Krampus Unleashed (2016)

Christmas & New Years movies collection.

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Krampus Unleashed (2016)

Post by bunniefuu »

(sweeping instrumental music)

(crickets chirping)

(crunching footsteps)

- Who's that?

(crickets chirping)

Somebody out there?

(crickets chirping)

(g*n clicks)

You best make yourself known

before I light you up.

(crickets chirp)

(crunching footsteps)

- Christ, Harvey, a

bit jumpy, aren't we?

- Shit.

You tryin' to get a drop on me?

You're lucky I didn't

blow your heads off.

- Yeah, that's me, Mr. Lucky.

Anything yet?

- Rawlings and Lightfoot

have been up there all day

with that Kraut.

I'm startin' to think

this whole thing's nothin'

but a waste of time.

If there was somethin' here,

it was cleared

out long time ago.

That old German's got

us on a fool's errand.

- He used to run with

the Klaus Younger crew.

Bunch of crazy

old Germans robbed

every bank and stage

from here to Texas.

Now if he says this is where

old Eric Klaus buried his loot,

I think it's worth lookin' into.

- Hmm.

If you say so.

(crickets chirp)

(spade crunches)



(spade creaks)

(crickets chirp)

(spades crunch)

- Find anything, Ben?

- Nothin'.

- Maybe we're diggin'

in the wrong spot.

- Boy's got me diggin'

five holes today already.

Maybe this whole damn

thing's just a waste of time.

(digger speaking

foreign language)

- What's he sayin'?

- Nothin' friendly to be sure.

- I said if you Americans dig

as much as you talk,

we'd be to China by now.

- Ain't likin' that

mouth on you, ole boy.

- Hey, you don't touch me,

you (speaks foreign language)!

I will k*ll you!

- [Man On Right] Hey!

- Stuff it, kid.

There ain't no Kraut

gold down there.

- You quit now, Ben,

you lose your share.

- It's fine by me.

(man in suspenders

speaks foreign language)

You say somethin', sugar?

- Yeah, I said go!

Be gone!

- Well I don't take orders

from the likes of you.

- [Man In Suspenders] Oh really?

- [Voiceover] Hey, fellas!

- [Ben] I'll kick your ass.

I'll put you in that hole--

- [Voiceover] Fellas!

- You want some of me?

I'll bury you in

that f*ckin' hole.

- [Voiceover] Hey, hey.

- [Voiceover] I think

we got somethin' here.

- (laughs) I told you!

- Shut up, man.

Help me dig.

- [Voiceover] Come on.


- [Man In Suspenders] Oh!


- This is it, Clayton, payday.



(chains rattling)

(lock rattling)

The hell?

- Looks like laundry.

- Shit!

Don't that just beat all?

The great Klaus Younger treasure

ain't nothin' but a

pile of dirty skivvies.

Too bad we listened

to you, Kraut.

(speaking foreign language)

- Wait, I feel somethin'.

(foreboding instrumental music)

- Shit, find of the decade.

Good goin', Clay.

You found yourself

a shiny new rock.

- No, Klaus wouldn't

have buried it out here

if it wasn't worth somethin'.

- [Voiceover] It, it's got

some kind of writin' on it.

- Yeah, symbols.

Bring that light here.

(speaking foreign language)

- What?

- What language you

suppose that is?

- It's ancient German.

Stones like this have existed

since the dawn of time.

And when they appear,

they bring nothing but

great evil with them.

- You can read that?

- Yeah, I know what it means.

It's a summoning stone.

- Looks like a

piece of coal to me.

- Yeah, it's coal.

Coal that was placed

into the shoes

of those who were cursed.

Those who angered the old gods.

- That is some story, ole boy.

- St. Nicholas himself

possessed just such a stone.

He stole it from the pagans.

He sent it to his

enemies as a warning.

To those who would not convert.

To those who opposed him.

- St. Nicholas?

- Yeah.

- You mean Santa Claus?

You boys hearin' this shit?

- Look, please, you

must put it back.

Please put it back.

This is not something that

you wish to trifle with.


- [Ben] Cursed stones.

Santa Claus.

Well I've heard about enough.


- [Voiceover] Hey,

hey, hey, hey!


- Get your damn

hands off it, Ben!



- Shit, look at that.

(eerie instrumental music)

- This ain't right.

- You mean that might

be worth something?

- It means we're all dead.

We're all dead men!

You stupid fools!

You have awakened him!

- Who?

- Krampus!

- (sighs) Bullshit.

That's what I say.


- What the hell is that?

- He's coming!

- I don't like this, Clay.

- You stupid fools,

we're all dead men!

You've damned us!

- Let's get outta here.

- Yeah, you called it, pardner.

(eerie instrumental music)


- Christ crucified,

what the hell is that?

- [Bald Man] Sounds

closer than before.

- I'm not stayin' to find out.

(eerie instrumental music)

(dramatic percussive music)

(pulsing heartbeat)





- Oh God!


- Get outta here!

- Clay!

- Run!


(g*n fires)

- Oh my God!

(crunching footsteps)

(eerie instrumental music)


(dramatic percussive music)



(blood splatters)

(dramatic percussive music)




(clomping footsteps)

(water splatters)

(mysterious instrumental music)

(crickets chirping)






(dark instrumental music)

(bright, cheery

instrumental music)

Oh the weather

outside is frightful

But a fire is so delightful

Since we've no place to go

Let it snow, let

it snow, let it snow

It doesn't show

signs of stoppin'

And I brought some

corn for poppin'

The lights

are turned down low

Let it snow, let

it snow, let it snow

When we finally

kiss good night

Good night

How I hate to go

out in the storm

Oh no

But if you really

hold me tight

All the way home

I'll be warm

The fire is slowly dyin'


And, my dear, we're

still goodbye-ing


As long as you love me so

Love me so

Let it snow, let

it snow, let it snow

Let it snow, let

it snow, let it snow

But as long as

you love me so

Let it snow, let

it snow, let it snow

Oh yeah

(smooth jazz music)

- Okay, according

to the nav system,

we're on the homestretch.

- How ya doin', kiddo?

- I'm okay.

- But?

- It's just weird.

It doesn't really feel

like Christmas this year.

- Lots of places don't

snow at Christmastime.

- I know.

- And aren't you excited

to see Nana and Grandpa?

- I can't even remember them.

- I know, honey.

It's been way too long

since you've seen them.

And that's one of the

reasons we're doing this.

And your cousin

Troy will be there.

- I hate Troy.

- Tommy,

we don't hate anyone, buddy.

- But he always tries

to mess with me.

- And he's a total little perv.

When they came to

visit us last year,

I caught him trying

to take pictures of me

through my window.

- That's not good.

- Well, it's been almost a year

since we last saw our my

brother and his family.

Maybe Troy's grown up.

- Well here's hopin' we can

say the same for your brother.

- Funny.

- You made it.

So good to see you, sweetheart.

- You, too, Mom.

- Hi, Will.

- Good to see you again.

- This can't be Fiona,

she's all grown up.

- Not quite.

- And Tommy.

- Hi, Grandma.

- So big.

- Hey, welcome to the casa.

- [Blonde Woman] Hey, Daddy!

- That's my girl.


- Dale.

- How was your flight?

- Oh, it was better

than the drive.

- (chuckling) I heard that.

Well maybe the next time

you all come to visit,

we can build an airstrip for ya.


- Oh stop.

- What, we don't

have enough land?

- Let's get you all settled in.

Dale, will you help

Will with the bags?

- [Dale] Yeah.

- [Grandma] Amber, I have

your old room prepared

for you and Will.

And I thought Tommy and Troy

could stay in the sun room.

And that leaves the

blue room for Fiona.

- [Amber] Perfect.

- Whoa.

- I'll say.

- Well, I see you fellas

met ole Blackfoot.

Now he's what you

call a real man-eater.

- Really?

- Yeah, when Amber was a baby

and David was a little guy,

that would've made me

about your age, Will,

when I first encountered

ole Blackfoot.

I swear, his eyes are faded now,

but, if you look real close,

you can still see

that look in 'em.

- What look is that?

- Hunger.

See, when an animal

gets a taste for man,

he goes crazy for it,

becomes an absolute beast.

He just can't get enough of it.

- This guy?

- (sighs) Yep.

Across the valley is

the Rogers' ranch.

Now, it seems ole Blackfoot

had acquired a taste

for old man Rogers' cows.

So he and his two sons decided

they were gonna put him down.

Now they picked up

his track easy enough.

But it was that night,

when they made camp,

that's when he got 'em.

- He k*lled them?

- Eviscerated would

be a better word.

He chopped those

bodies up so badly

that you couldn't tell

where one victim ended

and another one began.

- Crazy!

Is this you?

- Yeah, that's me

and ole Blackfoot.

You know, I could say

that it was due to skill,

but, really, it was pure luck.

I came across him at suppertime,

chewin' on an elk.

And it still took more

than half a dozen rounds

from my .308 to bring him down.

- Scary.

- I'll say.

Now when an animal

gets the hunger,

he becomes more than a beast.

He becomes




and if you were to

get the drop on him,

it's only because he let ya.

You see, he's lost

all fear of man.

And he just gets cocky.

(bird caws)

(dog barks)

(bird caws)

(dogs bark)

- [Voiceover] Mornin', Rog.

- Sam.

- Find the big one?

- Naw, man.

Tracks have been scarce

up by Clayton's Pass.

- Well, you just keep lookin'.

Eventually, you'll find him.

- Yeah, that I will, man.

- Sam, why the hell are you

encouragin' this nonsense?

- Nonsense?


Take a look at this.

- Lemme see.

- What does that

look like to you?

- Blurry nonsense.

- Shit, girl, you're crazy.

I took this photo

myself not two days ago.

And not a stone's throw

from Hangman's Wash.

I'm gettin' close.

I can feel it.

- Well, know what I think?

I think you need to

stop gettin' drunk

before you go huntin'.

- Later, Sam.

- Huh.

- What?

- Low fuel light just came on.

- Yeah?

- I thought we'd make it

there before running low.

Still, 600 miles is not

too bad on a single t*nk.


- [Troy] Yeah,

Dad, that's great.

Happy for you, Dad.

- Well, we still

got a ways to go,

so if nature's calling, now

would be a good time to go.

- Uh, no way am I peeing here.

- I grew up here, babe.

There's nothin' to be afraid of.

Guess I need to fill up.

- I'm sorry, cash only.

- Really?

You can't be serious.

- I'm serious.

- Shit.

You got an ATM?

- Yep.

- Great, where is it?

- It don't work.

- Well that's, that's lovely.

That's lovely.

- You, uh, got a

bathroom around here?

- Yep, but that

don't work either.

- [Troy] Well shit.


(window whirs)

- David, I don't like it here.

That strange man over there,

he keeps staring at me.

- Take it as a compliment.

Just means you still got it.

I need some cash.

What do ya got?

Let me see your purse.

- [Woman] Hey!

- Honestly?

It's a total mess.

- Sorry it's not up to

your rummaging standards.

(bird caws)

- Yep, that's it

right there, man.

Told you.

No doubt.

We're gettin' closer,

Roger, I can feel it.

- Yes we are, man.

(birds caw)

- Closer to what?

- Close to the mother lode, man.

- The mother lode?

- [Roger] Yep, yep, yep.

- Hey, take a look,

take, take a look

at that right there.

You ever seen a track

like that before?

Naw, you ain't, have ya?

You wanna know

how come you ain't

never seen a track

like that before?

Ain't no man makes

a track like that.

And no beast neither.

Tell you what,

exceptin' for him.

- Him?

- Sasquatch.

- What?

- You know, Bigfoot?

Jesus Christ.

- (chuckling) You're

kidding, right?

- No!

- Bigfoot?

- What, you don't watch

the History Channel?

- God.


20 bucks.

At least this'll

get us outta here.

- Glad to hear it.

- All right, Terry, man,

now to triangulate

this correctly,

we need to start up

on the 15 mile marker

by old Route Nine.

- That makes sense.

- Gosh, "makes sense"?

(chuckles) You

guys are priceless.

- Man, what the

hell are you doin'?

- Believe me, guys,

this is going viral.

- You need to get the

hell outta here right now.

- Make me.

- Ah, you little shit!

(Troy giggles)

- You best do what the man says.

- Get that outta my face, son.

(Troy growls)

- [Father] Come on, Troy, now.


- Wait, they're getting mad.

This is the best part.

- You best do what the man says

before they wind up cleanin' up

what's left of your ass

with a g*dd*mn spatula!

- [Troy] (giggles) Good one.

- [Father] Troy!

- Go run off to your dad, boy.

- [Troy] Have fun.

- Is that Will's car?

- It's a rental I guess.

I doubt they drove all

the way from Atlanta.

- Well, we know somebody

who doesn't care

about his carbon footprint.


Let's get this party started.

- David, come here

and give me a hug.

- [David] Hey, Mom.

- Troy.


- What?

- Get outta the car and

say hello to your family.

- (sighs) So lame.


- That must be Dave now.

- You ready for this, buddy?

- Are you?

- Hey, babe.

- Hey, Will.

- Hey, Dave.

- It's David.

- Right.

Sorry, David.

You remember Tommy?

- Of course.

How's it goin', big guy?

- Good.

- You remember your cousin Troy?

- Fiona, you are just

gorgeous, aren't you?

- Thanks, Aunt Viv.

- [David] Troy, let's

put the phone away

and join the rest

of the h*m* sapiens.

Say hello to your

uncle and your cousin.

- What's up?

- So, Tommy's in what grade now?

- Seventh.

- Seventh?

God, how time flies.

- [Voiceover] That's me.

- [Voiceover] Santa Claus

will know if you

were nice to him.

Where's your sister?

- [Troy] Shit.

- Hey, you know we are

having dinner soon.

- So?

- So, your aunt and

your grandmother

have gone to a lot of trouble

to make a meal for everyone.

- [Voiceover] She

makes Daddy angry.

- Good for them.

- [Voiceover] So

sad that she cries.

- [Voiceover] And you,

does she make you sad?

- I'm sorry about that.

He's just going

through some phase.

- Not at all.

He reminds me of his father

when he was that age.

- [Voiceover] She

makes Daddy angry.

She makes Mommy sad.

So sad that she cries.

- [Voiceover] And you,

does she make you sad?

- Want some?

- No thanks.

- [Voiceover] What

are you reading?

- [Voiceover] Oh,

this is an old story.

- [Voiceover] Older than you?

- [Voiceover] Yeah,

even older than me.

- What you guys watchin'?

- I don't know, some

Christmas thing.

- It's a Christmas story.

- [Girl On TV] Can

you read it to me?

- Yeah, 'tis the season for

gross commercialization.

- [Voiceover] And this one

used to give me nightmares.


- Troubling, isn't it?

- What's that?

- Being surrounded

by all this m*rder.

You know, for years I wouldn't

set foot in this place.

- Really?

- But then I realized I

need to be more tolerant

to those less evolved.

- Good for you.

- [Voiceover] Who's that?

- [Voiceover] Who, that?

- Hey,

is that thing real?

- I'm sure it is, Tommy.

Let's not touch it.

- It's okay, Tommy,

Grandpa wouldn't mind.

- How much this thing worth?

- I don't know, what's

gold trading for today?

Uh, it's like 50,

60 bucks an ounce.

That's easy 25, 30 ounces, so

that would be, um--

- It's more like

$1,800 an ounce.

- For this little thing?

- You guys wanna know the really

interesting part about it?

Grandpa Dale found that

on this very property.

- No shit?

- No!

Yeah, I mean.

He was panning for

gold in the creek.

These hills are full of gold.

Hey, I got an idea.

You boys ever been

pannin' for gold?

- No.

- What do ya say I show you how?

- I don't think that's

a good idea, Dave.

I mean, dinner's comin'

up here pretty soon.

- Aw, come on, Will, the creek's

a five minute walk from here.

- I don't know if I'm

up for that, Dave.

- Come on, Dad, it'll be fun.

- All right, well, ask

Grandma and your mom

if it's okay.

- We've got plenty of time.

I'll get Grandpa's panning kit.

(bell clangs)

(police band chatters)

- Hey, Fran.

So what'd your

horoscope say today?

- "You will spend another

Christmas Eve alone

"in a small dispatch station."

- Fran, it's not that bad.

Hey, just, just hear me out.

How 'bout this?

How 'bout you and

I, we'll just sing

Christmas carols to each

other over the radio?

- So how'd you got stuck

on the holiday shift?

- Uh, just lucky I guess.

- Yeah.

How's the little lady

gonna feel about that?

- Well, actually, she moved

the rest of her stuff out

last week.

- Oh, I'm sorry.

I didn't know.

I liked that one, too.

- Yeah, well, you didn't

have to live with her.

- Hey, I hear that.

- Boom!

Single life.


I gotta get back on the saddle.

You mind if I grab a cookie?

- Watch out for

falling reindeer turds.

- [Cop] All right,

reindeer turds.

All right, have a good night.

- Yeah, see ya.

(birds tweeting)

- This is stupid.

You didn't tell me how

far it was gonna be.

- Come on, son, show

a little backbone.

Not even been half a mile.

- Whatever.

- Over here looks

like a good spot.

Boys, let me show

ya how it's done.

- [Will] You know,

I never took you

for the outdoors type.

- Okay, see that?

Once you get a nice

amount like this,

just swirl the pan.

Hey, Troy, wanna give it a try?

- [Troy] Pass.

- Okay.

Tommy, how 'bout you?

- [Will] Go ahead, Tommy.

Give it a shot.

- [Tommy] Like this?

- Good, just like that.

Now try and sift through it.

Tip it so you can

drain the water out.

- [Tommy] Oh!

- Be careful.

- [Will] It's okay, Tommy.

Just go ahead and

give it another try.

(David snorts)

- Smell that?

- What?

- He's smoking again.

Hey, Troy!


I can smell that cigarette.

- [Troy] What?

I'm not smokin'.

- [David] Yeah, sure you're not.

- [Tommy] Am I doin'

this right, Dad?

- Honestly, I don't know, buddy.

I don't even think your

uncle really knows either.

- Tryin' to strike it rich?

- [Will] Hi.

- You're not gonna

get anything that way.


lemme see your pan.


Okay, so.

Without a sifter,

you wanna start

with just a little bit, like


Just put in some water.

Just a little,

yeah, there ya go.

Yeah, get some of

the dirt, yeah,

and the wet off.

There ya go.

Good job, bud.

- [Will] Oh, perfect.

Well, we appreciate the help.

- Yeah.

- I'm Will.

- Oh, Bonnie.

- [Will] This is my son Tommy.

- Nice to meet you both.

- So, I take it you're

from around here?

- Yeah, born and raised.

- Oh, very cool.

- [Bonnie] Mm hmm.

- Oh, hi.

I'm uh, I'm Dave.

- Hi, Dave, I'm Bonnie.

- Yeah, yeah, I, uh,

it's David actually.

My, my name's David.

- Mine's still Bonnie.

- (chuckles) Yeah.

- [Troy] You guys done?

This is beyond lame.

- That's, that's my boy Troy.

- Hey!

I can't find my way back alone

and I'm f*ckin' bored!

(Bonnie chuckles)

- Yeah, you know,

teenagers, right?

- Hey, this is the dumbest

thing I've ever done.


How are you doin'?

- I'm good.

- Okay, Will, I'm sure

supper's ready by now.

- [Will] Yeah.

- So, uh, it was,

it was a pleasure

meetin' you, Bonnie.

- [Bonnie] Yeah.

Yeah, it was nice to meet you.

I'll see y'all later.

- [Will] See ya around.

- Now that was one

sweet piece of ass.

- Really, is that how you

refer to women, is it?

- What?

- Let's go, come on.

- Are we going now?

- [David] Yes.

- [Troy] Thank you.

- Hey, Dad, what is that?

- [David] What?

- [Will] I don't know.

(foreboding instrumental music)

- [David] Looks like

it could be onyx maybe?

It's interesting.

- It's a rock.

- It's so smooth.

- Yeah, could be an onyx.

Can I see it?

It's light.

- It's really boring.

- Very interesting find, Tommy.

Way to go.

- Think your uncle's jealous.

(crickets chirp)

(oven beeps)

(doorbell rings)

- Hey, Bonnie.

- What do you want, Dan?

- Well, it is Christmas.

I figured I'd just

stop by and say hello.

I mean, I like what you've

done with the place.


- Hi, you need to leave.

- Why?

Is he here?

- He has a name.

- Yeah, I, I know,

but he also has a record, too.

But I bet you didn't know that.

- Seriously?

- Your man has a real lead foot.

He's had his license

suspended twice

because he doesn't

pay his fines.

- You're doing background

checks on my new boyfriend.

Do you have any idea

how creepy that is?

- Hey, look, I'm just

lookin' out for you.

- Well you need to stop

looking out for me.

It's over, Dan.

Take a hint.

(crickets chirp)


- Oh, I,

I didn't see you there.

- It's 'cause I'm not.

Just pretend you can't see me.

- 'Kay.

- Why are you so fascinated

by that stupid rock?

- I just think it's cool.

(laughing and coughing)

- Man, you're easy to impress.

Give it to me.

- Give it back, Troy!

- [Troy] What, you're gonna

tell your daddy on me?

- [Tommy] Dumbass.

(Troy chuckles)

- Troy.

Where are you?

(Troy clears throat)

You're smoking

again, aren't you?

- [Troy] (coughs) No I'm not.

- I can smell it.

- See, no cigarettes.

- Well come inside.

Your father needs your

help with his laptop.

- [Troy] Later.

- Now!

- Damn.

(sighs) Fine.

(ominous instrumental music)

(crickets chirp)

- Shit.

(g*n cocks)


I, I wasn't--

- Shut up!

- Easy.

- Hands up.

What you doin'

outside my window?

- I was just trying to--

- Save it!

- Look, if you just

let me explain.

- Ooh, what's that little thing?

- Well, that would be my--

- Turn around.

So this is how you surprise me?

- I told ya I was coming

home for Christmas.

- Mm hmm.

I should kick your ass

for sneaking up on me.

- What?

Thought you liked

games like that.

And besides, I had to make sure

I wasn't being followed.

It was kinda risky considering

your ex carries a g*n.

- f*ck that.



- What?

- You hear that?

It's the oven timer.

- Okay.

- Dinner's ready.

- And?

- You don't feel like eating?

- My mind's kind of on

other things right now.

- First rule of survival?

You gotta eat.

- [Boyfriend] Well shit.

(coyotes howling)

(crickets chirp)


(crickets chirp)

- Oh.

Oh, it's on.

You hear that, Roger?

- Oh yeah.

- Got the night vision camera?

- Right here, man.

- What about that

heat-sensin' thingamajig?

- That's a big

ten-four, ole buddy.


Isn't that a .50 cal?

- Yes it is, man.

- That's a lot of firin' power.

- Should be enough, man.

- Enough for what?

- Man, what do you

mean "for what?"

We gotta take that

son of a bitch down.

- Well, wait, wait,

you mean k*ll him?

That's the plan?

- Yeah, that's

always been the plan.

Don't tell me you have

a problem with that now.

- Well,

shit, I'don't know, maybe.

- Come on.

- He could be the

last of his kind

in the whole dang

world for all we know.

- Come on, man.

What are you, f*ckin'

Greenpeace now?

- No, I just,

sh**t' somethin'

that's one of a kind

just don't seem right.

- It don't seem right?

Well obviously you ain't

never heard of Darwin,

you know, natural

selection and shit.

- Did he used to

drive that blue Chevy?

- What, man?


Darwin was like 1,000 years ago

or somethin', man.

Talked about survival

of the fittest.


So the way I see

it is if this thing

really is just runnin'

around out there,

last of its kind,

shit, man,

we're just takin' our part

in the natural

selection of things.

- I don't know.

- Look at it like

this then, okay?

What if he is out

there and, you know,

we find him,

what are we gonna do then, man?

- Well, I,

we'll be the famous as shit boys

who found Bigfoot.

- Man, not if we

can't prove it, man.

We'll end up just goin' home,

same laughingstock

we are right now.

- We're a laughingstock?

- Come on, Terry, what?

How can you be so

disconnected, man?

- Well, I, I--

- You don't hear

all that laughter?

All them murmurin' people

do underneath their breath

when you walk by?


- Guess I never noticed.

- Yeah, well I do.

And everybody thinks it, man.

- Thinks what?

- Man, they think, "Here

come Roger and Terry, man.

"Two guys who are

gonna find Bigfoot.

"Couple of f*ckin' screws

loose in their head," they say.

- I never knew.

But, hey, we got a camera.

We got a heat-sensin'


They're gonna have

to believe us.

- Man, nobody's gonna have

to believe anything, man.

That's not gonna be good enough.

Not even close.

All right?

We got no options.

No matter which way

you look at it, man,

this boy's goin' down.

- All right, so

what you're sayin'

is it's him or us.

- Yeah.

- Well, f*ck it.

Guess you're right.

- No, man, I am right.

Now let's go.

(engine rumbles)

(crickets chirp)

(owl hoots)

- Merry Christmas, baby.

- Merry Christmas to you.

(crickets chirp)

- [Dale] You know, you

don't have to do that, Will.

- [Will] It's no problem.

- You're a good man.


- [Will] What is that stuff?

- Well now, this

is Mr. Dale Henderson's

personal reserve.

- Moonshine?

(Dale chuckles)

Why not?

- Good answer.

(glasses clink)


- Oh God.

- Makes the hair on your

balls stand up, doesn't it?

- I'll say.

Wow. (coughs)

- Want another one?

- Absolutely.

- Still can't get

signal out here.

- Honey, give that thing a rest.

(Troy sighs)

- Oh, oh, oh shit.

- What the hell?

(Troy giggles)

- Troy, what are you doing?

- He was filming me again.

- Go to bed, Troy.

(Troy chuckles)

(Troy sighs)

- You're kidding, right?

The pet rock.

You're sleepin' with it now?

- Leave me alone.

(Troy chuckles)

- Whatever.

You know, your

sister's pretty hot.

- She's your cousin.

- So?

It's legal in some places.

Got a signal, finally!

- Now if you only

had someone to call.

- Shut up.

(crickets chirp)

- [Roger] Wow, man.

- [Terry] What?

- Keep it down.

- You talked first!

- [Roger] Shh, Terry,

keep it down, man.

- Dagnabbit, what?

- He's out here, man.

I can feel it.

- I don't feel nothin',

I don't feel shit.

- No, man.

He's definitely been out here.

Matter of fact,

he's still here.

You can bet on it.

Oh, man, do you see that?

(dramatic instrumental music)

- No!

- [Roger] Right there

in them bushes, man.

A dead man coulda seen that.

- God damn it, wait for me!

(g*n fires)

- Damn, man.


It's a rabbit, man.


- That's you, Rog,

that's Peter Cottontail.

- f*ck, man.


- Oh God, oh you should,

you shoulda seen your face.

Oh g*dd*mn, your

brow all gruesome,

lookin' mean as a rattlesnake.

"He, he's here, Terry.

"I, I got him."

Oh g*dd*mn, what

a hoot. (laughs)

- Ha, ha, Terry, man.

Funny as always.

- Oh my God!

Oh, oh, wait, wait

until I tell people.

No, no, there he was, ole Rog,

facin' down the

creature, fearless,

regular f*ckin' Sylvester

Stallone he was.

Put Grizzly Adams

to shame with that.

- Have your laugh, Terry.

(distant roaring)

Swear to God, man.


You hear that, man?

- What was that?

- I don't know, man.

It sounds like it's

gettin' closer.

- Sounds like a stampede.

- Wait.

Is it gone?

(eerie instrumental music)

- I'm not likin' this.

- Me neither, man.

- I think we should

head back to the truck.

- Yeah, I'm all right with that.

(pulsing heartbeat)

- Rog?



- That was.

- Yeah it was.

- [Boyfriend] Yeah.

- I'll be right back.



- Okay, what the hell?

(suspenseful instrumental music)

Is someone there?

(suspenseful instrumental music)

(muffled roaring)

(dark instrumental music)

(crickets chirp)

- James?


(eerie, suspenseful

instrumental music)

Babe, where'd you go?

(chomping and slurping)



(dramatic instrumental music)

(g*n cocks)

(g*n fires)

(g*n fires)

(g*n fires)




(eerie instrumental music)

- Whoa.

(eerie instrumental music)

This is too weird.


- I, uh, I gotta tell

you somethin', Dale.

This, this is some

really good stuff.

- (chuckles) You

might wanna sit down

before you fall down.

- I'm okay.


- [Bonnie] Mr. Henderson!

It's Bonnie Tyler,

you gotta let me in!

- [Voiceover] The noise?

- You expectin' somebody?

- No.

- [Bonnie] Mr. Henderson,

please open the door!

Please open the door!


Mr. Henderson,

please open the door!

Please open the door!

Please let me in!

- Bonnie, are you okay.

- You gotta call 911 right now.

- What, why?

- Please just let me in!

- [Will] What's goin' on?

- Something att*cked us

and now James is dead.

- Bonnie, why are you

dressed in a bathrobe?

- [Bonnie] You got a land line?

- Yeah, it's right

through the kitchen.

(Bonnie gasping)

- Damn it, pick up,

pick up, pick up.

(phone beeps)

- Two sheets, guys?


All right, I'm comin'.

(phone beeps)

South Tower 911, what

is your emergency?

- Yes, you gotta send help.

I, I'm at my neighbor's.

Um, I've been att*cked

by some kind of creature,

and now my boyfriend is dead.

- Come again, ma'am?

You said a creature

k*lled your boyfriend?

- I fired a ton of buckshot

but it just kept coming.

- Everything okay out here?

- Okay.

And what is your name

and location, ma'am?

- [Voiceover] Bonnie Tyler.

614 North Desert Vista Drive.

- Okay, Bonnie, got it.

Now just stay on

the line with me.

- Well are you sending someone?

Call Trooper Shelling,

he's a friend of mine.

- Dad, you gotta see this.

- Not now, Tommy.

- But, Dad.

- Dale, where are you going?

- I'm gonna go out and

take a look around.

- I'll come with you, Dale.

- No, sweetie, I don't

think that's the best idea.

- It's okay, Amber.

I'll make sure he

doesn't get k*lled.

- You be careful

yourself out there, Dale.

- Well wait for me.

- Why?

- [David] So I can

stop you from sh**ting

the first thing that moves.

(g*n cocks)

- 111, this is dispatch.

You got your ears on?

- This is 111, go for, dispatch.

- Hey, Dan, I got

a weird one for ya.

- What's that?

- Woman claims her

boyfriend was att*cked

by some kind of

creature or somethin',

animal of some kind I guess.

- Okay, have you called

in search and rescue?

- Not yet.

Could be a crank.

Thought you might wanna

check it out for yourself

before I call in the cavalry.

- Okay, ten-four.

Hey, what's the 20?

- Uh,

614 North Desert Vista Drive.

- Wait, that, that's

Bonnie Tyler's place.

- Yeah.

She said she was

a friend of yours.

- Okay, ten-four,

stand by, dispatch,

I'm on my way.

(siren wails)

(crunching footsteps)

(eerie instrumental music)

- Shine that light over there.

- You see something?

- (sighs) No.

I can't see or

hear a damn thing.

- That's good, right?

- No, it's like somethin'

scared everything off

of this damn mountain.

- Hey, Dale, I think we

should go back to the house.

- Yeah, Dad, I'm with

Will on this one.


- Did you hear that?

(dramatic instrumental music)

(heartbeat pulses)


(suspenseful instrumental music)

I got somethin'.

- [David] What is that?

(eerie instrumental music)

- Is that cow tracks?

- Have you ever seen a

damned two-legged cow?

- [Will] All right, this

is gettin' really spooky.

We need to go back to the house.

- [Dale] Yeah, I

think you're right.

(suspenseful instrumental music)


(suspenseful instrumental music)

- The house is this way.


(suspenseful instrumental music)


(exciting instrumental music)

(fleshy squishing)


Oh God!

(exciting instrumental music)

(g*n clicks)

(exciting instrumental music)

(fleshy thunk)


(intestines splatter)


(dramatic instrumental music)

- [Fiona] Mom, what's going on?

- Uh, we don't quite

know yet, sweetheart.

- Who's she?

And where's Daddy?

(door slams)

(David gasping)

- We gotta get outta here!

- Where's Will and your father?

- They, they're gone, Mom.

- What, what does that

mean, "they're gone"?

- Look, we gotta get

everybody in the cars

and get out of here.

- No, David, hold on!

Where is my husband?

- Everyone, please.

- Where is Will?

- They're dead!


Both of them ripped to shreds

by whatever that is out there!

- What?

No, no way.

- I'm on the phone

with the police.

- That's great, but trust me,

we don't wanna stay here.

- We're safer here

than we are out there.

- And we'd be safer still

going 100 miles an hour

away from this place, come on!

- I am not leaving here

without your father.

- Me neither.

- Dad is dead!

Okay, Mom?

Him and Will both!

- I'll get Troy.

- [Grandma] Get out

of the way, David.

- What are you doing?

- Get out of my way, David.

- No.

What is your name?

- [Bonnie] Bonnie.

- Bonnie, you saw this thing.

Will you please tell

my mother and sister

how bad an idea it is to go

lookin' around out there?

- He's right.

If he saw the same

thing that att*cked us,

it's too late.

- Hello?


Are you still there?

- Yeah, I'm here, um,

but two other people

have gone missing.

- I heard a lot of shouting.

Make sure everyone

stays in the house.

Secure all your

doors and windows,

but don't leave.

Help is on the way.

- I'll try.

- I gotta find Daddy.

- Move!

- [David] Mom! Tommy!

Amber, Fiona, get over here!

(siren wails)

(crickets chirp)

(dark instrumental music)

- 111 requestin' back-up.

We're gonna need a

cadaver unit out here.

(crickets chirp)

- Dale!

- Will?


- Dad?

We've gotta find Daddy.

- Tommy, come back here!

- Dale, where are you?

(phone chatters)

- Hey.

(phone chatters)


- The f*ck, Dad?

- Unbelievable.

Are you this disconnected

from reality?

All hell is breaking

loose out there

and you're playing

your stupid game!

- Whatever.

- Move!


- All right, enough

with the yelling.

- Car's leavin' in 30 seconds

and you're gonna be in it.

- [Troy] Shit!

(eerie instrumental music)

- Amber!




(ominous instrumental music)

(thudding footsteps)



(fleshy thunk)

- These are mine but I

think they'll fit you.

- Thank you.

- Okay, baby, go get your stuff.

We'll leave, okay?

- [Viv] 'Kay.

- Fiona, you're gonna

come with us, okay?

- The police want

us to stay here.

- Well that's because

they have no idea

what they're dealing with.

Do they?

- f*ck it.

We're leaving.

- No, ma'am,

do not leave the premises.

I have to insist ya

stay on the line.


(phone beeps)

(dial tone drones)


- f*ck, where's Troy?


- Comin'.


- Dad, Grandpa?

- Tommy, you stay close to me!

(dramatic instrumental flourish)

- What is that?

(dark instrumental music)

- No, Tommy!

- Dad?

- We have to go.





- Mom?

- Run, Tommy, run! (weeping)




- Mom!



Where's your grandma

and your mom?

- Okay, buddy, you come with us.

- Where's Mom and Grandma?

- That all you guys?

- [Fiona] Yeah.

- Now we gotta use

gas guzzlers again.

(engine cranks)

(tires crunch)

(tires screech)


(engine rumbles)

- Slow down, you're

going too fast.

(exciting instrumental music)

(engine rumbles)


- Honey, please!

- Slow down before

you k*ll all of us!

- Shut up, shut up, shut up!

- Don't you tell me to shut up.

- You're distractin' me!

(engine rumbles)

Keep it up and I guarantee you

we're gonna have an accident!

- Look out!

(tires squeal)

(shattering crash)



- Everyone okay?

- No, Dad.

- Everyone alive at least?



It's on foot from here I guess.

- Great plan, Uncle Dave.

- You got a better one, Fiona?

How far is it to town from here?

- The fastest way'll

be through the desert.

Let's go, go.

- Viv.


(ominous instrumental music)

Oh my God.


- Mom?

- [David] No, no, no.

(melancholic instrumental music)


- [Troy] You k*lled her.

You f*cking freak,

you k*lled her!

You k*lled my mother.

(fleshy smack)

- Hey, Troy!

- Come on, man.

- [Troy] Get your damn

hands off me, lady!

- Son, please,

I'm so sorry.

(melancholic instrumental music)

- We gotta go.

That thing's still out there.

- Too late, he's already here.

- Okay, Mister, time

to snap out of it.

Let's go.

- No, you go, get

the kids to safety.

- Mister, there is brave,

and there's stupid.

Let's go.

- Go!


(kids shout)

(suspenseful instrumental music)

(pulsing heartbeat)

(David shouts)



(dramatic instrumental music)

(tires crunch)


- [Dan] State police!


State police, I'm coming in!

State police!

State police, come out

with your hands up.

111 to dispatch.

- Go ahead.

- This place is deserted.

There's nobody here.

- Yeah, the woman hung up on me.

How do you wanna proceed?

- Uh, right now

I'm not too sure.

Any word on my back-up

and that cadaver unit?

- I've called everyone,

from the Forest Service

to the Country Sheriff.

Word's gone out but

all they'll tell me

is they're en route.

- You gotta be kiddin' me.

- It's Christmas Eve, Dan.

What do you want me to say?

- Look, just, just

keep me posted, okay?

- Be careful out there, Dan.

Somethin' strange is goin' on.

(crickets chirp)

(crunching footsteps)

(Troy gasping)

- [Tommy] Come on,

Troy, hurry up.

- Eat me.

- The monster'll do that for me

if you don't hurry up.

- If you lose that

backpack, we'll move faster.

- Yeah, what's in there anyways?

- Don't worry about it.

- Come on, guys,

we're almost at Old

Man Coop's place.

From there, we can catch

a ride back into town.

Tommy, help him.

- Come on.

- I don't need your

help, half-pint.

- Come on, let's move,

come on, come on!

(dog barking)

(fence rattles)


Hey, Coop, you home?

It's Bonnie.


Hey, Coop.

- Bonnie, what the hell are

you doin' out here, girl?

- I'd tell ya, but I don't think

you'd believe us.

- Friends of yours?

- Listen, we need

to get into town.

You still got that old

beater truck of yours?

- She don't run.

Hasn't since last winter

when her engine froze up on me.

- Well that's just wonderful.

- Well, come on in.

- Go ahead, go.

Go, move!

- [Coop] The place is

a bit cramped but, uh,

do your best to make

yourselves to home.

- We really can't stay,

there's somethin' after us.

- There's an evil moon

in the sky tonight.

I've seen this once before.

- [Bonnie] When?

- I was a young

man, just about, uh,

the age of this feller.

I'd taken up with a g*ng

of treasure hunters.

(discordant rumblings)

Our leader was a fella

named Clay Olson.

And he met this German

that claimed to know

the location of the

Klaus Younger loot.


- Who's Klaus Younger?

- Klaus and Younger were

a pair of Hessian outlaws,

said to be the deadliest

pistols of their day.

They robbed every bank,

stage, train, and pay house

from here to Santa Fe.

So you can imagine

our excitement

when we thought we'd

found their stash.

- Did you find it?

- [Coop] Yeah,

but let's just say

it wasn't what we expected.

- This is it, Clayton, payday.



- [Clayton] What the hell?

- Looks like laundry.

- [Clayton] Wait,

I feel somethin'.

- [Coop] Looked like a bust.

All we found was this

slick black stone

about the size of a football.

- Wait, you, you

mean like, like this?

- My rock.

- Where'd ya get that?

- I found it this

afternoon at the creek

by my granddad's house.

- Well that's the one,

and that's why the

Krampus is chasin' you.

- The Krampus?

- All these years, the

Krampus has laid in wait.

Now, somehow, one of

y'all's waken him.

- Christ, Coop, this

is crazy, even for you.

- I don't get it.

How can a stupid

rock cause all this?

- 'Cause it ain't

no ordinary rock.

- What's that?

- I searched high

and low to find this.

I spent a whole lotta time.

I knew for sure that one

day it'd come in real handy.

Ah, here we are.

Well now, that there is what's

called the summonin' stone.

In ancient times, it was used

to bring evil spirits

into the world.

Trouble is, very few learned how

to control the

creature once summoned.

Legend says Cleopatra was one.

St. Nicholas the other.

- Santa?

- Don't tell me you

believe in Santa Claus.

- No, every legend's

based on a shred of truth.

- Does this book tell

us how to control him?

Like St. Nicholas?

- No, but it does tell

us how to stop him.

- Great, how?

- Well here you

have your elements.

Earth, fire, and water.

Now it's fire that awakens him.

One mere spark hits the stone,

then it brings

the curse to life.

- But how do we

reverse the curse?

- Well, he must be returned

to the Netherworld.

Buried under stone and earth.

Once his thirst for

blood is quenched,

he'll return himself, as

he did all those years ago.

But since he's still chasin' ya,

it's clear that he's

not finished yet.

- So,

so we have to bury him then.

Great idea.

Anyone got a shovel?

- Just a stone's throw from here

is the entrance to

the Vulture Mine.

It was closed back in the 1880's

when the diggers

hit the water table.

- This is really crazy.

- How are we supposed to

get him to go in there?

- Well, that's the easy part.

The Krampus is

drawn to the stone.

If we bring that with

us into the mine,

and, rest assured, he'll follow.

We'll bring him close,

we light the fuse,

and run like hell,

and we bring the whole

mountain down on him.

- Light the fuse?

- Yeah, dynamite.

- No, no, this is the dumbest

thing I've ever heard.

Coop, our best bet

is to get to town

and get some help.

- What kind of help you

reckon you'll find there?

b*ll*ts won't k*ll him.

Hell, an A-b*mb won't.

Now you're the folks

that's woken him up.

And that's who he's after.

So even if you make it to town,

a lot of good people

are gonna die.

- Then we have to stop him.

- Well I've studied the

Krampus all my life,

and I know that the

only way to stop him

after he's awoken

is to send him back

to the depths of hell.

People said I was crazy,

but I knew that

one day he'd awaken

and come back to

finish what he started.

And, at long last,

that time is here.

- What in the hell?

(ominous instrumental music)


- It only glows like

that when he's close.

It's time to move!

All right, let's go.

- [Bonnie] I still

don't like this, Coop!

(eerie instrumental music)

(coyotes howling)

(crunching footsteps)

- All right, this is it.

Stay close.

- [Bonnie] It's okay, go ahead.

(dark, suspenseful music)

- I can't.

f*ck this, I need a break.

- Here, I can hold it.

- [Troy] Get away!

- Hey, come on.

- f*ck off.

- Fine, come on, Tommy.

Fiona, keep movin'.

(crunching footsteps)

- Fran, back-up, now!

- This here is the spot.

Now let us plant

us some dynamite.

(wind moans)

(lighter clicks)

(crunching footsteps)


- [Troy] f*ck!

(exciting instrumental music)


- Well that should do it.

Blow this here pillar

and the whole dang cave

should come down.

- What, you're gonna

blow this place up

with us in here?

- Well I'm gonna blow it,

but by the time the fuses go,

we'll be home free.

- Sure about that, Coop?

(exciting instrumental music)

- [Troy] He's coming.

- Bonnie, go on and

get 'em outta here, go.

- Run.

- That's the best way, go!

- [Bonnie] Go!

(exciting instrumental music)





- Aha!

- [Bonnie] Run, run,

run, run, go, go, go!

(exciting instrumental music)

- I'll see you in hell, demon.

(flame crackles)


(shattering boom)

(birds caw)

(dramatic instrumental music)

- I'll be damned.

Call for back-up.

Are you guys okay?

- Merry Christmas, Dan.

- Is there anybody

else out there?

- Troy.

- Okay, all right,

come on, come on, guys,

let's go, come on, come on.

111 to dispatch, I

have 'em, they're safe.

Send a second unit.

Come on, guys.

Come on.

(dramatic instrumental music)

(birds tweet)

(birds caw)

- f*ck.


(birds caw)

The f*ck?

(birds caw)

(Troy gasps)



(exciting instrumental music)


(crunchy squishing)

(dark instrumental music)

(thrilling instrumental music)
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