14x19 - The Gender Reveal

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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14x19 - The Gender Reveal

Post by bunniefuu »

Keeping Up
with the Kardashians...

just got a tip
that you're pregnant.

KHLOE: This is not fun.
As soon as I get to my second

trimester, I will have such
relief and that's all I'm

waiting for.
When I'm ready, when there's a

healthy point where I can say
something, I will.

KRIS: What's going on?
KOURTNEY: I'm so sick of

people, like, not saying

SCOTT: I really just don't
want to jeopardize my

relationship with Kourtney as a
friend because of our children.

Love you, partner.
I'll see you on the business

side of things.
KIM: They literally have

information about the surrogate
that I don't know.

ATTORNEY: This [bleep] has to

KIM: It's just so invasive
and we'll try to do whatever we

can to stop this.
Literally sue the [bleep] out of

♪ ♪

KRIS: Hey.

KRIS: Oh, black velvet.

KOURTNEY: Kim, you need to

invite me next time to
Chappelle's show.

KIM: That was so funny.
KOURTNEY: But why didn't you

invite me?
I told you last time to invite

KIM: 'Cause Kanye said, "I'm

taking you on a date tonight."
KHLOE: It was her date night.

She didn't invite anybody.
KIM: Then we went to Nobu and

then we went.
KRIS: This is exhausting

being a member of this family.
KOURTNEY: Got it. That's

KIM: But Eddie Murphy was

sitting next to us.
It was like a whole thing.

Like, it was like a real comedy

KHLOE: Well, don't brag about
it if we all wanted to be there.

KIM: I'm just saying it was
so fun.

And then John Mayer came out and
was doing the music for, like,

all of his jokes.
And then they just, like, had

this thing going...
KRIS: Ah, wait.

You dropped another name.

[laughing]: I was just giving it
back to you.

[Kourtney laughs]
KOURTNEY: That was a good

KRIS: God, I love myself.

KIM: That was pretty silly.
KHLOE: Someone obviously did

that to her because you know
she's literally the queen...

KIM: Totally. You did not
make that up.

KHLOE: ...of dropping names.
[Kris laughs]

KIM: So, some magazine is
publishing a photo of my

KHLOE: Oh, my God.

KIM: Yeah.
KHLOE: This is...

KIM: It is not an easy

KIM: So, now, it's like all

these security issues.
KHLOE: So, where is this baby

being born?
Or you can't predict that 'cause

if they just go into labor?
KIM: You can't predict it.

KHLOE: Obviously.
KIM: But I'm hoping to move

her out here, like, three weeks

But he said she might need a

She most likely will 'cause her
placenta thing.

It's been such a crazy year.
Our surrogate has been amazing,

but it has been challenging with
all of the media leaks and on

top of that, she's having some
health issues 'cause there is a

placenta condition.
It's so crazy that we both have

these placenta issues.
[crying]: It hurts so bad.

Just to breathe, to do anything,
it kills.

But it just feels weird that my
family really has no idea what

my experience has been like.
KRIS: This'll be the first

grandchild I haven't been in the
room for.

KHLOE: Well, you can come
with me.

KOURTNEY: Kim, are you going
to our cousin's birthday party?

KHLOE: Kourtney, shut up.
Come here for a second.

Let me smack you across the

KOURTNEY: You know people
really talk...

KIM: Or just call them.
KHLOE: I have rings that will

[bleep] throw you to the next

KRIS: No playing in the

♪ ♪

KOURTNEY: Younes says hi.
KIM: Hi.

KOURTNEY [softly]: We're
going to dinner. Um...

KHLOE: I love that the voice
changes when you talk to him.

KOURTNEY [loudly]: Oh, my
God, do you want me to talk

super loud?
KHLOE: No, but you just have

a... you're so nice to him.
You're literally the biggest

bitch to us.
[softly]: "Hey, guys, so, we're

gonna go to dinner now."
KOURTNEY [softly]: Okay.

Have a good night.
Sleep good, baby.

KHLOE: Look at those legs.
Hi. How are you?

KOURTNEY: That dinner was fun
at Mom's.

KHLOE: Oh, my God, how was

KOURTNEY: Oh, you weren't

KHLOE: I heard about it.
KIM: She texts me every

single day.
KOURTNEY: I heard she... no.

Jennifer Lawrence?
KIM: I will brag.

KHLOE: I heard she loves you

KIM: But no, she was so

KHLOE: So what do you guys
want to do tonight?

[Kourtney clears throat]
KOURTNEY: What are we doing

KHLOE: Mm-hmm.

KOURTNEY: Is this, like, a
wild night?

I'm gonna put my kids to bed.
KHLOE: It was just a

question, Kourtney.
You don't have to be so

defensive about it.
I'd rather talk to you guys than

be on my phone the whole time.
You know?

You guys.

KHLOE: Yes, Kourtney?
KOURTNEY: Are we excited for

San Francisco?
KIM: I'm so excited.

KOURTNEY: I am excited for
Alcatraz and to sleep in a bed

by myself.
KIM: I have so many amazing

things that I love there 'cause
I go there all the time.

KOURTNEY: Since Kim and Khloe
are both going to have babies

soon, we decided to plan a trip
to San Francisco.

I feel like there's so much to
explore there that we've never

done, like going to Alcatraz.
And it's just going to be a fun

sister trip.
We come back Friday.

I have to be back by 5:00.
KHLOE: What are you doing

that evening?
KOURTNEY: My boyfriend lands

at the airport.
I'd like to pick him up.

KHLOE: Friday?

KHLOE: You are a good

I would send a driver with a box
of cookies.

KHLOE: All right.

Well, that's fun.
♪ ♪

KIM: I've never done this
nose theme.

♪ ♪
[high-pitched squealing]

KHLOE: Tristan's supposed to
be finding me a trainer in

Cleveland and I don't think he's
asked anyone yet.

KIM: You are gonna want to
chill, though.

You could work out and it's all
good, but there is those times

when you're gonna just be like,
"I can't even see my feet."

Hopefully you won't get like
that, but I'm just saying.

KHLOE: Can't you just look to
the side?

KIM: There'll be a point you
can't put your shoe on, so you

only have to wear slides or
UGGs, depending on the weather.

KHLOE: You know we're having
the baby in Cleveland.

TRISTAN: I'm gonna find a

KIM: Trust me, I booked my
ticket, we're on our way.

KHLOE: Isn't that scary?
Like, going to a hospital I've

never been to, like, Cedars...
TRISTAN: Oh, no, you're going

there before, it's not gonna be
your first time going there.

KHLOE: No, but, like, Cedars,
I can...

TRISTAN: Aah! Like, your leg
up in the air.

KIM: Yeah, that's usually
what happens.

KHLOE: Yeah, what am I gonna
do-- visit the hospital prior?

TRISTAN: Yeah, visit it.
Gonna see what room y'all gonna

put me in.
KHLOE: Yeah, we're gonna

need a tour.
Okay, anyway...

[whispering]: When are we
getting the phone call?

KIM: I know. We're waiting
anxiously for the news of the

KHLOE: Is Kylie doing that or

Like, did the doctor call her?

Like, what's happening?
I am finally over my first

I'm onto my second.

So, I'm kind of out of that
danger zone, as they say.

And I just feel really good
right now.

I am at the place where I'm able
to take a blood test to find out

the sex of our baby.
So, Kylie wants Doctor "A" to

call her to give her the gender
and then Kylie's gonna call me

and reveal the gender to me.
Isn't that scary?

We're going to a whole other
state to have a baby.

And you guys don't all have to

That's like... this isn't...
KIM: Why? Of course we will.

KHLOE: No, you're gonna leave
all your families and kids?

KIM: It's your first baby.

KHLOE: No, that's so stupid.
KIM: It'll be a good break.

Maybe I'll just bring the little

KHLOE: Do you want a December
ba... what's...

KIM: So, it's either December
fif... it would be easy to think

of, like, my kids, 'cause all
their luggage is numbered.

So, like, North is 15 'cause
she's June 15, and Saint's is

five because he's December 5.
And so my kids are five, 15 and

it would be kind of cute, five,

But it doesn't really matter.
It's a lug... it's a luggage

KHLOE: Oh... my...

♪ ♪

KOURTNEY: Okay, what do you

KIM: I really don't need a

KOURTNEY: Okay, well, yes,
you do.

I'm so over that.
[Kim sighs]

Okay, so, you're not pumping.
You don't need any pump stuff.

KIM: [gasps]
Oh, my gosh, I'm gonna get North

this-- look.
Kourt, sky or a pink crayon?

KOURTNEY: I don't know.
You need to buy stuff for the

new baby.
That's why we're here.

We're not here to buy stuff for
North and Saint.

KIM: I mean, if I have to get
something, this is what I would

But shouldn't I save this stuff

for... I mean, I'm not doing a
registry, but, like...

KOURTNEY: You're not?
KIM: Why would I?

KOURTNEY: You don't want to
have a baby shower at all?

KIM: I mean, what's the

Like, I don't know.
KOURTNEY: No, just to have a

celebration to welcome a new
child into our family.

KIM: Kourtney really wanted
to take me baby shopping, and

it's something that I loved to
do with my last two kids, but,

you know, this time, I think
it's definitely different.

I don't know if it's 'cause,
physically, I'm not carrying the

baby so I feel like there's so
much more time.

And it's just, like, makes it
harder for me to get into it.

KOURTNEY: All right, so did
we get anything for the baby?


♪ ♪

KHLOE: We're going to San

KIM: San Francisco, here we

[Kim yelps]

KOURTNEY: Whoa, whoa.

KOURTNEY: Oh, my golly.
KHLOE: Holy [bleep], that's a

fast plane. Oh.

KHLOE: Well, I'm excited, and
I'm so thankful you guys are

doing this.
KIM: Oh, my God, of course.

KOURTNEY: We're here to
celebrate you.

KIM: You.

KHLOE: All of us, it's sister

KOURTNEY: This is just you.
KHLOE: Sister time.

Did you like your therapy?
KOURTNEY: Loved it, yeah.

KHLOE: Good.
KOURTNEY: I just was like,

"Scott just roams into my house
like it's his house."

He walks in my bedroom.
I was like, "I don't think he

should come in my bedroom

I mean, he came inside and goes,
"Can I look through your

I think you might have some of

And I'm like, "It's my closet."

Why is he looking through my

I just said to the therapist,
like, "I want to keep things

comfortable, I do."
It's, like, nice for the kids

that it's, like, pretty normal.
But I'm in a relationship now

and it has to make sense for my
relationship, too.

I want Scott to see the kids,
but I feel like he's been coming

sometimes just, like,

And there needs to be some sort
of boundaries, so I have to

figure out how to talk to him
about this kind of stuff.

Oh, my God, we're in San

KHLOE: Oh, my God!
We've been waiting for you for

KOURTNEY: I was getting

KHLOE: But you're always like


KHLOE: And we're just waiting
for you, it's crazy.

KOURTNEY: I don't have time
to listen to you yell, so...

KHLOE: I don't have time to
wait for you.

KOURTNEY: So don't wait.
KHLOE: I don't want to go on

trips with you if this is how
you are every [bleep] time.

KHLOE: Hello.
MAN: We're gonna be going up

to the penthouse.
KHLOE: Oh, how fancy.

KOURTNEY: Look at the

It's so cool.
KHLOE: This is one room?

KIM: Oh, it looks so cute.
I love The Fairmont.

KHLOE: Kourt, this is where
you be like, "Oh, my God, we're

in the penthouse!"
KOURTNEY: Oh, my God, we're

in San Francisco!
KHLOE: Oh, my God!

THOMAS: This place was built
in 19...

KHLOE: Ooh, look up there.
THOMAS: Yeah, isn't that

KOURTNEY: Oh, my gosh.

THOMAS: That's all hand-done.
Here's the big secret in this

room: up here, in the center,
there's a secret door.

KHLOE: Oh, yes.
I see the handle.

THOMAS: And if you like, I'll
open it for you.

You can run up the stairs.
So, here we are.

And behind that, it leads to the

KOURTNEY: That's crazy.
THOMAS: There was a very

famous blonde lady who came
through that door when a certain

president was staying here.
KHLOE: Marilyn Monroe.

THOMAS: If you have any
questions, I'll be happy to

answer them; otherwise, I hope
you have a wonderful stay here.

KHLOE: Thank you.
THOMAS: Oh, it's my pleasure.

KHLOE: You want to go eat?

♪ ♪

KIM: I'm so excited for you
to get the news from Kylie.

KOURTNEY: What news?
KHLOE: Don't tell her.

KOURTNEY: Oh, the sex of

KIM: Mm-hmm.
KOURTNEY: Why, Kylie's the

only one that knows?
KHLOE: No, no one knows yet.

And if Kylie doesn't answer the
phone, the doctor will call me.

KOURTNEY: So when will
Tristan know?

KHLOE: When I get to

But, I'm not having everyone
find out before Tristan.

'Cause somehow, all my [bleep]
keeps getting places, which is

[bleep] up.
Everyone is suspecting that I'm

pregnant, and when that rumor
came out, it really took away

the opportunity that I got to
tell a lot of my friends.

So, me being able to know the
gender before anybody else, and

that I get to share it with
Tristan on my own, like, that's

really special to us.
KIM: You know what we should

do once a year?
Have each family member take

care of all the kids at once.
KHLOE: Oh, no.

KIM: It was so satisfying
when I had, like, Mason,

Penelope, North, Saint, and I
was, like, "Get up, get up, get

up. Did you brush your teeth?
You brush your teeth?

You brush your teeth?"
And that used to, like, freak me

out, thinking like, "Oh, my God,
I can't do it."

I literally, like, love it.
I, like, crave it.

KHLOE: That's like su1c1de.
[Kim laughs]

♪ ♪

KIM: Hey, hey, now.
KHLOE: So what are we waiting

KIM: Kourt.

KHLOE: Did you know, this
hotel is haunted?

KIM: Come on, my soul can't
handle that.

KHLOE: Let me tell you.
The Fair sisters-- they started

this hotel-- they died in the
earthquake in 1906.

And they are known to caress
people and, like, whisper to

KIM: That's not cool.

Please, Fair sisters, I love
you, I respect you.

Please do not caress me.
Wait, is that what you're

KHLOE: Yeah.

KIM: Come on, we're going to

KHLOE: I don't have loose
clothes like that.

KIM: Let me tell you...
KHLOE: Mm-hmm.

KIM: ...right now should be
your time to shine.

I would run around practically

KHLOE: I'm not cute enough
where you're, like, showing,

where you want to show it off.
I'm just, like, at that phase

where you're like, "Did she gain
a few pounds?"

You can't tell.
Like, I would rather be my

skinny self or a little bigger.
Like, right now, I'm just

KIM: Trust me, when you get a

little bigger, you're gonna be
like, "Why wasn't I showing it

all off then?"
KHLOE: But I mean, you

KIM: Whatever makes you feel

comfortable. I get it.
KHLOE: You look phenomenal

and if I was you, I'd be
wearing stuff like that all the

KIM: Should I have had longer

bike shorts?
Like, does that look cellulite-y

right there?
KHLOE: No. You don't look

KIM: 'Kay, thank you.

♪ ♪

KHLOE: [sighs]
What is she doing?

[line ringing]

KHLOE: Like, you're on your

phone; you don't see me calling

KHLOE: Kourt.

KHLOE: I'm being serious.

You need to figure out your

KOURTNEY: I'm on the phone
with Larsa.

KHLOE: But I'm saying, so
then you shouldn't be on the

phone; we've been waiting for
you for 30 minutes.

KOURTNEY: I was getting

KHLOE: But you're always like

KHLOE: And we're just waiting

for you and waiting for you.
KOURTNEY: All right, I don't

have time to listen to you yell.
KHLOE: I don't have time to

wait for you.
KOURTNEY: So don't wait.

KHLOE: I don't want to go on
trips if this is how you are

every [bleep] time.
You don't care how selfish that

KOURTNEY: I'll call you when

I get back from the thing. Bye.
♪ ♪

Shall we?
KHLOE: No, let's just wait

KIM: Hey, let's go inside.

All righty.
My surrogate is in town, so I

thought it would be an amazing
time for her to meet my family.

Guys, I want you to meet

KRIS: Hi, La'Reina.
KOURTNEY: Today and then was

supposed to leave tomorrow.
KHLOE: She's a waste.

KIM: Kourtney's literally
always on the phone.

And it's taking away from our
sister time.

♪ ♪

KHLOE: Smells so good.
KOURTNEY: It does.

KHLOE: So excited.
KOURTNEY: Ooh, the

traditional egg-lemon soup with
chicken and rice is so yummy.

KIM: I'm gonna get baked

KHLOE: So, do you ever
wonder, like, what the new

baby's personality is gonna be

Do you think how someone is
pregnant, do you really think

that takes an effect on how the
baby is?

The temperament?
KIM: I don't know, I was...

I was pretty, like, amped-up
with North.

And then pretty calm with Saint.
KHLOE: I wonder about the new

baby, just it all.
It's so interesting to me.

KIM: What?
KHLOE: Your new baby, like,

it's so interesting.
A surrogate thing.

I know that Kim isn't having a
baby in the traditional way, but

I really hope that she will
start to open up more about the

I mean, I'm super excited for

her and I want her to feel just
as excited.

And I think the more she talks
about it, the more she'll get

KOURTNEY: This magazine just

said that I'm pregnant with a
baby bump, that I was flaunting

it last night.
KHLOE [laughs]: Flaunting.

KOURTNEY: So many people have
written me today.

KHLOE: And what do you say?
KOURTNEY: I say, "Nope, not

♪ ♪

KHLOE: Kourt.
KIM: Kourt, you ready?

KOURTNEY: God, what the

KHLOE: She's mad at us?
KIM: Yeah.

KHLOE: Kourt?
KOURTNEY: Come in.


KHLOE: We're ready.
I just am gonna fall asleep.

KOURTNEY: Oh, okay.
Just taking this [bleep] tape

KHLOE: How long do you think?

Like, five, ten?
KOURTNEY: I can be ready in

KHLOE: 'Kay.

Like, I'm tired, [bleep].
Pick up the pace and let's go.

KIM: Yeah.
KOURTNEY: Do you have a... a

wipe, anyone?
KHLOE: I would look in the

glam room if I were you.
KOURTNEY: I have so much

[bleep] makeup on my sweater.
KHLOE: Well, you've got to be

careful when you put your shirt

KIM: Maybe get off the phone
and focus.

KHLOE: Right.
♪ ♪

KIM: Ooh, I'm cold already.
KHLOE: Those are big boats.

KHLOE: Cool.
Ooh, blankies.

It smells good on here.
KIM: Is this hot chocolate

with whipped creamie?
KHLOE: Oh, that's so cute,

it's like a little... thing.
[phone ringing]

We're on a boat going to

Yeah, no, he went today, and

then was supposed to leave

Um, hold on.
Can we not film me while I'm on

the phone?
Thank you.

And so...
KHLOE: She's a waste.

KIM: Kourtney's on this deep

She's literally never present.
She's always on the phone.

She can't even live in the
moment, 'cause she has whatever

drama's going on.
I assume that it has something

to do with Scott and Younes.
I think she just needs to really

figure out what these boundaries
are, 'cause it's getting messy,

and it's getting annoying.
And it's taking away time from

our, like, sister time.
KOURTNEY: Guys, there's the

chocolate sign, from the

KHLOE: What the [bleep] are
you here for?

Don't chime in if you're not
gonna get get on your [bleep]

phone call all the time.
KOURTNEY: Have fun tonight.

Okay, bye.
KHLOE: You're, like, a waste

of space in my meter right now.
KOURTNEY: I'm looking at

KHLOE: You're annoying as

[bleep] now that, when we're
together, like, this is what you

do, you're on your phone the
whole time.

You're just not present.
KOURTNEY: I had a ten-minute

conversation with Sarah, and
that's offensive?

KIM: Yeah.
KHLOE: Yes, because we're

only here once.
When are we ever gonna go back

to Alcatraz?
KOURTNEY: But we were sitting

down in a cafeteria on a bench.
KHLOE: You know what?

Actually, I'm not doing this

I'm not doing this today,
because last time in Costa

KIM: Throw her over.

KHLOE: ...I looked crazy,
'cause I'm always the one

complaining to get you guys to
have fun.

I'm not gonna be crazy, okay?
You'll be the [bleep] bitch that

you need to be shown that you

KOURTNEY: [bleep] you, you
[bleep] whore.

KHLOE: You, you [bleep].
KOURTNEY: Pregnant whore.

KHLOE: What's what say?
Ghirardelli Chocolate?

KOURTNEY: That's what I told
you before, you [bleep].

KHLOE: The doctor said she
was calling you with my results

KYLIE: Okay.

Did she call you?

KIM: What?
KYLIE: Are you ready?

Who's there? Who's there?
KHLOE: Say it!

KIM: What sucks is that they
would escape probably in the

middle of the night, so they'd
have to swim in this water.

KHLOE: I would never, ever
swim at night.

I barely swim in the day.
MICHAEL: Hi, there.

KIM: Hi.
MICHAEL: Hi, nice to meet

KIM: How are you?

You, too, I'm Kim.
MICHAEL: Nice to meet you,


So we're gonna go in this door

This place was created for the

worst of the worst.
It was considered the cream of

the criminal crop.
KHLOE: "Break the rules and

you go to prison, break the
prison rules and you go to

KIM: Oh, yes.

KHLOE: Whoa.
MICHAEL: So this is Alcatraz.

MICHAEL: And this is

KIM: Wait, Kourt, your hand.

KHLOE: Kourt, stop being a

KOURTNEY: I hate you both.
I feel like I was a little bit

I've been distracted about this

boundary issue with Scott, and
maybe I just need to deal with

this when I get back to L.A.
So from now on, I'm going to

just be totally present in this
trip, and just, like, have an

amazing time with my sisters.
Excuse me.

We've got a felon on the loose.

She's beating me up.
She needs to be put back in her

cell, please.
KHLOE: That's a good one.

KOURTNEY: They're on the way.
KHLOE: Okay.

KOURTNEY: You're so jealous
you didn't come up with that on

your own.
[Khloe laughs]

KHLOE: Look how small their
cell... is this how big current

cells are now?
MICHAEL: No, I think a lot of

them are a lot bigger than this,
but this is a five-by-nine cell.

MICHAEL: Yeah, and these are

some of the convicts that were

MICHAEL: And then, over

here, this was actually...
KOURTNEY: I would hook up

with the second one.
[soft laughter]

MICHAEL: And then, 181, this
cell right here, that is Al

Capone's cell.
KOURTNEY: Oh, wow.

MICHAEL: That's where Al
Capone lived on Alcatraz.

KHLOE: Do you even know who
Al Capone is?

KOURTNEY: Yeah I do, you
[bleep] whore.

Guess what?

♪ ♪

MICHAEL: This is the surgical

And this is where several
inmates died, in this room.

KIM: This is so gross that
this is their hospital.

MICHAEL: This is actually the
creepy place.

So, they used to have a dungeon
in the 1930s.

KHLOE: Mm-hmm.
MICHAEL: So inmates that

were, you know, really
incorrigible, that they had

trouble with, they would
actually bring 'em down here.

We can take a look.
KIM: The dungeon? Sure.

KHLOE: Yeah.
♪ ♪

MICHAEL: The inmates would
come down here, and they would

actually keep them for several

KOURTNEY: One person at a

MICHAEL: One person at a
time, and they would be here in

pitch black.
If you'd like to see it dark, I

don't know, John, if you're out
there, do you want to turn off

the lights for a second?
Just to get a sense?

KHLOE: John... John heard us.
KIM: All right, guys.

MICHAEL: So this is how dark
it would be.

Could you imagine having to stay
down here for several days?

KIM: We're in the dungeon.
Game of

KOURTNEY: Can you turn your

phone off so we can really see?
KHLOE: Well, I would not like

KOURTNEY: And wait, would...

so the whole day, is it pitch
dark, too?

KHLOE: If you guys have any

bad kids, you got to take them

Scare the [bleep] out of them.
Who wants to live like this?

KHLOE: I'm just gonna copy

everything you do, just to annoy

[phone camera clicking]

KHLOE: And, like, turn your
[bleep] volume off.

How old are you?
KOURTNEY: How old do you

think I am?
KHLOE: 90.

♪ ♪

[alarm blaring]
KIM: Like a test or an

KOURTNEY: No, it's a test, so

we're fine.
KIM: I'm like, "I'm ready to

WAITRESS: Enjoy your lunch.

KIM: Thank you.
KHLOE: Thank you.

the nearest fire exit and leave

the building.
[alarm blaring]

KHLOE: I don't smell fire
yet, so...

KIM: I know, I was gonna say.
KHLOE [high-pitched]:

...Sister's Night into the
restaurant, and this is what

[alarm blaring]

What can I say?
It's a test.

An emergency has been reported.

KIM: I don't think I've ever
laughed so hard.

KHLOE: So I wanted to say
thank you guys so much for the

San Fran trip.
Even though we had, you know,

our ups and our downs...
KOURTNEY: I've never had a

better time with you.
KHLOE: ...I feel like we

still always have fun.
What is life without a little

feuding with her sisters, you

KOURTNEY: Fighting with you

KHLOE: Oh, Kourt, do you know
how to do that?

KHLOE: Remember, you used to

do the string?
KOURTNEY: Yeah, I could try,

but I need a strand of hair.
And my hair's in a bun.

KHLOE: Well, Kim has the

KOURTNEY: Kim, take out a
piece of hair, please?

It could be a fake one.
KHLOE: So, a circle means

We'll see.

KOURTNEY: A girl, I think.
KHLOE: Circle means girl.

KOURTNEY: A line is a boy.
KHLOE: Don't move it.

KOURTNEY: That's a girl.
Whoa, that's a strong one.

KHLOE: What does that mean?
It's gonna be, like, two...

KOURTNEY: It's gonna be extra

KHLOE: Extra girly.

KOURTNEY: It's gonna come out
with a tutu on.

KOURTNEY: That's a line.
That's Tristan Jr.


KHLOE: I want you to do

She'll see, does it count her

KOURTNEY: Okay, put your hand

KIM: Okay, what is that?
KOURTNEY: Hold on.

It's getting started.
That's a circle.

KIM: Kourtney, you're moving

KHLOE: Yeah.
KOURTNEY: You guys, I'm not

moving it.
KIM: Do it one more time, and

what if it...
KOURTNEY: It will stop...

KHLOE: Yeah, what are you
dipping it in?

KOURTNEY: ...when it's time.
I'm clearing it.

KIM: No.
KOURTNEY: This is a circle.

So one more girl.
KIM: Well, that's not true,

'cause I don't have any more...
KOURTNEY: No, that's a full

That's a crazy circle.

KHLOE: That's a crazy circle.
KOURTNEY: I think that's a

natural pregnancy.
Okay, will you do it to me?

KHLOE: Flatten out your hand.

KIM: Ooh, look, this one

Legit, it stopped.
KHLOE: Kourt, it stopped.

KIM: It stopped.

You're not having any more kids.

KIM: That's crazy.
♪ ♪

KHLOE: Is this the

KIM: Oh, yeah.

KHLOE: "The doctor said your
baby genetics results are

Will text Kylie with the gender

Smiley face.

And I just hit "Oh, my
God!!!!!" with, like, five

exclamation points.

KIM: How did you just hear
from her?

KHLOE: Because she wants to
tell me, so I'm trying to, like,

give Kylie a little.
I have such anxiety, okay?

KIM: It's okay, whatever is
meant to be.

KHLOE: I know, why do I have
such anxiety?

KIM: Even if it's a girl,
just know that's what your path

is, and that's fine.
KHLOE: I know, and I'll

love... Of course I want a girl,
eventually. I just wanted, like,

older brothers, to, like...
We've never had older brothers.

KIM: I know.
KHLOE: I am pretty much

convinced that I am having a

KIM: I kind of am, too.
KHLOE: I have such anxiety

and nerves to find out what I'm
having, but, like, oh, I just

need Kylie to [bleep] call me.
Like, what is she doing?

[phone ringing]

The doctor said she was calling
you with my results 35 minutes

KYLIE: Okay, did she call


KIM: What?
KYLIE: Are you ready?

Who's there? Who's there?
KHLOE: Say it!

KYLIE: Who's there?
KIM: It's me!

KHLOE: It's me and Kim.
KYLIE: Okay, are you sitting?

KHLOE: Kylie, say it!

KOURTNEY: I just felt like we
should discuss some of the

boundaries in the house.
Scott and I get along, but

there's also things that need
to be said.

KYLIE: Who's there?
KIM: It's me!

KHLOE: Me and Kim.
KYLIE: Okay, are you sitting?

KHLOE: Kylie, say it!
KYLIE: You're having a girl.

KHLOE: You're lying.
KYLIE: I'm not lying.

KHLOE: Shut up.
KYLIE: I'm so excited for

you, Khloe!
KHLOE: Is she lying or

KIM: Kylie, are you serious?

KYLIE: Why would I lie about

KHLOE: I don't feel like I'm
having a girl.

KIM: That's so exciting.
KYLIE: I'm, like, so excited.

KIM: This is so exciting.
It's okay, I cried when I found

out North was gonna be a girl,

KHLOE: I don't feel like I'm
having a girl at all.

I'm, like, in a state of shock.

It's a girl?

It is?
What? I'm shocked.

I'm shocked.
KHLOE: when you have your

mind made up as to, like, what
you're having-- like, everyone

told me, "You're gonna feel what
you're having, and you'll just

kind of know."
And then when you find out it's

the complete opposite, it's just
a shock.

I just was convinced that I was
having a boy, so to be having a

girl, it's just like, "Okay,
that wasn't what I thought was

going on."
[line ringing]

KIM: Tell mom not to tell
Tristan, though.

KHLOE: Hi, Mom.

Do you want to know what I'm

KRIS: Yes!
KHLOE: I'm having a girl.

KRIS [laughing]: Oh, my God.
That is so amazing!

KHLOE: I really hope they...
I'm really hoping Kylie's gonna

say she's lying and, like, I'm
really having a boy.

KRIS: Khloe, the only thing I
wanted in life, the only thing,

was a boy.
Three times, and I got the three

of you.
But a man is much more attached

to a girl.
KHLOE: Totally, and I know

Tristan will be in love, and
I'll be in love, and she'll be

so cute and whatever, but...
KRIS: This will be the love

of his life, no offense to you.
But this will be the love of his

KHLOE: Well, then, I'm gonna

get jealous, and I'm jealous.
KRIS: You probably will.

KHLOE: Well, then, I don't
like that, I don't like her.

KRIS: Oh... [chuckling]
Don't be a bitch.

♪ ♪


SCOTT: I want and hung out
with your mom last night for a

little bit.
KOURTNEY: You did?

SCOTT: Yeah.
KOURTNEY: Where, at her

SCOTT: At her house.

I went and sat in her room.
She was, like, in bed, but...

KOURTNEY: She said she wasn't
feeling well.

SCOTT: Yeah, I'm sure that's
what she tells you.

No, she was fine, I went and sat
with her, like, sat on her bed

for a little bit.
She was, like, fully dressed in

bed like this.
KOURTNEY: Oh, 'cause she was

keeping her glam in case
something... in case Kendall...

SCOTT: No, she said she was
gonna maybe come out with you,

unless Kendall went.

Um, anyways...
I just felt like we should

discuss some of the boundaries
in the house.

Scott and I get along, but I do
always get a little bit nervous

to have these kind of
conversations with him and,

like, set boundaries, because
it's, like, awkward to have to

say something that he may not
like, or that he may take the

wrong way.
Like, we both just want to get

along, but then there's also
things that need to be said.

KIM: Okay, let's go inside.
All righty.

My surrogate is in town, so I
thought it would be an amazing

time for her to meet my family.
Guys, I want you to meet

KOURTNEY: I didn't think you

were coming.
YOUNES: I was like, "I have

to support you."
KOURTNEY: Thank you.

KOURTNEY: I just felt like we
should discuss some of the

boundaries in the house.

Like, I feel like, sometimes,
because this was your house,

sometimes, I feel like you walk
in like it still is.

SCOTT: Yeah, I understand.
KOURTNEY: And so, I feel like

it has to make sense for my
relationship, too, and just,

like, if you just, like, wander
into my bedroom and go "Hey, can

I see all your sunglasses,

SCOTT: Well, there...
I was getting my sunglasses, but

KOURTNEY: No, you said, "Hey,

can I look at all your

I think you have some of mine."
SCOTT: And you did.

KOURTNEY: But you, like, look
through them all, just to...

SCOTT: I wasn't looking
through your panties.

I understand the boundary of not
going into your bedroom, 'cause

that's a private place for you.
KOURTNEY: But then, the day

after I said it, you went right

SCOTT: [coughs] Really?
KOURTNEY: You said, "Hey, can

I come in?"
And the kids were there-- I

wasn't gonna be like, "No."
SCOTT: Okay.

There's obviously some
boundaries that we both need to

respect, and I don't want you to
be uncomfortable.

KOURTNEY: No, I'm not
uncomfortable, I'm just

saying that that's...
SCOTT: Oh, so then, the next

time, I'll be up there naked.

I'll call the police.
SCOTT: [laughs]

I get it.
All things that are

understandable, in this
co-parenting life.

I was also thinking I have a

SCOTT: I don't really want

to, like, hug anymore.
I think we should just shake

hands when we see each other.

SCOTT: Is that cool?
KOURTNEY: We could do a high

SCOTT: Nah, that's too young.

KOURTNEY: Or we could do a...
[tongue clicks]

SCOTT: Ooh, a fist pump?

SCOTT: I'll meet you in the
middle there.

SCOTT: So if you're cool with

that, I'm cool with your stuff.


KOURTNEY: Pleasure.
SCOTT: You be good, now.

KHLOE: Do your dance, North.
Oh, yeah.

Hold on... 20.
Kylie, you're like a chameleon.

KHLOE: You look just like Kim

when you want to, and then like
me when you smile.

KIM: Okay, should we call

[toy yodeling]

KHLOE: Hello.
KIM: Hey.

What are you doing?
KHLOE: I have the

Bloomingdale's appearance.
What is happening over there?

KIM: He's playing this bird,
like, it yodels.

And I'm like...
KOURTNEY: Khloe got it for

And they love it.

KIM: Well, now we can pay you
back, and get your daughter a

full drum set, and, like,
electric guitar.

KHLOE: Oh, lovely.
Can't wait for that.

KIM: Wait, so, tell me
everything about Tristan's

[toy turns off]

KHLOE: We were at the game,
and I was having the room, like,

decorated and everything.
KIM: So did he know that when

he was gonna come home, he was
gonna see something?

KIM: Oh, he didn't?

KHLOE: No, he had no idea.
Tristan kept asking me, "So I

wonder how you're gonna tell me,
uh, the gender of the baby."

I'm thinking, "I wonder how I'm
gonna tell you-- what does that

Like, so, he kind of wanted it

to be a big deal on his end,
which I think is the cutest

thing ever.
I had everyone come after he

left to go to work, and then, we
did the room.

But he was in such a bad mood
because of the game, on the car

ride home, I was just like, "Oh,
no, this is, like, maybe not the

best time," but I was like,
"There's nothing I can do.

I can't clean it all up."
So when we came home, I sped in

front of him and, like, ran
upstairs so I could shut the

door, and I was like, "Will he
think it's weird I, like,

slammed the door in his face?"
And he was just, he did it.

And he opened the door, and he
was so excited.

TRISTAN: Oh, my God.

My vision was right, I knew it.
KHLOE: Now, he'll be like,

"How's my princess doing?"
"I just want to check on my two

girls," like, he's so cute about

KIM: Are you, like, more
excited now?

KHLOE: I still feel so bad,
how I felt, but that's just how

I felt.
And I, like, think about North,

or P, like, "Okay, like, it's
gonna be so cute."

And I am getting more excited.
KIM: Yeah.

It's fun, it's, like, girl's
time, and then we get to do it

KHLOE: Totally.

I was looking at nurseries for
boys, and I just think you need,

like, a day or two to just let
it sink in.

Then you get over it.
I mean, and honestly, girl stuff

is so much cuter anyway, and
it'll be so cute to have just a

little girl in the stands, like,
rooting for her dad.

Like, I know girls think their
dads are everything and then

KIM: Yeah, I'm honestly so

excited that Khloe's having a

I've been, like, getting, like,
me and Khloe things for, like,

our girls, and it's probably
gonna be so annoying, but

they're all gonna, like, have
the same things, do the same

things, be in the same class.
KHLOE: So cute.

See, that makes me excited.
KIM: Yeah.

[Khloe sneezes over phone]
REIGN: Bless you, Koko.

KHLOE [laughs]: Thank you,

KIM: All right, I love you.
KHLOE: Not as much as I love

KOURTNEY: Khloe, I love you

the most.
KHLOE: Oh, there she is.

She's finally in this

KOURTNEY: Miss you much.
♪ ♪

Tonight is the launch of my
PrettyLittleThing collaboration,

and we are throwing a huge

I have all my girlfriends
coming, and I'm just excited to

have a fun night with all my

♪ ♪

DEEJAY: We've got Kourtney
Kardashian in the building!

Let's turn it up!

LARSA: I'm so proud of you.

KOURTNEY: What are you doing

YOUNES: You thought I would
not come?

KOURTNEY: No! So you knew you
were coming?

YOUNES: I was like, "I have
to support you."

KOURTNEY: Thank you.
♪ ♪

LARSA: You guys are really
cute together.

YOUNES: Oh, yeah?
You just realize that now?

LARSA: I realize it every

♪ ♪

KIM: So, my surrogate is in
town for a doctor's appointment,

so I thought it would be an
amazing time for her to meet my

family, but still not expose who
she is to the world.

Just for her safety.
Hey, let's go inside.

All righty.
This has been such a long

journey for us, and something
that I've wanted for so long,

and I share s... like,
everything with my family.


KIM: Guys...
I want you to meet La'Reina.

KRIS: Hi, La'Reina!
Oh. So good to meet you.

LA'REINA: You, too.

KRIS: That's Khloe.
KHLOE: Hi. How are you?

KIM: Kendall was here
somewhere. Kylie.

LA'REINA: Oh, my God.
KIM: And her friend, Jordyn.

LA'REINA: Hi, Jordyn.
KHLOE: So you have two other

LA'REINA: Mm-hmm.

KHLOE: Yeah. You have two
boys, right?

LA'REINA: Yes, I do.
Three and five.

KENDALL: Do you mind being

I guess you obviously don't.
LA'REINA: I've always had

easy pregnancies.
Um, this one had a couple of

things here or there, but I like
being pregnant, and I know that

sounds really weird.
The pregnancy itself, you know,

it just feels natural, like I'm
supposed to do it.

KYLIE: So you have a placenta
issue, too?

LA'REINA: Yes. Yeah.
KYLIE: That sucks.

LA'REINA: But I spoke to the
doctor today, and he said the

baby looks fantastic, so he
doesn't see any worries.

KYLIE: Oh, that's good.

KIM: It definitely makes me
feel good that my surrogate does

not need to have a C-section,
and the placenta moved out of

the way.
Now it's, like, back to normal.

So the baby will just come
whenever she's ready, and we are

on standby.
KRIS: So what happens when

the baby comes out, they clean
the baby up...

KYLIE: Should we sit outside?
KRIS: Do you want to sit in

KYLIE: Yeah.

KRIS: Is it too cold outside?
Why don't we get her a plate?

You want a plate with some food?
LA'REINA: I'll take some

fruit, actually.
KRIS: Whatever you want.

LA'REINA: How are you

KYLIE: I'm good.
LA'REINA: Oh, good, good.

KYLIE: I know we're, like...
KHLOE: A month apart.

LA'REINA: Really?
Oh, my God, congratulations.

KHLOE: No, you two are a
month apart.

LA'REINA: Are we?
KYLIE: Yeah.

LA'REINA: Oh, my God.
KHLOE: We're three months

apart, me and her.
LA'REINA: Oh, really?

KHLOE: Right?
LA'REINA: Oh, how exciting.

KYLIE: Yeah. Yeah.
KHLOE: Yeah.

LA'REINA: Are you guys

KHLOE and KYLIE: Yeah.
LA'REINA: That's so amazing.

KHLOE: We both have never
been through this before.

KHLOE: And it's your first

LA'REINA: Huh? Second girl.

KHLOE: Okay.
LA'REINA: So I've had two

boys, God gave me two boys, and
then for the surrogate babies,

it was two girls.
KHLOE: But emotionally, for

you, is it, like, super, like,
depressing, or...

KHLOE: ...something after the

LA'REINA: No. Because I know

from the very beginning this is
not my baby, at the end my joy

and my satisfaction is with
whoever I'm having the baby for.

So when the baby comes out,
they're just like, "Okay, well,

do you want skin on skin?"
I'm like, "No. Let her go to her

KENDALL: What does "skin on

skin" mean?
KRIS: When they put the baby

on your chest.
Like, when... if you gave

birth, then the baby would come
up, and you would... go right on

your chest to feel your heart on
heart, and just the whole

bonding thing that's really
amazing in the first few minutes

of birth.
Did you want to hold her?

LA'REINA: Um, not... I didn't
feel the need to, but, I mean, I

love babies, so it was nice for
me to hold her.

KHLOE: You're just very
matter-of-fact about it.

LA'REINA: Yeah, I really am.
It's... 'Cause I know what my

job is in all of it, you know
what I'm saying, and it's, like,

feel important,
'cause I'm like, wow, I did

something so good, this is
beautiful, like, I would do this

again a thousand more times.
KIM: This experience, going

into it, I really didn't know
what to expect, 'cause I don't

really know anyone that's gone
through this.

It was definitely not as easy as
I thought it would be,

emotionally, but it's so worth
it, and our surrogate is such a

nice person.
My family absolutely loves her.

And I'm just so grateful.
KYLIE: This is so beautiful.

This is so amazing.
LA'REINA: Thank you!

I'm so proud of just doing it,
in general.

KYLIE: 'Cause it's so

LA'REINA: Like, with all the
women who do have pregnancy

issues that put so much trust in
people like me, it's amazing.

It's just... it's already a big

KRIS: Without you, this
wouldn't have been possible,

so... we can't say thank you

LA'REINA: Oh, of course.
Of course.

KIM: We're getting close.
LA'REINA [whispers]: I know.

KIM: Surrogacy is such a
beautiful thing, and we're just

so excited to welcome our baby

And I'm so glad that we're all
doing this together.

I mean, my family and my kids
mean everything to me.

♪ ♪


[shrieking, laughing]
KHLOE: Oh, my God, so much

has happened, so much has

My life will never be the same,
in, like, the best way, but it's

I've kind of been waiting for

this for so long, and now it's
finally happening.

And I'm so excited to see what,
like, the next six months is

gonna bring, 'cause so much
happens so fast.

♪ ♪

KOURTNEY: I have no idea what
this year holds for me.

Which is kind of scary.
♪ ♪

I'm on this journey of growing
and, like, just learning a lot

about myself and finding what,
like, truly makes me happy.

♪ ♪
KIM: It's been such a fun,

crazy journey together.
So much happens within our

family, you just never know
what's next.

And I feel like next year's
gonna be really, really good.

[kids yelling, laughing]
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