Kids in a Cage (2023)

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Kids in a Cage (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »


...In the blue corner,

She's seven years old

and weighs 50 pounds,


riverside submission...

Ladies and gentlemen,

Give it up for jayden murillo!

- There we go!

- She wants that ground, baby,

That's right, baby, go!

Come on, jayden!

Get your guard, baby!


You okay?

Your winner

by submission arm bar,

Jayden murillo!


My weight is 58 pounds.

My record is 8-0.

Girls are strong,

and they rule the world.

Me. And a music video.

Announcer: Ultimate fighting

is the fastest growing sport

in the world.

Announcer: Right now,

3.2 million kids under

the age of 13 cage fight.

Just think about that.


Depending on your view,

It's either

a brilliant showcase

Of strength and skill

or a savage sport

That should be banned

Jon: I created a format

where kids can compete

In something similar to

mixed martial arts,

But a lot safer.

We've got 400 kids nationwide,

Kids that come

from millionaire parents

To kids that are on welfare.


Announcer: ...Fighting out

of the red corner,

Who is eight years of age,

From riverside submissions,

Give it up for max murillo!

Jon: The number one obstacle

We have to overcome

is the perception.

People look at it

like child abuse.

But this sport

has so many safety nets

That we're gonna catch

potentially dangerous injuries.

Yes. No.

It looks dangerous.

Is it dangerous?

How dangerous is it for kids?

And you're not worried

about him getting injured?

Hey, you're not hurt.

Jon: We're in

an era where kids

Aspire to be

gangbangers or thugs.

This sport builds character

in kids that were lacking.

It teaches them discipline,

It teaches them self-respect,

and builds that self-esteem

That they need

as they grow older.

Man: These kids are learning

to defend themselves.

They learn to lose.

They learn what life is.

Jon: Every other sport

that's a real sport

Has youth development leagues.

If mma decides

it is a real sport,

You gotta bring on the kids.

Announcer: All right,

ladies and gentlemen, again,

Give it up for both

of these warriors

And a great fight.

We have our winner,

Possibly the cutest combatant

we've ever seen,

Jayden murillo!

Jayden: My ultimate goal

is to become

A pro fighter in the ufc.


Just keep the pre--

Some of it looks scary

and dangerous.

Sometimes random people

say to me,

"you're pretty and

you kick butt in the cage."


but then also mean.

I will spank jayden and angela

and xavier if they act up.

I believe in discipline.

Jayden: People should know

that I'm bossy and bratty.

I learned it from my mom.


If I am a champion,

I'll have so much money,

I'll donate it to charity

and homeless people.

I would also give it

to my family.

My family does

not have enough food.


We live check to check.

- Ooh.

- Every day's a struggle.

Randy: I service

air conditioning, heating.

I'm doing weekend work,

doing side jobs.

I do a lot of it for the kids.

- No.

- No, you missed.


I have seven children.

Jayden is my only girl.

My miracle child.

Wiggle it.

Do it, jayden, dance. Dance.0109

- Oh, you want some of this?

- Now what? Now what?

She says she's gonna

get us a house on the beach.

My dream is for that

to come true.


okay, looks like "kayley."

I'm the mma mom.

I help kids sign up

for cage fights...

Jeremy, you're on deck!

...So I'm always involved

in everything they do.

- Come on, baby!

- Come on, jayden!

I can't see.

Jayden sells socks

with her face on them

To raise money for her fights.

Wearing a sock with

my face on it is funny,

But weird at the same time.

It looks like its eyes

Would follow you around.

I think it's creepy.

Reina: Jayden is sponsored

by built to fight.

They make her rash guard,

gloves, her shin guards.

It helps a lot.


Turn to face the crowd.

I think the sponsors

are coming to us

Because jayden's a badass.

She's this little girl

With this long blonde hair

And then she just

turns into this beast.

Announcer: We have

cash "the cashman" armando!

Let's go, cash!

Let's go!

I'm going that way, bro.

I know. That's my son.

It's a big deal, bro.

That's his son, bro.

That's his son.

Bad timing, dude.

Don't even

come around here right now.

- Let's go!

- Let's go, cash!

Tell these guys to get off

my ass right here.


You need to clear the area.


We have cash the cashman!

Yeah! Yeah!

- Do your thing.

- Let's go, cash!

- You got this. Go hard.

- Let's go!

Yeah, get that leg!


Get up! Get up!

- Yeah!

- Yeah!


Good job! Good job!

- Whoo!

- Yeah!

- Work it, cash.

- Go, go, go!

- Bring it back quick!

Blast him! Blast him!

- Blast him, cash!

You're all right.

Take a breath.

Open up your mouth.

Okay, how bad's

that bloody nose?

- I don't feel it.

- Okay. Can you breathe

out of your nose?

- All right.

- Everything you got, cash!

This is it!

This decides it

right here, buddy!

Get your points! Go!

Get your points!

Go! Go! Go! Go!

man. damn

These takedowns, man.

What is he waiting on?


All right, so we have

a majority decision.

Coming out

of the red corner...


...The cashman!


Yeah! Yeah!

Yeah! Yeah!

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

Hey, wait a minute.

Don't we get to

get a picture in there like

everyone else with him?

I'm the doctor.

Talk to somebody else

about pictures.

Okay, watch your attitude, bro.

It's all good.

- Hey, I've got

a lot to do right now--

- it's all good.

This is not the place

for pictures.

I wasn't talking to you, bro.

It's all good.

Doesn't matter.

Whatever happened, I need you

start walking that way.

Or that way.

Either the way.

Just start walking

or you can leave.

You can take your pick.

I'm sorry.

- You guys are punks, man

-go sit down.

Come on.

It's time to be happy, brother.

We did it, brother.


So proud of you.

Steve: I grew up

in south san francisco.

I had a rough life.

In and out

of juvenile hall and jail.

Indy, you want some? Come on.

Come get some.

I chose a different lifestyle,

Started a successful business,

And give us this lifestyle

that we have now.

Now I pick and choose

who I surround myself with

And I build a strong team

around me.


I have three kids.

My oldest, jordan,

and my daughter,

Those are with my ex-husband.

And then steve and I have cash

together, and he's ten.

This is bob the bully.

This is our training partner.

We dress him up.

We write on him.

We hook up little spots

where we wanna get him.

Like, we got the liver shot

over here for him.

- Show me the knockout sh*ts.

- Jawlines.

- Jaw. Temple.

- Temple.

My brother got bullied,

so my dad started

To take him to training

so he could defend himself.

And then my dad asked me

if I wanted to do mma.

So we started

when I was 4 1/2.

Keep hitting him.


Score first! Score!

What are you looking at? Go!

Kick, punch, now! Go!

There you go. Good.

Cash: I really like

that if you get really mad,

You could take it out on

the pad-- er, your opponent.

It lets you clear

that anger out

So you could be

a happier person.

Wanna put him down?


Take him down

before you shuffle back.

Stomp him out.

Cash: My long-term goal

is to be a ufc fighter.

Okay, pick it up a little bit.

If people said I was too young

To do such a dangerous sport,

I wouldn't really listen

to them.

I don't care what other people

think about me now.

- Good.

- Steve: This is our life.

- Last set!

- Kids: Last set!

- Last set!

- Last set!

- Up!

- Kids: One!

- Up! Up!

- Two!

Cash trains a minimum

of five days a week.

Sometimes six.

Bear crawl. Go!

For a ten-year-old,

he trains a lot.

It's important for kids

to learn mma

Because it might

help them protecting

themselves on the street.

Steve: I definitely want him

to defend himself.

If it was a situation

where no one was around

And someone was trying

to hurt him,

I would 100% tell him

to use everything he's got.


Let him have it, man.

Blast on 'em.

If some parent were to tell me

that I'm a bad parent

Because my son

is training mma,

I would probably

fly off the handle.

The initial reaction is,

"oh, my god, your kids?

What do you mean he does mma?"

And they're watching ufc

thinking that that's

what the kids are doing.

And then after I take

the time to tell them

How deeply we're involved

and that it's safe,

They finally get it.

This is about

utilizing your skills,

not hurting your opponents.

If we see anything that looks

like you are trying

To hurt your opponent,

you will be disqualified.

As a referee,

my job is to make sure that,

Number one,

the kids are safe.

You okay?

Hold still one second though.


Do you have one

that fits better?

Often coaches are more

antagonistic than supportive

And it does nothing

for helping us to officiate

For less than minimum wage.

You know what?

Run it how you want

in riverside.

In here-- it's rules meeting

for everybody

So that they don't say,

"my coach said..."

And the other kid says

"well, the referee said..."

no, I understand.

I'm gonna k*ll that man.

The kids are great.

The majority of them

show amazing sportsmanship.

It's never been the kids

that have been problematic.

My kid wants

to keep on fighting.

- He's a mother beast.

- Shut the up.

It's bull.

He didn't win,

and you know that.

It's bull.

You deal with parents

who are already wanting

Their kids to be pro fighters

By the time they're eight.

Yeah, kick his butt!

And they treat

their wins and losses...


...As if they just lost

a $250,000 purse.

Stop a fight too soon,

they're pissed.

You stop a fight too late,

they're pissed.

The arm bar was three seconds

after the round.

Well, I don't know what you--

it's a foul.

If you were listening

at the meeting...

Half the time I felt like

I needed an escort

to the parking lot.

This is for fun.

You're not in the ufc.

We're doing this to build

our character

So we're better kids,

better adults.

A lot of your guys are gonna be

doctors, lawyers, military.

This is gonna help you

get where you need to go.


Jon frank is a former marine

and black belt.

Announcer: Jon frank

is the other team leader.

We're gonna stage in the van

near that place.

Jon: I'd retired

after 32 years of service

Being a u.S. Marine

and a u.S. Marshal.

As the president

of the usfl,

My end goal is to change

the culture of america

Through this sport.

A lot of the kids

we're producing

are just kind of mush.

They're not physically active.

They're weak

physically and mentally.

You have kids

that need safe places

and participation medals.

This type of sport

builds character in kids

that we're lacking.

Yo! Kicks! Kicks!

Jon: If we allow

these kids to go all out,

They're gonna hurt each other.

Reina: When I was growing up,

I wasn't involved in a sport.

I got in trouble growing up,

And I don't want that

for jayden.


I've learned through my mom

That the world can be

a dangerous place.

When I grow up, I wanna become

a law enforcement officer.

In law enforcement, you have

to have certain skills,

Like mma, jiu-jitsu.

I wanna do law enforcement

Because I wanna help

protect my community...

- This is our robotic garden.

- Oh?

I'm programming the app

to change the colors

of the flowers.

- See?

It's glowing red and blue.

- Yes.

Reina: I don't want it

just to be mma and that's it.

My dream for jayden

is for her to go to college.

I want her to be able

to go out there

And do whatever

she wants to do.


It makes me irritated

when people tell me

That girls can't do stuff

boys can do.


Jayden "patches"...


I like fighting because

Every time I win,

I prove girls can do

Anything boys can do.

happy birthday to you

Ever since I was little,

I wanted to fight in the ufc

Because I've watched

ronda rousey fight.

She was

my inspiration to fight.

When I kick up here,

you wanna block like this, okay?

I wanna be that inspiration

to other little girls.

Steve: Certain parents might

baby their kids too much.

Sometimes the kids

need to be pushed

Because life is a fight.

All right, breathe, bud.

Go get some water.

We're trying to teach him

to fight through it

And don't give up.

I believe if you're

too soft on your kids,

they won't have the heart

To get through

the hard situations in life.

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

He had a fight,

and there was only two kids

in his division,

Him and the other kid.

And he lost that fight.

I told him, you take

that second place medal

And you say,

"I respectfully decline

this medal."

And coaches were like,

"come on, he's a kid."

I'm like, "no,

there's a winner and there's

a loser out of this fight.

We're not second place.

We're not gonna go

hang that on our wall

And look at it for the rest

of our life and say,

'this is the fight

that I lost.'"

Keep your arms tight.

Oh, around the neck,

young lady. Yes.

Boom, land.

Your leg is up.

And then what do you do?

Let go and spin.

What is the number one

code of conduct in here?

No crying.

Why do I not allow crying?

It tells you

that your quitting.

So let's say

somebody comes up to me

And they smack me

across the face.

Wah! And I start crying.

I'm useless.

When you cry,

you get emotional.

When you get emotional,

you lose it.

You feel like you wanna cry,

Just bury that sucker

deep down inside

And just don't show

that weakness.

Punch, baby.

Some people cross their arms.

"oh, no!

That's so violent."

I don't cater to those people.

If you don't like it,

there's the door.

I'm here because I know

that there's nothing

We can do about v*olence.

v*olence will always be here.

And if you don't have

the tools to protect yourself,

Then you're just--

you're dead meat.

Reina: My father was in jail

when I was born.

He was convicted for m*rder,

And he was sentenced to death

by execution.

So I never had

that father figure.

Jeff: Release.

Okay, superman or superwoman.

The problems started

when I was a teen.

I was sexually abused

by my.

I can't even go into detail

The stuff that he did.

So, my little sister erica

is not only deaf

She's developmentally delayed.

Growing up with her,

I always felt that

I had to look out for her,

People teasing her.

Protecting my little sister

Was a big part of my life

growing up.

My mom had

an abusive

When we were really little,

so a lot of the time

It was me trying to protect

my mom and my sister

From getting hit,

like, throwing myself

on top of them.

I think that's part of why

it's so important for me to see

To see jayden be able

to protect herself.

You're just rotating

from the elbow, right?

One, two, three, four,

Five, six, seven, eight, nine.

You still gonna fight

just as hard, right?

- No.

- Jayden! You have to.

Jayden, come here.

Get-- jayden! One...


Put your hands

in front of your face.

Back to fighting stance.



A big event like nationals,

You train all year long

for that.

Back to fighting stance.


We talked to our coaches.

All right, and then

you're gonna take it

right from there.

Let's go. You can do it.

This year at nationals,

we want him to win.

We try to get better.

Jenna: When I see steve

pushing cash too hard,

Sometimes I have to pull back

and just kind of remove myself

'cause I wanna baby

and coddle him.

Even though I know steve

comes from a good place

when he does that,

It still is hard

for me to see that.

Keep going! Keep going!

Steve: I have moments where

I feel like I might be

Over-parenting cash,

forgetting cash's age.

Like, "hey, we're going too far.

These are just little kids."

Steve: You're over

the top of the hill.

Now you're running down.

My legs are burning.

put your elbows in.

You're cheating.

- Oh! My legs. I can't.

- You got it. Relax, relax.

Jenna: Just do this.

Move around, move around.

- I can't.

- 28 seconds. 28 seconds.

Cash, one second.

Oh! You made it.

Turn it off.

Just get me out.

- I'm gonna crack this.

- Do you wanna do it again?

Cash: No.

- There you go.

- I definitely understand, uh,

That, like, we have, like--

we do a lot of things

That most kids

are probably wishing to do.

I'm definitely spoiled.

I got a pool,

big house, motorcycles.

I don't do a lot of chores.

You got fired from your chore.

I wasn't picking up

the dog poop.

What happened?

Why didn't it work out?

- Mm-mm. I forgot. Yeah.

- You forgot?

- I mean, he's pretty basic.

- You're picking up dog.

You didn't do it.

I mean, come on, man.

Like, what's wrong with you?

I'm like, "can't you

just pick it up every time

They go to the bathroom

so our yard is clean?"

It's not really about

the chore in front of you.

It's about the big picture.

I know that

you're probably like,

"how does dog poop relate

to what I'm gonna do in life?"

But if you're an adult,

you figure that out

and you understand that.

It's always about

the bigger picture.

It's hard being a dad

'cause you wanna give your kid

everything and spoil them.

But then you

don't want them to, you know,

Get the attitude

of a spoiled kid.

Your mom and dad work hard

to give you all the stuff

you have, right?

I understand that it comes

from hard work, yeah.

There's other kids out there

that are sitting around

playing video games all day

Or on the couch eating cookies,

And you're in the gym fighting

and busting your ass.

Everything you do

is a sacrifice.

Your sacrifice--

what some people might

consider being a kid.


Tear it up, you guys.

Have a cupcake.

You grab one, you eat it.

Don't be sticking your dirty

little fingers in there.

When I met jenna,

I didn't know

anything about kids.

I didn't know

if I wanted kids.

I was that guy when you said

you were having a kid,

You were lucky if you got

a congratulations out of me.

I was like, "oh, that's cool.

So, anyways, when are we going

To get a beer or whatever?"

And, jenna, her kids

opened my eyes to it a lot.

"okay, this might be for me."

Now I'm the guy

that won't just stop talking

about my own kid.

- Now he blasts his kid

all over social--

- I'll just sit here and--

Yeah, just if you look

at my social media,

That's all you're

gonna see is my kid.

It's the best thing

that's ever happened to me.

I would do anything

for that guy.

Here you go.

Here's one more.

- It's a special one.

- Open that carefully.

Steve: You know,

I know you look up

to your buddies here

- With all their little gear.

- Let's see, cash.

What you got?

What you got there?

Steve: Yeah,

that's a big deal, dude.

That's a big one, man.

That's all real.

There's no fake in there, guy.

- Cash: Thank you.

- You're welcome, buddy.

You deserve it.

Keep training, man,

and keep doing your thing.

happy birthday,

dear cashman

happy birthday to you

- He's the man!

- Steve: No, covid, guy!

Don't be blowing covid

on there, guy.

- Yeah!

- Yeah!

- Go, go! Go, dude!

- Oh!


- Yo, that's all

he's gonna talk about.

- That's cool, man.

- You see that right there?

That's cool, yeah.

- That's cool. Right on.

Two, here we go.

- Let's go, let's go!

- Take it, take it,

take it, take it.

- Let's go!

- Take it, jayden.

Take it.

stop, stop, stop, stop.

That was some bull.

Jon: Six million kids

in the united states

do martial arts,

So it's so important

that you guys set the example

Of what this sport should be.

Your parents

are not disappointed at you

if you lose.


After starting my career,

Even though I have

lost a good amount of fights,

My competition has been

getting stronger.

It's important for me to win

at this smaller tournaments

Because it gives me confidence

that I need for nationals.


Ladies and gentlemen,

the following bout

Is for the novice

10 to 11-year-old

106 pound championship.

Please welcome

to the stage jayden...

Come on, baby!

You ready? You ready?

Let's go.

Go, jayden!

Start hitting that leg

if you got it.

Get that arm and go. Go!

Watch the face!


That's one point.

Strike in the face.

Your hands are getting high.

Watch 'em, okay? Keep 'em down.

Relax, okay?

Slow down, okay?

I don't know yet, okay?

That doesn't matter right now.

Let's go!


Dish 'em back, jayden!

Watch the face!

- Stop! Time!

- Reina: Again?

That's already three times,


You sure you want me

to leave it?

Well, now you should be pissed.

You ready? Let's go.

- Let's go, jayden!

- Kick her, bella! Kick her!

- Kick her, bella!

- Reina: Go, jay!

- Bella, kick her!

- Get those!

We eat those, jayden!

The ground's yours, baby!

The ground's yours!

Ground and pound, baby! Go!

You know what to do

from there, jayden.

Work it, jayden!

That's it, jayden! Go!

Take it!

Right there, baby girl!

- Take her to

the ground, jayden!

- Take her to the ground!

Take her to the ground!

There you go! There you go!

Hip it, jayden! Hip it!

- Jayden! Jayden! Yeah!

- Announcer: All right,

Let's hear it

for both these young ladies

in this title fight.

All three judges

scored this bout

The same way

for your winner.

By unanimous decision,

and the new novice

10 to 11-year-old

cfc champion,

Bella campos!


It's just a kids' sport.

Their fight record

is completely irrelevant,

But parents have the belief

That their record

is of great importance.

You have a kid

that never won a match,

Yet they keep coming back

and they never quit.

That parent

should be proud of that.

You're gonna have failure.

How you deal with that,

That's the whole premise

of youth mixed martial arts.

You know I never care

if you win or lose. You try.

- I know. Hold this.

- Right?

But when they rob you,

that's not okay.

I know. But I don't care.

I'm gonna go off

on that damn judge.

That's what

I feel like doing. Here.

- Yeah.

- This way. Let's go to jon.

- Well, jon wasn't

the freaking judge.

- I know, I know.

But I'll take you...

Jayden should've won that.

She should've won that.

- All right, well--

- can you tell me

why she didn't?

I think one of the judges scored

the thing wrong, honestly.

- I think it's bull.

- Yeah.

- Hey, did she fight good?

- She did fight good.

That's what you should

care about first, okay?

The other stuff's gonna

come later. All right?

Steve: My parents both live

on the property.

It's kind of funny

'cause they're divorced.

It's perfect.

Cash can come over and go,

"grandma, put on your tennies.

We're gonna go

sh**t some hoops."

You didn't even

pass me the ball.

What's up, kiddo?

- You gotta redo that.

- Oh, come on.

That's not where I made it from.

Come on. Don't be tough.

- Right here.

- You're so tough on me.

I don't care

what college you pick,

But we know

you're going to college.

I'm trying to make it

to ufc, too, so--

- Oh, no. Uh-uh.

- Why not?

Ufc is brutal,

and you're too smart

To be getting

your head knocked in.

What if I protect my head

and I don't get hit in the head?

I never see those guys with

anything around their heads.

Cash, he has the perfect

little face and ears.

I don't want him smashed

into the mat.

Once cash is older

And there's more threat

of serious injuries,

I will be holding my breath.

All right, first thing,

let's go to mouth guard.

- Mouth guard. There you go.

- Is that fitted?

Yeah, for this is

for his braces.

Oh, his fighting shirt.

That's his pants.

Where's your

shirt at, dude?

- Go get your mom.

Find out where--

- it's this right here.

Oh, there it is. Okay.

Sorry, I was about to bug out.

I was gonna bug

the out.

Come on, bro.

Dad's already nervous, man.

Don't be with me.

Lets go over here.

This guy's a little big, right?

Does it work?

- Yeah, it works.

- Okay.

We gotta check his weight.

You know, it might be

a little bit over.

So we're gonna run

a couple laps

And just get a little

water weight out of him.

It's nice and hot

out here today.

Easy to get a sweat going.

You wanna just do an easy jog,

- Say to that red truck

and back here?

- Yeah.

A few laps?

Let's see how you're doing.

Get sweating, okay?

Rose: I don't care

if it's a pound.

Kids should not

be cutting weight.

Pull those strings

tight on your head.

My father was the founder

of the ufc.

I grew up inside

of a jiu-jitsu school.

My family's the largest

martial art family in the world.

You gotta remember that when

you're cutting weight

And you're taking water

out of your body,

You're taking water

out of your brain.

There you go.

Try to keep it like that.

- Is this all right?

- Yeah, it's fine.

Steve: Okay.

What are we trying to do?

Are we trying to get

world champions at 12 years old?

It should be illegal.

It should be illegal

for children to cut weight.

Good job.

Keep that tight on your head.

Just go easy.

Just keep moving. Keep moving.

- Okay, so-- just so-- hang on.

- Yeah, man.

We were literally doing

three minutes of this.

We're not cutting weight.

Okay, well, the optics for usfl,

this is the stuff that

can get us in trouble.

- Okay, I didn't know that.

I didn't know that.

- This is all congressional.

- I understand, I understand.

- All right, cool, cool.

But, yeah,

that's all we were doing.

- But I understand

what you're saying.

- Cool.

If you guys do it

off premises...

- Okay.

- ...We have no fighting it,

- But we just can't do it here.

- I get it. I understand.

So, okay, we'll talk to the guys

and we'll change the program.

- Appreciate it.

- Okay.

The guy just said

because of usfl rules

Kids are now allowed

to cut weight for safety.

You know, I'm sure there's

some crazy wrestling parents

That are just beating

their kid to death

and just sucking 'em up

And trying to get

to some weight class that

they're not gonna make it to.

- We're not doing that.

- Well, if there was

something wrong, let's say,

Like I felt like I was

gonna pass out or throw up,

I'll tell him,

and we would stop

or take it easy

Or drink something before

so we could do it again.

For this specific thing,


I trust our judgment

better than a doctor

- That has no idea

what we're working on.

- Cash: Yeah.

- Absolutely, absolutely.

- Yes, every-- everyone.

Everybody does it.

Maybe it's just on the under.

They know what goes on.

Everyone knows what's up.

I'll cut these. See that?

Are you just taking it

away from me?


You know what? It's just 'cause

I don't want her getting hurt.

I won't get hurt.

I promise.


Your finger's too close

to the thing.

I'm terrified to let them

use big knives.

I sometimes

overdo it with these kids,

and they get mad.

And sometimes

I'm overprotective.

They can't go with

their friends here or there.

But I've lost before,

And maybe they don't know

the pain I went through,

They don't understand.

Or the things I've seen.

Just put them right there.

My first four boys

aren't randy's.

I had 'em, god, all in a row.

Their father, he ended up

getting incarcerated,

And that's when I fell

into my addiction.

dr*gs became a numbing.

By the time I realized

My addiction

was my addiction,

It was too late.

I lost custody

of my first four boys.

Finally, I went into program.

The judge told me,

"don't make the same mistake

With your next children that

you did with these ones."

I've been clean ever since.

I'm trying to give

my children a better life

than what I had.

I am thankful to experience

things with these children

That I didn't get to do

with my older children.

So I'm thankful that I got

a second chance at life

To be a mom and experience

all these little things

That I missed

with my older boys.

That's what

I'm truly thankful for.

My mom's done so much for us.

She puts up with us

and my attitude.

And she's always just wanted

To have an rv,

go camping with the family.

...So she could have something

she's always wanted.

Jayden is like,

"when I make money,

we're gonna travel."

But, no,

when jayden makes some money,

Jayden will be able to

financially take care of herself

And not have to worry

about a man.

My dad and his drinking

problems, for sure.


There's times

I was working two jobs,

Busting my behind

working all night,

Coming home,

dealing with the kids,

depressed as hell,

But did I get high

or did I get drunk? No.

Jayden: He refs plays,

But then he gets mad

super easy.

I think that's the reason

I have anger issues.

I slam doors, I yell,

I hit my brothers.

We know that a lot of that

was stemming from

A lot of problems

that we were having at home.

So, I've been...

...Yeah, pretty absent

for their lives.

It's caused me to turn into,

like, a single parent

That does everything

by myself with the kids.

And sometimes

it just gets exhausting.

Oh, my god. Oh, my god.

This is so good.

- Uh-huh.

- It's okay, though, cash.

It's normal.

You gotta go

through those nerves.

This guy that

you're going with,

I don't think he has

any standup, man.

You gotta blast him

on that standup.

Make him uncomfortable

the whole time. Pressure.

From the second you go,


Trying to get ahold

of your brother and sister,

See if they're awake

so I can call them.

Say, "what's up?"

- You don't want to? Okay.

- Kid: I'm going in!

Jenna: He's trying to

get in the zone.

Cash: Whenever someone

tries to pump me up,

I feel overwhelmed.

I just wanna stay alone

and pump myself up.

I know how many people

are rooting for me.

If I lose, everyone's

gonna be disappointed.

My dad expects me to do

the best as I can,

Expecting me to win.

Hot rod:

He does push cash

Beyond where he thinks

he might be able to go.

I remember

a fight cash was in.

He got hit pretty good.

Cash ran off the mat,

Threw up in a bucket--

During the match--

And then went back out there

and fought.

Don't hesitate.

Blast on this dude.

Do not hesitate.

Oops. Sorry, buddy.

Good luck.

Jenna: Steve doesn't care

what people think about him.

It can be offensive

in public.

Yeah, I mean, I've definitely

said that to you, right?

"hey, you probably shouldn't

have said that," or...

- Yeah, you've said that

multiple times.

- Yeah.

Steve: I wanna see

if you could help me out.

- So this is for you.

- Oh, for real?

- It's a tip.

- Thank you.

His name's cash.

They call him the cashman.

- He's fighter number seven.

- Uh-huh.

He's coming out to ac/dc,


- Oh, yeah. I have that.

- Can we give him

some extra volume?

- Yeah, I got you.

- Thank you, brother.

I appreciate it, man.


Ladies and gentlemen,

making his way to the cage,

Out of the blue corner,

cash armando!


Ha, ha!

Cash on me, cash on three.

- One, two, three, cash!

- Let's go.

Let's go!

Let's go. You ready?

Let's go, cash!

And fight!

Circle, cash. Circle.

- Circle, cash.

- Stop.

Hey. Stomp him out.

If you get kicked

in the stomach, you go, "ugh!"

And, like, cry or whatever

in the match,

Then your opponent's

gonna push even harder.

Stomp him out.

But if you hide it

and you smile it off,

They're gonna be intimidated.

Yeah, get in there.

Cash, get in there.

Spinning back kick!

Let's go! Keep it going!

You got him right there.

Let's go.

Don't stop, man.

Make him quit!

Make him quit!

Good job, cash.

Wait, what happened?

Hey, put your hands down

until he says it.

Announcer: Your winner and

the new 75-pound champion,

Cash armando!

Good job, man.

Thank you, man.

Good job. Seriously.

Thank you.

- Good job, boys!

- Good job, okay?

- Uh-huh.

- Love you.

...She's proud of me.


Time to get up, maxine!

Block! Block and strike!

Strike, strike!

Yes! Yes, strike!

Go! Kicks, kicks! Go!

You can't do that.

You can't wait.

see? Now look.

Man: Isaac, game time!

Good! Good! Again!

Again! Again!

Let's go, buddy!

You got it!

You got it! Come on!

Come on, isaac!

Let's do it!

Let's go, isaac!

Let's go, isaac! Be strong!

stop the fight.

Stop, stop, stop.

- Oh, come here!

- Proud of you, dude.

- Real proud of you.

That was good.

- That was w*r.

That was so awesome.

I know, I know, I know, I know.

Omalu: As a society,

we adore v*olence.

Why individuals will celebrate

another individual

Damaging his brain,

I don't understand it.

If a sport damages

the human body,

Than it's no longer a sport.


A few generations ago

We were k*lling each other

with rocks and sticks.

We're monkeys.

We have to do this.

This is part of our dna.


I run competitions.

I would have

parents come to me

As if they were living

through their children.

They were not able

to become athletes,

So now my child

is going to be the athlete.

And they put so much pressure

on that child.

And you see these parents

get so mad

Because they didn't

do the move the right way.

Don't stop! Keep going!

Keep going! Keep going!

And I was so disgusted

by that behavior that

I made a rule saying

Parents were not allowed

to coach their kids anymore.

Jon: If we allow these kids

to go all-out,

They're gonna hurt each other.

So we worked with

the athletic commission

And we came up

with regulations.

Every single kid

has an annual physical.

They have

a pre-fight physical.

Once they get in the cage,

they have a trained referee

Within a hand's reach.

When they're done fighting,

They have a post-fight

medical evaluation,

As well as there's

a few submissions

That are potentially dangerous,

Especially to the neck area.

We removed those.

Announcer: And the new

70-pound champion...

Bregman: Any kid being

severely injured,

The media takes that

and runs like crazy.

The one kid gets injured

Versus the 7,000 kids

that don't.


Out of a thousand exposures,

we see 15 injuries.

There's been

not one concussion.

The most serious

was a broken arm.

The rest were all boo-boos,

Nothing that's gonna effect

the health of the kids

later down the road.

This one, like,

that's not a rare one.

All these are more rare.

We got more of nate diaz's cards

than any other card.

Steve: How many you got?

One, two, three, four, five--

I got six cards.


One minute on the clock.

Diaz dishing them out!

My goodness!

- Now he's got the back!

- He's got him flattened out!

- That's it!

He's got the choke!

- Nate diaz!

- He tapped!

- He has done it!

It is all over!

Nate diaz beats

conor mcgregor!

Oh, my goodness!

What a night,

ladies and gentlemen!

What a night!

- Nate: What's up?

Hey, how are you?

- Cash: Hi.

- Good.

- I'm steve. Cash's dad.

Nice to meet you. Right on.

That's your name? Cash?

- Mm-hmm, yeah, I got--

- that's his little

fighting gear right there.

That's dope-dope.

How many fights you got?

- I think, like, 15, 16 now.

- His first cage fight,

he was eight.

That's crazy.

It's a new day and age, eh?

- Wanna do a little

kicking today?

- Sure.

Jon: This sport

is still small enough

Where kids do have interaction

With professional

world champion fighters.

The adults really respect

what the kids are doing

Because they know what

a difficult sport it is.

But if somebody was to

get their kid in this sport

For future riches,

They probably should stick

with another sport.

They're exposed to more danger

than any other athlete,

And they're probably paid worse

than any other athlete.

Most kids are not gonna

make a living as pro athletes,

Though their parents

think they are.

So there's this illusion

that their kids are gonna

grow up and make big money.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Nobody's going to college

on an mma scholarship.

I get them in my practice,

Mma fighters whose

careers end immediately

Due to a traumatic

brain injury, and that's it.

They're at

the height of their career,

and they're done.

Ian: Kids that are getting

into this need to know

The fighting will never

be worth it financially.

You spend the early years

of your life

Fighting for a chance

to get only a few years

at the top.

Then you deal

with the repercussions

for the rest of your life.


...Out of irvine, california,

Ian "uncle creepy" mccall!

I have two major breaks

in my hand,

Three surgeries,

two mrsa infections.

I snapped the tip of my finger,

Fracture dislocation

in my elbow,

Four surgeries in my shoulder,

Bulging disc, bulging disc,

Tore my hip and my groin

in two places,

Popped both my knees.

Close to 90 stitches that

I can count in my face alone.

You feel like you got

in a car accident.

Your brain is forever damaged.

Your soul, all that trauma

gets stored inside your tissue.

Right on, man.

That was cool.


That was great.

Producer: If a doctor told you

you could still get brain damage

From the small hits,

would you stop doing mma?

How many doctors is it

and is it 100% accurate?

- Let's say it's--

- and I wouldn't stop

doing it though.

- Why not?

- Because I like it.


Jon frank to the green.

Jon frank.

Our number one priority

is always gonna be the safety

of the competitors.

They cannot strike anywhere

in the head at all.

Any blows to

the back of the head...

- Reina: How do you feel?

- Good.

You're still gonna fight

just as hard, right?

- No.

- Jayden! You have to.

You gotta still fight

just as hard

Because we've just dumped

just as much money in, man.

Jayden, come here.

Get-- jayden!


Jayden zariah!



The next number is 0254112.

Let's go shake his hand.

That pain you're feeling

is from a cut.

When you're feeling...

Reina: There's four kids,

So if she loses one fight,

she's out.

Referee: All right,

one three minute round.

- Are you ready?

- Yes!

Are you ready? Action!

- Man: Circle out!

- Reina: Come on, baby!

Jeff: Put your knee down.

Put your knees down.

Put your knees down.

Put your knee down.

Referee: Advance position.

Change position.

See that your punches...

Jeff: Get back up quick!

Get back up, jayden.

- Get up!

- Get up, quick!

Get up! Get up!

Don't let 'em get in your head.

Remember that. Boom!

- Come on, jayden!

Let's go, jayden!

- Bump! Bump, jayden, bump!

Throw her down, jayden! Go!

Come on, baby girl!

Take it! It's yours now.

Take the arm.

Build to your knees, jayden!

Grab a leg.

Build to your knees.

oh. She's okay.

- Reina: Up, jayden, up!

- Are you okay?

- It's okay? You're okay.

- Good girl.


Stay strong, stay strong.

Don't show it to 'em.

Don't give them satisfaction.


Breathe, baby.

No, jayden, jayden.

Give 'em a hug.

- Give 'em a hug.

Give 'em a hug.

- No!

- Don't be like that.

- Don't be like that.

- Jayden.

- You can't be like that.



All eyes are on you kid.

Come on, you can't do this.

- Jayden, come here. Come here.

- Come see me, please.

- With me.

- Did you win?

- Right here. Thank you.

- Are you hurt?

- I need to see you.

- I'm fine!

Jayden, you can't do that.

Over here.

Come on.

I'm proud of you,

but that outburst

That you just had,

you kinda let him win twice.

If you get in there and you do

your hardest in that fight,

that's all that matters.

No matter what the outcome is,

everyone will still

be proud of you.

But if you walk and let

your emotions control you,

it doesn't look good, okay?

So I think you

should go to the kid,

just tell him good job

And shake his hand.

That's it.

It's okay, kiddo.

Jayden: There are times

that I wanna quit.

But I don't.

I'm gonna come back stronger

and better.

Jon: As the president of usfl,

I'm a volunteer.

I don't accept money.

I've been living in a van.

I'm not embarrassed of it.

Most people are jealous

when they see me.

They say

I'm living the van life.

Plenty of rich people

are miserable.

A simple life

is actually a happier life.

I had four bedroom home.

I downsized a little bit--

Trying to save money

to buy a condo.

Divorce is rough.

I started

this organization in 2002

And I've been running it

for 20 years.

It's an enormous

amount of work.

Running it has taken

a toll on me,

Taken a toll on my marriage.

If I went away,

I'm afraid that the whole

usfl would collapse.

I can't quit.

This is more important

than any one person,

Including me.

So my only option now

Is to find a way

to keep it going.

My end goal is to work

my way out of a job

As the president

of the usfl.

It's not sustainable

for it to be done

By the leader as a volunteer.

So I'm trying to build

a cadre of leaders

To keep this going past me.

That's it. Yes.

Not bad, not bad.

Good. That was a good

right hand right there.



Jenna: With nationals,

there's a lot at stake.

The intensity level for steve

is turned up, like, 1,000%.

Steve: I'm trying to make sure

we don't forget anything,

Going through his bag

five times

While making sure

that he's on weight.


There's a lot of pressure.

It's pretty stressful.

How do you feel

about everything?

- I'm a little nervous.

- I've seen your a-game.

You can compete

with anybody out here.

So I don't want you

to go into shutdown mode

and start doubting yourself.

It's all in your mind, man.

You've been training for this

your whole life.

You stuff his

head through the mat

as hard as you can.

You throw his head

through that mat,

and you step back, okay?

I need a shot

and a beer.

I just need to get something

in me immediately.

maybe a valium or what

are those other things?

You're not reporting time,

that will count as a loss.

Let's go. Hey.

No, that

little guy's back behind--

You don't know what the

you're talking about.

He's doing that on purpose.

Little guy's

jamming up behind him,

Doing his whole little gig.

Hey, adam, make sure that--

that little guy

That cash is fighting

is walking back and forth

Getting all crazy back there,

Make sure you guys

all got his back, right?

Get in there.

Punch a hole in

that little chest.

No mr. Nice guy today.

All that friendly

out the door.

Light him the up.

Kick his ass.


Cash armando, we need you

back at the staging area.

- Let's go, bud.

- Give us unity, lord god.

Thank you, lord god,

for each and every one

of these people

And thank you for keeping us

all safe today.

Lord god, please keep us

from injury today

And let us just have

a good time, lord god.

- We pray in jesus' name. Amen.

- Guys, hands in. One time.

- Last break right here.

- Come on!

- Win on me, win on three!

- One, two, three, win!

- Whoo!

- Let's go!


In cage number two,

cash armando.

Let's go. It's time.

Let's go! Let's go!

Let's go, cash!

There you go.

Light 'em up!

Light 'em up!

Keep pushing forward!

There you go! Yeah!

More punches! More punches!

Forward, forward!


Yeah! Yeah!

Good job, cash. Work!

- Cash! Cash! Cash!

- Yeah! Yeah!

Get up! Get up!

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!


- Let's go!

- Whoo!

Let's go.


Oh, my god, dude. Oh, man.

You k*lled it.

Jayden's just coming back

from not feeling well.

For a couple weeks,

she's been down.


I haven't been eating.

I've lost a lot of weight.

I don't even know if

I'm gonna be able to compete.

Some trail mix or a banana?

You're fine?

Steve: Look at that.

Support from the team.

Okay? Look at me.

I you to make him--

You in?

- Win on me, win on three.

- One, two, three, win!

This is it, cash.

This is all the marbles

right here, cash.

You got this!

- Everything, cash!

- Go!

- Jenna: Go, cash.

- Steve: Watch that takedown.

- Go!

- Go, cash!

Yeah, there you go!

There you go!

Piece him up, cash!

- Arm bar triangle, cash!

- Let's go, cash!

Lock it up, cash!

- Let's go, cash!

- There we go.

Get up, get up, get up!

- Shake hands.

- Good job, cash!

- Let's go!

- Excellent job, cash.

That's good.

Hey, cash, that was

a good battle, man.

- That kid was badass.

- You did exactly what

you were supposed to do.

We turned the table at the end,

and we got all the way

up to the top.

- You are amazing.

- We're freaking good, man.

- Freaking amazing.

- Okay?

- Second.

- I'm proud of you.

Proud of you.


I mean, always want first,

But second,

that's a big deal out here.

That kid's a champion.

His dad owns the gym.

Like, he's been fighting

since he was three.

So proud of you, man.

I'm gonna go shake

that little guy's hand, too.

- I just did, too.

- Okay.

Hey, good job, buddy.

Thank you for the fight.

- Thank you.

- Great job, man.

You're a k*ller.

Thank you, man. All right.

Yeah! Good job, guys.

Go on, jayden! Go, go!

Go, jay!



That's right, baby.

Go, go, go, jayden! Go!

- Go!

- Yeah! Yeah!




- That's right, baby!

- Whoo!


We're going to abu dhabi.

- Five.

- It's at 5:00, yeah.


The big goal for jayden?

It's to become a world champ.

- But I'm scared.

- This okay?

- Yeah.

- It's me and her

traveling alone.

I've never left the country.

I didn't even know

what a passport was.


I'm excited to go to worlds

Because I finally

get to go with my mom

And take her traveling.

I wanna do that for her

because she gave birth to me,

She helped me when I was sick,

she takes care of me.

Reina: I'm excited because

who gets to do that at 12,

Fly to abu dhabi,

a place that you probably

couldn't even pronounce?


Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to the youth

mma world championship,

Where fighters

from 26 countries

will battle for gold.

Let's go, mexico!

Let's go, mexico!

Usa! Usa! Usa!

Time's up, buddy!

Time's up! Time's up!

Oh, my god.

Her nails are always long.

You gonna need to cut this?

She said to or no?

- All: No.

- I think I wanna throw up.

Let's bring it back

to california, baby!

Take it home, baby.


And over on cage two,

In the red corner

We have ukraine versus

The usa in the blue corner.

Reina: Team usa!

There we go, baby!

Let's go!

Come on, baby!

Come on, baby!


Over on cage two,

the winner is

In the blue corner

representing usa.

Run it, baby! Run it!

Over in cage four,

winner from the red corner...

That's right, baby.

- Good job, baby.

- Hey, give her some love

before she goes out.

- We gotta show them how--

- go. Let's go.

The winner is,

in the red corner

representing usa.

Usa! Usa!

Usa! Usa!

Come on, baby.

This is for the gold, baby.

...Blue corner

representing usa,

And in the red corner

representing ukraine!

Come on, jayden!

Come on, baby! Go, jay!

- Get your guard, baby!

- Up, up!

- Up, jayden!

- Piece of cake.

Finish this, jay.

Finish this.

Right there, jayden.

Take it, take it.

Take it, take it, take it.

Take it, take it, jayden.

Take it. Please, please.

- Jayden!

- Come on, baby.

Come on, baby.

Come on, jayden.

Come on, jayden!

I think I'm gonna throw up.

Can I throw up?


And over on cage one,

your winner is,

In the red corner, ukraine!

It's all right!

Hey, it's okay.

You had that, baby.

It was all right.

Do I disagree with

how it was done? Yeah.

I'll shut up

and leave it at that.

It'll be good.

I don't even wanna

get kicked out of this arena


I'm not in my own country,

and I don't wanna--

But you know what I wanna say.

That was bull.

I'm usually more affected

by jayden's results than she is,

But I'm not gonna be negative

because she's happy.

Usa, usa, usa!

Usa, usa, usa, usa!


It's more important

to have fun.


I'm okay with losing

Because I know

I'm gonna come back

for the gold next year.


From usa, jayden murillo.

All right, jayden!

I'm so proud of you.


You should see your hair.

I uploaded the photo

that I took of cash's eye.

I know his eye we're using,

But, I mean,

it's like the light of your eye.

It's like you looking forward

and being optimistic

About the future and everything

You're providing for him

and your family, and then--

Come on, man,

you're gonna get a little

tear-jerker out of me.

- Let's not go deep on this one.

- Hey, man, you asked, dude.

I was trying to put it all

into that for you, man.

No, that's-- dude,

that's a big thing for me.

- I appreciate it, man.

- Yeah.

You know how I am

about that guy.

...From when he was

that little, tiny kid,

It amazes me.

You start off

as a white belt.

You work your way up

to a black belt.

That goes for life.

- You start crawling...

- Nice.

And then you're walking,

and then you're running.

Five, four, three,

two, one.

Steve: Because cash finished

second in nationals,

We're always trying to see

what we could do better.

We're trying

to get him stronger,

Building up his legs

and weightlifting.

Three, four...

Steve: Let's go!

You're almost there!

His striking, his wrestling,

his jiu-jitsu,

There's always stuff

that we can improve on

To get a better outcome

next year.

It's not just about fighting.

It's about the fighting

in life.


Now my grandma's less worried

because I'm stronger.

I think more

about what I'm doing.

She's just learned

to accept it.

- He's helping us.

- I think you got it.

- I think you guys got it.

- Dad, like, go down.

- Like, go--

- there you go.

- Gotta put our weight into it.

- teamwork

My drinking,

it started effecting them,

And I started seeing

my daughter crying.

I'm like, "what am I doing?"

Go back down.

Go back down. I got you.

Okay. Right there.

At the end,

my family's more important.


Barbara, would you like

some mashed potatoes?

Yeah, just a little bit

though, please.

I love mashed potatoes.

- Cheers.

- All: Cheers!

I'm thankful I have

a beautiful family.

All these are my peacekeepers.

I'm thankful

they're still in my life

And kept me out of trouble.


Reina: Our relationship

is getting better.

It's gonna take

a little bit of time,

But I believe we can

get back to where we were.

Jayden: I have complicated

feelings about my dad.

Come on, my love.

My dad is making effort

on being there for us,

But there's a long way to go

For me to start

trusting my dad again.

Go, boo-boo!

Yeah! I love you, baby!

Whoo! Good job.

Good luck today.

Rose: These parents

are not bad people.

Martial arts helps kids with

the confidence that you need

To able to walk around knowing

That no one

is going to hurt you.

It's good to train

jiu-jitsu or mma.

I want my kids to train.

But I grew up

in this community,

And I wanna make sure

this is done the right way.

I myself have a daughter

that's nine years old.

She's being doing martial arts

her whole life.

When you have this kid

who starts to thrive,

It's pretty cool to watch

this confidence they get.

It's a double-edged sword.

This sport made me

the person I am.

It saved my life.

Without this sport,

I wouldn't be here today.

Hot rod:

These kids are taught to take

the kids that are below them

And raise them up

to their level.

Bear crawls.

That's an amazing thing

for a kid to do,

Not only be taught,

but to teach.

And that's what martial arts

does for you.

It pushes you to

not only be your best,

But to raise the people

around you to be their best.

Shake his hand.

You're gonna fight now, okay?

Get him on top of him, maddy.

Get on top of him.

You don't want that happening,

you gotta fight back, okay?

Maddy, you fight back

next time, okay?

Jon: You are gonna have kids

That have that propensity

for v*olence.

If it's directed

in the right direction,

They're gonna be superheroes.

Without martial arts,

they may drift astray.

They may use

their v*olence for evil.

We might as well

make 'em good guys.

Let's build superheroes,

not supervillains.

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