02x29 - The Wacky Watcher

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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02x29 - The Wacky Watcher

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon?

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪

♪ Number one?

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪

These are our ticket to the Orange League Competition.

Think we'll win, Pikachu?


NARRATOR After an exciting battle at the Kumquat Gym

Ash earned his fourth and final Orange League Badge.

Now our friends are making their way

to the Orange League Competition.

You're not gonna drink salt water, are you?

Oh, no, this is strictly for Pokémon research purposes!




Huh? See something, Pikachu?


- What is it? - I don't know!

Whatever it is, it's big!


- It's a.. - Submarine.


Huh? Ah, company.

You're here just in time for the rush hour.


If my observations are correct, we're about to see

one of the most astounding scenes ever seen on the seas.

Now we'll see what we shall see.

I wonder what this guy's talking about.

What could happen way out in the middle of the ocean?

I don't know, but maybe we should hang around and find out.


Ah! Ha-ha! They're here, they're here.

ASH "The Wacky Watcher!"



They're Magikarp!




TRACEY 'What are those colored bands for?'


If my calculations are correct, I know exactly

where the Magikarp are headed.

But with heads like that, I suppose they don't have

much of a choice. Oh, well, here I go!

Would someone mind telling me what's going on here?

I'm not sure, but if my guess is right

those Magikarp are headed straight

for a place called Rind Island.

ASH/MISTY Rind Island?


TRACEY 'It's supposed to be deserted.'

ASH 'Well, it won't be when we get there. Come on!'

Lapras, return.

- Let's go! - Yeah!

ASH 'Hey, look!'

The Magikarp are swimming upstream!

I heard about this but I never thought I'd see it for myself.


QUACKENPOKER 'Oh, just what I've been looking for, non-union labor.'


Come on, there's no time to organize now.

One for you. One for you. One for you and one for 'chu.


Now, follow me!

Uh.. Hey, where're we going?


Excuse me, but who exactly are you?

Why the last time I looked, I was Quincy T. Quackenpoker.


"Quackenpoker." That's kind of an unusual name, isn't it?

Everybody in my family was named Quackenpoker.

At least on my mother's side.

Well, why are you here?

I'm a Pokémon watcher and I've dedicated my life

to the study of Magikarp.

TRACEY 'I knew I recognized your name!'

The famous Pokémon watcher like Dr. Quackenpoker

thinks Magikarp are worth a lifetime of study.

There must be something I can learn from them too!


The first thing you learn from watching Magikarp

is always use a waterproof pen.

Thanks, doctor.

Come on, you can't lie there like a lox all day.

We've got observations to make.

Hey, wait up!


Would somebody please tell me what's so great

about watching Magikarp?

I don't get it either.


They're boring.

'If you've seen one Magikarp'

'you've seen them all, if you ask me.'

Hm. Okay, we're all set.

I see, it's a machine that records the number

of Magikarp as they pass by.

It does much more than that.

'It measures and analyzes factors.'

'Including fin length, bone structure, muscle density'

'not to mention size, weight ratios'

'and oxygen efficiency quotients.'

ASH 'Size, weight ratios and oxygen efficiency quotients?'

I asked you not to mention those, didn't I?

Were you the one who put those bands

on the Magikarp's tails, Dr. Qackenpoker?

Yes, they tell me when the Magikarp left here.

I don't get it, how do they do that?

QUACKENPOKER 'I put a band on each one, the red ones left one year ago.'

'Blue, two years ago and the Magikarp that have'

'the yellow bands left this island three years ago.'

But I wonder why the Magikarp go away.

I'm getting there!

The Magikarp are born in the waters around this Island

but swim out to sea as they mature.

QUACKENPOKER 'But once a year, no matter where they are thousands'

'of Magikarp return here to the place of their birth.'

And I return, so I can study them all.

Tracey, I'd imagine a young Pokémon watcher like yourself

must find all of this pretty interesting.

Sure, but how'd you know I was a Pokémon watcher?

Well, with that sketchbook you carry around with you

and those binoculars

I just put two and two together. Clever, eh?

I'd say that's really clever, Dr. Quackenpoker.

I've hardly ever seen something that clever.


Well, thank you.

But it's only logical that a skilled Pokémon watcher

would also be a skilled people watcher.

Say, now that the plot's come to a screeching halt

why don't I take a look at your sketchbook?

Oh, sure. Go ahead.


I see a great future ahead of you, young man.

Do you, do you really think so?

Well, you certainly don't have a future behind you.

JAMES 'I've never seen the little guy'

'and I've never seen so many Magikarp!'

Yeah, the place is really swimming with them.

But there's something fishy about them.

Well, if you ask me there ain't nothing

magic about a bunch of Magikarp.

I say we make Pikachu the catch of the day.

[laughing] Come back here!

- Huh? - What's wrong?

Aren't you forgetting something?

- Think about it! - About what?

Magikarp. Don't you remember what Magikarp evolve into?

Yeah, Gyarados.

Now, listen to my master plan.

All we have to do is scoop up that school of Magikarp.

We'll train them hard and before long

they'll evolve into Gyarados!

And with a gigantic army of Gyarados, we'll be unstoppable.

We'll be the Pokémon Masters of the world!

JAMES/MEOWTH We'll be Masters!

[chuckles] And luckily my plan is so brilliantly simple that

even a first grader could follow it.

I never went to kitty-garten.

And we've always had absolutely lousy luck with Gyarados.

Quiet, you two! Wait and see.

Those Magikarp will evolve and we'll be

the most powerful trio in Team Rocket history.

Maybe, she's right!

Well, there's a first time for everything!

Let's get us a mess of Magikarp!


'Jessie? Jessie?'


The Magikarp are swimming up the waterfall!


ASH I can't figure out why they do that.

I get it.

While these Magikarp are swimming the oceans all year

they're building up their strength so they can

get up to the top of the falls.

Yeah, unfortunately, half the Magikarp don't

make a very strong showing.

My studies indicate that percent of the Magikarp

are still too weak to swim all the way up the waterfall.

What happens to the ones that don't make it?

They do what that one there is doing, they keep trying.

- 'Oh!' - 'Huh!'

Everything takes time, Magikarp.

Took me three years to grow this mustache.

Swimming like this is almost like Pokémon training.

ASH Keep going, Magikarp!

MISTY You're getting' near the top!


Get ready and remember, don't swing 'til you see

the scales on their tails.

Jess, wouldn't it be easier to catch them in Poké Balls?

James, Poké Balls cost money, which is something we're out of!

Anger is no excuse for ending a sentence with two prepositions.


Well, now I've got you. Ha!


Look, Jess, I caught me a whopper!

- That isn't bad, James. - It looks easy.



- Oh! - It's flipping out!

Quick, we can't let it get away!



- Huh? - What's the matter, Ash?

I thought I just heard screaming.

That's funny. I thought I just heard your stomach grumbling.

I'm serious.

Maybe, somebody nearby is in trouble.

You'll be the ones in trouble if I'm too late

to see the Magikarp evolve.



GROUP Who's that Pokémon?

It's Poliwag!

ASH 'Aren't the Magikarp ever gonna evolve?'

Ash, patience is very important

especially, if you're a doctor.

But as a matter of fact, a lot of these Magikarp

won't be evolving here today.

'Some will have to wait till they get stronger.'

'And that can take years.'

- Say when. - That's plenty!

Pretty good, huh, Pikachu?

I've never seen a Trainer with a more symbiotic relationship

with his Pokémon.

- Huh? - Mm-hm.

I mean, you and Pikachu communicate shockingly well.

I leave the shocking to Pikachu, doctor! Ha-ha!



Open up, Togepi!


QUACKENPOKER 'This one's a cutie!'


Ha-ha! I didn't know Togepi was so ticklish.

Togepi just like to be petted on that front spike there.

Just Like this?


Magikarp aren't the only Pokémon

you know about, are they, Dr. Quackenpoker?


All Pokémon interest me

but Magikarp are my favorites by far.

- Really? - Mm-hm. Yes.

When I was a boy, I woke up one morning

and I saw a Magikarp in my pajamas.

How a Magikarp got in my pajamas, I'll never know.


I have my own theory, Doctor Quackenpoker.

I think the Magikarp jump out of the water and use the position

'of the sun to find their way back to the island.'

Well that's a very interesting theory, young man

but I'm afraid there's just one little problem with it.

- Look here. - What's that?

QUACKENPOKER 'This is a Magikarp that can't jump at all'

'but for the last three years it still manages'

'to find its way back home.'

Well, I guess that just proves that Magikarp

are more mysterious than I thought.


After years of watching Pokémon

'I still find Magikarp hard to understand.'

'Even harder to understand than my income tax return.'

MISTY 'What're they doing now, doctor?'


It looks like they're going crazy.

That means the Magikarp can sense that something

is about to happen.

Something very exciting.

I got to see this.

Maybe they're evolving.




Hey, what's happening out there?

I don't know.

Something's wrong, the waters are all churned up.



We'll be able to pick a peck of Magikarp in no time!

Catch them all! Gotta catch them all!



[gasps] What's happening?

MEOWTH 'The Magi-carpet ride is over!'

The Magikarp are weighing us down!

Throw 'em back, throw 'em back!

ASH Where'd all the Magikarp go?


QUACKENPOKER 'Why that's the most ridiculous Magikarp I've ever seen!'

So you think our Metal Magikarp Submarine is ridiculous, do you?

You better prepare for trouble.

Jess, you'd better calm down on the double.

To protect the world from devastation.

To unite all peoples within our nation.

To denounce the evils of truth and love.

To extend our reach to the stars above.

- Jessie. - 'James.'

JESSIE 'Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!'

JAMES 'Surrender now or prepare to fight!'

MEOWTH 'Meowth! That's right!'


We'd love to chat, but we have Magikarp to train.

Release those Magikarp at once

or I'll be forced to sink that submarine.

Mind you own business, you little quack!


If you want them so much then you'll just have

to catch them like we did!




One, two, three.


Meowth, it's time!

Pikachu time!




You should mind your P's and Q's and Pikachus.

- Pikachu, Thunderbolt Attack! - Hold it!

Pikachu's Thunderbolt will give the Magikarp

the shock of their lives.

Yeah, you're right.

I choose you, Bulbasaur!


Bulbasaur, use Vine Whip to get Pikachu, now!



Here! Catch, Jess!



ASH 'Bulbasaur, return!'

I guess your little Vine Whip got whipped.

Ha! This time we came out on top.

[grunting] Huh?


[grunting] Stop playing!


Stop! You'll pull his head off that way.

Doctor, wait!


Hey, watch my hair.

That won't work. You can't muscle a Magikarp.

You have to treat it very gently.


QUACKENPOKER 'Nice Magikarp, good Magikarp.'

'Relax, relax.'

Huh? Oh.


We did it!

ASH Thanks, Magikarp!



Now that you're out of James's hair, we have Pikachu.

We'll say goodbye!

- Whoa! - Ah!

You're not getting away that easy!

We want that Pika..


Here they go.







I'm glad you're okay, Pikachu.



That's right, my boy, they're evolving.


JESSIE/JAMES/MEOWTH Looks like we're splashing off again!




Tracey, I need an experienced watcher

like you to help me count.

'You count the ones with red rings'

'and blue rings, okay?'

Yeah, sure.


QUACKENPOKER Quick, they're swimming upstream.

- Follow them. - Right.

- Dr. Quackenpoker! - Wait for us!


Don't lose sight of a single one.

I won't.


That was amazing.


QUACKENPOKER 'Okay, Tracey, give me your totals.

Sure. Doctor! percent of the Magikarp have evolved.

Hey, that's the highest percentage ever.

Tracey, we've made a momentous observation.

We sure have, Dr. Quackenpoker.

Thanks to you, I can finally begin to unravel

some of the mysteries of Magikarp evolution.

And thanks to you, I've had the honor of working

with one of the greatest Pokémon watchers ever.

[chuckles] Work hard and you'll be great too.



You know, Pikachu, if we work hard I know we can win

that Orange League Competition.


And we'll be rooting for him all the way right, Togepi?


NARRATOR And so as a new day dawns, our heroes have

a new understanding and a renewed appreciation

for the many mysteries of Pokémon.

Ah. Why did we have to be so greedy?

An army of Gyarados seemed like a good idea at the time.

Maybe Gyarados are much friendlier than they seem.





ASH Don't go away. Pikachu's Jukebox is next.


♪ Good Friends are those who stick together ♪

♪ When there's sun and in the heavy weather ♪

♪ Yeah through smile after smile ♪

♪ That's how it will be

♪ Just you and me

♪ Till the end I will be with you ♪

♪ We will go where our dreams come true ♪

♪ All the times that we had been through ♪

♪ You will always be my best friend ♪

♪ Till the end I will be with you ♪

♪ We will go where our dreams come true ♪

♪ All the times that we had been through ♪

♪ You will always be my best friend ♪♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ I wanna be the greatest ♪

♪ Master of them all

♪ Greatest Master

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ Put myself to the test ♪

♪ To be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪

♪ Pokémon?

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪

♪ Number one?

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Got the power right in your hands ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪
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