02x21 - Get Along, Little Pokémon

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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02x21 - Get Along, Little Pokémon

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ I wanna take the ultimate step ♪

♪ Find the courage to be bold ♪ Pokémon

♪ To risk it all and not forget the lessons that I hold ♪

♪ I wanna go where no one's been far beyond the crowd ♪

♪ Learn the way to take command ♪

♪ Use the power that's in my hand ♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Greatest Master

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ Put myself to the test to be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Greatest Master

♪ Po-ké-mon ♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon ♪

[instrumental music]

NARRATOR Bound for the next Orange League Gym in Trovita

our heroes find themselves trekking across

the rugged desert landscape of Mandarin Island.

Tracey, how much longer is it gonna take us to get to Trovita?

Hmm, I don't know. I'd say maybe three days.

- Three days? - Oh, man.

I'm not gonna make it.


Trace, isn't there anyplace closer

we can stop and rest?

Yeah, Tracey, there must be some place.

Well, there is a town nearby.

We could be there tomorrow morning.


Why isn't there anything closer?

I didn't make the map, Misty.

[groans] I can't walk for another whole day.

I don't think I can either.

I guess we're tired 'cause we haven't been doing

much walking lately.

Yeah, we didn't get much exercise

ridin' every place on Lapras' back.

Well, I don't think Lapras will be able

to help us out in this place.


Hey, look.

- Huh? - Huh?

Look at what?

ASH "Get Along Little, Pokémon."


I think I'd rather be hot and tired than wet and tired.

I just can't believe how fast this storm came up.

We better look for cover.



- Come on! - Come on!

[thunder rumbling]

This is bad. The lightning's getting closer.

Let's head for that big rock over there.



Storm's close, stay low.




ASH 'Are those..'

TRACEY 'Magnemite?'

POKEDEX Magnemite, the Magnet Pokémon

is able to float through the air and emits Thunder Wave

through its magnet-shaped units located on its sides.

I wonder what a bunch of Magnemite would be doing

all the way out here?


Look at that.

Looks like the Magnemite are absorbing the lightning.



Ash, that's a Jolteon.

POKEDEX Jolteon, the Lightning Pokémon.

When angered or frightened, the hairs on Jolteon's body

become like needles that are fired at its opponents.

'It absorbs charged atoms and can produce'

', volts of electricity.'



Hop in, pilgrims.


You'll be safe from the lightnin' in here.


[instrumental music]


ASH 'A Magnemite ranch?'

MAN # 'Yep, a heap of lightnin' falls out in these parts.'

I have my Magnemite suck up all that electric energy

from the storms and I take it round

to neighborin' towns and villages to power 'em up.

Wow, I bet chasing after lightning storms

must be a really dangerous and exciting job, isn't it?


It sure does have its moments, little missy.



That only took about two seconds.

You've done a really great job training those Magnemite.

Numbers one, two, three and four are fully charged up

and all of the rest of my little Magnemite

look to be about , maybe % charged.

You call 'em by numbers?

I can't remember a mess of names.

And you can tell them apart?

Oh, sure, this here's number one

and that's number two, of course.

'Three is right above it and there's number four'

'right over there!'

Can you see a difference?

They all look exactly the same to me.


Now where you think you're going, Number six?

You get back here!

That's my black sheep. Round it up, Jolteon.



Alright. That's good work, Jolteon.


I tell you, this number six here's like a little maverick.

Gives me nothin' but trouble.

[chuckles] Always wanderin' off.

They wouldn't be able to wander away

if you kept them in their Poké Balls.

If I had to get 'em out of Poké Balls every time

we'd miss the lightning.

But it must be a lot of work taking care of them that way.

It's a heap of work, missy, but it's better for 'em

to roam free in the wide open spaces.










Is something the matter, Pikachu?



Alright, what's goin' on here, Pikachu?



You alright?

Yeah, I'm just dandy.

Electricity doesn't bother me.

Say, you're a tough little hombre, aren't ya?

Just like me.



[instrumental music]

Ah, the Orange League, eh?

Yeah, I really want to get into it.

Then you'd be heading to the Gym in Trovita, I reckon.

That's right!

But we're lookin' for the nearest town, so we can rest.

You're in luck.

That's just where I'm headed, little lady.

I'd like to take you all the way to Trovita

but this old wagon don't float.

The next town will be great, sir.

Oh, quit that "Sir" stuff, will ya?

You can just call me Ethan.

'Take over, Ash.'



Quit it, Ash, what're you doing?


[music continues]

[instrumental music]



[music continues]

[Jessie laughing]

JESSIE We're about to rustle up some Pokémon.

Pikachu, Magnemite, Jolteon, that's a real power posse.

Just wait till we bring all of them back to the Boss.

Oh, we'll bring them to the Boss

but after we get a little currency out of their current.

- Ha. - What do you mean, Jess?

Listen, if we can steal those Magnemite

we can cash in by selling their electricity.

We just have to figure out how.

Yeah, and when we do we can charge for a charge.

Come on, let's get to work.

- Yeah! - Right!

- A blackout? - 'That's right.'

OFFICER JENNY 'Lightning hit the power plant and we haven't had electricity'

'for almost a day.'

Right now, we're powering the whole town

off of the Pokémon Center's Magnemite.

They won't last very much longer.

- They're running low. - Huh?

What is it? What's happening?

Officer Jenny, the Magnemite are completely out of power.

- What do we do? - I don't know.

- Nurse Joy! - It's dead!

Sure sounds like they're in a heap of trouble.

What happens if they don't have telephones

and electricity for the hospitals?

We've gotta do something fast!

Alright, let's move it out.


- Huh? - What is it, Jolteon?




Why are the Magnemite flying off like that?

Go get them, Jolteon!


What in tarnation's going on?


JESSIE 'Prepare for trouble. We're magnetic.'

JAMES 'Make it double. You're pathetic'

To protect the world from devastation.

To unite all peoples within our nation.

To denounce the evils of truth and love.

JAMES 'To extend our reach to the stars above.'

- Jessie. - James.

Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!

Surrender now or prepare to fight!

Meowth, that's right!

TRACEY/ASH/MISTY It's Team Rocket!


GROUP Who's that Pokémon?

GROUP It's Chansey!



We surely are much obliged for all these

mighty fine Magnemite, Mr. Cow Poke.

Now, listen, you varmints

we got to get those Magnemite into town.

Get your hands off 'em.

We don't use hands.

Come on, James, try it out on Jolteon and Pikachu.

JAMES 'Here goes!'


Pikachu, Thunder Shock now!


What's wrong?



You're just wasting electricity, Twerp.

These brilliantly designed nabber-grabbers

are a % shockproof!

Thanks for the Pokémon, half-watts.

- We gotta stop 'em. - Jolteon, Pin m*ssile Attack.

[PIN m*ssile MOVE]




Pikachu, are you okay?

Jolteon, use Thunder Wave to round up the Magnemite.



No, they're getting away. We've got to stop them.

Go, Arbok.




Quick, Arbok, knock out that Jolteon with a Tackle attack!


Jolteon, look out!




Stop this!



- Ethan! - Are you okay?

[growls] Pikachu, Thunderbolt.



JAMES/JESSIE/MEOWTH Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!


TRACEY It's used up a lot of its energy.

You did a great job, Jolteon.

What Jolteon needs is a good rest.

MISTY You can't go like this.

[Ethan groans]

I have to go.

[instrumental music]

Hey, that arm is hurt pretty badly, Ethan.

Now don't you go worryin' about me, son.

That town's in trouble and they need my Magnemite.

But you can't go.


Ash, what do you think you're doing?

Somebody's got to deliver those Magnemite.

Thanks, Ash. I only wish I could make the trip myself.

Take Magnemite one through nine to the town

'that's just over those mountains.'


It's a pretty tall order, son.

You can count on me, Ethan.


Let's go, Magnemite.




ASH Let's ride, Pikachu.

Be careful out there, Ash.

Ash, we'll be right behind you.

[music continues]


It's just a little further, Pikachu, just hang on.



Where are they headed now? Whoa.

Hey! We're almost there! Come on, get back here!


I guess I blew it!



ASH Hey, great idea, Pikachu! Thanks!

Why don't you take it easy now, Pikachu?

Hey, I better make sure everybody's here.

'One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight..'

Hey, I started out with nine.

Ah. Where's that Number six?




Come on, Number six, you can't just fly off like that.


Hey, what's the matter, Number six?

What are you pulling me away for?

Prepare for trouble, just once more.

Make it double, it's our encore.

You know the rest.

I thought we got rid of you.

MEOWTH You did, kid, but those Magnemite are so magnetic

we just couldn't stay away!

Our new Electro-Magnet Machine uses static electricity

'to attract those juicy jolty little Pokémon!'

It's portable and it's environmentally friendly too!

And all this rubbing is simply marvelous for the scalp!

I-I'm not gonna let you get this Magnemite!

Hey, wait, ya little brat, come back here!

- We need more power, James! - I'm rubbing as fast as I can!


Pikachu, run away quick and take the Magnemite with you.


There they are!

They won't be able to resist this. Here goes.

Now we'll get a whole mess of Magnemite.



Hey, wait, don't go that way.

They're only gonna steal you.

Come along, right this way!

Just a little bit closer.

Perfect! Now we got our own little power pack!

Give back those Magnemite. The town needs them.


No, Pikachu, you still don't have your energy back yet.

You have to rest.


Pikachu, you'll wear yourself out.


Hey, wait, stop. What's going on?

Well, don't just stand there.

Make with the static and help me out here. Hurry.

- Huh? - Huh?

Alright, let's give them all we've got!

We'll go head to head.

They're too strong.



It's almost over.


- Oh, no! - What now?

No way!



What? Hey, wait! Hold it! What's going on? Help!

Put me down! Stop! No!






Must be..

POKEDEX Magneton, the Magnet Pokémon.

The evolved form of Magnemite.

Its anti-gravitational powers allow it to float

and it can emit powerful magnetic and electric fields.



If we just rub hard enough, maybe we can capture them all.



Now! Thunderbolt all together.




JESSIE/JAMES/MEOWTH Blasting off twice, that ain't so nice.

We did it!




[instrumental music]


Hey, there's the town, Pikachu.


Well, let's do our job.


ASH Hiyah!

Oh, quick, Ethan, come and see!

All thanks to Ash.

NURSE JOY We can't thank you enough.

OFFICER JENNY I don't know what we would've done without you.

I'm glad I could help.

Say, Ash, how'd you like to team up

and be partners with old Ethan?


You wrangled those Magnemite mighty good

and you even helped Number six evolve into a Magneton.

'I could sure use somebody with a talent like that.'

That's really nice, Ethan, and thanks for the offer

but I have to go compete in the Orange League.

'And maybe someday, I'll get to know'

'as much about Pokémon as you do.'

Much, much more. Goodbye, amigo.

ASH 'Goodbye...friend.'

- Bye-bye. - Goodbye, everybody.

And thanks for everything.

Have a safe trip and thanks again!


NARRATOR After beating the bad guys and helping to save the day

Ash and his friends hit the trail once more

headed towards the next gym and their next adventure.

ASH Don't go away, Pikachu's Jukebox is next.


♪ To protect the world from devastation ♪

♪ To unite all peoples within our nation ♪

♪ To denounce the evils of truth and love ♪

♪ To extend our reach to the stars above ♪

♪ Jessie

♪ James

♪ Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light ♪

♪ Surrender now or prepare to fight ♪

♪ That's right

♪ Team Rocket's rockin'

♪ Talkin' trouble walkin' trouble double trouble ♪

♪ Big trouble's gonna follow you ♪

♪ Team Rocket's rockin'

♪ Talkin' trouble walkin' trouble double trouble ♪

♪ Big trouble

♪ We're gonna capture Pikachu

♪ Team Rocket's rockin'

♪ Talkin' trouble walkin' trouble double trouble ♪

♪ Big trouble's gonna follow you ♪

♪ Team Rocket's rockin'

♪ Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again ♪♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Greatest Master

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ Put myself to the test to be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Got the power in your hands ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon ♪
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