Silent Night, Deadly Night 3: Better Watch Out! (1989)

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Silent Night, Deadly Night 3: Better Watch Out! (1989)

Post by bunniefuu »

(Monitor beeping)

(man whispers)



(Pants, shrieks)




Help me.

Ho, ho, ho.

I want a Barbie doll

and a bicycle

and roller skates

and ballet shoes

and a Mickey Mouse watch

and a doll.


Easy, easy.
Laura, Laura, it's okay.
It's all right.

You're just dreaming.
Just dreaming.

You're back now.
It's all right.

All right.

Just lie down.

That's it.

That's it.
Just lie down.

There, that's it.

Let me have a look here.

- Ow. Ow, doctor.
- Hmm.

Now... tell me.

What was it?

I dreamed I could see.

That's normal.

And what else?

Nothing, really.
It was just a crazy dream.

That's what you're here for,
to dream.

What kind of a dream?

A dream about Christmas,

because tonight
is Christmas Eve.

And what about Christmas?


Santa Claus.

Laura, tell me
what you saw in your dream.

I told you Dr. Newberry,

Santa Claus.

All right,
let's try this again.

Maybe we're onto something.
Can we try this again, Laura?

Anything for you,
Dr. Newberry.


I think,

I'm not sure,

but I think
she made contact.

(Inaudible dialogue)

- (Laura groans)
- Nurse: Doctor?

What is it, Laura?

What did you see?

Can I go to the bathroom?

Help her, will you?

Subject may be making contact.

Can't be certain

if subject's reaction

and mental response

of coma victim are connected.

I wonder if she's
playing games with me.

(Door opens, closes)

Even if she does
make contact with
the coma victim,

she may not be aware
she's doing so.

She may just be
denying her powers.

But I can't help feel

she's holding
something back.

Are we almost through,


Just one more try, okay?

Are you with me, Laura?

Yeah, okay.

Now, this time,

I would like you

to really relax,

all right?

Just empty your mind
of everything.

All the thoughts

and all the clutter,

Let sleep take you away.

Let the dreams come.

Let the dreams come

and take you away.


Go with the dreams,

Go wherever the dreams go.

There's nothing
to be afraid of.


Just sleep

and dream.

And dream.

And dream.


And dream.

And dream.

(Inaudible dialogue)



- Laura, Laura, easy, easy.
- No, no.

- Laura, Laura, it's a dream.
It's a dream.
- No, no.

- It's okay. It's all right.
- Here's some water, Laura.

Right here.

(Monitor beeping)

(machine clicking)

So that's all?
That's it?

A scary Santa?

That's it.

And that's all
you can tell me?


What time is it,

My brother
is picking me up.

Oh, I'm sorry,
it's late.

Going out of town
for Christmas?

Yeah, my grandmother's
got a house

out in the country
in Piru.

You're going to Peru?

No, Piru.

It's up in the north end
of the Valley.

Well, you have a good time.

And we'll continue
after the holiday break.

Oh, and, uh,
thank you for the oranges.

Grannie's got
a million of them.


I don't think I want
to do this any more.

I warned you

that this would require

a kind of courage.

Well, you have
other volunteers.

I understand.

Certain psychic abilities

can be frightening.

I'm not scared.

Maybe you should be.

On the other hand,

maybe it was wrong for me
to expect

someone so young could, uh,

venture into
these uncharted areas.

We'll talk about it
after Christmas, okay?

- Yes, okay.
- Goodbye, Dr. Newberry.

Woman on P.A.:
Dr. Wallace, report to
operating room one.

Dr. Adam Wallace,
report to operating room one.


Do you think
she made contact?

I think that she's playing
little girl games.

Her body may be young,

but her soul is old.

Older than we can imagine.

Do you think
she'll come back?

She's gone too far.

She'll be back.

And then she'll let me go
as deep as I want.

She likes it.

Loves it.


she can't resist it.

She wants
to penetrate his mind.

See what he sees.

The way
that he sees it.

(Machine clicking)

- (chatter)
- (phone ringing)

My brother's coming
to pick me up.

Could you let me know
when he's here?

I'm very busy, miss.

Well, if you see
a red jeep outside,
will you let me know?

I'll do my best.

- Bitch.
- Excuse me?

Woman on P.A.:
Dr. Evans, report
to gynecology.

Dr. Evans,
report to gynecology.

Thank you.

(Phone ringing)

Mount Memorial.

- (Siren blaring)
- Woman on P.A.: Nurse Corey,
please report to reception.

Nurse Corey,
please report to reception.

(Inaudible dialogue)

Excuse me.



Hey, excuse me.

Hey, what's wrong with you?


Hey, Laura.

Hey, sis, come on.

- Nurse: Is she all right?
- Yeah, she's fine.

Merry Christmas.

Not for you.

- Hey.
- Sorry, I couldn't help it.

Sorry I kept you waiting.

Remember that girl
I was telling you about,

- Oh, the aerobics instructor?
- No, the stewardess.

You're gonna bring
Miss Friendly Skies

- to Granny's
for the weekend?
- How'd you know?

I'm psychic, remember?

- Do you mind?
- I'll get over it.


Let's try to get an early start
and leave around 2:00.

I got my shrink at 3:00.

Then we leave later,

Do you know how pea-brain
gets his belt off?



- You're sick.
- I'm not.

Okay, Timmy,
you be a good little boy,

now, and take your medicine,

and Merry Christmas.
Ho, ho, ho!

- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas, Santa.

Wanna lick my candy cane,
little girl?

Ho, ho, ho, ho.

Woman on P.A.:
Dr. Rothkowitz, please
report to nutrition.

Well, what have we got here?

Coma victim.

Hey, Ricky,
want a drink?

What's that?
Vegetables don't drink?

Great, pal.
More for me.




Hey, vegetable,

who's your favorite singer,
"Perry Coma"?


* Fly me to the moon

* And let me play
among the stars *

* With Ricky.

Ho, ho, ho.
Ho, ho, ho.


What the f*ck?
Hey, buddy.

Easy, boy,
you're not well.

Hey, Ricky, uh, you know,
about the broccoli,
I was just kidding.

Seriously, want a drink?

No, no, no!

You were hostile
to the receptionist

after telling Dr. Newbury
you were quitting
his experiment.

She was a bitch.

But you felt
angry towards her.


And Dr. Newbury,
does he make you angry?

I guess so.

That's probably
why you imagined
the receptionist dead.

You took revenge against her
in your mind.

I... I don't know.

Laura, I wanna talk
more about

those unusual experiences
you say you've been having

since you were a child.

Seeing things,
if you will.

After the plane crash,

when my parents died...

I told you, Doctor,
I don't really see things.

But you see them in your mind.
What does it feel like?

Can you describe it to me?

It's a creepy feeling.

A warm sensation
in my spine

and I get chills
on my arms.

Go on.

My grandmother says
all our thoughts

are just pieces of
one big thought.

We just think about
the little pieces.

But sometimes
we're thinking about

the same little piece
as someone else.

Mm-hmm, yes.

Scientists have been saying
for years

that animals
communicate in this way.

I believe it.

My Airedale Ernest,
every time I go away,

he knows before
I'm even packing.

He starts to whine.

It's like a special sense
that most of us don't have

or if we do,
don't know how to use.

You might call it
extrasensory perception.

You mean,
I'm not crazy

for an Airedale?


Laura, when you say
you're having visions

of the past,
or flashes of future events,

I'm not doubting you.

But I am wondering
if something else
is going on.

Like what?

Laura, I'm not
criticizing you.

I'm trying to put you
in touch with your anger.

The plane crash,

losing your parents
while you survived,

the fact that you're blind
and others aren't,

there's a pool
of anger inside of you.

And you have to let it go.

You need to reach out
to people.

Let people help you
cross the street,

even if you can
do it yourself.

Trust people more.

Who said you have to be
the World's Champion
blind orphan?

But, Doctor,

will I stop
seeing these creepy things?

I hate it.

I don't want to see
the future or the past

or anything weird.

I just want to be normal.


no one is normal.



Well, can I help you?


(flesh squelching)

Laura, this is Jerri.
Jerri, this is Laura.

Hi, nice to meet you.

I never shake
on the first date.

Don't mind Laura.

You should see her
when she's really pissed.

It's nice to meet you,

Chris tells me
you're psychic?

Chris tells me
you give great head.

Jesus, Laura.

- Oops.
- I'm good with my hands, too.

Let's see,
you take the five
onto the 126

and then
you turn left.

Forget the map.

You take the 101
to Moore Park Road.

That's the way we always go.

So, Laura,

tell me, how long
have you been handicapped?

I don't consider
myself handicapped.


Laura will kick your ass
on water skis.

That's wonderful.

Change the subject, baby.

(Inaudible dialogue)


Ricky, huh?
New boyfriend?

(Car slows down)

Hey, Merry Christmas, buddy.

Hop in.

Wanna see
why I hate Christmas?

The wife makes me
wear it every year.

Would you wear a
porquería like that?

Then again,
you could use
a little brightening up.


What happened to you, man?

You get a head transplant?

- (Groans)
- You okay, sis?

Here, have some
Des Moines water.
It's natural carbonation.

Merry Christmas
to you, too.

(Music playing on TV)

Your pardon me, young sir.
I was at my devotions.

I did not hear you.

I'm sorry, sir,

but surely
I made enough noise
to awaken the dead.

Man on TV:
The government of France.

I've seen the uniforms

of many governments
in my time.

What would a soldier
of France be wanting here?

- (Phone ringing)
- Man on TV #2: Shelter,
for one thing.

Permit me
to introduce myself.
Lieutenant Andre Duvalier,

- Fifth Chapter...
- 126 service.

Oh, hi, Kathy.

I'm glad you called.

I'm kind of lonesome here
all by myself.

I'm just watching a movie.

Yeah, me, too.

(Bell rings)

Oh, wait, wait a second,
I got a customer.

Hold on, though,
don't hang up.

I want you to talk dirty
again to me like you did
last night.


Okay, don't hang up.
I'll be right back.

Merry Christmas.
Can I help you?

Kathy on phone:
Hey, Greg? Are you there?

Come on.

I wanna talk dirty to you.


Okay, listen,

I know you're there.

I've thinking about you

and my panties get wet
just waiting for it.

Oh, Greg.

Man on TV: Stephen?

- Yes, baron?
- Cognac for our guest.


Oh, gosh, you're dumb.

(Bell rings)

(payphone dings)

The phone's gonna ring.

(Phone ringing)


Oh, hi, Chris.
Where are you?

You know people
ask me all the time
if I'm not afraid of flying.

The airline says you
have just as much chance

dying in a plane crash
as you do being hit
by lightning.

And if they told you
pit bulls make good
house pets,

would you
believe that, too?

Your favorite
chestnut dressing.


Tell Laura
I made gooseberry pie.

Just like when
you were little.

Oh, Chris,
I was gonna go out,

but it's such a long trip
to the store.

Could you stop and get
a couple of sticks
of butter for me?

Thanks, dear.
I'll see you in an hour.

Drive carefully.

(Music playing on TV)

I've waited for so long.

(Doorbell rings)


The scene here
at County Hospital

is one of mass confusion
in the wake of

two brutal murders.

According to
Lieutenant Connely,

both the hospital receptionist

and an unidentified man...

Woman on P.A.:
Officer Sandoval,
report to security.

Take me through this again,
will you, Doc?

You say this guy
was in a coma?

Comatose for
six years, yes.

Comatose six years?

How come he's
running around
k*lling people?

I believe
that he's innocent
until proven guilty.

You do?

Come here.
Come on, I want to
show you something.

Your, uh,
coma victim,

what's his name?

Richard Caldwell.

Caldwell rings a bell.

Richard Caldwell.
Wait a minute,
Ricky Caldwell?

It was about
six years ago,
"The Santa Claus k*ller"?

He was really cute.

Chopped people up
with an axe.

She sees what he sees.

It's not the same guy,
it couldn't be.

This, uh, Ricky
got iced in a sh**t.

Not quite.

I was there.

We pumped
a dozen rounds
into this bastard.

Blew half his head off.

His brain
was surgically

We brought back
some of his

basic motor functions

so that his heart and lungs
could keep working.

We may have
even reactivated
his memory centers.

But, uh,
there was no way
to know as long

as he was
in a coma.

You jump-started
his memory, Doc,
is that it?

In the vernacular,

ain't science great?

I've gotta tell you,
if you don't mind my saying,
I'd have pulled his plug.

Even his life
was of value,

Now, go ahead, eat.

It's nice and hot.
Good for you.

There, there.
You don't have to thank me.

You see,
we're experimenting
with coma victims.

We're trying to see
if people

with psychic ability
can establish

telepathic communications.

I'm sorry, Doc,

but all this new-age stuff
just goes right over my head.

All right, look.

Imagine, um,

imagine a telephone
hasn't been used in a while.

We're trying to see
if we can make it ring.

Okay, now,
watch this.


Hear that?


What do you make
of that, Doc?

There's a young woman
that we use in the experiment.

She's extraordinary.

She doesn't even have
any idea of her powers.

Her name is Laura.

Laura, hmm?

And she just sort of, uh,

rang his telephone,
is that it?

She touched his soul.

He's drawn to her.

If she sees what he sees,

what if Ricky sees
what Laura sees?

Just got a report in
from the sheriff's office.

There's a homicide out
on Old Moore Park Road.

They found hospital tags
on the scene.

I think it just might be
our boy.

Laura who, Doc?

Where is she?

Laura Anderson.

I don't know where she is,
but I tell you one thing,

you had better
find her before he does.

Those are my grandchildren,
Chris and Laura.

That one's Laura.

Pretty, isn't she?

You know,
she's handicapped, too.

They're coming tonight.
It's an annual tradition.

I'm just checking to see

if Santa left
a gift for you.

(Grandma screaming)

* We wish you
a Merry Christmas *

- * We wish you a merry...
- Chris: Wait, start,
I'll start low,

- you start high, okay?
- Okay.

- * We wish...
- No, I start low.

- (laughs)
- Okay, okay, okay.

(Both singing)
* We wish you a
Merry Christmas *

* We wish you
a Merry Christmas *

* We wish you
a Merry Christmas *

* And a happy New Year

* We wish you
a Merry Christmas *

* We wish you
a Merry Christmas *

* We wish you
a Merry Christmas *

* And a happy New Year

* Good tidings to...

What's wrong?

I guess I'm just tired.

You two go on in
and I'll get the bags.



She's not here.

- Chris: Are you sure?
- She always hears the car.

She always comes out
on the porch to wait for us.

I forgot to pick up
some butter.

Something's not right.

Maybe she walked down
to the Oats' house.

Unless the boogeyman got her.

Chris isn't gonna let
the boogeyman get us,
are you, Chris?

Where's a telephone booth?
I have to change.

I like you just the way
you are, Clark.

Careful you two
don't drown each other.

Laura, give it a rest,
will you?

There's something wrong.

Chris, I'm serious.

Something's wrong.

Laura, don't go all
"Twilight Zone" on us,

This chair's out of place.

The chair's always
right there by
the fireplace.

- How can she tell?
- We grew up in this house.

She knows every inch
of it by heart.

The chair should be here.

So the chair is moved.
What's the big deal?

Come on, Jerri,
I'll show you the rest
of the house.

(Wind howling)




Wow, neat old house.

Hey, Laura,
are you okay?

Why don't you start
that bath?

I'll check out
the food situation.


Happy hour.

(Dog barking)

Hey, don't be sad.

I can't help it
this time of year.

It makes me think
about mom and dad.

Hey, to Christmases past,

present, and future.


(dog barks)

(dog barks)

I don't know about this.

Just come on in.

- Too hot?
- You or the water?

Mm. So nice.

I don't think
your sister likes me
very much.

I don't know.
It takes her a while
to warm up to people.

But I don't want
to talk about Laura.


- Hey, what are you doing?
- (giggles)

Scrub my back.

You mean, like that?


Like this.

I thought you wanted me
to scrub your back.

Shut up.

This is just an old cop
grabbing at straws, here,
but, uh,

if this guy
is really on
her wavelength,

uh, it's possible that

wherever she's gone,
he's headed that way, too?

She said that she was going
to her grandmother's
for the holidays.


I don't suppose
you know where grandma lives?

She mentioned something
about, uh, Piru.

Oh, that's north.

Or it could be west,

about 50/50.
You can take your choice.

You're not blowing smoke
up my ass, are you, doc?

That sounds like an
enterprise of

great pith
and moment which I would just

as soon decline, lieutenant.

Just asking.

She always brings me oranges.

She said something about

her grandmother
having a lot of orange trees.

Well, that's something,

Yeah, Connely, here.

I want you to go through

the names of all
the orange growers in Ventura.

Look for Anderson,

registered as Anderson.

Yeah, right.

Wait! Wait!

Maybe we should go look
for Granny at the Oats'.

- Come on, babe,
let's go for a walk.
- Let's go.

There's the North Star.

There's the Big Dipper.

And right over there,
that's Orion.

Where's Orion?

I don't see it.

Come on, now, baby,
don't try to scare me.

I don't like it, okay?


Who lives here?

Workers, people
who pick the oranges.

They come and go.

Maybe Granny's here.

We can give it a try.


(dog barking within)

How about that house?

Man on TV:

She is saying you.

She loves you.

You must...

help her tonight.

Her soul cries out
for release.

Go back.

Nobody at
the Olsen's house,

Yeah, I forgot.
Terry always goes down
to Baja this time of year.

He has a trailer
near La Fonda.

You're worried,
aren't you?

I can tell.

Well, it's weird.
It's Christmas eve and
Granny's not here.

My kid sister is alone
at the house.

She's hardly a kid.

Anyway, what about me?

Hey, everybody's
a kid on Christmas.

You won't need those soon.

Uh, you mean, um...

We're practically
there already.


You, uh, you hooked up?

Uh, I mean, with one of these?

Oh, no.

I make it a rule never
to attempt

two important functions

That's what I said.

But once you get one,

you'll never know how
you did without it.

You know, you got
call registry,

and call waiting,
call forwarding,

hundred-memory auto dialer.

You got a stick?

A what?

Well, if you drive
a stick shift,

you need the hands-free option.
That... that's a must.

It sounds like you have
a, uh, financial stake
in these...

hazardous toys.

Well, I do get
a hundred bucks off my

cellular bill
for every new signup.

Well, perhaps you should, uh,

conserve your zeal and vigor
for the pursuit of our
lost friend.


you seem to know
your way around all this
mystical stuff.

But do you know

what they call
it when you get déjà vu twice?

A re-occurring extra-sensory




You should give her
a chance, Laura.

Give me a chance.

Be more tolerant
of people, okay?

I know it's hard,
but nobody's perfect.

You don't have
to be perfect, either.

I love you so much.

Sorry, Chris.

It's okay.

I've been so jumpy lately.

I don't know why.

That experiment?


I just feel like

that something's
pressing at me,

and I keep
pushing it away.

Does that sound crazy?

What does
your shrink say?

He says it's
a disequal...


Disequilibrating phase
of my development.

What does that mean?

Heck if I know.

I'm just plain nuts.

Yeah, well, if you weren't
a little nuts, you wouldn't be
my sister.

We're two peas in a pod.

Two peas in a pod.

And Granny.

Where is Granny?

The Oats' house
was locked up,
nobody home.

We should go into town
and look for her.

Just give her
another fifteen minutes.

Granny won't mind
if we warm up dinner.

I'm starved.

Did you move your car?

No, why?

It's not there any more.

You know, with all your talk
about scientific theory,

there's one thing
you keep leaving out of the mix.

A little item called m*rder.





Hey, what's going on?

Oh, Chris, please.

Something really weird
is happening. We just
found my car.

- Upside-down in
the orange grove.
- Completely trashed.

Let's go.
We can walk
to the highway, please.

- What if Granny needs our help?
- Why don't we call the cops?

- Smart.
- I'll call.

It's dead.

Let me give it a try.

You see, Vitus,
even the phone is dead.

It's not funny, Chris.

Look, if somebody robbed the
place, don't you think we would
have noticed by now?


My picture...

it's gone.

Carved him up
pretty good, huh?

Red reactivates
his childhood trauma.

(Phone ringing)

Wait a minute, that's my car.



Damn it.
Yeah, Connely.


What you got?

I'm in Piru.


Can you hear me Ricky?

Did you find her yet?

Your soul still searching?

I should have left you alone.

I'm sorry.

I should have let you sleep.

Okay, about
fifteen minutes
up the road is a farm

registered with
the Orange Growers Association
under the name of Anderson.

Let's hope it's the same one.
Let's hope we're not too late.

It's him.

I know it is.

Who, Laura?

He was a little boy,

and then,

and then something happened,

something terrible.

What happened?
What little boy?

I saw into his mind.

He was showing me his past.

What are you talking about?

I don't know what's going on
here, but whatever it is...


Holy shit!

It's no use.

(Jerri crying)

He won't be stopped.


Are you okay?
He almost k*lled her.

It's not her he's after.

Do you know this guy, Laura?

If we stay here,
he'll k*ll us all.

So what are you gonna do
when we find him?

Well, uh,

we always hope that
the guy will surrender...


But in a case
like this it's

really very difficult
to tell.

I'd just kind of like to stop
him before he kills somebody
else, you know what I mean?

Then there's a possibility
that you'll k*ll him?

Well, there's always
that possibility.

There's no way that you
can trap him, take him alive?

I suppose you'd get all bent
if somebody was to suggest

you care more about your
scientific theory than you do
about innocent people?

There are no innocent people,

We're all guilty.

Guilty of being stupid,
irrational, doomed,

and badly-designed.

No, science

is the only way
to restore our innocence.

Ricky isn't a k*ller,

he's a way
to stop people from k*lling,

like snake venom is
a way to cure the bite.

Well, studying snakes
is your thing, doc.

Stomping on them is mine.

And speaking of snakes,

excuse me while I relieve
the reptile.

Crazy son of a bitch.

Come on, Chris,
let's go.

Didn't he say he was
just going upstairs?

Look, Laura, we're all
in this together, okay?

Chris, hurry!


Look what I found.
It's granddad's old greener,

with 12-gauge shells.

This thing must be
100 years old.

Hope these are still good.

What's the matter?

Come on, Laura.


What is it?

I don't know.


Jerri, Jerri.

Chris, no!


Help, Chris!

Run, go back
to the house.

No, Chris!

- (Screams)
- Oh!

Let's go back!



Hello, Ricky.

It's Dr. Newberry.

(Screaming on recording)

Easy, easy, easy Laura.
Laura, it's okay.

It's all right.
You're just dreaming.
You're just dreaming.

Now tell me, what was it?

She woke you up,
didn't she?

I dreamed I could see.

That's normal.

And what else?

Well, nothing, really.
It was just a crazy dream.

Well, that's what you're
here for, Laura, to dream.

What kind of a dream?

A dream about Christmas,

obviously because tonight
is Christmas Eve.

And what about Christmas?

Santa Claus.

(Stops tape)





He's dead, isn't he?

Isn't he?


Two peas in a pod.

He was all I had.

I'm sorry.

I loved him, too.

But we can't just wait here
for this maniac to come get us.



There's another g*n,
my grandfather's army p*stol.

It's under one of
the beds, maybe this one.

It must be the other.

Stay here, I'll get it.

No. Jerri...

Shh, I'll be right back,
I promise.



I'm sorry
I was mean to you.



I can feel you here.





(loud breathing)




Laura, listen to me, dear.


Are you listening?

You must listen to me, Laura.

You have the power.

It is a gift.

You must accept it.

Learn how to use it.

I'm scared, Granny.

Don't be frightened, child.

Use your power.

Use it to do good for people.

Use it for your life
and the lives of others.

But I don't know
what to do, Granny.

Please, help me.

Concentrate, Laura.

Use your mind like a lens
to gather the light,

to shine in the darkness
where you cannot see.

Use your power, child.

No one can hurt you
if you use the power.


Granny, you're here.

I can feel you near me.



Granny, please don't leave me.

Please don't leave me.

Help me.




Now we're even.


Hey, bubblehead.

(Cocks shotgun)

Is it live, or is it Memorex?





I'm over here, Ricky.

Come and play.


(siren blaring)

Give me a call sometime, doc.


don't be stupid.

I love you, Chris.

(Police radio chatter)

Call ahead to
intensive care
to set up life support.

With a little luck,
we can save this guy.

(Siren blaring)

Um, how are you doing?
Are you okay?

I'll be fine.

I don't know how you did it.

But I guess there's a lot
of things that I don't know.

Merry Christmas.

And a happy New Year.
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