02x09 - Shell Shock!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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02x09 - Shell Shock!

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ I wanna take the ultimate step ♪

♪ Find the courage to be bold ♪ Pokémon

♪ To risk it all and not forget ♪

♪ The lessons that I hold

♪ I wanna go where no one's been ♪

♪ Far beyond the crowd ♪ Pokémon

♪ Learn the way to take command ♪

♪ Use the power that's in my hand ♪

♪ Oh hey

♪ We all live

♪ In a Pokémon world ♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Greatest Master

♪ We all live

♪ In a Pokémon world ♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ Put myself to the test

♪ And be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ We all live

♪ In a Pokémon world ♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Got the power right in your hands ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon ♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon ♪

NARRATOR Well, this is getting to be a familiar scene.

Sunny skies, balmy breezes and our heroes drifting

towards some tropical adventure.

Announcers never get to have any fun!

Mmm, this is great!


Yeah, the skies are blue, the sun is warm

and Togepi and I are having a great time, right?


With the ocean temperature this high

I wouldn't be surprised if we saw

lots of cool Pokémon swimming by.


TRACEY 'Hey, look!'



Look! Watch where you're going!


I wonder why they're in such a hurry.


It looks like they're headed for that island.

Maybe we should go check it out.


ASH "Shell Shock!"

Thanks for the ride, Lapras.

You better rest for a while in your Poké Ball.

FEMALE REPORTER 'Our exclusive report continues.'


I've just arrived on the island

that's recently become the object

of so much speculation.

Does this lush location, uninhabited by humans

hold the key that will unlock

the secret to the extinct Pokémon?

'An archaeological team is about to begin'

'their historic explorations, and we'll be with them'

'if and when they solve the Kabuto mystery.'

- And, cut! - Nice job.

"Kabuto mystery?"

"Historic explorations?"


Sounds like this could be interesting.

Why don't we follow them and find out?

- Yeah. - Yeah.

FEMALE REPORTER I'm here at the team's base of operations

for this fossil hunt

and for a world television exclusive.

'A first look at the object'

'that's triggered their investigations.'

'Beneath the layers of silt and soil lie the fossilized'

remains of the long-extinct Pokémon, Kabuto.

Caught in a fisherman's net a week ago

experts working around the clock have determined

that it was somehow dislodged from its ancient resting place

'on this island and drifted into the international spotlight.'

I can't believe they found a real Kabuto fossil!

I guess there aren't too many Kabuto fossils around, huh?

Yeah, this is like a major find

that Pokémon archaeologists from all over

are gonna want to study.

Hey, let's see.

POKEDEX Kabuto, the Ancient Pokémon.

Though this Pokémon is now believed to be extinct

'it had a hard shell that protected its body'

'and it is believed to have been a powerful swimmer.'

Now, let's get an up close and personal perspective

on this investigation from the director

of the archaeological team.

Can we speak to you?




One of the main reasons we've come here

is to learn everything we can about the habitat

of the extinct Pokémon, Kabuto.

We'd also like to find out if there's any truth

to the claims about Kabuto oil.

Please, tell us just what these startling claims are.

Well, legend has it that the oil from Kabuto shells

not only brings good health

but it can make people live forever.

ASH/MISTY/TRACEY Live forever?


NURSE JOY 'Of course, we know that's impossible'

but there could be some basis to the legend

and Kabuto oil may prove to be of great

historic importance to medical science.


- Nurse Joy! - Huh?

We wanna volunteer to help you with the excavation!

I'm an experienced Pokémon Watcher

and we could help you record what you find.

Please, just give us all a chance!

Uh, well, I..

[chuckles] And don't worry, Professor Oak

I'll do my best to bring back one of those Kabuto fossils!

Hey, mom, it's me, Ash!

Hey, Professor Oak, remember me?

- I'm Tracey! - Cut!

Get your faces out of that camera!

What do you think you're doing?

You're embarrassing all of us, Ash!

You're making us look stupid!

- Let go of me! - 'Ash!'



'I wonder what a TV crew could be doing'

'with those Twerps on that island?'

Just because you're wondering

doesn't mean you should stop peddling!

Hey, if we hurry up and catch Pikachu

maybe we can catch some face time on television too!


Okay, is everybody ready?


This dedicated band of explorers is beginning a torturous trek

to find where the mysterious Kabuto fossil

could have come from.

And we'll be here to record every dramatic moment

of their adventure.

Well, those Kabuto Fossils just better watch out for me!


We're about to begin our climb along

a treacherous mountain path

but these brave explorers seem incapable of fear.


[James groaning]

James, you're lagging behind.

Yeah, walk a little faster, will you?

[groaning] That's easy for you to say.

Well, nobody told you to bring that heavy backpack.

And nobody told you to bring

that nasty attitude either, but I'm stuck with both!


What's the matter, Growlithe?

What are we stopping for?

I think this Growlithe hears something up ahead.

NURSE JOY Up ahead?

'Oh, that's just a big rock, Growlithe!'



[all screaming]

We'll be okay, Togepi. Get inside!

And a giant boulder is bearing down on us

as this group scrambles for survival!

[all screaming]

We're going to get squashed if we don't think fast!

Nurse Joy, try using the Machoke!

That's a great idea, Ash!

Machoke, get in there and block that rock!


Yes, a superpower pair of Machoke

have saved the day!


Stone cast safely aside

the team's rejoicing over the last-minute miracle!




This is gonna hurt!

- Ooh. - Ooh.



Nothing there, Pikachu.


This is it!

[chuckles] Oh, wow! Ooh!


- Ah! - Wow!

FEMALE REPORTER 'We've finally reached our destination.'

'A hidden bay here on the island's'

'desolate northern shore, where experts believe'

'the recently-discovered Kabuto fossil may have come from.'

As you can see behind me, this team of explorers

has already begun their painstaking work.

'Rhydon and the Machoke are assisting in the operation.'

'But will any new Kabuto fossils be discovered here?'

'All these dedicated scientists can do is work'

'watch, wait and see.'

[Ash grunting]

I never knew digging for fossils was such hard work.

You have to make sure you examine

everything carefully, too.

Yeah, but it's all worth it!

Just think, we might find something exciting any second!





[all screaming]



Hurry, run for it!

FEMALE REPORTER 'This excavation is off to a rocky start'

as a dozen or more giant boulders are raining down

on this intrepid, but terrified group!

[all screaming]

Rhydon! Horn Drill that rock now!



For the second time today, Pokémon saves the group

from almost certain disaster!


FEMALE REPORTER Nice work, Rhydon!

What if maybe these accidents aren't really accidents

and instead it's somebody out there

who's trying to get rid of us?

Come on, this island is deserted.

MISTY 'Maybe you're right.'



- Ash, wait! - Ash, wait!

What're you doing?


So, he's the one

who's been dropping those rocks on us!

ASH Hmm.

Got you!


Alright, you!



What do you ant with us?


Leave this island before it's too late.

GROUP Who's that Pokémon?

GROUP It's Ponyta!


Leave this island before it's too late.



- 'Ash!' - Huh?

- Ash! - Hey, Ash!

- Is everything okay? - Uh, yeah.

And the guy who's behind those rocks is right there!


I'll tell you the same thing I told him

get off this island.

Are you the one who's responsible

for all the accidents with those boulders?

You bet I am!

Now, a shocking revelation, as this deranged old man

claims responsibility for these brutal att*cks.

I'm not that old and I'm definitely not deranged.

I'm just trying to do you people a big favor!

- A big favor? - You call those rocks favors?

The only thing you've done is put all our lives in danger!


That's not true!

I tried to scare you off to protect you from danger.

- To protect us? - From what kind of danger?

Tell us what you're talking about.

I'll tell everybody!

Hey, that's my job.

Hear, and heed the ancient prophecy!

[thunder rumbling]

UMBERTO When the scavengers arrive

the moon will glow an angry red!

The land itself will vanish

'and be swallowed by the sea!'

Swallowed by the sea?

What does that mean?

If you disturb this island

you will bring about great harm!

[thunder rumbling]

But we didn't come here because we wanted

to do any harm to the island!

We came here to study Kabuto fossils and that's all!

We don't want to harm anything!

You cannot disturb what lies here, now go!

Well, who are you to start blaming us

for disturbing your precious island?


You're the one who's disturbing the island

by rolling those boulders

and causing those rock slides, mister!

- Uh, she's got a point there. - 'Huh?'

Huh.. Quiet!

Just stop arguing and get off of the island!

We've found one! We've found one!

We've just found another Kabuto fossil!

- Oh, wow! - Let's see it.



ARCHAEOLOGIST 'There it is, right there!'

- 'Ohh?' - There's no doubt about it.

This is a genuine Kabuto.

- Oh, yeah! - We've done it!

As you've just seen, the team has discovered

an actual Kabuto fossil exclusively on PXTV!

Hmm, could this be a..


Hey, I just found another one!

- Huh? - This is a fossil too.

And this one.

This is a really nice one here!

It looks like the walls of this cave

are made of Kabuto fossils!

[all gasping]

ASH 'They're sure don't look like fossils!'

See, these may just look like rocks

but they're actually Kabuto shells!

Wow, this is amazing!


This underground graveyard grotto

is actually a mammoth mausoleum

A monument constructed by these

incredible 'calcified Kabuto carcasses!'

Okay, let's bring in Rhydon and start collecting!

- Huh? - Stop!

Disturbing this island will bring disaster.

We're not disturbing. We're collecting!

Huh? Oh..

Oh, the cave's caving in!

Everybody out!

[all screaming]

Our exclusive report is taking

yet another dramatic twist!

What could it be this time?


JESSIE Prepare for trouble.

JAMES Make it double.

JESSIE To protect the world from devastation.

JAMES To unite all people within our nation.

To denounce the evils of truth and love.

To extend our reach to the stars above.

- Jessie. - James.

Hah, Team Rocket blast off

at the speed of light!

JAMES 'Huh!'

Surrender now or prepare to fight.

Meowth! That's right.

Them again!


So sorry, we can't stay and snipe

but we've got to haul away

this beauteous bounty of Kabuto booty!

These'll make great doorstops

at the Boss's mansion!


If you disturb the Kabuto

a great disaster will befall us all.



We wouldn't take them without

giving you something in return!

- Here, catch. - Ahh?



Huh? Ah!

Ah, ah!

Uh.. Uh..

Ash it's gonna explode, throw it away!



[all screaming]

Our behavior is simply a-b*mb-inable, isn't it?


A trio of thieves has just escaped

with a cache of Kabuto fossils right through the roof.

And that's just where my numbers are gonna go

when these reports start airing!

Don't you TV people care about anything but ratings?

[Team Rocket laughing]

- We won the shell game! - 'Success at last!'

JESSIE 'Even that red moonlight can't stop us now!'

Ahh, Pikachu, we've got to get those fossils back!


Come on, Pikachu.

Let's hurry!


Do fossils move?

What's happening?


The Kabuto fossils are coming back to life!

- 'That's impossible!' - Huh!

As incredible as it may seem

the ancient Kabuto fossils now appear to be alive!



Ahh, everything we've shot is in there!

[all gasping]

Run for it!

[all screaming]


MISTY From now on I'm going to listen

to all those ancient prophecies!

[laughing] Hey, get off of me.

You selfish, little shellfish!

Hey, that tickles!



JESSIE/JAMES/MEOWTH 'We're blasting off again!'

- Come on, we're leaving! - Leaving?

Oh, why, what's the matter?

We've got to get everyone off this island immediately!

I don't understand. Is something wrong?

- Huh! - Huh!

ASH 'Hey, Joy, look!'


Are those Kabuto?


This whole island must have built up

around the fossilized Kabuto!

Then that means..

The island is breaking apart!

[all screaming]

Let's head for the boat and get out of here!

We can't. The boat's too far away.

There's nowhere we can run to!

The forest!

The prophecy says, "When the sea

comes to swallow you, flee to the forest!"

'"Build rafts and save yourselves!"'

"Build rafts?"


MISTY Ah! We're starting to sink!

To the forest!

NURSE JOY It's our only hope! Come on!

ASH Hurry!

FEMALE REPORTER Have you seen my make-up kit?

MAN I think it's on the boat.




This is even more exciting than my two-part

special report on Kadabra's Spoon Removal!



The water is coming!

Get on the rafts!

[all screaming]

Help us, Lapras!


ASH 'Go, Squirtle!'

MISTY 'Goldeen! Staryu!'

We need you to pull this raft out to sea!


Okay, let's go!


[all screaming]


Wow, we made it.


TRACEY '"When the scavengers arrive.."'

"The moon will glow an angry red."

NURSE JOY '"The land itself will vanish'

'and be swallowed by the sea."'

Just like the prophecy.

The Kabuto must've been lying dormant for centuries

in their fossilized form until the light

from the red moon awakened them.

Maybe that Kabuto oil lets them live forever after all.

All I can say is that I am so very sorry

that I didn't believe the prophecy

and the warnings you gave us.

I think it's best that the world never learns

the Kabuto's secret, right?

- Mm. - Mm.

I think you're right. Thank you.

Where do you think those Kabuto are going?

They must be looking for a place where it's safe

a new home where they can rest in peace

until they come alive again.

Well, I hope they find a safe new home.


NARRATOR And so, another mystery of the Pokémon world is revealed.

What new surprises lie ahead for our heroes?

Who knows?

But they're out there..

...they're out there.

ASH Don't go away. "Pikachu's Jukebox" is next.


♪ To protect the world from devastation ♪

♪ To unite all people within our nation ♪

♪ To denounce the evils of truth and love ♪

♪ To extend our reach to the stars above ♪

♪ Jessie

♪ James

♪ Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light ♪

♪ Surrender now or prepare to fight ♪

♪ Meowth that's right Team Rocket's rockin' ♪

♪ Talkin' trouble walkin' trouble ♪

♪ Double trouble big trouble

♪ And trouble's gonna' follow you ♪

♪ Team Rocket's rockin

♪ Talkin' trouble walkin' trouble ♪

♪ Double trouble big trouble

♪ We're gonna' capture Pikachu

♪ Team Rocket's rockin'

♪ Talkin' trouble walkin' trouble ♪

♪ Double trouble

♪ Big trouble's gonna follow you ♪

♪ Team Rocket's rockin'

♪ Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again ♪♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Greatest Master

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ Put myself to the test

♪ To be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Got the power right in your hands ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪
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