02x08 - In the Pink

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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02x08 - In the Pink

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ I wanna take the ultimate step ♪

♪ Find the courage to be bold ♪ Pokémon

♪ To risk it all and not forget ♪

♪ The lessons that I hold

♪ I wanna go where no one's been ♪

♪ Far beyond the crowd yeah ♪ Pokémon

♪ Learn the way to take command ♪

♪ Use the power that's in my hand ♪

♪ Oh hey

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Greatest Master

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ Put myself to the test

♪ And be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon ♪

NARRATOR Today, our heroes are enjoying another day

on the tropical seas as they continue to explore

the Orange Islands with their friend, Lapras.

Coochie, coochie, coo.

Coochie, coochie, coo.




- It's kind of weird. - What is?

Oh, please don't tell me you think

there's something wrong with Togepi.

No, not wrong exactly, but you'd think Togepi

would've learned at least one attack by this time.

Oh, I know, what you mean, but it's not like

I haven't tried to teach Togepi any att*cks.

Okay, Togepi, just hit your head like this.

That's a Head Butt!


Oh, boy.

No, no. Not like that. Like this, ugh!




I've tried to do my best

but nobody could have a better Pokémon than my Togepi!


If Togepi had a better Trainer..

- Agh! - What was that?

Uh, nothing.



- What's going on? - Whoa!

TRACEY 'It's a whirlpool, a big one!'

Lapras, get us away from here!

It's already got us!


[all screaming]

ASH "In The Pink!"


[birds squawking]

Pikachu? Misty?

We're okay, are you?



Whoa! Where are we?

Could it be?

'Sheer cliffs, that giant whirlpool!'

Alright! We're on Pinkan Island!

- Where? - Pinkan Island!

TRACEY 'It's this mysterious place surrounded'

'by these humungous whirlpools, and with those giant cliffs'

'hardly anybody's ever explored it.'

So, nobody knows what kind of Pokémon live on the island!

I might be the first Pokémon Watcher to discover

a whole new type of Pokémon!

Come on, let's hurry!

- Hurry? - Hurry where?

Up these cliffs.

I just got to see the Pokémon!

Wait up!


ASH 'Lapras, return!'

Tracey, slow down!

- I'm coming with you! - Me too!


Huh? Ahh!

[both grunting]

- Hey, we.. - Shh!



ASH 'Look at that.'

It's a pink Rhyhorn.

I'm not positive, but I don't think Rhyhorn

are supposed to be pink, are they?

POKEDEX Rhyhorn, the Spiked Pokémon.

Rhyhorn is known for its physical power

and its considerable offensive and defensive battle skills.

The one in here sure isn't pink.

Wow, this isn't even mentioned in the Pokédex.

I got to get a closer look.

- Tracey? - Ash, don't worry.

I'll be careful! Hmm.

Down wind's that way.


Just stand still, Rhyhorn..

...and I will sketch a masterpiece!

It looks to be about eight meters long and one meter high.

'And its horn's centimeters long.'

I don't think he should be getting that close.

He's a Pokémon Watcher, Ash.

He knows a lot more than you do.


Well, I know lots more than you think.

- Just watch me. - Ash, wait!



Hey, there, Rhyhorn!


ASH 'How you doing, buddy?'


Don't run away, it's only me.

See, guys, I know what I'm doing!


Ash, get out of there, it's gonna charge!



[Ash screaming]

- Ugh? - Ahh!



Look out! That's Rhyhorn's Take Down!




[indistinct chatter]

The Rhyhorn's getting closer!

[Misty panting]

It's too high to jump!

This is all your fault!


[all screaming]





I don't understand, how did we get over here?

Maybe one of the Pokémon transported us here.

But that couldn't be.

'Pikachu can't use Teleport!'


It couldn't be Togepi!


That's okay.

What I want to know is, how you got so close

to that Rhyhorn without it noticing you?

I just followed two of the basic rules of Pokémon watching.

I approached the Rhyhorn from downwind

and made my breathing match its breathing.


To live as a Pokémon Watcher

one must breathe as a Pokémon Watcher!

Breathing? Big deal.

Hey, I wonder where that Rhyhorn disappeared to.


[all gasping]

MISTY This is terrible! We've got to do something!

[vehicle honking]


This island is strictly off-limits!

Pinkan is a protected Pokémon reserve.

How did you kids get here?

It was an accident.

We got caught in a whirlpool and washed up here.

Officer, you've got to hurry

or it'll be too late to save the pink Rhyhorn!

Well, where is it now?


How did it ever get down there?

It fell. I made it mad and it chased us.

You can tell me the details later.

But right now, we have to save that Rhyhorn

or it'll fall into the ocean.

And I'm going to need your help to do it.

Uh, sure.

Wouldn't it be easier to catch it with a Poké Ball?

You could only do that if a Pokémon 's weak

and that Rhyhorn's anything but weak.

You're right.

MISTY 'Lower it down, they're almost there!'


Just stay calm!

We're here to help you.

- Now, let's get it tied up. - 'Okay.'

Make sure you're careful!


I think we're set.

Alright, we're ready when you are!

Okay, just hang on tight!


JESSIE 'Hmm, it's the Twerps and..'

'Huh! Look at that!'

- What is it? - What do you see?

It's a pink Rhyhorn!

Is it a shocking pink or more of a pale pastel pink?

If we caught a pink Rhyhorn

we could sell it and make a fortune.

JESSIE 'Ha-ha, alright, let's get to that island!'

Oh, no, what's happening!


JESSIE/JAMES/MEOWTH 'We're caught in a whirlpool!'

[all screaming]


[screaming continues]

MEOWTH 'I'm getting under-seasick!'

Just a little further.



Hold on, Rhyhorn. We're almost at the top.



ASH Alright!

MISTY 'We did it!'


Oh, are you okay?


That's great. Rhyhorn seems fine.


I don't understand it, Officer Jenny.

How come that Rhyhorn didn't attack you

like it att*cked us?

With new people, the Rhyhorns get nervous

and sometimes they attack, but that one knows me.

[Jenny chuckles]

'Usually that Rhyhorn's very shy.'

Then maybe it's a "Shyhorn!"

- Bad. - Ugh!



Look at this!

What's the matter, Tra..



Oh, Pikachu, your tail is all pink.

Don't worry, it's just the Pinkanberries.

- Pinkanberries? - 'Ah-huh.'

'That's what makes all the Pokémon here'

'on the island turn pink.'

Just take a look around, Ash.

This is the only place in the world

where Pinkan Trees grow.

The Pokémon grow up eating the berries

off the trees and that's why they all turn pink.

I guess there must be some kind of natural chemical

in the berries that does it!

Officer Jenny, will Pikachu's tail

stay pink like this forever?

Don't worry, Ash, they only stay pink

if they eat the berries all the time.


Then you'd be a Pinkachu.


GROUP Who's that Pokémon?

GROUP It's Kabuto!


The whirlpool threw us up on the island.

Please, Meowth, don't mention throwing up.

Stop whining, we've got to be on the lookout

for that pink Pokémon!



- Huh! - Hey, look, that's pink too!

Imagine, a pink Jigglypuff!

But, wait, aren't Jigglypuff always pink?

Yes, they are.


- Ah! - Look, it's going to sing!



[all panting]




[all gasping]

JESSIE 'This is amazing!'

JAMES 'I've never seen anything like it!'

MEOWTH 'I can't believe it.'

The whole place is packed with pink Pokémon!

If we capture all these Pokémons

we could open our very own theme park.

[crowd cheering]



JESSIE I can see it all now!

♪ Pinky Land

♪ Come to Pinky Land

♪ Come and visit once a year

♪ Come and spend your money here ♪

♪ It's so nice and twinkly

♪ Never stinky

♪ Pinky Land ♪

Let's get started!


Victreebel, go!


JAMES Hey! Get off of me! Stop! No!

Cut it out! Not again!

We have a problem here.

What we need is a Pokémon that can lick them all!

This looks like the perfect job for Lickitung!


Look! A pink Lickitung!

- Ohh! - James.

Lickitung has always been pink!

Another smack like that and you'll be turning pink.




Lick, don't let them get away!

JESSIE/JAMES/MEOWTH Hurry hurry hurry hurry..

Look, the Nidoran just ran into that cave!

Alright, Lickitung, go get those Nidoran!



Hmm, what's wrong?

I wonder what it's whimpering about.


What's that?



A pink Nidoking!



Pinkan Island has been declared an official Pokémon refuge

and that's why visitors are strictly prohibited.

ASH We didn't mean to come here!


Well, I couldn't have rescued

that Rhyhorn without you

so I'm not going to press charges

against any of you this time.

ASH/MISTY/TRACEY Thanks, Officer Jenny!


Ash, maybe we should give Professor Oak a call

and tell him all about the pink Pokémon island.

Good idea.

PROFESSOR OAK 'Pinkan Island, eh?'

'Has Officer Jenny arrested you yet?'

ASH You know about this island, professor?

Of course, Pinkan Island is protected

by treacherous ocean currents

and a rugged shoreline.

That's why the Pokémon have developed in such a unique way.

We researchers don't know very much about their habitat yet.

'But if the world were to find out about such'

'rare Pokémon, you can bet that poachers'

'would swarm over the island in no time.'

They'd put the Pinkan Pokémon on exhibit just to make money

not caring about the health and happiness of the Pokémon.

'Luckily, some very dedicated people are working'

'to make sure that never happens.'

Jenny and the other rangers on the island

are studying the Pinkan Pokémon keeping them healthy

and doing what they can

to protect their natural environment.

Isn't that great?

Yeah, it sure is, professor.

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.


Oh, come on, get away from me!

Stop it! Get off of me, no!


The professor sure has a lot of Muk on his hands!

[alarm blaring]


What's going on?

Somebody's landed on the island!

You think they're poachers?

- Probably. - Hmm.

Please, we want to help you stop them.

We can't let anyone hurt the Pokémon!

- Please, say yes! - Hmm, I could use help.

Okay, let's go!

[all screaming]

Don't just run there, James.

- Do something! - Alright, I'll try!

Weezing, Smoke Screen.



Arbok! Wrap Attack!






Hey, who do you think you are

coming here and causing trouble?

- Did she say.. - Trouble!

I think you'd better prepare for trouble.

I'm in the pink, so make it double.

To protect the world from devastation.

To unite all peoples within our nation.

To denounce the evils of truth and love.

To extend our reach to the stars above.

- Jessie. - James.

Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light.

Surrender now or prepare to fight.

Meowth, that's right!

And you ain't going to stop us this time, kid!


We'll just see about that, Meowth!

Pikachu, give them your Thundershock!





Well, then, we'll just have to capture your Pikachu, too!





That shock was Nidoking's wake up call!

And this is turning out to be a nightmare!

Alright! Weezing, Smoke Scree..


Arbok! Poison Sti..



[all gasping]

- We're.. - Blasting..

Off again-n-n!

It looks mad!

Well, I don't want to hang around to find out.

Hold on, guys!


It's too fast, it's going to catch us!

I'll fix that! I'll just use Starmie!





- Not now, Psyduck! - I know, maybe Marril can help!


STACEY 'Marril, Water g*n now!'



Well, it was worth a try.

Alright, Pikachu, it's your turn!


- It's no use! - It's on a rampage.

Electric att*cks won't work, we have to..


ASH We're trapped!



- Oh, no, Hyper Beam! - Ahh!







- It's coming! - Get out and run!

- Huh? - Hurry!

Be careful.

Officer Jenny!

She did it!


- Huh! - Oh, no?

[all gasping]



- Alright! - Amazing!

She stopped Nidoking without hurting it at all!


I'll take you out past the whirlpools where it's safe.

- Thanks, Officer Jenny. - 'Now, remember your promise!'

TRACEY 'Don't worry, Officer Jenny'

'we won't tell anybody about the pink Pokémon.'

'That way people will leave them alone'

'and they can live in peace.'

JENNY 'I think that's best.'

Guys, I know this may sound weird

but I think Togepi helped us out today.

I think Togepi knows some att*cks.

- Togepi? - I don't know.

Misty, what makes you say that?

It moved its arms just when Nidoking's Hyper Beam missed us.

[chuckles] It's nice to dream

but I don't think so!

Huh? Let's see!



Well, a guy can't just watch Pokémon all the time!


Come on, now

wave your arms just like this.



NARRATOR And so, Togepi secretly saves the day.

But what lies ahead for our heroes

remains a mystery, as their Pokémon Adventures continue.

ASH Don't go away. "Pikachu's Jukebox" is next.


♪ Good friends

♪ Are those who stick together

♪ When there's sun

♪ And in the heavy weather

♪ Yeah

♪ Smile after smile

♪ That's how it will be

♪ Just you and me

♪ Till the end

♪ I will be with you

♪ We will go

♪ Where our dreams come true

♪ All the times

♪ That we have been through

♪ You will always be my best friends ♪

♪ Oh till the end

♪ I will be with you

♪ We will go

♪ Where our dreams come true

♪ All the times

♪ That we have been through ♪ We've been through

♪ You will always be my best friends ♪♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ I wanna be

♪ The greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Greatest Master

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ Put myself to the test

♪ To be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Got the power right in your hands ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon ♪
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