanks, chef brockett.
See you later.

Meow meow meow.

Bye, x.

Meow meow meow meow.
Bye, henrietta.


Good girl.

Hello, miss paulificate.


It's chef brockett.


Yes, I've been making
a lot of things

With apples in
the kitchen,

And I made something
especially for the king.


Well, what I was wondering

Is do you think
you could get me

An appointment with
the king right now?

I'd like to take him
his present.


Wow. She says I can
see him in 2 3/10 seconds.

Chef brockett,
I presume.

Correct as usual,
your majesty.

I understand that you
have something to offer
your king.

Yes, I do,
your majesty,

And I hope that it will
be pleasing to you.

Yes. May I see it?

Yes, you may,
your majesty.

Here it is.
It has "13" on it

And a crown.

I hope it befits
your royal majesty.

It says "chef brockett's
apple juice."

That's right.

Is that what's inside,
apple juice?

That's right,
your majesty.

I hope you like
apple juice.

Yes, I do. Did you
squeeze it yourself?

Yes, I did.

Show me how you picked
the apples from the trees.

Oh, I see.
Well, I went
into the garden

And i...

Yes, picked them.
Oh, lovely.

Picked the apples.

Then I went in
to the kitchen.


And i...

Oh, you peeled
the apples.

Oh, you're very good
at this, your majesty.

Yes, I like them, too.

Yes, then I took
those peeled apples,

And i...

Yes, you cut them up
in little pieces.

Right. Then I put
a pan on the stove,

And in the pan
I put...

Some water.

And then I put
the little
pieces of apple

In the water,
and I turned on
the stove

And made the water...

That's right.

Then when the apples
were nice and soft,

I put them in
a grinder and i...

Oh. All of those things.

Yes. What else
do you have

In your basket there,
chef brockett?

Well, I just have
these two apples.

Well, suppose you come
to the "a" room,

And we will discuss
those two apples.

But your majesty,
these apples are

For mr. Rogers and me.

Oh, well, I like
my apple juice--

Anyway better.

Thank you,
chef brockett.

You have pleased
your king.

Well, I'm pleased
that you're pleased.

your majesty.

Farewell to ♪ you ♪

♪ Farewell to you ♪

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding ding]

[Ding ding]

Yes, neddie.
That was chef brockett

In the neighborhood
of make-believe.

And he has a couple
of apples he's going
to bring by here.

Wonder how quickly
chef brockett

Can get from make-believe
to our house.

You're a fine girl.

[Knock knock]

My, that was quick.

[Knock knock]
coming, chef brockett.

Well, good day,
mr. Rogers.

Oh, mr. Mcfeely.
Good day.

I came to take neddie
back to the pet shop.

Come on there, neddie.
Did you have a good time?

Neddie seems to have
had a grand time.

I'll take her back to
the pet shop, mr. Rogers.

Ok, neddie.

Thank you for
watching her.

Well, I'm very happy
to have, mr. Mcfeely.

Come along, neddie.
Come along.

Yeah, neddie was a fine
puppy, wasn't she?

I'll just clean up here.

Chef brockett
should be here--

[Knock knock]

There's chef brockett now.

Oh, it's just me
again, mr. Rogers.

I brought a surprise
for you here.

Oh, mr. Mcfeely.
I thought you might

Want to see another
type of dog.

This is roscoe.
Roscoe. Roscoe.

Hi, roscoe.
Come on there, roscoe.

He's a french poodle.
Hi, roscoe.

There you go, roscoe.

Why, you're--you're
a handsome dog.

He's a little different
than neddie.

Could I give you

Oh, yes.

Maybe he's not
hungry, mr. Rogers.

Maybe not, but look
at his long, white fur.

It's different from neddie's
short, black fur, isn't it?

Certainly is.

You know, he has
this fur

Because he's a show dog.
Did you know that?

I see.

And a long time ago,
poodles were hunting dogs,

And this protected them.

They could see them
in the woods,

So they could tell them
from different animals,
mr. Rogers.

Did you know that?
I see.

[Knock knock]

My goodness.
Excuse me, please.

A lot of excitement
today, mr. Rogers.

Yes, there is.
Excuse me, roscoe.

Oh, hi, chef brockett.
Hi, mr. Rogers.

We were looking for you.
You know mr. Mcfeely.

Mr. Mcfeely:
hello there,
chef brockett.

How are you today?
Hi, mr. Mcfeely. Fine.

Have a little
dog here.

This is roscoe.
Oh, sweet baby.

Hi, sweetie.

Say, hello to
chef brockett,

Mr. Rogers: hi, roscoe.

Chef brockett:
isn't he beautiful?

He surely is.
Hi, there.

Well, well, that's
enough today, folks.

We have to take her
back to the pet shop.

Or take him back
to the pet shop.

Come along there,

Lot of deliveries,
chef brockett.

I bet you have a lot
of cakes to bake, too,
don't you?

We'll see you later.
Come on, roscoe.

I wish you
could stay.

Oh, there--oh, no.

He's going out
the side door,
mr. Mcfeely.

Well, I better go
catch him, mr. Rogers.

I'll see you later.
Good day.

Good day, chef brockett.

Bye, mr. Rogers.
Bye, mr. Mcfeely.

He certainly is
an excited man, isn't he...

He's always in
a hurry.

That mr. Mcfeely.

Everybody likes
the apple things

That you gave them
in make-believe.

They were pleased,
weren't they?

I brought something
for us, too.

Good. Well,
could we eat them?

We have to go into
the kitchen first.

Oh, all right.
That's the shh
place, isn't it?

Oh, yeah.
That's right.

This is the dog food.


One for you
and one for me.

Are you going to tease me
the way you did henrietta?


A big...big stomach?

Oh, a big pail.

Get it?

Excuse me.

This is the biggest
one I have.


Water in it.


Maybe he wants to clean off
the apples some more.


Cold water?

Is that enough?

Is that to wash
the hands?

Yes? You think...

Like a bird?



Big, tall hat.

Oh, halloween.

Yeah. Think
about halloween.

Oh! You don't mean
we have to bob

For those apples.


[Fake voice]
yes, I do!

I'm a talking apple.

And you have to
bob for me.

You made it talk like
you talked for daniel's apple.

You go first, all right?

Oh, that's hard
to do, chef brockett.

Hands behind
your back.


Oh, you're good
at that.

You need a towel,
don't you,

For your face?


Oh, dear.

They are good apples,
aren't they?

They the same ones you
made the apple sauce with?

And the apple juice
for the king.

All right.

You mean I'm not
allowed to go...


These are very good.

May I have
the towel, please?

Thank you.



We'll have to do it
at halloween.

Mmm. They're very good,
the apples.

Put out the water.

Excuse me.

Bobbing for apples.

Do you have to go?

Well, I'll take
my apple with me.

I'll go with you.



Well, this isn't
the last of my apples,

And I want to go home
and start on some
other surprises

That I'm going to come
and show you how to make.

Well, maybe you'll
just sing with me

That tomorrow song,
will you?

I'd like that.

Sometimes you
like to make the
movements to it.

I like to, yeah.

Will you sing with us?


♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start
the day tomorrow ♪

♪ With a song or two ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day
tomorrow with a smile ♪

♪ For you ♪

♪ Till then, I hope
you're feeling happy ♪

♪ Till then, I hope
your day is ♪

You can do it well.

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ It soon will be tomorrow
and be our day ♪

♪ We will say
a very happy tomorrow to you ♪

And you.
And you.

We'll all be together

Gee, to think that
that dachshund had
short, dark hair

And was very low,

And that beautiful
white poodle,

Such long,
white hair.

It was very high.

You like them exactly
as they are, don't you?

That's right.

See you tomorrow.

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