01x17 - Ghost of Rock

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fresh Beat Band of Spies". Aired: June 15, 2015 – February 24, 2016.*
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The Fresh Beat Band, now a group of spies, solve wacky mysteries in their town using their individual talents and cool gadgets.
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01x17 - Ghost of Rock

Post by bunniefuu »

[all] ♪ Get your spy on

♪ Spy on

♪ You're on a mission with a Twist and Shout ♪

♪ Shout!

♪ Kiki and Marina spy it up to work it out ♪

♪ Out!

♪ Bounce with our sidekick, Bo

♪ Gadgets on the go

♪ Who's the first at the scene of the crime? ♪

♪ Fresh Beats!

♪ Solving the mystery every time ♪

♪ Trouble's no match for the Fresh Beat Band of Spies ♪

♪ Get your hands up high

♪ Find a cool disguise

♪ Fresh Beat Band of Spies ♪

♪ Get your spy on

[Twist] Ghost Of Rock.

Wow, look at all the fans here

for the Three Directions concert.

Yeah. I was afraid there might not be a big crowd.


'Cause of the ghost.

[ghostly mumbling]


[laughs] That's just some silly story.


[car horn honks]

Oh! Here they come!

[crowd screaming]

Ah, ah, ah. Watch the hair.

Please don't fluffle the hair.

[man] Cool! It's Hamish!

Autographs after the show.

Our favorite food is clams.

Long walks in the moonlight.

Come on, Curtis.

I'm not going in there.

That theater is haunted.


- Told ya. - [mumbling]

[laughs] It's not haunted.

That's just some silly story.

Oh, exactly. It's a story.

Do we look like a band who would sing at a haunted theater?




The hat is haunted!

[all] Whoa!

Did you see that?

Huh. That was weird.


Scream if you want a show!


♪ Hey now

♪ Hey now, now

♪ No matter what you do

♪ Hey now

♪ Hey now, now

♪ I'm always there for you ♪

♪ Hey now

♪ Hey now, now

♪ No matter what I do

♪ Hey now

♪ Hey now, now

♪ You're right there for me, too ♪

♪ Hey now Hey!

Hey! I was--

♪ Hey now

♪ Hey now, now

♪ I'm always there for you ♪

♪ Hey now


♪ Hey now


That's strange.

They have some cool new effects.

How do they do that?


How do they do that?

I'm not sure those are effects.


Okay. [laughs nervously]

It's all under control.

Everybody, let's see those hands up as high as they can go!



- Wow! - Dude.

A singing yo-yo.

I did not see that coming.

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa!


Mmm. [crunch]

Madison, you will not believe who just landed in my nachos.

This is definitely not part of the show.

Ho-ho! This is too much.

I'm getting out of here.


Me too!


This place really is haunted.

Wait for me!


Really, really haunted?

But what about the show?

What if this place really is really, really haunted?

For real.

I'm sure there's a perfectly normal explanation

for all of this not exactly normal stuff.

Guys, there's nothing to be afraid of.

Nothing's going to pop out and say, "Boo!"

Or fly in and scare us.

Fresh Beats!

[screaming] Reed!

We have a mysteriously mysterious mystery on our hands.

Meet me at the music store, right away!

You know, I kinda did see that one coming.

Hello? Anybody here?


Fresh Beats!

[all gasp] Reed!

Weird things keep happening at that theater.

Night after eerie night,

concert after creepy concert,

haunting after horrible haunting!

[terrified mumbling]

Take a look at this!

[machines buzzing]

[Reed] It happened at a rockin' rock-n'-roll show.

[man] Whoo! You rock!

Oh, no!

- [gasping] - What?


Whoa! That never happens!

[Reed] It happened at the h*nky tonk hoedown hootenanny.



Wow, that never happens!

[Reed] It even happened happened at harp-a-palooza!

[man] Bravo! Bravo!

[startled screaming]

[high-pitched opera singing]

[string snaps]

Ugh, this always happens here.

If these weird things keep happening,

the theater will have to shut down forever.


No! We love that theater.

Everybody loves that theater.

Everybody thinks it's haunted.

Then we'll have to prove that it's not haunted.

- Good. - [mumbling]

Or that it is haunted.

- Bad. - [mumbling]

Fresh Beats, it's up to you to save that theater!

This is a mission for the Fresh Beat Band...

[dramatic music]

[all] Of spies!

Time to spy it up.


[dramatic music]

Kiki on scooter!

Shout on hover board!

Marina on...


Twist on double pogo to go-go!

What's up, Bo?

Don't you want to ride up front?


Yeah, me neither.

Don't worry, guys.

There's no such thing as a ghost.

But since Marina has the flashlight, she should go first.

Have no fear, Bo Monkey and I will lead the way.

Check out our sweet plan.

Remind you of anything?

[ghostly moaning]

You're disguised as ghosts?

Yup. That way, if there are any ghosts in there,

then we'll blend right in and no one will scare us.

But you don't have any eye holes.


Don't need any.

We got a mouth hole for saying "ooh!"


Okay, maybe one eye hole.

Okay, everybody. Look around,

and if you see anything suspicious, give a--

[Twist] No!

[Marina] What? What is it, Twist?

The snack bar is closed.


The whole theater is closed.

Okay, time to use the spectral inspector ghost detector.

This will help us locate any ghost in no time.

- [electronic beeping] - [gasps]

Bo monkey, this means we're actually g-g-ghosts.


[laughs] Don't worry guys.

That's just the sound of it turning on.


[electronic beeping]

Okay, team. This theater is big.

We'll need to split up

if we're going to search the whole place.

I'm not scared.

Really not scared.

- Super not scared. - [squeaking]


Um, who's there?

Don't make me come find you!


One, two, three!





Shout was right. There's nothing to be afraid of.

- [electronic beeping] - [screams]


- [crash] - [grunts]

[electronic beeping]

Kiki, Twist here. Do you have any snacks?


If there are any ghosts around here I'll--

Yah! Cha! So! La! Ti! Do!

[gasps] What's that?


Relax, Shout.

It's probably just the wind.

I hope.



[Shout] [gasps] The Three Directions!

What are you doing here?

We hid in here after the concert went all bonkers.

And the ghost locked us in!

I'd run if I were you!

This place is definitely haunted!

Come on lads, let's go!

[frightened yelping]

Bo Monkey and I are backstage looking for ghosts.

It's scary because it's really dark.

I can hear myself breathing

because I'm breathing very loudly.

And I'm under this sheet, and I can't see a thing,

because I'm under the sheet.


[terrified mumbling]


- [screams] - Bo Monkey?

Bo Monkey!

[electronic beeping]

Guys, come quick!

My ghost detector is going off!


I don't see it!

Of course we don't. It's a ghost!

Some ghost-finding fog should make the ghost visible.


Okay, what's that?

Remember what I said about

there's no such thing as a ghost?

Forget I ever said it.


What! Did you see a ghost?

Bo thinks he saw one!


It's kinda foggy in here.

Well this ghost detector isn't working.

Hey, you got that new ghost finder fogger thing!

It totally works great, huh?

[hums guitar music]


This fog makes me think

you could write an awesome song about fog!

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

♪ Fog on the wetlands

♪ Something something something something in the sky ♪

I love it!

Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh!

You're the Fresh Beat Band!

I'm Spooky Spooks. Spooky for short.

What's up!

Um, Hi there.

Um, are you a ghost?



Oh, well in that case...


Oh, that's-- you're not that scary at all.

I know! Ghosts are just people.

See-through people, but, you know, people.

But if you're a ghost, how come we can see you now?

Oh, you can always see me.

Except for when, you know, I forget to make myself visible.

And, Fresh Beat Band...

♪ You really know how to rock ♪

Yeah! [whistles]

Here, Whispy!


Your band rocks!

Whispy and I are seriously, no joking,

ultra, mega fans of yours!

I mean, if I could rock it like you guys--

it's my dream to be the biggest rock star ever!

Wow, thanks.

But why are you trying to scare everyone away from this theater?

What? No, dude. I love this place.


Oh! [chuckles]

[Shout] The thing is, Spooky, every time someone plays here,

you scare them away.

[Spooky] Aw, man! I was afraid that was because of me.

I didn't mean to.

I just want to be a part of it so, so, so, so much.

[mumbling, giggling]

But everything always goes kind of wonky.

Like with the Three Directions.


[Spooky] I was just gonna sing along,

but I tripped over a few things

and then kinda accidentally got one of the guys

caught up in the mic cord.

And then, um, yeah, some other stuff.

I just wanna rock.

Aww, we understand, Spooky.

You do? I knew it!

But if you keep scaring everyone away,

the theater will have to close forever.


Close because of me?

Oh, man.

Maybe I should just forget my dreams.

No! Don't give up, Spooky.

If you have to rock, you have to rock!

Yeah, you just need to find the band that's right for you.

Yeah, and, you know, find somewhere else to play.

Dudes, when you are right, you are right.


I'm gonna go figure this one out.

Come on, Whispy!


Thanks, Fresh Beat Band.

See you later!

- Spooky out!

[guitar riff]

- Bye! - Bye, Spooky.

Yeah, see ya!

Or, you know what I mean.

See through ya.



[Kiki] Come on, guys.

I know it was a late night last night.

Well, it was worth it.

The theater's not going to be closed,

and we made a new friend.

A ghost friend.

I was pretty sure there was a ghost in there.

But we've got to rehearse for our show at the amusement park.




Huh? Was--wasn't sleepin'.

Brighter--wide awake. Ready to rock!

All right, let's do this!

One, two, three, four!

Yeah! [guitar riff]

Hey, Spooky!


Guess what.

I totally took your advice

and found a band that's perfect for me!

Oh, you did?

Who wants to rock this practice, huh?


You guys!

Oh, yeah!


Great day!

Uh, Spooky, um, see, our band is already a band.

A rockin' band!

[guitar riff]

[string snaps]

[cymbal crash]

[drum beat]

[horn noises]

Weird. That's the sixth time this week.

Anyway, you guys have totally made my dream come true.

I'm going to be the rockin'-est, jammin'-est,

freshest Fresh Beat ever!

You are an amazing singer.

And you do shred on the guitar.

I guess you could sit in with us for our practice.

Would that be cool, guys?

Um, sure!


Why not?




Okay, for starters, here's one I wrote based on true events.

♪ Why you lookin' at me ♪

♪ Like I'm not even there ♪

♪ You're lookin' through me ♪

♪ Like I'm made of air ♪

Then Kiki does this sick guitar riff

[guitar riff]

And then Marina starts pulverizing those drums.

[drum solo]



Bongo head. Bongo head.


[loud crash]





Oh, yikes!

Did I do that?

My next appointment should be here soon.

Kiki, it is so cool that you're so into hair,

because I am so, so, really into hair.


We should do a song about hair!

Something like, uh...

♪ Long and flowing

♪ Soft and clean

♪ Hair is a growing like I've never seen ♪

Spooky! [chuckles]

That sounds great,

but I have some hair appointments.

Would you mind not being so visible?

Totally get it!

Not even a little prob.

Welcome, everyone.

Take a seat, and I'll get to you as soon as I can.

Okay, we'll do a quick trim and conditioning treatment.

So, how long you think you'll be?

Um, we're just getting started here.

Get it. Got it. Filed it away.

Did you ask me something, Kiki?

Oh, no.

Ooh, I know what I can do:

help get these do's done,

so we can get to our show on time.

Well, what do you think, Kiki?

Oh, no.

Spooky in the house!



No! Everybody, please.

I can explain!


Sorry, Kik-ster. Just trying to help.


[upbeat rock music]

Check it out!

This is so huge, you guys.

My first real live gig!


Why don't you keep practicing,

and we're just going to go talk about the show for a second.

Cool, man.

I got a couple moves to learn.

Guys, I've got a bad feeling.

Yeah, I'm worried Spooky might scare away the audience too.

No, I mean I sat on a banana.

But it's her dream, guys.

I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

[Spooky] Guys, I'm going to head out there and set the instruments.

Spooky, no!


That. That could happen.


All right, then. Places!

Curtain up!

[Spooky] Check, one, two, three!

Are you guys ready to rock!


[Spooky] Then give it up for Spooky!

And the Fresh Beats!

Wait, that's us!

Well, Spooky and us.



♪ I've been looking for a friend like you ♪

♪ Someone to make each day brand-new ♪

♪ And share the sun, yeah this blue sky too ♪


♪ I've been looking for a friend like you ♪

♪ I've been looking for a friend like you ♪

What's going on here?

I don't know, but it's kinda spooky.

Whoo! All right! Oh, no!

Sorry! Mic slipped.


It's a ghost!


Wait! Don't go!

Aw, man!

You guys, we were rockin'!

Uh, Spooky...

It happened again.

This is all my fault.

I ruined your gig.

I can never be a rock star.

Aww, Spooky.

Sorry, guys.

I'm out of the band.

You're great, but I'm just messing it all up.

Come on, Whispy. Let's get out of here.

Spooky out.

[sad mumbling]


Aww, it's okay buddy.

Have a squashed banana.


Aww, poor Spooky.

She shouldn't have to give up on her dream just like that.

There's gotta be something we can do to help her.


If only there were some place she could sing.

Some place where she won't scare everyone away.


A ghost!

[all gasp] Spooky!


Oh, that scared me so bad.


Yeah, all that crazy floating stuff was amazing!

Excuse me.

You saw a ghost, and you're laughing?

Well, sure.

Getting scared's what makes a haunted house fun.

[laughs] That was so cool!


People like being scared when they expect it!

Yeah, like Halloween.

Or at a scary movie.

Yeah, people like being scared when they expect to be scared.

That's why they go to a...

[all] Haunted house!

[Marina] Calling this "The Haunted House of Rock" was a great idea!

Come on! It's almost show time.

Guys, I just want to say how much this means to me.

I really think we're gonna rock it!

Everyone got your gadgets ready?

All set.

One, two, three, four.


Let's rock it!

♪ Play it loud, just like a rock star ♪

♪ Shout it out, just like a rock star ♪

♪ Come on everybody, let me hear you say ♪

♪ You feel just like a rock star, hey, hey ♪

♪ Here we go now


Sing it, Shout!

♪ You know the fun never ends

♪ The fun never ends

♪ When you and all of your friends ♪

That's right!

♪ Are rockin' out in an awesome band ♪

♪ Everybody's jammin', so give us a hand ♪

♪ Put your rock star jacket on

♪ Everybody play along

♪ Let's help each other, let's give it a spin ♪

♪ 'Cause if the music's bumpin', everyone wins ♪

♪ Play it loud just like a rock star ♪

♪ Shout it out just like a rock star ♪

♪ Come on everybody let me here you say ♪

♪ I feel just like a rock star, hey, hey, hey ♪

That's right.

♪ Just like a rock star, hey, hey hey ♪


Spooky in the house!

Thank you! Thank you!

Guys, that was a great show.

What a great adventure!

What a great mission!

What a great day.

[Fresh Beat Band] ♪ We had a great day

♪ It was a super way

♪ To spend some time together

♪ La, la-la-la-la-la

♪ Hey

♪ Great day

♪ A great, great day

♪ Oh, yeah

♪ Great day

♪ And it goes a little something like this ♪

♪ Oh, yeah!
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