01x20 - The Tale of the Big Move

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Peter Rabbit". Aired: 14 December 2012 – 6 May 2016.*
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Follows mischievous, charming Peter Rabbit and his friends as he overcomes obstacles, outwits predators and avoids danger.
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01x20 - The Tale of the Big Move

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Let's go! Peter Rabbit
Go on and run, run for our lives ♪

♪ We'll tear a hole in every fence
And every wall Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Run through the fields
Run wild and free ♪

♪ And grab a piece of every radish
That we see Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Go day and night go for it all ♪

♪ It's time to fly come on the
Wind's begun to blow let's go ♪

♪ 'Cause you and I we weren't
Made for going slow let's go! ♪

♪ Adventure calls the game is on
Come on! ♪

♪ Let's go!
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go!
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go!
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

[voice over]
The Tale of The Big Move.


[dramatic music playing]


Think you can wake up a badger
and get away with it? Arrgh!


[grunts and groans]
Ooh! Ah! Where am I?


Hi, Dad.

Lily Bobtail.
Do you know what time it is?


Dinner has been on the table
for half an hour!

[sniffs] Badger!

No, Warren.
We're having carrots and celery.

Dah! I mean, I smell badger! Lily?

Alright, maybe I was chased
by Tommy Brock.

[Mother] Oh!

But I got away! I'm fine!

That does it!
This valley is just too dangerous.

I said if there was one more scrape
like this, one more brush with...

badgers, or foxes, or owls,
we were leaving!


No buts! My mind is made up.
We're moving!

But how can we be friends
if you move away?

I know, Benjamin.

But my parents
don't think I'm safe here.

Maybe I... [sighs] can come and visit.

Well, I think it's rotten.

What about you, Peter?

What we need is a picnic!

Peter! How can you even think
about food at a time like this?

I'm moving away!

Listen, we'll have a picnic
and invite your mum and dad!

Show them that this is
the safest place in the world.

Aren't you forgetting something?

It's never safe with Tommy Brock
and Mr Tod and Old Brown around!

We just have to make sure
they don't show up to our picnic.

Come on, let's hop to it!

[adventurous music playing]

-[Peter] Yeah!
-[Lily] Woo!

[Benjamin] Yay!

♪ Off you go ♪

♪ No time to lose
You'd best be on your way... ♪

-[Lily whistles]

♪ Off you go ♪

♪ 'Cause you can't
afford to fail today ♪

♪ Proceed with care
Think fast and stay aware ♪

♪ And you'll succeed
at what you're trying to do ♪

♪ So off you go ♪

♪ And you should know ♪


♪ The goal's in range
It's waiting there for you! ♪



Quick! Let us down!

-[Rabbits] Whoa! Ooh!

-Thanks, Napkin!

Door shut?


Windows and chimney blocked?

-[Mr Tod] Open up!

-[Tommy Brock] Open the door!
-[Peter sighs]

Now they're all locked up inside,

it's time for a completely safe
picnic with your mum and dad!


[happy music playing]

Keep your eyes closed...

Keep 'em closed!

-Now open them!
-[both gasp]


Ah! [chuckles] Just the day for
a nice, relaxing, never-dangerous,

totally safe picnic,
wouldn't you say, Benjamin?

Mm-hmm. Mm. Yep, safe.

A picnic? You mean, outdoors?

Um, maybe we should take it indoors,
where it's safer.

But Dad, picnics are for outside!

I know that for a fact.

Mm, ah, picnics are
Lily's favourite, Dr Bobtail.

And we'll never get to do it again.

Not if she's moving...

[Benjamin sniffs]


There, there, Benjamin.
You must be brave.

For Lily's sake.

Let's do it for Lily.

She wants to spend time
with her friends before the move.

Please, Dad?

Well... oh, as long as we're quick!

No need to be quick! Just wait
until you see how safe it is!

Oh! Those little troublemakers!

Well, I don't know
about you poor flightless fools,

but I'm going out the chimney!

[Grunts, coughs, splutters]

Oh! Tail feathers!
It's been blocked.

We're trapped!

Well, if we're stuck in here,
I reckon I'll have myself a snooze.

Ooh! Oh, you clumsy oaf!

My tea table!

Tea table? What kind of hunter
has a tea table, I ask you?!

My best china!

Both of you, stop it!
You're wrecking the place!

First my table, then my china...

Why don't you just knock the walls
down and be done with it?!

Hmm, not the walls,
but perhaps the door...

You're a squawking old feather duster!

Feather duster, am I?

Yes, you heard me.

You couldn't peck your way
out of a wet paper bag.

And as for you,
you smelly old carpet,

you couldn't barge your way
out of a balloon!



[both grunt]

You are a strong pair of fellows.

And now, we're free!

-Free to get those rabbits!

Mmm, these radishes are delicious,

You know, I'm actually starting
to relax and enjoy this picnic.

And it's much more peaceful
than I'd imagined.

They like it here! The plan's working!

That's right, Dr Bobtail. It's a
beautiful, un-dangerous place!

Look at the grass,
look at the trees!

Look at the sky...

And... back to the grass again!

Oh, no! It's Old Brown!

We've got to get my parents
out of here!

Hoo! Hoo-hoo-hoo!

[gasps] Did anyone hear that?

Hoo! Hoo! I'm bored here.
Let's go somewhere else!

-[Owl] Hoo-hoo. Hoo!
-Woo-hoo! [laughs nervously]

Who... who's up for...
picking some blackberries?

-Hoo! Ah, that sounds like a good idea!

Yes! That does sound nice.

What? Blackberries?
Why would we wanna get blackberries?

[clears throat]

Ohh. I get it.

Ah! I know where there's some
extra juicy blackberries.

Come on, everyone!

Um, maybe we should stay here, Peter.

I'm not sure it's safe elsewhere.

Oh, I'd say it's even safer
somewhere else!

[Dad gasps] Look at that!

Before we came to this valley we had
to buy blackberries at the shop!

And now here they are,
ripe for the taking!

Oh, I do like this place!

[Mum] Having fun, dears?

Uh... yes!

[Mr Tod] Ah, those rabbits are hiding.

Oh, no! It's Mr Tod and Brock too!

What are we going to do?
What are we going to do?!

Think, Peter, think!

Hm, got it!
We get them to chase us over there!

Where Lily's mum and dad won't see them.

Let's hop to it!

-You can't catch us!

Peter Rabbit!

[gasps] Did you hear that?

Mm-hmm. It's for getting
the high ones down.

[Peter] Aah!

Come back here,
you terrible, tiny little...

troublemaking tricksters!

Look! One of my dad's
secret escape tunnels!

Quick, through here!


[all] Whoa...



Ha-ha! Sounds like they're having
as much fun as we are!


-[both] Peter!
-[Peter] A good rabbit never gives up!

[Mr Tod and Tommy Brock argue]

[gasps] Oh, no! Where's he gone?

He's probably working on
a brilliant escape plan.

-We just have to--
-Peter! Come back!


Stay quiet!

[both] Aaah!

Brock, make yourself useful.
Go in and get them!

But it's all prickly!
I don't like pricklies!

I've had enough of you ordering us
around, you pompous pumpkin!

-Do it yourself!
-Yeah! What he said!

-[Tommy Brock growls]
-[Benjamin whimpers]

-Don't you give me that!
-You hopeless, hopeless...

I saw him first!

Still fighting?

Well, well. Peter Rabbit.

[both] Peter!

Finally, we've got you
where we want you.


Three against one. You've run rings
around us for the last time!

We'll see about that!



[grunting, groaning]

Squirrel rope.
Such handy stuff for running rings!

Take it away, boys!

[all] Heave!

[all] Oh, no! Arrgh!

-Got it!

Thanks again, Nutkin!
You're a good pal.

No problem!

[Mr Tod] Run, rabbits! I'll find you!

So, I... suppose we just hold
onto this until we get bored?

-[all] Ohh!

-It's so nice.
-Oh, hello, you three!

You've been gone awhile.

-Wait a second...

What's that I smell?

Uh, hmm...

It's... blackberries! [chuckles]
We picked plenty for everyone.

You were right, Peter. They're the
best blackberries I've ever tasted.

Yes, indeed.
It really is a beautiful valley.

Why would we ever want to leave?

We're staying?!


Ya-hoo! We're staying!

I mean, they're staying.

[all laugh and cheer]

On one condition.

We have picnics more often!

-[all gasp]
-More picnics? No!

[grunting and groaning]

Peter Rabbit!
Come back here and untie us!

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit, Peter Rabbit,
Peter Rabbit ♪
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