Special Delivery (2000)

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Special Delivery (2000)

Post by bunniefuu »

Now, you have
a good night's sleep,

And you dream wonderful dreams.

Daddy, when is
my new sister coming?

Right at christmas, honey.

Are you super sure
she isn't inside mommy

Like I was?

Now, we've already
talked about that.

After you were born,

Mommy and I couldn't
have any more babies,

But if we wanted to make
a bigger family,

We could still adopt one.


Adoption is when the baby grows
in her parents' heart

Instead of her mommy's tummy.

And she's from far, far away?

That's right.

In a country called indonesia.

Can I babysit her?

I think you probably can.

But I don't want to change
her poo-poo diapers.

Ew! Gross!

Got it.

Oh, you got it back.

Okay, well, you go
to sleep now, okay?

Give us a kiss.



Will she stay with us
forever and ever

And never leave?

Forever and ever.


I promise.

You go to sleep now.

I love you.

And number , lloyd stedman.

Scores! Yes!

With an assist
from little vladimir.

Vladimir, wait a minute.

You know what?

I'm going to call you
wayne today.

We haven't had
a wayne gretzky here

In over a week,

So you're going to be
a little wayne gretzky.

Yes. Yes.

Oh, I didn't mean to offend you,
little gordie.

Little boo-boo.

And you too, mr. Lemieux.

It's just that wayne
is in a league all by himself,

You know what I mean?

Just like little
mr. Bobby orr here.

Yes, you are,
you're in a league...

All by yourself.

Now it's nap time.

Nap time.

I know. I know. I know.


Yes? Yes? Yes?

Lloyd, we're almost ready
in the conference room.

Oh, right.

I've got the full order, okay?

Everybody's favorites.

And this time, no--
no screw-ups.

I swear every family
wants their baby at christmas,

And christmas
is just three days away,

But I don't have to
tell you people

That we have built a reputation

By providing
first-class service,

No matter what the obstacles,

So we're all
going to have to pitch in.

Okay, turkey club, no mayo.

You'll all be paid overtime,
of course.

And I know you're looking
to lower your salt intake,

So what I did was
I got you a blt

With a low-sodium bacon.

Rodney, I'll need you
to take the james twins

On the florida run,

With a stop in dallas
on the way

With the thompson girl.

Dean, you can take

The one-year-old
and the girard baby,

And then stop in madison
on the way to chicago.

And judy will have to go east
with the beck baby.

Okay, who got
the tuna?

That would be you.

Here's your tuna.

I hate to complicate
everyone's holiday,

And if there were any other way,
I wouldn't be asking...

I mean, you just like
to nibble, right?

But we all have to
make sacrifices.

Okay, then, people,
you have your assignments.

And for mrs. W.,
I do have something special--

A reuben with extra sauerkraut
on toasted...


Pickle on the side, all right?

I'll be in my office.

Well, that's not
a real tasty sandwich, is it?

Now can I tell you
my surprise?

Okay, knowing
I don't do that well

With surprises.

As it turns out,

The little sister
that sam was talking about

Is actually going to be
a little brother.

The baby's a boy.

What's wrong?



I was--i was, um...

I was just prepared
for a little girl.

Can the agency
just go and do that?

Little wings
never guaranteed us a girl.

It was just more likely.

But isn't it wonderful?

Yeah, I guess.

Jack, we're getting
a baby

Who needs a good home
and a lot of love,

And that's all
that matters.

Of course. Yes.


I'm going to have a son.

And you're going to be

The greatest father
a son could ever have.

And you are even
going to change

His poo-poo diapers.

Ew! Gross!

Lloyd, there has been
an accident.

Yeah, I know.

I actually just cleaned it up,
so don't worry about it.

No, no. Not that.

Rodney's been
in a car accident.

He's in the hospital.

Oh, no. Rodney?

He's going to be fine,

But his absence creates
quite a dilemma.

I'm now forced to handle
his deliveries myself,

Which leaves judy

Managing the incoming
orphans from guatemala.

The problem is

I've no one left
to deliver the beck baby.


Well, I wish there was some way
I could help.

There is, lloyd.

We'd like you
to deliver the baby.


Why not?

You're a natural.

The babies love you,

And you've put in
your time around here.

Well, that's...


I mean, if you think I'm ready,

I would do anything
for the little wings agency.

You know that.

I mean, this place
is like family to me.

That's a lovely
sentiment, lloyd.

Just try not
to screw it up.

This is
a big responsibility.

Yes, it is.

Yeah, it--very big.

It's--it's really, really,

Really, really, really...


Well, I'll leave you two, to
work out the details.

Good luck, lloyd.

So where am I
taking the baby?

You're delivering the baby
to a family in connecticut.


Yeah, connecticut.

Isn't that, like,
far away?

You can handle it.

All you've got to do

Is pick up the baby
at the airport,

Get on a plane,
fly to bridgeport, connecticut,

And hand the baby
over to the becks.

Wait a minute,
an airplane?

Well, that's not
a problem?


No, no, no.

I love it.
I love to fly.

Just spread my wings
and fly.

Jack and robyn beck.

They've been trying to adopt
for over a year,

So you are going to make
their christmas.


This is the baby's arrival time,
your tickets to connecticut,

And all the necessary paperwork
for immigration.


You're going to pick up the baby
tomorrow morning

From malika tempe.

She's the baby courier
from indonesia.

Lax international

I think that's everything.

Lloyd, what's wrong?


Oh, it's--actually, I'm...


You know what--

I am not going
to let you down, judy,

You or little wings agency,

I swear.


Thank you.

Oh, wow.




It's for you,

Your very own uniform.




Try it on.


Oh, can you--


I like that.

Lloyd stedman, baby courier.

You go get 'em, tiger.

Flight from indonesia...


Only in six more hours.

How's it going?

You, uh, a hockey fan?

I'm late! I'm late!

I'm late!

Excuse me, sir.

Only authorized personnel
are allowed in.

Get security.

please remain seated

until the captain

has turned off
the fasten-seatbelt sign.

Okay, good day.

Good day. Good morning.

Sir, you're not
supposed to be--

That's okay.
Official business.

What business?

It's a baby...business.

Is there a malika tempe here?

Malika tempe?

I'm malika.

Okay. Hi.

Lloyd stedman,
little wings courier,

At your service.

Lloyd stedman?

Is this the little guy?

Yeah. He's all yours.

Oh, look at you!


Okay, you ready to go?

Right now?

Yeah. Let's go.

Maybe we should--

That's right.

Here, I'll grab this
and you can--

Make a path, please,



Vip coming through.

flight to dallas
will be delayed...


Yes. I am a courier

For the little wings
adoption agency.

I am here
to take this new little baby

To his new little family
in connecticut.

Your papers.



I know they're not in there.

I must have left them at home!

Oh, I am such an idiot!

Lloyd? Lloyd?


They're in your back pocket.

Malika, thank you!

I owe you for this.

I swear,
I will never forget this.

Thank you, malika.
Thank you.

Lloyd stedman.

Okay. Woops.

Okay, um...

I guess I'll take him from here.

Are you sure you're okay?

You look a little pale.

Right, right.

I'm just, um, you know,
rookie jitters, that's all,

But I'm fine.

I'm right as rain, so...yeah.


Thank you.

Goodbye, little angel.

Safe journey.

Take care, lloyd.

Thank you.


Well, looks like
it's me and you, little buddy.

Come here, sweetie.

Let's see.

I'm going to go get
a magazine

To read on the plane.


Me and tiny theresa
are coming, too.

Okay, get her
all tucked in.



Let's go.

Oh, look, there's santa.


Go see if there's
anything you'd like.



Hi, sweetie.

I'm going to go ask mommy
for some money

So we can buy some candy,

Okay, theresa?

i'll miss you.

Go to sleep now.

We have a very long flight.


Can I help you, sir?

I hope so.

You see, I've never really
flown before,

And, to be perfectly honest,

I'm having a little bit
of a problem with it.

As you can see,

I'm sweating
like a pig here,

And my head is spinning,

And I feel like

I'm going to chuck up

The pineapple
pepperoni pizza...

I probably
should not have eaten.

Do you have anything
that might...

Help me?

Well, we don't really
have anything here to help you,

But I have
a special herbal remedy

From home--

Ginger root--

to settle your stomach.

How much
do I owe you?

Oh, don't worry about it.

Wow, that's very nice of you.

Good luck.

Yeah, I know,
I'm going to need it.


Come on, buddy,
move it.

Oh, dear.

Okay, why don't I
show you to your seat, sir?

Actually, I'm...

I feel good.

I'm going to--

I think I'll be here.

I'll stay here for now.

Well, I won't be able
to do my job

If you're standing
in the middle of the aisle.

Okay, then.



I'll just--
I'll take this, okay?

If you'll
just follow me...



ladies and gentlemen,
please take your seats

so that we may depart
on schedule.

thank you.

I'll just put
your bundle here.


You're going to have to
remove your bag, sir.


Your package.


Um, can I help you with...

Yeah. Pull.

No, no. My hand.

Pull. Pull.

Now, just your seatbelt.

Okay. Sorry.

I'm sorry.

Okay, now
you're safe and secure.



If you need anything,

Just push this button
right here.

Yeah. Okay.


I'm just checking.

Okay. All right.


Yes, blaire?

Tiny theresa's alive.

That's nice, dear.

And she's changed color.


And she has a penis.



Do the wings ever
just fall off these puppies

For no apparent reason?

Not to the best of my knowledge,
mr. Stedman.

Good to know.

ladies and gentlemen,
please remain seated

as we are climbing
to an altitude of , feet.

First flight?

That obvious?

Lois shermke.

Oh, hi. Lloyd.
Lloyd stedman.

Is that your baby
hiding under there?

No, no, no.

You see,
I'm a baby courier.

This little tyke

Is going to family
in connecticut.

How sweet.


He's a quiet little fellow,
isn't he?


Do you mind
if I take a peek?

No. Not at all.

Just don't
wake him up. Please.

It's a doll!

Yeah, he sure is.

It's a tiny theresa doll!

hello. My name is theresa.

what's yours?

Where is the beck baby?

please change me.

Where is the beck baby?

Where is the beck baby?

Well, I'm sure it's somewhere.

Where's the beck baby?

I don't know.

The beck baby, the beck baby!

Where is the beck baby?

[ Telephone ringing ]

Little wings.
Judy norman speaking.





lloyd, speak up.

i can barely hear you.

How's the baby?

The baby...

That's what I'm calling about.

Is there a problem?


except i...

What, what, what is it?



Left him in los angeles!


I'm such an idiot!

Lloyd, just calm down.


Tell me exactly what happened.

I got to the airport
a little bit early, okay,

And I ate some pizza,

I played mop hockey with pete
till dawn,

Had some pancakes,

Went to the bathroom,
read hockey news,

Ate more pizza,
drank a quart of coffee,

ran up and down the concourse
like I had something to do

when I really didn't have
anything to do.

Finally, the plane arrived.

I met malika,
who's really nice, by the way.

i like her--good lady.

I said goodbye to malika.

She took me through customs--

And then I boarded the plane
at gate .

Did you stop anywhere
before you boarded the plane?

Think, lloyd.

Oh, no. No. Yes!

Yes, I did, actually,
at a newsstand.

Did you put the baby down?

no. Wait a minute--
yes, I did.

I mean, I put him down,
but I picked him right back up.

I would never
leave a baby anywhere.

I would never do that!

I picked it right back up!

Where is that newsstand?


Outside gate .

Okay, good.

I've got to go.

Call me
when you get to bridgeport.


please change me.

Hold up the sign, samantha.

Okay. Hurry, hurry, hurry.

(M move.



hello. My name is theresa.
what's yours?

[ Telephone ringing ]

Lloyd, we have him.

Oh, thank god.

Thank god, thank god, thank god.

Thank god! Yes!

yes, yes, yes!

Lloyd? Lloyd! Lloyd!

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Get ahold of yourself.

Now, I left a message
for the becks,

But they must have
already left for the airport,

so your mission
is to find them,

have them call me on my cell,

got it?

I have to talk to them?

Lloyd, just find them.

will be delayed.
flight to st. Louis

that's flight to st. Louis,

Excuse me...


Hi. I noticed
that you're holding

A sign that says
"the becks."

That's right.

Does that mean
that you are the becks,

Or that
you're looking for the becks?

We are the becks.


Wait a minute.

Are you
from the little wings agency?


Oh, boy!

Oh, boy, am I
glad to see you!

We thought
you missed your flight.

My wife's checking
on the passenger list,


I'm sorry.

I didn't even see
you had a bassinet.

Is that my son?

Actually, it's a doll.

I'll bet he is.

No, no. It's not real.

Tell me about it.
I can hardly believe it myself.

Hey, can I take a peek?

The flight attendant

Told me the
strangest thing.

Honey, it doesn't matter.

This is...

Lloyd stedman.

It's lloyd stedman.

He's from
the little wings agency.

Did you bring us...

A doll?

Of course he did.

What a question!

Sorry. We've been under
a lot of stress.

It's a tiny theresa doll.

It's a what?

Now, hold on a sec.

Explain this to me again.

well, lloyd never
quite got

your son
on the plane.

Why not?

well, that's
a complicated story.

Well, you can
uncomplicate it for me.

Un--un--unfortunately, he...

He accidentally
confused your son

With a little girl's
tiny theresa doll,

and made the switch.

Made the switch?

But the good news, mr. Beck,

Is that--
is that your baby is...

Is fine,

And as soon as mr. Stedman
faxes me the paperwork,

We can get him
out of quarantine.


he's on his way
to st. John's hospital

In santa monica.

his original medical records,

The baby isn't allowed
to stay in the country,

So if you could just
send me those papers

As soon as possible,

We can get your baby
to connecticut

first thing
tomorrow morning.

You'd better hope so,

or your company

will be looking at
a negligence suit.

Do I make myself clear?



I can't believe this.

Where's the baby?

In l.a. At st. John's hospital.

Is he sick?

No, no.
He's in quarantine.


Because stedman screwed up

And switched our baby
with a doll.

Calm down, honey.

I can't calm down.

I'm out of my mind.

Where's samantha?

With lloyd.

More like this. Watch.



Lloyd is teaching me
how to foam.

That's swell, honey.

Me too.

Lloyd, I would like
my baby's paperwork.

Oh, sure.

Right here.

Wait a minute.
Where is it?

Oh, I had it
with the airplane ticket.

Oh, no!

Lloyd, what?

In all the confusion,
I think I left it on the plane.

I have to get on that plane.

I'm sorry, sir.

The plane has already
left the gate.

Well, then stop it,

Because there's
an important document onboard.

I'm afraid that's
impossible, sir.

Our cleanup crews have already
gone through that plane.

You might want to speak
to janitorial.


Any luck?

I must have searched
through , pounds of trash.

It's gone.

The most important thing
is that our baby's safe, right?

I guess.

So there's a small delay

While they finish
the w paperwork.

It's not the end of the world.

Lloyd looks so sad.

I'm sure he feels
worse than we do.

You're mean, daddy.

It's christmas,

Try to be nice?

Come on, let's go
talk to lloyd.

You didn't find
them, did you?


Try not to worry, lloyd.

You know,
we all make mistakes.


Let's go, becks.

Bye, lloyd.


Bye, samantha. Hey...

Merry christmas.

Look, mommy.

My own tiny theresa doll.

Robyn, can we please go?

Merry christmas, lloyd.


Mommy, where's lloyd
spending the night?

I don't know, sweetie.

I think he should
spend the night

At our house.

No. Grandma and grandpa
are staying the night.

There's no room
for lloyd.

That's what everybody said
to jesus's parents,

And he had to be born
in a dirty old stable.

When did I become
the wicked innkeeper?

She has a point, jack.

Please, daddy?

One night.

Thanks, daddy!

Lloyd, would you like
to spend the night at our house?

I can't believe this.

I could have sworn
I left it in this row.

Well, don't be
so hard on yourself, jack.

I know what it's like
to lose something.

I certainly can relate
to what you're going through.

Was it "w "?

Could it have been "m"?

Would you like a sip
of my jumbo gulp there?

Sugar might help
clear your head.

No, I'm--

Definitely not, lloyd.


where are you?

Are you sure it's no trouble,
my staying with you?

I mean, just because
I missed my plane,

I don't want to be
any more of a bother

Than I already am.

No, no, no, no.

It's no bother, lloyd,

So just spend the night with us,

And then you can be back in time

To have christmas
with your family.

Well, I don't really
have a family.

I mean, I had one.

I was an only child,

And when my father passed away--

He was a vietnam w*r hero,
you know--

My mom died of heartbreak
about six months later.

Oh, lloyd, I'm sorry.

[ Slurps ]

So I was put into an orphanage
outside of seattle

When I was just a little child.

Oh, that's so sad.

Is that slurping sound
really necessary?

I'm trying to concentrate.


I'm sorry, jack.


Are you okay?

Yeah. Just--
I'll take those.

Oh, actually,
it's stuck on my finger.

Ow! Wait, wait, wait.

Ow, ow, ow, ow!

[ Beeping ]

Well, there she is.

Come on, sweetie.

Good work, lloyd.

That's what I call
a happy accident.

Heads up!

Here we are, lloyd.

Here we are!

What a beautiful home.

Mommy, I've got to
go tinkle

Really, really bad.

Oh, actually,
I do too.

Here, let me help you
with that.

Let's get on out.

Thank you so much, lloyd.

Say thank you, sweetie.

You're welcome.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Okay, let's go.

Can you help me
with mine?

You are getting to be so big.

Wow. Great family, jack.

Thanks, lloyd.

I'm missing a son.

Well, look,
that's all my fault,

And I'm--
I'm really, really sorry.

Let's just not talk
about it anymore, okay?



I need
your forgiveness, jack.

Let's forget
the whole thing.

I can't!

If you'll stop talking,

Because I'm really
getting angry.

I forgive you.

How about a hug, then?

I don't think so.

I think a hug
would make us feel a lot better,

Don't you?

Not really.

I do.

I don't.

So you don't forgive me?

I'll hug you later.


I don't know.

Let's hug now.

Why now?

There is only now,
my new friend!

Who's flopping around out there
in the snow with jack?

That's lloyd.


Look at you!

Lloyd, can you
not get buster

Any more hyper
than he already is?

Okay, okay, jack.

Who is it from, dear?

Judy norman
from the little wings agency.

She deeply apologizes

For the unfortunate

So let me get this straight.

The baby that you and jack
were supposed to get

Ended up in l.a.,

And the snow rats
who are out there

Brought you a doll instead?

I'm afraid so.

Is it quite strange,
isn't it?

It makes sense to me.

Well, we'll get
the baby tomorrow.

I would hope so, dear.

Um, mom and dad,

This is lloyd stedman.

Lloyd, these are my parents.

So you're the guy
that royally screwed up?

Stop yourself,
tom riley.



So, jack...

Are we going
to go out

And get that christmas tree?

I ain't getting any younger.

Yeah, I guess
tonight is the night.

We can go after supper.



Would you like to go with us?


Yeah, I would.

So, jack,
catch any of the scores?

What scores?

Hockey, dimwit.

Did you catch the score
of the rangers' game?

Oh, they lost three-two--

That's what
the baggage guy said.

You know,
it's that forward line.

Yeah, I know.
They don't have the muscle.

You know, the rangers
aren't the same team

They were last year.

You a rangers fan, lloyd?

Oh yeah.

You know, the rangers
are like art in motion, sir.

Call me sarge.

Well, lloyd,

You should
feel honored.

It usually takes years

Before tom will allow someone
to call him sarge.

In fact, I'm still waiting.

Jack, what do you do
for a living?

Jack's in advertising.

No kidding?


Jack wrote and directed
the tiki taco spots.

No way? Tiki taco?

"Tantalizingly tasty?"

Hey, jack wrote
that slogan.

He did? No, he didn't!
Is that true, jack?

Yeah, lloyd, that's true.


Then I'm in the presence
of real genius here.

Those commercials
were fantastic!

Jack's directing
his first live event

On new year's eve

For buddy blast!

That's very high profile stuff.

Wow, jack beck,
mr. Director--

Lights, camera, action!

I'm the presence of a star here!


Remind production

To have additional cases
of buddy blast available

For the background.

Oh, and talk to the d.p.

About the use
of slow motion at the top.

I'm retired.

I was a cop for years.

I was just about to be promoted
to staff sergeant

When I got winged in the head.

That's why all my friends
call me sarge.

Hey, what about that one?

Well, let me see.

What in the blazes
are you doing?

I'm looking for the sap.

I think we already
found him.

I'm just kidding, son.

I'm just kidding.

No, no.

See, if sap comes out,
then the tree is healthy.

If no sap comes out,
it's all dried up inside,

And it'll die
within a week.

You don't say?


Cut back the dutch angles
of our celebrating crowd,

And then we crash zoom

To hear the final words
from our spokesman...

"Grab your buddy tonight."

Oh, jack.

How'd you learn
so much about trees?

You're not one of them
tree-hugging commies,

Are you?

Oh, no.

My dad grew up
on a christmas-tree farm,

So it's kind of
in the gene pool.

Let's take a walk.

What are you doing?

We got a tree.

All I'm saying, jack,
is that this is a bad tree.

Why, tom?

I picked it out?

No. It has no sap.

It's dead.

What a crock.

Who told you that?


Lloyd? Please.

Hey, his father ran
a christmas-tree farm.

Well, three cheers for lloyd,

But for your information,

This is a great tree.

Let's get it inside.

All right, stedman,

Swing your end
around to the right.


It's a little stuck.

Okay, I got it.

I got it, jack.

What's next?



Oh, my god, jack!

I've k*lled him, sarge!


Speak to me!

Oh, jack!


Speak to me!

Hold on there, bubba.


How does it feel?


The doctor said to keep it on
to help reduce the swelling.

I can't
take it anymore.

My whole face is numb.


Hey, sweetie.

Come on up.

Come say good night.

Come on up.

Daddy's face
looks funny.

Why are you
laughing, robyn?

No, no, no.

It's nothing.

It's just that, um...

Lloyd's fingerprints
are sort of all over your face.

Lloyd is a moron.

First, he loses our baby,

Now he tries to k*ll me
with a tree.

Daddy, is lloyd like
when we brought buster home,

And you said he could
only stay a night,

But then we ended up
keeping him?

No. Absolutely not
the same thing.

Not on your life
is it the same.

Lloyd's leaving
in the morning.

I hope he stays.

You know what, sweetheart,

I think it's time
for your bed.


I'm going to say
a special prayer

That lloyd stays with us

Good night, sweetie.

Good night.

Lord, please disregard
anything my daughter has to say.


I think she's just
very disappointed

That the baby
didn't arrive today.

Well, we all are, robyn.

I spoke with judy
at little wings,

And she said
that if all the paperwork

Gets faxed from jakarta tonight,

Then we can get the baby

For christmas eve.

Isn't that wonderful?



Smile, batman.

The world is starting
to make sense again.





Oh, that's looks nice.

Okay, I think
that's where it should go,

Right about here.


And how about here...

Lloyd, it's so beautiful.

Good morning.

Did santa come early, mommy?


Lloyd, you have been
one busy beaver!

'Tis a lovely
sight to behold!

Do I smell coffee?

Lloyd, you did all this?

I wasn't sure
what everybody wanted,

So I sort of made everything.

I love
french toast!

Where'd this hockey journal
come from?

I picked that up when I ran
with buster this morning.

You ran buster?

Yeah, yeah.
He sure likes to eat snow.

sh**t, son,
doesn't everybody?

I love this rag.

Thank you, lloyd.

My pleasure, sarge, my pleasure.

Oh, don't worry
about the, uh, dishwasher.

I already emptied it.



Butter for a burn.

[ Alarm ringing ]


Oh, I hate lloyd.

Really hate him!

What is going on here?


Have you seen the living room?

Lloyd decorated everything.

Isn't it pretty, daddy?


Well, he's stolen christmas.

What are you
talking about?

The decorations don't go up
until christmas eve.

That is so stupid.

Well, that's the way
we becks do it, tom.

Honey, I think
you're overreacting.

I think it was a sweet gesture.

I want everything taken down--

Son, have you completely
lost your marbles?

I think that tree hit him
harder than we thought, lloyd.

Good thing it wasn't

The tree that
lloyd and I picked.

You people
are driving me nuts.

Look, this is
a very important time for me.

Do you understand that?

I--i--i have a shot list
to revise.

I have a cameraman
who's stuck in chicago,

And this tree definitely
should not be decorated yet.

I want everything
taken down now.

Thank you.

Sorry, jack.

I'll, uh, I'll take them down

As soon as
I finish the dishes.

[ Car horn honking ]

Mom and dad?

What are they--
what are they doing here?


Don't let them in the house--
at least until I undo the tree!

Stall them as long as you can!

[ Doorbell ringing ]

Oh, the tree,
the tree, the tree, the tree!

Mr. And mrs. Beck,

What a...a wonderful surprise!

Well, dear,

We were on our way up to boston
to be with eric,

But we wanted to stop
and meet our new grandson.

Apparently, virginia,

One man's
impromptu visit

Is another's
unwelcome interruption.

Um, sorry.

Forgive me.

Uh, please come in.

Just relax. Relax.

Lloyd, get them
off the...

I can help you.

I've got it.

I'll get that one.
I'll get that one.

Let me get these
over here.

We were hoping to catch jack
before he went to work.

The early bird gets the worm,
you know.

Let me get it.

I've got it.

No, lloyd, you're...

I've got you.

Is he here?

Uh, jack, here?

Well, um, I'm not sure
if he's left already.

[ Crashing ]


Hey, there, dad.

How's it going?

Jack, why is
your tree decorated

On christmas eve day?

Excuse me, sir.

I...i violated
the beck family code.

No one else. It was all me.

I...i apologize.

Jack had nothing
to do with it.

And you would be?

He's lloyd, my new brother.


We'll be back on the th
between : and : ,

And we must leave
no later than : .

So we had better eat...

No later than :
if you're to be home by : .

I know the drill.

Goodbye, dear.

Jack, did you know you have
fingerprints on your face?

It's a trifle unseemly.

Time punishes the tardy.
Let's get back on the road.

Mr. Beck,
you forgot your--

Your hat.


Thank you, young man.

I assume when you return
to california,

You will be fired
for incompetence.

Come along, ginny.

Do your parents ever
spend christmas with you?

Nope. Eric's every year.


Because it's
a beck tradition.

Now, don't forget
those shortbread cookies.

And the next time
you're in new york, lloyd,

We're taking you
to a rangers game.

What do you say?

I'd like that.

I'll send you the pictures soon.

Okay. Okay. I'm going
to miss you guys.

Merry christmas, lloyd.

Thank you.

We have to go
or lloyd will miss his plane.

I'm going to miss you, sam.

Come here.

But I don't want you to go.

I know, I know,
but I have to.


Well, that's not
an easy question

To answer.

It's almost christmas, right?

Time to be merry.


Okay, let's do
the special buddy handshake.

Buddies forever and ever.

Forever and ever.


I'll see you guys.


You should throw some ice
down there.

I mean salt. Salt.

Here too.

I cannot be getting sick.

Not now.

Ooh, definitely clammy.

Lloyd, did I give you
permission to touch me,

'Cause I don't think so.

Jack, seriously,
you should drink hot water

With lemon and honey
and echinacea and zinc

And vitamin c
with bioflavinoids.

That'll really
knock it right out.

I'm just trying to help,

And I really--
I want to help.

I'd like to help.

[ Cellphone ringing ]


Yeah, put him through.

Fred, what is it?


I'll be there in minutes.

Change of plans, lloyd.

We don't need
air conditioning.

All right, lloyd,

I've got to make
this meeting, so...


Just take this.

What? Forget it.

No, no.

It's cab fare
for the airport.

Do you ever stop giving?

Let me answer that.

No, you do not.



If you don't let go
of me right now,

I'm really going to hurt you.

See? Look at that,
right there.

That's what I love about you.

You know how to take
a sad moment--boo-hoo-hoo--

And turn it into a happy one--

[ Laughing ]

Thank you.

Hey, listen.

Hey, jack.

I hope
that buddy blast commercial

Is a big success!

Merry christmas!

I want to apologize

For calling this meeting
on such short notice,

And especially on christmas eve.

Now, we've got a problem.

Well, jack is here
to solve it.

All of us at buddy blast
love the concept

Of the live sh**t
on new year's eve...

But I'm having second thoughts
about times square,

And beyond that,

I think the slogan
"grab your buddy tonight"

Puts out the wrong message.

I'm afraid
I see your point.

I want a new slogan,
and that's the bottom line.

But, mr. Zwick,

We're scheduled

To start filming
in a week.

That's why I pay you boys
the big bucks.

And if you've got a problem
with that,

I'll find another agency.

Oh, there is
no problemo, charlie,

Just another opportunity,
right, jack?

[ Sneezes ]


"Sends the wrong message."

I'll send you a message.

It's christmas eve.

Excuse me, mr. Beck.

I need you to--

[ Ring ]

Jack beck.

it's me.

Oh, hi, honey.

The little wings people


Judy norman says

That the paperwork
hasn't come through yet.

It's some bureaucratic snag.

Bureaucratic snag?

That means we won't
be getting the baby today.

No. I'm afraid not.

well, that's very

Yeah, I know, but this way,
he'll come on christmas day.

I mean, can you think
of a better gift?

Yeah, if he comes.

no, no, no, he will.

All right, honey,
I've got to get back to work.

Zwick k*lled my concept, slogan,
the whole ball of wax.

I am back where I started.

Oh, honey, how could they?

Oh, you poor thing.

Well, remember,

We have samantha's concert

We have to be at the church
by : ,

So try not to be late.

Uh, yeah.

I'll...i'll be there at : ?

How's the new slogan coming,
mr. Buddy blast boy?

It drips.

Here, let's celebrate
our future success

With a little bubbly.

No thanks, fred.

All work and no play

Makes jack
a very uncreative boy.

Uh, actually, fred,

You said you'd help me
write the slogan.

Together, remember?

I would,

But the cute blonde
from accounting

Is waiting for me
under the mistletoe.

I know she's
no rocket scientist,

But I'm not
making judgments.

Live and let live,
that's my motto.

Oh, uh, by the way,

I need the slogan
on my desk

By tomorrow.

Tomorrow's christmas, fred.

Okay, jackster.

Make it the day after.

I'm making a list
and checking it twice,

And you, my man, are on it.


Merry christmas,

And to all,
a good night!

Oh, bah, humbug.

Put a buddy in your belly.

Buddy up and down the hatch.

No buddy is a buddy
like my buddy...blast!

Oh...k*ll me.

Somebody...k*ll me.

Ashley, where did you put
that flu medication?



Heads up!

Conga line
coming through!


No, it can't be.

Shake, shake, shake,
shake, shake, shake!

I must be sicker
that I thought...

Or I'm hallucinating.

Hey, jack.

Come on board.

Grab a butt!

Easy there, jackson.

What happened?

You fainted, bro.

Hey, jack!

Is this hell?

Am I dead?

Why aren't you gone?

Because I'm here for you,

I mean, why didn't you leave?

All the flights
were canceled,

So I took a cab
back here

And here I am.

Great party, jack!

I don't believe it.

You're back.

I know, it's like the stars
are pulling us together.

Um, mr. Beck,

Did you happen
to take some pills

Out of
my desk drawer?



Um, I think you
might have taken

A double dose

Of my anti-anxiety

Well, it's not working.

Uh, let's leave
jack alone.

He's working,

And we don't want
to make him

More nervous
than he already is...

Well, was, before he took
ashley's medication.

Right, jack?

I'd appreciate that, fred.

No problemo.

I'm in your corner,
big guy.


Let me help.
Let me help.

Mr. Beck, maybe you should
see a doctor or something.

What time is it?

Almost : .

: ?
I have to be at church!

[ Thump ]

Just don't worry.

I'm going to get you
to the church on time.



Keys, keys, keys,
keys, keys.




I'll be back
in a flash!




Oh, lloyd!

Mr. Beck is going
to fire me!

Everything's going to be okay.

People only get fired

For really, really,
really bad things.

Believe me,
I've been there.

I know.

You're a sweet man,
lloyd stedman.

Oh, I feel
so much better.

See? You know, everything
happens for a reason.

That's my philosophy.

Hey, hey, hey,
mr. Conga line.

You remember valerie.

Oh, yes, yes.

Hi. I work
in accounting.

Are you new here?

Actually, I don't...

No, I'm just visiting.

I deliver babies.

Gyno-doc, huh?
Good money, I bet.


No, like a stork.

Kind of.


You lost me.

I am a baby courier
for an adoption agency.

Oh, you delivered jack
his baby.

I would have...

But he sort of...
Forgot him.

I'm really lost.

The baby is temporarily

But don't worry
about it.

Nothing will stop
a guy like jack

From adopting
his little buddy.

Lloyd, what's wrong?

What am I doing here?

I left jack in the car!

I'm coming, jack!

Adopt a buddy...
Now, that's a slogan.

[ Shivering ]


Hold on, buddy! Hold on!

Sorry, buddy!

Don't die on me, buddy.
Don't die.

Are you all right?
Are you all right?

Say something!

I hate you.

Yes! He's alive.

He's alivecait's a miracle!

Lloyd, drive the car

Or I'm going
to rip your face off.

It's a miracle!

♪ He rules the earth ♪

♪ With truth and grace ♪

♪ And makes
the nations prove... ♪

Jack, listen.

Maybe you should
reconsider, huh?

You don't look so good.

I'm thinking
you shouldn't go on stage.

What are you talking about?

I am a wise man.

I know, I know.

Any way I can help?

Go away and never come back,

Hey, hey, hey!

[ Sneezes ]

Hey, how're you doing?

Hey, it's you.

Daddy, you made it.

Oh, hi, honey.

We are wise men

Who have come
from the east

Bearing gifts of gold,




Oh, myrrh!

For the king of queens...

King of kings, whose...

Oh, no.

I've k*lled the sheep.

Oh, the sheep...

It wasn't my fault.

Hands off me,
you stinking wise men.


Oh, let me help you,
o wise man with a very bad cold

Who took the wrong medication.

Do I know you?

No, you do not know me.

I am the fourth wise man

Who came from afar,
los angeleez, cafiloniya

Bearing gifts
of sausages

And other
processed meats.

No, you're not.

You're lloyd stedman,
wise man from hell!

Give me the infant.

Let's put him in his cradle.

Don't you touch him.
You'll lose him forever.

[ Laughing ]

♪ Oh, wake up, little baby ♪

♪ Rise and shine ♪

♪ Santa's come and gone ♪

♪ And drank the wine... ♪

: ?


♪ So wake up, little baby ♪

♪ It's christmastime ♪

Okay, everybody say
"wayne gretzky."

Wayne gretzky!


You missed christmas.

Why didn't you wake me?

The doctor said
you needed rest.

Great, now that
the whole family is here,

Listen, um...

You know, I really
didn't expect

To be spending
my christmas

With the beck-slash-riley

And I didn't have the time
or the money

To get you anything...

But I did want to give you
something of mine.

It's just a little token
of my appreciation

For all you've done.

Oh, does he ever stop?

This is my good-luck charm.

This is the puck

That I scored my only goal
in my life with,

The winning goal.

Was that in high school, lloyd?

Oh, no. No, sir.

I'm talking about
midnight adult league

In van nuys, okay?

"C" division.

You don't say.

Oh yeah.

I was being knocked around
by four men.

I managed
to control that puck...

And get to center ice,

And from center ice,

I scored a perfect slap shot!

Goalie never saw it coming.

and keeping your head up,

That's the key
to great hockey.

Good job, son.


It really was
the biggest moment of my life.

They still beat us
one to zip,

But I'll never forget
my moment in the sun.

Wait a minute.


You said you scored
the winning goal.

I did.

It just...wasn't for us.


I think that would have been
a real confidence-k*ller

For most people,

And to be honest,
you know,

I've had some hesitation
about things

Ever since, I guess,

But being here
has really lifted that for me.


I feel good here.

So I want you
to have it, jack.

For good luck.



Just what I needed.


Judy norman called.

The paperwork on the baby's
all screwed up.

Apparently, he's being sent back
to indonesia.

No way. That's our baby.

There's nothing we can do
about it.

Rob, we'll sue little wings.

We'll sue them,

And if we lose,
we'll sue them again.

You know, maybe...

I mean, maybe
it just wasn't meant to be.

Don't say that.

Never say that.

This is all his fault.



Lloyd made a mistake,
one innocent mistake,

And instead of having
some compassion,

You just keep finding fault.

You never
see the good.


He just doesn't live up
to the precious beck standard.

Well, none of this
would have happened...

If he hadn't shown up
in the first place.

It's time to go bye-bye, lloyd.

Oh, thank god the busses
are still running.

Merry christmas.

Here you go, lloyd.

My christmas present to you--

A one-way ticket
to los angeles.

Let's go!

Let's make sure
we get a good seat on the bus.

Oh, look at that.

Right behind the driver.

That's the safest seat
on the bus.

I want you to make sure
that my friend, lloyd, here

Stays on the bus
all the way to l.a.

Whatever happens,
don't let him off.

Whatever you say,

Well, lloyd,
I guess this is farewell.

All good things
must come to an end.

Oh, hey, jack,

Give my best
to samantha and robyn.


And you know what?

Big cuddly hugs to buster.


Also, uh,

Good luck with your new son.

My new son?

New son?

Well, guess what, lloyd?

We're not getting a new son,
and you know why?

Because of you,
mr. Home-wrecker.

Are you happy now?


Gee, jack,
I don't know what to say.

Well, that's a first.


I'm rid of him!

Hey, buster, boy.

How are you doing


Hey, hey! Yeah!

Good morning, family.

Oh, don't my girls
look beautiful?

Thank you.

Tell you what.

I am taking you two girls
out for dinner tonight.

How does that sound?

Where's lloyd?



Lloyd. He left.

He was so anxious
to get home,

He just hopped
on that bus,

But he did say
to say goodbye to everyone.

Oh well.

You made him leave.

No, now, samantha,
I didn't.

You see...

You see, lloyd is...

He's like this cold
that I have.

It bugs you

And it ruins your life
for a little while,

But then one day,
it's just gone, magically.

You said my brother would stay
forever and ever.

You promised.

You crossed your heart.

But I was talking about
the baby, your real brother.

Well, it was
a real brother to me!

[ Crying ]

Good morning,
mr. Beck.

I hope you're
feeling better today.

Thank you, ashley, I am not.

Mr. Anders
wants to see you

In the conference room,
right away.

How's lloyd?

Lloyd is gone.

He's never coming back.

Don't mention his name again.

Is that clear?

Excuse me.

[ Crying ]

Mention lloyd's name
and women burst into tears.

That's swell.

Morning, jack.

I've got a fix

For the buddy blast

You do?

Call it
the lloyd idea.

Lloyd idea?

Yeah, after
your baby courier.

Lloyd stedman?

Yeah, your courier.

Morning, ashley.

But he's not
my courier

Because he failed
to deliver my son.

Fred, what are you
talking about?

Morning, charlie.

Let's hear the pitch.

First of all,

Buddy blast
should have a heart,

Like your
friend, lloyd,

Jack's baby-courier

I want to drop
the whole times square thing--

Too commercial.

Fred, you can't be serious.

I am ultra-serioso, jackster.


You know about the
old-timers' charity game

On new year's eve?

'Course I do.

Buddy blast is the sponsor.

We're throwing
a big family skating party

After the game, so what?

The centerpiece
for our ad campaign

Is sitting right in our laps.

We've already got the vehicle.

We just need the right spin.

Where are you going with this,

After the hockey game
and before the party,

Buddy blast offers to donate--
to orphans across the country--

One million dollars.


If an average joe
can make a goal

Into an open net

From center court

At the stroke
of midnight.

Jack films it,

And becomes
the centerpiece

For our ad campaign.

Our slogan--
adopt a buddy.

I love it.

I love the slogan.

That's great pr.

I love
the whole adoption tie-in.

That's my thinking,

And who more perfect
than lloyd stedman

To take the shot
from center ice?



Lloyd is this
very likable

Average joe
who loves hockey,

And just happens to work
at an adoption agency.

Well, what could be
more perfect than that?

He'll make
an ideal spokesperson.


For what, incompetence?

What do you think,

Do you think this lloyd guy
can handle the pressure?

No problemo.

Are you out of your mind?

I thought you were
a real team player, jack.

I'm a team player.

Now, I like this idea.

It's settled, then.

I'll send a limo
over to the house.

You can meet lloyd



Well, that won't be necessary.

'Cause I'll take care of it...

Thanks, jackster.


Keep the change.

Look out!

Excuse me.

No, not you again.

Where is he?


You didn't let
him off, did you?

Let go of me.



What are you doing here?

Oh, lloyd,

I have to talk to you.

Well, I already said I'm sorry,

And I don't know what else
I can do.

I am the one who is sorry.

My behavior these past few days
has been unforgivable.

I've treated you badly,
I called you names,

I planned ways to maim you
with rusty garden tools.

You did?

But after you were gone,
it hit me.

I suddenly thought,
"what have I done?

How could I have been so blind?"

Lloyd is my friend.

The point is, lloyd, I'm sorry.

Jack, wow, that's...
That's beautiful.

Honestly, man,

I can't stop thinking
about you and your family.

You know what I need right now?


I need a hug.

Well, I'm going to give you one,
mr. Big spirit.

Oh, lloyd,

I wish there was some way
in the world

To pay you back.

No. Forget about it.

Wait, lloyd.

Wait a minute.

I know.

You love hockey, right?

Well, yeah,
of course I do.

And you love little kids
and babies

And you think they deserve
a good home, right?

You bet.

Well, what if
I told you

You could help
give orphan children

A million dollars

Just by making a goal
into an empty net?

No way?

You're kidding, right?

% Sincere.

Buddy blast is
sponsoring the event

At the old-timers'
charity game.

The old timers?

That's fantastic,

But they want me
to do that?

Well, I'm going to have
to twist some arms,

Uh, convince
the people I work with

That you're the man
for the job.

I'm willing
to take that chance.


I'm willing

To put my reputation
on the line

Because that's
what being a friend

Is all about.

You're the real deal,
aren't you, jack beck?

It doesn't get any more
real than this, lloyd.

I am so proud of you.

Oh, it's nothing.

I know you were having
problems with lloyd,

And a lot of things
were getting you down,

But you rose above
it all.

You reached out
to someone,

And you forgave him,

And lloyd is so excited
about this benefit.

I mean,

That was a beautiful
gesture, jack.

It's no big deal,

Guess what, sexy?


I think it is.

Oh, honey?


I can't breathe.

All right, lloyd,

You'll hear a voice
over the loudspeaker

Introducing you,

And then the buddy blast

Will escort you right here
to center ice--

Wait a minute,
wait a minute.


Yeah, then you wait
for the a.d.'S signal--

Okay, well,
what is that?

The...the signal again.

I don't remember.

He points
at you, right?

Right, right.
Good. Okay.

Yeah, I like that.
I like that.

Okay, so then you
turn to the camera,

And you read
the teleprompter,

You tell us why you
want to score a goal

For orphans everywhere,

Wait for the countdown,

Then, at the stroke
of midnight,

Just take your shot.

and what if I miss?

Yeah, hey, jack.

We're ready to do it
for rehearsal, sir.

All right.
Thanks, paul.

No problem, boss.


Yeah, lloyd?

I just wanted
to let you know

That you're the best friend
I ever had.

That's great.

I let you down as a courier.

Let's not get into that.

You're giving me
a second chance,

But I ain't going
to let you down this time.


Stedman, lloyd stedman.


The man.

Shall we, gentlemen?

Camera four,
do you hear me?

Thank you,
camera four.

Okay, jack, ready
when you are.

this is what we call
a hockey stick, ladies,


♪ a-doo, doo, doo
doo, doo, doo ♪

♪ a-roo, doo, doo-doo
doo, doo, doo ♪

Okay, is lloyd
in position?

Paul, is lloyd ready?



Okay, that's a go.

Let's do a dry run.

All right,
camera three,

#S give me a full shot
of the net.

That's it.

Camera one,
on the puck.

Camera four and five,
work the crowd.

Me? Now?
Oh, yeah, okay.

The people
at buddy blast

Believe it's time for america
to adopt a little buddy.

that's why they will donate
one million dollars

to orphanages...

You did a great job
finding this boy, fred.

Your idea
for him be spokesperson

Was gold, pure gold...

But I still
don't understand

Why you were
so against him, jack.

This guy sounds like
he actually believes this stuff.

That's why I'm hoping
to make a goal

For little buddies everywhere.

Adopt a buddy.

[ Horn blowing ]


That's a cut,

Thank you.

Let's break
for five.

So what do you think?

Well, he's heartfelt,


And he'll never
score a goal

In a million years.

I love it.

I told you,
didn't i?

If you
like this one,

I've got
another project.


Hey, honey.

I don't care what
those bad men say.

I just know that lloyd
will make the goal

For all those poor kids
without families.

You were smart
to choose lloyd.

I love you, daddy.



Um...can I come in?


You want something to drink?

I've got a lot
of sodas and stuff

In that little mini fridge

No thanks.

Look, lloyd, um...

It wasn't my idea to have you
as buddy blast's spokesman

Or to take a shot
at a million dollars.

It wasn't?

No. In fact,
I was dead set against it.

But I thought--


The moment
you stepped off that plane,

I have been annoyed at you,

At first because
of the baby,

And then...

Then everything you did
annoyed me.

Even the fact
that everyone else liked you

Annoyed me.

So when fred suggested you
for the promotion,

I just...i went along with it.

I used you

And I didn't think
twice about it...

And I know
it's too little too late...

But I truly am sorry.

That doesn't matter.

You know, none of that stuff
I told you about my family

Is true.

My dad was not a w*r hero,

And he did not live
on a christmas tree farm.

He was actually a bum,

And he deserted me and my mom
when I was just a little baby.

All I've ever wanted
was to be a part of a family...

And less of a screw-up.

I know what you mean.

My dad made it very clear to me
when I was a kid

That I would never measure up,
you know?

No matter how hard I tried,

It just,
it was never good enough...

So I know all about
feeling like a screw-up.

Jack, I'm afraid
I'm going to miss that goal,

Let everybody down.

If I was
in your shoes,

I'd be afraid,
too, lloyd...

But you know what, lloyd?

You've got
a really big heart,

And I think you're going to do
the best that you can.

Here he comes.

Jack the man.

Ready to go, jack?


You okay, jack?

let's do this thing.

Is lloyd in position?

Lloyd is
standing by.

Ready whenever
you are.


All right,
let's roll the tape.

Going to camera
in ...


Lloyd! Lloyd!

Lloyd! Lloyd!

Lloyd! Lloyd! Lloyd!

I can't do this.

I'm a failure.

I have never done anything right
in my entire life.

That's not true, lloyd.

Just think of

All the homeless children
you're going to help.

Just remember, son,

Keep your head up,
your eyes on the net.

Oh, god,
I think I'm going to be sick.

Okay, lloyd,
this is it.

Time to go.

You can do it, lloyd.

ladies and gentlemen,

let's give a warm welcome
to mr. Buddy blast.

This clown can barely
stand up on skates.

He's just nervous.

He'll be fine.

one million dollars
to orphans across america--

Come on, lloyd.

...if, and only if,

lloyd can score a goal
from center ice.

Now, the people
at buddy blast...

You can do it, lloyd!

It's all you, lloyd!
Come on.

Come on, lloyd.

You know, I used to work
at an adoption agency,

But, uh...i screwed up.

you see, a brand-new courier...

Where's he
reading this from?

Jack, did you
change my copy?


This appears to be lloyd's copy.

I did get to spend christmas

With this great family
from connecticut,

The becks.

They let me celebrate

My first real family christmas
with them.

The truth is,

They actually adopted me
for a little bit,

and I don't think
i've ever felt

so much a part of a family

So I know what
these kids without homes

Feel like,

And believe me,

I would like nothing more
than to be able to make a goal

And give these kids
a million dollars,

But that's
not going to happen...

And everybody knows it...

Especially me...

but I do hope

That you still support adoption,

Because everybody
deserves a family.

So please,
adopt a buddy.


Keep the cameras

All right, jack,
I don't understand the, uh...

What the dickens
is going on around here?

Excuse me, I'm coming through.

ladies and gentlemen,

please turn your attention
to center ice.


it's now time
for the buddy blast

charity slap shot.

how about a show of support
for mr. Buddy blast,

lloyd stedman?


Jack, what are you doing?

I just wanted
to say thanks.

For what?

For being the delivery man.

You didn't deliver the baby,
but you delivered the father.

Thank you.



Your lucky puck.



Happy new year!

Oh...you did...
You did it!

You did it!

Lloyd, you did it!


Mommy, daddy,
come quick!

He's here.

Who's here, honey?

My brother.

I don't know.
She just woke us up.



Would you like to meet
your new son?

My son?

But I thought he was sent back
to indonesia?

Well, he was,

But he...

Judy, you explain.

After I saw lloyd
on the news,

I just knew we couldn't
let you down,

So I flew to jakarta,

Found the orphanage,
signed the papers,

And returned home
with your son.

Happy new year,
mr. Beck.

Well done.

You're right, lloyd,
he is handsome.

Hey, big, too.

That's indonesia's
first hockey player.

I guarantee it.

Hey, sweetie,

Look at your
new brother.

Thank you.

Well, I guess
this is goodbye, then.

Go rangers!

Bless you, lloyd.


I'm going
to miss you

So much.

I know, but look,

You've got
a brand-new baby brother

To look after.

He needs you.

Oh, I'm going to
miss you, too, honey.

Bye, lloyd.


Thanks again, lloyd.

Okay, that's good. Thanks.

Goodbye, everyone.

Hey, buster, come on,
get out of there.

Come on.

Buster, get out of there.

What's wrong with buster?

I don't think
he wants lloyd to leave.

Me neither.


Up until this little
fellow grows up,

Sam and I have
nobody to go

To the rangers'
games with,

And what's
a good body check

If you haven't got somebody
to share it with, huh?

I admit, it won't be the same
without him.

Why can't we
adopt him?

Adopt a buddy.

I've got to be
honest with you, judy,

They feel
like family--

Lloyd, um...
We don't want you to go.


What's going on?

I want to adopt lloyd...

But not just as my buddy,

As part of the family.

What do you say?

But, but...
I live in l.a.

And you guys
live here.

You can
live in l.a.,

And come and visit
your family

Here in connecticut.

You can visit every christmas.

And summer vacation.

And hallowe'en!

Don't forget

And you wouldn't
want to miss

The playoffs,
would you?

All right,
settle down, people.

What do you say?


Bye, judy.

Bye, judy.

Come on, boy.

making pancakes.

I'm making pancakes?


wait, wait, wait.

Hang on, lloyd.

I'm fine.
I'm fine. I'm fine.

[ Laughing ]

I'm fine. I'm fine.
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