04x04 - Watch the Stars Come Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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04x04 - Watch the Stars Come Out

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can go anywhere ♪

♪ Friends to know ♪

♪ And ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can be anything ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

Hi there, and welcome
to new york harbor,

Port of entry into america
for millions of aliens.

No, I don't mean
creatures from outer space,

But foreigners--
immigrants from another land

Who chose to come here.

Ellis island
was the gateway to america.

It's closed now,
but many aliens had to come here

Before they could become
american citizens.

Can you imagine
how these people must have felt

When they first arrived?

It's ellis island!

We are finally in america.

There is
the statue of liberty.

Children, it is america!

Stand up and wave your flags!

We get off the boat...

What will be next?

Dear mama and papa,
we just landed.

I'm crying.

I miss you so much.

The great hall is so big,

Our whole village
would fit inside.

There are
many other children,

And I have made
new friends.

I stand in long lines
waiting to see the doctors,

Daydreaming of my new life.

All of us, old and young,
must be checked by the doctors

To make sure that we bring
into america no sickness.

It is hard for the children
to be here

Without their mothers
and their fathers.

My first meal in america--

Fresh fruit, warm bread,
and sweet butter,

The first since home.

I have dreams--

A new life...

Great hopes.

I see america.

What waits for me here?

For those immigrants,
coming to america

Must have been like
landing on a new planet.

Many of them were children
who came without their parents.

Watch the stars come out
is the true story

Of a brother and sister
who came here all alone

In the black belly
of a big ship.

When I was a little girl,

My big brother and I
went on a big boat to america.

My aunt, mama's sister,
took us to the boat.

She didn't bring
my two little brothers.

They would come on a boat
when they were older.

Aunt gave us
a barrel of dried fruit.

She asked an old lady
to watch over us, and she did.

She also ate our dried fruit.

The old lady
and brother and I

Went down the steps
to our room.

I counted the steps,
but there were so many,

I forgot to count
after a while.

Sometimes the boat
rocked back and forth.

It was fun.

Some people didn't like it.


They got sick.

The old lady
got very, very sick.

She d*ed.

Brother told me not to worry.

He would take care of me.
He was 10.

At night,
when I went to sleep,

I couldn't see the stars
come out in the sky.

That made me sad.

One morning,
we looked across the water.

There were two islands.

One had a statue
standing on it--

A lady with a crown.

Everyone got very excited
and waved to her.

I did, too.

When the boat stopped,

We carried our bundles
down the plank.

I started to cry.

I did not see
mama and papa and sister.

A sailor told me
not to worry.

We would see them soon.

We went on another boat
to a place on an island.

Brother and I went
into a room

With the other children
without mamas and papas.

A lady looked at me all over.

I wondered why.
I waited for brother.

The lady looked at him, too.

The next day,
we went on a ferry.

The land came closer
as we watched.

Everyone waved.

We did, too.

How are you?

Mama and papa and sister
were there!

We went on a trolley
to our home.

Mama said it was a palace.

Mama's palace
was on the top floor.

I counted the steps
as we walked up.

Mama warmed a big pot of water
on the stove.

She poured some into the sink
and helped me climb in to wash.

Mama washed my hair,
and when it was dry,

She brushed it.

It felt good.

Sister gave us cookies
and glasses of tea.

I kissed mama and sister
good night.

Papa patted me on my head

And said I was
his little princess.

I went into our room
and climbed into sister's bed.

It was right next
to the window.

I watched the stars come out.




When it comes to welcoming
immigrants to america,

There's only one star,

And here she is--

The statue of liberty--

One of the first sights
immigrants saw

Upon entering our country.

To them, she represented

All of their hopes
for a better life.

Right now
she's being overhauled

To prepare
for her 100th birthday.

Hundreds of people
are getting her into shape.

One of those people
is a.j. Anello.

Let's meet him on the job.

Hi, levar.
Ready to go?

Let's do it!

As we rode the elevator
to the statue's base,

I could see the repair work
was well under way.

I was truly amazed

At the scaffolding
that surrounded liberty.

The scaffolding
made it easy

For the crew
to fix any spot.

Those are
the biggest toes
I've ever seen.

Can I touch them?

Well, sure.
Go ahead.

I couldn't believe
I was close enough

To touch liberty's feet.

A.j. Showed me something
symbolic about the statue.

The broken chains
represent freedom.

What's going on
at the top?

Further up
on the statue,

There are rust spots
and skin damage.

Let's go up
and investigate.

This scaffolding
is so huge!

But is it safe?

Yeah. It sways a little,
but it's safe.

Ha ha ha!

This is
quite a view, a.j.

You can see
the whole harbor
from here.

See the lady's arm
stretched out?

At the top is
the torch of freedom.

her hand and torch,

But where's the flame?

It's being rebuilt
in a workshop

The new one will be
brought back up here.

This is unbelievable
to be standing this close

To the statue of liberty's face.

Not many people
get to come up here.

How high are we?

About 300 feet up.

Ha ha ha!

She's hollow.

That's right.
The copper skin

Is wrapped around
a steel skeleton.


What's this?

That's a hole

From corrosion

From the statue
being here

All these years.

Like rust
on a piece of metal.

When you replace
a piece like that,

Do you take out
the section?

We'll replace little pieces
of the copper skin.

Like a patch.

Are these rivets
that the skin
goes together with?

Yes, and they'll be
taken out

And replaced
one by one.


I have to go

I'll leave you
up here with the lady.


Thanks, a.j.

I think I know
what immigrants felt

When first seeing this statue--

Her torch of freedom
welcoming them to a new world,

Promising new hopes,
new dreams, new lives.

Most immigrants nowadays
come by plane.

The statue isn't
the first thing they see.

I wonder.

What are their
first impressions of america?

We came in november,

And there was a great smell
of autumn leaves,

And I never smelled that
before in my whole life.

My first impression
was that I'm so little,

And I'm surrounded
by this strange city.

I don't know the language
or the people.

It was night,

And I looked down
by the window.

You see all those lights
are shining.

Those cars were small,
like toys.

When I first came from cuba,

I was not allowed
to bring any toys.

My mother
bought me this doll.

It was ugly,
but at the time,

It was beautiful.

I still have it.

I like
the tall buildings.

In japan, after school is over,
you have to clean up,

But here,
after you finish school,

You can go home.

When you taste the pizza,
it's delicious.

I taste the first
american food--

Hot dog!

I loved it!

Here on essex street
in lower manhattan,

Many immigrants started
their new lives in america.

They tried
to blend in quickly,

But many traditions survived,

Like the old-world recipe

For a good, old-fashioned
sour pickle.

How much, lou?

Just help yourself,



Now, that's a pickle.

We're very proud
of our different heritages.

We show it
at festivals,

Like the one at liberty
state park in new jersey...

Where americans
of different backgrounds

Gather to celebrate
and share their cultures.

These ethnic festivals
are a way

Of entertaining people.

We get to show people

What irish dancing's
all about.

Greek souvlaki here!

Greek souvlaki!

Very nice!
Greek souvlaki!

How many?
How many?

Is it good?


It's not a sausage,

But it's
a lithuanian kielbasa.

It's not smoked.
It's made fresh.

is homemade.


It's wonderful!

The stilt-dancing art
is known as mokojambi.

Mokojambi came
from west africa.

One country in the caribbean
that still maintains

This part of the culture
very strongly

Is the virgin islands.

This is where we come from.

This is a very closed,
select group

That are chosen
to do this.

You don't teach it
to everyone on the street.

You must pick someone special.
I picked my children.

They are expected to pass it
along to their children.

When it gets
to their generation,

It should be even greater
to see advances they'll make.

I like to share

My caribbean culture
with everybody,

And to see
what we do in our land

As well as
what others do in theirs.

Where'd you
get that?

Down here.

It's a puerto rican
meat patty.

It's stuffed with meat,
peppers, and tomatoes.

This is
a bean sprout pancake.

It's made with
a special dough,

With bean sprouts,

Carrots, and onion.

And then
she will put it

In the wok.

It reminds me
of rice krispies,

But it tastes
much better.

I'm gonna have
another bite.

I'm gonna have
another bite.

Mmm, it's delicious.

My children grew up
on this,

And they make it.

They're out in wisconsin.

We'll spread it
all over.

[Singing in spanish]

We organized the group

With the purpose
of teaching young people

Not to forget their background
and musical culture.

[Singing in spanish]

Our group is named
latria latina.

It is important
to preserve our music--

Folklorico music.

[Singing in spanish]

My mother went
to presentations like this

When I was smaller.

So I learned it
just by listening.

I listen
to others' instruments,

And I play mine.

Most nations express
their culture through music.

We puerto ricans
do not want to forget

That music is part
of our heritage.

We americans sure have

Many different looks,
tastes, and traditions.

Many of those traditions
came with travelers

Who sailed by ship,

Facing all kinds
of adventures.

Here are a few books
about some brave adventurers.

I'm chantel.

How would
you feel

If you
had to leave

Your grandmother
and friends

And move to
a new country?

Pretty rough,

This book is
about that.

The long way
to a new land

By joan sandin.

Karl erik, the little boy
in the story,

Lives with his family
in sweden.

There's no rain nor crops,
and they are very hungry.

After talking,
they decided to move to america.

Each child had to
only bring one toy.

The boat ride was rough.

Water was coming in,

And all they had to eat

Was dried bread, water,
and dried-up cheese.

It was a really rough journey
coming to america.

If you
like stories

About traveling

Or immigrants
coming to america,

This book
is for you.

I think you will
find it

Very interesting.

The skog.

He's ugly.

He's terrifying.

Or is he?

My name is godom srikahnt.

I would like to tell you
about a terrific adventure story

Called the island of the skog
by steven kellogg.

It was national rodent day
when a brave group of mice

Got tired of being
chased by cats,

So they sailed away
on an antique ship.

At first, their voyage
was dreamy and comfortable,

But then captain bouncer
read the compass upside-down.

After battling storms,
jenny cried out, "land ho!"

They had arrived
at the island of the skog.

There's a big surprise
at the end of this book,

But you'll need to
check it out of the library

And find out for yourself
what it is.

It isn't easy being
the new kid in school,

Especially when
you talk differently.

That's how molly feels

In molly's pilgrim.

Molly comes here
from russia.

At school, elizabeth
and her friends tease her.

I felt bad
when they mocked molly.

When she brings
a pilgrim doll to school,

Elizabeth says, "that doesn't
look like a pilgrim to me."

My favorite part was
when another kid, emma,

Says to molly,
"I like your doll best."

I'm monica.

This book shows pilgrims
are still coming to america.

Let's welcome them.

♪ Everywhere around the world ♪

♪ They're comin' to america ♪

♪ Every time
that flag's unfurled ♪

♪ They're comin' to america ♪

♪ Got a dream
to take 'em there ♪

♪ They're comin' to america ♪

♪ Got a dream
they come to share ♪

♪ They're comin' to america ♪

♪ They're comin' to america ♪

♪ They're comin' to america ♪

♪ They're comin' to america ♪

♪ They're comin' to america ♪

♪ Today ♪

♪ Today ♪

♪ Today ♪

♪ Today ♪

♪ Today ♪♪

Miss liberty's ready
to welcome newcomers again.

But is america still
as accepting of immigrants?

I guess that's up to you.

It all depends on how you look
at people or ideas

That are unfamiliar to you.

Remember, someday the shoe
may be on the other foot.

We may be the aliens
going to other worlds.

I wonder who or what
will be there to greet us.

I'll see you next time.

Today's reading rainbow books

Watch the stars come out
by riki levinson,

Illustrated by
diane goode,

Published by e.p. Dutton.

The long way to a new land
by joan sandin,

Published by harper & row.

The island of the skog
by steven kellogg,

Published by
dial books for young readers.

Molly's pilgrim
by barbara cohen,

Illustrated by
michael j. Duraney,

Published by
lothrop, lee, & shepard books.
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