01x10 - The Tale of Nutkin on the Run

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Peter Rabbit". Aired: 14 December 2012 – 6 May 2016.*
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Follows mischievous, charming Peter Rabbit and his friends as he overcomes obstacles, outwits predators and avoids danger.
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01x10 - The Tale of Nutkin on the Run

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Let's go! Peter Rabbit
Go on and run, run for our lives ♪

♪ We'll tear a hole in every fence
And every wall Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Run through the fields
Run wild and free ♪

♪ And grab a piece of every radish
That we see Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Go day and night
Go for it all ♪

♪ It's time to fly come on the
Wind's begun to blow let's go! ♪

♪ 'Cause you and I we weren't
Made for going slow let's go! ♪

♪ Adventure calls the game is on
Come on let's go! ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit
Let's go! ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit
Let's go! ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit
Let's go! ♪

[voice over]
The Tale of Nutkin On The Run.

[dramatic music playing]

[Owl] Stop! Thief!


Oof! Come back here,
you nutty nuisance!

[Nutkin whimpers]

Open up! Open up! Hurry!



Where is he?

I know he's in there!

I don't know what you're talking about.

Tail feathers! You've got
that sneaky squirrel in there!

Hide me!


Help me! Hide me! Ah...


Help me. Hide me. Help me...

-[Owl] Rabbits!

-Why is Old Brown after you?

Well, I might have... kind of...
sort of... taken his eye glasses.


Why in the world would you take
Old Brown's glasses?

Because... ah, they were there.

[thumping, grunting]

-Well, now you'd better give them back.

Oh, I would, I gladly would.

But, you see, I've sort of,
kind of lost them.

[gasps] Oh, no.

Not to worry, I'll just stay here.
How about I whip us up some lunch?

I'm not sure this is the best
place for a squirrel.

-[Peter gasps]

But we can't just throw him out.
It's too dangerous.

Then we'll just have
to help Nutkin find out

where he left Old Brown's glasses
so he can give 'em back.

But we can't go outside!

That mean old owl is still there.
And he's angry.

Maybe we can trick our way
past the old bird...

-Trick? Ooh, I love tricks!

Listen, Old Brown,
if you're looking for Nutkin,

he went out the back door.
He's gone.

No, he's not. He's right here--

Ha, gone, is he.
[laughs evilly]

The coast is clear.
Let's hop to it.

[adventurous music playing]

Do you remember where you might
have left the glasses, Nutkin?

Hmm... Well, I was, um,
having a tea party,

with Jeremy Fisher down by the lake...

Ah-ha! Gone, is he?
I'll have your tail!

You got mine already!

I'll have your ears, then!

Follow me, quick!

[all grunt]

You conniving criminals!

Give me back my glasses!

-[dramatic music continues]
-[all panting]

I think we lost Old Brown.

Thanks to one of Dad's
good old secret tunnels.

Here we are!
This is where the party was.

Just look what that squirrel did...

Oh, no! Not again!

I remember! I went over here...

Ah! Please stop!

Oh, and then I did this...

My good china! Oh...

And this!

Nutkin, careful!

Nope, no eye glasses in there.

Guess I... lost them somewhere else.
Maybe the farm!

Oh, no.

Oh! Not my sardines!

Got it!

[Owl] Got you!

[gasps] Help me! Hide me!

Take cover!

It's just a bird...
It's just a bird...

Ah! It's a really big bird!

Trapped like the bunch
of bunny bandits you are!

There's our escape tunnel.
But it's too far away!

Then we'll take the table to
the tunnel. Come on, like this!

[all strain]

[whimpers] Whoa...

Not the silver! Oh...

Sorry about your tea party, Mr Fisher.

[all] Yeah. Sorry.

[Owl] Nutkin!

[Owl] Watch that last step. Whoa...

[all] Whoa!

[all] Yeah! We did it!

I think my next party will be indoors.

OK, Nutkin, you said you might have
left the eye glasses at the farm.

Where exactly?






[all] Nutkin!

-[giggles] What?

Where could you have left
the glasses?


Let's split up and find them.

Could they be over here?

Don't think so.

-Here, then?

What about... Wait.

Were you actually at the farm today,

Come to think of it, no.

-[Owl] Hoo-hoo! Not so fast!
-[all whimper]


♪ Run rabbit run ♪

♪ Run like you've never run before ♪

♪ Run rabbit run ♪

♪ If he catches you
You're done so run some more ♪

♪ Your heart is pounding ♪

♪ Those feet are sounding so close
To you what can you do? ♪

♪ Oh run rabbit run ♪

♪ You'd better run ♪

I'm certain we lost him this time.

[pants] But for how long?

Are you absolutely sure

you were at Mrs Tiggy-Winkle's
laundry today Nutkin?

[laughs] I'm absolutely sure I was here,
I think.

Almost certainly maybe...
Where are we again?

[gasps] Keep that purple-footed
squirrel away from my washing!

They're not purple anymore! See?

[laughs] They just leave
regular old dirty prints now!

Oh, yes, I see. I see that
you're just as filthy as ever!

You know what they say.

Clean feet make friends,
dirty feet make a mess.

Do they?

Well, if they don't, they ought to!

Wait! Mrs Tiggy-winkle, we're
looking for a pair of eye glasses.

Nutkin might have left them
when he was here before.

He didn't leave any glasses here.
Just some nasty purple paw prints.

Good day to you!

-Well, that's it, then. We're--
-[Owl] Done for!

[all scream]

Tail feathers! I'll teach you
a lesson! All of you!


Oh, no. He's going to get Benjamin.
We have to save him!

Wait! What are you doing?

I should never have led all of you
into danger like this.

Dear friends, if I don't make it,

tell everyone I went out
like a brave squirrel should.

With my tail, uh, stump held high!

If you don't make it?
Nutkin, what do you mean? Nutkin!

Rit-tat-tee! You can't catch me!

You! What have you done with my glasses?

Catch me and I'll tell you!

[dramatic music playing]

Nutkin made Old Brown chase him
on purpose so we could get away.

We've got to find the glasses
before it's too late.

Where could those glasses be?

Peter, we've looked everywhere.

I know.

But we can't just leave Nutkin
with Old Brown right on his tracks.

Tracks, hmm... Tracks!


Maybe we didn't look everywhere.

What could Nutkin have run through

that would make him leave
purple tracks?

[all gasp] Berries!

Lily, you're a genius!

Look, all the berries are squished.
Nutkin's been here, alright.

They're not all squished.

-Uh, sorry.

Right, glasses... Glasses...

Where could they... Ah! Found them!


Ooh, tummy ache.

Well done, Benjamin! Let's go!


Where's he going?

He's trying to get those glasses
back to Old Brown.

Follow Peter's purple tracks.

You're not just a genius,
you're also really smart!

[dramatic music playing]

-[Old Brown hoots]
-[Nutkin screams] Help me!

-I've got you now!
-Oh, no!

Now you'll find out what happens
to naughty squirrels.


-My hero!
-My glasses!

Yes. And Nutkin is very sorry
he took them, aren't you, Nutkin?

Am I? I mean, yes, I am. Very sorry.

If I give them back,
will you leave Nutkin alone?

Sorry is not good enough.

Then go fetch!


Let's face it. Without
any more tracks to follow,

the only way we'll find them is
if they fall right out of the sky.

[Old Brown] Ahh!


[grunts] Got them!

Ooh! Ow! Ooh!

-[Old Brown] Tail feathers!

Ooh, that must have hurt.

At least Old Brown doesn't have any
reason to chase you now, hey, Nutkin?

Does he, Nutkin? Nutkin?

[sighs, chuckles]

Now, then,
where's that book I was reading?

[Old Brown] Tail Feathers!


♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit, Peter Rabbit,
Peter Rabbit ♪
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