Christmas Icetastrophe (2014)

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Christmas Icetastrophe (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »

Hurry up.

It's floored. I'm going
as fast as I can.

You've got to go faster, man!

It's not slowing down.

I know.

Go! Come on!


We're running out of lake.


Come on!

We're going to have to beach
it. Get ready to jump!

We're not going to make it!


Jingle bells,
your breath smells

Why don't you Leave work?

If you keep staring
at your screen

# You'll turn into a jerk #

Very funny.

Thank you.

So did you sleep here
last night or...


You were wearing this yesterday.

Yeah, okay. Look at this.
This is something.

I'm telling you, check that out.

Yes, it is an asteroid.

We've been tracking that for weeks.
It's the size of this desk.

It's not going to survive the
burn up through our atmosphere

just like hundreds of
millions before it.

Yeah, but this flaring right here,
that's a temperature shift.

How do you explain that?

It's Santa's sleigh.

My God, that is Santa's sleigh.

You discovered Santa's sleigh.

I'm serious, Neil,
this is not normal.

Neither is
working over Christmas.

Come on, let's go.

Can't I stay? I mean, my
parents are in Hong Kong.

I'm going to my aunt's tomorrow.
I hate my aunt.

Just give me the keys
and I'll lock up.

Alex, it's Christmas.

You don't get
extra credit for staying.

I'm not asking for it. I just
want more time with this.

I just want to
see it through entry.

Okay, fine. Suit yourself.

But I'm telling you, it's going
to burn up into nothing.

You get a lump of
coal for Christmas.

-Okay, a bah humbug to you.

-Merry Christmas.
-Merry Christmas.

What a dork.

What the hell?


That worked out
pretty damn well, didn't it?

Hey, moron twins.

What the hell are
you guys doing?

How many times have I told you

that dynamite is
for avalanche control?

It's not a toy.


I mean, he made me do it, so.



It's a holiday, all right?

Look around, there's
nobody here,

TJ and I were just
having a bit of fun.

Really? Fun?
With dynamite?

You keep playing with that stuff
you're going to take an arm off.

Then what's your
mom going to say?

She'd probably just
blame you like she always does.

Exactly. So, you
want to blow your arm off,

then you do it on her
weekend, not mine.

Sorry, Dad, we were
just a little bored.

Really? Did you fix that lift
kit I told you to fix?

Yes, I did it like
two hours ago.

All right, well, good.

Mr. Ratchet, we were
hoping to go downtown,

meet some friends, go to the,

you know, Christmas thing.

Yeah, yeah. I know about it.

Forgive me if I don't
want to listen to Ben Crooge

spout off about what a damned
philanthropist he is.

Everyone seems to think
that expanding the resort

might bring more
business. Be good for the town.

Son, everything comes at a cost.

Ben doesn't seem to be
taking that into account these days.

-Yet you still work for him.
-I do.

It doesn't mean I blindly
support everything he does.

This isn't right. Not this way.

Hey, it is a Christmas

I agree with this.

-I could go for some celebration.
-I could celebrate.

You could celebrate, I could celebrate,
you could celebrate.


Then you got to
go to your mother's.

Yeah, it is her year.

Tell you what. I'll
give you a ride into town.

I got to pick up some
supplies anyway.


Kind father. He's a good man.

-The best.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, everybody!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Happy Holidays!

Looks like Santa puked all
over the mayor's car.

-What do you expect?
-Yeah. Pretty much that.

See you around, Dad.

This place is a circus,
once again.

What she sees in you
I have no idea.

-It must be my winning personality.
-Well, it's definitely not your looks.

Very funny.

Hey, better watch
out for Mr. Crooge.

He loves employees
chasing after his daughter, right?

Well, you see I don't
actually work for him.

-My dad does.
-I think that makes it worse.

Probably. Yeah.

See you around.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Saint Nick.

Charlie, Merry Christmas!

You're looking very jolly.

I thought you
weren't coming in for this.

Me? Well, I've got
a good excuse.

He's still signing my paychecks.

-What are you doing?
-Celebrating the holidays.

I see that.

This fake snow is a nice touch.

Yeah. Global
warming is that way it is.

We'll be lucky if this town
ever sees a white Christmas again.

-How are you holding up?
-Fake it till you make it, right?

Don't worry about me, Charlie.

I'll be okay.

He can take my store,
but he can't take my spirit.

-Come on.
-We have to make this quick.

If I miss my dad's thing,
he'll k*ll me.


And if he saw that,
he'd k*ll both of us.

Well, see, your father
is one thing,

that brother of yours, I
really think he's onto us.

You're paranoid.

Look, I don't want
to hide anymore, Marley.

I know.

I wish things were different.

Good to see you.

Scott, where is that
sister of yours? We have to start.

How should I know? Is it my turn
to put on her radio collar?

Maybe try giving her a call?

Do we have to do this now?

No. No, we don't.

But we do have to
do this right now.

Merry Christmas, Marley.

But I didn't bring your present.

That's okay, just open it.

And keep in mind I wanted
it to be bigger, obviously.

My God.

It's a diamond.

Barely, but you know,

I saved up for it, so
I hope you like it.

-Tim, I love it.

They're trying
to get a hold of me.

Sure they are.

Hey look, is
that a sh**ting star?

Hi, you've reached
Marley. Please leave me a message.

She's not answering.

Well, forget it. We have
to do without her.

Thank you, everyone, for coming.

We are here today

to break ground on a brand
new retail complex.

Now, in doing this,

we should also say
our thank yous

and our goodbyes to
all these stores around us.

Yeah, right.

We honor the role they've played
in our town's history.

It's an exciting
time for our town.

We've already begun
construction on Lakeview Mountain.

What is that?

My God.

Come on, we need to go.

This marks a new beginning
for Lennox,

finally bringing us into
the st century.

Prosperity is coming to Lennox.

Everybody look out.


Neil, it's me. It hit.

In Lennox, miles
northeast of Olympia.

I'm heading there now.

If you get bored of singing
Christmas carols, you know where to find me.

Get on the phone
to Governor Michaels.


Crystal? Crystal, you okay?

You guys, take your
mom to the bowling alley.

Are you okay? You sure?

There's an
ambulance right there.

Miles. Miles, get up.

What the hell was that?

I have no idea.

You good? Can you stand?
I need your help.

There's a lot injured, we got
to get them out of here.

-You up to it?
-Okay, yeah, go.

-Is it on fire?
-No, it's freezing.

Is he alive?

I don't think so.

What the...

Ben! Help me.
My hands are stuck.

What the...

Ben. Help me, please.

Ben! Please, help me!



Tell the Governor this is way bigger
than anything we can handle.

We need some help out here.

Wait, wait, wait!

Mom! Dad!




I'm so sorry!

Scott, you seen my dad around?



Scott, what's wrong with you?

Hey, enough. Enough.

What is going on?

Why don't you ask your daughter?


Now, folks, listen up.

Listen, I just got off the phone
with the governor's office.

Now, we've cordoned off
the area where the meteor hit.

Do not approach it.

I want you to go home
and stay there.

And if you live downtown,

you stay with a friend or
a family member, all right?

Thank you.


I was so worried.


-You okay?
-Yeah, it's fine.

What happened? Let
me look at you.

-What hit you?
-Scott Crooge.

You want to know
where Marley was?

She was
sneaking around with him.

Is that true?


We'll talk about this later.

Go home. All of you.


You go home, too.

Call your mother. Tell her what
happened and that you'll be late.

I'll meet you at the house.

Be safe.

It's getting worse.

Why aren't you
leaving with the rest of them?

Taking that son of yours home.

I'm here to help.

We don't need you. The
mayor put calls in.

The cavalry should
be here any minute.

Ben, I'm not
working for you right now.

I'm here to help
the people of this town.

Something you lost sight
of a long time ago.

Well, now you're not
working for me at all.

Really? You think that
matters right now?

State troopers are here.

You need to warn them.

They have no idea
what they're walking into.

What are you doing? Charlie.

Heard you had a meteor strike.
How cool is that?

Well, people are
dead, so not very.

You got experience with
this kind of thing?

Experience? What do you mean?

Something is down there. I don't
know what it is, but it's not stopping.

Look, we're the
closest division.

It takes time to pull together
all the resources to get a full squad.

We got this.

I wouldn't go there
if I were you.

It seems to be okay to me.

-Get out of there!
-What the hell is that?

Come on, Gibbons.

Keep going.

Get in here.

Hello? Hello?

-Do you think it's over?
-I don't even know what it is.

Let me in! It's me.

Get the door.

A little help would be nice.

What the hell is this, Charlie?

Damned if I know, but it's a hell
of a lot more than just a meteor storm.

Yeah, no kidding.
Did you see that storm?

We all saw it.

We need to get everybody out
of town. Send them over to Tannen.

He's right. None of us is
equipped to deal with this.

I'll call Faye, see if she can take
some at the community center.

Tell her to get
whatever resources she needs.

I'll cover the expense.


Need some help over here.

So yeah, we can move
that to Monday,

that frees up Tuesday.

Excuse me.

Faye, Charlie's on the line
for you. He says it's urgent.

You got that?

Excuse me.

Are you okay? Is Tim okay?

He didn't call you?


And I've tried calling
but I can't get through.

All right, look, I'm
sure he's fine.

Listen, the mayor
is evacuating town.

Everyone? What's going
on out there?

A meteor hit in the center
of Main Street.

It's total chaos over here.
We need to evacuate.

Can you make room
for us over there?

Of course. I'll
make the preparations.

All right, thanks. And Ben said he'd
take care of any extra expenses.



When should I expect you?

I'll start sending folks
over immediately.

I take it that means you
won't be with them.

I'm going to stay here, make
sure nobody gets left behind.



Come on,
somebody's got to do it.

It doesn't
always have to be you.

Just be careful, okay?

You know I will.

See you soon.

Okay, bye.

I just talked to Faye. She said
she's going to get ready for us.

I need you to take care of
the evac communications.

Tell people to dress
warmly, bring food and bedding.

-I'll be back soon.
-What? Wait.


What are you doing?
Where are you going?

It'll take us a while to get
these wounded out of here

and the back-up
generator is about to go out.

I got to get
home, grab my tools,

keep the lights and the heat on until
we can get them out of here.


What are you doing?

-Hey, did you call your mother?
-I tried, the phone lines are down.

Internet and cable, too.

Honestly, we're
lucky we even have power.

Everybody's being evacuated to Tannen
until we can figure this out.

-You should get going.
-What about you?

What are you packing for?

Ben and Mayor Gibbons
are over at the clinic.

There's a lot of wounded and
their power is failing.

I'm going to see if I can
keep the generator running.

Here. You should gear up. It's
getting cold out there.

Was TJ at the clinic, Dad?

I stopped by his house on the
way here. He wasn't there.


No, he wasn't.

everybody's being evacuated.

You need to get out of here.

Tim, now.

I saw that
thing come down on us.

The meteor.

It split into two, changed colors.
It was the craziest thing.

What do you mean split into
two and changed colors?

I didn't see that.

Where did the other part land?

I don't know.

It was headed towards
Mount Dickens, though.

That's far away from civilization.
That's a good sign.

Hey, Tim.

You can talk to me about anything.
You know that, right?

-Even if you don't think I approve.

You know that dent
on the back of your car?

-That was me.
-Very funny.

You know, Dad, you can stand up

-to Ben Crooge just a little bit.
-Is that so?

Well, I did
today, and I got fired.

-Okay, very funny.
-I'm not kidding.

Look, your mom's waiting for you.
You should get out of here.

I won't be far behind you.
Don't worry about me.

For luck.

Merry Christmas, kid.

Hurry up.

I did it for your own good.

Screw off, Scott,
you're not my dad.

Enough. Both of you.

There will be
time to discuss this,

but right now we are all going
to Tannen until they sort this out.

Grab your bags.
Marley, you'll ride with Scott.


Because you are brother
and sister,

and one way or another you
are going to get along.

What about you?

I'm taking the Parsons.
Their car is in the shop.


What the hell was that?

That's it.
We're all leaving now.


Come on, let's go.


Get in!

-Let's go. Move!

Get in the car now!


Is that normal for around here?


It went the other way.


Now what?

You like boats?

Untie the boat.

Come on.

-It's coming, come on.
-I know.

Hurry, let's go!

-Hold on.

Come on.

How are we doing?

Hurry up.

It's floored. I'm going
as fast as I can.

Got to go faster, man.

It's not slowing down.

I know.


Come on.

-I'm running out of lake.


Come on!

We're going to have to beach it.

We're not going to make it.

Hang on.

Get ready to jump.


Go, come on, go, go!

Ben. Something's happening
west of the lake.

-Another meteor?
-I don't know.

Listen, Stu Carson just came
in. He's covered in frost bite

and he's screaming about
flash freezing.

According to him,
Highway is completely blocked

with giant chunks of ice.

I guess the idea of all this stopping
just went out the window.

I don't care if you have to put ten
people to a car, we need to evacuate.

The only way out of this town
now is the back roads.

All right.

-What happened back there?
-It's called a flash freeze.

But I've only read accounts.

I've never
experienced one in person.

Well, I've seen quite a few
in the last couple of hours.

Up this way.

And none of this before
the meteor hit?

Wait, no.

How do you know
about the meteor?

-Who exactly are you anyway?
-I'm Alex. Alex Novak.

I'm a grad student at the
university getting a PhD in astrophysics.

I was tracking that meteor.

Charlie Ratchet.

Nice to meet you.

You sure picked a hell of a
way to spend your Christmas.

I'd say.

So, what happened back there?

You've never seen anything
like that before?

No. That's why if it
is linked to the meteor...

Wait, what do you mean linked
to the meteor? How?

It's so far away from here.

If I'm right,
it's spreading. I mean...

That's why I need to see the impact
crater as soon as possible.

Well, I can take you
as far as the clinic.

Last I knew the mayor was there.

You and he can discuss
what you want to do from there.

Are you old
school or new school?


I think I know a way
we can make up some time.

Let's go.

Right behind you.

What, they didn't teach you
how to snowboard in school, Novak?

Just keep going!

-Thank God you're okay.
-I'm fine.

-Your lip.
-I tripped.

It's nothing.

Any news?

No. Only that it's bad.

-Dad's still out there, obviously.
-I'm aware.

Mom, have you,

you haven't happened to see Marley
Crooge around, have you?

No, not yet.

Hey, I need some man power.
Let's help unload.

Sure thing.

-Hey, how's it going?
-This is great.

I got that.

I just got a bunch
of boxes back here.

Great, thanks.

Hey, I'll be right back.


-Here, I got that.

What the hell is this?

Scott, stop it!

What's your problem, buddy?

You're blocking the road!


Scott, stop!

-What is your problem?
-My truck's broken.

-Can we give you a hand?
-That'd be great.

Just go back to the car.
I'll deal with this.

Hi. Sorry, what's
going on? What's the problem?

Charlie, where the
heck have you been?

We have got no phones, we've got a
little bit of power but the generator's bit...

Who's this?

I'm Alex Novak, from
the university.

Did the governor send you?

No, I was following the meteor
as part of my research project.

Charlie, the generator is running
hot. Where's your tools?

-I had to ditch them.
-Excuse me.

I need to find the meteorite.
Where is it?

Middle of Main Street,
for all the good it'll do you.

-It's the eye of the storm.
-Okay, which direction?

It's su1c1de
going back out there.

Look, I'm going.

This is obviously not your
garden variety meteor,

and I'm going to need a sample.

Thank you.

If it wasn't for you,

well, I think you know.


I'm going to take this.

Merry Christmas.

All right guys, let's go.

Come on. We can't just let
her go out there alone.



Keep this on channel five.

Now, Charlie,
hold on a second now.

We're almost
done evacuating here.

When that last transport

-We're out of here.
-That's the Christmas spirit.

Let's go ahead and
get the coolers

and make sure there's plenty
of sandwiches, okay?

Okay, thanks.



What you're doing is great.

Thank you so
much for helping us.

What's wrong?

I can't reach Marley or Scott.

No one's seen them.

There's no cell reception.

I saw Jim dropping
people off from the clinic.

They're not there, either.

I'm really worried, Faye.

Hey, it's all
right. We'll find them.

They should be here by now.

This is crazy.

I've been tracking this
meteor for weeks.

Never in a million years did
I believe something like this

would or even could happen.

All the more reason
to stay away.

I'm not asking
you to come with me.

That thing has k*lled everybody
that's gotten near it.

-It didn't k*ll you.
-Not yet.

I don't think
it's such a good idea.

I know.

I just need to get
some readings.

Does this area have
a history of tremors?

No, it started with the impact.
Same as the ice storms.

All right, we really need
to get out of here.

-Easy there.
-Hi, Rob.

Sorry, I just thought I...

-What's wrong?
-Felt something.

Have you seen Tim? I
don't know where he went off to.

Yeah, I just saw
him head outside.


Alex, you okay?


-I think so.

Here, hold this.

-Your leg.

Okay, look, this thing,

whatever it is, this is
a major breakthrough.

There's no precedent for
something like this.

Yeah, well, I'm no astronomer,

but I'm pretty sure the meteor isn't
supposed to change the weather.

This meteorite, technically,
now that it's hit the ground,

you're right.

Where are we?

In the old mine
shaft underneath the town.

It's freezing down here.

-Why is that?
-I think that meteorite is causing it.

I think so, too.

It's amazing.

Scientists have
debated for years

whether the water on Earth
originally came from the ice in meteors,

but the Earth has so much water

that hypothesis could
never be supported with evidence.

But this, this is some
serious evidence.

Well, congratulations.

We're not climbing out of there.

I think if we go that way,

it'll take us back
to the clinic.


Alex, you're
going the wrong way.

She's just like my freaking kid.

Are you kidding me?

This is
unbelievable. I need a sample.

Are you crazy?

What do you mean?

It's happening. We need
to get out of here.

Let's move, come on!

Take cover!

Get down!

Get inside, now!

My God!

Hey, did you feel that, man?

Okay, we got to get
going now. Okay? Now!





Scott, run!


No, Marley!

Run! Run!

Wait. Wait!


-What happened?
-I don't know.

We're still alive.

Come on, let me help you up.

Here, take this.

I think these
lanterns may have saved us.

I mean, as a heat
source. Look at the ground.

It's a giant circle.

No, it can't be that simple.

Sometimes the right
answer is the most obvious one.

You still want that sample?

No. Let's go.

And another one for
the hungry kids.

There you go.

Did you find Tim yet?

He left.

I think he went looking
for Marley.


Give me your phone.

Ben bought a
heli-skiing company last summer.

Cole? This is Crystal.

I need you to drop
everything right now. I have a crisis.

My God. My...

Help! Help!

Scott! Scott!

Scott. Scott!

My God. My...



Ben, Mayor
Gibbons, do you copy? Over.

Ben, Mayor Gibbons, do you copy?

Ben, do you copy? Over.

That meteorite is altering the entire
micro-climate of this area.

So nothing like this has ever
been documented before?

You've never seen
anything like this?

Documented? No.

I find that hard to believe.

There's evidence of all sorts
of crazy stuff that doesn't add up.

Our world has only been
scientifically aware for a few thousand years.

Do you know what that amounts to
in a . billion-year-old planet?

The blink of an eye.

That's precisely
why I got into science.

Well, we better get
you out of town

or you're not
going to see graduation.

If this keeps up,

we're not going to make
it past Christmas.

What the hell is that?

God, it looks like an igloo.

-Come with me.
-Where are we going?

To do a little last minute
Christmas shopping.

Cole, this is Faye Ratchet,
can you hear me?

Loud and clear, Faye.

We're about five miles out keeping
our eyes peeled for any stranded people.

Highway is blocked,
the passage is buried.

The only way out
of Lennox is on foot.

Can you see anything moving?

Cars? People?

Not so far.

Me and Gary aren't exactly search
and rescue, but we'll do our best.

Thank you. I can't tell
you how much this means to us.

Hey, no worries.

It wouldn't be Christmas
unless someone needed saving, right?

Gary, let's split up.

I'll start with the
city limits and search south.

You take
everything to the north.

Roger that, big
C. I'm on my way.



Scott. Scott!

No! God!

My God!




-My God, Tim.

It's okay. It's all right.

Come on, we have to
move. Come on, we have to go.

Scott! No!

You sure about this?


Ben, Mayor Gibbons,
do you read me? Over.

Anybody copy? Over.


We're too late.


Are you okay?

No, Ben. It's not your fault.


-Come on, get up.
-I panicked, I ran inside here.

And hid.

I don't know why I lived.

And I didn't save
him. I didn't save anyone.

What have I done?


I closed the door on them.

I hid in the boiler room.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

It's okay. Ben, it's all right.

It's okay.

You'll be all
right. Let me help you up.

Slowly. Come on.

Let's get out of here.

This is incredible.

It looks like the North Pole.

It's an Arctic wasteland.

What do you mean?

There's nothing left.

Snow and ice as
far as I can see.

There's no buildings, no cars.

There's nothing.

Lennox is gone.

Roger that, Cole. I haven't
found anyone either.

I'll head towards town,
do another sweep.


-Over here.

We're down here.


They've got to see us.


What the hell?

I'm looking at Dickens Peak.

There's a whole
area that's untouched.

There's no snow on it at all.

I'm going to check it out.

-We're down here.

We're here, please.

Wait! Stop!

-We got to move.

Can anyone hear me?

Hello? Great.

We have to get out of
here, we have to get to Tannen.

Maybe not.

What are you thinking?

What choice do we have?

No good choices. I'm just
trying to find the least crappy one.

I'm thinking there may
be a way to stop this thing.

No, we run, we get
as far away as possible.

Run where, Ben?

We have no idea how far this thing
is spreading or how fast.

If we have a chance
to stop it, it's now.

I'm not absolute about this,
but heat, extreme heat,

is a reactant.
That's been made clear.

So if we can
produce enough heat...

At the source of the impact,
We'd have a shot.

A shot at what? k*lling

It's about re-balancing nature.

A subatomic chain reaction
is taking place.

It's not magic, it's science.

And it can be stopped if we can produce
enough heat at the source.

How about dynamite?

Yeah, if there's enough, maybe.

Yeah, there's enough.

I sign the
invoices, I should know.

Let's get to the resort.



Listen, I've covered
the whole area around town.

I haven't seen
anyone. It's creepy, so...

I'm going to circle back to
the clinic building now.

See if I can find anyone there.

Do you hear that?

Right there.


Over here.


Yo, yo, yo. I got survivors.

Three of them.

Two men, one
woman. I'm landing now.

Awfully nice of you to arrange
transportation for us.

Watch your step on the way down.

Hey, Marley, come on.

Get up.

You're freezing.

-We have to keep moving.

Marley, we have to keep
moving. Come on.

-Come on.

It's coming back.

-Come on.

Wait, wait. I
think I see something.

It looks like two people
near Avery Wood.

I'm going to head lower,
check it out.

Who is it? Can you
see who it is?

Not yet. Stand by.

Over here, over here. Come on.


Yeah, it looks like Tim
Ratchet and Marley.

Crystal, come quick!

-He saw us.
-Thank God.

-Come on.

They spotted Tim and Marley.

Boy, folks,
it's definitely them.

Christmas has
come early. Ho, ho, ho.

I'm setting her down.

My God.



My God.

Look out. Look out.


Come in, Gary.

Gary, do you copy?



Cole, what's happening?

Faye. Faye, is that you?


Yeah, it's me.

Ben's here, too.

Ben. Ben.

Something happened.

Gary saw Tim and Marley
near Avery Wood,

but then he yelled and...

We're heading that way.

Faye, I need
you to listen to me.

This thing is
spreading and it is cold.

Arctic storm cold.

yourselves inside. Build fires.

Any heat source that can
survive a blackout.

Do not go outside.

We have a plan to stop this.


Ben, me, and Alex Novak,
an astrophysicist.

Faye, I'm serious.
Do not try to evacuate.

Build up as much heat as you possibly can
inside. That's your only protection.

I understand.

Charlie, the kids.

Faye, I'll find them. I swear.

We got this.



Are you okay?

My leg, it's stuck.

God, I'm so cold.

The helicopter, it's gone.

Tim, it's over.

We'll never make it out here.
We'll freeze to death.

Just put this on.

Get up.

Look at me. Stamp your feet.

Do anything to stay warm.
All right, trust me.

Look at me. Look at me.

We are going to make it, okay?

We are going to make
it out of this, all right?

We are. Just
think warm thoughts.

I'm going to be right back.

Where are you going?

I'm going to go start a fire.

I'll get the
radio in just a minute.

I've got to go outside
and deal with something

before they board this place up.

Oops, here you go.


-We're going to Billings.

I've got a
four-wheel drive, We'll be okay.

You don't understand.
Highway is blocked, so is the pass.

-There is no way out.
-We'll take our chances.

Don't do this.

Charlie said to stay inside.
He was adamant.

Look, we made our decision.

I know those roads
like the back of my hand.

-We've got to get help.
-Rob, don't.

Don't worry.
We'll be back with help.

-See anything?

Cole, what's wrong?

The cold makes
everything a little bit sticky.

Wait, over there on the right.

Now all we need are
the chestnuts.

I think I prefer some hot cocoa.

With marshmallows.

Did you hear something?

Maybe it was just
Santa on a dry run.

Everything's freezing up.



We're going down. Everything's
freezing up.

Mayday. Mayday.
We're going down.

Hello? Hello? Come on. Hello?

My latlong is north : :
west : : : .

Brace yourselves.



Thank you.

For coming back for me.

Of course.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Marley, Tannen is right
over that pass.

Okay, now, if we make it there, it's
hot cocoa for real. I promise.

You're serious?

We can't miss
Christmas morning, can we?

Come on.


Is everybody okay?



What about Cole?

He's gone.

We need to get out of here.

You okay?


Hello? Ben?


Hello? Ben?

I can't see a thing.

Come on.

My God, look at that thing.

We got to keep moving.

The dynamite is that way and
Gary said that the kids went that way.

So we got to split up.

Well, I'm going to
destroy that thing.

You're going to lose
your evidence.

-I know.
-I'll go after the kids.

You're the
expl*sives expert, anyway.

Try not to blow yourself up.

That's funny. It's what
I keep telling Tim.

I'll see you guys in Tannen.

Good luck.

You, too.

Let's go.

Okay, good job guys.

Help, let us in.

Open it.


Open up.

Here he comes. Just a minute.


Crystal. Come quick.


Watch your step.

Okay, here you go.



My God, I was so worried.

What happened?

He saved me.

Tim saved me.

Where's... Where's Scott?



Where... Where's...


I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.

No. No.




Well, I was hoping for
a white Christmas.

Be careful what you wish for.

Yeah, no kidding.

What do you know about dynamite?


Come on.




Come on.

I'm here.

You're freezing. Let's
get you in front of the fire.


Are you okay? Let's warm you up.

-That sounded close.
-Yeah, come on.

-Excuse us, guys.
-Sit here.

Thank you.

-We got to go.
-Not without my gear.

Let's move. Leave it.

Get on! Come on.

Hang on.

It's right behind us!

Hand me a stick of dynamite.


Are you insane?

Yes. Now, throw it.

Did you see that?

It knocked it back.

Hang on.

Grab another one.

-It's working.

We've got this.

Let's go blow up that meteorite.


The dynamite. What do we do?

We haul ass.

It's right behind us. We're
not going to make it.

What is that?

I don't know. Just go.

Hold on.


Okay, now this is
a magic donkey.

He is going to keep you safe.


This is incredible.

I've never seen
anything like this before.

Yesterday, this entire area
was covered in snow,

and the town was
green and now it's reversed.

There's definitely something
crazy going on.

Crap, Charlie, look at that.


Something is affecting
the storm.

The meteor.

What about it?

My son said he saw the meteor split
in two before it hit town.

He said one of the pieces was
headed in this direction.


I saw this weird heat shift

when I was tracking
the meteor through space.

One piece gives off
uncontrollable cold, the other heat.

Together they make up a
normal meteor, but split them apart...

We are screwed.

We got to get them
back together again.

What are you doing?

I'm finding that missing piece.


We're trapped.

That's a strange crater.

If elves could show up on
flying reindeer right now,

it would be the
strangest thing I'd seen today.

Shouldn't we...

Shouldn't we what?

This isn't an archaeological expedition.
Let's get it and go.

-Yeah, it's a little toasty.

These gloves are heat resistant.

That's more than a little heat.

How are we
going to transport it?

That should help.

That's amazing.

Take a look.

It's okay.

# Jingle bells Jingle bells #

# Jingle all the way #

# What fun It is to ride #

# In a one horse
Open sleigh, hey #

# Jingle bells Jingle bells #

# Jingle all the way #

Hey, you good?

Yeah, okay.

It's huge.

Right. There it is.

Okay, now be careful.

I plan on it.


No one's going to believe me.

This is the scientific
discovery of the century

and no one's
going to believe me.

Well, if it's any consolation,
I believe you.

Just think, you've done enough
good deeds for the day

that you won't be on Santa's
naughty list for the rest of your life.

You should get out of here.

Are you kidding? I'm not
going to miss this.

Merry Christmas.

It's stuck.


I'm stuck.


Hey, are you okay?


Are you okay?

We need to get out of here.

Come on.

How did this happen?





Mr. Crooge.

Did you see my dad out there?

We were together for a while.

We split up.


Dad. It's Dad. It's him.


Are you okay?

I'm fine, fine.

This is Alex, the scientist
I told you about.

This is my son, Tim, and Faye.

Hi. Nice to meet you.


It's good to see you.

You, too.
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