Tokyo Godfathers (2003)

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Tokyo Godfathers (2003)

Post by bunniefuu »

We have seen a star in the east.

It told us the Son of God is born.


The Lord Jesus
was laid in a manger

to bring salvation
to the souls of those

with no place of their own.

Nothing is harder
than to have no place

but many are those without one.

Tell me about it!

In their solitude,
they long for someone who will say:

"I want you to be here."

Not me, thanks.

Be quiet!

Jesus was born to offer those alone
a place in which to be alive!

"Joy to the world,
the food has come."

Gin! It's "the Lord has come"!

You don't know much, do you?

More than some q*eer.

I am a mistake made by God.

In my heart, I am a woman.

Women can have children.

What if a miracle like
the Virgin Mary getting pregnant

was to happen to a q*eer?

Better give me a little extra.
After all, I'm eating for two.

Serves you right!


Time to eat!


Close your legs!
Act like you were a woman.

I am a woman.

And it's a waste
to spill food like that.

Don't just gobble your bread.

Eat it with love for the people
who made and brought it here.

I hate that Bible-thumping.
You're just like Akiko.

Who's Akiko?

My old lady.


Don't call your mother that.

Eat shit, you old fart.

"Shit" I'll take, but "fart" I won't!

That hurts! You old...

"bag lady."

You peep pretty loud for a chick
that can't even find its own worms.

Should a burden on society like you
be talking?

You're a burden on us.
What does that make you?

The kettle the pot's calling black!

You mouthy brat!

Can't you at least get along
at Christmas?

Oh, yes.
Miyuki, I got you a present.

They're gone!

A whole set of
"World Literature for Children".

Why would I need that?

Hana looked hard for those!

Even a homeless teenage runaway
needs a Christmas present!

I choose not to go home.

Six months on the street
means you don't have a home.

I can go home any time I want to.

It's the ones who say that
who never do.

Speak for yourself, you old geezer!

What are you doing to Dostoevsky?

I won't take that, today of all days!

Not even my father ever hit me!

So I'll do it for him!

Grow up, will you?

Don't hurt yourselves.

Show more respect, kid!

I'm not a kid!

With little tits like these?

You filthy old pervert!
That's harassment!

Will you two stop?


It's been...


There, there, there.


What a world! Oh, man!

Oh, my! You're a little girl.
I wonder what your name is.

"John Doe."

She's a girl, I said!
He's so rude!

How old was I when I started
living like this? Thirty-something?

I still thought that I was better off
than a child with no home.

There, there, now!
We'll take you somewhere warm.

The cop shop's that way!

This is a Christmas present
from God!

She's our baby!












What do you mean,
take her with us?

I'm just doing God's will.

Her parents might come back.

What parent would leave
a child out in this cold?

That's a devil, not a parent!

Kiyoko wanted us to find her.


"Kiyoko"? Why "Kiyoko"?

From kiyo, "pure,"
on this purest of nights.

- How tacky!
- Kiyoko's a fine name!

Did you have
a girlfriend named that?


Look, we can't just name her!
She's not a puppy or a kitten!

So I'm taking her home.

To a cardboard box?

There's no room!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance!
Let me feel like a mother!

A haiku:

"A little baby, powdery snow
on its cheeks, on this holy night."



Oh, dear! Tell me what's wrong!

Shut up!


I know, I know, he's not your mommy.
He's just a homeless h*m*.

Don't say that in front of her!

A baby crying around here
will sound weird!

We're going to take you
to the police soon, okay?

You're not going anywhere, are you?

Idiot! We're taking her to the police!

Don't shout or she'll never shut up!

Why won't you stop crying?
Are you hungry?

There, there!

Maybe she's sick.

I promise I'll take her then.

Christmas should be
the happiest day of the year.

If we take her in now, it'll always be
the worst day of her life!

Maybe... she needs a diaper.

Hana, boil some water.

I'll make some milk.

Hey! Whose side are you on?

Go buy some water!
My angel isn't drinking from the tap!

Why me?

Where does a bum get off telling me,
"Them that works eats"?

Just for tonight, remember.
Tomorrow we take her to the police.

So "no man is an island"
after all, huh?

You're buying water?

A Christmas miracle.

What a haul!

Watch where you're going, brat!

You watch where you're going!

I was married once.

With a child?

No, don't tell me.
I don't want to hear this!

You never forget for one second.

A child's the only thing
you hold dearer than life itself.

A boy?



Come on! Give it back!

Hey, you're the girl
who hangs out with Gin.

Get out of here, will you?

- We don't want Gin after us.
- Why not?

You're the light of his life,
that's why not!

There's not much light
in a cardboard box.

Let me have this book.

How old?

Twenty-one, I think.

Five or six years older than Miyuki,
I guess.

That old?

If she was alive.

When I was 20, I got a girl pregnant
and we got married.

I was in heaven.

You could have poked me in the eye
and I'd have just smiled at you.

But my daughter got sick,
and the medical bills were huge.

I was something
of a bicycle racer then.

I needed money.
There was this race...

You threw it?

A punk I knew had this scheme.

They found out, I got kicked out
of racing, and my girl died.

I just didn't feel like working anymore.

And then my wife followed my daughter.

Oh, no!

That's how you get to be a man like me.

I didn't want to hear that.
I hate sad stories!

It's freezing!

- You're used to this.
- Kind of.

I'll give her the milk.

Dreams do come true.

I always dreamed of being
the mother of a little girl.

A nice, warm house, a pretty daughter.

Even if my husband was no good,

I would accept dire poverty
as long as I had my child.

Feed the poor kid!

You're so pretty.

The prettiest little girl in the world.

What do you want?

They're gone.

Santa Claus, maybe?

"Uncle Bag" and the baby are gone.

What's that q*eer thinking about?

Man, he's got big feet!

You can't have feet fixed.

Are you taking her back?

There's probably an APW out on her.

- And for you.
- I doubt it.

An arrest warrant, maybe.

Her parents are probably
sorry about this now.

So let's take her to the police.

A baby's always better off
with its real mother.

Not necessarily.

Sometimes a foster mother's better.

- What?
- Don't be stupid.

I never knew my real mother.

But I'll bet if she saw me now, she'd flip.

How can someone homeless
raise a child?

I know, I know!

I don't want her shunted
from one foster home to another

without even one memory
of ever having been loved.

You don't have to be a foundling
to feel that.

They must have had their reasons.

Nothing should make you
abandon a child!

That means you've taken love
and tossed it away, like trash.

Yeah, but what can we do about it?

Find her mother.

And ask why she abandoned her baby.

If she can make me understand,

I'll forgive her,
and my mother too.

Find her?


We'll have to pay again.

This is an expensive year-end!

What if we find another baby?

They don't toss them out in twos.

Another key!

Look at these panties.
You'd catch cold in them!

Are they the ones?

Are these your folks?

Look, business cards.

A hostess club won't be open
at this hour.

We've got some walking to do.

You've gotta be kidding!

He was eating for two!

But why pack like you're off on a trip
and then abandon a baby?

Maybe it was one last trip
they were taking.

A family su1c1de?

Then what do we do?
We can't search the next world.


We apologise
for any inconvenience.

Trains will be delayed
due to heavy snowfall.

It's so hot in here!

What a stink!

Have you bathed lately?

No. Or washed my clothes.

How embarrassing!

Oh, dear! There, there.

Did she piss herself?
That's why it stinks.

It's you that stinks!

- Quiet!
- Shut that kid up!

- Watch it!
- Hey!

- Miyuki!
- What's she up to?

We wasted our train fares.

It was me who paid them.

I'm sorry, there's no more milk.

Go ahead, blame it all on me.

Oh, cheer up! Let's sing a song.

What's that?

- The Sound of Music, of course.
- Never heard of it.

That's going to make you even hungrier.

I'm starving!

I told you!

Look after my little angel.

Go on without me.

Just say you'll never forget
the q*eer you once knew.

Look. A cemetery.

I'm not dead yet!

Now I'm alive again!

But there's nothing for a baby
in these offerings to the dead!

We'll get by!

Yeah, sure. "We'll get by!"

People keep on saying that
till they end up living like us.

And while we keep on saying it,
the kid'll end up under a stone here.

"Kiyoko"! She has a name!

Yeah, whatever. And she's cute.
She's so pretty.

But listen to me. I'm serious.

You listening?

If you really care about that kid,

you'll find her someone
to take care of her.

I speak from experience.

That's what her parents said, I bet.

What do you mean?
I wouldn't abandon a kid.

Don't be stupid!

No. Your family abandoned you!

There you go again!
Am I going to sit and listen

while some dumb q*eer
pisses on me?

What are we doing here? Tell me.

Wracking our brains!

We're scavenging offerings
left in a cemetery.

And why? Because we're homeless.

- Stop it!
- No! I'm not going to stop.

We are three good-for-nothing bums

who can't even look after ourselves.

Shut up! I'm thinking!

I won't shut up.

You can't get milk from an old q*eer's
tits, no matter how hard you think.

Come on, Hana!
You know we can't do this.

Speak for yourself!

This way, the whole family will be dead.

Oh, my!

You're so lucky, Kiyoko!

God must really love you!

Then why was she...



- That's a dead end.
- It's right!

- Tails.
- Heads.

What's this guy doing, parking like that?

Doesn't he know
what a "public thoroughfare" is?

How did that happen?

Bad luck. The car got stuck,
and I forgot the parking brake.

Then someone shouted,
"Dorothy, wait!"

And then I heard, "Whoops!"
and the damn car rolled on top of me.

I don't bring my men with me
when I'm visiting the old man's grave.

I owe you.
Call me if you're ever in trouble.

Oh, no, we never have any trouble.

You're from Kinshicho?

We were just going there.

I know it's rude to ask.

If it's rude, then don't ask.

Come on.

Would you know this establishment?


Know it?

Its owner's marrying my daughter today.

He's one of my men,
but he's too cocky.

I was against it.

But your daughter chose him.

The daughter I brought up,
married to a man like that.

Know what I mean?

But if your daughter's
happy with him,

isn't that the main thing?

You're right!

I went to the old man's grave
so I wouldn't cry at the wedding.

Watch the road!

Good evening, sir!

Make yourselves at home.

Daddy, you're late!

Sorry, sorry. I almost got k*lled.

I owe them my life.

My daughter, Kiyoko.

Oh. Hello.

What have you gotten us into?

Just shut up and eat!

Diaper change. Your turn, Miyuki.

Don't you think
Kiyoko has amazing luck?


Maybe she does.

Oh, yeah. Her name's Sachiko.

Not "Midori"?

Just at the club.

She's Sachiko, "happy child,"
though she didn't look it.

But some plastic surgery turned her
into a good little earner.

She quit.
Said she was pregnant.

Do you know where she is?

I doubt you'll wring
any money out of her.

No, I have something to give her.

I'm sorry I spilled your food.

You remember her?
Midori, the skinny broad.

She said her husband was in debt.

What's wrong with you?

That bastard.

Do you know him?

Then she borrowed
more money from us,

and ended up screwed both ways.

You know where she is?

If it weren't for his damn
get-rich-quick scheme,

I'd still be with my wife and kid!

But aren't they both dead?

I'll k*ll the bastard!

You'll get k*lled!

Mitsuo! Mitsuo!

It was that maid!

Are you okay?

She's got a g*n!

Hey, what?

Kiyoko! Miyuki!


Thank you very much.

She's got a g*n, you know!

- Our lives are already wasted!
- Hana!


Yes! One of your cabs picked up
a young woman with a baby.

Number 12-25. Send it to...

...the Tokyo Tower.
My name is...

Hey! Wait a minute.

We're homeless bums,
not action-movie heroes.

What we need now is the police.

If you like the police so much,
get them to adopt you!

Those children are like family!

I thought I could depend on you!

Don't talk like you were my damn wife.

I'm not going anywhere.


We've done all we could.

You're giving up?

There's nothing we can do.

You really are the lowest of the low!

The best thing you'll ever do
is die in the gutter!

Oh, poor you!
You'll be dead and no one'll care!

All you ever do is cause people trouble!

Dead or alive, you're living trash!

The king of trash!

Okay, so I'm trash. But you're ugly.

- Yes?
- I want to get rid of some trash.

I don't think I'd fit.

Yeah, that's what I am, living trash!

Who cares if you die in the gutter?

You're dead all the same.

You okay?

Hang in there, Gramps.

- May I make one last request?
- What?

Give me a drink of that.

You're not selling me into sl*very!

Somebody, help!

I always wanted to die drunk,
in a nice old house.

Now I'm halfway there.

Fate works in strange ways.

I've lived a long time,

but I'm just trash,
as worthless dead as alive.

Don't talk like that!

You remind me of myself
when I was younger.

Looking at you now,

may I make a last request?

Get rid of this for me.

Some people will be hurt
if it's known who I am.

Okay. I understand.
No one will ever know.

Take care of yourself, okay?
May I make a last...?


And now, goodbye.

That's it!

Thanks, Gramps!

Time for the New Year's clean-up!

Big breasts... Cool!


Father... Police.

Your dad's a cop?

- My father was a policeman!
- Father, policeman?

Except I'm the one
he's going to be arresting.

Hold it.

Hi! How've you been?

Now? Just cleaning up.

Hey, wake up!

Come on!

No! Not that!

Time to die, old man!

Kiyo's coming? I'm there!

The girls are drinking near here.


All cleaned up.

Give it back!

Give me that back!

Her foreigner husband looked like
he was in a real bad mood.

Did he hit her?

No, she was being real nice
for a girl so young.

My wife could learn something!

His foreign assailant fled, taking
a young woman and a baby hostage.

With the groom in serious condition,
police speculate this may be a w*r

between crime syndicates.

Hey, this is serious!

I'm not kidding around, either!

My mum's religious.

She chants all the time.


Isn't she cute?

I found her. Those spots
on her back look like wings.

So I called her "Angel".

But she's gone.


I stabbed my father.

I can never go back.

The baby? A gift from God.

Give me a break.
I've got a family at home.

Those children are my family!

They went in there.

- Hey! The fare!
- I'll be right back.

Miyuki! Kiyoko!

Miyuki! Kiyoko!

Where are you?

Kiyoko! Miyuki!

How could you do this to me?

It's your own fault!

You never listen to anything I say!

Use the scarf I made you
to mop up the blood!

What have you done with Angel?

Where is she? Where is my Angel?

She's right here. Our angel.

I'm hungry.
Make me some food.

Why? What are you doing
in my house?

Miyuki, take Kiyoko. I'll get dinner.

Kiyoko! Miyuki!

Uncle Bag?

Oh, I've missed you, my little angel!

I wish I was her mother,
but I'm just another q*eer.

I'm so glad you're safe.

Where's the geezer?

He could be dead, for all I care!

I'm dying.

Maybe he went home.

Who cares?

All he thinks about is himself.

Yeah, Miss Hana, but you're in love
with him, aren't you?

Don't be silly!
I like my men to be more "manly".

The kind of man I like is slender,
middle-aged, tanned,

with a divine square-back haircut
and a lower-town accent

who says, "Ah, what the hell,"

when I don't quite have the cab fare.

So, what now, Miss Hana?

Why are you calling me that?
"Uncle Bag" is fine.

It's hard to say.

I'm glad.

He just died there?

He was homeless.

I might be next.

Just do your job.


Gin! Gin!

Take it easy.


Calm down!

Where is that man of mine?


If only tonight...

I wanted to see you before I died.


What is your desire?
My magic, or an ambulance?

- An ambulance.
- Well! Aren't you rude?

What are we going to do?
Kiyoko can't sleep out on the street!

The geezer's not here,
we're freezing, sleepy, hungry.

This sucks!

I guess there's no choice.

I never thought I'd be here again.

I'm sorry. We're closed
for a private party tonight...


I know I have no right
to come strolling in now,

but there's no one else
I can call on, "Mother"!





What happened, Gin?

Some kids beat me up.

I guess I'm just not an action hero.

He said he knew you.

But he said he was homeless,
you know.

So am I.

What? But why?

Since Ken died, I'm like a canary

that's forgotten its song.

You sing all the time!

Isn't she cute?

I wish I could have one!

So Ken died, did he?


He slipped on the soap.

Well, death is always
a hair's breadth away.

But if you were in trouble,
why didn't you come back?

We certainly had fun here, didn't we?

In this old bar

I've had so much to drink

My old memories

All start to blur

My lover

Has left me

People call me notorious

Aw, you're ugly!

Good for nothing

Get off!

Good for nothing

What a terrible thing to say

Eat shit, you old fart!

"Shit" I'll take, but "fart" I won't!

I couldn't come back after I'd done that.

A little bit of money took care of that.

I'm just happy you're all right.

Stop it!
You scare me when you start crying.

What about that baby?
ls the girl its mother?


Where is your mother, anyway?


Yes! I've been abandoned!

Them's the breaks, I guess.

I could see me in her.

Born on the street,
and back there again.

That's why I want to find her
a home full of love!

All I ever wanted was love!


What the hell?

The geezer's come out.

Where are my clothes?

Way to go, Gin!

Come back any time.

Thank you, Mother.

My mother's white breath as she watches me
set out on a long journey.

Oh, man!

An empty building's always nice,
but look who got here first.

I'd just love to fill up on some meat!

Don't you dare!

Just kidding!

The snow's let up.
Miyuki, will you go shopping?


Get me some sake.

Just one.

- No!
- I wish.

"Honey, I'm home."

You stayed in there?
You'd think you were homeless!

Actually, we're looking for these people.

Sachiko Nishizawa.

Do you know her?

She never paid me back for
her Neighbourhood Association dues.

Are you a relative?

No! We're acquaintances of a relative.

Her husband was no better.

Gambling day and night,
and mean when he drank.

Living on his wife's earnings
and borrowed money.

Where are they now?

I wouldn't know.
Mrs Kurumizawa might.

They left about three months ago.

The house was seized for debt.
One night they just up and went.

They were a nice couple at first,

but it wasn't long
before they started fighting.

That's poverty for you.

All that debt didn't stop him
from lording it over her.

Even the most dedicated wife
has her limits.

You'd see bruises sometimes.

The poor woman.

Not on her, on him!

Oh, dear!

But his mother would always
take his side against her.

His parents built them this house.

- Where do they live?
- Mrs Yamanouchi might know.

Her mother-in-law
was always complaining

that she never did any housework.

But her son was perfect, of course.

Of course! That's why I told her

she'd never see a grandchild
with his wife working in a club.

But she did get pregnant.

Well, a man and a woman...

They can always find time
to do what they must!


What if they ran out
from this new place too?

What a horrible man!

Poor Sachiko! Working to pay off
her husband's gambling debts!


But I never thought
of abandoning the kid.

- Huh?
- Nothing.

That's no reason to just dump the kid.

I've said that all along.


Doesn't it ever get tired of snowing?

Thank you.

I wonder how we look to them.

Like a bum, a q*eer,
a runaway and a foundling.

Kiyoko is God's messenger.
We're her servants.

Unpaid servants.

Paying for a father's sins.

Yeah, if her father had been
any good at all,

we wouldn't be going through all this.

Even a good-for-nothing father
never forgets a child.

I'm going out.

What's the matter with her?

A child never forgets its parents.

I never stop wanting
to see my daughter, just once.

So she's alive?


And your wife?

I'm sure she's remarried
and living happily.

Hello. It's me, Miyuki.

Why did you split up?

- Drinking and gambling.
- What?

Just like...

I'm a louse.

But I've always wanted to do
something for her as a father,

even just a little.

When I was gambling,
this would have been nothing.

Now I've had to sweat blood
just to save 30,000 yen.

That's great, Gin!

- We can stuff ourselves!
- Stuff you!

Ishida speaking.

Miyuki? Is that you?

Are you all right?

I'm sorry!

I'm sorry!

I'm sorry!

Excuse me,
but if you wouldn't mind.

"Get out," you mean?

Other customers might like to sit down.

- There's hardly anyone here...
- You guys stink!

What are you?
Homeless or something?

Who are you looking at?

Hold it, you!

Hold it, I said, you low-life!

It's New Year's Sale time
at The Food Store!

Come to The Food Store
for all your special New Year's needs!

See in the New Year with your family!

Call an ambulance, quick.


I knew it! Kiyoko really is
the messenger of God!

- Hey!
- Miss Hana!



Following a recent gangland
sh**ting incident,

police are seeking a fugitive
thought to be Latin American.

Mitsuo Hiruta, shot three times,

in protecting the leader
of his syndicate,

will be questioned
after he recovers from his wounds.

Isn't she cute!
When was she born?

Not long ago, I guess.

So the mother...?

I'm not.

- What's her name?
- Kiyoko.

That's my name too.
What a coincidence.

Your friend is very weak.

Make sure he gets rest
and proper nutrition.


Believe it or not, we're homeless.

I'm just a doctor.

Rest and nutrition don't fit
with our lifestyle, you realise.

I can try to cure disease.
Lifestyle is something you have to fix.

All anyone can do is their best.

Take care.

The bill for today is 29,830 yen.

Bring your health-insurance card
and you'll get a refund.

I'm sorry, Gin!

Stop crying!
You'll get the bills all wet.

That's 30,000 yen.



So you took up nursing.

I see.

I'm glad you're well.

Oh, yeah, I'm just great.
How's your mother?


Yeah? That's good.

What are you doing now?

I'm in recycling.
I had to drop something off here.

You must hate me.

I was never
any kind of a father to you.

But that 30,000 yen was money
I'd saved up for you.

You may not believe it.

I always wanted to see you.

When I was little,
Mum and I searched for you.

We even checked unidentified corpses.

After you disappeared,
Mum ran the store herself.

The store?

It was hard for a woman
to run a bicycle shop alone.

That's not quite the same
as a bicycle racer.

The man you owed money to was shot
and wounded the other day, you know.

He lived?

That's a relief.

I thought you'd say that.

I ran up the debts, not him.

Thank that doctor for me.
He seems like a nice guy.

I'm getting married.

Oh? That's good.

To him.

Great! But isn't he about my age?

He's been married.
His daughter got sick and died,

and his wife followed her.

That man makes me so mad!

Aren't you moved?

- Here's the address and phone number.
- Yours?

The old house is gone.

Even if you can't now,
call me sometime.


I've had about all I can stand!

- Miss Hana?
- Telling us you were a racer!

I was always at the track.

Yeah, betting!

And your debts snowballed
so you couldn't face your family

and you ran and hid in a cardboard box!

Yes, damn it!

That's what your father is!

He can't bet, he's spineless,
his feet stink and he can't drink!

He kills off his wife and daughter
to buy sympathy!

He said you had an incurable disease!

With a father like that,
you have my sympathy!

Is this how you repay me?

Repay you?

Am I hearing right?

If we're talking about debt,
I'm waiting for my change!

Debt's a concept
you don't even understand!

You understand how to troll
through garbage cans!

And how to get in debt
and how to make babies.

Though you're not too good
at raising them, are you?

And your debts
you shove off on your wife.

Always running away,
never doing anything right!

Running away's
the only racing you ever did!

Miyuki! We're leaving!

Miss Hana?

I guess he's better.

Should you have said that
in front of her?

If she's his daughter,
she'll forgive him.

Being able to speak freely

is the lifeblood of love.

Maybe I'm naive.

So you're in love with him?

Don't be silly.
I'm the Weeping Red Devil.

- What?
- It's a story I love.

There was a red devil who wanted
to be friends with people.

But since he was a devil,
no one would go near him.

So his friend the blue devil
made a plan.

He'd wreak havoc among the people,
and the red devil would save them.




The plan worked.

But the blue devil had to go away,
so they'd never know it was a trick.

It's a sad story.

But that means you leave.
Where will you go?

It's best for everyone
when they're with their family.

Soon we'll find Kiyoko's mother.

And then what?
You don't have a real family!


Numbers have been drawn for
the annual New Year's Jumbo Lottery.

Top prize in the 200-million-yen
lottery is a very rare number.

Group 11, number 111,111

is worth 50 million yen.

A different group pays
100,000 yen.

To repeat,
the winning prize number is...

This just in.

Police have released a sketch
of an infant taken

from a hospital
in Tokyo's Shinagawa Ward.

We've come all the way here,
but we don't have her address!

The geezer's got it! Let's go back.

Where are you going?

- The police!
- What? You hated that idea!

I was just ego-tripping.

Now I want to apologise
to her parents.

They might not be able to sleep
waiting for news about her.

That's what we said
from the very start!

They might even be
about to commit su1c1de!

I've done something
that can't be taken back!

I'll throw myself in this river.

I'll step neatly out of my shoes,
stand on the handrail, and be at peace.

But then I'll see a baby's face
on the water.

No! While I see this child's face,
I cannot die!

Hey, you!


- You're too young for this!
- Please! Let me die!


Sachiko Nishizawa...

What were you thinking of?

Is that an apology?

If we hadn't found this child,
she would've frozen to death!

It wasn't me!

My husband took her away
when I wasn't there!

I've looked and looked!

Is that true?

All I've suffered
on account of that man!

"Hi, Mum!"

God really loves this child, you know.

I want you to give her lots of love too.

Do right by her, or you'll pay for it.

I'm so sorry!

I'm sorry!

Mrs Nishizawa!

What are you doing in here?
Get out of here! Get out!

Wait! I'm no thief.

You're lying! Get out!

Where's the baby?

Did an old q*eer and a girl come
to give it back?

What are you talking about?

You abandoned a baby!

I can prove it.

Are you a cop?

Huh? I'm just a bum
who was passing by.

Are you right in the head?

I'm damn near crazy from all this!

Why is the baby you abandoned
on the news as being "taken away"?

They'll call us kidnappers!

It wasn't me. That's not my kid.


There, there! Don't cry!

Take care.

Raise her right.

See you again someday.

Never leave her again.

On the year's last day, when all
of a life's accounts have been settled up

Sachiko stole that baby
out of the hospital.

She stole a baby
and then abandoned it?

That's a person's life!

She lied to me about it!

And now it's got way out of control.

I don't want anything to do with it!
Take the kid to the police!


Don't act like you're not part of this!

You don't want to get involved?
You're her husband!

That's all over!
I'm getting my life back together.


I won 100,000 yen in the lottery.
My luck's turned!

I know a guy just like you.
He threw away his life and his family.

No. They threw him away.

I'm no loser!

These were in your wife's bag.

Any idea where she might have gone?

She said she was going
to be with her baby.

She was going to k*ll herself!

There's no time to waste!

No! She was just going
to go look for the kid.

She's desperate.
That only means one thing!

But where do I look?




God must be busy at this time of year.

Better once a year than never.


You're too late.
You just missed a very moving finale.

What's the matter?




Now that's settled,
what the hell do you mean?

Fake! The mother! Sachiko's a fake!


Why won't you drink?

A baby has to drink
from its mother's breast.

We'll never be close if you don't!

Sorry. Wrong people.

She can't be far!

But where do we look?

We can't just give her up now!

That's Kiyoko!

Should you be running?

If I don't run now, when will I?

This way!

Returning stolen goods to a thief!
How could we be so dumb?

Who said "family su1c1de"?

You did!

- Which way?
- Left.

- Okay, right!
- Why?

You're a lousy gambler!

You got that right.

Somebody help!



Thief! Thief!

- What's wrong?
- A woman just stole my truck!

Hey! Thief!

Yes! That woman!

She's a baby thief!

Be quiet, will you?
Please! Be a good baby!

Stop! Give Kiyoko back!

Give me a break!

I'm forever in your debt!


That woman's crazy!

Get closer!

I can't!

You have to, for Kiyoko!

- Who's Kiyoko?
- Step on it like a man!


Please! Be quiet!

- Gin!
- Geezer?


Go for it, Gin!
No action star can touch you!

Pass her!

- We'll die!
- Step on it!


Stop crying!

Don't be afraid.
I'll never leave you again.

You want to die?




- Are you okay?
- Where's Kiyoko?

- Faster!
- Okay!

Which way?

We're at the scene

where a truck has crashed
into a building in Shinagawa.

Now a woman holding a baby
has appeared on the roof.

Witnesses say the woman
is connected with the incident

as she was driving the truck.

Now there's someone else on the roof!

Stay away!


Tell me why you took that baby.

I didn't! This baby is mine!

You're lying! Its real parents
are worried sick about it!

That's not true!

You of all people should know
what it's like to lose a child!

She's dead. My baby died
before she was even born!

All the other babies looked
so healthy there in the ward.

I wanted to die.

But then this baby smiled at me.

I decided she was mine.

I thought as long as I had her,
everything would be fine.

My husband would mend his ways,
and we'd be a real family.

That's bullshit!

Build a family by ruining a baby's life?
If you're going to die, do it alone!

A life is a life. It's only born once.
You, me, or Kiyoko.

Give her back, okay?

I want to be reborn.


Sachiko, don't die!
Come back to me!

I was wrong!
Please, don't k*ll yourself!

We'll start again!
We'll be reborn! Sachiko!

I'll go first and wait for you.


Please! Let me die!

Kiyoko wants to see her mum and dad!

I want to go home.

I'm sorry!

Take her to her mother and father.

Oh, no.


I'm okay! I'm still alive!

Inspector, I don't know how to thank you.

We're not the ones you should thank.

Man, that was a good sleep!
Get me a cigarette, Miyuki.

- In my jacket.
- Yeah, yeah.

That was some New Year's!

It's "No Smoking" here.

Lighten up. I'm a hero.

You mean "we"!

I guess we won't have to listen
to Kiyoko's damn crying anymore.

She's not "Kiyoko" anymore.

I'm not pleased.

What can we do?

Not that.

This is a men's ward.

Perhaps we're intruding.

No, it's just...

I'm told they're homeless.

Who cares?

We'd like them to be her godfathers.

Come in.

Excuse us.

The baby's parents
would like to thank you...

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