01x03 - Episode 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Kamen Rider Black Sun". Aired: October 28, 2022.*
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In the year 2022, Japan has entered a socio-political crisis since the government declared a coexistence between humans and the Kaijins, altered humans that came to be half a century ago via a classified government experiment.
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01x03 - Episode 3

Post by bunniefuu »




Is it fun

sh**ting plates?

It's boring.

I only feel the rush at the beginning.



Soon, I'm going to get a kaijin
that I can riddle with b*ll*ts.

What? You're going to sh**t a kaijin?

-What kind of kaijin?

Probably a lizard kaijin.

A lizard?

-I'll let you sh**t a round too.

Practice with this. Pull this trigger
and a b*llet will come out.

Okay. Let me try.

Who are you?

What are you doing?

-Let go!

Let go of me!

Let go of me!

Ouch. It hurts!

Who the hell are you guys?

Stand up!

Go, if you don't want to get hurt.

Yes, ma'am!

I'm the Prime Minister's grandson!

Do you know that?

Yes, and that's why we're taking you.
Let's go.

-This way.

Let go!

-Look, I found the perfect car we can use.
-That's mine, you idiot!

Shut up!

Let go of me!




You can't win against me with strength.
First, pry off my fingers.

Next, slam your heel on my foot.
Turn around and escape from my arm.

If his hand is still on you,
pull back and make him lose balance.

Take a step and elbow him.

I think I'm a genius.
I already got the feel of things.

It's better to buy a g*n,
than to learn all this.

It's not like I want to k*ll the kaijins.

Plus, you're with me right now, Mister.


Do you think Shunsuke is all right?

Don't worry about him.

Like this.

Shut up, you little sparrow.


How does my face look?

Are my eyes sticking out?

Why are you asking stupid questions?

Nothing has changed.
You look as pathetic as always.

But my eyes…

Hurry up and go brush your teeth.

What are you doing?

I changed because I'm going out.

My mom might have left a message at
Shunsuke's place.

Oh, and I'm taking part in
a protest today.

If you're going out,
leave that necklace behind.

I told you that this is a precious gift
that my parents gave me.

Holding onto that will put you in danger.

Mind your own business.

Leave it behind.

Now you're trying to appear scary to
intimidate me? That's harassment.

There's absolutely no privacy here.

Just take it off.

I'm doing it right now.

Here. Are you happy now?

I'll be off.

I don't know how to hold back.

You want me to smash your nose in?

Please stop this.

I really don't know anything
about the Kingstone.

We really don't know anything!

I had heard from Oliver

about the existence of a thing
called Kingstone.

But that's all I know.


Thank you for waiting. Here's your Cola,

and here's your tea. Enjoy.

This was taken 50 years ago.

These were members of the kaijin group
that fought against humans.

It's the predecessor of
the current Gorgom Party.

This is Mister. I can see the resemblance.

But a division occurred
between the members,

and Kotaro Minami
and Nobuhiko Akizuki left Gorgom.

That's Mister's friend.
He hasn't changed at all.

This is just a guess,
but it might have something to do

with the jelly you saw called Heaven.

But why?

Why did they have a falling out?


Are you going to become a politician too?

Probably, even though I don't want to.

I've had enough to eat. I want to smoke.

Do you understand the situation you're in?

We're not here to t*rture him.
Give it to him.

-Shut up.


You know,

you should use this chance to
butter me up.

I won't say we're equals,

but I'll at least acknowledge
the kaijin's existence.

Light it up.

What are you doing?

-Here. Here you go.
-Quit that!

That mouth of yours

was sucking on your mom's breasts
until you were in fourth grade elementary.

How do you know that?

Stop that.

Acknowledge the kaijin's existence?

The value of kaijin and human lives

outweighs that of the earth.

There isn't even
one gram of difference in their worth.



Fine. I'll accept those terms.


Yes. We will provide kaijin's
with equal opportunities

and rights for education and work.

Thank you.
We apologize for our rude behavior.

Well, that's the position we'll take
officially to the public.

I agreed to meet you here

because I have a proposal for you kaijins.

What is it?

Until when will you continue
with this game of revolt?

Create a political party.

Preparation to grant rights for suffrage
is already in progress.

What do you mean?

Sooner or later, I plan to

reform the constitution
so that I can use military power overseas.

When that day comes, the 200,000 votes

from the kaijins will be helpful.

That was your objective from
the very beginning?

It's also worth mentioning,

that when we start a w*r
with another country,

I'll have the kaijins fight at
the frontlines as military weapons.

I'll hold onto the Creation King.

I'll have you know,

that if I put my mind to it,

I can easily

eradicate all kaijins anytime I want.


He transformed into a kaijin!

Don't move!

What have you done?

Hand over the Creation King?

The Creation King is god!

A mere human is not worthy to touch him!

Darom. Answer me immediately.

Do you want to go extinct?
Or do you want to coexist?


Don't be rash!

No matter how it's worded,
our wish will still be granted.

Living as subordinates to humans?
Is that what coexisting means?

Give me a break!


Did you decide on your answer?

Darom! k*ll him!

k*ll Dounami!

If that's the only way

for kaijins to survive in this world…



Wait. It's for our benefit.


Wait Dounami!

Calm down, Bilgenia!

How are you okay with this?

It's for our benefit.


How was the negotiation?
Was it successful?

I can't say that it was successful.

The government will manage
the Creation King,

and they will acknowledge
the kaijins as military weapons.

What? What does that mean?

Darom and the rest accepted that?


But Bilgenia did not approve.

Stop, don't do that.


What bunch of crap!
You should at least die!

You promised that you'd let me go!

Stop it, Nobuhiko!

-What are you doing?


Where did you get your hands on this?

I don't know anything.

Once this becomes public,
we can instantly flip the administration.


Get up!

-Move quickly!

-Get up!
-Don't worry about me.

-Stop this!

-Let's go!

Why do the Three High Priests
want to meet directly with me?

I'll get straight to the point.

Black Sun is alive and has the Kingstone.

You're telling me to take his Kingstone?
What's my reward?


You're not interested in money or status.

But you're interested in Black Sun.

Am I wrong?


Thank you for waiting.

I heard you caught

those radicals that were on
the wanted list.

Yes, I thought they might have
some lead on the Kingstones.


were you able to find
anything interesting?

No, not really.

This w*r bill…

not only will this prevent security,

it will put Japanese citizens

and our self-defense force at higher risk.

Prime Minister!

-The Prime Minister needs to speak up!
-Isao Nimura.

We want answers from the Prime Minister!

Prime Minister!

If by any chance, a battle erupts
in an area where

the self-defense force is located,

we will halt all

-activities to--

-provide safety.
-Prime Minister! Answer us!

One more thing. This is not a w*r bill.

-It's the Peaceful Security Legislation
-Are you listening?

Please don't label us incorrectly.

The Prime Minister should answer us!

Prime Minister. Shinichi Dounami.

If by any chance, a battle erupts
in an area where

the self-defense force is located,

we will halt all activities

to provide safety and reassurance.

-You repeated it!

Say it in your own words!

Prime Minister!

You repeated that word for word.

It's because they keep asking
the same questions.

-It's only natural.
-Do you think

you can get
the citizen's approval like that?

Hear, hear!

Prime Minister, please give us a comment!

Give us a comment!

Prime Minister!

Answer us, Prime Minister!

Getting the citizen's approval?
I never intended to.

The majority of this world was created
without getting their approval.

They don't get that, and that's why

they'll always be the opposing party.

Stop discriminating against kaijins!

Stop discriminating against kaijins!

Give us back Yuji Kinoshita!

Give us back Yuji Kinoshita!

Stop kaijin hate!


Give us back Yuji Kinoshita!

Give us back Yuji Kinoshita!

Stop discriminating against kaijins!

Stop discriminating against kaijins!

Give us back Yuji Kinoshita!

Give us back Yuji Kinoshita!

Stop kaijin hate!

Stop discriminating against kaijins!

Give us back Yuji Kinoshita!

-Stop discriminating against kaijins!
-Stop discriminating against kaijins!

Give us back Yuji Kinoshita!

I'm sorry for dragging you into this.

This is important for kaijins.

Who cares if we're humans or kaijins?

-We're family.

Give us back Yuji Kinoshita!

Stop discriminating against kaijins!

-That's right!
-Hey Shunsuke.


I really thought you died, Shunsuke.

Oh, yeah…

How did you recover from that wound?

I don't really know either.

-Stop discriminating against kaijins!
-Stop discriminating against kaijins!

-Give us back Yuji Kinoshita!
-Give us back Yuji Kinoshita!

Stop, stop!

Stop right there! Stop!

Stand back!

-Stop walking around…
-Stand back!

while making false statements.

Stand back!

That kaijin was the one who
resorted to v*olence first!

Stand back!

How is that an excuse
for you to sh**t him?

-Hear, hear!
-Stand back!

Such nonsense!

Where there are bugs, we use pesticides.

Where there are kaijins, we use g*ns.

Do we need to give reasons for
exterminating them?

Stop! Stand back!

You want to get arrested?

We won't forgive you, Igaki!
We won't let you go!


We've had enough, Igaki!

You've gone too far!

-Stop taking us for fools!
-You're at fault!

Give us an apology!

Wait, Shunsuke!

-Exterminate? Is he serious?

Stand back. I'll arrest you for
obstructing a public officer!

-Stand back!
-Igaki, I won't forgive you!

Ouch! That hurts! He broke my leg!

My leg is broken!

-Igaki, you jerk!
-Stop right now!

That's enough!

Your bone's not broken!

Arrest him!

Arrest him right now!

Wait! Hold on!

-How can you arrest him?
-Dad! Wait!

-Come here!
-Calm down!

-It's broken.
-Calm down!

-Calm down!
-Don't worry about me!

-Please take care of my son and wife!
-Wait, don't go.

Don't go! Darling! Wait!




That's Mister's friend.

I'm a kaijin, just like you guys.

I'm a kaijin,
feeling the same kind of anger!

If we stay quiet, this hate will continue
and we will be crushed.

That's why you should be even angrier!

This world is not just for humans.

This is also our world!

So we have no choice but to fight.

Kaijins should be able to live as kaijins.

That's the world I dream of.

That shouldn't be considered
something out of the ordinary.

If you agree with me,

please fight with me.

Stop getting ahead of yourself!


Hey. Black Sun.

Are you my enemy too?

I don't care about that.
Give me the Kingstone.

Then take it from me.

Why are you and Shadow Moon

trying to get rid of the Creation King?

Don't you want to keep on living?

Did becoming a kaijin make you happy?


I was never happy. Not even once.

Why does that matter?

Even if a new Creation King is born,

nothing will change.

Shut up, shut up!

Then what do you want to do?

Kaijins should stop existing
in this world.

That's good enough for me.

Kaijins should stop existing?

Don't be a fool!

Mister! You have to stop!


Mister! Please stop this.
Kaijins shouldn't fight each other!

You too, Kujira.

What about the Kingstone?

Look. I didn't leave it behind.

Let me tell you something.

The reason why Shunsuke didn't die

is because of Heaven.

What's Heaven?

It's human.

Everyone, are you ready?

We can't agree with Darom and the rest.
We're separating from them.

-Where's Koumori?
-He's not coming.

But we can't wait for him.


What's this saber?

It protects the Creation King.

Bilgenia should hold onto this.

Get ready.

Creation King, please be patient
for a little while.

Let's go.

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