17x07 - Giving chase at the Rhyhorn race!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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17x07 - Giving chase at the Rhyhorn race!

Post by bunniefuu »

[dramatic music]

NARRATOR Setting his sights on entering the Kalos League

Ash challenged and successfully defeated Viola

the Santalune City Gym Leader

and earned his first badge in the Kalos region!

So, Serena, where are you headed from here?

Uh, me?

Well, I, uh, I--

Why don't you just come along with us?


Yeah, that'd be fun!

Come with us. We'll have a great time!

Yeah. Sounds like an excellent idea to me.

Thanks to you, I came up with my Santalune Gym strategy.

And if you could help me from here on out

uh, it would be great.


Sure. How could I say no to all that?

- Alright! - Yeah, that's the spirit!


Come on!

Ash, you're planning to travel to the Cyllage Gym next.

- Aren't you? - Yeah.

Well, I can show you how to get there.


Here's where we are now. Santalune City. But look here.

Lumiose City is between us and Cyllage City

so we have to travel back through Lumiose City

- before we get there. - I guess you're right.

[chuckles] Great!

There's a boutique in Lumiose City

with the cutest clothes, and there's an awesome bakery

that has the best pastries you've ever tasted!


What are we waiting for? Let's hurry up!

- Yippee! - Clemont, step on it!

[panting] I'm doing my best.

[instrumental music]

Long as we're going to Lumiose City

I'd really like to take a shot at a Lumiose Gym battle.


Well, it's probably a good idea to keep in mind

that you haven't been in the Kalos region long.

I've got an idea.

Why don't you utilize this time to catch another Kalos Pokémon?

Yeah, that's a good point.

Now, where is my next Pokémon hanging out?

- Huh? - Hey, Ash?

If you catch a really cute Pokémon

will you let me take care of it?

- Sure, of course. - Yippee! Yay!

So why did you decide to go on a journey, Serena?

Huh? Hm..


I wanted to give this back to you. It's yours.


♪ I wanna be the very best

♪ Like no one ever was

♪ To catch them is my real test ♪

♪ To train them is my cause

♪ Pokémon gotta catch 'em all ♪ It's you and me

♪ Pokémon ♪ I know it's my destiny

♪ Pokémon ♪ Yeah you're my best friend

♪ In a world we must defend

♪ Pokémon gotta catch 'em all

♪ Pokémon ♪

ASH "Giving Chase At The Rhyhorn Race!"

Ash, remember when we were talking about

going to Professor Oak's Pokémon Summer Camp

back when we were younger?

- Yeah. - 'Well..'

SERENA 'You let me borrow this way back then.'



Where is everybody? Where did you all go?






Aah! Huh? [Serena gasping]

I knew I didn't want to come to camp. I knew it!

[sobbing] Mommy!






- Hey, are you alright? - Huh?

Hi. I'm Ash. Who are you?

- 'What's wrong?' - I hurt my leg.

Don't worry. See this?

This'll make it better.


- All done. - Oh.

Now, watch this.

Feel better, feel better right away!

Ouch! It still hurts. I can't stand up! Huh?

Don't give up till it's over, okay?

- Come on. - Huh?

Oh. Ugh!


There you go.


I think we should be getting back to the campsite.

Okay? Come on.

Oh. Oh.

BONNIE 'That's Ash's handkerchief?'


Yeah. I've been wanting to give it back to you

for a long time now, but never had a chance to do it.

- Thank you. - Uh, sure.

But then when I saw the Garchomp news story on TV

and saw it was you, I knew it was time for me

- to try to track you down. - Hold on. Now I remember.

You're the girl with the straw hat.

'Wow, that was you!'

And you came all that way for this?


Not just that.

You see, I also really wanted to see you again

but I never guessed you wouldn't remember me at all.

- Hm.. - Uh, yeah, sorry.


[all laughing]

- Oh. - Huh?

What's that noise?




- I knew it! Rhyhorn! - There's more!

POKEDEX Rhyhorn, the Spikes Pokémon.

Rhyhorn recklessly charges straight ahead

'trampling over anything that gets in its way.'

- What was that about? - It's a Rhyhorn race.


What do you all think you're doing?

You're not supposed to be here.

You're standing right in the middle

- of the Rhyhorn racecourse! - The Rhyhorn racecourse!

JENNY This is Odyssey Village where the Rhyhorn race begins.


'The course starts here at the village square'

'goes through the forest and comes back.'

MAN # 'Things are heating up here on day two'

'of this exciting Rhyhorn race!'

'In the lead is number five, Ian! '

Wow, a Rhyhorn race! Never seen one before!

CLEMONT Rhyhorn races are really popular in the Kalos region.

This is so awesome to watch!


Rhyhorn are so cute, too!

You know, they even have special Rhyhorn racetracks

in bigger cities. This course is actually kind of easy.

- Really? You sure know a lot. - Well, I guess so.

Okay, an official Rhyhorn race consists of six Rhyhorn's.

- See? - Wow!

There's a special Rhyhorn race

anyone can participate in tomorrow.

Ash, if you're interested

you might wanna give that race a try.

You mean it? Great! I'm in!


WOMAN # Choose your Rhyhorn for the race from these right here.


Go ahead and pick any Rhyhorn that interests you.

You mean, I can really choose my own?

- 'Sure!' - Well..

I need to get back to work. Have a great race, Ash. Bye.

I will. Thanks for everything, Officer Jenny.

'Wonder which one I should choose.'

- Each one of them is so cute! - Hm.

Ash, don't do that!

If you approach a Rhyhorn from behind

it might begin to panic and then run.

Do this, come in from the front

and move very slowly. There, there, it's okay.


- See? - Amazing.


[chuckles] Now this Rhyhorn seems to be

gentle and really smart.


Sounds good. Then I choose you. Nice to meet you, Rhyhorn.


Wow, I'm impressed!

Serena, you're so good at handling Rhyhorn.

Thank you.

See, the truth is my mother was a Rhyhorn racer

and so she made sure I knew how to handle them

from the time I was a little girl.

Whoa, does that mean you want to be

a Rhyhorn racer too, Serena?


Rhyhorn racing is fine, but I wonder.

There may be something I might like to do even more

so I haven't made any decision just yet.

If you ask me, I'd say it sounds like

you want to find your own path.

- Mm-hmm. - Hey, Serena.

Since you know so much about Rhyhorn racing

do you think you could teach me some of the basics

like the rules and how to ride?

- You mean, me? - Yeah. Please?

- Uh.. - You have so much experience.

It would really be a big help.

We don't really know anything at all.

Please, Serena? You're the expert.

- Well, I guess so. - Alright!

The Twerp and the Pikachu.

We've been looking for those two.

And they've got Rhyhorn racing on the brain.

When you've got a Rhyhorn, you've got something!


They've got power to spare.

And reeling in a Rhyhorn and Pikachu

is sure to earn us the Boss's seal of approval.

- Grade A. - Yeah.

So let's catch 'em. What do you say?


GROUP Who's that Pokémon?

GROUP It's Fennekin.


Okay, I'm all set!

[chuckles] You look great!


It suits you.

Aw, thank you. I sewed these patches on my suit just for fun.

- Well, they're so cute! - Ash, look!

Awesome! Looking good!

They call it Rhyhorn race fashion.


- How do I look? - 'Perfect!'


First you approach the Rhyhorn slowly so you won't startle it.


SERENA 'Next, you put your foot on here'

'and then boost yourself up.'

Like this? Ugh!



- Are you okay? - Ah..

Even getting on one of these is tougher than I thought.

Of course. You need to practice.

Right! Practice!

Here goes. [screams]


Oh, no.


There's got to be a trick to doing it right.

Do you think you could show me how it's done, Serena?

- Uh? Uh.. - Come on!

If I don't know how to get on

how am I gonna be able to enter the race?

Oh, okay. Now watch me closely.


- Do this and you're up. - That's great!

Serena, you're awesome!

Well, I'm certainly impressed.


And when you want your Rhyhorn to walk

signal lightly with your feet.

- Look at it go! So cute! - Perfect form!

- Okay, so how do you run? - "How do you run?"

RYHORN [ENERGETIC] [screaming]

- Serena! - Well, what happened?

Boy, that hurts.




[Serena laughing]


Stop! That tickles! That tickles!


- What's going on? - It looks like she's laughing.

The Rhyhorn seem to really like Serena.


Huh? Huh?


[thinking] Wait. Maybe it was just playing before.

Hey, that's no fair!

I want all those cutie Rhyhorn's to tickle me too!

Wait, Bonnie! Huh?

Wow. Look, look at that.

So cute! Rhyhorn are such sweeties!



- Now we're both a muddy mess. - But it was so fun!


You've almost got it! That's the way!

Yay! Ride them, Ash! [POSITIVE]


How am I doing?

Close your mouth! You'll bite your tongue!

- 'Keep going!' - Okay!

Be one with Rhyhorn! Huh?

GRACE Stop talking! You'll bite your tongue!



Alright, here we go. Be one with Rhyhorn!

[Ash grunting]



Wow! It worked!


- Way to go, Ash! - Yeah!

Now you're all ready to ride in the race.

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

And that's what you did.

Let's do the same thing tomorrow in the race.


[laughing] You're awesome, Rhyhorn.

[Ash laughing]

[thinking] Ash tries his hardest at everything he does.

Maybe, maybe I didn't really understand Rhyhorn racing

in the first place.




We need to stay quiet.


I hope they turn out alright.

MAN # 'Folks, welcome to the Rhyhorn race's final day'

'the day when any racer can join in!'

Yay, Ash! You're gonna win!

Thanks! I'll do my best!


You heard her, Rhyhorn. [CONFIDENT]

MAN # 'Get set, go!'



- That's not a good start. - I hope he's okay.

I wonder.

Okay, now it's time to catch up and take the lead!

Let's go!


The Rhyhorn will be here any minute!

- Time to launch our plan. - Okay.

Eh, Inkay?



- Huh? - What happened?

Must be a technical glitch.


MAN # 'Uh-oh. We lost our live feed!'

'Something must've happened on the course, but what?'

Poor Ash.

- We should go investigate! - Oh.

That's weird. Where are the other Rhyhorn?





[groaning] Pikachu? Rhyhorn?

What's going on around here? [grunting]

Oh, it's the other racers!

- Mission accomplished. - Ah! Who said that?

Prepare for trouble, who do you think?

And make it double, with a nod and a wink.

To protect the world from devastation.

To unite all people within our nation!

To denounce the evils of truth and love.

To extend our reach to the stars above!

- Jessie. - And James.

Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light.

Surrender now or prepare for a fight.

Meow, that's right!


Team Rocket!

Always trying to mess everything up.

Pish posh. We win and you lose.



All aboard the Rhyhorn express! Do we have Rhyhorn? Yes!

And just what do you think you're gonna do with them?

It's such a bore if you have to ask.

They'll help us conquer the world, silly.

And don't forget Pikachu. That will help, too.


Since you're all tied up, we bid you bye-bye.

- I want Pikachu back! - Save it, Twerp. Got to fly.

[groans] You won't get away with this!

[grunts] [groans]


Uh, check please.



CLEMONT 'Huh, way to go, Bunnelby!'

[URGENT] [panting]

- Looks like we made it in time. - Clemont!

- Ash! - You okay?

Serena! Bonnie!

Wow! Am I glad to see you.

I had a feeling something bad was happening

but I never imagined it would be like this.

BONNIE Bad is right! It's Team Rocket!

Little brat. You'll pay for that mouth.


Huh? Oh. Right!

Pikachu and the others are in trouble

and you want to help them. That right?



Fennekin, Ember!




[grunts] For the future of science!




All of a sudden I don't feel so good.

It feels kind of drafty out here.

You're feeling the winds of wipe out.

MEOWTH Hey, relax!

Getting upset is bad for our health!



- We're blasting off instead! - We're blasting off instead!


- Hm.. - Awesome!

- Thank you, everybody. - Sure thing.

- Are you okay, Ash? - You bet!

[EXCITED] Fennekin. Thanks.



Is everybody here alright?

- Officer Jenny! - Uh..

Yes, we're all fine! [FRIENDLY]

I need everybody to keep this area clear.

I'll be coming to you individually

'to get your statements later.' [EXCITED]

[thinking] I guess that means I can battle too.

Nice to meet you. My name's Ash.

This is my buddy, Pikachu.

[FRIENDLY] I'm Clemont. Hi there. Oh..

My name's Bonnie! This is Dedenne!

[FRIENDLY] Take a look. Fennekin.


You see, Fennekin's my brand-new partner.


[chuckles] Nice to meet you.

I hope you'll take good care of my daughter.

You know what Serena did?

She taught me how to ride a Rhyhorn!

Ash, you didn't have to tell her that, did you?

Hey, it's the truth. And there's more!

She told me to be one with Rhyhorn

and that helped the most! Ugh!

Mom, guess what?

You see, I've decided I'm gonna travel

with Ash and all of his friends.

Isn't that the best?

Really? That's great. Have a good time.

- Hm? Mom? - I mean it.

It will be a wonderful experience for you. I'm sure.


Sorry I took so long!

I'm going with you! Isn't that great?

Yeah, it sure is.


We're going to have so many fun adventures!

And we'll be best friends! [DELIGHTED]

We sure will! Oh, yeah!


- Here, for you. - Huh?

What's this?

Whoa! Cookies!

- They look awesome! - Oh!


It's a gift for all of your hard work

and also a thank you for when we were little.

Aw, why just Ash?

[CONCERNED] [coughing]

- You're eating way too fast. - Hm..

Don't worry. I made some for everyone!

- Yippee! - Wow, thank you very much!


NARRATOR After doing his best

at the Rhyhorn race

our hero enjoys a sweet reward for his efforts

while new adventures with new friends await

as the journey continues.

[theme music]
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