05x02 - Launch

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "She-Ra and the Princesses of Power". Aired: November 13, 2018 – May 15, 2020.*
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A reboot, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power tells the tale of Adora, an adolescent who can transform into the heroine She-Ra and leads a group of other magical princesses in a rebellion against the evil Lord Hordak and his Horde.
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05x02 - Launch

Post by bunniefuu »

[high-pitched humming]

Rejoice, Etheria,
for Prime has come to you.

Do not fear,
for you have been given the opportunity

to share in a world
soon to be remade in my image.

But first,
you must prove yourselves worthy.

Your leader, your She-Ra,

she would see you suffer in darkness
for her sake.

Cast aside this false hero
and deliver her to me.

Prime sees all.

Prime knows all.

They will not escape my judgment.

Wow... this is amazing.

Mm... And bad.

Very bad.

We're on the edge of greatness

Turning darkness to light

We're right beside you ready to fight

We're gonna win in the end

We must be strong

And we must be brave

We must be brave

We gotta find every bit of strength
That we have and never let it go

We must be strong

Hey, sleepyhead, you hungry?


What happened? Are you okay?

I gotta go save Glimmer.


My body is betraying me.

No, you're exhausted.

That happens to regular people

when they keep throwing themselves
into battle and refusing to sleep.

I hate it.

Come on, you just need to rest.


Now, close your eyes and...

Is she dead?

What? No.

Okay, good,
'cause Adora does the planning,

and we're wondering if there's a plan...

Listen, the upgrades to Mara's ship
are done,

but we can't go anywhere
until Adora's back on her feet.

So, go to sleep and everyone will...

Did someone say "Swift Wind"?

Is Adora feeling better?
Did you tell her Horde Prime's message?

- Does she know he's looking for her?
- What?

Okay, that's enough.

[Bow] Adora, rest!

Swift Wind, head!


Everyone, shh!

She will be fine soon, right?

Yes. She just needs sleep.

[snoring softly]

- Adora sick log, day three.
- Nope!


Wait! But it's for science!

Look, we have to do something. We don't
know when Adora is gonna get better,

and even when she does we have no plan
for how to get Glimmer back.

We know she's on Horde Prime's ship,

but we don't know where that is,
like, in space.

Well, then it's up to us
to make a plan to find Glimmer.

With these.

We don't need dolls.

We just need these!

What are you gonna do with those?

Punch Horde Prime.

[clears throat]

Perhaps if we meditate

we can access our princess connection
to find Glimmer's spirit out in space.

Hello. Oh, hi.
Were you guys talking about space?


Yes. We were talking
about how to get Glimmer back from spa...

I'd do anything to go to space.

An infinite universe of information
at our fingertips,

full of countless planets and stars
and civilizations...

[muffled grunt]

This isn't like a fun field trip

for you to run more of your messed up

Our friend's out there. Remember?



The sparkly one?

You've met her multiple times.

Oh, right.


Wow... Hey, Entrapta. Look over there!

Is that a robot?

A robot? Where?


Look, I know that she can be kind of,
"Whoa, science!"

[make expl*si*n sound and laughs]

But I promise, Entrapta has a good heart.

She's betrayed us before.

For all we know, as soon as she sees
Horde Prime's ship up close,

she'll ditch us to join his army.

She did use her inventions
to attack us a lot.

I'm just saying, none of us know
how to track a spaceship,

but Entrapta might.

If you just give her a chance.

[clattering and groaning]


[groans] Fine.

Okay, Geek Princess,
are you gonna help us or not?


If you help us find Glimmer,
you can go to space.



Hello? Who's there?


Hey! I know you're watching me!

- [gasps]
- You should not be here.

I... I wasn't...

Prime has decreed
that none shall speak to the queen.

You have disobeyed.

What does it matter?

Prime has more important things
to worry about.

- It's not like I...
- You unworthy wretch!

It is not for you to decide
what matters to Prime.

You are a parasite,
nothing more than the dirt beneath his...


[neck cracking]

Little sister, why do you rebel
against my commands?


Lord Prime?

Prime sees all, little sister.

Do not disturb the queen.

Now, run along.



You again.

Wa... Wait!

The message from Horde Prime
was transmitted through that spire.

Which means it's got a wavelength

connecting it
to his main base of operation,

one that we can track.

- Great. So, track it.
- Well, hypothetically we can track it.

Horde Prime's astral communication network
is incredibly complex,

and I've only been able
to intercept parts.

I'd need to gain as much proximity
as possible

to the receptor
before I can triangulate their origin.

- Mm.
- Mm.


I need to get close to the spire

to track the signal.

- Got it, got it.
- If we follow that signal,

we'll find a ship
of impossibly sophisticated design,

the center of a super
technologically advanced empire...

I think mostly we're just hoping
to find our kidnapped friend.

That spire is crawling
with surveillance bots.

We need to find a way to sneak past them

so we can get Geek Princess
close enough to track the signal.

So, what's the plan?

Uh... that's the whole plan.

We sneak past the surveillance bots.

[groans] I don't know, Adora usually
handles the being-in-charge stuff.

Okay, we sneak past the bots,
and then if any of them see us, we...

Punch the bots!

Sure, sounds like enough of a plan for me.

And someone needs to keep an eye on...


What? Did she seriously
just immediately run off?



Your Majesty.

Thank you for joining me.

I thought you might enjoy a diversion.

Do you like them?

Tokens from many worlds.

Worlds that I brought
into my eternal light.

Worlds you destroyed.

I take no joy in destruction,

but the weeds must be burned away
so that new life may flourish.

This is my favorite.

A treasure
from the first world I conquered.

It was highly prized by its people.

And now it is all that is left of them.

You know I am searching for She-Ra.

You seem reluctant to help me.

But I only wish to use your w*apon

to bring peace to the darkest corners
of the universe.


If you activate the Heart of Etheria,
there will be no one left.

Yes. No w*r, no pain.

Old worlds swept aside,
a new beginning for the universe.

I know you understand.

All I want to do
is what you've already done.

No. No, that wasn't...

[man grunts]


What...? How...?

- How?
- Do you recognize him?


[Prime] Let me be clear, Your Majesty.

Your world belongs to me.

But I am still merciful.

Would you be reunited with your father
in my good graces?

Would you deliver me She-Ra?


I wanted to use the Heart of Etheria.

I thought I could save the world,
but all I did was bring you here.

[glass shatters]

I will never help you.

And you will never win.

Those who cling to the darkness
have made their choice.


[clicks fingers]




Well, no signal here.
We need to get closer.

[groans] I hate the desert.

All clear. Let's go.

Wait. I think I'm getting something.


Entrapta, we really need
to get out of the open.

Hang on. I've almost got it.

I need to get up higher.

So close, almost got it.


Nope. False alarm. We need to get closer.


- [grunts]
- Aah!


What do we do?

I should run?

Don't run?

Do run?







Oh, hello.

You're very technologically advanced.


[screams] Bad robot!

Come on!


What do we do?

[groans] I don't know. This plan
was obviously doomed from the start.

I'm not Adora.
Why did I think I could be the leader?

[Entrapta] Well, still nothing.

This transmission pattern is fascinating.

- We should get closer.
- We can't.

Thanks to you, this place
is about to be swarming with bots.

We have to retreat.

[groans] I should've known better
than to trust you.

You don't care about Glimmer or any of us.
You only care about tech.

Are you all mad at me?

You're seriously just realizing that?
Yeah, we're mad.

You don't consider how your actions
affect other people.

People who are supposed
to be your friends.

Like us. The ones who were getting
beat up by your dumb bots.

And whose kingdoms you almost destroyed.

I'm not good at people,
but I am good at tech.

I thought maybe if I could use tech
to help you, you'd like me.

But I messed that up, too.

Entrapta, no!



I said we have to leave!
Can you listen for once in your life?

I'm sorry I'm bad at listening!

I'm sorry I mess everything up!

But you need this signal,
and I'm gonna get it for you.

You're still trying to get the signal?

Of course.

Glimmer needs us.

[heavy footsteps]

Okay, Geek Princess, get that signal.
We'll cover you.

Frosta, Scorpia, on Entrapta!

Perfuma, with me! Now!





What's inside you?


Focus, Entrapta. Glimmer needs you.



Perfuma, cut off that spire.

- Nice job.
- Thanks.

I wish there was water here for you,


But there is.

If there's one thing I know
in the Fright Zone, it's the sewer system.


Oh, wow, that smells...


That was so gross!


Got it! Okay, good news and bad news.

The good news,
I've successfully triangulated

- Horde Prime's flagship.
- Hooray!

Bad news,
I intercepted the last message he sent.

He's sending reinforcement ships
to Etheria.

- They'll be here any minute.
- I take back my "hooray."

[breathing heavily]


Who are you? Are you She-Ra?

She-Ra's gone. The sword is broken.

So, what do I do now?

I'm not sorry I did it.

I just didn't know how much I'd miss her.

Not just her strength, but I...

I guess I liked knowing
that I had a destiny.

But it wasn't my destiny
to be She-Ra, was it?

It was random.

Light Hope brought me through the portal
because she needed to use the w*apon.

That's the only reason I'm here.

I don't know what my destiny is anymore.

But I know my friends need my help.

I guess I'll just figure it out
from there.

Thanks for everything.


- Adora!
- Bow, wow, you were right.

I just needed some sleep.

I feel great.

Good. Because I'm on a call
with Mermista and she's saying...

- Get to the ship!
- We found her!

We found Glimmer!

But also, we found out that Horde Prime
is sending more ships to Etheria today.

[Mermista] If you don't leave now,
you can't leave, period.

So, uh... run!

We're exposed here.
We need to make these goodbyes quick.

We'll be back as soon as we can.

The Rebellion is in good hands.

Yeah, it turns out I'm an awesome leader,
so we're gonna be fine.

And Entrapta helped.

You're still a weirdo,
but you did good today.

We've got your back any time.

- Mm-hm.
- Mm-hm.


Adora, I... I'm not going to...

Oh! I don't know how to say this.

You're staying here.

I don't belong on a ship.

I belong on Etheria, protecting it.

And with you gone,

someone's gotta bring
the glorious flowing hair.

[laughs then sobs]

I hope you're not disappointed in me.

Are you kidding? I'm proud.

You're exactly where you need to be.

I'm not She-Ra anymore.

But I'll always be your loyal steed.


Surveillance bots. If they see the ship,
they'll alert the armada and stop us.

What're we gonna do?
Are we gonna have to stay here?


We're getting this ship off Etheria,
no matter what.

I've got an idea.



You want She-Ra?

Come and get her!

[robotic voices]

What do you think, Micah?
Have we wasted enough of their time?

Get my good side.


[engine roaring]


- Yes!
- Yes!

Go get our girl!

- Go, Adora! Go, go, go!
- Hooray!

- Go save my best friend!
- I reinstate my hooray!

You okay?

I know you wanted to go.

But if I hadn't stayed, they wouldn't
have been able to take off at all.

[Micah] I trust my daughter's friends.

They saved me.

Now they'll save her.

See you soon, baby girl.



What, come to mock me some more?

You heard Horde Prime.
I'm supposed to be alone.

So, leave me alone.



I'm sorry. Can...?

Can you stay?

Just for a little.

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