19x07 - Losing it in Lockdown

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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19x07 - Losing it in Lockdown

Post by bunniefuu »

We have to go get Kendall...
Turn around!

- Where are they?
- KIM: Kendall and Kylie haven't

fought like this in years.

The fact that my sister was
reacting that way, like...

REPORTER: California going
into statewide lockdown.

There's a recognition
of our interdependence

that requires of this moment
that we direct a statewide order

for people to stay at home.

We're self-sh**ting everything.

We're documenting it.

So that we can have
this for you guys.

Completely staying away
from everybody.

Okay, let's check
your temp first.

KIM: Khloe's really sick.

Her symptoms are really bad.

She has to stay in her room

for as long as it takes,
which could be weeks.

KOURTNEY [on phone]:
She sounds awful.

Tristan's here to help and

he asks me breakfast, lunch and
dinner, what do I want to eat?

He literally gets it for me,
puts it on a tray,

I really appreciate
how attentive

and responsible he's been.


I've been in my room
for about 14 days.

I'm definitely improving and
getting healthier, thank God.

'Cause that was
the worst sickness I've had.

I had days where you're
just shaking for no reason.

It's really
a struggle to breathe

and just coughing

I am so thankful
that I am feeling better.

I think that hardest part is
just being separated from True.

I'm not trying to complain,
it's just very isolating.

It sucks, 'cause, like,
True will come to my door,

and she'll say, "Mama! Mama!"

- [knocking]
- TRUE: Mama!

And I have to pretend
I'm not here.

Because she doesn't understand

why I can't be with her right
now, so that really sucks.


And this will pass.



Well... [exhales]

I have to go wash my hands.

♪ ♪

KHLOE: Okay, kids.


Hi, guys. Sorry, my light.

It's powered on...

SCOTT: The technology is too...

KIM: Really? I, like have...

Oh, little old me?

No, I have no makeup on.
I, like...

- Really?
- I have my hair down.

- Yeah.
- Wow, you look insane.

So, how is everybody
feeling today?

KIM: Um...

SCOTT: Another week has
gone by in quarantine and

it's just horrible
when you put the news on

and you see all the tragedies
that are going on

throughout the world.

REPORTER: Good evening everyone.

I hope you're watching us safe.

Officials say the worst days
are still to come.

REPORTER 2: Doctors and nurses
still running critically low

on protective masks,
face shields and gowns.

It's mind-blowing!

And at the same time, you know,

we've got to stay cool
and be with our kids.

The last thing I want is
them to be freaking out,

so keeping them calm is
probably our biggest goal.

Can everyone hear me?

- Yeah, hi.
- Kendall bean.


Wait, why did Kendall
take Scott's place?

It said he left.

I have such a migraine.

SCOTT: I'm right here.

- Have fun.
- Toodles.

- I'm all right.
- Wait, Kenny!

- Yeah?
- Have you talked to Kylie yet?


I thought about, I thought
about, she, I've never heard

from her not even a little bit,
which is rare.

It's been almost, what...?

KHLOE: It's been about a month.

Kylie and I got
into a pretty big fight

on our way home
from Palm Springs.

It's been a really long time
and I haven't heard from her.

It's really weird.

We've never gone this long
without speaking.

I did send her a text
and I did say...

"So... well, how long are you
not gonna speak to Kendall for?"

And she...
kind of snapped at me.

Oh, my God, me, too!

I said it to her on the phone.

And she just yelled at me.

'Cause she's, she definitely
feels att*cked right now,

I'm sure, but, like...

She said you slapped her first,
and you should apologize to her.

- But I'm not even getting
into this right now.
- Oh, my God!

She has some serious issues...

KRIS: Did you slap her first?

No, no, no, I actually,
I never should've said anything.

I don't want to...

But also, it wouldn't matter
because that's not the point.

After everything
we've been through,

and now coronavirus,
the fact that Kendall and Kylie

still haven't spoken is
very, very upsetting.

You guys both need
to know that life is short

and that we need to take out
our ego and pride out of this

and just say, "Kylie, I'm sorry

for my part
in the disagreement."

And that, and then she should
say "I'm sorry for my part."

And then guess what:
we can move on.

-KENDALL: 100%,
but also, you guys,

two days ago,
I was like, you know what,

I think I'm just gonna text her
and be the bigger person.

And then I thought about it more
and I was just like,

you know what, no!

Both are losing
by not having each other.

This isn't... for me, it's not
about winning whatsoever.

Her not knowing how you feel
is not having her grow up.

She's just avoiding it,
and you guys have to address it.

I have nothing to be ashamed of.

And I have nothing to feel
weird about whatsoever.

Hearing from Kendall
that her and Kylie

still aren't speaking to one
another makes me really sad,

because we just
don't operate like that.

Like, Kourtney and Kim
literally were vicious lions

to one another and then they go
to Armenia a couple days later.

This is so petty at this point.

Everyone just has to own
their [bleep] and move on.

Who's winning?

♪ ♪

KIM: Hey, guys, I'm in my
guest bathroom right now.

And I'm gonna do
a little makeup tutorial.

So I set up a little light.

And gonna show you guys

how I just go a quick
little makeup sesh.

Before we went into quarantine,

I used to always do
makeup tutorials.

So during this time, I thought

I can really start
perfecting my glam.

I've always liked a cream-based
foundation more than liquid.

But now it's been
really challenging,

because the kids
give me no time.



Right now, I do want to lose it

more than I give off.

[whoops] We are running
around the movie theater.

The house is extremely chaotic,

because we are trying
to figure out homeschooling.

And my kids can't see their
friends or their cousins.

So I am trying to do
every activity with them.

You missed half
of this one, Northie!

This is stepping forward...

I'm so used to working a lot
and being away from the kids.

I mean, I love spending
this much time with them,

but it's just such a change.

And right now, Kanye's sick.

He's tested positive
for COVID-19,

and is not able to help
with the kids.

But I'm less worried about him
'cause he's feeling better.

I have to entertain four kids.

And I'm doing this by myself.

I'm not, like,
the best at anything,

so I feel... like, at makeup,
so I feel like we need...

My kids will not leave me alone.

This is the first time
I'm putting on makeup

this whole time, seriously.

No, I didn't.

I haven't worn makeup
this whole time and you know it.

Come on,
you're playing in the wax.

Get out of here, please.


I just don't know how
to spread myself any thinner

and how to really get this
all done.

North, can I please just do
my little tutorial?

I-I ha... It's all I want to do.

I'm really frustrated

that I can't even get

TRISTAN [over phone]: If you
ever need a friend to talk to,

I'll stand outside
your window downstairs.

Like, you know, back when,
back in the day

when guys had to throw rocks at
girls' windows to talk to them?

- Mm-hmm.
- I would do that.

Even though we're not together,

Tristan's been here to help me.

I'm really, really grateful
for that.

I spoke to Kendall,

Kylie posted a picture
of the two of them

and Kendall commented, "Oh,

I thought we were mad
at each other."

Kylie said, "We still are."

- Wait, she said that publicly?
- It's crazy.

Kendall said that was
the first time they spoke.


♪ ♪

KIM: Good morning, sweet boy.



KHLOE: [yawns] Time to wake up.


I am still in quarantine.

My doctors have said
to get a test done

tomorrow or the next day.

So I just need to be
really strict,

really diligent,
stay in my room.

But it's really a struggle
to breathe and...

It's really crazy, what this
does to your respiratory system.

But I know I'm mentally strong,
and I can get through anything.

I just know that.

At the beginning,
when I was sick, I didn't care

what the schedule said,
I wasn't gonna do anything.

But now that I'm feeling better,
what am I gonna do all day long?

And the makeup brush I need.


I am so clean that I don't
have much to clean.

But, like, sure, I have to clean
my makeup brushes, check.

Make my bed, check.

Get right back in it, check.

Watch an hour of news
for the day, check.

Change my pajamas
a handful of times, check.

Stalk my daughter, check.

I am just, like...

The clock, I swear to you,
someone's [bleep] with me,

because I swear
I've done 25 things

and, like, three minutes
have gone by.

So I don't know what's happening

with the clock
these last few days,

but it's a little challenging.


I decided... oops...
That I'm gonna start doing

some of the things that
I haven't had a chance to do.

- [yells]
- [shrieks]

- My bed!
- Whoa. Whoa, whoa.

Kourtney has been telling
me about this light thing.

- KIM: Mommy's in the middle.
- This is actually amazing.

Mommy's in the middle,
Saint's in the end,

I'm in the end.

Might even be good
for protecting the face

against coronavirus.

So while I'm in isolation,
I asked Tristan

to get me some puzzles,
and this is what he got me.

Yeah. [laughs]

All right, guys.
I'm going to bed.

Good night, guys.

Guys, you're not gonna
stay up all night.

[North shouts]

[door opens]

Oh, thank you.
I did my makeup myself.

KRIS: Me, too. Dream's blanket?

I haven't worn makeup
or gotten out of my pajamas.

Too many kids running around.

You live across the street.

I never thought I would be
so happy to see you.

We feel so threatened just going
in each other's houses.

- So insane.
- Right?

This is the first time
I get to see my daughter

since we started this whole
journey with corona.

But we've been quarantined
for 14 days.

We don't have any symptoms
and we're six feet apart,

so I think we're good.

What's happening
over at your house?

My kids are driving me
so up the wall.

Like, I literally...

don't know what to do.

Kanye's feeling a lot better,

but the doctors want him
to still stay quarantined,

so he can't help out.

And it's getting
really stressful.

The kids all want so much more
of my attention, like, 24/7.

So, I think it's really
important to talk to someone

who's gone through this.

And my mom has been there,
you know, with six kids.

Today they all were crying

and everyone's
antagonizing each other

and Chi's like,
"Mommy, I want you,"

and then North is like,
"Mom, I want you," and then,

"I want you," "No, I want you."

And they want to be
up my ass[bleep].

And I was just like,
"Okay, guys,

I'm gonna cut myself in fours,"

and then Saint starts crying,
"You're gonna bleed,

and you're gonna die and you're
not gonna be here with me,"

and I'm just like, "You guys,

"I'm actually gonna die
if you don't leave me alone.

- You're gonna..."
- Oh, don't say that.

- I did. I said, "Take it..."
- Don't say that.

And then North is like,
"You hate me."

-Oh, my...
-You know, and she's falling
on the floor,

and I was just like...
I couldn't take it today.

Everybody's losing
their mind now.

This is gonna be a learning
experience for all of us,

but especially for you
and the kids.

Yeah. It's really insane.

You can come hide here.
You can go... the whole upstairs.

- I might.
- Yeah. You can come over here.

I have a whole guest suite.

You know, Kim is Superwoman.

She truly is.

But this is a very stressful,

serious, unprecedented,
confusing time for everyone.

And with everything
that's going on, I'm sure

she's worried about
a lot of things.

But we have to hold on
to all of these moments.

And just make the best

out of a really bad situation.

Do you need some lunch?

I can bring you something
up on a tray.

KIM: No, that's okay.

Just a moment of, like,
peace and quiet.

KHLOE: I decided to have
an imaginary friend,


My new best friend.

I'm just getting
lonely and bored

and I need someone
to keep me company.

Hey, Bob.

Want to meet one of my friends
who I've met in-in quarantine?

She's hot.

We were just talking a lot
about how scary it is...

Wait, I'm so sorry.

I see my daughter
running out by the pool.

You're muted.

Should I unmute you?

- Yes, probably unmute.
- I-I got you.

- You're unmuted. Go ahead.
- I-I... Give me one sec.

My daughter just ran outside by
the pool and I have to grab her.

- One second.
- Okay, go get her. No problem.

KIM: No, no!

♪ ♪



I made a friend.

Today I finally took a COVID
test to see if I'm negative,

and now I'm just waiting
on those results.

So, I decided to have
an imaginary friend.


My new best friend.

I'm just getting
lonely and bored

and I need someone
to keep me company.

- Hey, Bob.
- ROB: Hey.

Want to meet one of my friends
that I've met in-in quarantine?

She's hot.

This is Quarantina.

I like her name.

[gasps] You knew it!

- Yeah.
- God bless.

- God bless you.
- Bye-bye.

KHLOE: Quarantina...

is literally saving me
right now,

'cause I need something
to do all day long.

[phone rings]

This is Quarantina.

speaking indistinctly]

- What?
- [continues laughing]

This is like, uh,
Tom Hanks Castaway.

Oh, my God,
my mom said the same thing.

It's getting tough in there.

- No, this is Tina.
- Oh, lord.

-But if you ever need... if you
ever need a friend to talk to,

I'll stand outside your window,
like, downstairs.

Like, you know, back when...
back in the day

when guys had to throw rocks
at the girls' windows

-to talk to them?
We can always do that.

Take it back to the early '90s.

KHLOE: I'm so thankful

that Tristan's been here
to help me take care of True.

And then he'll
just make me some food

and leave it outside my door.

Even though we're not together,
we're just really good friends,

and I'm really, really grateful
for that.

Anything you want to say
to Tina?

Um, Tina, uh...

keep KoKo safe.

Um, she loves puzzles,

so that can help her
get through some time.

Crossword puzzles also, so...

And, Tina, if you need,
like, um,

you know, a wig or...

a face mask...

- Okay. I'll let you know.
- Or...

Tina, threesome?


- [laughing indistinctly]
- Oh, my God.

Oh, my...

♪ ♪

KHLOE [whispering]:
The puzzles. Yes.

Come true, puzzle...

[ringtone plays]

KRIS: Hi. How are you?

KHLOE: Obviously, I feel much
better, I sound much better.

- But I haven't left my bedroom.
- KRIS: I decided that

for me to stay mentally healthy,

I needed to head for the desert.

So I think that it's gonna be

a much-needed break.

"Oh, I thought
we were mad at each other."

Kylie said, "We still are."

- And...
- Wait. She said that publicly?

Yeah, they thought
we were fighting.

And Kendall said that was
the first time they spoke

- was from Instagram comments.
- KRIS: I get upset

any time my kids are fighting,
so the fact that

Kendall and Kylie are still...

not speaking to each other,
and it's been a month...

Now they're posting about it
on Instagram.

It's very, very upsetting.

But, like...

Yeah. Totally agree.

Yeah, you're right,

- this isn't our steez.
- They both have a little bit...

of stubbornness in them
from one of their parents...

I won't say which one.

I've been working on Kylie,
so I guess

I'm not doing a very good job.

I'm gonna come home
from Palm Springs,

so I will call Kylie again

and see if can get her to budge.

KHLOE: This is pretty major
for Kendall and Kylie,

especially during this pandemic.

Like, for them two
to not have one another,

verbally, just there mentally,

like, that's sad to me.

And I... they should rely
on one another.

They should have one another

to help them
through this trying time.

Love you.

Bye, babe.

Tomorrow is, um,
test result day.

If I am negative, that means
I get to leave my room. Aah!

I'm so excited,
you have no idea.

Have you talked to Kendall?

- No, I haven't.
- Nothing?

You should just check in on her.
I feel like she's alone a lot.

I just worry about her.
I'm just trying

to nudge Kylie into...

mending that fence with Kendall.

I think you should check in
with her.

But I think she's ignoring me.

♪ ♪

[crying in distance]

KIM: Oh, what's the matter?

You're not gonna cry.

- [crying continues]
- [laughs, kisses]

KIM: Even though
we're still on lockdown,

and trying to take care of Kanye
by myself, with four kids...

Okay, I'm joining a live video.

...I still have
a couple of work commitments

that I have to get to.
I'm honestly

just taking it day by day.

MARC: We have a special guest

- Who has just joined us.
- Hi, guys.

Please welcome
Kim Kardashian West.

- Hi.
- [indistinct talking]


KIM: How are you?

- MARC: We're having a discussion
- WOMAN: Yay!

About the current
incarceration crisis

and the COVID-19 threat.

Thrilled to have you. We've got

your documentary that premieres
on Sunday evening.

Yeah, I'm so excited.
My documentary,

The Justice Project,
is airing this week, and so...

Dr. Marc Howard called

and asked if I wanted to get on
one of his classes and just be

a surprise guest.

All the students who are
with us here were taking a class

that met inside the D.C. jail,

but then, of course,
COVID-19 got in the way,

and we haven't been able
to go back.

KIM: I hope that, like,

people take
this COVID thing seriously,

and I've already seen some
governors, you know, releasing

people I know inside
that I've gone to visit.

I couldn't imagine
being in there

during a time like this.

- [door opens in distance]
- Yeah, we were just talking

- a lot about how scary it is...
- Wait. I'm so sorry.

- I see my daughter running
out by the pool.
- You're muted.

Should I unmute you?

- Yes, probably unmute.
- Okay, I got you.

- You're unmuted.
- Okay, I-I...

- Go ahead.
- Give me one sec.

My daughter just ran outside
by the pool,

-and I have to grab her.
One second.
-Okay, go get her. No problem.


I see my daughter Chicago

run outside, and so I have
to leave these kids

in the middle of their class

because, you know,
obviously my daughter's safety

is super important.

So that comes above everything,
but it's, you know,

kind of embarrassing
when I have to run off

and interrupt a really
important Zoom like this.

- [Marc speaking indistinctly]
- I'm back.

Welcome back, Kim.
Everything okay?

- Yeah, everything's good.
- Good.

I just watched Chicago,
and she's totally fine.

KIM: Having four little ones,

it's so overwhelming.

MARC: I want to give Momolu
a chance to talk.

-I know you want
to say hi to Kim.
-KIM: I'm so excited

to see your face!

How are you, Momolu?

MOMOLU: You know,
I appreciate you advocating

and helping me to be free,

because I'm just happy
to be alive.

KIM: Momolu's someone
that had a life sentence

for a crime that he committed
when he was 16 years old, and...

I spent time with him
when I was sh**ting

the Oxygen documentary.

So nice to see him
as a free man,

telling his story
to all of the other students.

Kim, I know you can be doing
anything in the world,

but, you know,
you're here with us, so...

- I salute you, you know.
- Oh, thank you.

That's so sweet. I mean,
honestly, there's so much more

- I wish I can do.
- MARC: Thank you so much

for joining us,
and, most importantly,

thank you for the work
you're doing, and, uh...

I look forward
to seeing what comes next.

I know there's
a lot more to come.

- You're just getting started.
- Thank you guys so much.

- Thank you.
- Good luck with the kids.

KIM: I'll take
all the luck I can get.

They're driving me insane.

- MARC: Thanks, Kim. Bye.
- Okay, bye.

♪ ♪

Okay, guys,
I started over. So...

today I'm gonna try and make
chocolate macaroons.

We're gonna bake them
for 20 minutes.

I... need... to chill.

No, but I have to chill
by myself.

The last step, melted chocolate.


KIM: I don't know what to do
with my kids.

They keep running in the room,

and I am so frustrated.

Boo! Pa-too! Pa-too!

[phone ringing]


Hi! How are you?

I'm good.
I'm just doing my makeup.

[laughs] Where you going?

Literally nowhere.

It's just so therapeutic.

This virus is just crazy.

If we can help, I mean,
I would love to.

The hospitals are running
out of supplies.

These doctors are doing so much

and they just don't have
any type of protection.

I already talked to Dr. A.

She was like,
"Do you have any masks

that I could have,
or gloves or anything?"

And I sent her just everything
that I have. Um...

- That was sweet.
- And she came and picked it up.

- Oh, wow.
- But I mean, she needs,
like, a million.

She needs, like, 500,000 masks
or something crazy.

I want to donate to a doctor
that can order this stuff

and hand it to the right people.

Like, I want to go directly
to the source, because it's just

- crazy out here.
- That's great, Kylie.

Do you want a team
to help out with that?

What can we do?
What should we do?

Tell her that I would love to
donate, like, a million dollars

- to whatever she needs.
- Okay, wow.

She'll be so excited.

I'll call her as soon
as we hang up.

KYLIE: Okay. Amazing.

What else was I gonna ask you?

Oh. Have you talked to Kendall?

- No, what happened?
- Nothing.

You should just check in on her.

She's the only one
who doesn't have kids,

and I feel like
she's alone a lot.

I just worry about her.

I'm just trying to nudge Kylie

into mending that fence
with Kendall

and making sure
that they get reconnected.

I think you should
check in with her.

Don't you?

Kylie? Somebody's got
to be the grown-up here.

So you guys just have
to get this over with.

I think she's ignoring me.

But a-a girl's got to try.

Oh, my gosh.

KENDALL: Should I text her

or should I just wait
till she calls me back?

I called her
and she didn't answer.

She just ignored me.

KIM: What are you doing?

See, he knows
how to write words.

And he can spell them out.

[wailing in distance]

[rapid footsteps]

NORTH: Please!

You know what? I want you to be

a master at so many things.

Hold on. You know what I want
you to be a master at first?

Finishing your meal.

Wouldn't that be so cool?

- Hi.

- Are you going crazy yet?
- Yeah!


Since I've had
a really hard time

juggling all four of my kids,

I just wanted to call Khadijah,

because she has three kids,

and she's going through
the same exact thing.

- Yeah. That's what's so hard.
- Like, you have to know... Yeah!

The other day,
I was like, "I'm gonna do

"a little makeup tutorial,
just to feel good about myself

and put some makeup on
and feel like I'm working,"

and North runs in every second
being like, "You're mean,

- You're this, you're that."
- [Chicago crying]

Like, I literally hear Chicago
crying in the other room,

and I don't care.

I am literally feeling
like an awful mom,

just, like, letting her cry

in the other room
and figuring it out.

Just, like, I can't.

Well, it's...

Yeah. It's really,
really, really hard.

With Khadijah,
I see how frustrated she is,

so at least it makes me
feel normal again

that other people are going
through the same exact thing.

I definitely feel like
I just needed that boost.

So, I think I was definitely
being too hard on myself.

Penelope and North,

they haven't seen each other
in, like, three weeks.

So Penelope decided that North
can babysit their dog Honey.

And I'm like,
"What the [bleep]?"

- I know.
- [Honey barking]

Oh, my gosh,

look who walked in with the dog.

Let me tell you something.
If she pees on my cream new rug

in the living room,
I'm gonna shave her off.

Don't-don't cry, Northie.
I'm not really gonna shave her.

Do you know what Auntie Kourtney
would do to me if I shaved her?

She would shave my eyebrows off.

[Khadijah laughs]

♪ ♪

KHLOE: So I am in my room.


Um, obviously,
I feel much better,

I sound much better.

[sighs] Just me in my room.

In my room. In my room.


I haven't left my bedroom.

I have been... just doing
what I'm supposed to be doing.

Tomorrow I'm supposed
to get my test results

to see if I am now negative.

Not being able to take care
of yourself or your child

on your own
because you're sick is...

such a helpless,
horrible feeling.

If I am in negative, that means
I get to leave my room. Aah!

So now it's just
a matter of when.

Tomorrow is, um,
test result day.

I'm so excited.
You have no idea.

♪ ♪

Hey, guys, it's Kendall.

I am really excited

to show you this book
that I've been reading.

Um, it's called Only Love
Is Real by Brian Weiss.

Already I've cried, like, three
times and I love it so much.

I'm reading this book,
it's really, really amazing.

And I was asked by L.A.U.S.D.

to recommend a book
to students to read,

and before Kylie and I
got in a fight,

she showed me
this really great book.

And there was, like,
a whole paragraph on pride

and how pride
is just an extension of fear

and it just reminded me so much
of my argument with my sister,

just 'cause we both are alpha
and, um, tough girls.

We still haven't spoken.

And there's been moments
where I'm like,

"I should just be the bigger
person and reach out."

But then there's also moments
where I'm like, "No.

She needs to, like,
pick up the phone and call me."

I'm hoping everyone's
staying safe and, um,

I'm praying for everyone
and always sending good vibes.

So... love you.

♪ ♪

The whole family
is leaving for five days

to go in the snow and have a
change of scenery, and I stayed.

I do not know
what to do with myself.

I have an empty house!

Kanye finally tested negative
and got the clearance

that he needed to come out
and now he can help me.

Kanye knows my struggle,
and sees

that I can't really get
anything done

because it's so much for me,

so he offered to take the kids
to our ranch in Wyoming.

It's lots of open, wide space,

so that they can
quarantine there.

They're so excited
to go to Wyoming,

and I am even more excited
for them to go.

Do you guys hear that?

The sound of absolutely nothing?

I swear... Here I go.

There has never been a time
since I've given birth to North

that my home
has been quiet and to myself.

I have never had alone time
in six years.

I get a meal by myself without
any kids drinking my juice.

I want to watch a movie
that I haven't seen,

I want to do my nails,
I want to just do nothing.

I definitely think
it's okay for people

to admit that they need help.

We all need to take
these mental breaks.

And really listen
to what we need, too.

Scott gave me this foot peel.

And he bought it
on the Internet.

It is disgusting.

Thank you, Scott.

♪ ♪

[ringtone playing]


- Hi.
- So I was reading this book,

and it talks about
how we shouldn't have pride.

And it got, it got like really
deep about how, like,

the most powerful thing
on the planet is love and...

She actually recommended
the book to me...

Oh, my gosh!

So should I just be, like,
"Hey, are we ever gonna talk?"

Or should I just wait
till she calls me back?

I remember I was laying
by the pool reading this book,

and, um, I called her,
and she didn't answer.

She just ignored me.

What's so interesting is I text
her, like, ten minutes ago,

and I was like,
"Hey, I want to talk to you

about your Kendall fight."

And she...

[line ringing]

Hey, sister.

Long time no see.


I tried calling you.

Um... well...

♪ ♪

[line ringing]

Hey, sister.

Long time no see.

How are you doing?

I'm okay.

Um... I tried calling you.



since I called you,

- I wanted to technic...
- [Kendall laughing]

Technically, I called you back,
so I called you.

But, um, yeah, I just wanted
to say that I think that...

the other night just got
completely out of control.

And I just feel like I was
just confused on my part,

because we never...

spoke about me taking you home

until it was, like,
the very last minute.

Um... so I think it was just,
like, miscommunication.

And... obviously, I would
never do anything to hurt you.

It was just crazy.

And it just shouldn't have
ever gotten to that point.

Yeah, I mean, I agree, I think.

Um... for me, I was
just kind of more, like,

in shock that all
of that even just happened.

Kylie and I have never gone
this long without speaking.

Usually we speak
almost every day.

So now I'm just ready
for it to be over.

Sisters are sisters.

We can fight all we want

and say crazy things
to each other,

but at the end of the day,
we're family

and we love each other so much.

She's my partner in crime,
always has been my entire life.

And that will never change,
so her not being in my life

for a month and a half
was not ideal,

because I love talking to her.

I just don't feel like anyone

was being rational
in the situation.

At the end of the day, like,
I'm kind of over it, whatever.

I love you, I'm sorry and...

let's just move on from this.


I am very happy that Kendall

and I could put
this silly fight behind us.

It got way out of hand.

And I love my sister
and there's no need

to never not talk for that long.

Your my sister
and I'd die for you.

It was definitely a
miscommunication and I'm sorry.

Oh, my God, um,
all right, I love you.

Yeah, I'm just happy
that we're past this.

♪ ♪

It is 7:45 a.m.
I just got a text from my doctor

saying that I'm negative!

And I can go out of quarantine.

True gets up at 8:00, so that
means I get to wake her up.

Literally, I'm screaming inside.

I'm so excited to leave my room.

I am envisioning True and I

are skipping through a field,
running towards each other,

and we're like,
"Oh, my daughter!"

And she's like, "Mommy!"

Oh... True-True!

Get up.


I need my hug.

I know, oh, my goodness.

Where's my hug? Oh!

- I wake her up...
- I love you.

...and True I don't think
even noticed I was gone.

It makes me feel good that
she was so well taken care of,

and that she felt so loved.

-I'm grateful
that Tristan's been here.

But I'm the mom, like...

give me something.

Where's my hug first?

Not really what I had in mind.


A big hug, bigger!


Oh, my gosh.

True, I love you!

[both laughing]


♪ ♪

Have you guys ever heard
a kitchen so silent?


I actually don't know
what to do with myself

now that my kids are not here.

It's been a full 24 hours since
the kids have left for Wyoming.

And I'm now so bored.

[kids clamoring]

Kanye's been sending me
clips of the kids.

It's so cute.

As crazy as my life is,

and as much as I thought
I needed a break,

I miss my kids so much.

I could not imagine
my life without them.

I am obsessed with them
and I can't wait

for them to come home.

I'm, like, bored out of my mind.

They're gone one day,
and I miss them.

And my feet are still

peeling like a snake.

Scott, I can't believe
you did this to me.

♪ ♪

Oh, True, you knocked
over the camera!

- Hey!
- [True shouting]

Okay, I'll get your baby.

Here you go.

There's one and there's two.

This is a camera...
You can't hit it, okay?

[True babbling]


[True babbling]

No, don't move that camera!

I'm just setting this one up...

I'm not paying for your college.

True-True, come sit
over here with Mommy.

Do you want to see my friend?

Of course? Okay, good.

- [gasps]
- Wow.

- The glasses?
- Glasses.

Come on, let me see
how they look on you.

- Aw...
- [laughs]

-Mom and Dad. -Um... -All right.

- So how you feeling?
- I feel great. I really do.

- I just missed being around
my little munchkin.
- Yeah.

But I appreciate you being here,
'cause it gave me

that other layer of peace
that I was able

to maybe relax
a little more in there.

I mean, just how crazy
that the NBA released you

two days before California
went on lockdown?

- Like, we would've been stuck.
- That would've been crazy.

KHLOE: I know, I appreciate it.

And True appreciates it.

Having corona has been
really tough on me mentally

and, of course, physically.

But having Tristan here
to help take care of me,

bring me meals
when I needed them,

just make sure
the house was okay,

make sure True was okay,

it's really meant
the world to me.

I'm really,
really grateful for that.

And I love my little family.

Okay, thank you, True.

- Happy?
- Yeah.

Guess it goes without saying
that we're not having

a birthday party 'cause we
can't be around all those kids.

I'm actually excited... like,
I think it will really nice

- and more quality time with her.
- Yeah.

It's Easter, so we'll do,
like, an Easter egg hunt.

And just have things
that are different.

And I honestly think it will be,
like, go out in the fresh air.

Yeah, it'll be the most turnt,
two-year-old quarantine

Easter birthday party
in America, right?

- It'll be great.
- Are you cooking?

Yeah, I'll cook.


SCOTT: Has Khloe slept
with Tristan again?

-Yes. -Oh, 100%. -No.

KHLOE: Tristan and I have been
quarantining together,

but I don't know
if it's confusing

that we're spending
so much time together.

I know what I want in my life.

And I know I want you
in my life.

Is that true? About Scott?

KOURTNEY: Yeah, they leaked
his conversation

with a therapist.

They're couldn't have
been a bigger betrayal.

You went for trauma
and then they're literally,

- like, giving you trauma.
- Giving me more trauma!
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