02x22 - The Mystery Menace

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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02x22 - The Mystery Menace

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ I wanna take the ultimate step ♪

♪ Find the courage to be bold ♪ Pokémon

♪ To risk it all and not forget the lessons that I hold ♪

♪ I wanna go where no one's been ♪

♪ Far beyond the crowd ♪ Pokémon

♪ Learn the way to take command ♪

♪ Use the power that's in my hand ♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Greatest Master

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ Put myself to the test

♪ To be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Got the power right in your hands ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon ♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon ♪

[instrumental music]

Hey, if you guys are feelin' hungry

we can stop and eat if you want.

Uh, that's all you ever think about.


- Hey! - What, Tracey?

Come over here and take a look.





[span]NARRATOR [span]Our heroes have finally arrived [span]at the city of Trovitopolis.

[span]Everything seems normal

[span]but beneath the surface, [span] a secret lurks.

[span]ASH [span] "The Mystery Menace."

[instrumental music]


JESSIE Just look at them, admiring the view.

They have no idea that they're headed

for our new high-tech hole.


We finally came up with the plan for the perfect pit.

[span]First, we dug the hole [span] and planted the dynamite

[span]right underneath [span] where Pikachu is.

[span]All we do is push the plunger

[span]the ground collapses [span] and we got Pikachu trapped.

I think I can say without fear of contradiction

that we are completely and totally prepared.

- Prepared? - Prepared.

Aha! Prepare for trouble.

Oh, I say make it double.



- What's the idea? - Why'd you stop us?

What do you wanna give those little brats fair warnin' for?

Let's make this a sneak attack.

Well, you didn't have to be so rough.

Here goes nothing.

Nothin' is right.

Where's the expl*si*n?



Is something the matter, Misty?

I thought I just heard somebody scream.


Why would anybody be screaming?

Look out!





Mm. Hi, Pikachu.



Uh, are you okay?


Help! Get me out of here!

Hang on, Tracey!




I was really stuck in there. Thanks a lot.

Uh, you don't have to thank me, Tracey, just get off of me.

Oh, sorry about that.


- What's over there? - 'Looks like a tunnel.'

ASH 'Let's take a look.'


[instrumental music]

ASH What is this place?

MISTY I guess it must be the sewer.

TRACEY Well, we're in luck then.

All we have to do now is find a manhole cover

and climb out of here.

Yeah, that's right!

Come on. Let's look for one.



[bell dings]

Did you guys just hear a little bell ringing?

TRACEY Not me.

MISTY Maybe your ears are still ringing from that fall.

ASH 'Maybe.'

There it is again.

Don't tell me you guys didn't hear it this time?

TRACEY 'It's just the water dripping, Ash.'


What's the matter, Pikachu?

Knock it off, will ya?

Hey, where..


You were in front of me?


Then what was behind me?

Oh! Quick, Ash, look out!

There's a giant monster right behind you!


Ash, do something!

Pikachu, Thunder Shock it!


No, Ash, you can't.

If you use an Electric attack here

we'll get shocked too.

You're right, Misty.

Okay! I choose you, Bulbasaur!


Bulbasaur, Razor Leaf Attack!




Ah! Bulbasaur!

Bulbasaur, no!


- I'll get you, Bulbasaur! - Ash, wait!

Let me go, Tracey.

You can't, Ash.

That thing will just drag you down too.

I'm not gonna leave Bulbasaur down there.

Let go of me, will ya?



Do I hear somebody down there?

It's Officer Jenny.

Officer Jenny, can you please help us get out of here?

That sewer is very dangerous.

I'll lower a rope down, so you can climb up.

Oh, thank goodness.

You do what you want, but I'm not going without Bulbasaur.

TRACEY 'Oh, no. You're not staying down here--'

- 'Hey, what're you..' - 'Ash!'

- 'Let me g-go, will ya?' - 'This is for your own good!'

Oh, Bulbasaur! I want my Bulbasaur!

[Ash groans]

ASH 'Hey! We didn't do anything wrong!'

I gotta help my Bulbasaur!

Let us out of here now!

This is unfair!

I still don't understand why they'd take us to jail

for being in that sewer if it was an accident.

Yeah, there sure is somethin' funny about it.


Well, you're all free to go now.

That's a relief.


What took so long?

We've had some strange things happening.

[clears throat]

I hope you're not releasing these three, Officer.

What a pleasant surprise, Mr. Mayor.

- Mr. Mayor? - Mr. Mayor?


Sir, they told me that they only arrived in town today

and they're on their way to the Pokémon Gym

on Trovita Island and their story checks out.

I can't have this thing leaking out yet.

Better keep them locked up 'til next week.

I can't hold them if they're not charged with a crime, Mr. Mayor.

Hmm, well, if that's the law.

But I forbid you to say a word to anyone about that creature.

You can't do that.

Why can't we say anything about it if it's the truth?

Well, all I care about is getting my Bulbasaur back.

'It must be hungry and scared.'

'Who knows what kind of creepy monster grabbed it--'

Say another word and I'll have you all arrested

for endangering public safety.

What do you mean public safety?

That creature, you're not the only ones who saw it.

Officer, don't!

Mr. Mayor, we can't keep this a secret forever.

Can't we at least try?

We've recently had a number of people

who've reported encounters

with a mysterious creature

reaching out of the sewers.

- The same thing that we saw? - Yes.

[humming] Here we go.


[span]OFFICER JENNY [span] So far we've only had [span] a few reports of stolen food.

No serious injuries have been reported.

But the Mayor says people will panic

if they hear about the creature

because we'll never be able to capture it.

ASH Why not?

There are almost miles of sewers under the city

and more than manholes.

That's why we have to take drastic and immediate action

to insure the safety of every citizen in this city.

There's an election next week and if word gets out

that I'm letting a monster run amok

right beneath people's feet, I'll be ruined.

It just doesn't seem right to be mad at it

if all it wants to do is eat.

- Huh? - 'Come in.'

Mr. Mayor, I've heard what you intend to do.

- That's my business. - It's Nurse Joy.

You can't go through with that plan of yours, Mayor.

Go run your Pokémon Center, and I'll run the city.

What kind of plan?

What are you talkin' about, Nurse Joy?

Instead of trying to capture the creature alive

so we can study it and learn where it may have come from

the mayor wants to send a SWAT team to destroy it.

- That's cruel. - It's not fair.

That's right. What if it's a whole new species of Pokémon?

Any talk of any such plan is pure speculation.

There's no proof. Ugh.

Mr. Mayor, if there is such a plan, it's illegal.

The police don't know anything about it.

U-u-uh.. Enough!

I am the mayor and I am the one who's responsible for this city

'and I will do as I see fit!'

[instrumental music]

Tracey's right.

This mysterious creature could very well be

a new species of Pokémon

or it may be a Pokémon that's undergone

some kind of strange mutation.

Professor Oak, what should we do?

PROFESSOR OAK 'There's got to be some way to prevent the Mayor'

'from exterminating that creature.'

I don't think so.

The only thing the mayor cares about is getting re-elected.

And he's not going to let anything stand in his way.

MISTY 'Nurse Joy was right.'

'Look at all these campaign posters.'

TRACEY 'Hmm. Look.'

'He even built a statue of himself.'

MISTY 'Hey, I wonder what this thing is?'

'It was on all the posters too.'

TRACEY Must be the mayor's trademark or something.

Come on, guys, we can't worry about the mayor now.

We got to find Bulbasaur and get it away from that creature.


Alright, it's time to begin the operation.

'As you know, the safety of our citizens'

and my future as your leader are in your hands.

Are you ready?

SQUAD Yes, sir.

Good, go get that thing.

How are we gonna get in with them covering the entrance?

There will be guards everywhere now.

We've got to find some way

to get into that sewer before they do.

'Cause if we don't, it'll be the end of the creature

and Bulbasaur.

[span]GROUP [span] Who's that Pokémon?

[span]GROUP [span] It's Zapdos.


[instrumental music]

Maybe you can get in through here

and find your Bulbasaur.

Thanks, Nurse Joy, we'll try.






We've been wandering around down here all day

and we still haven't found a way out.

Forget about findin' a way out.

I just wanna find somethin' to eat.

Well, there's nothing to eat down in this place, Meowth.

[bell dings]

Hey, did you hear that?

Huh, that feels real nice.

Thanks, but no matter how much you pet me

it won't get rid of my hunger pains.

Petting you? It isn't me.

That's nice.



James, what was that horrible thing?

I don't know, Jessie, and I never ever want to find out.

Well, whatever it was, I was almost its dinner.

- Huh? - Do you hear what I hear?

A monster?

Weezing will get us out of this.


Smoke Screen Attack, [span]now!





I thought I just heard Team Rocket.

What would they be doing in the sewer?

- Oh, no! Where did Togepi go? - Don't you have it?

Maybe the creature grabbed it just like it grabbed Bulbasaur.




You can't just wander off like that.

- Misty. - Yeah, what's the matter, Ash?

- Look right there! - Misty, right in front of you.



Let go of Togepi! Ah!




What do we do? We got to save her.

We will, I knew we'd wind up in the sewer

so I had Professor Oak send my secret w*apon.



Alright! Let's go, Muk!



Not now, Muk!

I'm glad you like me, but we got to save

Misty and Togepi, and Bulbasaur!


I can't take much more of this.

Me neither.

But that thing just isn't just going to leave us alone.

Here it comes again.

I'm sick and tired of bein' scared.

Now it's our turn to do the scarin' here.

- Yeah! - Yeah!




Squad leader to base. Squad leader to base.

'We've discovered three unidentified creatures.'

'Please advise. Over.'

Three? Excellent work!

'Launch your attack immediately!'

Roger. Okay, get the putty g*ns ready.




Wait, stop! We're not really monsters!



Looks like a dead end.


- Huh? - The tunnel keeps going.

Is that where we got to go to find them, Muk?


Okay then.


[instrumental music]


Uh, oh!


Sir, our team couldn't locate any creature

that fit the original description

but we encountered three other creatures down there.

Sir, for all we know, that sewer

could be packed with those freaks.

Uh, we have no choice.

Close up every manhole and opening

and seal that sewer shut.

[instrumental music]

MISTY 'Ash. Ash.'


Where am I?





I was so afraid you might be hurt, but you're okay.


Alright. I'm glad you're here.



Huh? Ah!

We finally found the monster and here it is.

'It's a Bulbasaur.'

'But it's twice its normal size'

probably from living down here.

The mysterious creature was really

just a big Bulbasaur using Vine Whip.

But how would a Bulbasaur wind up in a place like this?

TRACEY 'I don't know, but it's not a wild one'

''cause it's wearin' a collar.'

Somebody just gave up on raising it and threw it away.


So, Tracey, why do you think it took Ash's Bulbasaur and Togepi?

Well, it must've been lonely here all by itself.

Must be. You've had it pretty tough, haven't you?


Uh. Hey, look.

You can't do it.

Mr. Mayor, you can't just send your personal little army

around to seal up every single manhole in this city.

What's wrong with my plan?

This is a perfect solution to the problem.

We don't have to worry about exterminating the creature

if we just close up the sewer system.

You can't. Those three kids are still down there.

If you seal up the sewers

they'll never be able to get out.

No need to worry.

I'll remove all the concrete as soon as the election is over.

But the election isn't until the beginning of next week.

You can't leave them trapped down in that sewer until then.

That's not my problem.

Children shouldn't be playing

in the sewers in the first place.


[instrumental music]

Well, now that that creature problem's finally taken care of

I should win re-election in a landslide.

Uh. Mm. That sound?






Huh? What do you want?

Uh, we were just wondering if this Bulbasaur

looks familiar to you, Mr. Mayor.



MR. MAYOR 'Ah! That bell. That's my initial.'


Quit your blubbering.

If you're not gonna evolve, what do I need you for?


This must be the Bulbasaur I let float into the sewer

when I was a little boy because it wasn't evolving.


[gasps] What are you doing?

How could you do such a terrible thing to your own Pokémon?

And even though you threw it away all those years ago

it's still happy to see you.

This can't come out now.

- Oh, hey. Is that the mayor? - What's he doing? Look at that.

Oh, I can't let the voters see me like this.

Make that thing put me down.

If you want us to help, apologize to your Bulbasaur!


I am the mayor of this city and I have to maintain my authority.

I will not apologize to a Pokémon.

Mr. Mayor, are you alright, sir?

This Pokémon is violating the law

by holding the Mayor of this city hostage.

Prepare to fire.


Pikachu, stop them with your Thunderbolt!



Okay, Bulbasaur, give them a Vine Whipping!





Uh, maybe we can work this out.




I want to thank you all.

After everything that's happened

I'm sure we'll have a new Mayor after the election.

I'd be glad to take care of this Bulbasaur at the Pokémon Center.

ASH Okay with you?


We heard there was an Orange League Gym near here

in a place called Trovita Island.

You heard right, Ash.

It'll only take you a few minutes

to get over to Trovita Island.

OFFICER JENNY 'There's a ferry that goes there once a day.'

'I'll take you to the pier.'

ASH 'Alright!'

[span]NARRATOR [span] And so with the case [span] of the mysterious monster

[span]finally solved, [span] our heroes set their sights

[span]on Trovita Island [span] and their next adventure.

JESSIE Finally, daylight, sunshine!

That's very nice, Jess, but we're trapped here.

MEOWTH 'We'll never get out.'

JESSIE/JAMES/MEOWTH 'Team Rocket's all washed up.'

[Jessie sneezes]

- 'The bars!' - 'We're free!'


[span]ASH [span] Don't go away, [span] Pikachu's Jukebox is next.


♪ What kind of Pokémon are you? ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ There's a Normal type like Jigglypuff ♪

♪ Against the ghostly Gengar a battle's real tough ♪

♪ Thunderbolt's a great Electric Attack ♪

♪ Till you get Ground down by a Marowak ♪

♪ What kind of Pokémon are you? ♪

♪ How do you do the things you do? ♪

♪ Don't ya Bug me with a Caterpie ♪

♪ For a Flying type the win's easy ♪

♪ Good luck with Muk and it's Poison Gas ♪

♪ Make one wrong move and it'll kick your Grass ♪

♪ What kind of Pokémon are you? ♪

♪ How do you do the things you do? ♪

♪ Share with me your secrets deep inside ♪

♪ Yeah what kind

♪ What kind of Pokémon are you? ♪

♪ Are you loyal through and through? ♪

♪ And do you have a heart that's true? ♪

♪ What kind of Pokémon are you? ♪

♪ Yeah what kind are you?

♪ Yeah hey-hey

♪ Yo keep no secrets from me ♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Greatest Master

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ Put myself to the test

♪ And be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one?

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Got the power right in your hands ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon ♪
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