02x26 - The Pokémon Water w*r

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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02x26 - The Pokémon Water w*r

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ So you wanna be a Master

♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be

♪ Number one

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ I wanna be

♪ The greatest master of them all ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪

NARRATOR Today, our heroes have decided to take a detour

and do some big city exploring.

I bet you're pretty tired, Lapras. You deserve a rest.


MISTY Looks like there are some nice places to see!

I sure hope so, and some nice places to eat too!


Sounds like you're not the only hungry one here.


Hey, maybe we should go and look at the art museum.

The first thing I want to see is a double cheeseburger

and a side of fries.


- 'It's down this way. Hurry!' - 'At the warehouse!'

MAN D The whole place is gonna go up!

- Fire? - Let's go!


ASH "The Pokémon Water w*r."

[indistinct chatter]


Please, everyone. Please stay back.

This is a dangerous situation and we don't want anyone hurt.

Look at those flames.

I can't just watch the whole warehouse burn down.

Here, you take Togepi.

You can't go Misty. It's not safe. You'll get hurt.

- Just watch me! - Maybe I can help too.


Be careful, guys!

I'm warning you for the last time, sir.


This is a job for Staryu. Go!

Squirtle, I choose you.


Okay, Staryu. Use Water g*n on that fire.

Squirtle, you too.


- Hang in there, Squirtle. - Keep it up, Staryu!



It just isn't enough. The other warehouse is next.

[siren blaring]


[tires screeching]

Misty, Ash, look out!


- Huh? - Huh?






Wartortle, the Turtle Pokémon.

The evolved form of Squirtle.

A highly sought-after Pokémon because its long

'fur-covered tail is said to bring good luck.'

Is everyone here alright?

- Uh-huh! - I'll be okay.




Wow! What amazing teamwork.




You saved us back there. I don't know how to thank you.

They're the ones who deserve all the thanks.


AIDAN 'Allow me to introduce'

Team Wartortle.

And I'm their commander, Captain Aidan, at your service.

- My name is Ash, sir. - Mine's Misty, captain!

Tracey, sir!






AIDAN 'Now, this is Team Blastoise.'

'They use Hydro Pump to put out the biggest blazes.'

And we use Team Squirtle to put out fires in very tight spots.


A squad of fire fighting Squirtle

Wartortle and Blastoise.

I gotta make some sketches of this.

And here comes Team Wartortle now.

'They're a perfect combination of Blastoise's power'

'and Squirtle's maneuverability.'

They're an unbeatable firefighting force.

[whistle blowing]

AIDAN 'Atten-hut!'


Wow! They're cool!




Hey, what's up with you, Squirtle?


Well, somethin' must be the matter.

Maybe, Squirtle's feeling disappointed.

About what?

Squirtle had to watch Team Wartortle put out that fire

'cause it couldn't do it alone.




Those glasses!

The Squirtle Squad shades are back.


Could somebody tell me what's going on here?

Oh, I forgot. You weren't around back then, were you?


ASH The Squirtle Squad was this g*ng of street tough Squirtle

that got abandoned by their masters.

They didn't like humans much.

Then we got to understand each other

and they ended up fighting this big fire and being heroes.


TRACEY 'Now, I get it.'

Not being able to put out that fire

must've hurt Squirtle's firefighting pride.


Hey, I know! Captain Aidan!

How about letting my Squirtle

go head to head with your Wartortle?

I don't know, Ash.

There's no way your little Squirtle can

stand up to my trained Wartortle.


Squirtle's got enough strength

and enough guts to stand up to any Pokémon.

- I don't.. - 'Please, Captain Aidan!'

Hm, alright, Ash!

We'll test Wartortle against your Squirtle

and may the best Pokémon win.

Thanks for the chance, Captain Aidan!

Now, we'll show 'em. Won't we, Squirtle?






MEOWTH 'Attention, Pikachu swipers.'

Steal now and get a Wartortle absolutely free.

And a Squirtle super-special.

But the Boss will have to pay cash on delivery

for this little Pokémon package.

Come on, this deal is too good to pass up.


AIDAN 'Speed and endurance are very important in firefighting.'

So I like to keep the team on its toes.

Alright! Get on your marks!


Get set!

[whistle blows]


Well, well, that Squirtle's faster than I thought.

Come on, you can do it, Squirtle!





- Uh-oh! - Squirtle, get on your feet.


I don't believe it.

The two of them set a new turtle Pokémon land speed record.

Impressive, why don't we see if your Squirtle can cut it

in an all day Wartortle training session.






This is gonna be interesting.

That's right. And Squirtle's gonna come out on top.


Alright, now, it's time for some serious

target practice using Water g*n.

And listen up.

I don't want to see any sickly little trickles this time.

I want a full pressure as*ault.


[blows whistle]


Now they're going higher and coming faster.



You show them, Squirtle!

Those two are in a real competition.

Yeah, and it seems the competition between

Squirtle and Wartortle is making the whole team do its best.

I wonder if that was Captain Aidan's plan all along.

Hold your fire! Nice work team!

[siren blaring]

What was that?


Hey, wait hold it!


- Huh! - Where, where'd they go?


GROUP Who's that Pokémon?

GROUP 'It's Tangela!'


Team, where are you?

- Huh! - Look at this!

ASH Where'd this giant crater come from?

TEAM ROCKET 'We'll give you one guess.'

[Team Rocket laughing]

JESSIE 'Prepare for trouble, cause we played our role.'

Make it double. 'cause we dug this hole.

Not you again!

We should have known you were at the bottom of this.


- Huh! Squirtle! - That's my team!

To protect the world from devastation.

To unite all peoples within our nation.

To denounce the evils of truth and love.

To extend our reach to the stars above.

- Jessie! - James!

Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light.

Surrender now or prepare to fight.

Meowth! That's right.

[Meowth chuckling]

'This should do hand-somely.'



Welcome aboard, Pikachu!



Well, now, we're beginning to see the light!

How bright of you.

And look, Pikachu's become our number one fan.

Ah! What a way to beat the heat.

It's so nice and cool and it sure is sweet.

But before we go, here's a Freezy-Weezy treat.




TEAM ROCKET Now this is a blast.


- Pikachu! - This smoke is choking me.

Just hang on. Scyther will help us out! Go!


Thanks for blowing that smoke away, Scyther.



Pikachu! Squirtle! Wartortle!

Don't worry, we're gonna find you!



At last, the boss has to put his money

where his Meowth is.

When we bring back all these Pokémon

we should get a nice big bonus from him, right?

I don't see why we have to give the Boss

every single Pokémon we've caught.

You're right, James.

Sometimes you're not quite as dumb as you look!



- This one. I'll take this one. - Wait, just a second!

I was the one who came up with this idea

so I should be the one who gets to take one.

I should take one.

I was the one who thought of digging that hole.

I should take one because I got down there and dug it.

Come on, eat up, little Squirtie Pie.

Your new master Meowth will feed you real good!

No way, Meowth. Cut it out this instant.

I'll cut it!




- Meowth! - Why did you do that?

I wanted to prove I'm as tough as nails.

That isn't funny!

Well, get ready because you and your nails

are gonna get hammered.





Venonat, what's up? You see Squirtle or Wartortle?


Captain Aidan here.

JENNY 'It's Officer Jenny.'

'There's a fire at the apartment complex downtown'

'and it's out of control.'

Where's Team Blastoise?

They should've been there three minutes after they got alarm.

I know, but an overturned truck's blocking them

and they can't get to the fire.

'Team Squirtle's at the scene'

'but they aren't powerful enough.'

'You've got to get Team Wartortle here'

'or the whole building will burn down.'

I don't even know where Team Wartortle is.

- I can help them! - Misty!

Misty, what can you do?

Maybe, nothing, but Staryu and I have to at least try.

Wait a second, Misty.

Take Scyther and Marrill along and maybe they can help you out.



Scyther, Marrill! Follow Misty's orders and fight that fire!



I think Venonat spotted something.


When we find Team Wartortle, we'll all be there to help out.

But until then, it's all up to you.

- Yes, sir! - Good luck, Misty.

Leave it to me. Scyther, Marrill, let's go.



That Wartortle is mine, I tell you!

Mine! One good Pokémon deserves another!

And this is what a bad Pokémon deserves!

Don't pull my hair!


JAMES We're all wet!

MEOWTH Thanks, Einstein!





Now I'll teach you!


Aah! Guess that's a net loss!

- You're grounded, Team Rocket! - Hey, look, it's the creep!

With his friends in a jeep.

Venonat, Tackle Attack them.



Is the whole team okay?


Here you go, Pikachu!


You're not getting away that easily! Arbok, go!

You too, Weezing!



- Ready, Squirtle? - All set, Team Wartortle?

ASH/AIDAN Fire Water g*n!



Okay, Pikachu! Thunderbolt Attack!



TEAM ROCKET 'We're blasting off again!'



It's no use. The fire's just too big!






Squirtle, Wartortle!

We got here as fast as we could!

They couldn't have held out much longer!

- 'Help me!' - Huh!


Help me! Please, help me!

Hang on! I'll be up to get you!

- No way! Too risky! - But..




Do you think they..
















Squirtle's still in there.

And it's been an awfully long time.



- It's Squirtle! - Wartortle!




I'm here, baby. You're safe now.

How can I ever thank you for what you've done?

We're just glad the boy's okay, ma'am.

Don't thank us, thank them!






Well, what's next? Where are you all headed now?

We're heading to the next town.

We heard there's a port there

and that's the closest place to the next island.


Who would have believed it? Those two as friends!

Even though they're different, I guess they're two of a kind.



- Thanks a lot, captain! - We'll see you again!

Team, atten-hut!


NARRATOR And as our heroes head for a new adventure

two Pokémon say goodbye with a warm new friendship

and the glow of happy memories.

ASH Don't go away

Pikachu's Jukebox is next.


♪ Viridian City

♪ I'm on the road to become the greatest Trainer ♪

♪ And I won't quit until I'm number one ♪

♪ Gotta be the one the

♪ We keep on tryin' tryin'

♪ And then we try some more

♪ To stay together

♪ And find a place worth fighting for ♪

♪ I'm on the road to Viridian City ♪

♪ I'm on the road I'm on the road to Viridian City ♪

♪ I'm on the road road to Viridian City ♪

♪ We're on the road to Viridian City ♪

♪ Gonna meet my friends along the way I'm on the road ♪

♪ To Viridian City Come on let's go ♪♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon World ♪

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ The greatest Master

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ Put myself to the test

♪ To be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master of

♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be

♪ Number one

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Got the power in your hands

♪ Pokémon ♪
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