01x15 - The Tale of the Unguarded Garden

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Peter Rabbit". Aired: 14 December 2012 – 6 May 2016.*
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Follows mischievous, charming Peter Rabbit and his friends as he overcomes obstacles, outwits predators and avoids danger.
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01x15 - The Tale of the Unguarded Garden

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Let's go! Peter Rabbit
Go on and run, run for our lives ♪

♪ We'll tear a hole in every fence
And every wall Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Run through the fields
Run wild and free ♪

♪ And grab a piece of every radish
That we see Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Go day and night go for it all ♪

♪ It's time to fly come on
The wind's begun to blow let's go! ♪

♪ 'Cause you and I we weren't
Made for going slow let's go! ♪

♪ Adventure calls the
Game is on come on! ♪

♪ Let's go!
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go!
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go!
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

[voice over]
The Tale of The Unguarded Garden.

[happy music playing]

Shh! Nobody move.

We're being followed.

Are you sure, Peter?

Positive. [sniffs]

Followed by what? A fox?

No, not a fox.

Then what?! [gasps]




-What's following us?


A little sister who won't stay home!

I knew it was Cottontail all along!

I just wanted to, erm,
practice my diving. Ha!

How did she creep up on us like that?

She's super sneaky.
Runs in the family.

Peter play peek-a-boo!

Sorry, Cottontail. Can't play
peek-a-boo right now.

We're on an extra dangerous adventure!

We are?

Er, I mean, er, yeah, we are!
[giggles nervously]

We've completely run out of radishes.


You'd better run home, Cottontail,

before anything dangerous
comes our way.

Erm, something dangerous
is already coming our way.


Quick, hide!

[suspenseful music playing]


Whoa! Oh!

-Ah... ah...
-Oh, no!


Well, well, well. Mr McGregor.





-[Mr McGregor whistles]


Kitty cat! Yay!

Yay that she was trapped
in that basket.

I wonder where Mr McGregor is going.

Who cares where he's going?

The important thing is he's gone,
and that means...

Of course!

Of course what?

[both] No-one is guarding his garden!

[happy music playing]

[all] Wow!

-♪ Play rabbit play ♪

♪ Let's hop to the benches on the way ♪

♪ Play rabbit play ♪

♪ Across the fields come on
Now what do you say? ♪

♪ The sun is blazing
and life's amazing ♪

♪ And everything is fresh and new ♪

♪ Play rabbit play
Embrace the day ♪

♪ There's a whole wide world
just waiting there for you ♪


-Yum, yum.



[belches] Oops! Er, excuse me!


I wish Mr McGregor
would go away every day.

Me too!

Maybe we should be stocking up
on food while we can.

Lily's right.

We could feed all our families
for a week if we get enough food.

Make four piles, roots, fruits,
greens and beans.

Let's hop to it!

Roots, fruits, greens, and beans!

Roots, fruits, greens, and beans!

Roots, fruits, greens, and beans.

Rooty, fruity, greeny, beany!

[all] Roots, fruits, greens, and beans!

[all] Roots, fruits, greens, and beans!

[all] Roots, fruits, greens, and beans!

Hmm, how unusual!

A song about food sung by food.

Rooty, fruity, greeny, beany!

Rooty, fruity, greeny, beany!

Whoa! Oh!

[gasps] Whoa there, Cottontail.

Again, again!

Whew. Maybe later.

Greeny, beany?

You've been great, Cottontail,
but better leave it to us now, OK?



Have we got enough?

I hope so.

If I have to dig up any more
radishes, I might turn into one.


Mr McGregor could be back
at any second.

Don't worry, Lily, we're safe.

In fact, why don't we have some lunch?

You took the words
right out of my mouth!

-Mr Tod!

[all] Run!

[dramatic music playing]

[Mr Tod growls]

Never mind,
there's plenty of other rabbits.

Now, where are they?


Excellent hiding, Lily. [sniffs]

-[Benjamin] Oh!

I'm a little strawberry,
I'm a little strawberry.

How considerate. Providing your own
strawberry garnish.


-Arggh! No!

Oh, stop that!

Arggh! Not on the tweed!

Wait, we can't leave without
Cottontail! Where'd she go?

-Oh, no!

[Cottontail] Peter?

And what do we have here?

-[Cottontail whimpers]
-[Mr Tod growls]

Somebody else tag along today,
did they?

You don't want my little sister,
you want me!

-[Peter grunts]

[dramatic music playing]


Oof! Oh!

[Lily] Peter, over here!

Where are those rabbits hiding?

Come out, come out,
wherever you are.

There's no way we can all get past
Mr Tod.

[gasps] We're trapped!

A good rabbit never gives up.

[gasps] Peter, look who's back.

Yay! Kitty cat!

No, Cottontail. Not 'yay'.

If the cat's back,
that means Mr McGregor's back too,

and he's even more dangerous
than a fox.

I know that for a fact.

Yes, that's it!

We get Mr McGregor to scare off
Mr Tod for us.

That's right, we get Mr McGregor
to... Wait, what?!

It's easy. We wake the cat.
The cat alerts Mr McGregor.

But how do we get close enough?

We can't, but I bet someone
small and super sneaky

could get through that gap.


Wanna play peek-a-boo
with the kitty cat, Cottontail?

Yay! Peek-a-boo!

[Mr Tod] Hmm, in here, perhaps.

She's doing it, she's doing it!

-[sniffs, growls]

I smell rabbit. Aha!

Well, er, you're pretty stinky yourself.

[laughs] It seems our little game
of hide-and-seek is over.

Yeah, but Cottontail's game of
peek-a-boo is about to start.



Let me explain a little something
about the natural order, young Peter.

Rabbits are scared of foxes. Fact!

That's true, Mr Tod.

[Mr McGregor] What's the problem, cat?

But then, foxes are scared
of angry gardeners. Fact.

-[door opens]
-Oh, what angry gardener?

Oh! Mr McGregor!

Stop there, you wee thieves!

[all whimper]

[dramatic music playing]

[Mr McGregor] Come back here!

[all] Yeah, Cottontail! [cheering]

That's my little sister.


[Mr McGregor] Stop!

[Mr McGregor] Come back here!

Come on, time to go.

I don't believe it. We made it.

I mean, I always thought we would,
but you know, phew!

Shame we never got any food, though.

-[Mr McGregor] You're mine!
-Never say never.


-[Mr McGregor] You won't escape me now!

Good old Mr McGregor.

Good old Mr McGregor?!

Yep. Lucky for us, he's better
at growing than he is at throwing.

[all laugh]

Rooty, fruity, greeny, beany.

Let's go home. Looks like
we're having a feast tonight.

Who's hungry?

[all] Roots, fruits, greens, and beans!

Roots, fruits, greens, and beans!


[all] Roots, fruits, greens, and beans!

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪Peter Rabbit, Peter Rabbit,
Peter Rabbit ♪
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