02x31 - Hello Pummelo

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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02x31 - Hello Pummelo

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon?

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one?

♪ We all live

♪ In a Pokémon world ♪ Pokémon

♪ I wanna be

♪ The greatest master of them all ♪

♪ Got the power right in your hands ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪

- Well, there's Pummelo Island. - Yeah.


NARRATOR After earning four Orange League badges

Ash and his friends are headed for the Orange League

where he's confident he'll capture the Winner's Trophy.

Nothing's gonna stop us now.




I guess I went a little overboard.



I wonder what that is.


ASH "Hello, Pummelo!"

ASH 'Hi, I'm here to battle for the Orange League Trophy.'

TOURNAMENT CLERK 'Another one, eh?

'Let me just verify all four of these badges.'

Well, now, it says here you come all the way from Pallet Town

Mr. Ash Ketchum, is that right?

Yeah, that's my hometown.

This statue sure looks familiar.

Okay, Mr. Ketchum.

Your Winner's Trophy match is scheduled for tomorrow morning

'at o'clock sharp at Pummelo Stadium.'

Alright, let's get going, Pikachu!

Uh, Ash, I think you're forgetting something.

Oh, yeah? Like what?

Like directions to the stadium?


[sheepish laughter]


TOURNAMENT CLERK 'Well, there it is.'

'Pummelo Stadium'

'where you'll have your big battle tomorrow.'

ASH 'Wow, it's huge!'

TOURNAMENT CLERK 'And this, this is the Palace of Victory.'

ASH 'The Palace of Victory?'

Well, that's the official name.

But most folks know it now as the Orange League Hall of Fame.

Hey, look. That same statue.

TOURNAMENT CLERK 'All these photos and displays and trophies are here to honor'

every Trainer who's been victorious in the Orange League

since the establishment of the Winner's Trophy.


To get into the Hall, a Trainer has to defeat the four members

of the Orange Crew and the Pummelo Gym Leader

in a full Pokémon battle.

What's a full battle?

That's when you both battle with six Pokémon.

Six Pokémon?


This isn't gonna be easy.

You'll have to think hard about the Pokémon you're gonna use.

And a six on six Pokémon match could last a pretty long time.

But you'd be in the Hall of Fame forever if you win it.

Just think me honored in the Hall of Fame forever.

Maybe even longer.

I'm sure you all must've noticed that competition

in each one of the Orange Island Gyms is very different.

That's because the Orange Crew

believes it's important to test both Trainers and their Pokémon

under lots of different circumstances

to prove how well they work together.

And if you're able to win in the four Orange Gyms

'and in the Orange League'

you all deserve to be in the Hall of Fame.

And what's that statue doing here?

Oh, that's a Dragonite.

The legendary Pokémon that guards this island.


I knew it!

Dragonite, the Dragon Pokémon.

This extremely rare and highly intelligent type

is able to fly faster than any known Pokémon.

Hey, I wonder if that huge flying thing we saw..

Oh, that must've been the Gym Leader's Dragonite

getting some exercise.

- He has a Dragonite? - No way.

TOURNAMENT CLERK 'Yes, Dragonite's the reason nobody's ever beaten Drake.'

'Well, good luck, Ash. Good luck.'

I wonder if there'll ever be a challenger strong enough

to triumph over us.


- Nice Dragonite. - Huh?

Very nice.

DRAKE 'Is there something I can..'

We want you to prepare for trouble.

And I suggest you make it double.

To protect the world from devastation.

To unite all peoples within our nation.

To denounce the evils of truth and love.

To extend our reach to the stars above.



Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!

Surrender now, champ, or prepare to fight.

Meowth. That's right.

If you've come to battle me, you'll have to apply.

[chuckles] We wouldn't dream of battling the champion!

Who cares about a trophy. We want your Dragonite!

You can't be serious.

- Deadly serious. - Seriously deadly.

Either way.

Dragonite, use your Hyper Beam.




JESSIE/JAMES/MEOWTH We're blasting off again!

ASH 'I choose...everybody!'




Nothing works.

Snorlax would be really strong in your match.

Yeah, but it can't win a battle in its sleep.


Maybe you should've tried to wake up Snorlax

before we got to the Pokémon Center.

Thanks for your advice, but when I need it I'll ask for it.

Besides, I want to make sure all my Pokémon are okay.

Excuse me, but what's going on here?

Nurse Joy, I have a match tomorrow

but I can't wake my Snorlax up.

Well, when was the last time your Snorlax ate?

TRACEY 'I guess about an hour ago.'

Well, that's why it won't wake up.

But I'm in a six on six battle.

I need all my Pokémon. I gotta get Snorlax to wake up.

Snorlax won't be battling tomorrow.

Why not?

Unless there's danger, it won't wake up until it's hungry again

and that could take days.

Aah! What a nightmare?


Well, you have a big decision to make.

I know. I'm not sure which Pokémon

I wanna switch for Snorlax.

Yeah, and how do we figure out what Pokémon to pick

when we don't even know which ones the Gym Leader's gonna use?

Yes. What should you do?

'Well, you could pick Kingler.'

'Its huge claw won a crushing victory'

'for you at the Pokémon League.'

'Then, there's Muk, the amazing bulk that wilted Bellsprout'

'if I recall correctly or you might choose Tauros.'

'The snortin', stompin', stampedin', wild, Bull type.'

So which one is it going to be?

- Hm. I'm gonna go with Tauros! - Wha..

Well, Tauros seems happy with your decision.

Put the Poké Ball with Snorlax in the transporter

and I'll get Tauros ready to make the switch.

But you've never used Tauros in a match.

Yeah, I know, but when I used Krabby

for the first time at the Pokémon League I won.

I know Tauros will try really hard and maybe I can win again.

The beginner's luck factor might work.

Yeah, that's what I'm hoping for.

Okay, Professor, we're ready here.

I'll begin the transport now.

ASH 'Have a nice sleep, Snorlax.'

I choose you, Tauros!


Thanks for all your help, professor.

Ash, I wish you the best of luck.

Thanks. Well, Tauros, I'm glad to have you on the team.


That was embarrassing.

There's got to be some way to capture that Dragonite.

ANNOUNCER 'Bring your family, bring your friends'

'to Pummelo Stadium tomorrow at a.m..'

'Admission is free! Don't miss this exciting Pokémon event'

'as a brand new challenger faces Drake'

'for the Orange League Winner's--

Hey, they finally found a challenger.

I wonder if we'll get to see Dragonite.

Ha! I just got a great idea.

Let's hear.

That Dragonite's too tough for us to capture

but not if we let that challenger soften it up.

- Tell us more. - How're we going to do it?

[indistinct whispering]

JESSIE/JAMES Works for me.

[evil laughter]

[crowd cheering]

ANNOUNCER 'Welcome, Pokémon fans!'

'Pummelo Stadium is pulsing with excitement as we get set'

'for the first Orange League Competition of the season.'

'Entering the arena is Drake, Leader of the Orange Crew'

'and the undefeated Pummelo Island Gym Leader.'

'Opposing him from Pallet Town is Ash Ketchum'

'who hopes today to break Drake's winning streak'

'and earn for himself the coveted Winner's Trophy'

'and a permanent place in the Orange League Hall of Fame.'

I sure have heard a lot about you.

ANNOUNCER 'The Trainers begin with the traditional handshake.'

Welcome to Pummelo Gym, Ash.

And the Orange League Winner's Trophy Match.

I'm real happy to be here, Drake.

You must be an excellent Trainer to have made it here, Ash.

- 'Are you ready to battle?' - Yeah.

GROUP Who's that Pokémon?

It's Dragonite!

REFEREE 'This is a full six on six Pokémon battle.'

When three of one Trainer's Pokémon are unable to battle

there'll be a field change.

What's a field change?

[doors open] Ah.

REFEREE A field change

is the transformation of the battle area.

The Gym Leader is forbidden to switch Pokémon during battle.

But the challenger may switch Pokémon at any time.

Huh? Huh? Ah.

ANNOUNCER 'The battle will begin on a rock and water field.'

This Winner's Trophy match is about to begin.

So choose your Pokémon and good luck to you both.

ANNOUNCER 'And now we'll see'

'which Pokémon the Trainers choose.'

'An important decision which could give us an idea'

'of the strategies these opponents are planning.'

I can't believe this.

The challenger's the Twerp!

This makes things more interesting.

[bell dings]

I hope this one leaves a good impression!


It's a Ditto!

ANNOUNCER 'Orange Crew Leader Drake'

'has made Ditto his first choice.'

'Transform is Ditto's one and only technique.'

'But this Pokémon turns its opponents' strengths'

'into its own, which can be devastating!'

Ditto will just imitate whatever Pokémon Ash uses.

Ditto's tricky, this isn't gonna be an easy one.

ANNOUNCER 'Now, let's see which of his six Pokémon'

'the challenger will choose.'

Pikachu. I'm gonna start off with you, okay?

Alright. Let's win that trophy.

ANNOUNCER 'The challenger has chosen Pikachu, an Electric Pokémon'

'who looks charged up and ready for battle.'

You can do it, Pikachu!


Ditto. Transform!


ANNOUNCER 'Ditto has transformed into a Pikachu!'

Let's go, Pikachu! Use your Thunder!


ANNOUNCER 'And it's a high-flying'

'high-voltage Thunder Attack from Pikachu'

'but Ditto's taking every jolt and every volt.'

'Despite the super shock, Ditto's still standing strong.'

Ditto, Thunder Attack back.



ANNOUNCER 'Now Ditto's Thundering Pikachu'

'but Pikachu proves it can take the heat.'

Pikachu. Thunder shock Attack.

Ditto use your Thunder shock Attack now.


ANNOUNCER 'This potent pair of Pokémon'

'is pouring on the power. Something's gotta give.'


Pikachu, look out!

We got them now, Ditto. You know what to do.

ANNOUNCER 'The battleground is crumbling beneath them.'

'Ditto's navigating the rocks and debris with ease'

'but it seems that Ketchum's Pikachu'

'just doesn't have the knack for playing the field.'


ANNOUNCER 'Well, fans, it seems'

'that the Orange Crew Leader may have already won this round.'

'Choosing Ditto is a strategy'

'we've seen Drake win with before.'

'Some challengers never get past this terrific transformer.'

Pikachu, are you okay?


There's got to be some way to beat that Ditto.

Ash, quick, you better switch to another Pokémon.

What good will that do?

Ditto will transform and copy everything we do!

ANNOUNCER 'After facing Ditto'

'previous challengers have lost their cool'

'seeing all their own Pokémon's hard-earned att*cks'

'and abilities thrown right back at them.'

'Many Trainers panic and make major errors against Ditto.'

'Errors that ultimately cost them the Winner's Trophy.'

Ash, you got to stay focused.

Well, I know one thing.

They can copy Pikachu

but there's nothing like the real thing.

Ditto. Use Agility now.


Pikachu, use your Thunderbolt Attack!

ANNOUNCER 'The challenger is trying a different attack!'

'Ditto dodges Pikachu's Thunderbolts'

'and keeps on coming!'

Ditto, Thunder Attack now!


Look out!

ANNOUNCER 'Pikachu's hanging on despite Ditto's Thunder.'

Pikachu, use your Quick Attack!


Ditto, use your Quick Attack too.


ANNOUNCER 'Those two are really turning up the juice.'


Okay, Pikachu, give it all you got.

ANNOUNCER 'Pikachu's electricity is devastating Ditto.'


'Pikachu's shocking tail may have stopped the Ditto show.'

Ditto is unable to battle. Pikachu is the winner.

ANNOUNCER 'The first victory goes to'

'challenger Ash Ketchum and Pikachu!'

Alright. I knew it.

I knew Pikachu could hang in there and beat that Ditto.

Way to go.


Oh, I get it.

Ditto may be able to imitate att*cks

but it can't control or change its basic physical condition.

'Ditto got worn out 'cause Pikachu's in better shape.'


Ditto, return.

You did a great job.

And so did you, Ash, but this next one's gonna rock you!


ANNOUNCER 'For his second Pokémon Drake has chosen Onix.'

'A Rock type that's strong against electric att*cks.'

'Let's see how Ketchum responds.'

You battled enough for today, Pikachu.

ANNOUNCER 'The challenger is recalling'

'his Pikachu for a well-deserved rest.'

Against a Rock type, I choose you!




ANNOUNCER 'An easy choice for Ash Ketchum'

'as he selects Water-type Squirtle'

'to go up against the Onix.'

That's just what I thought he'd do.

I don't know, Misty. This one could go either way.

Come on, Squirtle, get out there

and win this one for all the Water Pokémon.

ANNOUNCER 'Judging by type'

'Squirtle has the advantage but Onix is a rock-solid battler.'

Squirtle, use your Water g*n Attack!

Onix, you know what to do!




Where'd it go?

ANNOUNCER 'In a lightning show of speed'

'Onix has slithered away from Squirtle's Water g*n'

'and burrowed beneath the b*ttlefield.'

Watch out, that Onix is gonna try to attack Squirtle

from underground!

What do they do now?

ANNOUNCER 'And now Onix has the advantage'

'as Squirtle nervously awaits its reappearance.'


Quick, Squirtle, go dive into the water!

'Onix won't be able to find you there!'


ANNOUNCER 'Squirtle is attempting'

'to avoid Onix by heading for the water.'

Onix, now!


ANNOUNCER 'There it is!'

'Onix has smashed through'

'stunning Squirtle and sending it flying!'

Squirtle get to that pool before Onix att*cks!

Onix, Bind Squirtle now!


Water g*n now!

ANNOUNCER 'Onix is putting the squeeze on Squirtle.'

'Squirtle's squirming, but it can't seem'

'to use its Water g*n attack!'

Protect yourself, withdraw.

ANNOUNCER 'Squirtle has shrunk back into its shell.'

- This round goes to me. - This round isn't up yet.

No matter how fast Onix is, Squirtle has the advantage!

Squirtle, Hydro Pump Attack now!


ANNOUNCER 'Squirtle's battling back'

'by blasting shocked and surprised Onix'

'with its Hydro Pump!'

[gasps] Onix, dive underground again and get away from that attack!

ANNOUNCER 'This is amazing.'

'Squirtle's Hydro Pump has thrown cold water on Onix.'

'The stone snake has stopped in its tracks!'

Onix, look out!

Okay, Squirtle, use your Skull Bash Attack!



ANNOUNCER 'A knockout move!'

'That Skull Bash just turned out the lights'

'and it looks like it's nighty night for Onix!'

Onix is unable to battle. Squirtle is the winner.

Squirtle, you did it!



ANNOUNCER 'That is the second consecutive defeat for Drake.'

I thought for sure Bind Attack

would stop Squirtle. Onix, return now.

- Drake lost again. - That Ash kid isn't bad.


Well, Ash, so far you've beaten two of my Pokémon.

But this time you don't stand a ghost of a chance!



ANNOUNCER 'Drake has chosen'

'the Ghost Pokémon, Gengar.'

Gengar's gonna be tough.

Squirtle's worn, Ash. You better rest it.

Squirtle, return!

You were great.

ANNOUNCER 'Which Pokémon will Ketchum select next?'

Watch out!

There aren't any Pokémon that are really strong

against Ghost types like Gengar!

That's right! Oh, well.

Now's as good a time as any for a little beginner's luck.

I choose you, Tauros.


I knew he'd slip up eventually.

ANNOUNCER 'An unusual choice'

'but Ketchum may have a secret strategy.'

'The young challenger is already two for two.'

Let's make this three for three. Fissure Attack!


ANNOUNCER 'This is un-bull-lievable!'

'Tauros is really shaking things up out there'

'and Gengar's getting rattled!'


'Here it comes. That Fissure's headed straight for Gengar!'

Alright, Gengar, jump now!


ANNOUNCER 'Gengar springs to safety'

'and escapes the Fissure attack!'

'Now that Gengar's taken to the sky'

'ground att*cks are useless and Tauros is in trouble.'

Gengar. Use your Confuse Ray.


Oh, no!


ANNOUNCER 'That Confusion Ray is working'

'and Tauros is running wild!'

Tauros, return!

ANNOUNCER 'The challenger has no choice'

'but to recall Tauros and pick another Pokémon!'

There must be some way to stop that Gengar.

Hey, maybe Ice Beam would work. I choose you, Lapras!


Ah. Good move, Ash.

ANNOUNCER 'Ketchum is going with a Lapras.'

Gengar, use your Hypnosis!


Lapras, get away!

ANNOUNCER 'It looks like Lapras'

'has escaped Hypnosis by diving underwater.'

Lapras, Water g*n Attack!


ANNOUNCER 'Lapras hits its mark'

'and that Water g*n is getting to Gengar!'

Gengar, Night Shade Attack!

Lapras, use your Ice Beam Attack fast!



'The power from these two super att*cks is building up.'

Lapras, no!



NARRATOR The Pokémon's powerful dramatic att*cks

have collided head on with expl*sive results.

When the smoke clears, which one will be left standing.

Gengar or Lapras?

Find out in our next exciting episode.

ASH Don't go away. Pikachu's Jukebox is next.


♪ What kind of Pokémon are you? ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ Take a normal type like a Jigglypuff ♪

♪ Against a ghostly Gengar the battle's real tough ♪

♪ Thunderbolt's a great electric attack ♪

♪ Until you get ground down by a Marowack ♪

♪ What kind of Pokémon are you? ♪

♪ How do you do the things you do? ♪

♪ Don't you bug me with a Caterpie ♪

♪ For a flying type that wins easy ♪

♪ Good luck with a Muk and it's poison gas ♪

♪ Make one wrong move and it'll kick your grass ♪

♪ What kind of Pokémon are you? ♪

♪ How do you do the things you do? ♪

♪ Share with me your secrets deep inside ♪

♪ What kind of Pokémon are you? ♪

♪ Are you loyal through and through? ♪

♪ And do you have a heart that's true? ♪

♪ What kind of Pokémon are you? ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ Don't keep no secrets from me ♪♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ I wanna be the greatest ♪

♪ Master of them all

♪ Greatest Master

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ Put myself to the test ♪

♪ To be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪

♪ Pokémon?

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪

♪ Number one?

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Got the power right in your hands ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪
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