A Disturbance in the Force (2023)

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A Disturbance in the Force (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[logo music]

Because of the following

special program,

Wonder Woman and

the Incredible Hulk

will not be presented

this evening.

[star wars-like music]

Let me ask you something.

And this is a question I've

wanted to ask you for a while,

and I've always

restrained myself.

A Christmas special came

out that was produced

by George Lucas in which all of

the participants in Star Wars



--came together.

And they made this Star

Wars Christmas Special,

and the tape's been

passed around for years.

And the rumor is that Lucas

is trying to suppress it.

It all started in 1978 when I

let people make a Star Wars TV

special without me.

The Holiday Special.

I remember.

It came out so bad.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it! I hate it!

George, George.

Do you remember making

this Christmas special?

No, you don't remember it?

[laughter and applause]

I-- nobody is allowed

to mention this.

It is so bad.

It's not good.


You are about to see the worst

half hour of television ever.

[tie fighter lasers]

Star Wars.

Star Wars is going to be on TV?

And it's a new thing?

Oh, I see.

It's the Star Wars

holiday special.

We popped it in, and my

life was never the same.

Come on, Malla.

Let's see a little smile.

It will provide

many years of fun.

I felt a great

disturbance in the force.

We rolled a doob and

sat back and watched it.

And we thought it was fabulous.

I feel something

terrible has happened.

To explain the Star

wars Holiday Special is

like trying to explain to

someone how the pyramids were

built. It's kind of impossible.

All you have to know

is it was the '70s.

There might have

been some cocaine.

Happy Life Day.

I saw it as a kid.

I thought it was great.

They didn't tell the people

this was not Star Wars

the movie two.

You can say that again.

It seems we've landed on some

sort of comedy variety show


The Star Wars holiday special

is sort of like the holy grail.

It's completely mental.

It's so funny, and

it's so stupid.

I love the holiday special.

The holiday special

is definitely canon.

You probably wouldn't

think that Maude would

be one of the guest stars.

And I was never into the

whole Star Wars thing.

I love all of the awkwardness.

I am your fantasy.

So experience me.

The whole production was

fraught with problems.

Oh, no.

--the ship you seek.

Follow me, friend.

That Boba Fett cartoon rules.

Settle down!

The Star Wars special

sucked so bad,

I was amazed that

I wasn't in it.

I would really like to

know what CBS was thinking

when they greenlit this thing.

But now, let's get

started, shall we.

[triumphant music]

There are always better stories

about failure than success.

It's much more interesting.

It's much more compelling,

and it's much more human.

Supposedly a TV movie

existed, and no one

knew where they could get it.

I had never seen it.

You couldn't convince

me it was true.

To me, it was all urban legend.

Now that I was a

ninth grade man,

I wanted something you

couldn't find in any store.


Yo, Goldnerd, come here.

It was like finding this

artifact of something

that I was such a fan of but I

had no conception ever existed.


And for a while I believed

that it was impossible to get.

It became a currency of

sorts in geek culture.

You know, talking about it,

dropping references to it,

producing a copy to watch.

Christmas came early.

He had a bootleg copy of the

Star Wars Holiday Special.

Holy Kenobi!

The legend is true!

I had to get like a tape

of a tape of a tape.

You know.

The Zapruder film

was easier to watch

than the copy of the

holiday special that I got.

On the back cover, it said,

if I had a hammer in time,

"I would destroy every copy of

the Star Wars Holiday Special,"

George Lucas.

And I was like, sold.

That was so cool.

Were we watching two

different things?

You don't know Star Wars.

This special is really

for the true fans.

So the true fan wants to watch

Dorothy from The Golden Girls

flirt with an alien?

We have seen something that

we weren't supposed to see.

Clearly, something

had gone wrong.

You were in the area

because you were

in Hollywood making a

Star Wars special that'll

played around Thanksgiving.

Got all the characters

from Star Wars

and it's got quite a few

extra people as well.

For one thing, you meet

the whole Wookiee family.

And the Wookiees lived

up in the tree house.

And that's where we met

Chewbacca's family--

Itchy, the little kid, and--

what was her name--


Itchy is the grandfather.

Itchy is the grandfather.

Who's the-- oh,

Lumpy is the kid.

I'm so sorry.

It's only been 40 years.

Chewie's family had

to be name something.

Lumpy and Itchy?

Couldn't they have spent 15

more seconds on the names?

And we meet Chewie's

family, and we

realize that, oh, they're just

going to all chew it and not


[mimics wookiee sounds]

And so, you're literally

watching a bunch of mimes.

(LAUGHING) But you just

have zero dialogue.

Zero dialogue up until

this point for 15 minutes.

Like, have you timed it?

I would love to know that stat.

How much of the Star

Wars Holiday Special

has absolutely no

discernible dialogue?

[tape whirring]

[r2 beeps]

R2, look.

It's Chewbacca's family.

Let's never speak of this again.

So you didn't love it.

Who cares?

I care!

I love Star Wars!

It's my life.

It makes no sense why

I didn't love this too.

You know, we spent

years of two weeks

at a time working directly

with George developing what

would become this

animated series,

and we had access to

the theater downstairs.

And we made a date--

all the writers.

Hey, we're going to watch

the holiday special.

And you tap out

any time you want.

Like, we're going to see who

can make it all the way through.

And that's what we did.

And like, one by one, like

flies, people were like,

"I'm out."

I like to watch bad stuff, but

that's a hard watch making it

through the holiday special.


The cockpit of the

Millennium Falcon

is clearly just a

cardboard cutout.

Everything just--

it takes you a while

to realize that

everything's wrong.

When you first see the

Star Wars Holiday Special

in its entirety, you're

like, how did this happen?

Who decided to create one of the

most confounding pieces of Star

Wars entertainment in the

history of its existence?

In order to understand how

the holiday special happened,

you have to put it in context.

Star Wars pioneered a

whole different kind

of almost grassroots attention.

The real secret to the

success of Star Wars

was a guy named

Charlie Lippincott,

who pioneered an entirely

new way of marketing movies.

Oh, Charlie was a good guy.

He had kind of an

oddball sense of humor.

He went to Film School at USC.

I don't remember Charlie

ever making any movies,

but Charlie was involved

with all of the filmmakers

and keeping track of everyone.

He was like a den mother.

But when I learned,

shortly thereafter,

that Charlie was

becoming a publicist,

it made perfect sense to me.

I'm talking with Charlie

Lippincott, who is

associated with the production.

Charlie, could you tell us

exactly how are you associated?

I'm the executive in charge

of advertising, publicity,

promotion, and merchandising

for Star Wars corporation.

Charlie had come

up with the idea

of marketing Star

Wars directly to fans

because there really wasn't a

good hook for marketing Star


Science fiction wasn't popular.

None of the actors

were big names

that you could get booked

on The Tonight Show.

A year before Star

Wars came out,

Charlie went and showed

slides about this movie

and got this

amazing groundswell.

Fandom was never really a

part of the marketing plan

until Charlie

Lippincott made it so.

Even though he didn't

have footage to show them,

he would show them like

Ralph McQuarrie's artwork.

He would tell them the story

of what the film was about.

He went to the Star

Trek conventions

and got the Trekkies

interested in it.

And this is something

right up their alley.

The idea is if you

can get the enthusiasm

with them, that will spread.

These are the kind

of people that

will see a movie 10

times if they like it.

I'd like to introduce you

now to producer Gary Kurtz.


And the star of the

film, Mark Hamill,

who plays Luke Skywalker.

He knew how to

get people excited

and how to stir up

interest and word of mouth.

And from these science

fiction conventions,

people left being

interested to see what

this film was going to be like.

And then they would tell

their friends about it.

Ballantine Books was

one of the major houses

in paperbacks-- major

publisher in science fiction.

Charlie went to

them and made a deal

to do a novelization

of Star Wars

and have it come

out like nine months

before the movie came

out to get it out there.

And then Charlie made a

deal with Marvel Comics

to do the comic

bookization of Star Wars.

And the real problem,

I think, in some ways,

was I didn't want

one comic book,

and I didn't want

two comic books.

I wanted five to six comic books

telling the story of the film.

So that was a bit of

a hard sell at first.

And I wanted at least

three issues out

before the film came out.

And nobody had done

that up to that time.

Basically, everything

with Star Wars

that wasn't making

the movie was Charlie.

He taught Hollywood a

very important lesson

that they are still

learning from today.

Nine months after Charlie

started these fan promotions,

the movie comes out.

[band playing star wars theme]

To the world famous

Chinese Theater

come the stars of the

biggest box office success

in motion picture history.

Star Wars.

It is more than just

a successful movie,

it is a box office phenomenon.

The film is breaking attendance

records all over the country.

Not since Jaws

have so many people

stood in line to see a movie.

It was kind of like a nuclear

expl*si*n had gone off

in pop culture.

It blew people's minds.

I mean, I remember people

waiting in line all day

to see this movie.

Star Wars became the

new box office champion

by providing pure, 100%

escapist entertainment.

And it appears this is what just

about everybody in the country

is in the mood for.

This was world-changing.

It's like the Beatles.

We'd all seen science fiction

movies before, but not

like this.

It only opened in America

at the end of May,

but already it's the biggest box

office hit in cinema history.

The overwhelming success of the

picture surprised everybody.

As one Fox executive put

it, it's not so much a film,

it's more an industry.

I love that the world between

Star Wars and Empire--

the world between Star Wars and

Empire to me is this bizarre--

it's not completely thought out.

There's no mythology built up.

For the fans, it's

interesting in many ways.

One of the ways, it

gives them an insight

into this very

brief period where

things were not set up yet.

And it was kind of

like Lucasfilm 1.5.

1.0 is over, but 2.0

wasn't there yet.

And it wasn't until Empire

forward that everything

became more fully formed.

So I have a real

affection for that time

where it was this wild thing

that nobody could figure out.

So somewhere in the summer

after Star Wars has come out,

George takes a meeting with

Frank Wells of Warner Brothers

with Gary Kurtz and

Charlie Lippincott.

The goal of that meeting was to

re-release to try and piggyback

on the success of Star Wars.

Somewhere along the

line in that meeting,

Frank said something to

George to the effect of,

come September you

guys will be nothing.

And George left really angry.

And so, it kind of

redoubled George's interest

in making sure

Star Wars succeeded

and continued to be in theaters.

To promote Star Wars, getting

the stars of Star Wars

to appear on all of these

talk and variety shows--

Donny and Marie or any

of these other places.

The Star Wars Holiday

Special may well

have been created out of spite.

[jazzy music]

(SINGING) We're Darth

Vader's raiders,

and we can't believe

the things that you do.

You're all right.

We never met a trooper

played hide and--

My brothers were dressed as

the storm troopers dancing.

I'm Luke, and Marie's

Leah with the bagels

on the side of her head.

Han solo, played by

Kris Christofferson.

And I'm dancing around

R2-D2, and there's C-3PO,

and we're talking, and

Chewbacca is there.

And I'm thinking,

this is probably

one of the coolest

finales we've ever done.

(SINGING) His transistors are in

trouble and his tubes are weak.

And if we stay, our chances

for survival are bleak.

So show us the way to get

out of this world for that's

where everything is.


I'm thinking, how in the

world is George Lucas allowing

this to happen?

Because that's just

so far from the movie.

But it sure was

funny at the time,

and it's funny to

look back right now.

(SINGING) Push the fuel button.

Light the fire.


Going to take you higher.

We broke a lot of rules

when we had the Star Wars

characters on the Donny and

Marie show for that finale.

There was a shot with

Chewbacca with his arm

around Darth Vader.


How does that happen?

But on Donny and Marie, I

guess everybody was friends.


(SINGING) Come back to me.

Come back to me.

Come back to me!

The Star Wars Holiday Special

is Citizen Kane compared

to that Donny and Marie thing.

I mean, that's truly train

wreck sort of television.

You-- you intergalactic fool.

You'll never get

them back that way.

I suppose you have

a better plan.

No plan at all, just

a little "force."

You can't imagine that

happening in 1981.

Like, that Star Wars

couldn't have gone

near a show like that in '81.

But in '77, everyone's going,

I don't know what this is

or how big it's going to

be, but yeah, take it.


Put it on a t-shirt or whatever.

Put it in your show.

Do a dance with

the stormtroopers.

["get ready"]

But fee-fi-fo-fum, look out

people, cause here we come.

I think that's one of

the coolest moments

my brothers ever

had in show business

was transforming stormtroopers

to vaudevillian dancers.

[laughs] That's so funny.

(SINGING) So get ready.

Get ready.

Here we come.

So the public appearances

helped the ticket sales

in the theaters.

They had the entire family

watching the Donny and Marie


George wanted to

tap into that magic.

We had the demographics

that he wanted.

And through research,

he was right.

And that Donny and

Marie Show aired,

and everybody saw Star Wars

characters on Donny and Marie.

They went back to the theater.

It's almost as if at that time

in the entertainment world

there were like two tracks.

It was, like, for entertainment.

And it had been going on

since the silent movies,

where you did your kind of high

art form, which was the movie,

and then you did a lot

of stuff to support it,

whatever it took.

If you had to put on the

disguise in front of a shopping

mall, you did it.

And they did it for Star Wars.

George was about to start

sh**ting The Empire Strikes

Back, and he was concerned

that there be momentum,

that there would be a stirring

the pot to make sure people

were aware of the franchise.

And you saw the

proliferation of Star Wars

on television in the late

1970s, in 1977 specifically,

on these variety shows, as a

way to keep Star Wars cemented

in the zeitgeist.

Prior to that, the big

movie was Jaws, right?

But you couldn't just

throw Jaws onto a thing.

Like, ladies and gentlemen,

Jaws is here to sing.

In retrospect, I think

it's exceptionally foolish,

because the brand

was not going to die.

It was very, very popular.

Somebody, somewhere, said, if

we don't give them something,

they're going to

forget about us.

And suddenly, it's

everywhere on TV after that.

Like, just the promotion

was everywhere you looked.

Let's crank out as

much stuff as we can.

Let's let Richard Pryor have all

the alien makeup for a cantina

sketch on his show.

[big band star wars theme]

That sketch actually

kind of works.

It's Richard Pryor

in that world,

and he's using it to ding riffs

on race, and social class,

and stuff like that.

Hey, Hey.


Why don't you watch

where you're going?

You got the biggest

eyes in the place.


Also, these characters

weren't embedded

in our consciousness

the way they are now.

We'd met them once in one film.

It's not like we'd gone on a

nine-film adventure with R2-D2,

and we know the

parameters of R2-D2

or how he would

speak-- or C-3PO.

Hello, welcome to Burger Chef.

We'd like a Star

Wars poster, please.

Or even Darth Vader.

With guest appearances

by Darth Vader!


[breathing sounds]




We'd seen them

once in that film,

and that was the

only voice we knew.

So the fact that Darth

Vader was being lampooned,

or that the droids were doing

things out of context, or even

Mark Hamill was doing

something in a different way--

Bob Hope's All-Star

Christmas Comedy

Special, starring special

guest star Mark Hamill.

[big band music]


It's more egregious now looking

back than it was, I think,

at the time.

It was a very normal way

of getting it out there,

and Star Wars embraced

that opportunity.

Its Luke Skywalker!

Did you bring the force?

You better believe it.

The Los Angeles Police Force.


How did you find them?


Now, you're all under arrest

for malicious mutilation

of a marvelous movie.


I should have stuck to

looking for Mr. Goodbar.

Any kind of artwork

out of context

is going to look funny--

any kind of artwork.

Any kind, period.

If you don't know the

history and the context,

you cannot appreciate it fully.

This was in the days of

crazy specials-- you know,

Wayne Newton at SeaWorld.

Wayne, meet Shamu.

Kids, let's do a show.

From Orlando, Florida, it's

Wayne Newton at SeaWorld.


And special guest appearance

by Shamu, the k*ller whale!



--old King Kong, meaner

than a junkyard dog.

When '70s TV was bad, there

was no description for it.

I mean, it's corny,

and it's stupid.

That's kind of what it was.

Everybody had a variety show.

Howard Cosell had

a variety show.

You know what's going

to make this show work?

Yours truly, the born superstar.

Didn't Shields and

Yarnell have a show?

They were mimes, and they did

something on Donny and Marie,

and it was popular.

So they went, well,

give them a show.

Let's see if it works.

At least '70s television

was way more in touch

with, hey, no one

knows anything.

Oh, didn't work.

Well, we tried.

Like, they don't know.

They don't know!

It became a way to bring

the family together

in front of the television

set without fully satisfying

any one member of that family.

It was disposable television.

People are going to see

this once, and that's it.

Variety shows did

not repeat well.

They look arcane today.

The funny thing is, if you

think the Star Wars Holiday

Special is bad or the "worst

thing" that ever aired on TV,

you never saw The

Lawrence Welk Show.

And that calls for

a little soul music.

[variety music]

You never saw the Paul

Lynde Halloween special.

(SINGING) Move it

in, move it out.

Move it in and about.

Disco baby.

You never saw The Brady

Bunch Variety Show.

(SINGING) There's a

new kind of dancing.

It's going to be the rage.

Just move yourself behind

like an actor on a stage.

The Brady Bunch Variety Hour

and the Paul Lynde Halloween

Special, those stand out

because they are so bad.

But there are other ones that

are forgotten just because they

weren't even memorably bad.

There are astronomically

worse shows

that aired around this time,

they just didn't carry the name

Star Wars.

The Star Wars Holiday

Special happened, again,

for multiple reasons.

CBS approached Lucasfilm

wanting to do it.

We talked to George at one

point about how this happened.

You don't like this

piece of content.

How does anything that you don't

like or you didn't approve of

get through?

It's like, it's not that

I didn't approve of it.

There was so much pressure in

between Star Wars and Empire.

The way that executives

thought about the audience

is that everyone would just

forget Star Wars was a thing.

The audience, they just

can't be depended upon.

So you got to make some other

kind of short-term Star Wars


What kind of TV

show can you make

on the kind of budget it

takes to make Star Wars?

And they're like,

holiday special.

And this was a

way, a TV special,

to get mass exposure, to get

more excitement until Empire

comes back and certainly

it would help the toys.

Star Wars, the

toys came later on.

They were ill-prepared

for how successful

the movie was going to be.

Because there was no such thing

as merchandising on movies.

Some TV stuff, but not movies.

Their lifespan is

just too short.

Back then, by the time you

would get a toy line out,

it would be 12

months to 18 months

after the movie

already left theaters,

and nobody would

remember the movie.

So nobody was willing

to take that risk.

The official Kenner

Star Wars models

are still in production

in the orient

and won't be ready

for several months.

First Christmas, every kid in

America wants a Star Wars toy,

but they had nothing

to sell for Christmas.

And so, what they did was they

sold you a coupon that you

would send in, and once

the toys had been made,

they would ship you a set.

But in 1978, the

toys were everywhere.

And this was the first Christmas

where you could get Star Wars

toys, Star Wars everything.

And a key component of marketing

that was the Star Wars Holiday


May the force be with

you and your children.

[r2 beeps]

Our agent called and said that

there's a Star Wars Holiday


And we got really

excited because we

thought this was going to be

our annuity, that this holiday

show would run every

year for an eternity.

The Charlie Brown

Christmas, the Grinch That

Stole Christmas I mean,

all of these things that'll

be one forever.

As it turned out, it

was only one viewing.

So the people who

wrote the special--

and there were a bunch of them--

were not science fiction people.

They weren't Star Wars fans.

I don't know if they all

had even seen Star Wars.

They were people

who wrote variety,

and that's what this show was.

It just happened to be

themed to Star Wars.

I mean, you have to remember,

we were comedy writers.

And to get into something like

this was really thrilling.

And I said, where do I sign?

And it was fun

from the beginning.

And the first day

it was the staff--

Lenny Ripps and Pat Proft.

They were there.

And Ken and Mitzie

Welch, who were writers

from The Carol Burnett Show, who

did all the big musical things,

and George--

George Lucas.

And Gary Smith

and Dwight Hemion,

who were actually

allegedly producing it,

but they didn't really

produce it in the end.

When I was looking at the

credits on the show and I saw

that they had-- it

was a Smith-Hemion--

I said, it was a

Smith-Hemion production?

That's so stupid.

Because I don't remember

them being there.

But they were at the beginning

when I thought about it.

And the other

thing was we worked

with his director, a guy

named David Acomba, who

was a director of

rock and roll videos.

He made a successful rock

and roll documentary there.

And there was that

USC connection.

David was the voice of George.

If David had an idea, or we

wanted to run something by him,

or there were questions,

our assumption

was that it's also

what George wanted.

My intent was to see

what George wanted

and try and make it happen.

But quickly there were--

Ken and Mitzie were assigned to

the show, whom I didn't know.

And then, when I found

out what they did, I mean,

they wrote the music for the

singing numbers and that.

I just thought that

was one of the worst

parts of the show when

she started singing

and all those kinds of fake,

Broadway, forgettable show


The wrong people to be assigned

to work with me or vice versa.

The film industry and the

variety television industry

are completely two

separate animals.

I hear that David did not

get along with the Welches.

And I didn't realize

that because I

wasn't in the room with them

when that was happening.

But that was the team.

What's so unique about the Star

Wars Holiday Special is not

just that they have the

costumes and the permission

to use everything that

we know of Star Wars,

but they actually got the cast--

the cast of Star Wars.

When I read it, I

said this is awful.


I was-- it was in my contract.


There was no way--

no known way-- to get out of it.

Oh, all right, but

I'm not singing!

They all slum it

for a TV special.

Again, I have to imagine the

paychecks made it worth it.

The talent was supposed

to be the caliber of Cher,

Baryshnikov, and Ann-Margaret.

That was the people

that they had hoped

would be on the variety show.

I didn't think it

was going to be

so much of a traditional

variety show.

It never occurred to me that

Harvey Korman, and Bea Arthur,

and Art Carney were

going to be in it.

Yes, they were TV stars, but

they were the elderly audience,

CBS audience TV stars.

It always occurred to

me as something that

was put together by old TV.

You know, what is this?

Star what?


You know, where's Captain Kirk?

Bring in-- you know who we need?

Art Carney.

He's a TV legend.

You felt like they could

have had cooler, hipper

people that they

would have brought in

to do these various parts.

Ken and Mitzie were old

school, and they were

used to doing it a certain way.

And David wasn't

crazy about that.

So there's an interesting rumor

about the Star Wars Holiday

Special, which I've

always found fascinating,

which is that David Acomba was

scouring improv clubs looking

for great acts that could

appear in the special

and came across Robin Williams.

This was after he'd already

been Mork on Happy Days

but before he had gotten

Mork and Mindy on the air.

And he brought Robin

to the Welches, who

immediately turned

him away and said,

we're only looking

for name talent.

About a month later

Mork and Mindy airs,

and Robin Williams

explodes and could

have been a part of what

made the Star Wars Holiday

Special fantastic.

They weren't on-- just weren't

on the same wavelength.

And David felt that he was on

George's wavelength and that

they weren't.

And they were

there because there

had to be professionals who

had done this kind of thing

before who knew what

the requirements were.

And George came up with

the original story.

It was going to be

a one-hour special.

Now, the Star Wars holiday

special that we know

didn't start off the way

that we experienced it.

It actually started off I think

from a much purer place, which

is George Lucas trying to

write a variety holiday

special, or at least

just a holiday special.

So after Ralph McQuarrie

passed in 2012,

they discovered, in his

archive, a five-page treatment

for the Star Wars

Holiday Special.

And it's debated as to who

actually wrote this treatment.

And when reading it, it

does feel decidedly Lucas.

And when you look at those old

Ralph McQuarrie concept pieces,

it makes sense that

George would have

floated this five-page treatment

to his key collaborator

on A New Hope.

When you read through

the treatment,

George Lucas has a

Jules Verne quality.

He sees the future.

Whether it is an iPad

or virtual reality,

this idea of this kind of

walking through a teleporter

and being able to be

in a different spot.

But then there are other

things that are so decidedly

weird like Raquel Welch.

"Guest star-- Raquel Welch--

volunteers for

the job and leaves

to intercept the starship."

So Raquel is playing

a starship officer,

which is already odd because

most imperial officers are


And she's going to infiltrate

the Starship Musica to stop

the Life Day celebration.

Raquel, under the

guise of telling Lumpy

a story with dance and gestures

about what drives a spaceship,

dances her way into the

power supply room and screws

everything up.

This idea that Raquel Welch

is doing some performance

art, Alvin Ailey kind of--

she's describing how a

spaceship works through dance?

There's a lot of

questions to be had here.

Look, who am I to judge?

But in reading this,

it feels like, hey,

a nerdy guy who has maybe

a crush on Raquel Welch.

He's like, maybe

I get to meet her.

Maybe she'll be impressed by me.

Maybe we'll hit it off.

We'll go get a sandwich.

Nothing weird.

We spent one full 12-hour day

working with George Lucas,

and that was worth everything.

I mean, he was the most-intense,

most-focused person

I had ever met.

I mean, we were so into it

that I forgot about lunch.

And that's infrequent for me.

Then he told us the

mythology of the story.

There was this Life Day.

[wookiee talk]

I know your family's waiting.

[wookiee talk]

I know it's an important day.

[wookiee talk]

All right, we'll give it a try.

The story was Luke

and Leia were--

and Han Solo were--

accompanying Chewbacca home

to his home planet for Life Day.

Which was a holiday

George invented,

and he thought it

would be like later

"Festivus for the rest of

us" from Seinfeld would be.

But not so much.

Never happened.

It was kind of a

Wookiee Rosh Hashanah.

You know?

I mean, it was the

biggest day of the year.

The whole Life Day

with the Wookiees

was something that George took

very seriously at the time

and that also sort of

expanded the Star Wars

universe in his first

major visual expansion.

George didn't choose

the storyline lightly.

They wanted

Chewbacca's family have

exposure to show them as a

loving family of creatures.

And to George Lucas,

this was real.

I mean, you have to

remember, he had come up

with at least a dozen stories,

so he knew what this was about.

George met with the

writers on the special

and actually showed

them a large binder--

a Bible of sorts-- for

the universe, where

we got to know a lot

more about the characters

that we didn't know at the time.

He was kind of like a

reporter sharing with us

a world that we didn't know.

Obviously, we were going to get

to know a lot about Chewbacca's

home life on Kashyyyk.

But there's rumor that we

were even potentially going

to learn more about Han Solo.

You're like family to me.

[wookiee talk]

He said that Han Solo

was married to a Wookiee,

but we can't say that because

people wouldn't accept it.

Family to me.

That Wookiee looked at

you with-- with lust.

That was--


Real affection.


No, Han was never married to--

that's-- that's not true--

That's impossible!

Uh, OK.

Most of our work was with

the Chewbacca stuff, not

the variety stuff.

The variety parts we left blank.

And originally the

special was going

to be a one-hour special, which

was typical for those variety

specials that the networks did.

But as Star Wars was

more and more successful,

CBS got more and more excited

and came back and said,

can we do a 90-minute special?

Can we do a two-hour special?

Then I found out

what it actually

was going to be once

we went to work.

And so did George.

And I think he was stunned.

You know?

I mean, we were

pretty clear that it

was wonderful to spend

a day with Lucas,

but we knew that we were

not going to spend any more

time with him.

You know?

I mean, he had much

bigger fish to fry.

George had detached himself.

I don't think he ever envisioned

a show with guest stars

and numbers.

Once again, we weren't

creating the material.

They were.

We just sort of approved it.

And then George got

busy with pre-production

on The Empire Strikes Back, so

he got less and less involved

with the holiday special.

Smith-Hemion were the top.

I mean, they had

92 Emmys, and they

were famous for doing

really classy shows.

And Smith-Hemion, who the

previous year had just done

the iconic David Bowie Bing

Crosby Christmas special,

which endures to this day--




Peace on Earth, can it be?

--was put in charge of the

Star Wars Holiday Special.

This was not really

in their wheelhouse.

The first day I went to the set,

and nobody was paying attention

to David Acomba because he

was kind of bouncing off

the walls a little bit.

It was a mixture of worlds,

and David's approach

was to try to do it documentary,

kind of one camera, even

shaky camera kind of thing.

And the production

company really

wanted it to be multiple

camera more often because you

could just get more done.

This is not-- everything

was taking forever.

And I remember the beginning

of the Star Wars show

was just absolutely brutal.

The hours were ridiculous.

But now, let's get

started, shall we?

And Harvey Korman is

working his butt off,

but ooh, boy, does he know

what he's doing is not good.

And Harvey would wear

anything I'd put on him.

And he did like

to get into drag.

He also dressed up as Julia

Child and did a bit as her.

A bit of the chloranthum root.


Just adds that

touch of piquancy.

I mean, Harvey has

a character called

Mother Marcus on The

Carol Burnett Show,

a big Jewish mama with big

boobs and really funny.

And this is not that

far from that character.

Consistency, don't we?

And on the count of 1,

stir, whip, stir, whip.

Whip, whip, stir.

Stir, whip, stir, whip.

Whip, whip, stir.

Sometimes when I'm cooking,

that does come to mind.

Stir, whip, stir, whip.

Ooh, coming along.

Very nice.

OK, Harvey Korman is in a

purple dress with silver hair

and forearms, and that's

still not the most weird thing

that's happening in this film.

Harvey Korman is trying

to pick up Bea Arthur, uh,

which is very disturbing.

What'll it be?

Hello, Ackmena.

Come back soon.

I'll be waiting.

And to somehow make

the scene weirder,

he has, like, a hole in his head

that he pours the drinks into.

I don't remember it.

I just absolutely

eliminated it from my mind.

It was too bizarre.

It was too otherworldly.

I couldn't remember it.

I didn't know what it was.

I couldn't recognize myself.

The only thing I

remember out of it

was the fun of working

with Bea Arthur.

I mean, we had fun, but I

don't know what the hell

that thing was about.

Some things are so contradictory

to the film that just came

out and established it.

Like, so, is this that cantina?

Because it's all the same

costumes and characters,

but it's not at all dangerous.


Like, that is the purpose

it serves in the film.

This is the most dangerous

place, where arms are cut off,

people are shot under

tables, and occasionally

Beatrice Arthur will

break out into song.

Bea wanted to sing

the "Alabama Song."

She wanted to do a number.

That was her proviso.

They finally, I think,

went to the Brecht

estate, which was not interested

in having the song done

on the Star Wars

Holiday Special.

Oh, and you know who was in it?

Harvey Korman and I were

in a bar with aliens

and strange-looking people.

And it's a lovely piece written

by Mitzie and Ken Welch.

So Ken and Mitzie wrote a song

for Bea that was a lot like--

(SINGING) those were

the days, my friend.

We thought they'd never--

--which was like

an up version of--

(SINGING) show me the way

to the next whiskey bar.

--and that's what Bea winds

up singing on the show.


homeward bound, friend,

don't forget me in your dreams.

It's the cantina

music slowed down.

But it's so funny, because

none of us had lyrics to that.

And then this

happens, and then kids

are starting to sing it on

the playground and stuff.

I was hired as a Wookiee.

But I remember,

when I showed up,

they had plenty of Wookiees,

and they were looking

for someone that could dance.

So the choreographer said, we're

just going to pop you in here.

You're going to be

walrus man from now on.

And I became walrus man, and I

got to dance with Bea Arthur.

I think part of the

issue for that day

was the fact that there

were so many people

being fitted into costumes.

That took hours.

I mean, the Bea Arthur

thing took forever too.

But that was because the

aliens kept fainting.

Those costumes were pretty

hot, pretty unbearable.

There is no oxygen

in these costumes.

You could not breathe

in these costumes.

And this went on for hours,

and hours, and hours.

Because it was like 103

degrees on the set, and you put

those heads on, and it's

kind of like waterboarding.

I think had we not

stepped in, the actors--

We would have k*lled them.

David had no sense of--

The fact that they

were suffocating.

--their needs as human beings.


My eyes were

supposed to be here,

but I'm looking through

two little holes.

I can't see out of the holes.

It's like, OK?

And then, I have to--

and I don't have hands.

I have hooves.

So it was just kind of

like, here, you go grab her.

I felt my way down, and I just

kind of grabbed her wrists

as best I could.

And I just started

doing this with her.

(SINGING) -- one

more dance, friend.

Just one more--

Kind of like L'chaim to life,

like from Fiddler on the Roof.

That's kind of that

two-step dance.

So going, swaying back and forth

to the music with Bea Arthur.

(SINGING) If you're

a friend, friend.

One part, it looks like

Bea Arthur is having

an affair with a giant rat.

Just one more drop, friend,

before we stop friends.

And interestingly

enough, the gigantic rat

was saying, oh my god,

get Bea Arthur off me.

And there's that scene where Bea

Arthur is like nuzzling a rat.

Rick Baker actually used

that on another project.

And it was from a film he'd

done two years ago, Food

of the Gods--

which is insane.

So we got a lot of

remainder aliens

that kind of had mill flaws,

so they looked fairly cheesy.

So the idea was, don't go

too close on any of them.

I never gave it much thought

once we finished with it.

But even to this

day, I get pictures

that fans send of me in

the costume and everything.

And please autograph it.

I don't remember

how long we went.

I just remember doing another

take, and then another take,

and another take.

I'm not surprised if I

was there for 24 hours.

Is that a tear,

friend, in your eye?

And it wasn't even that good.

Like once you saw

it, you went, wow.

You know?

They could have done that

in an hour or two hours.

Now, it's good night, friend.


I'm Bob Mackie.

Welcome aboard, Mr. Mackie.

I'm Captain Stubing.

It's an honor to meet you.

Thank you, captain.

Mr. Mackie designs the gowns

for all the big TV stars.

Carol Burnett,

Ann-Margaret, Cher.

That's right.

You've heard them say,

"clothes make the man?"

Well, I'm the man that

makes the clothes.


Well, I had heard enough people

enthusiastic about the Star

Wars Christmas Special.

And someone said-- and

they were talking about it,

and I said, oh, I designed that.

You did?

[gasps] really?

It was like that.

And I just went, oh, OK.

Well, I guess it

was more important

than I thought it was.

And when we walked in, they had

big drawings of the costumes.

And we saw the ones that

we would be wearing.

It was fantastic, and

Bob Mackie was there,

and we had to do fittings.

And Bob Mackie was there.

It was-- I was thrilled.

We had the acrobats,

and the gymnasts,

and all that whole group

of circus people, which

I loved doing.

So that was our

going to be our role.

We would be tumbling inside

this little music box

to entertain the baby

Chewbacca, Junior. (LAUGHING) I

don't know what his name is.


It is very similar to a scene

my father did in a movie

many years prior to

that, Thief of Bagdad.

So in that one, pop was inside.

He was miniature, inside

a little music box.

And then I have to have

their heads cut off.


And in this particular movie,

we were going to be on a table,

like a flat surface.

And we were more like holograms.

I wanted to do them

in bright colors

because everything in that

film was like a neutral color.

You know, it's all grays, and

taupes, and browns, and beiges,

and a little black,

and a little.

But basically no color really.

I guess in space they

don't have color.

This is the girl--

the gymnast girl.

And it's a whole body suit.

So anything-- any

time they moved,

the elastic would

move with them,

and it would stay in place.

And then the five of us

were in hot pink and Black.

That took a little getting used

to for tumbling in and doing

pyramids, climbing up.

Because I was the top man--


So climbing up, and so they

wouldn't get in your way.

So we had two jugglers, and they

were in the Spandex as well.

What better testament to

the mastery of John Williams

than whoever scored this

entire holiday special?

Because somebody came in with

a new Casio, like, synth sound.

And they're like, you got to

let me flex this out, you guys.

I'm telling you, it's

going to be timeless!

This is the first sketch I did.

And I wanted to have this kind

of Asian, half man, half bird

kind of situation.

And he's still a warrior.

They're all like warriors

of a certain kind.

He had this big tail that he

could whip around like a whip,

but it was attached.

And he had all these

pheasant feathers that

were dyed this green color.

Dance, sl*ve.


It was comfortable.

But only problem

was then bathroom.

Yeah, every once in a

while, someone will pop up

and they'll want us to-- oh,

I bought all the costumes.

One of things I

love to collect are

when I have costume sketches

of an actual costume I own.

So this is the only costume I

own from the holiday special.

And this was very

exciting too, that, like,

when I saw the things

in the Julien's auction,

I was like, that is one

I definitely have to win.

It's been over 40 years.

There's people are still

watching it online.

Like, it just-- yeah, it's--

people still talk about it.

Jefferson Starship had this

song that was a deep cut.

It was the last song

of one of their albums

called "Hyperdrive."

Almost as if a producer

looked at a list of artists

that were popular and then

called someone and said,


We have hyperdrive.

Call up this Jefferson Star--


We have starships!

It's as if it wrote itself.


So we recorded this song

"Light the Sky on Fire"

with Marty Bannon singing.

And he was the main singer

because Grace was in rehab.

So we went ahead and ended up--

somehow we ended up on the Star

Wars Christmas--

Holiday Special-- it was

Christmas special we called it

at the time.

And none of us really

knew what was going on,

but we ended up playing there.

So when I found out that

Jefferson Starship was going

to be part of the

sh**t-- we were actually

going to sh**t a

number with them.

So I thought, oh, this is

going to be really cool.

We had a connection--

not really.

I mean, I didn't know a lot

about what was going on.

I remember we were rehearsing

at Paul's-- it was Grace's house

over in San Francisco

overlooking the Bay.

It's a beautiful house.

And Darth Vader came by, and

it was like a publicity thing.

Came by and took

some photographs,

and we got some photographs

of us hanging out

with Darth Vader.

So we had some

relationship already.

Of course, I didn't really

know what to expect.

I mean, I figured they had

their stuff together, you know?


It's really bizarre.

It's really bad,

bad special effects.

But you know what?

A lot of reviewers

in 1978 praised this.

They thought the special

effects in this thing

were the highlight of the show.

Looking back on it now,

this can't be a highlight.

It was a trip.

I remember a little

bit about it.

I mean, I remember they let us

loose in a room full of props,

like a costume

room kind of thing.

They said, just try

and make up an outfit.

No direction really,

just individually

make up anything you want.

And it just-- as

long as it looks

like it's from another galaxy

or something or from the future.

I think the finished

product didn't really

come out as if it was

a music video as much

as they thought it might.

I guess-- yeah, I

guess Art Carney--

it's sort of

they're interacting,

and it's with his

wry humor with one

of the stormtrooper guys

sitting there in front

of this futuristic device.

Will you get on with it?


And they press the button,

and then we start--

we're suddenly,

there we are, playing

our song "Light the

Sky on Fire" with all

these weird, cheesy

effects all around.

And we're all sort looking

like we're from another galaxy


But we really probably didn't.

We looked pretty silly.



Will you light the sky on fire.

Will you light the sky

on fire every night?

You can take me higher than

the diamonds in the sky.

We didn't really know how

they were going to use it.

I'm not even certain they knew

how they were going to use it.

So eventually we started

just running behind

on that schedule.

And the more we ran

behind, the more the people

who are in the production

side of things with the money

got a little bit nervous.

And I remember that we

shot considerable amount

of the entire show

budget the first three

days of the production because

we were over into overtime

so much.

And the network freaked out.

Because they said,

this guy is going

to go over schedule,

over budget,

and then we're going to

have to edit this thing,

and we won't have what

we need, and all that.

And it went on to

the point where they

said we have to get rid of him.

We have to lose him.

[dramatic music]

One of the reasons

why I left was

that it just was not working.

You know?

And it was very confusing

because so many people

had their fingers in the pie.

And I'm not sure if

George understood

just what the difference

was between film

and television in the US.

Because I don't think he

ever worked in television.

I don't think George realized

that he picked the wrong format

in which to do these stories.

That wouldn't happen today.

But then, 40 years ago,

this was the style.

And so, it was

ex*cuted by people who

did these things all the time.

But I felt sorry for David.

Because he kind of

went back with his--

partially with his tail

tucked between his legs,

but partially with

the time-honored--

"it's Hollywood.

They don't know

what they're doing.

No wonder everything

is such crap

when it comes out of Hollywood.

I'm going back to Toronto."

And he went back and did

some beautiful stuff.

I don't want to answer any

more questions about the show.


It's just-- it's

just that simple.

You know?

You guys go ahead and

do whatever you want.

You do whatever you want to

do with all the people you get

and all that, but I'm not

interested in contributing

to the story at all.

At that point, given

the amount of overtime

that they were creating and

how expensive that was all

becoming for the production

company, something very unusual

happened is that we

just hit the brakes

and we came to a complete stop.

When David left,

there were problems.

Because directors don't leave

when things are going well.

So they were scrambling.

But we were out of

it at that point.

I mean Ken and Mitzie

apparently were on the set

every day working

with the show all day.

They put in an emergency

call into Steve Binder,

who was a terrific variety show

director who had done the Elvis

Comeback specials and

a lot of other stuff

and who knew how

to direct a variety

show in the conventional way.

So when Gary phoned me at home,

and I said, what's going on?

And he said, well, the

truth of the matter

is we started a two-hour

prime time special for CBS.

We're way over

budget, and there's

a decision being made right

now whether to continue

making the special or

shutting it down permanently.

He was replaced by

Steve Binder, who

was really a top-notch guy

who knew what he was doing.

He brought a sense

of control that

was missing from the

production, I think,

which helped get

things back on track.

The budget was $1 million.

I don't think that Steve had

the opportunity to really make

very many changes.

The way I saw it, for him,

it was pretty much triage.

[wookiee talk]

It's long been said

that George had always

wanted to do a story

that focused specifically

on the Wookiee home planet.

I can't tell you why.

That's something that he

wanted to see on screen.

The origins of this

concept of a Wookiee family

can be traced back to Lucas.

I know there's audio,

1976, and a brainstorming

session between

Alan Dean Foster,

George Lucas, and Charlie

Lippincott which was recorded.

[dramatic music]

Obviously, he didn't go and

do that as a sequel concept.

But that idea

remained in his head.

And it seems like it was

the seed for the holiday

special, which he then

revisited several years later.

There was no way

it could be done.

It featured the Wookiees.

They were the

stars of the story.

And the Wookiees speak

no known language.

[wookiee talk]

This was in the era when

on television because they

figured most of America

would not read them.

There's a terrific YouTube

thing where someone has gone in

[wookiee talk]

Had we been able

it would have been a lot easier.

Because we could have had the

Wookiees interacting more.

But we didn't.

Instead we had to have people

translating from the Wookiee

to English, which was an opening

for a lot of guest stars.

CBS liked that.

I suspect Art Carney didn't

really know what Star Wars was.

And how are my favorite

Wookiees today?

[wookiee talk]

Why are the long, hairy faces?

Art Carney understood

the Wookiee language,

and he could translate so

the audience would understand

what they were talking about.

[wookiee talk]

Officer, maybe I could

be of some help here.

I found, in Art

Carney's trailer,

he filled the shower

with ice, and then he

had bottles of different

kinds of alcohol

in the bottom of the trailer.

So when I met Art, he

was pleasant enough.

But I learned soon that I had

to sh**t all of his scenes

early in the day.

That wherever he

went to eat lunch,

he may have had a little bit

too much to drink at the time.

It's me, Saun Dann.

[wookiee talk]

God bless, Art Carney

and his character

of Saun Dann, where Saun Dann

brings gifts to the family,

hands Itchy a mind

evaporator, which tells you

everything you need to

know about what they

thought VR would be for people.

Now then, Itchy, I thought

you might like this.

It's one of those--

well, it's a real-- it's

kind of hard to explain.

It's a wow!

If you know what I mean.

When you put this

helmet on, it attached

to a port that had been put

under your skin in your brain,

and it would realize

your fantasies.

So you could sit at

home in your chair,

and your fantasies would

play out in front of you.

Happy Life Day.

I do mean Happy Life Day.

So we were going to see

all the Wookiee's dreams.

So itchy, the silverback

Wookiee, had a fantasy.

It was supposed

to be about Cher,

but Cher suddenly

couldn't do it.

And so, Diane

Carroll stepped in.

And Diane fit into the

Bob Mackie costume.

I exist for you.

I am in your mind

as you create me.

Oh, yes.

I can feel my creation.

[giggles] I'm

getting your message.

Are you getting mine?

[wookiee talk]

In what world, planet,

galaxy, in any time,

has anybody ever

wanted their grandpa

to enjoy porn in the

middle of the living room?

That's the least believable

thing in a holiday special.



We are excited, aren't we?

Well, just relax.

Just relax.


It's him watching humans or

aliens that are not Wookiees.

And we had to be careful--

I remember this-- not to make

it too racy for the grandfather

with Diane.


You know, I didn't have

approval of anything,

but that just seemed wrong.

But I didn't see that

when I was a kid.

All I saw was, why isn't

Han Solo on the screen?

Why can't we see

the real Chewie?

Chewie's family sucks!

Now, we can have a good time.

Can't we?

And it's cringe-worthy.

Because as he sits there

and rewinds, and replays,

and rewinds, and replays.

I find you adorable.

I find you adorable.

I find you adorable.

And then goes into a song

that Itchy enjoys thoroughly.

(SINGING) This minute now.

This minute now.

This minute now.

This minute now.

This minute now.

This minute now.

This minute now.

This minute now.

This was not made for children.

Whoever the creative team was in

charge of the Star Wars Holiday

Special has zero time for

children's entertainment.

They're like, uh, uh, uh,

I saw that Star Wars movie,

and there wasn't enough

VR Wookiee porn for me.

[wookiee talk]

Where's Chewbacca?

[wookiee talk]

When you were on the

Wookiee home planet,

how did you even understand

what they were saying?

I don't remember ever being

on a Wookiee home planet.


Actually, Luke was on the

Wookiee home planet Kashyyyk

in the Holiday

Special when he helped

Chewie get home to his wife.


Chewie had a wife?

Her name is Malla.

Come on, Malla.

Let's see a little smile.

Come on.

Mark Hamill's makeup

in the holiday special

rivals Huey Lewis's makeup in

the "Do You Believe in Love"


We always thought it was because

Mark Hamill was covering up

a scar, like the plastic

surgery didn't heal.

And that's why they added

that wampa capture scene,

because they needed to

show why Luke Skywalker had

a scar on his face.

Now, decades pass.

We find out that

that's not true at all.

But that really wasn't

the main emphasis

of why we wrote the

monster in the beginning.

It was just we needed something

to kind of keep the film

suspenseful at the beginning

while the empire is

finding them.

But the truth is,

it's just bad makeup.

These are Tony producers

making this special.

They are used to caking on

the makeup for musicals,

for stage performances.

Also, you have to

remember the degradation

of each copy of the holiday

special gets worse and worse

and worse, which means

the coloring is not

going to be corrected.

Over the period of

years, it's built up

into having my

face reconstructed

with plastic surgery.

George told us that

he had 10 stories

that he had come

up with, and he was

planning on making six movies.

And he had four other

stories that he was

putting in different places.

And one of them was Boba

Fett, but he hadn't quite

figured out what Boba Fett's

story was going to be.

So he took his

pilot version of it

and made it an animated thing

and was going to inserted it

into this special.

They were doing this

holiday special,

and there wasn't much

of our involvement,

but I came up with the idea,

why don't we take the Boba Fett

character and put him in that.

Make a little movie out of it.

I am Boba Fett.

Follow me, friend.

After Return of the Jedi,

all the Tim Zahn novels,

all the Dark Horse comics,

like all of this content

came out about how

awesome Boba Fett was.

But it all starts

with that animation

in the holiday special.

The animated bit,

which I think was

done by Nelvana, which is

a Canadian company that

eventually did the Droids

and Ewoks TV series.

George had seen a special that

we did called Cosmic Christmas

and really liked it.

And so, when he was working

with David Acomba, who

was a mutual friend,

you know, David

had suggested that we might be

good for the Star Wars special.

That was how the

relationship all started.

So the cartoon that's contained

within the holiday special

is this kind of short,

10 or 11-minute cartoon,

subtitled "The

Faithful Wookiee."

And it's the story

about how the rebels are

looking for Han Solo and

Chewbacca who have disappeared.

They find them, and they've

been affected by this sleeping

virus that only affects humans.

And as soon as they discover

it, Luke gets infected.

And then it's up to

Chewbacca and the droids

to try and rescue them.

And it was written by George.

And I loved the

roughness of Star Wars.

I loved the fact that everything

was beaten up and lived in.

We wanted to get that

kind of real world quality

into the animation too and

not make it too pristine.

It was a little bit

loosely based on Moebius.

George wanted the

style of Moebius,

who was a famous science

fiction Illustrator.

And so, that was the

inspiration for the style

of the characters.

That style of animation,

that like nearly rotoscoped,

everything that was vogue

in animation in that era,

it was that applied

to Star Wars.

But it was crazy.

Like, this was-- there's

nothing like it, that animated


To me, to this day,

even if I don't--

I know what the

holiday special is.

I know it's crazy

and kind of a mess.

But I still point to

that animated bit and go,

this is crazy.

Like, this is just vibrant.

But I love the introduction

of Boba Fett and that r*fle

that he had.

That animated piece

still holds up.

It's pretty cool.

And I draw

inspiration from that.

Jon Favreau has declared himself

a fan of the Star Wars Holiday

Special and he made

a concerted effort

to put lots of little Easter

eggs and little references

to the holiday special

throughout The Mandalorian.

Because we all ordered

the Boba Fett figure

by sending in our

proofs of purchase

from the back of the package,

and we got this figure

before he ever

appeared on screen.

You could get Boba Fett in the

mail before the movie came out.

So at the time,

the action figure

Boba Fett was supposed to have

a little rocket that fired out

of the jetpack.

But there were a

lot of safety issues

at the time with a lot of toys

that came out then that had

that rocket-firing feature.

And so, they never

made it that way.

His toy is so badass,

it might k*ll me.

They had to include

the rocket in.

And so, a generation of

kids were like, whoa,

who is this guy?

And the only time

we'd seen him was

in the holiday special,

which you know well

because you put the g*n in.

So the forked r*fle that

the Mandalorian carries

is a direct reference

to the holiday special,

because Boba Fett does not have

that w*apon when he appears

in The Empire Strikes Back.

So it's not in

any of the movies.

It's only in the Star

Wars Holiday Special.

I remember when you were all

proud when George came to set.

Did you see the g*n we have?


Do you know that

was a homage too.

That cannon, right?

Because you wrote it.

Not really.

You said, hey, we put that g*n

in from the holiday special.

And he goes, oh, I had

nothing to do with that.


One thing people love to talk

about in terms of Chewbacca's

role and how important he

was at the end of Star Wars,

and how important

he may have even

been seen by the filmmakers

at the end of Star Wars,

is that you give

Han Solo a medal,

and you give Luke

Skywalker a medal,

but Chewbacca only gets

a chance to stand up

on the platform and roar

at the end of Star Wars.

There was a question--

why didn't Chewbacca

get a medal at the

end of Star Wars?

And George's answer

to that was Wookiees

don't want-- he

didn't want a medal.

But his reward was that

Han would take them

back to his home planet

for Life Day celebration.

So on the very last day

of sh**ting, from day one

when I arrived at

Warner Brothers,

I was curious how we

were going to approach

sh**ting the finale, which

has not only the original

cast from Star Wars I the movie,

but also about 100 extras.

They saved all this

money by not having

to suit them by just dressing

them in these robes--

these honorary Life Day robes.

And they're all parading through

while Carrie sings her song.

And that song that I sing--

(SINGING) We celebrate

a day of peace.

(SINGING) --a day of harmony.

She wasn't-- she

wasn't a great singer.

But the song was apparently

the deciding factor

in getting her onto the show.

Just the set itself

looked so fake.

You know?

Film is very

forgiving, especially

if it's lit properly.

But this just looked so cheesy.

I called my art director in.

What's the set for

the big finale?

And he looked at me straight

in the eye, and he said,

Steve, I hate to break it to

you, but we're out of money.

We have no set for the finale.

I want you to go into

Hollywood, go to every candle

store you can find,

and buy every candle

they have in their shop.

So the night before we

actually shot the finale,

we placed fat candles,

thin candles, tall candles,

short candles all over

the floor of the stage.

And we spent the morning of

the actual sh**t lighting

all of these candles.

The end of this

movie is basically

like the Heaven's Gate cult

occurs to the Wookiee family.

(LAUGHING) Like, they all--


Like, they start singing a song,

they hold up their light orbs,

and clearly they die and

ascend to a new realm

where they enter the tail

of the Hale-Bopp comet.

I think that's what it--

I think that's what's happening.

The line producers of the

Star Wars Holiday Special

were Ken and Mitzie Welch.

They admittedly came

to me and said, hey,

we've never produced

anything like this.

Miki was the point person

between Lucasfilm, and CBS,

and the production

company, Smith-Hemion,

that was actually

making the special.

We couldn't tell

them what to do.

I mean, that was their project,

their show, and they didn't--

it was, like, out of control.

I told Gary if I came in

to direct and help put

the fire out, the one thing

I would not be available

was I had a show to go to,

I was already committed to.

I would not be able to

participate in one day or one

second of editing.

But we weren't in--

you have to understand,

we weren't in the

loop at that point.

I mean, at that point, it was

Ken and Mitzie Welch's show.

Ken and Mitzie were

variety show producers,

but they didn't know anything

about science fiction,

and they didn't

know how to edit.

I had never edited

anything in my life.

You know?

I write.

I'll never forget this--

I saw all of those tapes, and I

thought, what am I going to do?

And I do remember,

I burst into tears.

I have never ever not edited any

of my shows other than the Star

Wars Holiday Special.

And to this day, I regret it.

I'm sorry I wasn't there.

Because I knew it would

fall on Mitzie and Ken,

and I knew they had

zero experience.

They were there to

get the show done.

It would never have

gotten done otherwise.

But we were in contact

with George Lucas,

and he knew what

he wanted in terms

of the look and everything.

Yeah, Miki Herman.

She was our liaison with--

That's right.


She was there all

the time, every day.

And there in editing too.

And in editing, yeah.

They just left it up to

the variety show producers.

And, you know,

they regretted it.

[dramatic music]

On Friday night, blast off

to a galaxy far, far away.

It's the Star Wars

Holiday Special.

You're on.

So we would throw a

Thanksgiving for the lost

boys-- for all the people

who couldn't go home.

So that was the night before.

So the next night we all

went back and had leftovers

and watched the

Star Wars special,

which was on Friday

night of that weekend.

This is the days before the

VCR, so we couldn't tape it.

If you did not see it when

it aired, that was it.

So I had a party at

my house that night

for when the show was there.

It was catered, and it

had all of my friends,

and there were

people with trays.

I wanted to see this more

than I wanted to live.

You know, I was a

young Catholic kid,

and I was always afraid God

was going to k*ll me and stuff.

And I was like, oh lord, please.

Please, just don't k*ll me until

I see the Star Wars Christmas


And after that first

commercial, I turned it off,

and I said, OK,

everybody, let's eat.

You know?

I had no idea what

it had become.

And it was great.

I mean, they loved me Bea,

and they loved Harvey,

and they loved all of that.

They loved all the

crap, of course.

All the camp stuff they loved.

But what wasn't

camp in that show?

It just seemed so

weird even at the time.

And when it came out, it

was like, oh my god, this

is what they did for

the holiday special?

They made the mistake of farming

it out I think was the problem.

They farmed it

out to people that

were used to doing Perry

Como and Bob Hope specials.

And it shows.

I noticed that a lot of people

who write me and make comments

about the Star Wars

Holiday Special say,

I was five years old

when I watched it.

I was 10 years old

when I watched it.

They have a whole different

perspective of it.

Because they usually

add, "And I loved it."

From what I remember as a kid,

the Star Wars Holiday Special

was tremendous.

I was super excited.

I was over anxious,

simply because something

from the Star Wars world was

going to be on television.

We're starving, as fans,

for anything Star Wars.

Other than the movie,

that's the only other thing

that I saw that had Harrison

Ford in it or on it at all.

I'll take anything.

I don't care if they're

going to juggle, sing, dance.

And all the kids talked

about it at school

the next day and so forth.

And then everybody promptly

forgot about it after that.

A sinking feeling came

in, where I was like,

oh, this isn't going to be

as good as I'd hoped it.

In a weird way, it

was a prep for what

I would experience decades

later with the prequels,

where I sat down, could

not have been more excited,

could not have been

more jazzed, and then

it took time, as I was watching

it, to realize like something's


I think with probably like

the plague in the Middle Ages,

after everybody died, they

decided to change the subject.

So I don't remember people

talking about it much.

[mysterious music]

It's like one of those

Mandela effect things,

where for a long time

a bunch of people

didn't even know the Star Wars

Christmas special existed.

As the internet grew,

it became this sort

of like talking point.

Are you a Star Wars fan?


Do you know about

the holiday special?

Now, I know you're

a Star Wars fan.

But this really showed a

different level of commitment.

Like, most casual

Star Wars fans don't

know about the holiday special.

And so, all of a sudden,

it kind of surfaced.

And that was when he

tried to really bury it.

You tell somebody you

can't have something,

they want it even more.

So I got the Star

Wars Holiday Special

on a VHS tape,

sixth-generation copy.

That would have been

valuable currency

to a prototypical

nerd, Star Wars fan.

Years later, when I first

interviewed George Lucas,

and we finished the main part

of the interview, and I said,

I've got another

question for you.

What about the holiday special?

And he said, "Oh,

that damn thing."

He said, "If I could

personally go out and find

all of the bootleg VHS tapes,

I would smash them all."

And I told that anecdote at

a convention in Australia.

That sort of went

around the world.

George Lucas wishes there

were never a holiday special,

and he would smash

all the tapes.

I take some pride in having

started that anecdote,

and I got it right

from the horse's mouth.

In a way, the fact

that Lucas has

spent so much time

denying it makes it

more popular for some people.

Because it seems

like it's something

they shouldn't see or can't see.

[dramatic music]

George didn't say anything

during production.

Because, again he had moved

away to work on other things.

I blame-- not blame.

That's the wrong word.

Lucas-- when Lucas walked away,

he said, do whatever you want.

And then he got upset because

we did whatever we wanted.

He knew it wasn't

going to be wonderful.

And really, I don't

think he saw it

until about the same

time we all did.

And he immediately hated it.

Because I'm bold with

George when we're having

conversations, and I asked him.

And I was like, "Oh,

man, what did you--

how did you feel when

you saw the first cut?"

And he was like, "Well,

I did ask if there was

a way that we couldn't air it.

Did it have to air?"

But it was a lot of

money, and it had to air.

To this day, I've

never met George Lucas.

All I heard was he tried

to buy the negatives

and never ever showed

this again after it aired.

I don't blame anybody, but he

is the only person who really

could have controlled it.

You know, all the

Star Wars actors

were in this thing playing the

roles that they made famous

a year earlier.

And now, the guy who

created those roles

for them, George Lucas,

says, eh, I'm not

really associated with this.

I have my name on all

the good things I've done

and all the bad

things I've done.

But maybe if I could have taken

my name off of the bad things

I would have.

George, to be fair,

hasn't been out there

going, like, I hate

the Christmas special.

It's not like he's

lamenting it loudly.

But it's very-- he's made

it clear over the years

that he ain't into this.

I think, at the time, when the

holiday special was broadcast,

it was not considered to

be a big failure or giant

anomaly that it is

considered to be today.

I don't know for

sure, but I certainly

didn't hear from

anybody that there

was any fallout from the

show, that anybody was fired.

I think life just

went on at Lucasfilm.

The whole purpose of this

show was to sell toys to kids.

There were also going to be

action figures of the Wookiee


We only know of one set of

the prototype Wookiee action

figures that Kenner was

maybe going to make.

But there were the

four action figures--

Itchy, Chewbacca,

Mallatobuck, and Lumpy.

So clearly, somebody

thought that there

was money to be made in doing

merchandise based on the Star

Wars Holiday Special.

But that never happened.

When something is

that huge, people

can't control, as hard

as they do, the way it's

going to be marketed.

An advertising series

in Japan for Panasonic,

between 1989 and 1993, and

they used George Lucas and all

of the characters in Star Wars.

And I saw the contract.

There was a series of penalties

if any of these commercials

showed in the US.

And in terms of embarrassment

to the franchise,

I remember a commercial where

Darth Vader was fighting

with a lightsaber, and

then it shorted out,

and he opened up the hilt

and the batteries were dead.

Energizer bunny, like, goes

cymballing through the frame.

And I was like, there goes the

dignity of the great Sith Lord.

You can see the awful

George Lucas Super Live

Adventure in seven

parts from Japan

from 1993 on the internet.

And it's like a stage show.

And it covered not only like

Star Wars and Indiana Jones.

I mean, I think it

was covering Tucker,

and it's covering everything

that Lucas has done.

That was all singing, all

dancing stormtroopers.

I mean, you know,

give me a break.

It's just (LAUGHING) the machine

is just going to take over.

And it's like, why not

make a holiday special?

And at that time, I have

a feeling that George just


either he was too busy, or

he didn't fully understand

the changes that were happening,

or maybe just figured this is

a variety show, who

cares. (LAUGHS) You know?

A lot of people came into

watching it thinking, oh,

we're going to get a

TV sequel to Star Wars.

It's going to be a science

fiction adventure show

and stuff like that?

And that's never what it was.

It was a variety show.

It's easy to poke fun

at stuff after the fact,

and question how it happened,

and sort of make fun of it.

It's cliche, at this point, to

crap on the Star Wars Holiday


It really is.

Everybody, without even having

sat through the entire thing,

just instantly

it's a punch line.

The legacy of the Star

Wars Holiday Special

is in how it impacted

all of us fans.

And as people continue

to create for Star Wars,

they'll keep on adding

these Easter eggs in.

You'll keep on seeing

things in the background--

these callbacks, these little

things that tip the hat to you,

the viewer, that this

is made by someone

who truly loves Star Wars.

Together we will

rule the galaxy--

Cut, cut, cut.

I quit.

This is the holiday

special all over again.


The Glee Holiday Spectacular.



Our first ever, live-action

holiday special.

What is it, Star Wars Christmas?


No, don't be ridiculous.

That's Wookiee Life Day.


I've got you now.

[wookiee talk]


Yeah, I was hoping to

be free for Life Day.

I love these connective tissues.

I love the fact that

we've taken Life Day,

and we said, no, November

17, the day the special was

released, is now Life Day.

So on Earth, in the Disney

Parks, in the world,

we celebrate it.

As much as Lucasfilm might

not want to acknowledge its

existence, we've seen

it infiltrate Disney+.

We've seen merchandise all

over the theme parks themed

around Life Day.

No one's talking about the

holiday special directly,

but we are, as a fandom,

embracing Life Day.

Maybe this could mean, down

the road, at some point,

they might release the

entire holiday special.

Who knows?

I think he should embrace it.

I mean, like, it's not his

fault. He didn't do it--

I don't think.

And am I going to

stand on a soapbox

and proclaim that this is canon?


But it's really interesting,

and it's really fun.

The Star Wars special is

kind of an anomaly for fans,

because it was kind

of the one big thing

that Lucasfilm did before it

got its act together and got

its system together to make

sure that things like this

never happened again.

It's just a curiosity.

I mean, the Star Wars

universe is so different now.

As much as I, as

a fan, would love

to have a nice, pristine copy of

the Star Wars Holiday Special,

I understand why he

probably wouldn't want

to put that out in the world.

You know, it may not be, like,

our favorite part of the Star

Wars mythos, but

it has its place.

It's an important part

of Star Wars history.

Star Wars fans are

collectors, right?

So it does have, built into

it, more than any film or TV

show made for Star Wars,

this exclusive collectibility

element of it.

I don't think Disney+

should put it out.

Part of the thing that

makes it so wonderful

is that it still has

that bootleg feel to it.

I think it's actually surprising

that Lucasfilm and Disney

haven't released the holiday

special in some format.

Why let the bootlegs

run the show?

They should actually have

an official release of it.

Let the audience discover it.

And when they discover

it, it means more.

Here's the one way

they should release it.

They should let George

Lucas have it and then put

all the crazy--

just let him George

Lucas the hell out of it.

I would love to do--

someday, maybe on Disney+,

we'll do a holiday special too.

Do you think we'll ever see

another Star Wars holiday


Not if I have anything

to say about it.

Maybe there's a

version that none of us

can imagine that

would be genius.


Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Oh, that'd be insane.

I got to pitch that to them.

We'll see.

If you want to see a holiday

special, let Disney+ know.

Wow, you heard it here first.

I also believe that George

Lucas is, at his heart,

an experimental

filmmaker, and he

wants to make things that

are weird and different.

And the holiday special is that.

The greatest crime of the Star

Wars Christmas and/or Holiday

Special is that it

ain't Star Wars.

But to be fair, what is?

At this point, George

Lucas is probably

like, you know what,

it's been out there.


I've moved on.

It's a thing that happened.

But if Star Wars Holiday

Special kind of sneaks in there,

I don't think he cares anymore.

Though, I don't think

he'd want another one.


[triumphant music]

George once asked us, please,

never mention it again.

And I said, George,

we should own that.

Because it shows that

everybody's fallible.

Everybody makes mistakes.

When you work in any

project, you fall in love.

What else are you going to do?

I have worked on shows

that were really popular

and shows that were horrible,

and I didn't work any more

or less hard on any of them.

[blues piano]

Every filmmaker has to

grapple with not everything is

going to be a hit.

There is no being an

artist without failure.

There just-- there is no being

an artist without failure.

Time has a real

amazing way of allowing

you to embrace the past.

It's a very

difficult place to be

an artist on the public

stage making movies.

Because everybody

is watching you,

and many people are

rooting for you to fail.

All my life, since the Donny

and Marie Show was created,

I've wanted nothing

to do with it.

If you look at other

franchises, they

would die to have the

fan base of Star Wars.

It's crazy.

Like, Star Trek would love

to have what Star Wars has.

They don't have

anything like it.

Nobody does.

When you have a bunch of

people that love something

and take it into their

hearts, they claim it.

And when these things don't

behave the way we want them to,

well, it seems like we've

become a culture that doesn't

know how to handle that.

Watch the good stuff, and

either ignore the bad stuff

or delight in the

bad stuff ironically.

I have learned to embrace it.

I've learned to say, you know,

I'm not embarrassed about it

as much.

You know, I did the best

I could at the time.

That's what was popular.

That's what people were

buying and watching,

and it was appropriate

for the day.

I think failure defines people

sometimes more than success.

I think failure is one

of the great motivators.

The Star Wars Holiday Special

led to stuff like Andor.

That all of that failure

is part of that process.

Someway, somewhere,

somehow, somebody

is going to make fun of you.

Don't let it bother you.

Move ahead.

Be an artist.

Sometimes the magic

happens, and sometimes it's

the Star Wars Holiday Special.

[upbeat music]

There was a new flash in

between the commercials,

and the bootleg had all

the commercials from 1978.

And that was

actually-- eventually,

that became part of the charm.

They've become

part of this movie.

And the anchor is

the funniest part is.

Because he's just

there, and he's like

fighting the frizzies.

You know, tonight at 11:00.

Fighting the frizzies at 11:00.

I've been surreptitiously

made a cult figure,

whether I wanted to or not.

And then they parodied

that on South Park.

And now, fighting the frizzies.

Why are they doing this?

Why the parody?

Nobody remembers the serious

things and the profound things

that I did in my

career, but they all

remember fighting the

frizzies at 11:00.

[music continues]
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