Beebo Saves Christmas (2021)

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Beebo Saves Christmas (2021)

Post by bunniefuu »

There once was

a fuzzy little town called "Bo".

It was a typical town

as fuzzy towns go.

But at Christmas time,

it had an extra warm glow.

Sadly, however, that was long ago.

Today, everything is just go, go, go.

But among all the critters

bustling to and fro

was a Christmas-loving creature

named Beebo.

And Beebo loved everything

there was about Christmas.

The fun and tradition,

he made it his business.

Including much to

this orator's frustration.

Taking over the part of

the Christmas narration.

I la-la-la-la-la-love the holiday

Strike the bells, it's Christmas Eve

We're one day out, I can't believe

We've got so much to celebrate,

it's almost wait

Recheck the date

Yep! The hour are getting fewer

I'd hold my breath

but I'd just turn bluer.

Got my traditional holiday list!

Each box gets a check

Well, you get the gist

I sang Christmas carols,

made angels in snow

Then offered my finger

to help tie a bow

I la-la-la-la-la love the holidays

It's Christmas time

Beebo styles

I la-la-la-la-la love the many ways

we celebrate this special day

There's nothing to sing about, Beebo.

Not when it's Christmas Eve

and I haven't finished

my Christmas shopping yet.

Oh, Turbo! Christmas isn't

about shopping.

It's about

so many other wonderful things!

Remember when we used to go door

to door singing Christmas carols?

I have eight hours to get my three

children their one big gift, Beebo.

I don't have time

for these things anymore

I'm not la-la-la-la-la listening

It's Christmas time

Beebo styles

I la-la-la-la-la love things

a certain way

You'll come around,

it's just been awhile

None of that now, Beebo.

I'm to busy finding the perfect

holiday meme to send to my followers.

Now what will get more likes?

Cat dressed as Santa?

Or a snowman-fail?

Why don't you just send out

old fashioned Christmas cards?

Do you know

how many followers I have?

That's a lot of stamps to lick.

Oh, but remember

how we used to send out together?

You'd stuff 'em

and I'd lick 'em shut!

Dun't fuhget, I gut a grut tung

for lucking Chrustmus stumps.

There's no time! Look at

all the things I have to do first.

I'm la-la-la-la-la looking

the other way

It's Christmas time

Beebo style

I la-la-la-la-la love things

a certain way

You'll come around,

it's just been awhile

Carrots and cookies!

What a lousy combination.

Don't be silly, Fleabo!

The carrots are for the reindeer.

The cookies are for Santa.

How could you forget?

We used to eat the raw cookie dough

until our stomachs hurt

from eating raw cookie dough.

I've got more important things to do.

I'm la-la-la-la-la-laughing

your words away

It's Christmas time

Beebo styles

I la-la-la-la-la love things

a certain way

You'll come around,

it's just been awhile

You may have found,

as I was dancing through town

That among all the smiles

there were one or two frowns

But there's no need to worry,

no reason for pause

'Cause I sent off a letter

to my friend Santa Claus

And that's the thing about Santa,

he won't fuss or complain

He'll be on this dilemma

just like candy or cane

I love how la-la-long

this songs going for

It's Christmas time

Santa never fails

I la-la-la-la-la left a word with him

I'm sure he reply is in the mail

"Dear loyal customer.

A form letter.

Someone should tell Beebo he needs to

take down his Halloween decorations.

"Loyal customer"?

Beebo, is that you? What's wrong?

My wish has been received?

"Thank you for your interest"?

That's not how Santa talks.

First, my friends are too busy

to take part in out traditions

and now I get an auto-reply from...

The North Pole Care Team?

What if something's wrong with Santa?

I've got to get to the North Pole


And there's only one logical way

to get there.

Mr. Postman.

Take me to the North Pole.

Oh, gee, Beebo. I could, but

I've got so many holiday deliveries.

You wouldn't get there

'til after Christmas.

Even express mail. Sorry.

I understand.

Have a merry Christmas, Mr. Postma...

That's... That's some dry skin,

Mr. Postman.

You should moisturize those hands

before they crumble

like Christmas!

I've got to get to the North Pole

to save Santa.

Coming Santa!

Look out! Coming through!

Gotta save Santa!

Watch it, kid. I'm trying

to deface this poster of Santa.

Oh. Sorry, Fleabo.

But why would you want to do that?

Santa's the best.

Because he makes us

wait until Christmas for deliveries.

Hasn't he ever heard

of express shipping?

But he's already got a mustache,

already has a bear.

Can't even graffiti this guy.

How about an eye patch,

hat and blacked out tooth?

Good one!

That will get Santa

to pay attention to me.

I tried writing him a letter,

and all I got was this.

That's the same one I got.

I knew something was

wrong with Santa.

I was just going to the North Pole

to check in on him.

You're going to see Santa?

Then I'm coming with you.

See, I knew you care about him.

Care? I want to give him

a piece of my mind.

Did you say

you're going to the North Pole?

Yeah, something's wrong with Santa.

I'll say! He's got an eye patch

and a missing tooth.

No, I mean, he doesn't seem himself.

Fleabo and I both got form letters

from the North Pole

so we're going to check it out.

Then I'm coming with you!

Hop in, I'll drive!

You want to help save Santa too?

No. I want to get my kids

the new Gaming Wow: X edition.

Everyone's sold out.

I sent a letter to Santa

to see if he had any

and his reply just said,

my wish was received.

You got the same form letter?

Hey guys, over here!

I got a new app

that turns everyone into reindeer.

You can't post that.

My head's a heiny!

If everyone's getting

these form letters

then something is

definitely wrong with Santa!

That's why we're going

to the North Pole to save him.

Really? Then I'm coming too!

Finally, someone wants

to help save Santa.

A selfie with Santa is exactly

what I need to really go viral!

Well, at least I got

some friends to join.

Hey, g*ng!

We're about to take

a trip to the North Pole

to get a selfie with Santa.

And lodge a formal complaint.

And find a Gaming Wow: X edition.

But really to check

on 'ol Saint Nick!

And I will be posting

the whole thing on my profile

so keep refreshing that feed!

Wait! Santa doesn't

need to refresh his feed.

He sees us when we're sleeping,

he knows when we're awake!

He hears us

when we're screaming from a car!

We're coming, Santa!

Starting directions

to the North Pole.

Look at this! A holiday road trip

with all my friends!

Arrived at: North Pole.

Wow. That was closer than I thought.

I can't believe

we're actually at Santa's workshop!

What's up, 'bo hive!

We're approaching Santa's workshop.

Wow. Snows a lot harder

at the North Pole.

What is this place?

GPS says we're at Santa's workshop.

That can't be.

Where are the lights,

where's the cheer

where's the Christmas magic?

Welcome to Santa's workshop

a subsidiary of

the North Pole Care please state your business.

We're here to save Santa.

Playing Oh Susanna.

An american folk song.

No! Stop. I got this.

We're trying to find Santa Claus!

"Panda claws" are very sharp...

Tell Santa if he doesn't

come down right now

I'm reporting him

to the better Christmas bureau.

Letter B, for Burro

is a Spanish children's book.

This isn't good.

If we can't get inside,

my Christmas will be ruined.

Thank you, Turbo.

Can you tell me where to find

a Gaming Wow: X edition!

Everyone, please!

We're not here

to complete random chores.

"Here to see Santa Claus"?


Searching directory. Please enjoy

this music as we put you on hold.

We did it! We're going

to get to see Santa!

See, that wasn't so hard.

Sorry. Claus, comma, Santa

cannot be found in the directory.

You are listening

to Beethoven's fifth.

Press 1 to continue to hold.

Press 3 to hang up.

Santa, where could you have gone?

It's just not Christmas without you.

I did not drive all the way here

just to leave empty handed.

What am I going to do

if I don't hear from you?

If I don't check all my boxes,

Christmas won't feel magical.

Expect me to be this close and not

deliver the goods to my followers.

Beebo, you're gonna wanna get up.

That's a good idea.

We'll decorate the Christmas tree.

That always lifts my spira...

So that's how you make potpourri.

Let's face it. The odds were

against us from the start.

Guys, isn't this the time of year

when the impossible can happen?

And isn't Santa's magic

the exact thing

that's missing from this holiday.

I don't need magic, Beebo.

I need a place to charge my phone.

Okay, that was pretty cool.

Now we can get some hot chocolate.

Hot chocolate fixes everything!

Yeah, we don't do that.

I can do

a minty-matcha-mocha-chocolate

a peppermint-pumpkin-prancerchocolate

or a candy-cane-coldbrew-

fruit-cake-frappe with chocolate.

You don't have

just plain hot chocolate?

If it's not on the fancy new menu,

I don't know how to make it.

But I think the new guy does.


That's what the name tag says!

Santa, we were so worried about you!

Can I get a selfie!

I need a Gaming Wow: X edition.

What right do you have

to climb down my chimney every year?

Everyone, wait!

Santa, what are you doing here?

We got these weird form letters

and went looking for you

but you weren't at your workshop.

That's because I was... kicked out!

Hey, who swapped out the music again?

'Supposed to be the Holiday Jams,

not classical.

You were kicked out

of your own workshop?

There's an elf, he's a mad man.

Or maybe he's a genius, I don't know.

His name is Sprinkles.

I'm sorry. "Sprinkles"?

Oh. There he is. Wow.

Look at all those followers.

I could learn

a thing or two from him.

See? Maybe I'm the crazy one.

What do you mean?

Sprinkles had a plan

to modernize the North Pole.

Make it more efficient

so we could get more done.

Seemed like a good idea at the time.

He made some cuts.

Got us ahead of schedule.

Even convinced me

I could take a three day weekend.

But when I came back?

He had cut the elves,

the reindeer! And even me!

Christmas without you?

That's like cutting the magic.

So you work here now?

What choice do I have?

I'm locked out of my own workshop!

But hey, with some hard work, maybe

I can become employee of the month!

If I can just wrestle it away

from that perfectionist, Jack Frost.

Well, Santa,

If I could cash in one wish

it would be to have

the magic returned to Christmas.

And to get a hot chocolate.

Not necessarily in that order.

Oh. Sure. Coming right up.

Guys, Santa needs our help.

Well, at least he has a job.

He's seasonal, by the way.

We tend to lower our standards

around the holidays.

What's so bad about Santa?

Please. Have you seen his belly?

Shakes when he laughs

like a bowl full of jelly.

Nearly wrecked the place.

Here we go! Hot chocolate for all!

I know, I know.

They make me use chestnut milk.

Chestnut milk ruins everything.

This isn't right, Santa.

We have to get you your old job back.

I appreciate you trying

to save me, Beebo.

But it's not 'ol Saint Nick

that's in jeopardy.

It's Christmas.

At least the Christmas I knew.

But maybe...

maybe it's time for a change.

No! These are the things

that make Christmas magical.

And they get their magic from you!

It's okay.

There's plenty of things I can do.

My skills aren't limited

to just Christmas things, you know?

Besides, maybe it's time

I tried something different.

I wonder what I'll do

for Christmas this year

I'll watch a streaming service.

There's plenty, I hear

The local theatre tribe

Will give a hefty cheer

When I finally agree

to star in King Lear

And oh! At final curtain,

I'm absolutely certain

I'll shower cast

and crew in gifts with bows

That's kind of Christmasy, isn't it?

But that's okay.

I'm sure that

anyone could fill in your shoes

We'll get the Easter bunny,

what's there to lose?

He'll dye the ornaments

In springtime pastels

We'll all sing Jingle Carrots

Instead of Jingle Bells

And oh! On Christmas morning

As the kids awake all yawning

They'll find their gifts were

hidden round the yard


Well, maybe at first,

but it might catch on.

'Cause I'm sure I can be useful,

outside of my norm

I'll go back to school

and live in a dorm

Should I get a math degree?

Already I am torn

I'll pledge fraternities.

Get the admissions on the horn

And oh! At graduation,

they'll think I'm a sensation

When I make the dean's list

of nice girls and boys


That's kinda like

my naughty nice list, huh?


But you make a real good point

We don't need you at all

Kids can wait in line for Cupid

When they visit the mall

'Cause every child's dream

Is to have their gifts delivered

By a naked boy with wings

and an arrow in his quiver

So no! I see no issues

With a kid I know might misuse

The mistletoe

that's hanging 'bove the door

Sure! You go ahead and do your thing.

We'll be fine here.

I was simply saying I might be

better suited for something else.

Then go for it! We got this!

I think I see where this is going.

So you'll be in better hands?

We'll be fine this season

You'll ask a leprechaun?

It stands to reason

And instead of yelling out,

"On dancer! On prancer!"

He'll yell out in a brogue,

"O'Donnell! McMaster!"

And O'Shonnock, the team leader

Whose nose will now glow greener?

Will trade in Christmas treats

for Shepherd's pie

I cannot stand for this anymore!

It's all wrong!

Santa is what makes

Christmas so special.

And nobody can do what I do!

So I know

what Santa Claus is doing tonight

He's festive!

He's merry! He's handsome!

Yes, very

And I'll deliver children's presents



Oh, Beebo! You were right.

There's no way

I could give up Christmas.

What a silly idea.

This is what I was telling you about!

It's about a 5.3 on the jolly scale!

Someone needs

to update that poem to say

"shook when he laughed

like a bowl full of jackhammers."

It's a medical condition.

Sorry, boss.

Let's get down to business.

If we want to put the magic

back in Christmas

then we need to put Santa

back in his workshop.

So our first move will be...

To figure out where he stores

the Gaming Wow: X edition.

Sorry. Force of habit.

That's probably

number three. Maybe four.

Guys, we're over-thinking this.

We just gotta remind Sprinkles

that it's Santa who keeps

the magic in the holiday.

How will we even get in there?

Santa's the last person he'd let

get within a mile of that place.

He'd need a disguise.

And we couldn't even

get in the first time.

How are we supposed to do it now?

I'd like an extra-extra large

fruitcake frappe. And megasize it.

I have an idea.

This disguise is great.

How did you ever come up with it?

Let's just say we had a feeling

it would suit you.

Welcome to Santa's workshop,

please state your business.

Coffee delivery for a Mr. Sprinkles?

An extra-extra large...

Press 2 to enter.

That wasn't hard. I thought

you said that was gonna be hard.

I have pairs of pants that are

harder to get into than that.

Oh my!

Get a load of the new North Pole.

This is the North Pole?

It's so... sterile.

Definitely not photo-worthy.

This place makes even me look cheery.

No magic at all.

Where are all the homemade toys?

I love you!

I love you!


And what's with that dopey voice?

- What?

- Nothing.

Do you all feel that, or is that

my third triple latte kicking in?

Coffee intruder.

Now if I simultaneously launch

a second set of drones

in the eastern hemisphere

those Christmas gifts will

be delivered in half the time!

Another letter to Santa.

It's amazing he got anything done

with all these interruptions.

Sorry, Hendrix!

No time to read your Christmas wish

but my Elfin-Mark-V will figure out

exactly what you need!

Coffee alert!

See? He knew what I needed

before even I did.

I'd love a coffee.

Christmas crackers!

Who could possibly lift

something that big?

Santa Claus!

How did you know it was me?

You look exactly like

our new limited addition Santa-as-

snowbuckspirate-Christmas ornament.

What are the chances?

But how did you get past security?

I had help from some friends.


So you've swapped out elves

for furry monkeys now, huh?

We're here to bring the magic

back to Christmas!

Where's the singing,

the decorations, the holiday cheer?

And where's

the Gaming Wow: X edition.

Sorry, we're gonna get to that,

Beebo, do your thing.

You're ruining Christmas.

According to who?

According to us!

Christmas just isn't the same

without the carols and tinsel and...

The Gaming Wow: X edition!

I agree, this was a much better time

to bring it up.

Efficiency is the new magic.

And it makes people even happier.

For example, you're looking

for an Gaming Wow: X edition?

There it is!

My quest has ended.

See? Another happy customer.

Not so fast, Sprinkles.

I have a number of

complaints for you.

- First of all...

- Hold on!

I want to address everyone of them

so please file all your complaints

in my suggestion box.

A suggestion box! For complaints!

And suggestions.

But also complaints!

And before you upload another

single post, my fine furry friend

I suggest you download

my new app: Sprinkedin.

Once you have it

you will instantly be connected

with all my millions of followers.

It's a Christmas miracle.

I now have over a million followers.

Oh my goodness, I have got

to DM them all a hello at once.

Now Santa

what were you saying about the world

missing your version of Christmas?

I'm spreading holiday cheer

faster than you ever could!

But at what cost?

I know you're trying

to help, Mr. Sprinkles

but Christmas isn't about

machines and computers.

It's about magic.

Not about machines?

Have you seen the lawn decorations

people put up nowadays?

I think they're gonna be fine

with a giant robot elf.

Especially when they see

what he can do.

Elfin-Mark-V! Wrap those presents.

Wow. He even went with a flattened

victorian tri-fold. Impressive.

But I like wrapping presents.

I don't want it to be fast.

I want it to be memorable.

Then you're out of touch, kid.

I know what Christmas is all about.

Joy? Togetherness? Cuddles?

No, stress!

The shopping, the decorations,

the obligations. It's too much!

But thanks to me, the world is gonna

have a very efficient Christmas.

Efficiency's the thing

that's trending

And I've got no problem bending

Things that may seem like tradition

To bring my new plans to fruition

'Cause that's what I call progress

That's what he calls progress

Instead of toys for girls and boys

Let's just give gifts

to kids named... Roy

And then next year,

so there aren't tears

We'll just give gifts to Guineveres

It'll go like that for every season

You'll get a gift

It stands to reason

But the time we'll save will be a lot

Which is why I fired

the elves on the spot

And that's what I call progress

That's what he calls progress

Holiday cards

will be swapped for texts

I could kiss whoever

put "mas" after "X"

Let's give an award to the one

who invented turducken

So get the canned

if you want cranberry

An efficient Christmas

is better than merry

And that's what I call

That's what I call

That's what I call


That's what he calls progress

Mr. Sprinkles, I'm not gonna lie.

That was very entertaining.

And you're right!

- What?

- You agree?

So it's okay I keep this?

The holidays have become stressful.

But I don't think the way to fix them

is too throw out the old

in favor of the new.

I think we need to embrace

the things we forgot.

See, I believe we actually want

the same things.

We just see

the solutions differently.

Wow, kid.

You're right.

- What?

- You agree?

- Didn't we just do this?

- I am?

Yeah. We do see things differently.

Sorry. That's one of

the filters of the new app.

Another thing

the Elfin-Mark-V can do?

Take care of intruders!

Wrap 'em up good and tight.

And don't open until after Christmas!

So, this is what

it's like being a toy.

Guess it serves us right.

I shouldn't have folded

so quickly like that.

Now instead of getting a present...

I'm wrapped like one.

Sorry, Beebo!

Yeah. Me too.

I was so caught up in the app

I lost touch with everything else.

And now that you see

the damage cell phones can cause

you're able to release yourself

from it's addictive pull?

No, I just don't get

any service in here.

- Oh.

- I regret nothing.


This is the worst Christmas ever.

But we can still

turn it around, can't we?

Beebo, there's only four hours left

until Christmas.

Face it. We failed.

But it's Christmas Eve! That's

when all the best miracles happen.

And we've got the main guy

responsible for them right here.

We just need the 'ol ripple effect.

When you notice

others lacking any Christmas joy

Start a little ripple

Start a little ripple

Give it a rest, Beebo.

Doesn't need to be elaborate

like a present or a toy

Just a little ripple

There's no stopping him.

Just a little ripple

A hug! A smile!

A wave from a window sill

Will pick up speed

like a snowball down a hill

So, if you don't hear singing

from around the Christmas tree

Start a little ripple

Start a little ripple

The feeling is contagious,

it will spread from two to three

With a little ripple

Just a little ripple

- Your family

- Your friends

Even folks you do not know

Will feel that spirit rise inside

and burst like a volcano

And if you're one of the lucky ones

who can call Saint Nick their friend

Start a little ripple

With a little tickle

And all your problems

will be on the mend

Oh, no!

Oh. That felt good.

We did it!

Now we just need to expand

that ripple to include Sprinkles.

How? We already tried to change

his mind and it can't be done!

We can't change his mind.

But maybe we can change

the Elfin-Mark-V!

If we can get to

Sprinkles' control panel

I might be able to reprogram

the Elfin-Mark-V to think like we do!

You can do that?

Please. If I can repost

10 hours of CW content

from a third party social platform

to fourth party tock-box

this'll be a piece of cake.

None of those words

make any sense to me.

So you're saying that if we can get

the Elfin-Mark-V to think like us

then maybe he'll also fight for us!

And then Sprinkles will have

to give Santa his job back.

It's worth a shot.

Then we need to program that robot

with all that's good about Christmas.

The problem is

we need to get Sprinkles

away from the control booth.

I love you!

I think I have an idea.

You guys, head to the controls.

Turbo and I will

take care of the rest.

Don't you look cute?

Just zip me up!

I love you!

I love to complain!

Why does wrapping paper cost so much

when you're just gonna

tear it up anyway.

Why do Christmas songs get stuck

in your head so easily.

A bear-jam?

You keep wrapping.

I'll clear this up.

Alright, time to fill this guy with

all the best things about Christmas.

Like ornaments.

And sleigh bells. And snowballs.

Oh, and don't forget cuddles.

Beebo la-la-love cuddles.

Where would you even store

ten lords-a-leaping?

Well, here's the problem.

Are candy canes red with white

stripes or white with red stripes?

What is with this one?

It's working!

A proto-type of next year's

Gaming Wow: X edition.

My kids will lose their minds

if I get them that this Christmas.

No, no, no, Turbo,

don't do it, don't do it.

But I have to!

What the...


Turbo, what did you do!

Wait a minute. You're not a sweet,

soft, cuddly little creature.

You're a grouchy, soft,

cuddly little creature!

Beebo, run!

Elfin-Mark-V! Apprehend them!

I said apprehend them!

What's wrong with you?

We just programmed him

with all the good things

associated with Christmas!

Show him, Elfie!


That doesn't sound good.

Joy! Christmas! Presents!

Sledding! Cuddles! Hugs! Hugs!

No, that's not how hugs work.

Here, let me show you.

Beebo wants hugs!

Or maybe not!

Hope you're happy, Beebo.

You got exactly what you wanted.

300 tons of pure,

unstoppable Christmas joy!


Must give hugs!

This way!

Where are we?


Santa's workshop!

I forgot I sealed it up.


I've got to livestream this.

Hey, g*ng! I am streaming live

from inside Santa's workshop.

Hugs. Hugs. Hugs.

Hey, what's this?

Why, that's...

That's my crystal ornament.

It connects me with

kids across the world.

Is that how you see

when we're bad or good?

Sleeping or awake?

It was. But it only works

when I'm near it, so...

it's been off for awhile.

Look! Something's happening.


Guys, isn't this the time of year

when the impossible

- can happen?

- That's me from earlier.

We've been over this!

People don't need magical thinking.

- They need smart, efficient...

- No, they don't.

They need cuddles and hugs.

Guys! I don't want to spend my

last moments debating the holidays.

Who even knows what makes people

enjoy Christmas anymore?

I like untangling

the Christmas lights with my dad.

I like staying up late

to bake cookies for Santa.

What's happening?

People are responding.

I've been live streaming this

the whole time

so the whole world knows

that Santa can hear them.

And they're answering you.

I like singing in the car

while we're stuck in traffic

on the way to grandma's.

It's not all about efficiency.

I like having a good cry while

watching my favorite Christmas movie.

And it's not just about

hugs and cookies.

- It's about...

- I look forward to listening for...

- I like singing songs about...

- I never

- miss a chance to dress up like...

- I enjoy writing letters to...


It's about you!

Not just me. But what I inspire.

My ripple effect.

But how? My algorithms

I programmed them to figure out

exactly what people need

before they even had to ask.

How do you do it?

It's not so difficult really.

I just listen.

I thought if I could make

Christmas more efficient

I could give people more time

for their favorite traditions.

I thought I knew

what those traditions were.

But when I looked at my list

I only saw

what the holiday means to me.

I thought Turbo wasn't

enjoying Christmas

because she was running around

having to shop all day

but now I'm realizing that

she may actually enjoy that.

My favorite part of Christmas is

watching my kids open their gifts

so running around like

a crazy person beforehand

has sort of become my tradition.

And Tweebo, you seem distracted

by your phone all the time, but

now I realize you're just trying

to stay connected

to the people you can't be with.

My family lives far away

so connecting on social media

has kind of become our thing.

Our tradition.

And Fleabo?

Well, you're just a grump.

Got that right.

Beebo, Sprinkles. You were both

just trying to make people happier.

And that's not a bad thing!

We all just have to remember

that Christmas looks

different to everyone.

Because it encompasses

more than just one feeling.

From what I've seen in my travels

Christmas is made up

of all types of feelings:

joy, nostalgia, melancholy.

Even sadness.

So the real magic of Christmas is

that there's room for all of it.

How about fear?

Is there room for fear?

I'm afraid we're not gonna be

able to stop the Elfin-Mark-V.

Nothing can stop the Elfin-Mark-V.

Our only hope is to wait

for his battery to run out.

How long will that take?

Approximately 36 hours.

Thirty-six hours?

But we'll miss Christmas.

And we'll starve!

No one's going to starve.

My workshop always has an endless

supply of cookies and hot chocolate.

Yes! Hot chocolate fixes everything.

Chestnut milk?

Chestnut milk ruins everything.

Chestnut milk does ruin everything.

And I wonder if it could

ruin the Elfin-Mark-V.

The best way get it into his system

is to pour it directly into

his main oscillator tube.

And where's that?

His mouth.

One of us has to face that thing?

I'll do it.

I'm the one who filled that robot

with dangerous levels

of happiness and joy.

I'll be the one to feed him

a healthy does of reality.

Reindeer, snowmen, ribbon! Mistletoe,

garland, cuddles! Cuddles! Cuddles!

Wait! I la-la-love cuddling.

But how about we start with

some yummy hot chocolate first?

Hot chocolate?

Sure. Drink it down!

Detaching chestnut milk,

chestnut milk.

Did it work?

- It worked.

- Yay!

I told you hot chocolate

fixes everything.

Oh no, Sprinkles.

Your factory. It's been destroyed.

I don't care about that,

but what about all the toys?

How are we gonna fill the wishes

of all the girls and boys now?

From where I stand, I see

a team who can do anything.

You guys up for it?

- You got it!

- You bet!

Tonight is Christmas Eve

and that means tomorrow

we celebrate Christmas

in all styles!

I la-la-la-la-la love the holidays

It's Christmas time

Beebo style

I la-la-la-la-la love the many ways

we celebrate this special day

We kept our word

Helped every child

Made new friends

This guy's named Kyle

We traveled north

Left with a bang

Then saved Christmas

No big 'thang

Now we're atop Santa's sleigh

Singing duets

So take it away

It's Christmas time in Turbo fashion

My holidays are filled with passion

Shopping has become an art

You get in my way,

I'll tear you apart

Each year I'm back for more and more

You see me comin?

Get out of the store

It's Christmas time - ala Tweebo

Still on my phone

sending festive gifts

but I'm talking GIF's.

It's Christmas time

Sprinkle's way

Lured the reindeer back with Hay

Rehired the elves at twice the pay

Not a bad way to end the day

I'm sorry, but I just don't sing.

Plus it's cold up here.

But it was quite a trip.

And what Santa doesn't see,

Santa won't know.

Santa sees everything!

And while doing-it-all

is still a temptation

I'm gonna hand back

the Christmas narration.

Oh wow! My wish has come true.

To play second fiddle

to a fur ball of blue.

But still, it's an honor, for,

I'm sure that you've heard

the best gift of all is

to have the last w...

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Beebo la-la loves you.
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