Haul Out the Holly: Lit Up (2023)

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Haul Out the Holly: Lit Up (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

If you're not

familiar with Evergreen Lane,

it is the most magical Christmas

street in the whole world

with the most intense

HOA rules imaginable.

My parents can take a

lot of credit for that.

And somehow, the

entire neighborhood is

on board for their craziness.

But they always had

the best intentions.

I learned the hard

way last Christmas.

And you know what?

I wouldn't trade that

experience for the world.

I had such a wonderful time

in this odd little lane

that I decided to

make it my home again.

And I'm even dating

the boy next door.

My quirky neighbors

are now my family.



this year, I am all in.

Actually, we're

all in it together.

That looks so good.

Thank you.

Because if

there's one thing I've learned,

the point of Christmas

is to bring as much joy

to as many people as possible.


Hey, Dad.

Is that a camera?


It's a theodolite.

It's for geological surveying.

You planning something big with

your decorations this year?

Mind blowing.

Attention all units.

This is Agent Sugarplum

reporting an on time arrival

of the necessary nutcracker.


Just one sec.

You know the rules.

Come on.

36 inches from

shoe to chapeau.


It's the same exact

nutcracker as last year.

I'm just double checking.

What, making sure he

didn't magically shrink

inside of his storage bin?

I'm making sure no one accuses

me of giving my girlfriend

special treatment.

Look at that.

You're in the clear.

Oh, so no citation.

Sadly, no.

I will settle for

a kiss, however.

Do you think that I only kiss

you to get out of citations?

Why do you think

I keep writing them?

You know, I was thinking

that if down the road,

we ended up on a more

permanent basis--

I'm listening.

--then in that scenario,

hypothetically, we'd only

have to decorate one house.

You mean we only get

to decorate one house.

Ned, you have to move that.

Men at work.

Enough with the PDA, you two.

You're making me sick.

Oh, come on.

You're way worse with Allan.

It's true.

Three more long and lonely

weeks until he gets back.

But it's an El Nino year, so

I'm not holding my breath.

Actually, it's a La Nina

year, La Nina from the Spanish

for little girl.

It's the colder counterpart

to the oceanic and

atmospheric phenomenon,

which is known

as the Southern Oscillation.

Thank you, Ned.

If I had a meteorology

merit badge,

I'd pin it on your parka.

You see what I'm dealing with?

- Well, it's getting intense.

Haul out the holly.

Put up the tree before

my spirit falls again.

Fill up the stocking.

I may be rushing things,

but deck the halls

again now for we need

a little Christmas

right this very minute,

candles in the window,

carols at the spinet.

Guess we need a little Christmas

right this very minute.

It hasn't snowed

a single flurry.

But Santa dear,

we're in a hurry.

So climb down the chimney.

Put up the brightest string

of lights I've ever seen.

Slice up the fruitcake.

It's time we hung some tinsel

on that evergreen bough.

OK, everyone, get together.

Say evergreen on three.

1, 2, 3, evergreen.

Group hug.

As you can see,

we're all very close,

almost too close.

OK, that's good.


So when a house

goes up for sale

on Evergreen Lane,

it causes quite the commotion.

I can't believe the

Chapmans are gone.

Oh, I'm going to miss

Nancy's snickerdoodles.

I blame myself.

She probably got

tired of me absolutely

destroying her in

the cookie contest

year after year after year.

I'm pretty sure her law firm

transferred her to Seattle.


Tell yourself whatever you

need to feel better, sweetie.

The real question is,

are they up to the task

that awaits them, or are

we going to have to go

medieval on their merriment?

Now, come clean, Farnsworth.

What are we dealing with here?

Ned, I am in the

dark on this one.

The realtor filed

the HOA paperwork.

How mysterious.

I wonder who it could be.

Wait a minute.

I think I know how we can

get to the bottom of this.



would you like to know?

Who's moving into

the house next door?


House Next Door

is a 2002 thriller

directed by Joey Travolta.

Sorry, Mary Louise.

I don't think the technology

is quite there yet.

Well, they knew

when Sizzler was open.

Listen, I'm sure

whoever moves in, they're

going to be wonderful.


Oh, I just hope it's not the

couple we saw the other day.


They seem so nice.

They seem nice,

but I suspected

insufficient holiday spirit.

Oh, how so?

They were wearing

beanies with no pompoms.

- Exactly.

- Wait.


What does that have

to do with anything?

Ned, you want

to take this one?

Pompoms are jocular,

like a corncob pipe,

like a Christmas pendant,

like cookies for breakfast.

They convey a sense

of playfulness,

ergo, holiday spirit.

If you choose to

wear a winter hat

and also choose not

to wear a pompom,

it is a dead giveaway

you're a Grinch in hiding.

Glad I'm not a Grinch.

Don't get cocky, kid.

You still got a long

way ahead of you.

Where's your pompom?

Well done, Emily.

The student becomes the teacher.

Thank you.

Some holiday treats

for the HOA meeting.


That was so sweet of you.

Thanks for doing that.

You're welcome.

I'm also hoping to buy

a little forgiveness.

- For what?

- I can't make it.



I have a meeting with the

Millers about the remodel.

Do you think you

can cover for me?

Of course, I can.


Any questions anybody has,

they can call, text, email.

I will take care of it.

I think you forgot

singing telegram.


unless it's Pamela.

What's wrong?

OK, I'm going to say it.

I don't feel like you're

prioritizing Christmas.

Emily Melrose, the woman I

had to citate last year to come

to my white elephant party?

- I know.

But now I am all in.

And I just want to know

that we're all in together.

Oh, I am all in.

Believe me.

I just have this one

last thing to do.

Trust me.

- All right.


All right.

Going to need this.

All right.

A lot of nuts.

I have so much to do.

I just haven't been this nervous

since HOA election night.

It's probably best if

you keep that between us.

The stakes are so high.

I just don't want

logistics to mess it up.

This is supposed to

be the most exhilarating

moment of your life, Jared.

You sound like you're

planning a block party.


I've planned many a block

parties in my day, Jess.

But I've never had a coordinate

a horse and buggy, a string

quartet, a glassblower,

an ornamental locksmith,

and an Austrian composer

to write original Christmas

music so that--

Maybe we should think

about simplifying the plan.

I may be a simple man, but

I do not make simple plans.

It's just the holidays

are stressful as it is.

You're adding a million

things to your to-do list.

But I'm sure that Emily

would be ecstatic if you

just got down on one knee.


Knee pads.

Thanks for the reminder.


Thanks, Joe.


Jared, that is beautiful.

You think so?

Definitely a fit for the

future queen of Evergreen Lane.

Well, I could cry

just thinking about it.

So you think she'll like it?

She's been describing

her ideal wedding ring

since seventh grade Home-Ec.

Trust me, this passes the test.

How many points

are in these donuts?

All right.

Should we get started?


Where's the

Christmas "cruel-ler"?

You all know I have lifetime

dibs on the Christmas cruller.

Well, maybe there wasn't one.

Jared always gets at least

one Christmas cruller for me.

It's pronounced

"cruh-ler," OK?

And Jared isn't here, so

please, Ned, just let it go.

Pamela's right.

Jared couldn't be here.

But he said if any of you

have questions, please

feel free to reach out to him.

Oh, reach out?

Touch someone?

Oh, what a world we live in.

Dear Jared.

OK, this is not

pastry-gate, Ned.

We've got important

business to do here.

I'm sorry, you guys.

Jared's notes are a mess.

I really can't make heads or

tails of what needs to be done.

It's going to be fine.

I think Jared has

everything under control.

Well, just the tree

lighting is in two days.

And I don't know

which volunteers

are supposed to be doing what.

I'm available

tomorrow morning.

Thank you, Bob.

That means around

11:40 AM for him, FYI.

Got it.


that's still morning.

I should have gone

through this more carefully

with Jared beforehand.

OK, then what

are we doing here?

Certainly not enjoying

a Christmas cruller.

I will give you

1,000 crullers if you

stop saying it like that.

That is the

exact pronunciation

from North Hamburg.

Hold on, everybody.

Delores from the notary

office is snapping me.

Hold on.

You snap?

Yeah, my grandson taught me.

Oh, this will be fun.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, wow.

Spit it out, woman.

Oh, my golly.

My Jiminy Crickets.

Oh, I can't believe it.

What is it?

The people moving into the

house are the Jolly Johnsons.

Can you believe it?

Don't you toy with

me about my JJs.

Who are the JJs?

I'm not kidding.

They're moving in next

Wednesday morning.

That's less than

39 hours from now.

Oh, can you believe it?

We're famous.

We're not famous.

They're famous.

You guys, who are

the Jolly Johnsons?



I thought we were friends.

Jolly Johnsons

are the reigning

champions of Ho Ho House.

Ho Ho House?

OK, stop it.


You're just

embarrassing yourself.

You know what?

I have a picture.



Here they are.

How'd you pull those up so fast?

I might have

recently printed them

out to put on my vision board.

Is there a problem?

Only if you don't

share them with me.

The resolution is spectacular.

So they're reality

show celebrities?

I don't think

the word celebrity

really does them justice.

More like nobility.


Nailed it, Mary Louise.

And didn't even have

to ask your phone.

I wonder if Jared

knows who they are.

I mean, do you have

any idea how important

the Johnsons are to me?

- No.

And we've been together a while,

so I find that a little weird.


Sorry for bingeing the

last season without you.

I just thought you

wouldn't understand.

No, I actually really

don't understand.

Can you enlighten me?

- I can.

They're my holiday idols, OK?

They set the bar for

suburban Santology.

Can you imagine the

roof cred they're going

to bring to Evergreen Lane?

- Roof cred?

Is that a good thing?

- It's the best thing.

I got to call your dad.

- Oh, I told him.

And I told him you'd call him

after you got your project

sorted with the Millers.

Oh, the Millers.

Yeah, the Millers.

You know, the reason you

had to miss the HOA today.





In fact, I'm all done with that.

Isn't that great?

That's great because now

you can focus on the HOA

and making sure that

Christmas is perfect.

Now that the Jolly

Johnsons are moving in,

it's going be more than perfect.

I don't think anything can

be more perfect than perfect.

Just you wait.

This is great.

All right.

Dun, dun, da, dah.

What do you think of

this year's choices?

Am I still Santa?

Of course.

Well, it's more

perfect than perfect.

I love it.

What do you mean distracted?

Well, he just has so much on

his plate already with the HOA,

I'm just worried that these

new neighbors are going

to throw him off his game.

I told him to keep

it simple yesterday.


You saw him yesterday?

Yeah, it was totally random.

I saw him--

I saw him, and we talked not

about anything important.

Just like small talk.

Christmas stuff.

Where were you?

At the-- the store, the

grocery store, Smiths.

Yeah, we just bumped

into each other.

I literally just

stocked his fridge.

He was getting lunch.

Yeah, at the deli.

He was getting a sandwich.

And I was telling him, keep

it simple with the sandwich,


You know how he gets the

meats, and the cheeses,

and the toppings?

He's like mayo, mustard, onions.

It's not about the sandwich.

What it is about is

the family moving in.

I really think that

it's going to help

keep him less distracted.

Well, I think it's

having the opposite effect.

He was rehearsing for two

hours yesterday how he's

going to greet them tomorrow.

He did?

Yes, for accents, costume

changes, musical numbers.

- Oh, god.

- I know.

It's getting intense.

Maybe having a family as

jolly as the Johnsons will help

keep him inspired to

really crush Christmas.

In a neighborhood

as intense as ours,

I'm a little worried about what

exactly is going to be crushed.

I'm worried too.



What'd you bring?

My famous peppermint bark.

Power move.

- I like it.

- A pleasure to meet you.


You're not English.

Let's do formal.

No, no, no.

It's great to meet you too.

Why would it be

great to meet me?

I'm a nobody.

They're famous.

What are you doing?


Loosening up.

Jared, they're just

people like you and me.

Just be yourself.

I can't.

Myself is lightheaded,

and my vision's blurry.

It's OK.

We have a visual.

Prepare to engage

full jolliness.

Let's go.

Here they come.

Bob, try not to

talk too much, OK?

All right.

I'm telling you,

they just pulled in.

They're here.

You're in my shot.


Ned, nobody cares

about your home videos.

I'm FaceTiming my Aunt Kathy.

But this is going

on the time capsule.

You're a time capsule.

Get a load of this.

It's a bona fide

welcoming committee.


Don't mind me, just

documenting for posterity.

Eat it, Aunt Kathy.

Now do you believe me?

I'm sorry.

I hate to do this.

But can you please

put the cameras away?

We feel sheepish

even saying this.

But all media requests have

to go through our agent.

Of course.

No problemo.

So silly of us.


I'm Emily.

I live right next door.

And this is Jared.

He is our HOA president.

Great to meet you both.


Is something

wrong with his face?

He's just a big fan.

Oh, that is so sweet.

Don't treat us any differently.

We are a normal family

just like anyone else.

We don't want any

special treatment.

So tell me, Mr. Pres, what's

the most important thing we need

to know about Evergreen Lane?

Uh, I'm glad you asked, Joe.

I think the most

important thing is to know

that we're all a family here.

And we are here for each

other, no matter what.

That is the best beppermint

park you've ever had.

That wasn't right, was it?

Peppermint bark is what I meant.

- We know you did, buddy.

- You OK?

You got this?

You want to take it again?

We make sure we make

Christmas as great as possible

for as many people as possible.

And we faithfully

abide by the well-crafted

rules and regulations of

our homeowners association.

It's a special edition.

Hand-sewn with vegan

pleather and a foreword

written by me, Pamela Bevans.

It really is our honor

to welcome you to Evergreen

Lane and its esteemed HOA.

We actually have

a meeting tomorrow.

I know you only just arrived,

so if you need to get settled,

we understand.

- Oh, we'll be there.

Oh, great.

And you're just in

time because we're

going to light the

famous Evergreen

Lane Christmas tree tonight.

That little guy?

It's bigger in the picture,

isn't it, sweetheart?

But it'll do.

Either way, we'll be there.

Right, g*ng?


You bet.

In the meantime,

enjoy the cheery

charity of Santa's Helpers.

And we'll have you guys moved

in in two wrinkles of the nose.

That will be a

lifesaver, especially when

the second truck gets here.

Two trucks?

That's over 100 cubic

meters of furniture.

Oh, the second truck

is just for decorations.

You have an--

an entire truck

dedicated to Christmas?

Not just Christmas.


- Flag Day.

Memorial Day.

Labor Day.

Valentine's Day.

We even have

something for leap year.


I'm in the presence

of greatness.

Well, we'd love to have

you guys over for dinner

if you have a free

night sometime soon.

How's 7:00 PM sharp tomorrow?

Jimmy has rehearsal

for Christmas Carol,

so it'll just be the two of us.

And I'll send you my

list of allergens.

OK, great.



Thank you.

Thank you.

Yeah, in the bathroom.

That's the living room.

- Thank you so much.

- In the second living room.

Yeah, thank you.

Oh, for sure.

What a nice welcome.

I think we may have

really hit the jackpot

as far as neighborhoods go.

Not as good as yours, Mom.

Thanks, sweetie.

I'm looking forward to

getting to know everyone.

I just hope that they aren't

offended by how enthusiastic

we are about Christmas.

Yeah, maybe we should ease

into it a little bit, just

so we don't show

everybody up right away.


wants a pair of skates.

Suzy wants a dolly.

Nellie wants a storybook.

She thinks dolls are folly.

As for me, my little

brain isn't very bright.

Choose for me, dear Santa

Claus what you think is right.


Come on, guys.

Give it up again

for Mary Louise.

Jolly, indeed.

Speaking of jolly, I have

a very special announcement

to make to all of

you, the newest

members of Evergreen

Lane, Joe, Jane,

and Jimmy Johnson of

the Jolly Johnsons.

So as you guys know, at

the beginning of December,

we light the Evergreen

Lane Christmas tree.

You didn't last year.

We absolutely lit

it last year, Ned.

Two weeks late.

You have to let it go, Ned.

You have to let it go.

We have to move on from this.

- Please.

He still can't get

over Watergate.

He was framed.

- Oh, was he?

- Moving on.

Thank you guys for being here.

As your HOA president,

I want to assure you

that these festivities are

going to be as wonderful,

if not more wonderful

than last year.

Also, there will be

a meeting 9:00 AM

tomorrow to discuss

further festivities

at the lovely Pamela's house.

It's a shoes-off

house, people,

so please plan accordingly.

You know who you are.

OK, let's

light this tree.

When I say jolly,

you say Johnsons.

- Jolly.

- Johnsons.



When I say merry,

you say Christmas.

- Merry.

- Christmas.



Jolly Johnsons!

Hello, Evergreen Lane.

I'm so excited to be here

for Christmas this year.

And we are so thankful

for the warm welcome.

And we can't wait to celebrate

the holidays with all of you.

But first--

Honey, it's their

Christmas tree lighting.

I'm so sorry.

I didn't mean to upstage anyone.

Sorry about that.

Goes like that or something?

I'm so sorry.

Let's get this lit!

Happy holidays.

OK, let's count it down.

3 2, 1.

All right.

Well, that was a cute start.

But are you guys ready to

really get this party started?

Can you believe this?

I want to

show you something.

Oh, OK.

So my great

grandmother, who

taught me everything

I know about crafting,

felted this stocking

when she was 97.

Oh, she used a seed

stitch to finish.

Pretty unusual,

don't you think?

She should have used a

rip stitch because that

would have held up better.


Hey, do you want

to see how much

room we can get between us?

I'm used to sitting in coach.


I'm not.


OK, let's get started.

We're going to start?

You know what?

She was-- she was older,

so her eyesight was going.

She probably did a--

a lot of big stitches.

You know what?

She's not my favorite

grandma, anyway.

She's made a lot of bad choices.

- I can see that.

- Belinda, move please.

- Excuse me.

It's my house, all right?

I just want to sit here.

Yeah, you're right.

I'll take it down.

Hey, everybody.

Thank you so much for being

here, especially you two.

Keep it together, Jared.

OK, we've really made

an effort to expand

this year's Christmas

Carnival, tried to invite

as many people as possible.

And Emily has really come up

with some great activities

for the kids.

Right, babe?

That's right, babe.

We are going to have a Christmas

craft house and a cookie

decorating station.

And of course, we're going

to have the annual toy

drive for the community.

Thank you so much, Belinda,

for spearheading that.

Oh, it's my pleasure.

Yes, and to expand on that

some brand new activities

leading up to the big day.

I've had to rework

the schedule just a bit,

but I think I

figured it all out.

So on the 20th,

in the morning, we

are going to have

the cookie contest

followed by the snowman

tableau/snowball fight.

Yes, Jane?

Isn't that usually

the next day?

Yes, you're right.

But I had to move some

things around to make

room for our new event--

get ready-- the sleigh

ride around the loop.

The kids are going to love it.

- It's going to be so fun.

Joe, yes?

What about the bakers

who also want to compete

in the snowball fight?

Aren't you worried

about finger fatigue?

Yeah, it's a real thing.

The crafting world is

very concerned about it.

I really don't think

that baking a few cookies

is going to, you

know, kick anybody

out of the snowball fight.

It's not so much

the baking, actually.

It's the decorating

that really gets you.

Yes, he's right.

He's so right.

I mean--

- Oh, that's a great example.

Look at her hands.

- Wait.



The chapped knuckles.

I see what-- I

see what he means.

I mean, they're large.

Let's be nice.


You know what?

I'm going to-- I'm going

to think about all that.

But for now, plan on both

of them being on the 20th.

Jane, you don't really have

to keep raising your hand.

Do you-- do you have

another question?

I do.


So it says here--

Where are you?

Section two, article 4.1.

There shall be no

limitations on the style,

nor the ingredients of

the cookie competition.

- That's right.

- Yeah.


My dad is just going

to lose his mind.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

He should do more crossword

puzzles and Sudoku.

Oh, no, he's fine.

I just mean he wrote that

rule, and you just read it.

And he's a huge fan.


Can you tell him I

want to amend this one?


Because the winner of

the cookie competition for

the last seven years in a row--

- Thank you.

--has been winning

on the same recipe.

What's-- what's

wrong with that?

Well, don't you want

to give others a chance?

Well, maybe if others came

up with something as good

as my pecan stockings,

then maybe others

would have a chance.


But a true cookie

competition is all

about execution and decoration.

And we should all be

using the same recipe.

OK, did Ned put

you up to this?

I have not said word one, but

Jane's got my wheels a-turning.

OK, says the guy who's

been gunning for my trophy

since he had hair.

Hey, it's what's in the

head, not what's on the head.

Yeah, well both lacking.


Guys, I can assure you,

there's no collusion going on.

We're just trying

to ensure parity

in the cookie competition.

- Parity.

Yes, and all the elite HOAs,

they have similar stipulations.

OK, well we are an elite.

Did she say we eat?


Did she say we're not elite?

We've been elite.

Your father created this HOA.

We've always been elite.

We're like everybody else.

We are who we are,

which is Evergreen Lane.

And we have ways

of doing things.

People, people, people,

it's too late in the season

to be changing rules.

She's right.

Well, actually, not really

because it says right here,

section seven, article

one, contest rules are up

for revision, provided there is

a majority of members in favor.

Shall we put it to a vote?

I nominate Jane Johnson.

This is not an election, Ned.

Everyone in favor say, aye.

OK, we're not voting.

Jared, don't you

raise your hand.

If you say aye,

that's the last word.

Jared, you want to do

something about this?

Jane makes an excellent point.

But I do think it would be--


--unwise to have a rule

change without everyone present.


Everyone is present.

I meant everyone has presence.


Like at my annual

white elephant party.

But that's after

the cookie contest.

Ned, nobody cares.

Time is an illusion.

Section seven, article one,

point C, any and all changes

made to the events,

contest, or rules

are to be determined before the

annual tree lighting ceremony.

Yes, we can't.

I wish we could change

it, but we can't.

So if I win, I win.

Thank you, babe.

I am so glad you

remembered that.

Your dad would have

loved us so much.

Do you think the

Johnsons were impressed?

I think they were impressed.

I was impressed.

I really wish this

was on videotape.

I just think it's

your first HOA meeting.

Just come and make

nice, you know?

I mean, I barely got through

one day of the holiday calendar

before she hijacks

the whole meeting

to talk about changing

the HOA rules,

rules that my father wrote.

One horse, two horse, four.

Why can't I have three horses?

What'd you say?


About what?

What do you think

about what I said?

I agree 100%.

So what should we do?

About what?

Jared, about the Johnsons.

Uh, right.

Look, I think we just give

'em a minute, you know?

She was probably just nervous.

You remember your

first HOA meeting.


I think I showed

up in my pajamas.

I was super Grinchy.

And look at you now.


Just don't ever let

me be a Grinch, OK?

Oh, you, I'm

not worried about.

I think your little heart

grew four sizes at Christmas.

All right.

They're going to be

here in 10 minutes.

I really need your help.

You invited them to dinner.

That's right.


You didn't forget, did you?

No, I didn't forget.

I think I was just in

shock that they said yes.

I should change.

Do I smell?

I should probably wear

something more formal, right?

You look great.

Just breathe.

And bring the appetizers to

the rotunda room, please.

I have to powder

my buche de Noel.


They're here.

You ready?

This is a panic attack.

I'm having a panic attack.


Come on in.

This is for you.

Thank you so much.


Take off your coats.

We're going to have

some appetizers.

That is what I

call a buche de Noel.

Well, what do you

call what I made?

This is great, honey.

But look how buche-y it is.

You know, Jane gets so

carried away with her piping,

I haven't seen her

since yesterday.

You have been just as busy

decorating the house all day

trying to upstage

the new neighbors.

OK, it's true.

I have a little bit of

a competitive streak.

It's too bad Jimmy

couldn't make it.

He's so adorable.

Thank you.

He takes after me.

Nothing wrong with a

little friendly competition.

I mean, I was a little

bit jealous when

you guys came up

on the stage, not

that I didn't want you there.

But you know, up on

the housetop, it's--

it's kind of my song.

Oh, is that so?


No, I mean, the whole town kind

of knows me as I'm the go-to

Kris Kringle guy, so--

A fellow NSA

man, I reckon, huh?


Norwegian Santa's

Academy, class of '02.

What year were you?

I-- I didn't

graduate from there.

I've never heard of it.

I'm not surprised.

The program's

invite only, so only

a very small percentage

of the population

even knows it exists.

Honey, stop bragging.

I'm sure Jared cares about

Santa in his own special way.

So what were we

talking about again?

Oh, yes.

Jimmy wanted to be here tonight.

But when news of us moving

into the area caught on,

the Hale Center Theater reached

out to him with the iconic role

of Tiny Tim.

That's great.

I auditioned for Tiny

Tim when I was his age.

Oh, no, no, no, he

didn't have to audition.

Have you seen how many

followers he has on TikTok?

That production is

lucky to have him.

- Oh, I bet.

- Hey.


I need to apologize

for embarrassing you.

That's technically against the

Kringle Creed, so I'm sorry.

No, no, no.

No-- no need to apologize.

I'm really read up

on the North Pole.

I mean, it's probably the

exact same curriculum, so--

- OK.

- Hey.

You know what?

Why don't we have a drink.

Jared makes the most wonderful

candy cane cocktails.

I do.


Oh, you do, huh?


How long do you infuse

your vodka with peppermint?

I just use a dash of schnapps.


I infuse for four weeks.

I have an idea.

What if we mix them both up and

do a little taste test, huh?

What a great idea.

All right.

OK, off with your head.

Oh, these are

very cheap glasses.

They're very cheap.

They're glass,

though, surprisingly.

All right.

Let's start with the good stuff.


This is, uh-- this

is going to be fun.

The funnest.


ended up being a nice dinner.

- See?

First impressions

aren't everything.

I guess if they

were, Jared and I

probably wouldn't be together.

That's for certain.

They're just so

crazy competitive.

It's like every

single thing we said

had to be one-upped by them.

- Sounds exhausting.

- It is.

I mean, I guess, the fame

has really gone to their head.

Their show is on cable TV,

like, deep cable, a cable

channel nobody's ever heard of.

Well, other than the

entire neighborhood

and your whole family.

And my nana from Buffalo.

I had never seen one

episode of this show

before Jared made

me binge watch three

seasons of that insane over

the top madness of a show.



I was-- I was just

talking about you.

Yeah, I get that a lot.

This is my best friend, Jess.

Jess, this is our

new neighbor, Jane.

Can I get a selfie

with you, actually?

Of course.

Christmas cheer.

Thank you.

We were just out shopping.

What's up?

I just wanted to come by and

say last night was so lovely.

Thank you again.

We had a great time too.

And when I got

home, I was thinking,

you know, at that HOA

meeting, you didn't really get

a chance to finish talking

about the schedule changes

you wanted to.


You know, I will

leave you two to it.


I can stay.

You should.

I made a new schedule.


Now, I never really saw yours.

But from what I gathered,

I think we can both agree

that mine is much cleaner.


I added a bunch of

fun new activities,

a lot of competitions to

really spice things up.

That's the thing.

I don't really think

Christmas is a spicy holiday.

Don't limit yourself.

You really need to think big.

Do I, though?

So I added this

speed wrapping race

in between the cookie contest

and the snowman tableau.

I'm sorry.

Speed wrapping?

For presents.

It'll be so much fun.

And then I also added

an ice sculpture

competition and a

best decorations

contest Christmas Eve.

Why don't you email

me the schedule,

and then I'll run it by Jared.

And I'll get back to you.

I already emailed the

entire HOA this morning,

so it should be in your inbox.

You did?

And everyone loved it,

according to the online survey

that I sent as well.

I guess I better

check my inbox.

- Yeah.

- I'll get right on that.


Cute little

nutcracker, by the way.

I wouldn't really

call it little.

Oh, you would if you were me.

Looking good.

So what's your take

on second impressions?

I, for one, am inspired.

She created a

brand new schedule

and sent it to everyone.

The nerve of some people.

Did you read it?

Be honest.

I can take it.

What'd you think?

There was way too much

competition for my taste.

Thank you.

The speed wrapping

idea, I liked.



I even downloaded Eminem's

Christmas album to practice.

Prove it.


the snow, I'm

dashing down the

chimney crashing

and looking for the cookies

that the kids been stashing.

Uh, Mary Louise, I

don't think that's what

she meant by speed wrapping.

I can't wait.

What does Jared

think about all this?

He's been so

preoccupied with work,

he hasn't had time

to deal with it.

But he was really impressed

with the organization.

He's right.

I mean, did you see how

she color coded time

slots for volunteers?

I mean--

OK, that's not helpful.

Game recognizes game.

So what do I do?

I mean, all that hard

work I did is just wasted?

I just give in to her?

You leave it to me, peaches.

I have dealt with my share

of Jane Johnsons in my day.

She just needs a little

Pamela push back,

and she will wilt like a

poinsettia in the summer.

Come on.

Let's do it.

Belinda, you got this, right?



So Mary Louise,

what are you going

to wear to this rap battle?

Just a minute.

What's going on here?

It looks like everyone

else is fed up too.

Hi, ladies.

Are you coming here to sign

up for a volunteer position?

Back of the line.

Cool your coveralls, Ned.

We're not in line.

Jane, I thought we agreed.

I was going to go over all of

your suggestions with Jared

and then get back to you.

Yes, but there's just

so much bureaucracy,

so I just thought I would

start things rolling.

And look, everyone's thrilled.

Oh, I wouldn't say everyone.

It's real close to everyone.

By the way, you three

should submit your votes for

the improved cookie contest.

Excuse me?

No, we discussed

this at the meeting.

You have missed the

deadline for changing

the rules of the contest.


But it does say that

I can add a new event

any time as long

as I get a majority

of the members voting for it.

And I submitted an

online proposal,

and it is going great.

Is it close?

We already have

a supermajority.

What's the point of voting?

Voting isn't just a right.

It's a privilege.

Preach, sister.

Pamela, you got

to do something.

I got you.

Jane, I've thought

a lot about this.

And I have just one

question for you.

Is this Mesopotamian papyrus?

I'm glad you noticed.

Oh, my goodness.

This scroll is exquisite.

I mean, I've heard tell of

this in some of my studies

in college, but it's gorgeous.

Do you beat your own reeds?

Thank you for noticing.

Do you use a quill

or a metal nib?

I do quill, metal nib

ambidextrously, of course.

Oh, my god.

You should

have seen Pamela.

She just melted like she

was standing in front

of the great and powerful Oz.

Could you blame her?

She's really intimidating.

But she did have some

really good ideas.

The neighborhood is excited.

When did her schedule

become the schedule?

It's not.

It's not.

I was just saying.

I have worked on

this thing for months,

and she just waltzes in here

like the sugarplum fairy

and just tears it apart.

- I know.

And I do agree.

I'm just-- I'm just

really stressed.

I'm really far behind.

I mean, if the neighborhood

knew that we were

in the teens of

December and I didn't

have my flagship tree decorated,

talk about scuttlebutt city.

It's OK.

It's our little secret.

I know you're stressed.

And I just--

I'm sorry, but I just

really need you right now.

I'm here for you.

I promise.

OK, good.

So maybe just as

HOA president, you

can go over there and

sit them down and just

explain the rules to them.

Jane knows the rules

better than I do.


I'm going to do it.

Yeah, I'm a Melrose.

I can do this.

I can-- I can

channel my parents.

I'm going to go over there.

I'm going to tell them that

here on Evergreen Lane,

we like to cooperate.

I love that about you.

But I'm the

president, and that's

the president's responsibility.

Oh, good.

I was feeling really panicky

just thinking about doing that.

All right.


You do that, and I will

finish decorating the tree.


So good.


Right now?


I'll be right back.

- OK.


Good luck, Mr. President.

What is taking him so long?

Welcome to the party.


Jared, your better half

is here to join the party.


Hey, babe.


This was-- this was

fun, but we have--

we have a thing.

That's why I'm

here, the thing.


Thank you for your hospitality.

This was awesome.

You're going to have

to jam some other time.

Well, we are

ho-ing down for a jam.

Come on, guys.

Call the harmony.

Look at this photograph.

That thing always

makes me laugh.

Such a fun night, babe.

Looks like we're

in the presence

of a fellow Nickelbacker.

She's obsessed.

Was this the secret

Christmas concert?

How in the world

did you get tickets?

Well, it turns out they're

big, big fans of the show.

So Chadwick reached out and

asked if we wanted floor seats.


--a.k.a the Krog-meister.

No, it's silly, but I gave

all my besties nicknames.

Are you best friends

with Chad Kroeger?

Well, we timeshare at a

lake house with him, so yeah.

I'm going to take that back.

OK, babe?


Anyway, this was so much fun.

Let's do it again.

Don't be strangers.

No, it was fun.

You ready?

I'm ready, guys.

Let's do this.

- Yeah.

- On my count.


Here we go.

1, 2.

1, 2, 3, 4.

That was fun, wasn't it?

- What just happened?

- Oh, that?

You had an extreme case of FOMO.

No, I'm over that for now.

What I'm not over is you

didn't do anything I asked.

I did tell them that

their Christmas decor

was really coming along and--

did that not count?

Jared, I was counting

on you to stand up

for decency, for your role

as president of the HOA,

and for me.

You're right, Emily.

I'm-- I'm sorry.

I don't know what happened.

Just they're so beguiling.

They're like you.

I'm really tired.

I'm going to go to bed.

I can make you

a hot chocolate.

We can talk about

it a little more.

No, not tonight.

The hot chocolate window

has officially closed.

It's kind of early.

We're closed.

I love you.

And I love you.

You're-- you're sure, right?

I'm sure.

But if we don't have a cello

that is not a string quartet,

it's a string tri-tet.

Say again?



the snow lay round

about, deep and crisp and--

I have to call you back.

Brightly shone

the moon that night,

though the frost was cruel,

when a poor man came in sight,

gath'ring winter fuel.


Hither page

and stand by me--


Hey, Ned.


You do yoga?

Cold yoga.

My chakras aren't going

to align themselves.

Am I right, or am I right?

I don't know.

Is this your gnome?

Actually, let me rephrase it.

Are all of these your gnomes?

No, but I do know

to whom they belong.


Joe Johnson set them up

at 2:00 in the morning.

How do you know that?

Because I have a

secondhand Yugoslavian

security system using KGB

motion infrared technology.

Infrared never fails.

That sends you alerts?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

At that hour, I usually

just watch the live feed.

It's scintillating.

And you don't have a problem

with this music just blaring

through our

neighborhood like this?

Why do you think

I'm doing yoga?

Yeah, that's not yoga.

Deck the halls

with boughs of holly.

Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.

'Tis the season--

Hello, Joe.


Jingle Jared, I'm

glad you're here.

I was just about to test out

the old Christmas lights.

What's-- what's wrong?

I've never had

a nickname before.

- Do you like it?

- Yeah.

Oh, good.


It's got a ring to it.

Jingle Jared.

Hey, I know we're

not besties yet,

but I got a good

feeling about us.

Joe, I heard that you were the

one putting all these speaker

gnomes around the neighborhood.

- Oh, yeah.

That's right.

That's right.

And I linked them up all

over with Bluetooth too.

I thought it would be nice

if everybody on the lane

could hear the

same music and feel

some magic at the same time.


Is there a problem?

- No, no, no.

No, no.

I-- I find them

adorable, actually.

But I needed you to maybe

ask permission next time.

Oh, come on.

I thought you liked music.

You're Jingle Jared, after all.

No, I do.

I do.

Jingle Jared loves music.

It's just-- just it would

be nice for a heads-up.

Well, heads up.

I mean before you do it.

Look, I could go ahead and

disconnect you if you want.

But it messes with

the triangulation

of the mother signal.

And then all the other

speakers get discombobulated.

I don't know.

My son could explain it better.

I just know that

they work together

kind of like this neighborhood.

I-- I understand.

I really do.

It's just it's not the

way we do things here.

Oh, yeah?

Well, how do we do things

around here exactly?

Well, since you

asked, we have a system

in place that allows

us to celebrate

Christmas to the fullest.

And as president, I

am privileged to push

that system forward.

So Joe, it's for your

own good and the good

of this entire community--

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What's that there?

This is a citation for

entering a neighbor's property

without permission,

also unlawful placement

of sonic amplitude devices.

Come on.


I'm so sorry, Joe.

I thought we were becoming

friends, buds, simpatico.

But this doesn't

have to affect this.

You know what?


Why don't you do the honors?

Joe, I shouldn't.

Come on.

You know the old Norse proverb.

To refuse to bring a neighbor

that-- you don't know it,

do you?

- I don't know it.

To refuse to bring

your neighbor light

is to bring him darkness.

You don't want

that, now, do you?

I don't want that.

All right.

Then bring us light, my friend.

Bring us light.

on Christmas

day in the morning.

You did that, kiddo.

You did that.

Up on the

housetop, reindeer paws.

Out jumps good old Santa Claus.

Down through the chimney

with lots of toys--

I got absolutely

no sleep last night.

I'm sorry.

So this is your fault?

It's 100% my fault.

What did you do?

It's more of what I didn't do.

I wanted to give Joe a

citation for installing

his army of speaker gnomes.

Instead, I chickened out.

I'm such a fool

around celebrities.

Oh, Jared.

They want a reality show.

Why is everyone acting

like they deserve a star

on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?

Don't be ridiculous.

Of course not.

But they would make the

Christmas Hall of Fame.

Please tell me

that doesn't exist.

It does not, at

least, not yet.

But that's a next year problem.

Grab your coat because we

got bigger fish to fry.

And I will grab the door.

All right.

Everybody's at my house.

We have to fix this.

It is so bad.

Up on the housetop,

quick, quick, quick,

down through the chimney

with good Saint Nick.

How can

something so hideous

come out of something so cute?

Is that Ben singing?

Every single one.

Well, at least,

it's Christmas music.

I don't hear anything.

Big surprise there, Bob.

You sound

a bit pitchy to me.

Pitchy to you?

What is that supposed to mean?

It means I got a tuning

fork with your name on it.


You guys, they planned a

competing cookie contest.

We have to do something.

I tried talking to

Joe, but he charmed me

with a Norse proverb.

Actions speak louder

than words, young Jedi.

Suggesting, what would you be?

I bought a manufacturer's

gross of defective Elf

on the Shelf dolls on eBay in

June, nasty looking rascals.

I wonder how jolly the Johnsons

would be if we let all 144

of those rascals

loose in their yard.

I got to say, I like where

this road is taking us.

No, no, no.

No, no.

Let's just take the high road.

Why when the low road is

so intriguing right now?

You guys, we're just

going to send out word

to the neighborhood

bulletin that we are

reverting back to

the old schedule

starting with the

cookie competition.

They're going to see

the lane come together.

And they're going to have no

choice but to fall in line.

Well, that might be

harder than you think.

I heard they're offering a

bit of coin for the winner.


We're working towards Bitcoin.

That sounds interesting.

OK, don't you get

any ideas, Brodhead.

They're really turning

the screws over there.

Nobody panic.

We still have 42

confirmed entries.

What if everybody else

breaks rank and joins

the Johnsons' cookie contest?

Then we will punish their

treasonous ways with subterfuge

and psychological warfare.



I finally feel seen by you.

And I like what I see, Ned.

We're going to

go with my plan.

We're going to get

everyone to Belinda's

for the cookie contest.

And the rest is just going

to fall like dominoes.


OK, I'm just going to

scout out a few low roads

in the meantime, you know?

Just in case.

And I'm going to block

the Bluetooth frequency

so we can think straight.

I still don't hear anything.

You're lucky, Bob.

Did you remember to swap

out the salt for the sugar?

I did.

They're actually

good this time.


Thanks, Nicole, not

that it matters.

I mean, look at this place.

It's empty.

Yeah, I didn't

want to say anything,

but where is everyone?

I'll tell you

exactly where they are.

They're baking with the enemy.

I cannot believe they

ignored our bulletin post.

And where is Ned?

I don't want to

jump to conclusions,

but did you see Ned?

He lit up like

Rudolph's nose when

he found out he

wouldn't have to compete

against Pamela this year.

No, he wouldn't.

Would he?

I don't know anymore.

He slept in.

He probably slept.

- Yes.

There was an Ice Road Truckers

marathon on last night.

You know he can't resist that.




Don't mind if I do.

Thanks, Nicole.

All right, everyone.

It's time to

announce the winner.

I must admit, competition wasn't

as robust as in years past.

A win is a win.

Get to the gold.

Since I'm the head judge,

my entry isn't eligible,

plus we had a disqualification.

So I will start with the runner

up, the only other contestant,

Emily Melrose.

Thank you.

Second place.

Not bad.

Thank you.

It's technically

last place too.

Thank you.

All right.

The winner, yet again, for

the eighth year in a row is--

We all know it was me.

Thank you.

Why aren't you happy, Mom?

Because victory isn't

the same without seeing

the agony of defeat in the

eyes of the vanquished.

But my streak is still alive.

Two more wins, and

I'm sitting for a portrait.

Oh, yeah.


What you got there, Ned?

Oh, this?

I just found this

at a garage sale.

Oh, you did?

Yeah, how much was it?

Yeah, just what I thought,

you traitorous turncoat.

How could you after all

that we have been through?

You are my third

emergency contact right

after Allan and the dog sitter.

We all deserve to have

a moment in the sun.

But what about our plans?

All of those wonderful low roads

we were going to take together.

The Johnsons

showed me a new path.

I simply had to take it.

How did they get to you, Ned?

It is very, very cold

in the shadows, my friend.

I had to step triumphantly

into the light.

Give me that trophy.

I'm going to snap it in two.

No, you leave it alone.

Give it to me.

You wouldn't even know

what to do with a trophy.

It'd be lonely in your house.


This feels better,

everyone coming together

to celebrate the joy of winter.

At the end of the day, it's

all about the kids, right?

Yeah, that's the HOA

president I fell in love with.



OK, that was a good throw,

but the snowball fight's

not until after you finish

building your snowman.

That was another good throw,

but we're going to wait

for all the other kids, OK?

I thought this was a

no-rules snowball fight.

Do you want to handle this?

Yeah, this is a

no-rules snowball fight,

buddy, but we're going to wait

for the other kids to get--

you little-- do you mind

if I borrow this, buddy?




You think that's a good idea?

No point in running, Jimmy.

Your parents can't help you now.

Oh, no.

Definitely not a good idea.

It's a trap.




We have a code white

in the cul-de-sac.

I repeat, a code white.

We need all available

units, please.

Requesting all available units.


There's a meltdown.


I can't say I'm not

disappointed, especially

in you, Jared.

Dad, we had to

take cover inside.

And we have not left

the house since.

Over a snowball fight?

That does seem a little extreme.

Oh, no, no, no, it was

no ordinary snowball fight.

It was awful.

I'll never forget the

look in Jimmy's eyes.

It's like he was

unhinged, obsessed.

We've tried talking to them.

We've tried ignoring them.

They're just so intense.

It's like Christmas is

turning into The Hunger Games.

That does sound stressful.

Painful, actually.

We just want the neighborhood

to have a magical holiday

like we always do,

but it's so hard

- when they just won't cooperate.

- Hmm.

Really stuck in the

chimney on this one.

What do we do?

Have they violated the

HOA bylaws in any way?


And I was going to

cite him for it.

But I felt bad.

He gave me this

really cool nickname,

and I let him off the hook.

That's an honest

mistake, Jared,

but when it comes to

incentives, there are carrots,

and there are sticks.

Using both tends to be the

most effective strategy.

Keep the niceties.

But maybe it's time to really

throw the book at them.

They have to be treated

like everyone else.

The founders believed that no

one is above the HOA bylaws.

By the founders,

you mean us, right?

Of course, I do.

Who else would?

- I

- don't know who you mean.

Why would you say the founders?


always said the founders.


It's embarrassing for you

to say anything like that.

I think it's your

obsession with James Madison.

I think they understand.


obsessed with James Madison.

Guy's we really

have to go, OK?

We have to go.

Thank you.

You know what time it is?

Surprise inspection time.

No jingle.





- No.

- It's definitely too tall.


Definitely too tall.

Just as I suspected.

Oh, Ms. Melrose.

Oh, Jingle Jared.

You dried off pretty quick for

a guy who just got absolutely

pummeled by snowballs.

What you up to?

Just conducting a

routine inspection.

Of what?

Just making sure the

house is up to code.

I think you'd be hard

pressed to find any code

violations around here.

Well, these lights

are definitely

not LEDs, which means

you have surpassed

maximum wattage allowance.

And also, this

nutcracker definitely

exceeds maximum height.

Well, I didn't see anything

about a maximum height.

Well, you should have

read up, buttercup.

There is a lot of great

info in that appendix.

Indeed, there is.

Indeed, there is, especially

section six, article D, which

we discussed the other night.

The unlawful placement of

a sonic amplitude device?


As a matter of fact,

that's the one.

Honey, I thought I told

you to ask permission

before placing those speakers.

- Sorry, honey.

I put the sleigh

before the reindeer.

But you do that all the

time, and it's ruining my life.

It's not fair for me to

say, but I do it all the time.

I can just leave

these in your mailbox,

or I can hand them to

you, whichever you prefer.

What happens if

someone chooses

to ignore the citations?

Then someone gets fined.

And if that someone

chooses not to pay the fine?

Well, I'm glad you asked,

Joe, because as president,

I can commute these punishments

with alternate means

of recompense.

- Such as?

I would settle for

mandatory attendance

to my annual white

elephant party.

Sounds lovely.

Where should we be?

When should we be there?

Jared's house.

7:00 PM tomorrow.

There's a dress code.

I hope it's not something

tacky like ugly sweaters.

Actually, it's

exactly that tacky.

And I have a closet

full of doozies if you

need to borrow something.

That won't be

necessary, for sure.

OK, good.

We'll see you there.

Wouldn't miss it.

You actually can't miss it.



All right.

Oh, I think that went OK.

I think so.



Are those real smiles?

I don't know, but I

feel like I'm at the Chuck

E. Cheese Christmas special.


Have they addressed

the citations yet?

I told them if they came in

peace, all would be forgiven.

You think that'll work?

It softened their sweet

Emily, didn't it, right, babe?

Like a bowl full of jelly.

That might have worked

for Molly McButter here,

but those Johnsons

are a different breed.

I mean, what if they don't

accept our olive branch?

Well, Ned is our sergeant

of arms at the HOA.

And if it comes to

that, we will ask him.

Where is Ned, anyway?

Probably building

a shrine to display

his traitorous new trophy.

Bob, I want an

onion and an olive.

Yes, dear.

Maybe this is

going to blow over.

We're going to exchange

gifts, and we're going to get

to know each other better.

And maybe this

isn't a tennis racket.



Come in.


Those aren't ugly

Christmas sweaters.

No, they're

actually really cute.

We're not here for your

ugly Christmas sweater party.

You're not?

No, we're throwing a yuletide

poetry jam at our place.

We saw right through your

carrots and sticks strategy.

We came to inform

you that we are

hereby officially

withdrawing from all HOA

Christmas activities.

You can't do that.

We just did.

And we won't be

needing this anymore.

My special edition.

Or these.

You have no legal

precedence to do this.

Actually, they do.

I knew it.

I happen to have a signed

addendum voted on and approved

by Albert Melrose 2016, which

states, any member of the HOA

which does not wish to

participate in neighborhood

festivities can withdraw

with the approval of one

board member.

Let them celebrate how,

where, and what they may.

Now, thanks to Ned, we're free

to be jolly in the Johnson way.

I have no

recollection of this.

That was the night

we all had one too

many of Bob's holiday Mai Tais.

My bad.

Why isn't

this in the handbook?

And why did you make me

participate last year?

It was before my time.

You all have a copy.

I faxed it to you the

night it was ratified.

Come on, Ned, none

of us have used a fax

machine since desert storm.

Come on.

We have some festive

pros to attend to.

Viva la resistance.

Not so fast.

Why, Ned?


No man can serve two Santas.

Edward Brodhead, for

your treasonous behavior,

I call for your immediate

dismissal from Santa's Helpers.

All in favor, say aye.


The motion is passed.

Hand over your walkie.

Must I?

You must.

You are dismissed.

That was a bust.

There's only one

way to fix this.

Switching to channel 12.

Attention Silver

and Gold leaders.

Calling on Silver

and Gold leaders.

We have a situation here.

We are on our way.

How are your big plans coming?

The proposal?

I've been so busy with

all this HOA craziness,

I hadn't had much time

to think about it.

Oh, don't let that get to you.

I know, but it's really making

me have a loss of confidence.

Jared, take time to

think about the moment,

reflect on it because it'll

be in the distant past

before you know it.

Well, let me ask

you a question.

How confident was Dad

when he proposed to you?

Are you kidding?

He procrastinated and dithered.

And I think he chickened out

at least a half a dozen times.


Well, he told me a

much different version.

I speak truth.

And he's not around to

contradict me, so what I say



I love you, son.

No, no, no, no, no.

No, no.

Yeah, this whole thing

this has got to go.

OK, we're going to 86

Santa's Village stat.

No, no, no, no, no.

Don't touch that.

Logistically, this

is perfect here.

What are you doing?

Well, logistically, this

is perfect for our ice

sculpture competition.

And I have a new

chiseling set to christen.

Ned, I am not moving

Santa's Village,

especially not for

some cockamamie

ice sculpting contest.

Jared, I put up

with so much from you.

But the words cockamamie,

ice, sculpture,

and contest in combination

are fighting words, man.

Don't be ridiculous, Ned.

Just take this somewhere else.

I don't see why you can't

just take this somewhere else.

Because I personally

applied for the permits

to have Santa's Village

right here on this spot.

So if you have a

problem with it,

you should take it

up with City Hall.

Well, you may have

won this battle,

but you have not won the w*r.

It is not a w*r, people.

It's a Christmas Carnival.

- All right.

Come on, everyone.

Let's go.

What is happening?

I don't know.

What is it with

her and winning?

I mean, it's the most

wonderful time of the year.

We've already won.

Emily, there's

nothing to worry about.

When Silver and Gold get here,

it's going to be game over.



Deck the halls with

boughs of holly.

Fa la, la, la, la la, la, la la.


'Tis the season to be jolly.

Fa, la, la, la, la,

la, la, la, la, la, la.

Troll the ancient

Christmas carol.

Fa, la, la, la, la,

la, la, la, la, la.

Fa, la, la, la la,

la la, la la, la.

Welcome home, sir.

Get me up to speed.

I want a full summary with

all the major players.



Welcome home.

The house looks great.

Thank you.

How was your flight?

It was wonderful.

I watched Christmas

at Graceland,

and it really got

me in the spirit.

Oh, that's great.


But your father kept

quoting Art of w*r,

which kind of k*lled the mood.

We need a strategy that

focuses on their vulnerability.

- That's genius, sir.

- Thank you.

Want to go wrap presents

while they strategize?

I thought you'd never ask.


So how are you guys?



Really happy.


This whole mess

with the Johnsons

has been a little

difficult, though.

But you know what?

I think it's shown us that

we're a really great team.

That's what matters.

After all these years

with your father,

there's one main

reason why it's worked.

The fact that you both insist

Die Hard is a Christmas movie?

That has helped, but really,

because we're best friends.

- We figured it out.

- Wait.


We're wrapping presents.

This is more

important than presents.

We figured out how to get

rid of the Johnsons for good.

I don't think we want

to get rid of them, do we?

What choice do we have?

They are destroying the very

fabric of the neighborhood.

The point is to

try and find a way

to weave them into the fabric.

They committed HOA treason.

You need to pull the

weed out by the root.

By the root.

OK, nothing they

did technically

was illegal, thanks to

the addendum you signed.

It was never meant

to be used nefariously.

That was only for

people who were not

able to physically

and emotionally

be in a state of celebration.

Oh, that's interesting,

so like me last year?

No comment.

OK, if you don't

mind me asking,

what else is on this list?

Fill their entire

chimney with coal.

Use space heaters to

melt all of their snow.

Write a smear piece saying they

don't believe in you-know-who.

Keep reading.

These are just some

of the greatest hits.

Bring them some figgy pudding.

And I do mean a truckload of it.

Invite Ned's improv

troupe to ad lib

The Christmas Carol for them.

And this is one of my

personal favorites.

Hire a singing telegram to

do "The 12 Days of Christmas"

over and over and over.

On the first day of Christmas,

my true love gave to me--

No, these are terrible

ideas, especially that one.

We cannot fight fire with fire.

Oh, sir, fire,

is that too much?


But what if it's

a flaming yule log?

Love that.

Put it on the list.

No, no more list.

We have to make peace.

Honey, I came here to

help you solve this problem,

and that's what

we're trying to do.

But the Johnsons love

a fight, and this is

just playing into their hand.

- What do you suggest we do?

I don't want to do anything

aggressive or passive

aggressive, for that matter.

I say we go over there,

we sit down like adults.

And once and for all,

we find a compromise.

That's actually

not a bad idea, sir.

Put it on the list.

Thank you.

But don't mix my

Jacob Marley bit.

No, sir.

I don't even know

what that means.

Trust me, you don't.

So what brings you all by?

We thought we could

have a heart to heart.

I feel like it's been made

very clear that the four of us

haven't been on

the same page when

it comes to the

neighborhood festivities.

We want to take

responsibility for being a bit

too rigid with our traditions.

And we were thinking that your

family could take ownership

for being a bit aggressive--


Assertive when it

comes to pushing yours.

You're absolutely right.

We both put the sleigh before

the reindeer sometimes.

I realize that

we may have ruffled

some goose feathers

what with coming

up with our own holiday events.

But I'm sure it's-- it's not

something we can't fix, right?

That's exactly what we

were hoping to do today.


Let's get into it.


So when my parents

founded the HOA,

they just-- they wanted

everyone in the neighborhood

to have as much fun at

Christmas as possible.

That's a noble thing.

And if you'll

accept our apology,

we'd like to rescind

our withdrawal

from the HOA festivities.

That was just a little Johnson

family heat of the moment

enthusiasm thing, so--

We'd love to

have you guys back.



And listen.

Joe, about the citations,

just forget about them.

I mean, I know you

already ripped them up.

But let's just pretend

that I ripped them up.

And you know, you

guys are new here,

and you're getting

settled in, so--

Hey, thanks for that.

You know, that's very

Jingle Jared of you.

You know what?

This is happening.

Get over here.

Come here.

Let's not ruin it.



All right.

So can we expect your help

with the Christmas Carnival?

We're all in.

As a matter of

fact, we were just

brainstorming this morning.

Oh, yeah.

Let's just calm that storm

because the Carnival's

really all mapped out.

- Oh, no, no.

It's not going to interfere

with your plans at all.

It's going to be in the

morning before the Carnival.

So what'd you have in mind?

We're calling it

the Christmas Games.

Instead of having all these

different competitions peppered

in leading up to the days before

Christmas like we had planned--

Oh, like you planned?


We just thought we would

all have it in one day.

And the winner will be--

get this-- the Christmas goat.


Goat like?

Greatest of all time.

And let me guess,

you two are competing?

The idea is one person

from every household

will represent their family.

That's a no-brainer

for the Johnson clan.

That's true.

Can I ask, what kind of

events do you have in mind?

Oh, the usual wreath making,

gingerbread construction,

ice sculpting,

Christmas cocktail

mixing, and holiday trivia.

This sounds like a lot.

Not every family

has to participate.

It's totally optional.

I think I'm going

to have to pass.

I already have so

much on my plate.

- Yeah.

- That makes a lot of sense.

As president, you should

probably take a dignitary role.

That's really smart.

What about you, Emily?

Are you game?

- Well, I have to help Jared.

There's so much going on.

I think I'll probably

have to say no.

But can't you just

imagine all the families

in the neighborhood cheering

and having such a great time?

Yeah, don't shut

it down before we've

had a chance to think about it.

- Oh, no, no, no.

I'm not shutting it down.

I'm here to compromise.

I just think the spirit of

it all feels a little com--

- Complicated.

- Competitive.


The word we're looking

for is competitive.

It's OK, Emily.

We understand.

Just a little surprised.

That's all.

Why is that?

I don't think I should say.

- No, I really want to hear.

- No, you know what?

I'm a gentleman.

I can't say.

Then I will.

We never took you

for such a Grinch.

She didn't mean it, baby.

Happy thoughts.

Santa Claus.

Candy canes.

Chad Kroeger, Nickelback.

I'm sorry.

Did you just call me a Grinch?

If the stocking fits.

Do you know what a Grinch is?

A Grinch is someone who

tries to ruin Christmas,

which you have been doing

since the second you

landed on this lane.

Says the Grinch.

I am not a Grinch.

Prove it.

Enter the Christmas Games.

You know what, Jane?

I will enter those

games, but I have

a few conditions of my own.

Let me guess, at the

end, everybody hugs

and gets participation ribbons.

It's me versus you.

That's it.

If you win, you can keep

ignoring our traditions,

and you can celebrate

however you want.

Are you sure about this, babe?

I am sure, babe.

And if I win, guess what?

You back off.

You fall in line with

all of the HOA rules,

and you join your

neighbors, who are dedicated

to the spirit of Christmas.

Sign me up, sister.

Let the games begin.


A Grinch?

Can you believe that?

She's just trying

to rile you up.

You have to prove

nothing to her.

This isn't about

proving I'm not a Grinch.

This is about standing

up for myself,

my family and Evergreen Lane,

and most of all, Christmas.


I've got your back.

Good, because we have

a lot of work to do.

All right, team,

the Christmas Games

are tomorrow morning, which

means you have exactly 24 hours

to lead me, guide

me, walk beside me

all the way to victory.

How are we feeling?

- Good.

It's going to be good.

I'm concerned.

She'll be fine.

I don't know.

You got this.

Yeah, like the cruise

director on the Titanic.

First things first, I

think what we should do

is let's list the

events and evaluate

your strengths and weaknesses.


That only sounds

mildly humiliating.

We're all family here.

We just want to figure out an

effective training schedule

and qualified mentorship.

- OK, fine.

Go for it.

- All right.

We have five events.

We have Christmas

tree wreath making,

gingerbread construction, ice

sculpting, Christmas cocktail

mixing, and holiday trivia.

What do you feel you

need the most help with?

- Cocktails, hands down.

- Wreath making.

Ice sculpting.

Christmas trivia.

No, gingerbread houses.

I can't just pick one.


You guys, am I hopeless?


No, darling.


Emily, you are not hopeless,

not with us as coaches.

I think what

everyone is trying

to say is we have

your back every step

of the way, right, guys?



The first step

in wreath making.

Is selecting your wreath?

No, that is ridiculous.

Who told you that?

Was it Claire down

at The Craft Crate?

- I only talked to her once.

- Don't talk to her.

She talks too much, OK?

She's trying to undermine me.

What you guys

working on right now?

Is it the sealant for the

vent or the electrical?

I don't think we need vents.

We-- we need a vent.


Isn't he a dreamboat?

OK, ready?

What language do the reindeer

names Donner and Blitzen

derive from?

Donner and Blitzen.

Donner and Blitzen.

You got this, Emily.

It's an easy one.

- Give her a chance, Jared.

- I have no clue.

Donner und Blitzen.

It's German.

Thunder and lightning.

Of course.

All right.

Tag me in.

Who played six different

roles in Polar Express?

I know that one.

Tom Hanks.

- Yes.


Good girl.

You got it.

You got it.

And go straight to the left.

Then go straight to the right.

You're sweet, dad.

I'll take it from here.

Now, this one clearly

is not finished.

This is just some stuff I picked

up on my walk this morning.


Have you ever used

a hot glue g*n before?

Put it down, please.

That is dangerous.

Did you bring your

safety goggles?

I don't think you really need

safety goggles for a glue g*n.

Like, 30 people every year

get injured with hot glue g*ns.

That's something that

Claire at The Craft Crate

didn't tell you.

Lift the icing bag.

No, no, no.

You're doing really good.

- We could cover it.


That was my fault.

That was my fault. Sorry.


bells, jingle bells,

jingle all the way.

What did Jimmy Stewart

find in his pocket

in It's a Wonderful Life?

- Zuzu's petal.

- Oh, I knew that.

I couldn't help myself.


You're a chip off

the old ice block.

There is a school of

thought that unless you

can fit your head

through the wreath,

the proportions are wrong.

So let's do a little

check here to see if you

can fit your head through it.

Did an ornament drop?

- It did.

I'm so sorry.

Well, I guess, somebody

should have read the pamphlet

with the hot glue g*n.

Final gumdrop.



Here we go.

It's like the capstone.

All right.

Moment of truth.


10 out of 10 lords a-leaping.


That's fantastic.

You make that yourself?

Jimmy, hi.


I didn't see you there.

Yes, I did.

I had a little

coaching, but yeah.

Looks delicious.

Well, thank you.

My parents always make

the best gingerbread houses.

But they never let me eat

them because you're not

supposed to eat works of art.

Well, that's too bad.

Eating them is the best part.

Do you want to eat this one?

- Serious?

- Why not?

It's just a practice house.

I ate a whole wall while I

was making it, so I'm stuffed.

Just promise me you'll ask

your parents first, OK?

I promise.

You know what?

You remind me so much

of myself when I was--

Thank you.

You're welcome.

You're welcome.

On the 11th day

of Christmas, what

did my true love send to me?

- Eleven pipers piping.

How do you say Merry

Christmas in Spanish?

Feliz navidad.

I can also sing it.

How many ghosts show

up in Christmas Carol?

Dickens four, Muppets five.

Look what Emily gave me.

You've got to be kidding me.

No way she made that herself.

She said I could eat it

if it's OK with you guys.

Absolutely not.

We need to study her design

and make sure we can top it.

Yeah, your mother's right.

This is an opportunity

to really crush them.

I'm tired of crushing people.

Seriously, it's all that

we've done since we got on TV.

I wish we never would

have won Ho Ho House.

Don't say that.

We're the Jolly

Johnsons, kiddo.

Maybe I just want to be

the regular Johnsons who

have regular Christmas like you

promised me when we moved here.

You said it yourself.

You didn't want people

to treat you different.

And we meant it.

Then maybe you should

stop trying to prove

that you're better than them.

Looks like my

work here is done.

So how's everything?

It's good.

I just want it to be

just right, you know?

I meant with you and Jared.

Oh, good.

I don't know.

It's kind of hard to tell.

We've been wrapped up in all

this Christmas craziness.

I can understand that.

Just don't let it get in the way

of what's really important, OK?

I won't.

Whatever happens tomorrow,

I'm proud of you, Emily.


Thanks, Dad.

OK, I got to go.

Time for my annual

Christmas Die Hard marathon.

Oh, maybe I'll join

you for part two.

Come on.

Pretty good.

How are you feeling

about tomorrow?

Well, if it's going to

be anything like today,

it's going to be very

long and very difficult.

Well, I think it's

going to be a great day.

- Really?

- Yeah.

You know why?

Enlighten me.

Well, you are trying to save

Christmas for the rest of us.

And that makes you

my John McClain.

What does that mean?

You're my Christmas hero.

All right.

Go get some sleep because

I have to go home.

Don't leave.

I don't want to.

But I'm a little behind on

your Christmas surprise, so--

Well, then you

better hop to it.

Love you.

I love you too.

Take care of that knee, John.

All right.

How many ghosts show up

in A Christmas Carol?


In the song, what was

Frosty the Snowman's nose?

A button.

What popular

Christmas song warns

that you better watch out?

"Santa Claus is Coming to Town."

Where is she?

She's never late.

She'll be here.

She's going to be here.

There she is.

She's coming.

She's coming.

Oh, Pamela, you're here.

Sorry I'm late, but I have

a really great reason.


I designed them myself.

OK, sure, babe, but who was up

all night hand stitching them?


It was me.

There's one for all of you.

Here, Emily.

Even though you're the

one representing us today,

this way, you'll know that

we've all got your back.

I'm just

feeling jolly.

Deck the halls in holly.

Yeah, I'm just feeling jolly.

Deck the halls in holly.

I'm just feeling jolly.

I'm just feeling jolly.

Deck the halls in holly.

I'm just feeling--

I'm sipping eggnog.

I'll leave these flashing

lights, burning that yule log,

making the season bright.

Let's hear it for

our contestants.

You ready for this?

I guess, we'll see.

Oh, it's on like gray poupon.


ladies and gentlemen,

to the first annual

Christmas Games.

Few competitors will go head

to head in a fierce competition

to decide who has

the most Christmas

spirit on Evergreen Lane and

be named the Christmas GOAT.

We want Jane!

We want Jane!

We want Jane!



No, everyone, stop.

Please just stop.

Can you just stop?

Oh, for the love of

Christmas, just stop!

What is happening to us?

I mean, look around, you guys.

Don't you realize

it's Christmas?

You know that last

year, I moved back

because I fell in

love and not just

with Jared but with

this whole neighborhood.

This place is so special.

I mean, we take

care of each other.

We look out for each other.

We bring out the

best in each other.

But all I see are people

I don't even recognize.

I don't even recognize myself.

Christmas isn't

a game, you guys.

It's not about

sides and winning.

We're one neighborhood.

And if we can't come together,

especially at Christmas,

then I don't know if

this is the neighborhood

I fell in love with.

I'm sorry, but I

have to withdraw.

And it's not because

I might lose.

I would most definitely lose.

But it's because this isn't us.

I want to have a joyful

Christmas that's full of love,

and I'm pretty sure you do too.

A deal's a deal.

If you withdraw, you

lose, and I get my way.

I know.

And I'd rather you have your

way than be at odds with you,

so you win.


You can celebrate

however you want.

And I'm going to go celebrate

Christmas with the people I

love the most.

What if all we want is to

be a part of Evergreen Lane?

Jane, I don't know what kind

of game you're trying to play,

but please--

- No game.

No competition.

Just real.

Today, you reminded us of what

Christmas used to mean to us

before we were, well, jolly.

She's right.

We just want to be the Johnsons

again on the jolliest street

that ever existed.

Should we start over?

I would really like that.

Now, that's a photo.

You got to get me

one of those jackets.

I'll get you one, buddy.

You need to talk to him.

I don't want to.

You got a little

something on your sweater.


Maybe next year, we

could maybe bake together,

something like that.

In your dreams.

OK, I cook alone, all right?

I cook alone.

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

jingle all the way.

Oh, what fun--

You look beautiful.

Aw, thank you.

You look so handsome.

This is quite a turnout.

That art station is

absolutely bonkers.

You know, I-- this might be

the best Christmas Carnival

we've ever had, thanks to you.

Aw, it was a team effort.

We got a pretty good

thing going, don't we?

You know what?

I think it's more

perfect than perfect.

So are you.

Hey, you two.

Look, honey, young love.

Speaking of young love--


Helen, honey,

Santa's watching.

Only gets better, kids.

Ho, ho, ho,

merry Christmas.

High five.

Merry Christmas.

Yeah, all right.

Good job.

Ho, ho, ho.

Are you sure

you're OK with this?

If you could only see

how much it meant to him.

Plus, he told me he

was going to introduce

me to the people that run

the Norwegian Santa Academy.

We should table that for now.

Tabled and chaired.

In the meantime, I have to

take care of a few things.


I'm going to be on cocoa duty.

But I'll see you after, right?

Right as reindeer.

I don't think that's a saying.

But it could be.

But it could be.


There you go.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Oh, I'm so glad

you guys are here.

It's great to be

back helping out.

You and Jared have done such

a great job bringing all of this


We feel very confident in

you taking over the HOA.

Thanks, Mom.

Does being back here makes you

guys miss the old glory days?

I forget how exhausting it

is putting out all the fires.

He is lying.

He definitely misses the drama.


And what about you?

I miss the neighbors.

These people are our family.

Well, if Jared and Emily

ever end up together,

there might be a house that

comes back on the market.

Any progress on that front?

Let's just focus on Christmas.

Shall we?

I always liked that

Jared Farnsworth.

He's an architect, you know?

You don't say.

Where is my young

apprentice, anyway?

He's missing all the fun.

- I don't know.

He disappeared

about an hour ago.

He said he had some last-minute

plans to take care of.

These are for you.

And your presence is requested.

What is all this?

Well, whatever it

is, it looks magical.

Trade you?

Gladly, my lady.

Let her go, Mike.

Red and green

packages under the tree.

Twinkling lights are

all on in the street.

What is happening?

Carolers caroling.

I hear them sing,

it's Christmas again.

I feel like a kid in

December, the first time

in what feels like forever.

Love's on my list, and

I'm taking a chance.

Because when is it going

to be Christmas again?

What is all this?

I'm trying to get

you all to myself.

Along with a string quartet?

Just roll with it.

I'm getting a little nervous.

Don't be nervous.

I just got you a

Christmas present.

It's beautiful, but

you didn't wrap it.

It's what's inside.

Is this really happening?

Emily Melrose, I've been

in love with you forever.

And I will always

be in love with you.

Will you marry me?


Oh, my goodness.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.


year, another great Christmas

on Evergreen Lane.

And Jared found a way

to one up anything

even the Jolly Johnsons

could have done that year.

It's funny.

I never asked Santa for

Jared to propose to me,

but somehow, he already

knew exactly what I wanted.
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