19x06 - Things Fall Apart: COVID-19

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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19x06 - Things Fall Apart: COVID-19

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Keeping Up
with the Kardashians...

Oh, my God.

- Thank you.
- You're so welcome.

To see Malika with this
beaming smile, she's glowing

- from the inside out.
- Wait, so what's this?

- Guess the date.
- That you think

- I'm having the baby?
- Yeah.

The spread of coronavirus

is having a major impact.

Because of corona, half of
the kids in preschool

aren't coming in.

There's a whole group chat
saying, like,

"Don't bring your kids in,
this is crazy."

I am paying really
close attention

to the news every second,

and trying not to panic
just yet.

But the fear is
definitely mounting.

Is it?

You also have a beanie on.

The WHO declares
a global pandemic.

Statewide lockdowns are
under consideration.

School was canceled.

They're only allowing
online classes.

What are we gonna do
with our kids for a month?

I mean, this is really wild.

Have they said how long,
or they're not giving that?

They're just, like, for now?

They said for one month.

Our governor has issued
a state of emergency,

and our schools are now
shut down.

So, you know, all my work,
left and right

is getting canceled.

It is now labeled as
a global pandemic,

and it is really real
and really scary.

But here's the thing.
So it's really just two weeks.

- Because of spring break?
-'Cause then two weeks
of spring break.

But what if there's people

that go out of the country
for spring break?

-And then come back.
-And then you want
all these people coming back

with more?

That's the thing.

This is gonna be tough
for a lot of people, though.

I know.

Khloe is, like, really
sick in bed right now.

I know, I just spoke to her.
I sent her cookies.

You sent her cookies?

I send her black-and-white
cookies every time she's sick.

Oh, that's nice.

I tried to take a bite
of North's apple.

I wanted a bite,
and she looked at me,

and she took a bite
of her apple like this.

And I go, "Can I have a bite?
That looks really good."

And she goes, "Corona."

How are you staying not sick?

You're just getting used to it?

I just wash my hands and...

-Between working
at the office,

and my wife is
a kindergarten teacher,

- I do my best.
- I'll stay here.

Keep your distance?

I woke up like this,
and I was fine this morning.

I even worked out,
it's just my throat.

- I feel like I'm getting sick
just listening to this.

Throughout the day,
like, the morning,

I started getting really achy.

And I think I'm hot,
but I don't know...

I don't know if you want
to touch me, but...

- Or whatever you do.
- Yeah, we'll check your
temperature for sure.

- Were you coughing anything up?
- No.

No. So dry cough.

Runny nose?

- No.
- No. Nauseous?

- No. No.
- Throwing up?

Any of that?
How's the appetite been?

I haven't eaten yet.

Okay, let's check
your temp first.

Okay, under your tongue.

I started feeling sick.

And today I'm feeling
worse and worse,

and just as a precautionary, I
really wanted to call Dr. Boris.

He's offered to give me
a test for coronavirus.

I am hoping that it's nothing
more than just a flu.

But with all of the talks of
corona just starting to spread,

I have to be smart
and responsible

and take the test.

No fever... 99.

I'll swab you, okay?

- In my nose?
- Ready?

In your nose. A little tickle.

- I don't like that.
- No, no, it's not fun.

I mean, it sounds like you're
coming down with something.

I don't think it's coronavirus.

Chances are you haven't
been traveling,

you haven't been around people.

But you will have definite
results in a couple days.

Okay. In the meantime, though,
what do I do with, like,

my daughter?

If you really want to be safe
for the couple days

it takes to get
the test results back,

you can sort of self-quarantine
in here, right?


Because of my family
and everybody else around me,

I have to be proactive
about everything.

Hopefully Tristan will be able
to help with True.

I'm gonna isolate because
I would rather

be safe than sorry.

They tell us the test results

- should come back
in a couple days.
- Okay.

I don't know if they're gonna
get a flood of tests

- this week or not...
- Right.

...and how long it's
actually gonna take.

- Okay.
- Okay?

And then, before I leave,

- I'm gonna wash my hands,
if you don't mind.
- Yes.

- Of course.
- Okay.

I'm gonna exit also; I'm not
gonna hang out in here.

No, no, you don't have to.

- Thank you for coming over.
- Not at all.

- You are a gorgeous girl.
- Can I have some cereal?

- I love you forever.
- I love you forever.

Would you like
a Medicine Ball Tea?

It's really good.

- Sure.
- Would you like one?

- Sure.
- Put some chlorophyll in it.

- It's really good for you.
- Okay.

So this has, like,
lots of vitamins.

It's really good.

Oh... wow!

It's not gross.

- Is it gross?
- No.

It's just a vibe.

What? What kind of a vibe?

It's like a hot
apple cider vibe.


- I like it. It's sweet.
- Yeah, it's so good. Yeah.

-It has, like, a lemonade base.
-What are you drinking?
-What's wrong with me?

I don't know.
What are you drinking?

We had everybody at our offices
start working at home.

- You know, just to not
spread anything.
- Mm-hmm.

- Well, I got tested.
- So...

- You did?
- Mm-hmm.

Yours is negative, right?

Yeah. What about Khloe?
Who did hers, Dr. A?

Boris. He did Kim and Kanye's.

Results haven't come back yet.

Kanye's quarantined in there,
and he hasn't eaten

since yesterday at 2:00.

He hasn't eaten?

Has his test come back?

- No.
- Who?

- Kanye.
- Kanye. He's so sick.

- Did he get tested?
- Yeah, like, two days ago,

so it should come back tonight.

But he has been, like,
in that room.

I won't let him leave.
I literally put a tray

- and, like, kick it
with my toes.
- Poor guy.

He hasn't been anywhere.

And I literally Cloroxed
every doorknob,

every light switch.

But he has not been
in this part of the house

since he got back.

He came in and went
straight to the bedroom.

- Where was he?
- Just in Wyoming.

Oh, well, then he's
probably fine.

- Yeah.
- Right? I mean,

but was he anywhere before that?

Paris with me.

I think he just has the flu.

He just hasn't been sick
in, like, six years.

Khloe started to not feel
so good a few days ago, and

Kanye's feeling sick, but,
you know, corona's so rare

that I just don't think
that's it.

But with everyone getting sick,
it is really intense.

Has somebody gotten him
some hot tea and stuff?

Yeah, I brought him
one of these teas,

- and he just, like...
- Kim, you have to

- bring him some,
like, scrambled eggs.
- He's not hungry.

He's like,
"I don't want to eat."

He's got to eat something.
He's got to keep his...

So you need some soup.

Or bone broth.

I gave him that.
He wouldn't drink it.

Get him some
chicken noodle soup.

I was hearing that

we might go on a 30-day,
like, lockdown

where no one can leave
their homes.

So I wonder, if the states
were to lock down,

when that would happen.
'Cause, like...

- They would give us a warning.
- They would?

'Cause people would have
to go get food.

A couple days, but it's not
more than that.

So it's not just gonna be
an immediate thing

where it would be like,
"Okay, lockdown starts now"?

The thought of it sounds
really scary.

I mean, I think in your mind,
when you think of lockdown,

you think of, like,
literal police officers

and, like,
guard enforcement outside

on the streets not letting you
go for a walk.

So, I mean, I don't know what
that means. We'll see, I guess.

But it's just, like, do we go
to Wyoming before they...

Well, I can't go anywhere 'cause
I have to stay with my mom.

Yeah, probably better
to stay here.

Kanye can't travel
'cause he's so sick.

Well, I really want
to kind of lock down

what we're doing
with all the kids.

- And where.
- A full lockdown?

Something like this
has never really...

happened in our lifetime,
our parents' lifetime,

not even
my grandparents' lifetime.

So every crazy thought
goes through your mind.

It scares the out of me.

But, then, won't you see
the camera behind me?

At this beginning phase,

we are completely staying away
from everybody.

We're self-sh**ting everything.

It is...

really a very confusing,

high-stress-level time.

You have no idea the type
of migraines I have right now.

And I've been throwing up,
and I've just been in bed.

Kanye still feels sick, too.

Let's see.

Okay, so I have a camera

like, from the side, and then
one right in front of me.

No. Do you want that?


But, then, won't you see
the camera behind me?

So, Kim...


At this, you know,

beginning phase,
I want to make sure

that everyone is
healthy and safe,

and we are
completely staying away

from everybody.

We're self-sh**ting everything.

We're documenting it,
so that we can

have this for you guys.

It is...

really a very confusing,
high-stress-level time.

We still don't have
our test results,

and with Kanye still being sick,
everything is

just so unknown

that it's really scary.

Hi. How are you doing?

You have no idea the type
of migraines I have right now.

- Probably the worst
I've ever had.
- Wow.

And I've been throwing up,
and I've just been in bed.

Yeah, Kanye
still feels sick, too.

When are you supposed
to get your results back?

I have no idea.
Everything's so backed up.

This is
the most unorganized system,

and it's terrifying.

It could be from two days

up to ten days.


Thank God Tristan's in town.

Until we get
my test results back,

the doctors have advised
to act as if I am positive

for corona and self-isolate
and do not come in contact

with my child or anybody else
in my household.

Thank God Tristan is
now back in California.

I mean, no matter how sick I am,

I'm still constantly focused
and thinking about True.

And is she okay?
Does she miss me?

Is she, like...
Just all these thoughts.

So having her dad here,
it gives me a little more time

that I can focus on... just me
trying to get better.

Because this is unreal.

Like 30 seconds or a minute,
then I go and get it.

I'm sorry.

Well, I love you.

I love you, too.

- You call me
if you need anything.
- Okay.

Okay, bye.

Three, two,


Let's do it again.

I was waiting for you, Corey.

Three, two, one.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Hey, MJ, it's Corey.

Hey, Corey.

Do you have a thermometer?


I have this new thermometer that
you just do on your forehead.

Oh, that might make me nervous.

Why would it make you nervous?

- I don't know...
- Too much technology.

They say if you're 65 or older,

it's so dangerous.

And I really worry about my mom,
because she's 85 years old

and she's got a few
underlying preconditions.

She has recently come off
of a fractured hip.

So she's been in her home

for months.

You know, since January.

All right, talk to you later.

- Bye-bye.
- Okay, Mom, love you!


She's been by herself.

She's afraid to have
anybody come into the house.

- Yeah.
- So we've just been

leaving her meals every day.

Well, it's definitely critical
to be careful with her

- with germs,
she can't get any germs.
- No.

And she won't let me bring
anything to her house

that she can't put
in the microwave.

She says the microwave
is k*lling her germs.

I just want to take care of her
the best way I know how,

which is to keep her isolated.

So it's getting
a little lonely for her.

I don't want her
to get depressed.

It's heartbreaking that my mom
can't really see any of her,

you know, grandchildren,
great-grandchildren, me.

She's scared.

Happy birthday.

Thank you.


Hi, baby!


Tristan and True are
celebrating his birthday.

Tristan doesn't live here.

He has his own house.

But I really appreciate
how attentive

and responsible he's been.

I mean, he asks me
breakfast, lunch and dinner...

What do I want to eat?

He literally gets it for me,
puts it on a tray,

leaves it outside my door.

We have a little system,
he knocks.

So I want him to really
feel celebrated and loved.

Pull. Pull again.

It's-it's the, uh, box.

- Yay!
- Yeah...

- Want to blow with me, True?
- Blow, blow, blow!

He has been helping
take care of True,

while I have been
on lockdown in my bedroom.

Hearing her laugh
or hearing her say,

"Mommy, Mommy,"
like, from the other room,

I just... my heart breaks.

It's t*rture for me.


Shut the up.

You know, the fact
that Khloe is this sick,

and I can't risk
taking care of her,

because I can't
give it to my mom

when I can eventually
see my mom.

I mean, that is so crazy that...

there's millions of people
who don't know what they have.

Saint and I are
gonna go on a walk.

Here, hold my hand.

Let's ring my mom's gate
and see if she will let us in.

So Kanye's still quarantined
in our master bedroom.

I think it's just
really overwhelming

because every last task is...

my responsibility and...

it's really hard to juggle it
all with four kids.

But this is the first time
that I've really had

to do everything myself.

You can wave to Lovey
and that's about it.


She's right there.

We have to stay six feet
away from her.

Okay, Sainty,
you're getting too close.

Sainty, come here, 'cause...

You have to go over there.

Remember that coronavirus
I was telling you about?

So we have to stay here for
Lovey to bring us the snacks.

- Come here.
- Do you want me
to bring you a snack?

Okay, I'll be right back.

We don't have any.

It's sold out everywhere.

So I'm gonna steal this
and see if she notices.

Wait, wait, wait, hold on.

Here you go, Kim.

- Do you have gloves on?
- I do.

You can throw 'em,
I'll catch 'em.

We're rationing some food.

I just wanted Cheetos.

We have no chips.

All right, well, maybe
the next time you come over,

just knock on this window.

- We'll just...
- Here, I'll show you.

We can hear each other.




Another day
of social distancing.

And by "social distancing,"
I am not seeing anybody,

except for my kids,
which they're actually

at Scott's today.

Um, they'll be back here
later this afternoon.

Mason, Penelope, Reign...

All are healthy, feel fine.

So huge blessing there.

I think I'm going to take them
to Malibu just for a drive.

We can get out of the house,
um, and see the ocean.

If they're fine
and I'm doing decent...

I'm... more than happy.


I can hear you. Hi.

Shut the up.

Oh, my God,
you know how sick I am.

I don't know, I...

Oh, my God.

Khadija calls me and tells me
that Malika is in labor.

You know, at first,
I'm so happy for her,

but I'm thinking
of any possible chance,

can I go there
and be there for her

and support her
or how can I support her?

I'm just gonna ask
Dr. A real quick.

Just see what she says.

Oh, my God. Okay, bye.

All right, bye.

I'm really heartbroken,

because Malika is there
for me through anything.

Like, she literally flew across
country to be there for me

when I had True,
and it's not tit for tat,

and I know Malika's not like
that, but it's how I feel.

And I want to be there for her,
I want to support her,

I want to hold her leg, I want
to tell her it's gonna be okay.

And the fact that I'm sick
and I can't be there for her

physically to support her,
that breaks my heart.

Hey, Kokes.

You're in labor right now?

You are not supposed
to be doing this.

You know how sick I am.

They still don't have
my corona test back.

I know, this is crazy!

No, you can do all of that.

This is just crazy.

Well, I called Dr. A.

Oh, my God!

You okay?

Yeah, well, I don't know
if you're gonna have time

to do all that then.

Oh, my God.


Oh, my God, this is so crazy.

Call me if you need
something from me.

I know your sister's
on her way to see you.

I'm so excited!

Oh, my God, but don't be scared.

This is gonna be great.

You know, this situation is
definitely a really scary one,

and nobody really knows...
I mean, our own doctors

don't really have all
of the medical information

as to what's happening.

We're all learning
as it's coming.

So to have to give birth

in this crazy environment
right now,

it's scary
and I want to support her

and I can't give her that.

And that really,
really bothers me to my core.

I love you.

- Okay, bye.
- Bye-bye.

Oh, my God.

California going
into statewide lockdown.

There's a mutuality,
and there's a recognition

of our interdependence
that requires of this moment

that we direct a statewide order
for people to stay at home.

This has been
a very challenging time.

And it's time like this where
we're filled with anxiety,

filled with a tremendous amount
of uncertainty,

uh, and it's understandable,

people have a mindset
of scarcity.

So what he's saying
is that we have to stay home

and isolate for a long time.

We have been ordered
to stay at home by the governor.

One manufacturer,

one... you know, every single
thing that we do in our lives

and the way that we behave

and the way that we survive,

and the way we eat
has been affected.

And I don't think, you know,
this has ever happened

in the history of the world.

I can't see my grandchildren,
and I can't see my kids,

and that's so sad for me.

It's really interesting
when you don't have any control.

My biggest concern
is just of human behavior.

Like, can people stay calm
and let the work get done

and get this to a better day?

Or are people gonna panic
and go crazy?

I worry about my kids.
I worry about Khloe,

who doesn't even know
what she has.

You know, the fact
that Khloe is this sick

and I can't risk
taking care of her

because I can't give it
to my mom

when I can eventually see
my mom.

And we can't get a test back.

And it's been over a week.

- Yeah...
- I mean, that's so crazy,

that there's millions of people

who don't know what they have
and they can't get tested.

And the tests that do,
you know, become available,

they can't even get the results.

There is so much uncertainty.

It's also really terrifying

to hear that so many people
don't know what's wrong.

I'm assuming the worst,
and hoping for the best.

Khloe has been really sick.

She called me crying at 5:00
in the morning.

She has these deep coughs,

and she's shaking
and her symptoms are really bad.

I can tell that she's now
getting scared.

You look good.

How do you feel?

Not so good, but it's okay.

Haven't even heard
from your sister.

I haven't, either.

I mean, I know she had him.
I don't know what he looks like.

I don't know anything.

I got a text message
from her last night

that said her phone service
wasn't really good.

Malika had her baby,

and I'm so curious,
like, "How was your delivery?

Was it difficult?"
I have... It's weird.

Like, I know not one thing
about her delivery

'cause, obviously,
I wasn't there,

but Khadijah doesn't know
things, either,

which is super weird for us.

I still don't have
my corona results yet.

The best scenario would be
that I am negative,

and I took good precaution

and I can go and see the baby
and do all of that, but...

- So are you gonna call?
- Yeah, I'll try to call.

- Yeah.
- I just want to make sure
she's fine.

- Okay, well, text me
and let me know.
- Okay, I'll text you.

- Okay. I love you. Okay.
- Love you more.

- Bye.
- Bye.

We are doing

live reading classes
with the school.

'Cause now we have
distant learning.

So, just figured that out.

This is our fort.

Here's the little door handle,
here's the peephole to look out.

So I am sleeping
in the guest room

or in forts or wherever
the kids want me to sleep.

It's really extremely chaotic.

They don't really know.

I think they think
they're just getting

all this extra time with Mom,

and school's canceled
and that's amazing.

Mac and cheese for the kids.

I feel like
I'm in college again.

What do you think? Be honest.

You want more
of my mac and cheese?

You never like mac and cheese,
but you like Mom's?

What do you think? Is it good?

Is your dinner good?


This is what I have to do

to watch True and Tristan
hang out.

True and Tristan are over there

and I have to hide,
because if she sees me,

she's gonna freak out
'cause she's been missing me.

I don't get it.

I felt like I was doing
a little bit better.

For some reason,
I am feeling a lot worse.

I am shaking uncontrollably,

I have... I'm just,
I can barely keep anything down.

It's scary, not being able to...

be with your own child,
really sucks.

'Cause she doesn't know
that it's for her wellbeing.

Khloe has been really sick.

She called me crying
at 5:00 in the morning

and saying it's the, that we
didn't understand how this felt

like because of the aches
and the pains she was feeling,

her chest, her, um,
her shaking...

Her teeth were chattering,
when she was talking to me.

And I was so panicked.

I wanted to go right over there,
of course.

As a mom, you want
to jump in your car,

throw your robe on
and start driving.

But she wouldn't let me
come over because of my age.

She has, like,
these deep coughs.

And it's just, she's shaking
and her symptoms are really bad.

And we're just anxiously
awaiting the results for Khloe,

to see if she has it or not.

I mean, my gut tells me
she does,

just because she's so sick.

And that really scares me
for her,

'cause I can tell
that she's now getting scared.

And that she's really nervous
about it.

I, of course,
then jumped on the phone

with every doctor
who would take my call,

trying to find somebody
that could help her.

I guess we'll just wait
and find out.

So, I just found out

that I do have corona.

I have been in my room.

It's gonna be fine, but it was
really bad for a couple days.

Vomiting and shaking
and hot and then cold and...

I suffer from migraines, but
this was the craziest headache.

I wouldn't say
it was a migraine.

The cough in my chest
would burn when I would cough.

And, I mean, I still... my throat

has still not fully recovered,

- Well, let me tell you...
- that is real.

But we're all gonna
get through this.

Pray, and if we follow orders
and listen,

we're all gonna be okay.

May God bless us all.

I just feel
really bad for Khloe.

She is so sick.

When she was, like, shaking,
that is when I was just, like,

"Oh, my God,
that's super scary."

She just has to, like,
turn that corner to get better

'cause her symptoms
are really bad.

It, um, it really...

just kind of scares me.

So, we got the results.

Khloe's positive for COVID-19,

the coronavirus.

And I am devastated.

I'm having a hard time
breathing, myself,

because I'm thinking, "When was
the last time we saw each other?

"What about the kids?

What about True?"

The hardest part is when
loved ones get this,

that they can't be around
anybody else,

so I can't even go over
and take care of Khloe.

I can't see her and hold her
and take care of her

and make sure she's okay
and what she needs and feed her.

She's still my baby.

She can't see anybody she loves.

And she has to stay in her room
with the door closed

for as long as it takes,
which could be weeks.

Hi. So what's going on?

How are you guys doing?

I mean, we're good, I just feel
really bad for Khloe.

She sounds awful.

Yeah. She's so sick.

I mean...

I was,

you know,
really surprised to hear

that Khloe had tested positive
for coronavirus.

It's scary.

She just kept being, like,
super, super sick.

When she was, like, shaking,
that is when I was just like,

"Oh, my God,
that's super scary."

Did you guys take her
to the hospital?

I never knew what happened.

Honestly, all of the hospitals...
We were talking to Cedars,

they were like, "Do not come in.

-If you do not need it,
don't come in."

And we're like,
"Well, no, she needs it.

"Like, what if she has, like,
breathing problems

or, you know,
she was, like, that sick?"

And she can't see True and she
still has, like, so long to go.


She just has to, like,
turn that corner to get better,

'cause her symptoms
are really bad.

It really just kind of
scares me.

All right, I'll call you later.

- Okay, love you. Bye.
- Love you. Bye.

This virus has hit me
like a ton of bricks.

And it's been really scary.

It's been really... hard.

It's the first t... day
I'm really able to speak

without hacking up something.

I feel so much better now,
thank the Lord.

But I want everyone to take
this really seriously

or it's going to spread
and it will spread fast.

I am getting frustrated

because I'm seeing online
that people are spring breaking.

The images of people
on the beach

partying and doing
all this stuff.

It's, like, it's just crazy
that nobody's listening.

But may God bless you all.

May we look after one another.


This is a crazy, crazy time
to be alive.

This is definitely going to be
in the history books.

Um, when I was pregnant,

how I kept my pregnancy a secret

really was I didn't leave
the house.

I didn't leave the house
for months.

So... and towards the end,

helicopters would fly
over my house every day.

So I couldn't even g...
I was scared to even go outside.

So I really was locked down
in the house.

I never got bored.

I made every day fun.

And, you know,
took that time for me,

whether it's taking a bath
or doing a face mask,

reading a book,
watching your favorite show.

There's things that we can do
to help each other through this.

We got this.

Hey, guys.

Virtual lunches.

It's gonna be a while
until we get together

for a big family dinner again.

So I decided to have the whole
family come together

and do a video call.

I think it'll be really fun.

Here she is.

The woman you've all been
waiting for, Kourtney.

- Hi, everyone.
Right now
we're in Palm Springs.

Kourtney and I are in
a great place.

We've been in a great place
for a really long time.

We also want to hang out with
our kids as much as possible.

And within doing that,
it means we hang out.

There's Khloe.

Khloe, I feel so bad
you've been in that room

for, I feel like, a month.

I feel like I've been in here
for a year.

I'm really grateful that,

I'm feeling so much better.

I feel like I've been FaceTiming
with everybody these days,

so... I'm excited.

Hi, Kenny.

- Kendall!
- Where are you, Kendall?

- Can you guys see me?
- How do I do this?

It's so much better
on the computer.

I don't know about you guys,

but I have good days
and bad days,

but it's about just not being
able to see you guys.

I get really sad.

Well, it's very weird
for me, too.

You haven't left your bedroom,
so it's for sure weird.

The whole thing is just hard,
and it's, like,

how long is this gonna go on for
and what's gonna happen?

It has to go on a lot longer
than we think.

How's MJ doing?

She's good.

But you guys
should FaceTime with her,

because she gets kind of lonely.

I know you all do,
but just don't forget.

The last time I saw her,
like, three weeks ago,

I literally went home
and just...

...it was good.

I just miss her.

I feel so bad,
because she's lonely.

And she's been s... in that
apartment for...

I don't know, two months?

Because of her fracture.

I really miss MJ a lot.

We always have things planned
and talk about

where we're gonna go
and what we're gonna do.

- You like it when
we spend time together.
- I do love it.

She's been in there

- for a long time;
I feel bad for her.
- Yeah.

We all love her. She's the best.

The longer this goes,

I'm feeling a sense of loss
because I can't be with her.

That's it!

- Whoa!
- Hey, I got...


Go, Reigny! Go, Reigny! Go!

Nice job, Penop.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Hersh, it's just a boat.

You like that?

Look at that view.
Isn't that gorgeous?

I know that MJ is really tired

of being cooped up in her house.

She's been quarantined
for months now,

and I've been quarantined.

So I think
it's a really good idea

that we just spend some quality
time with each other

and hang out and try
to forget what's happening.

And just be together.

Okay, I'm six feet away, Mom.

Six feet.

- I just miss my kids so much.
- I'm sure.

I have not seen Kourtney...
in the longest time,

'cause she's-she really
hunkered down.

Well, you know,
you had to drag me here.

That wasn't easy.

That isn't... It's still
not easy.

Well, I think you going home

and being able to accomplish
this and feeling like

- "I went, I was okay..."
- Well, I finally decided

that "What do you want
to be doing

if something happens to you?"

You want to be doing
what you're enjoying.

Like, the people say,
"Oh, he died happy."

You know, "He died...
He died jumping out of a plane,

'cause that's what
he wanted to do."

- Are you jumping out of a plane?
- No.

I mean, you always say
you want to die

- doing something that you wanted
to do all your life.
- Mm-hmm.

- Not that you want to die,
but you want to live.
- Yeah. Mm-hmm.

I want to live.
That's the main thing.

Well, let's live it up.

Everybody's struggling right now
and I just want to make sure

that MJ stays in happy spirits
and has something

to look forward to all the time,
no matter how big or how small.

It is a bo...

- It's a boutique hotel.
- Mm-hmm.

Really a nice one.

- It is a nice little hotel,
isn't it?
- Mm-hmm.

I wonder how much
we could charge.

- Probably a lot.
- Yeah.

What do you think
we could get per room?

- I don't know.
- We could start a new business.

- I'll let you do that.
- Yeah. I'll work at the desk.

You could be the receptionist.

- There you go.
- Just check everybody in
and out.

- Give them their...
- Take their temperature.

Then we could tell them,
you have to stay two weeks.

It's a mandatory...

- You have to stay two weeks.
- ...occupation.

Holy crap. How are you, babe?

Can you see... Awkward angles,
but we're doing it.

- Aw. Oh, my God.
- Say hi.

Hi, cutie.

Say hi. Say hi, honey.


He's so cute.

I love when they're like that.

Oh, he's just bright-eyed
right now, huh?

Oh, yeah. This is... We're lucky.

- Hi, baby.
- Hi.

Ace is so cute.

He's beautiful,
and Malika as a mom,

she's so maternal and nurturing.

It's just so wonderful
to see her like this.

And she loves him
so much already,

she's so protective
and she's already the best mom.

Little caterpillar Ace.

And does he just not look
identical to O.T.?

Literally, a light-skinned
version of him.

I know, it's wild.

I can't wait till I get better
so I can physically meet him.

- I know...
- He's so cute.

It's so weird for me to, like,

not have a picture of you
with him,

like, in the first week
of his life.

She got really emotional
because she was like,

"He's already a week old, and my
best friend hasn't even met him.

I just want her... "I was like,
"I know, it's just..."

It's such a difficult time
for everybody, you know?

-It is, and I mean,
sorry, Khadijah,

but the one thing, selfishly,
made me feel good,

that she wasn't even allowed
in the room.

I felt like, "Okay."

But I could tell it was
so frustrating for her, too,

'cause she doesn't know
what's happening.

And she was like,
"My sister's been there for me

"through everything,
and this is not

how it's supposed to happen,"
I mean, it was...

It's just so weird, when,
like, you've been there for us

and we just felt like
we could not be there for you.

- But you guys
couldn't control that.
It just sucks.

If I could've changed anything,

that's the only thing
I would've changed.

Yeah. No, and I understand that.

And I think all of us would.

I know that you, both of you,
would've been there.

I've had both of you
my entire pregnancy.

I think it's just gonna
be a little sad for me,

uh, for a little while.

This whole time
is scary and, you know,

you make plans and they're not
going the way you want them,

and this is happening
for so many people giving birth

or having a wedding
or birthdays or whatever.

Graduations. I mean, it's...

Everyone's plans are having
to be rearranged right now.

Well, I do feel super bad
and guilty

that I wasn't able to be there,
but thank God,

'cause I tested positive.

So I would feel even worse.

I don't know how long
this is gonna last for,

but I'm really just trying
to have a different perspective

on everything, and I feel like
our spirits have to be high

and strong because if that goes,
then what do we have?

Well, I love you ladies.

- Let's do this tomorrow.
- Okay.

- Yes. We've got nothing
but time.
- Same-same time.

- Bye, guys. Bye.
- Bye.

My new best friend.

I'm just getting lonely
and bored

and I need someone
to keep me company.


This is like Cast Away.

Kanye tested positive
for COVID-19,

so he can't really help out.

It's really, really hard.

- Have you talked to Kylie yet?
- Nope.

This is so petty at this point.

Everybody just has to own
their and move on.

Hey, sister.
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