Freddy's Fridays (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Freddy's Fridays (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

(suspenseful electronic music)

(traffic humming)

(brooding music)

(group chattering)

- Yeah, I'm the

same lot. (laughs)

(Anastasia laughs)

(Anastasia laughs)

(siren wailing)

Mm, that sound.

- Not here, not here.

It's just a little farther.

- Come on, big boy, I want you.

- There's far, there's

too may people about.

- Exactly, it's Friday.

It's time to get naughty.

You feel like you're ready.

- Look, just five

more minutes, okay?

Five more, okay?

Five more then we're there.

(group chattering)

(Anastasia giggles)

(Anastasia giggles)

(ominous music)

(group chattering)

- I've been in worse places.

(chain clanging)

Come on, baby,

let's get started.

(heavy breathing)

- [Todd] What's the rush?

There, there's still

some Friday left.

- Hmm, how romantic, baby.

- Todd.

My name's Todd.

- I know, baby.

I remember.

(ominous music)

What's this?

You gonna read me some poetry

or is this some

kinky Kama Sutra?

- Actually I'd like

you to read for me.

Start reading.

- What is it?


- It's actually Latin.

It doesn't matter if

you can't read it,

just, just sound it out, yeah?

- What does it mean?

- Look, I've paid for you

and I owe you at least

until Friday's out.

So will you just f*cking read

the words please, please.

- Frederique.

(speaking in Latin)

(speaking in Latin)

(speaking in Latin)

(speaking in Latin)

(suspenseful music)

(speaking in Latin)

Did you like that?

Did it make you hard?

Did you want me

to read some more

or do you want me to do

something else with my mouth?

(suspenseful music)

(wind blowing)

(papers rustling)

(hand clicking)

(chain clanging)

(bones cracking)

(panting) No.

No, no, no, I'm scared.

I'm scared.

- Anastasia, Anastasia.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

(hook thuds)

(Anastasia panting)

(flesh squishing)

(Anastasia screaming)

(Anastasia screaming)

(Anastasia screaming)

(hook thuds)

(Anastasia screaming)

- No!

(group singing in

foreign language)

(hook thuds)

(hook thudding)

(Anastasia screaming)

(hook thudding)

(Anastasia screaming)

(Anastasia screaming)

(Anastasia screaming)

(fast tempo suspenseful music)

(ax thuds)

(ominous music)

- Two.

Two more.

(dramatic music)

- It's just not like her.

Ana has never been

gone this long before.

- When was the last

time that you saw her?

- Last Friday.

She was working.

- Where does she work?

What does she do?

It's okay, Connie,

you can tell me.

I'm gonna need us to

know as much as possible

if I'm gonna help you.

- She's an escort.

- And she work independent

or of an agency?

- An agency.

English Rose, I

think they're called.

- Go on.

- It's just she's the only

person who looks out for me.

You know?

Please, please, she's the

closest thing I have to family.

She's like my sister.

- I understand, Connie.

I understand how difficult

this is for you, I really do.

Look, I'm gonna do

everything I possibly can

to help you find her, okay?

- Okay.

- I think I've got

enough to go on here

so if you do think of

anything else at all, Connie,

that can help, you

give me a call, okay?

Did you say it was English Rose?

- Yeah, I think they work above

a nail salon on West Street.

- Oh, West Street, okay?

Well I'm gonna look

into that for you, okay?

Come on, let's get you going.

Anything we can to help

you find her, okay?

(door clicks)

- Hey, you got a sec?

- Chief.

I've just been talking with

this young girl Connie.

Her friend has gone missing

and goes by the

name of Anastasia.

She's the sixth girl to go

missing in as many weeks

and it's the first one to

give her some information.

Escort agency uptown.

- Look, I don't mean

to be dismissive,

but she's probably

holed up somewhere

with a needle in her arm

waiting for her next paycheck.

Or she got tangled up

with the wrong guy.

- So all escorts become

drug addicts now,

is that what you're

saying, Chief?

- That's not what I'm saying.

- She was asking for it,

got what she deserved.

- That is not what I'm saying.

All I'm saying is these girls,

they go missing

sometimes they come back,

sometimes they don't.

And a lot of them,

they live off the grid.

- Well we, we don't get

to choose who matters

and who doesn't.

Now I'm gonna look into this one

and I will let you

know what transpires.

If you care that is.

- I care.

Look, I've seen a lot of this.

Don't get your hopes up.

(urine splashing)

(water splashing)

(Todd spits)

(suspenseful music)

(traffic humming)

(ominous music)

(siren wailing)

- Come on.

Let's walk and talk.

We'll go down here.

Don't want any of my

more high profile clients

seeing me liaising

with the detective.

- How did you know who I was?

- Darling, I picked you

out from a mile off.

The only thing that's missing

is the blues and twos.

That and one of those hats

that makes you look like a tit.

- So about this girl.

- [Patricia] Not here.

- [Lila] Right.

- Her name was Anastasia.

Nice girl.

Very pretty, very popular.

Good little earner.

Connie was a little

sister, lovely girl.

Her and Anastasia lived

together a little flat in town.

They arrived here a few years

back when their parents died

and they needed to get out.

Couldn't pass up the

opportunity for a better life.

Anastasia was only doing

this for a couple of years.

She wanted to get a real job.

She was studying when

she wasn't working.

- All right.

- Something to do

with computers.

I don't know.

- So she wanted out.

- Can you blame her?

It's not the best life.

- So why do you do it?

- Money.

- But doesn't it worry you

that things like this happen?

- Detective Lila,

can I call you Lila?

- Of course, Patricia.

Can I call you Pat?

- (laughs) No, you cannot.

I'm not a hundred

years old just yet.

I'm not gonna feel responsible

when something like this

happens to one of my girls.

Yes, my girls, that's

how I see them.

Anastasia could just as

easily have gone missing

off the street if she worked

at a local supermarket

or walking home from

the post office.

World's a mean and nasty place.

Sick men on every corner.

We probably pass two

or three of the f*ckers

on our walk alone.

- But don't you think a job

like this makes it more likely

that they're gonna

come to bad end?

- Possibly.

But a lot of these girls

don't have anything else.

Maybe they're here illegally

just trying to get enough

money to settle down.

Maybe have someone

that relies on them,

like Connie for example.

Or maybe just maybe

they enjoy their job.

(Lila chuckles)

(laughs) Oh yes, Lila,

women like to f*ck too.

- I, you don't have to tell me.

The lady right

here likes to f*ck,

just not with some sleazy man

who can't get a real date.

- Oh, you'd be surprised.

A lot of our men

are very handsome,

very wealthy who's very busy.

They don't have time

for a real relationship.

Or maybe they're

married and their wives

don't put out anymore.

- Mm.

Sound like jammers.

Listen, do you keep a record

of who the girls meet?

- Of course I do.

- Yeah.

- You never know when

it's gonna come in handy

knowing who my

girls are meeting.

- Well, you might not

wanna talk about extortion

with a police officer.

Just a little warning. (laughs)

- What can I say?

You got a trusting face.

That being said, you

could make a lot of money

in my line of work.

- I'll pass, thanks.

So who was Anastasia

with last Friday?

- Some yuppie prick.

Something to do in

the stock market.

You know the type more coke

in their system than blood.

- Does he have a name?

Has he used the agency before?

- Todd Fisher.

Never used us before.

Never will again, I

can tell you that.

- Todd.

Well, if he does

make contact again,

you'll be sure to call me, okay?

- If he makes contact again,

you don't have to worry,

I'll chop his

ballocks off myself.

- Gotta remind you

who you're talking to.

- Don't worry sweetheart, if

I did it, you'd never find me.

Anyway, if that's

everything then I'll be off.

- There's actually

one more thing.

Look I probably

shouldn't show you this,

but do you recognize this girl?

I know I shouldn't show

you these pictures,

but Anastasia is the

sixth girl to go missing.

The other five,

they've turned up dead.

And I'm sorry to say,

I don't see anything else

happening to Anastasia.

I'm pretty sure that we are

gonna find her body soon.

Look, these poor girls that we

know, nothing of these girls.

No one's come forward.

Look, do you recognize

any of these girls?

Any girls gone missing

from your agency?

- Darling, girls go

missing all the time.

Doesn't mean they're

missing missing.

Some of 'em just move on.

Some of them are nomads.

We don't exactly

have a HR department,

but I don't recognize

any of those girls.

Not that it's easy to with

their faces like that.

- Sorry.


Thanks for your help.

Honestly, I do appreciate it.

And Connie will too.

- Just find my girl, sweetheart.

And if she's hurt,

make the bastard pay.

(tool whirring)

- I don't know about

this one, babe.

I don't want you getting

involved in this.

I mean, what six

girls already missing.

I don't want you

to be number seven.

- I'm not a princess, John.

This is my job.

And like if I can track this

guy, then maybe I can stop him.

- You don't even know it's him.

I mean just because he

took her out that night,

that doesn't make him the reason

that she didn't come home.

Maybe she just skipped out.

- Well, in that case,

he's gonna have f*ck all

to worry about then is he?

Well, she wouldn't

have skipped out

'cause she's got a sister or

like her sister the girl said.

- Is that what

this is all about?

- What?

- Finding these girls.

It's not gonna bring Sarah back.


- Don't John, don't do this.

- No, I'm just saying.

I know this one might

hit close to home.

- Don't bring my

sister into this.

- The fact that Sarah was

taken when you were a kid,

I shouldn't be the reason

that you run headfirst

into danger all the time.

I'm just trying to.

- I need some time alone.

- But I.

Okay, all right.

I'm just trying to

look out for you.

- I never liked him anyway.

You know he never likes

any of my Instagram posts.

Not even the ones from Bali

when I'm sat on that

trained cute elephant.

It's like, what

more do you want?

Do you know what I mean?

He knows that's my

livelihood, right?

The more likes I get,

the more sponsored I get.

- I know Jess, you've

told me before.

- Aw, you can do better

than him, you know?

Don't need a man

telling you when you can

and can't run into danger.

That's what your

best friends for.

Do you want me to shit on

him some more or are we good?

- We're good.

I know he just cares about me.

(yawns) I'll call him later.

- Okay, well if you do,

tell him to start

liking my f*cking posts

or at least follow my podcast.

- Yes, Jess, I will do

all of those things.

Talk about being my best

friend and all that.

- Hmm.

- Oh rather, my only friend.

Look, I might need your

expertise on something.

- Oh, you need me to stalk

someone online for you,

don't you?

Who is it?

Is it an ex?

Oh that's my girl,

forget about Johnny,

you are a strong

independent woman.

- Oh, calm down.

No, it's not an ex.

I do want you to look up

someone online for me though.

A suspect.

- Okay, well if it's a suspect,

does that make me an

honorary detective?

Oh, do I get a badge?

- No, it doesn't make you

an honorary detective,

but I do need you to

look someone up for me.

All I can find so far is a

couple of minor drug offenses,

pissing on a fence.

But I need to find

more about him.

And I thought, you know,

you and social media,

maybe you could have a

little look online for me.

- Absolutely babe.

Time to watch a master at work.

Right, all I need is a name.

(ominous music)

- Six.

Six, oh, why can't that be?


I can't do this anymore.

Two more, two more.

You got this.

(suspenseful music)

Just leave me alone, please.

Leave me alone.

(phone dialing)

(phone ringing)

Need a girl.


- Okay, Jess, you are a genius.

- Yeah, I know.

- All right, so this guy is a

stockbroker from South London.

Couple of dr*gs,

priors, nothing much,

a string of no doubt

disappointed sexual partners.

(Jessica laughs)

And until, till very recently

like zero luck on

the stock market.

But now all of a sudden

his luck is changing.

Money is rolling in.

I mean how can you go

from having zero luck

to practically

winning the lottery?

- Good at his job, I guess.

- That's good.

I mean, look back here

this guy looks like he can

barely afford a happy meal.

Now what?

He's driving sports cars.

Uh-uh, something

doesn't ring true here.

- Insider trading.

- Insider trading.

- Yeah, like tips and shit.

- Yeah, I know what it is.

I just didn't think

you would, no offense.

- Uh, well I am

offended actually,

I do watch "Billions" you know?

You know Damian Lewis is fit.

- He's not bad.

What I wanna know is

if we can work out

where this guy is

gonna go tonight

'cause judging by his Instagram,

he goes out every Friday night.

- Oh well actually

now you mention it,

he is out tonight

at Clara Bells.

- Clara Bells.

- Yeah.

- Isn't that that like

exclusive kinky place?

- Mm-hmm.

Do you wanna use

my membership card?

- You never told me at a

membership at Clara Bells.

- Didn't think it

was your thing.

- It's not my thing, but this

could be very interesting.

- Yeah, well they gave

me a membership card

after I've gotten like 20,000

likes on one of their posts.

- Clara Bells.

It's not a normal club, is that?

- No, it's hard to explain,

but it's just like people

standing around talking,

like music drinks,

just, you know,

the high members of society

rubbing shoulders together.

- And they gave

you a membership.

- I'm very influential,

have you know.

- I'm sure you are, right.

Okay, Clara Bells it is.

- [Jessica] Well you

can't go like that.

No, no, no, no.

- I'm gonna need

your help aren't I?

- Yeah.

(group chattering)

(nose sniffing)

- Thank you, Jess.

Gin and orange.

- [Bartender] All right.

- Hello, gorgeous.

Seen you here before?

- Yes, first time.

- My name's William,

and people, mostly women

call me Big Willie.

- Listen, I'm meeting

someone here, Willie,

so I don't think they're

gonna be too happy seeing me

chatting to somebody,

so affective,

so I'm gonna have to decline

that oh-so tempting

offer of yours, Willie.

- No probs.

Big Willie doesn't shit

on another man's doorstep.

- Oh my God.

- Oh.

- Oh.

I'm so sorry.

- Oh.

- Look here, here.

Let me get you another drink.

- It's fine, don't worry.

- My name is Hugo and I,

and I work in banking.

And you are?

- Not interested.

- Hello, beautiful.

- Oh.

- Never seen you here before.

- First time.

- How are you tonight?

- Yeah, I'm meeting

someone else.

- Love one of us?

- Excuse me.

- Okay.

No, come on.

- [Lila] Thank you.

- And who the f*ck are you?

You come in here all

pretty and dressed up,

do you know who I am?

Get the f*ck outta here, bitch.

Yeah, mm-hmm, keep

struggling, that's great.


I need a drink.

- Come on darling, I

really to see your place.

(suspenseful music)

(brooding music)

(door clicks)

(door bangs)

(doorknob jiggling)

(ominous music)

This is the ugliest thing

I think I've ever seen.

(both laugh)

- Family heirlooms, I couldn't

bear to get rid of 'em.

- You should cover

them up or something.

Unless it turns you

on letting 'em watch.

- Know what does turn me on?

Hearing a bit of Latin.

I might like that.

This passage in particular.

- I don't speak Latin.

- You don't need

to understand it.

Just sound it out like

a, like a child reading.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Really gets my motor running.

- Okay.

Freaky Friday indeed.

If that's what you

want. (panting)

Here we go.

I'm going to sound so-

- Just read it you

dirty f*cking slag!

(Chantelle whimpering)

(Chantelle speaking in Latin)

(speaking in Latin)

(speaking in Latin)

- Is that okay?

- Perfect.

(suspenseful music)

(ominous music)

(bones cracking)

(suspenseful music)

(Chantelle panting)

- What the f*ck is going on?

Please. (whimpering)

Please let me go.

You can keep the money.

(screams) I don't care.


I just wanna see my

daughter. (whimpering)

(door banging)

(Chantelle whimpering)

(mallet tapping)

Please don't hurt

me, please, please.

(whimpering) No.

(Chantelle whimpering)

Please, please.

Please, don't, please! (crying)

(hook thuds)

(Chantelle groaning)

(hook slices)

(body thuds)

(Chantelle groaning)

(hook thuds)

(suspenseful music)

(ax thudding)

(Chantelle gurgling)

(ax thudding)

(ax thudding)

(ax thudding)

(dramatic music)

(ominous music)

(suspenseful music)

(dramatic music)

(ominous music)

- One.

One more time next Friday.

(door clicks)

(door clicks)

(door bangs)

(door clicks)

(ominous music)

(flashlight clicks)

- What's this?

(suspenseful music)

(book thuds)

(ominous music)

(fast tempo suspenseful music)

(wind blowing)

(papers rustling)

(door clicks)

(door bangs)

(Lila whimpering)

(siren wailing)

(light clicks)

(brooding music)

There's been another

m*rder, John,

at least I think there is.

And I know who it was

'cause I followed him.

- Lila, why alone?

Why would you do

something like that?

Are, are you okay?

- I think that this

is something more

than just a serial k*ller, John.

I think this might be satanic.

I found this book.

- Yeah, I, I can't believe I

let you bring that in the car.

Is that actual skin?

- I don't know, I think so.

Look, I mean I started to

read some of it at the club,

but it's just oh, oh it just,

I freaked out so

I just, just left.

Thank you.

- Hey, you don't

have to thank me.

I'll always be

there for you, okay?

No matter what.

And Satan couldn't stop me.

So what's in there?

- Hey guys, what's going on?

Oh, we're doing some

more investigating.

- Well.

- Do my Googling skills again?

- Mm.

- How was the club?

- Wait, you knew she went?

Why didn't you go with her

or, or talk her out

of it or something?

- Because she's an

independent person

and doesn't need a

permission slip to go places.

- Yeah.

- Is that okay with you?


- Guys, guys, please.

Got missing girls here.

- Right, yeah, sorry.

- But I don't know what

the f*ck all this is.

It's just in symbols and Latin.

And I started to read

some out in the club

and, oh, I don't know, it

just, it felt important

so I just took it.

- Shouldn't we,

um, call your boss-

- Wait.

- Or something?

- Wait, no, wait.

- Especially

there's been a m*rder.

- Yeah.

- I mean, did you just

leave the body or?

- Well, technically

there wasn't a body.

- Then how do you know

there's been a m*rder?

- Because there was blood.

Look, tons of it.

- Shouldn't we

call in the troops

and go and arrest this guy then?

(Lila and Jessica chuckle)

- Call in the troops.

Oh, call in the troopies.

- I'm an artist, not

a police officer.

- Sorry.

- But should arrest him.

- Well look, technically we

don't have much to go on.

Right now it's just

some missing girls,

who all be hookers so

nobody seems to care.

And this guy, what

he's been with,

at least two of the girls,

but then so has

countless other guys.

And then there's the fact that

he's rich, albeit recently.

And he could just pay

for a top notch lawyer

to get him back on

the street in no time

so it's just, I

need something more.

Or catch him at it.

Look, your deepest desires

will all be fulfilled

when the blood of eight

is willingly spilled,

but only off on the fifth day

or Frederique will

be here to stay.


Wait, wait, this all

happens on Friday.

The fifth day when the blood

of eight is willingly spilled.

Tonight was the seventh

girl to go missing.

- You think there's one more?

- Yeah, I do.

- This one's marked

Frederique. (speaking in Latin)

What the f*ck does that mean?

- Who the f*ck knows?

I'm too tired to

even think about it.

Now what I'm gonna do

is I'm gonna take this

all to my boss tomorrow.

But right now I need sleep.

It's 11 o'clock.

You gonna stay?

- No, no, I've, I've

gotta get going.

I've got work to do.

Yeah, here.

Talk to your boss tomorrow.

Try not to do anything stupid.

- Scout's honor.

- Goodnight, Johnny.

(door bangs)

- Right, I am going to bed.

- Oh, what no research?

- No, look tomorrow

we work I promise.

Look, this all

happens on a Friday,

so nothing is gonna

happen until then.

Come on, bed.

(ominous music)

- Rachel, lights on.

Rachel, turn on the lights.

Rachel, f*ck you.

(Johnny sighs)

(switch clicks)

(switch clicking)


Just brilliant.

That's exactly what I need.

(body whooshing)

(body whooshing)

(suspenseful music)

(knife thuds)

(Johnny groaning)

(knife clangs)

(Johnny groaning)

(Johnny groaning)

What, what the f*ck?

Who the f*ck are you?

Who the f*ck are you?

(knife slashes)

(blood splattering)

(book thuds)

(siren wailing)

- That is something I found

at a crime scene, sir.

What I believe to be

involving those missing girls.

- The prossies?

- Yes, sir.

So I followed a suspect

to an abandoned warehouse

with a girl.

- Did you see a crime scene?

Did you see any dead bodies?

- [Lila] No, sir, but that was.

- And did you see anybody

get k*lled or hurt even?

- No sir, but there was-

- Well it sounds like

a lot of nothing.

- Sir, there was a lot of blood.

- Blood, an abandoned

warehouse, rats.

- Yeah, not rats.

Of course there was rats,

but there was also blood.

- It does sound like you're

saying an awful lot of nothing.

- If you shut up for a minute,

I'll be able to get a word in.

(sighs) Now, I

followed a suspect

to an abandoned warehouse

and he was with Anastasia

and he was the last one

to take Anastasia out

before she went missing.

And then this girl-

- Like was she another hooker?

- Yes, sir.

Anyway, so he and this

girl went to this warehouse

and then they locked the door,

I couldn't get in, so then-

- [Banks] And that's when you

should have called for backup.

- I know, sir.

But look, anyway,

I went around the back trying

to find another way inside.

And then I heard this

noise at the front.

This door opens, people

come running out,

so I go round to the

front, go in the door

through the

warehouse to the back

and there's this

room full of blood,

dried blood and a big

pool of fresh blood.

And also this table with lit

candles on and, and that book.

- Dolls.

- Yes, and dolls.

But somebody had to

put them there, right?

This dolls, these blood,

they had to come from

somewhere, right?

- Look, it could

have been druggies.

It could have been winos.

The sounds you heard

were people running out

because you spooked them.

- No.


This is ritualistic, sir.

- So you're saying that

this book and lit candles

are what k*lled these prossies?

- No, yes, no, yes.

I, all I'm saying is

that if this guy think

that's what happened, then

that's all that matters.

- Right, okay.

Who's the guy?

- Todd Fisher.

He's some slimy

stockbroker type.

- Well, I mean we, we could,

we could bring him in and

we could question him,

but we've got nothing

to hold him on.

Any old lawyer's gonna

get him out in seconds.

- I don't think there's

any need for that service.

Well, last night was

Friday, so nothing,

we're gonna be safe

'cause nothing is gonna

happen until next Friday.

- Why Friday?

- One sec, sorry, sir.


I've got to go.

- Got an emergency crisis,

I'm gonna have to call you back.

Ma'am, ma'am, whoa, whoa,

whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Step back, step back right now.

- What's happened?

Tell me what's happened?

Tell me what's happened?

- I'll tell you,

I will tell you.

They cut off his head.

(melancholic music)

(Lila crying)

You all right?

Do, do you need me to

call someone, ma'am?

(Lila crying)

(ominous music)

(birds chirping)

(Lila panting)

(brooding music)

(Lila crying)

(wings fluttering)

(melancholic music)

(Lila crying)

(tense music)

(train rattling)

(ominous music)

(tense music)

(ominous music)

(tense music)

(ominous music)

(tense music)

(ominous music)

(suspenseful music)

(teapot whistling)

(Lila panting)

- Lila, Lila, it's okay,

it's okay, it's okay.

It's just a nightmare,

it's just nightmare.

(Lila crying)

- Oh God.

What time is it?

- It's about 5:30, babe.

- What day?

- [Jessica] It's Sunday, babe.

- Six days.

- Six days till what?

(brooding music)

- What are you doing?

- Oh, I was just trying

to do some more research.

- Research what?

- This book, Frederique.

(speaking in Latin)

- No, no, no, no, no!

- What, what, what?

- Don't read anything

from inside this book.

Nothing at all, do you hear me?

Not even one word.

- Okay, sorry, I'm sorry.

Okay, sorry.

- I know, I know

you're trying to help.

I do, I do appreciate it.

But don't do anything

without telling me, okay?

Not before I ask.

- Okay, yeah.


(door clicks)

(Jessica gasping)

(Jessica groaning)

Need to rest, babe.

- Resting comes after.

- After what?

- After we end this.

Are you game?

- I'll put the kettle on.

(dramatic music)

You all right, babe?

- Yeah.

Let me just get all

this straight, okay?

So this, Frederique guy, he's a,

he's an ancient demonic being.

- Yeah, he's a demon.


- Who grants wishes.

- Well, not wishes exactly.

Not a genie.

He gives you shit, but

he wants stuff in return.

- You summon him using that

monstrosity over there.

- Yeah, exactly.

Once you summon old Freddy,

you better deliver otherwise.

(tongue clicks)

- You summon him using the book

and here's what you see

pictures and everything.

- Yeah.

So says here, summon him using

the incarnation sacrifices,

eight souls, riches, blah,

blah, blah, fifth day.

- Friday.

(tense ominous music)

- Or Thursday.

- No, Friday.

It's the fifth day Friday.

- Yeah, but some

calendars start on Sunday.

- Some calendars are wrong.

Okay, all of these women have

gone missing on a Friday.

Johnny and Johnny too.

So let's just assume that

this all happens on a Friday.

- Uh, look babe,

you don't actually

believe in all of this do you?

Like demons and sacrifices,

it's all of it out

there, isn't it?

- How else do you explain it?

- I can't.

- Let's just say for a

second that this is true.

- Okay.

- Is Johnny dead because of me?

- Oh, Lila, no, no.

You can't think like that, okay?

- I read the incantation

in the book and Johnny

read the Latin parts.

- It's not real.

- So that means that

he's offered himself up.

- It's not real.

- What does it say again?

Tell me, tell me what

it translates to.

- Frederique, accept my

soul as an offering to thee.

- See, he's offered

himself up to Frederique.

- Stop, okay, just stop.

This is all a bit mental, okay?

There's there's gonna be some

normal rational explanation

for all of this, okay?

It's just gonna be

like the local nutter

or something, all right?

Plus I read it and I'm

still alive and kicking.


(Lila exhales)


- Yeah, yeah, you're

probably right.

Probably a nutter.

- Nutter yeah.

- But if this guy Todd

thinks that this is true,

then well he's all

this information

so we can understand

why he's doing this.

- Yeah, I guess.

(Lila sighs)

This is not a good idea.

I'm going on record

to say categorically,

this is a bad f*cking idea.

- I'm gonna be fine.

- Well, let me come

with you at least.

- Absolutely not.

- Let's, let's call

your boss then.

Get some back up.

- No, he won't understand.

And if he doesn't know,

then he can't stop me.

- Well, he'd be right,

Lila, this is idiotic.

And if Johnny were here, he.

- Well, Johnny's

not here, is he?

And I'm the only one

that can stop this

happening to anyone else.

- No, I know.

I'm, I'm sorry, I just, (sighs)

I'm just scared.

- I know, but look,

I'm gonna be fine.

I'm gonna take my car so

I've got a getaway this time.

- You're not fine

though, are you?

I've heard you a week you

know, having nightmares,

seeing things, shouting at

things that aren't there.

You need some help, Lila.

And you need to talk to someone.

Even if, even if you

won't talk to me.

- I know that you don't

believe this and that's fine.

Look, I will talk to

somebody, I'll grieve,

and I'm gonna wallow in the

willies of the one that I love,

but after tonight.

I'm not gonna let Freddy

k*ll anybody else ever again.


(Jessica sighs)

- (scoffs) Oh, f*ck sake.

(Jessica sighs)

(brooding music)

(group chattering)

- Drink this.

Barman, two margaritas.

And salt the rims, yeah?

- Coming up.

- I'm just going

to the toilet.

Have a little taste of

that while I'm away.

- Hey.

- Hey.

- You need to leave.

- Beg your pardon?

- I don't care what

you do with your body.

The way I see it, your

body, your choice.

But, but that guy you're

with he's bad news.

You need to leave.

- How, how?

He's gonna see me.

- Just get through the door,

down the stairs out the back.

You're on the main

road, turn right.

Just be careful.


- Where's my woman?

- She went that way, mate.

- What's that?

- That way.

- Sorry, I was

expecting someone else.

- No. (giggles)

Looks like you

found someone else.

- Is that right?

- Yeah.

- My lucky night then, is it?

- It's your lucky night.

Sooner we get outta

here, the better.

- So early.

- Why waste time?

- Let's go.

(ominous music)

(screen whooshes)

(Jessica panting)

(suspenseful music)

(Jessica screaming)

(ominous music)

(Jessica panting)

- You're not real. (panting)

(Jessica screaming)

Oh, oh, God.

You're no real.

You're not real.

(suspenseful music)

(Jessica screams)

(pitchfork thuds)

(flesh squishing)

(pitchfork clangs)

(Jessica groaning)

(mallet thuds)

(dramatic music)

(siren wailing)

- Basement, hmm.

Ooh, hot.

- Yeah, that's just right.

You got me there.

- Oh, yeah.


(Todd laughs)

So do you come here often?

- Only on a Friday.

- Friday.

Why Friday?

Is that when you

like to be a bad boy?

- You could say that.

You could also say

it's a bit of a ritual.

How about we have

a bit of fun first.

I would love to hear

you read for me.

Where is it?

(chains clanging)

- Where's what?

- My book!

My f*cking book is always here!

- The library isn't gonna

like you, tolly boy.

There'll be a

bitch in late fees.

- Where is it?

- About this big, made of skin?

Full of creepy shit?

- Yes.

- Never heard of it.

(Todd laughing)

Something funny, Todd?

(Todd laughing)

- I don't need the book.

I have the passage memorized.

Seven times already, haven't I?

- Oh, good for you.

- Oh, it is, it is,

'cause this is the last

time I've got to do this.

Now repeat after me, Frederique.

- Absolutely f*cking not.

- Don't make me make you.

- Well you'd have to make me,

there's no way I'm saying

your creepy bullshit.

You're a m*rder*r and

you're gonna spend the rest

of your days behind

bars where you belong

being someone else's bitch.

- I've never k*lled anyone.

- Yeah?

- Not really.

- Splitting hairs

now, Tiny Todd.

- They were whores,

what does it matter?

- Speaking like the

true misogynist you are,

who can't get it up.

(Lila groans)

- Say it!

- Say what?

- Frederique.

Ah for f*ck's sake!

Frederique! (speaking in Latin)

Just f*cking say it

you f*cking slut!

(suspenseful music)

(wind blowing)

(papers rustling)

(ominous music)

Please oh, it's not me.

It's her.

She's the eighth one.

I've given you souls.

It's not me, please.

Freddy, no.


She's the eighth one. (screams)

(knife thuds)

(Todd groaning)

(blood squishing)

(Todd groaning)

(fist thudding)

(dramatic music)

(fist thudding)

(fist thudding)

(ominous music)

(blood dripping)

- Jess, Jess, they're

real, they're all real!

(Lila screaming)

(melancholic music)

f*ck you!

(Lila crying)

(nose sniffling)

This book, there must be

something in his book.

(brooding music)

There will be blood.

Book is key, weakest

when summoned.

w*r between heaven and

hell destroy the book.

Use his w*apon and

send back to hell.

Jess, you f*cking genius.

(door clicks)

(ominous music)

- Ah.

- Oh.

(Lila exhales)

- What the f*ck happened?

- My house mate

has been m*rder*d.

We need to stop

whoever is doing this.

- What?

- Look, this is Friday and

we only have 45 minutes left.

This only happens on

Friday, we need to move.

- No, we need to

call the police.

- We are the police.

- Oh, f*ck you know what I mean.

We need to report this.

- Well, this book, this is the

only thing that can stop him.

This is his w*apon.

We need to use this and we

need to put a stop to this.

Otherwise, every Friday is

gonna be Freddy's Friday.

- I want you to

tell me everything.

- There is no time.

- No, I am not leaving here

until you tell me

what's going on.

First your boyfriend,

now your roommate,

that's enough for me to take

you in and question you.

Now talk.

- There's a demon

called Frederique

and we've be calling him Freddy.

You summon him and he gives

you anything you want.

He gives you riches,

he gives you power.

But you have to

sacrifice eight souls.

And it only happens on a Friday.

- (scoffs) Why Friday?

- I don't know.

Maybe he's busy during

the week and I don't care.

All I care about

is stopping him.

- So why k*ll your

boyfriend and your roommate?

- Well that's my

fault because I,

I took this book from the scene

and I read the incantation

before I knew what it did.

So now I owe him eight souls

and they took them two

as part of the deal

and we have to stop him.

- You do realize that this

sounds absolutely insane.

- Yes, I know.

But please, please, Chief,

come with me tonight and

I will show you, please.


- All right, I'm

giving you tonight.

That's it.

After that I take you

in and I question you.

- Deal.

Let's go now.

(traffic humming)

- These are easy to swing.

(wood thud)

- Got this.

- What's the plan?

- Follow me.

(siren wailing)

(tires screeching)

- God, it smells

like death down here.

- Mm-hmm.

- So what's the plan?

- Well, you are gonna

read the summing.

Tell that Freddy that he's

gonna get his sacrifices.

I'll read the Latin

parts, offering myself up.

And when he comes to claim

me, we try and k*ll him.

- [Banks] How?

- Look, just like I said,

it has something to

do with this book

and I don't know his own w*apon.

So when he comes down here,

he's gonna be at his weakest.

So that's is when

we have to do it.

- What if she's wrong?

- Jess won't be wrong.

- I thought you said that

you already summoned him.

- I did tell you that.

But now that's why

I need you to do it

so then I could

be the sacrifice.

(Banks sighs)

- Okay, let me see this book.

(Banks sighs)

- Okay, so you,

you read that poem.

- And you read that?

- [Lila] Yeah.

(suspenseful music)

- Frederique.

(speaking in Latin)

- [Lila] No, no, no, no!

- What the f*ck is that?

- It's just like Jess said,

the wall between hell

and here has come down.

So this is when

he's at his weakest.

We're gonna get him now.

(fast tempo suspenseful music)

(bones cracking)

(body thuds)

(bat thuds)

(Lila grunts)

(pipe thuds)

(bat thuds)

(Lila grunting)

(pipe thudding)

(pipe thudding)

(pitchfork thuds)

(Banks groans)

(pitchfork clangs)

(pipe slashes)

(head thuds)

Oh, my God, are you okay?

Oh, you're bleeding.

Oh, my God.

(Banks groans)

(fast tempo suspenseful music)

(ominous music)

(clown screaming)

(Lila screaming)

(knife thuds)

(Lila screams)

(arm thuds)

(knife thuds)

(blood splattering)

(clown groaning)

(Lila panting)

(foot thuds)

(Bank panting)

(Lila grunts)

(pitchfork whooshes)

(cleaver whooshing)

(cleaver thuds)

(cleaver whooshes)

(cleaver thuds)

(body thudding)

Oh, my God.

Are you okay?

This is crazy.

We need to get out of here.

Come on.

- What the f*ck?

(hook thuds)

(Lila screams)

(Lila grunts)

(blood splattering)

(body thuds)

- Oh, my God, let me see.

Let's get outta here.

Come on, they're all dead.

Give me your arm.

I've got you.

Come on, let's get out.

You've got this.

Let's get you help.

Ah. (panting)

(ominous music)

(brooding music)

(wind blowing)

(door clicks)

(door bangs)

(suspenseful music)

(cleaver clangs)

(brooding music)

(suspenseful electronic music)
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