17x34 - The forest champion!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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17x34 - The forest champion!

Post by bunniefuu »

[announcer] Following Gurkinn's instructions,

Korrina and our heroes

have traveled to Pomace Mountain.

Now, they've arrived at the manor of a Trainer

whose Pokémon partner is able to Mega Evolve.

[Korrina] Hello there!

I'm Korrina from Shalour City!

My grandfather told me to come and see you!



Pika?Hey, who's that Pokémon?

[Pokédex] Mawile, the Deceiver Pokémon.

Mawile's horns form a huge set of jaws

strong enough to chew up an iron beam.

[Korrina] So where's your trainer?

[Mabel] Over here.


Thank you so much for watching the house, Mawile.


Oh, my stars...

Well, how do you do?

I'm Mabel.

I'm Korrina.

Hi there, my name's Ash!


I'm Serena, nice to meet you.

My name's Bonnie, and this is Dedenne.


That's my brother.

My name's Clemont, and I'm pleased to meet you.

I was told you were coming.

First, why don't the two of you

demonstrate how strong you are?


♪ I wanna be the very best ♪

♪ Like no one ever was

♪ To catch them is my real test ♪

♪ To train them is my cause ♪

♪ Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

♪ It's you and me

♪ Pokémon, I know it's my destiny ♪

♪ Pokémon, yeah, you're my best friend ♪

♪ In a world we must defend

♪ Pokémon, gotta catch 'em

♪ Gotta catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪

"The Bonds of Mega Evolution!"

All right, let's begin.

Ready, Lucario?

Mega Evolve!


Lucario has such a fine aura.

Now, Mawile, Mega Evolve!


Mawile did it too!

So that's a Mega Mawile!

Can't wait to see how this battle turns out.

Pika, Pika!Dedenne, Dedenne!

All right, Power-Up Punch!


Jump, please.



Bone Rush?

I see...

Now, let's go for it!


All right, Mawile, dodge it.


Yeah! Atta--Korrina!

Can't battle this way...

And now, Mawile, use Iron Head.


Lucario, no!

I need you to listen to what I tell you to do, okay?

Not again.



[Clemont] Its aura is causing it to lose control again!

[Korrina] Lucario!


Lucario, stay with me!


No, Lucario!

Calm down, Lucario!


Lucario can't hear a thing you say!


Mawile, Fairy Wind!




It looks like that's it.

Very well done, Mawile.


I know you're gonna be just fine.

Don't worry, you'll be able to control

your powers in no time!

Remember, that's what we came here for!

We promise we'll do our best!

Please help us, Mabel!

[Jessie] That Mega Mawile could come in quite handy, you know.

[Meowth] Once we catch Pikachu

and those two Mega-Evolving Pokémon,

we'll get our paws on

their Key Stones and Mega Stones.

And then, we'll create a magnificent Mega Evolution mob

that'll be mighty at manipulating the masses!

But still, Mega Mawile's Fairy Wind is quite powerful.

We probably won't stand a chance with a head-on attack.

Then, we'll catch them off guard.

We'll maintain our stance and wait for the chance!


[Bonnie] Pretty flowers!

Thanks, I picked them earlier.

And since they're so beautiful,

I thought I'd have Korrina and Lucario

make an arrangement for me.

I'm sorry, but I think our time

would be much better spent doing some training.

No need to be so hasty.

Would you all like to make some flower arrangements too?

Wow, really?

We can do it too?

Of course, but I'd like you

to do it with your Pokémon partners.

Dedenne, yay!

Dedenne, Dedenne!Come out, Fennekin!

Hey, that sounds like a lot of fun.

Whaddaya say, Pikachu?


They're such beautiful flowers!

And the colors match your fur!


I love flowers so much!

Let's use lots of flowers!


We'll make the biggest arrangement of all!


Well, we'll make the best one!

It's a flower competition!

Chespin, the future is now, thanks to science!

Clemontic Gear, on!

Data from every work of art

since the beginning of time has been inputted.

This device possesses the ultimate artistic taste!

Its name?Ches!

Flower Arranger One.

[Serena] "Flower Arranger One"?Fen?

[Bonnie] You're really good at coming up with obvious names...


[Clemont] I want you to witness the future of flower arrangement!

Power, on!

Science is so amazing!


You're doing great too, Chespin!Ches?

Ches, Ches, Ches, Ches, Ches...

Uh-oh... oh, no!

It appears that my flower arrangement from the future

doesn't know when to stop arranging!

[Serena] Oh, no, and I'd just finished...

I'm sorry, big brother, but that was just horrible!

Dedenne![Clemont] I'm sorry too...


[Mabel] Well done, everyone.

Your arrangements are a reflection

of your personalities.

From this arrangement, I can see

that as trainer and Pokémon,

Ash's and Pikachu's hearts have become one.

This is a very powerful piece.

Wow, thank you so much!

It looks like you and Lucario

have made two arrangements in one...

That's right! It's pretty, huh?


From this arrangement, I can see

that you have similar personalities

and understand each other deeply.

Yup! We've been together

since we were little, so we're connected!

We have such a strong bond...Car!

I see.

Well then, I'll look forward

to impressive arrangements tomorrow too.

[Ash] We're making arrangements tomorrow too?

No way!

What about all of our training?

No need to be so hasty.

For now, I look forward to tomorrow.

[Clemont] All right, off we go!

[Mabel] Be careful, please...


[Serena] I'll find the prettiest flowers!

Hey, wait up!Car!


I hope you notice how beautiful the mountains are.

Especially with your partner, Lucario.

Mountain views?

And if you do, I'm sure something wonderful will happen.

And if you do, I'm sure something wonderful will happen.

Wonder what she meant by something wonderful...

I just don't understand.



[all] Who's that Pokémon?

[all] It's Mawile!

[Mawile] Mawile!

[Mabel] Everyone did great today too!

And I'll be looking forward

to even more wonderful arrangements tomorrow.

Tomorrow too?Pika?

Yes, tomorrow and the day after.


But we've had enough of arranging flowers!


Don't say that.

I want to see the beautiful flower arrangements

that you and Lucario make when both your hearts are one.


[Korrina] Look at those pretty flowers!

All right...

I'll climb up and get some!



Thanks, Lucario.




Hold on a sec!

Looks like parts of the cliff aren't as sturdy as others.

I'll let you know what direction to climb.


Go right!

Go left!

Straight up!

Now, move left!

More to the left!

Now, go right!


You're there!

[Korrina] What do you think?

[Serena] Gorgeous!Sure is!

[Serena] I'm getting kind of bored...

If I have to arrange one more flower,

I'm gonna scream.

I know they're pretty and everything, but still...

I like it!

I'm having so much fun!


I wonder why Mabel keeps on making us

arrange flowers day after day...


Well, she must have a good reason for doing it, but what?

[Korrina] This doesn't make any sense to me.

At this rate, you'll never be able to control your aura.

When are we gonna start training?

[Jessie] How will we ever make good on our Pokémon pinching plan

with her there all the live long day?

[James] Right.

They're always arranging flowers with that woman.

We can't catch anything but a cold.

Don't throw in the towel just yet.

We gotta keep on keeping on!


Would you take these?

I'll meet you up there.


So weird.

I wonder why Grandfather insisted

that we come and visit Mabel in the first place...

The moon looks the same as it did

the night we were separated.


You were looking at it too, weren't you?

[Mabel] My, what a beautiful moon...


It's all right.

You needn't worry.

You're almost there.

Soon, you'll both be able to control

Lucario's aura during Mega Evolution.

Control its aura?

Are you finally going to teach us how to do that?

I've been teaching you all along.

The reason why I asked you

to look at the mountains together

and make all those flower arrangements

was because it was the most effective training

for the two of you.

What's most important to me

is the way the two of you perceive things.

You and Lucario are obviously very close.

The two of you think and act alike.

That's why Lucario used moves without your command

and made its own decisions during battle.

And both of you were all right with that.

Trainers and their Pokémon are partners.

While they may work together toward the same goals,

their roles are quite different.

You see, although you both

may be looking at the same thing,

perhaps you're viewing it differently.

One heart, two viewpoints.

You have to bring them together

and transform that into strength.

There's no doubt in my mind the two of you can do that.

One heart, two viewpoints...

Bring them together...



[Ash] Pikachu!

[Clemont] Mawile!

[Korrina] What happened?

[Serena] I think something crashed through that window!

[Bonnie] Whatever it was took Pikachu and Mawile!

My stars, what happened?

Pika, Pika!Mawile!

It's Pikachu and Mawile!

Who in the world are they?

[Jessie] Prepare for trouble, your question is flawed!

[James] We're out of this world, so you should be awed!

To protect the world from devastation!

To unite all people within our nation!

To denounce the evils of truth and love!

To extend our reach to the stars above!

Jessie!And James!

[Jessie] Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!

[James] Surrender now, or prepare for a fortitudinous fight!

Meowth, that's right!


[Mabel] Team Rocket?

They're bad guys who always try

to steal other people's Pokémon!

So true!

And to make our reputation intact,

we'll now take them from you!

And Lucario too!

Dodge it!

Lucario![Korrina] Team Rocket!

Set Pikachu and Mawile free!

Please! That sounds just like a second-rate song lyric.

Pumpkaboo, let's go!


You're right! They've got to be rescued.

And we can do it!

Ready, Lucario?


Lucario, Mega Evolve!


Lucario, Power-Up Punch!

Not today...

Okay, Inkay, Psybeam!




Pumpkaboo, Shadow Ball!


Inkay, use Psybeam!



[Clemont] Oh, no...

Lucario's aura's making it lose control!

What do I do now?

I have faith in you.


Shadow Ball, more!

Use Tackle!




[Korrina] One heart, two viewpoints...

I've got to pay close attention to what's going on

and help Lucario however I can!



Please, listen to me!

One heart, two viewpoints.

Remember that?

We've got to bring them together

and transform that into strength!




Our hearts are one.

Let your aura take over your body!


Save the mushy stuff for later!

Pumpkaboo, use Dark Pulse!



Lu, Car!

Korrina's voice got through!

All right, ready?

[James] Now, Inkay, the third Psybeam's the charm!


Okay, counter it!


Shadow Ball again!


It's attacking from the left!

Dodge upward, and hit the Shadow Ball!



Now... Bone Rush!










[Meowth] We're not gonna take that lying down...

[Mabel] Now, isn't that a coincidence?

Neither are we.

Mawile, Mega Evolve!


Wrap it up with Dark Pulse!


Now, use Fairy Wind!


Inkay, use Psybeam!


Pikachu, Thunderbolt, go!


[Korrina] Lucario... that's it.

You learned a new move!Lucar!

Then, let's let them have it!

Aura Sphere!


[Meowth] We're blasting off...


[James] ...Again!


Wow, that Aura Sphere happened

because their hearts became one!



Lucario, we did it!


[Korrina] Thank you for everything.

We're really glad we came here to see you.

You're most welcome.

Remember, although you're now able

to control Lucario's aura,

you must continue to work hard and improve.

Right! We sure will!


Guess this is good-bye.

Why? Aren't we all going to the same place?

Yeah, we're all going to the Shalour Gym together

so you can challenge Korrina.

Serena's right.

Korrina and Lucario can control its aura,

so we need to train even harder!

We'll get stronger and stronger.

Then, we can challenge her and win that badge!

We'll do our very best to win!


I understand!

Then, we'll see you there!Lucar!

Come on, Lucario!

See you later!


[Bonnie] Bye, Korrina! Bye, Lucario!

See you soon!

[Serena] Take care of yourselves!

Don't forget to say "Hi" to your grandfather for us!

Pikachu!Dedenne, Dedenne!

Let's move it!

[announcer] Thanks to Mabel's guidance,

Korrina and Lucario have learned how to control

the power of Lucario's aura during Mega Evolution.

Now, with Ash's Shalour Gym battle on their minds,

our heroes' journey continues!

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