Wickedly Evil (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Wickedly Evil (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[robot whirring]

[logo whooshing]

[Glass clinking softly]

[sirens wailing]

- [Police Dispatch]

All units, be aware,

robbery in progress,

possible sh*ts fired,

four or five males

leaving the location

in green tracksuits and masks

to be considered

armed and dangerous.

[officer speaking indistinctly]

sh*ts fired, sh*ts

fired, officer down.

Do not approach,

repeat, do not approach.

Tactical response unit en route.

[sirens wailing in distance]

- [Gaz] Right, we're good.

Let's get the f*ck out of here.

- [Dancer] No, no, no, let's

get this straight here and now,

yeah, answer my question,

do you think it's

okay to freeze bread?

- [Gaz] I don't know,

yeah, I suppose.

- [Dancer] You suppose?

Oh, Jesus, where do

I bleeding start?

Bread's a convenience

food, if you want a sambo,

the bread is there

ready to rock.

- [Gaz] Just defrost it then.

- [Dancer] Defrost it,

how long will that take?

I'm not sitting

around days in advance

planning my sambos out.

- [Gaz] I don't give a

f*ck, Dancer, all right?

You're stressing me

out and another thing,

why the f*ck did

you get frog masks?

- [Dancer] What?

- You were supposed to

get the Ninja Turtles.

- I couldn't get Turtle

masks, all right,

I got the next best

thing, didn't I?

The cousin of the

bleeding turtle, the frog.

You ungrateful w*nk*r,

I'm after being up all night

painting these bandanas on.

- Oh, you were up all

last night, were you?

- Yeah.

- Yeah?

Well, what about the

f*cking red on your head

I'm supposed to be red,

you're supposed to

be the purple one.

[sirens wailing in distance]

I told you I was the

red f*cking Ninja.

- Well, I like red

better, all right?

Team Raph all the way, brother.

- Team Poxy Raph,

f*cking hell, man!

You're stressing me

out, do you know that?

I'm getting in the

f*cking car, f*ck you.

[sirens wailing in distance]

- [Dancer] Will you

slow down, will you?

- [Gaz] f*ck off, will you?

- All I was saying was,

your man, Donatello

was a bag of balls, man.

- What the f*ck?

- For God's sake, his w*apon

of choice was a stick,

he was a laughing stock,

Raphael was the main man, yeah,

if anyone's him, it was me.

- Do you know what, that's

just f*cking it, isn't it?

You do whatever

the f*ck you want

and f*ck everybody

else in between,

in the middle of all

this, f*cking turtles

and frozen bread!

You need to get a grip, Dancer,

you're a f*cking psycho.

Do you know what you

need to do as well?

You need to get

your head checked.

Open the car door, will you?

- [Dancer] Will you

calm down, will you?

I only wanted to know your take

on the whole frozen

bread thing, man.

- Name one person in the

history of calming down,

that ever f*cking calmed down,

when someone told

them to calm down.

Open the door, will

you, Dancer, quick,

open the f*cking door before

someone's sees us, will you?

- Oh, bollocks!

- [Clare] What are

you doing here?

Was that you in there?

Move and I'll f*cking k*ll you.

- All right, calm down now.

[g*n firing repeatedly]

[empty g*n clicking]

Jesus! [breathing heavily]

Oh, f*cking hell, ah, there was

absolutely no need for that,

young one.

- Wait!

[blow thudding]

[Clare thudding to ground]

- Ow!

[Gaz groaning softly]

[tense melodic music]


Brilliant, just brilliant.

[tense melodic music continues]

[tense melodic music continues]

[tense melodic music continues]

[car rumbling quietly]

[handbrake cranking]

[Frankie exhaling heavily]

[tense melodic music continues]

[screeching ominous music]

[birds chirping]

- Under the flowerpot.

What flowerpot?

Where are you?

f*ck's sake, Momo.




Momo, are you in

there? [knocking]


Oh, for f*ck's sake.

[flowerpot thudding quietly]

[Frankie grunting exasperatedly]

- Bad morning?

- Oh!

Oh, Jesus Christ!

You're after frightening

the shite out of me.

- Yeah, you scare easily.

- [laughing] Yeah,

yeah, um, today I do.

It's just a bit

of a mad morning.

Who are you?

- Oh, I just heard

someone screaming,

so I was just checking

everything was okay.

- Right, yeah, so you

hear someone screaming

and you run towards it?

- [Sadie] That's what

I do, I'm a nurse.

- Yeah, okay, so you just hang

out in the middle of nowhere

and just look for

people to rescue?

- Cute, no, I'm your neighbor.

- [Frankie] Right, okay.

- So back to that scream.

- I wouldn't call it a scream.

- [Sadie] No?

- Ah, it was more of a,

a loud shout, you know,

men don't really scream.

- I'll have to remember that.

- Well, no, it was

nothing, anyway,

just somebody was supposed

to leave a key out

and they didn't and I was

just looking to get inside

and put my head down for a bit.

- Right, so you know Abe?

- No.

- My neighbor, he

owns the place.

- I thought the place was empty.

The owner is a friend

of a friend of mine

and they said that we can

come whenever we needed to,

just to use it, they

said, the owner said

the owner's name

is Annabelle Rice.

- Yeah, Annabelle

owns the place,

it's just been a while since

she really let anyone use it.

I was just making

sure, you know,

you're not some psycho

trying to break in.

- No, I'm, I-I, yeah, I

get you, I, but I'm legit.

- I believe you.

[Frankie sighing with relief]

She leaves a spare key with

me in case of emergencies,

so I can get it for

you if you like?

- Oh, my God, that'd be amazing.

I, abs, I, please, you will

be an absolute lifesaver.

I mean, you're a nurse, so

you literally are a lifesaver,

but in this context, you,

that would be great, yeah.

- No worries, hang on,

I'll get it for you.

- Thank you, thank you so much.

[birds chirping]

Nice and easy, Frankie Boy.

Send her on her way and

you won't see her again.

- [Sadie] Who's Frankie Boy?

- Oh! [laughing] Gee,

no, that was quick.

That's just ah,

that's me.

- Nice to meet you,

Frankie Boy, I'm Sadie.

- It's just Frankie.

Thanks a million, I really do

appreciate it, Sadie, cheers.

- No worries, it's

actually really nice

to see a new face around here.

So you know, if

you need anything.

- Next, next door, yeah.

- Oh, I'd get some salt

and cold water on that,

if you don't want it to stain.

The blood.

- That's just not,

that's a, a nosebleed,

but thanks, I'll do that.

- [Sadie] You're

welcome, Frankie Boy.

[door clicking]

[door thudding]

[Frankie exhaling heavily]

[soft melodic music]

[bags thudding]

[soft melodic music continues]

[zipper whirring]

[paper bag rustling]

[soft melodic music]

[bottle cap clicking]

[beer hissing]

[bottle cap clattering]

[soft melodic music continues]

[phone ringing]

- Chief. [clears throat]


- We're watching you, Frankie.

- Hello?


Who's this?



[phone disconnecting]

[soft tense music]

[bottle clattering]

[light switch clicking]

Mate, shite gaff.

[soft tense music]

[door creaking]

[light switch clicking]

[car rumbling]

[handbrake cranking]

[door clicking]

[door rumbling]

- What's the story, Frankie Boy?

Somebody rat us out.

- Jesus, man, will you

relax with that thing?

- No, f*ck you! Who

ratted, who ratted?

- What are you talking about?

- Somebody ratted us out

and I wanna know who it is.

- [Frankie] I don't know what

you're talking about, man.

- I don't hear you denying it?

- Well, it wasn't

me, it wasn't me!

- Then who was it?

- I don't know,

I don't know, man.

- It was you, wasn't it?

- If it was me, do you

think I'd be here, do you?

And get that g*n out

of my face, will you,

you big, fat bastard you

and keep your voice down.

- Why do you have to bring

my weight up into this?

You know I'm emotional here.

- I'm sorry.

- Ssh, don't.

Help us in with Gaz.

- Gaz, why?.

- Just help us in with Gaz.

- What's, what?

[Gaz groaning softly]

[car door clicking]

f*ck's sake, Gaz, what

happened, are you all right?

- I got f*cking shot,

what does it look like?

- They f*cking knew,

man, I'm telling you,

they f*cking knew

we were coming.

- My God! Get me the f*ck

out of this car please.

- Get him inside,

get him inside.

- Come on, Gaz.

- Inside with him.

You'll be all right, pal.

- Easy, guys.

- You're all right,

- Jesus Christ!

- You're all right.

- Watch his bleeding

leg, will you?

- Argh!

- What the f*ck

do you think I'm doing?

[bottle clattering]

Will you watch-

- I am!

- Take it easy, lads.

What's that?

- What's what?

- f*cking hell.

[Gaz sobbing]

- Easy, easy, lads, yeah.

- Here you go.

- Oh, f*ck! [breathing heavily]

- [Dancer] Watch him, will you?

- There goes your

deposit, Frankie.

- Don't worry about it, man,

a bit of salt and cold

water and we're laughing.

We're gonna get you sorted,

we're gonna get you right.

- Geez!

- Here, get that into you.

- They f*cking knew,

they f*cking knew, man.

- You don't know that.

- I f*cking do know that.

They were waiting

for us, they were.

- Yeah, well, we got away,

that's the main thing, isn't it?

- Did we, yeah?

- Yeah!

- Did we, yeah?

- Yeah!

- Did we, where the

f*ck's Momo then?

- He was the first one out, man,

I seen him get away unscathed.

- Unscathed?

- Yeah, unhurt, fine,

grand, not a butter on him.

- Will you just

f*cking say that then?

You know I don't like big words,

when all the little,

small ones will do the job

and he got out as

far as you know,

what the f*ck does that mean?

- I got a call just

before yous got here.

I don't know, the

reception's bad down here,

I don't know who it was.

- Oh, this is all f*cked, man!

- Yeah, I'm with you there.

- Hold on a minute, how

did you get in the house?

I don't see a car outside.

- Well, I parked

there around the back.

- Is that right, yeah?

I'm sure Momo has the case.

So how did you get in the house?

- The girl, the girl

next door let me in.

- Is she nice?

- I don't know.

- What do you mean you

don't know, is she nice?

- What part is

confusing you, man?

I don't know, like

where's your head at?

I don't know, I don't know.

- I do worry about you,

do you know that?

- But man.

- [Gaz] Lads, grab us another

one of them drinks, will yous?

- Course, man, get

him a drink, will you?

[bottle cap clicking]

[beer hissing]

[bottle cap clattering]

- Now.

[Gaz gasping]

We need to stop that bleeding.

- I've already put my

belt around it, didn't I?

Stopped the blood flow.

- You're supposed

to put the belt

above the wound, you clown.

- Why would you put

the belt above it?

Sure, you want the blood

to go to the wound,

blood is what heals it?

- You put the belt

above the wound

to stop the blood

flowing out of it.

- Oh, you're talking shite, man.

- Gaz.

- Yeah?

- We're gonna have to move

this belt up over the wound.

- Take it easy now.

- Yeah, hold on a minute.

Hold on a minute,

what do you mean?

- Who made you Tony Holohan?

- Relax, yeah.

- No, Dancer,

I think he's right.

- Ah, what the f*ck

do you know, Gaz?

Look at you there losing

blood by the minute.

You're not thinking

straight, man.

[belt creaking]

- Argh!

- [Dancer] Will you

bleeding leave it, will you?

- Will you shut the

f*ck up, will you?

Stop shouting in my ear,

why don't you calm it down?

- What are you doing, man?

- Calm it down, will you?

- For f*ck's sake!

Sorry, man, it's-

- Argh, for f*ck's sake!

- I know, I know, I know.

- You're all right.

- There now.

- Dancer.

- We're there now.

- Go in the kitchen

and see if there's anything

stronger, will you?

- You're the last

man I'd die for.

- I'm sorry, man, that's

it now, done, you're good,

you're good, you're good,

man, we're grand, we're grand.

- Come here, Frankie, come here.

- Yeah?

- He's f*cked us, man.

- What are you talking about?

- We were made,

Frankie, they seen us.

- Yeah, but they

didn't see our faces.

We're good, man, we're good.

- [Gaz] [breathing

heavily] We're not good,

we're not even close to good.

[hatch doors thudding]

- All right, ladies,

I have some whiskey

and some green shit.

Creme de f*cking

Hulk's balls, what?

Is Gaz dead?

- [Gaz] No, I'm

not f*cking dead.

Give us that drink,

will you? [gasping]

[Frankie sighing]

They f*cking shot

me, Frank, in my leg.

- I know, we're gonna

get you sorted, man.

We're gonna get you

some help, all right?

- He was all right

when I did the belt.

- What happened?

- [Gaz] They f*cking shot

me, that's what happened.

- Ah, it was a bleeding

shit show, man.

Boom Boom goes off,

all the g*ns go off.

- Sure, you know yourself.

I seen yous, I seen

yous, yous was,

yous was right behind me, I

seen yous getting to the car.

- [Gaz] Yeah, yeah, we

were going to the car.

- Ah, f*ck!

- Argh!

- [Dancer] What's in the bags?

- Just what I could grab.

- Give us a look, yeah.

[soft ominous music]

Oh, lovely.

[plastic bag rustling]

[Dancer sniffing]

Jesus, huh, big Sunday dinner

round Bob Marley's gaff.

Bingo f*cking bango, what?

- [Frankie] What the

f*ck are you doing?

- I'm sampling my product.

- Lads,

I'm gonna go into the bed,

I'm starting to

feel a bit sleepy.

I'm just gonna close my

eyes for a bit, all right?

[soft tense music]

[owl hooting]


- Why am I taking

all the weight, man?

You're just pushing him.

- Will you stop, will you?

[Gaz gasping]

- Jesus, man, I'm telling you.

- What?

- This is the best cocaine

I've ever, ever done,

I'm telling you now, this

is straight from Colombia.

- [Frankie] It's not

straight from Colombia,

it's all synthetic, man.

You've never actually

had real coke before.

- Get up out of that

there, will you?

This is straight from

the Columbian jungle.

First class ticket

straight up my nostril.

- [Gaz] Will you watch

my f*cking leg, Dancer?

- Ah, will you shut up,

you're bleeding out, will you?

I swear to Jesus!

- f*ck!

I'll be f*cking dead by the

time you have me in this bed!

- Now.

[wood creaking]

- Ah, ah!

- You're after breaking the

bed, you big bollocks, you!

- f*ck off with you, Jesus.


- f*cking hell!

Do you need anything?

- Just turn that light

on, will you please?

[light switch clicking]

Ooh, I tell you, you know

what goes on in here?

- Just try and get a

bit of kip, man, yeah?

We'll check on you in a bit.


- Mm-hm?

- Come on.

- Okey dokey.

[hand tapping]

- Ah, ah, ah!

[Gaz breathing heavily]

[gentle haunting music]

[soft ominous music]

[gentle haunting music]

- What the f*ck?

f*ck. [breathing heavily]

[gentle haunting music]




- What, what's up?

- [Gaz] What, what the

f*ck was in that green shit

Dancer gave me?

- Just get some kip.

[mellow rock music]

- What did you get?

- [Frankie] It's about 250.

- It's not a bad start, is it?

- Hm.

What about you?

- I got a whopper bag

full of weed and pills,

bluies, looks like Viagras.

- Good, Momo must have

the rest of the cash then.

- Bleeding Momo, where

is he? Ring him there.

- No, the Chief said

not to use the phone.

He'll be here.

[gentle haunting music]

- [News Reporter] Following

up on our breaking news story

from this morning where

it appears a gangland feud

had spilled over onto

the streets of Dublin.

Premises believed

to be connected

to the notorious Lynch

family was the target

of a calculated and

dangerous as*ault.

Reports so far have eight

people transported to hospital

with three in critical

condition, one of

these is believed

to be a member of

An Garda Siochana.

The Lynch family have

declined to make a statement.

[soft tense music]

[melodic pop music]

[button clicking]

[tense melodic music]

- A garda was shot?

- We don't know.

It wasn't me.

The armed response

unit turned up

just as we were leaving.

[Frankie exhaling heavily]

It all went to shit, man.

Will you relax, will you?

- f*ck, man, if that Guard

dies, they'll be turning over

every stone in the f*cking

country to find us!

Oh, we have to get

out of this kip!

- This isn't a kip, you don't

get fancy rockwork like that

around a fireplace

anymore, have some respect.

And when Momo gets here,

the Chief is gonna

get the boat sorted

and we'll be home and free.

Getting your knickers

in a twist over nothing.

[phone ringing]

What did I tell you?

- Give me, give

me it, give me it.

Don't say anything about

that weird call, all right?

Probably wasn't even Momo.

- [Dancer] Of course

it was bleeding Momo,

he's the only one

that has that number.

- And he has all the

money as well, doesn't he?

So don't be saying anything,

that's gonna stress

out the Chief.


- Frankie.

- How you doing, Chief?

- [Chief] Good to hear your

voice, son. Who's with you?

- I'm here, Chief.

- [Chief] Oh, Dancey, in one

piece, good man. Anyone else?

- Ah, poor, old Gaz, Chief,

he took one in the leg,

he's having a little rest.

- [Chief] How bad is it?

- It's pretty bad,

Chief, he's bleeding out.

- [Chief] And Momo?

- [Frankie] Momo's not here yet.

- [Chief] All right,

first thing's first,

we're looking all right.

I've been posting pictures

on social media of you two

in Spain every night

for the last three days.

As far as anyone knows,

you're in Alicante.

- Chief.

- Shut up, Dancer.

We've enough photos

to last us a week,

if needs be, you'll

get a f*cking spray tan

and if anybody questions us,

we'll say you were hundreds

of miles away on a beach.

- [Dancer] Ah, Chief.

- [Chief] If you interrupt

me one more time, Paul,

I won't be happy.

Now if that Guard dies,

then all bets are off,

so say a prayer to St. Jude.

There's a boat leaving

tomorrow night direct to Wales,

worst case scenario, we stash

the goodies in the woods

and get them when

the coast is clear.

In the meantime,

don't leave the house.

The less fingerprints we

leave down there, the better.

- But Chief, I,

I don't mean to tell you how

to do your job or anything,

but I think we should get

out of here like tonight.

I-It just doesn't

f*cking feel right.

- [Chief] Relax, your

names haven't come up once.

Word on the street

is the Lynches think

it was a few head-the-balls

from up north

and while I'm all for

north-south relations improving,

if they can take the fall

for this one, we're golden.

- Can I say something now?

- [Chief] Jesus, what?

- I was just gonna ask, is

there any vets around here,

you know, the crooked ones

that fix up criminals?

- [Chief] There's no

f*cking vets, you gobshite,

check the bathroom

for some antibiotics

and change the bandages

every few hours.

Once things calm down,

I'll have someone I know

down there to look at him.

- Yeah,

are they a vet?

Well, are they?

They are the vet, aren't they?

- [Chief] Well, they are

actually a vet, yeah.

- I f*cking knew it!

They're all dodgy, those vets.

- [Chief] Well done, lads,

no one died and you got away.

The hard part is done, now

just keep your heads down,

have a few cold ones and

sit tight and Dancer.

- Yeah.

- [Chief] Stay away

from that f*cking coke.

- Oh, of course, Chief.

- [Frankie] Talk to you

later, Chief, right.

[phone beeping]

- Oh, yes.

[Dancer snorting coke]

- What the f*ck did

the Chief just say?

- Huh?

- Don't go mad.

[Dancer exhaling heavily]

[Frankie sighing]

- [Dancer] Ah, this

is the life, isn't it?

- Here.

- What?

- Gaz said something

earlier about you

doing something to f*ck us.

- Who, Mr. Full

of Beans in there?

- What did you do?

[soft tense music]

[car door clicking]

[thunder rumbling]

[owl hooting]

[car door thudding]

Are you f*cking serious?

- Hold on, right,

ah, she seen me, man,

sure, I had to grab her.

- Don't tell me that

you have Clare Lynch

tied up in the back of your car,

please don't lie to me, man.

- What do you want me to tell

you, that's not Clare Lynch

or do you want me to lie to you?

You pick.

- You're a f*cking dope.

You have the little sister

of the biggest gangster

in Ireland tied up in the

back of your f*cking car

like it's f*cking

"Reservoir Dogs," man!

- She tried to f*cking k*ll me.

She-she shot Gaz, f*ck her, man!

[tense drumming music]

- Is she dead?

- I don't bleeding know,

do I? I don't think so.

- Well, get her out of

the back of your car

before she suffocates.

[car door clicking]

- Hey, Frankie.

- f*ck! [laughing] Yeah.

You'd think I'd be used to

that by now, wouldn't you?

This is, ah, Sadie

from next door,

ah, this is my friend, um,

who's gonna be staying

with me for, staying,

we'll be staying

together for the weekend.

- [Dancer] Um, how are you,

Sadie? I'm ah, I'm Charlton.

- Charlton? I haven't met

a Charlton in a while.

- Hm.

- Nice to meet you.

- [Dancer] Aye, we're a

dying breed, us Charltons.

- Anyway, look, I was just, ah,

I had some lasagna left over,

thought you might like some.

It's nothing special

now, but you know,

just thought you

might be hungry.

- No, yeah, I love, I

love, I love lasagna,

it's like one of my

favorite ah, meals to eat.

- It's your favorite

pasta, isn't it?

- It's definitely

my favorite pasta.

So thank you, that's so

nice and so thoughtful.

- Very thoughtful, very

thoughtful altogether actually,

yeah, for a complete stranger.

Jesus, you're not a

bad egg, are you, lady?

- Sadie.

- [Dancer] Sadie the lady, what?

- Any more nosebleeds?

- No, no, no, no, no

nosebleeds, must've acclimatized

to the country

air, I was saying.

- Right, look, ah, I'll just

throw this inside anyway.

- No, don't worry about that,

I'll take that, I'll take that.

Smells lovely, nice.

- Something smells

good in there,

have you already

got dinner sorted?

- No, do you know

what, it, um, a...

- Takeaway.

- Yes, we ordered a takeaway,

but we'll still eat this,

'cause we're starving,

I'm starving.

- I know, I'm absolutely

starving, I am, Jesus.

I'd eat a horse's arse

through a letterbox, I would.

- Right, anyway, look,

I'm interrupting again,

so enjoy the rest of

your holiday or whatever.

- Yeah, look, we're just gonna

take it easy for tonight,

but if you wanted, tomorrow,

you could come over,

we'll have a drink, bit of

food, what do you think?

- The more the bloody

merrier, Sadie.

- I'm not trying to be some

weird stalker or anything,

I was just being

neighborly, okay, so.

- Yeah, but honestly,

like I, it'd be nice,

if you came over for a

drink or something to eat.

- All right, maybe, okay.

Sure, I'll see yous, yeah?

- Okay.

[Frankie exhaling heavily]

- [Dancer] Keep your

f*cking mouth shut

and your eyes closed.

[car door thudding]

[Dancer inhaling deeply]

- What?

- You told her

your bleeding name.

- So what?

- So what?

Leave no fingerprints, yeah?

What part of that did

you not understand?

- Says the psychopath

that kidnapped the girl

and brought her down here

in the boot of his car.

- I had a split second

to make a decision, yeah,

I think I made a pretty

f*cking good one here.

- I had a split second

to make my own decisions.

She sneaks around like a cat

and you didn't

need to be so rude.

- What's her game, man? Big,

happy-go-lucky hen, that.

- People from the country

just tend to be kinder.

- Yeah, that could get

her in a lot of trouble,

do you know that?

What was all that about

the bleeding nosebleeds?

- I told her that I get

nosebleeds, she's a nurse, so.

- Oh-oh-oh-oh, she's a nurse?

How much quality time did you

spend with her, man? Come on!

- It came up in conversation,

what do you want me to do?

- Oh yeah, come here,

how do you know,

that she's not in there now

ringing the Guards on us?

Ratting us out?

- [Frankie] Saying what?

- I don't know, Frankie,

maybe she could say there's

too shady-looking f*ckers,

that are rocking up next door.

One of them's

handsome and dangerous

and the other one's

shaking like a leaf

and there's a big,

f*ck-off trail of blood

leading straight into the gaff.

- Stop doing coke!


- I'm warning you, all right,

next stranger that comes

to that door gets a b*llet,

I shit you not.

- I shit you not?

- Yeah, it's a

common expression,

it means I get the shit

and you don't, all right?

No shits for you,

no shit for you!

- Take her out of that

car, blindfold her,

blindfold her first, I don't

want her f*cking seeing me,

do you hear me?

And then take the car and

hide it round the back.

- I hear you.

[car door clicking]

- [Frankie] All right, I'm

gonna tie your leg to the chair,

until we get all this sorted.

- Are you asking

me or telling me?

- [Frankie] I'm just

letting you know.

- You're a terrible kidnapper.


- How do you know?

- You covered my eyes,

not my ears, you dope.

Is Gaz dead?

- Shut your f*cking mouth,

when you talk about Gaz,

you're lucky you

didn't k*ll him.

- All right, okay, everyone

just ah, calm down.

Okay, we'll get this sorted out.

- Jesus.

Right, so, we've got

Gaz who I'm guessing

is probably in the next

room bleeding out, yeah?

"Pinky and the Brain" here,

which would leave Momo

to make up the whole set.

- [laughing] Very good, yeah.

- So why the f*ck am I here?

- [Dancer] Oh, I'll tell you,

'cause you've seen something

you shouldn't have.

- I didn't see anything.

- [Dancer] You did.

- I'm telling you, Dancer,

I didn't see anything.

- I seen you, I seen you

seeing us, you were looking.

- She's saying if we let her go,

then she's not

gonna say anything.

- I take it back,

he's the brains.

- Thank you.

- First chance she gets,

she's gonna run home

and rat to her brother

and then we're f*cked.

- Well, yeah, I'll have

to tell him something,

but I don't need to

tell him it was you lot.

- Why would you do that?

- Because he'll

k*ll the lot of you

and probably your families

too, I don't want that.

- You were trying to

k*ll me a few hours ago,

so I'm calling bullshit on that.

- Okay, so I panicked, right,

I thought you were

gonna k*ll me.

Besides, I don't wanna get

caught up in some blood feud,

spend the rest of my life

looking over my shoulder

for someone trying

to avenge you.

- No need, I can avenge myself.

- So what did yous do?

- We made a withdrawal from

your family's retirement fund.

- Was my brother there?

Did you k*ll him?

- No.

- Eight people in

the hospital though.

Do you think maybe Momo's

one of them in the hospital?

Is that why he's not here?

- No.

- No?

- No, he was

supposed to get out.

- [Dancer] But I didn't actually

see him drive off, did you?

Maybe the Guards did get him.

- f*ck!

- Aw, poor Momo.

Don't worry, boys, I'm

sure he won't rat yous out.

- Momo has all the cash and if

he got caught, we're f*cked.

- So one shot in the other room,

another one may be shot up in

hospital with all your cash.

I must say, lads, you're not

exactly "Ocean's Eleven."

- Ah, f*ck this,

let me k*ll her!

- If you k*ll me then

you're f*cking dead!

That much I can promise you.

- Don't be stupid, will you?

Put the g*n down, give me that.

Come here.

Come here.

- You keep your mouth shut,

or else.

Pew, pew!

- We need to figure out if

Momo is one of the lads,

that got shot in the hospital.

- Yeah, there's that.

- And I don't give a

f*ck what the Chief says,

if he's in there, then

we're not safe here

and we need to f*cking bounce.

- I'm with you,

but we need to find out

what happened to Momo.

- Why don't you just

call the hospital

and get them to tell you

if your mate's in there?

[gentle melodic music]

- How stupid do

you think we are?

Do you think we're

gonna call up a hospital

on the day eight

people were shot

on the biggest heist

in the history of Ireland.

The most calculated,

brilliant heist

and ask, "Is there anyone

there that was shot?"

[phone beeping]

What are you doing?

- I'll ring the operator,

they'll patch us through

to the County Hospital

and get this sorted.

What's the number

of the operator?

- f*cking operator,

what is this, 1941?

- Man, put the f*cking

phone down now.

- Yeah, put the phone down,

Dancer, the boss has spoken.

- There is no boss, right?

Well, there is one but he's

not here at the moment.

Here, we are on the

same level, yeah?

- For f*ck's sake.

- What's the number?

- It's 11850.

- What, the hospital?

- No, the f*cking operator.

[phone beeping]

[phone ringing]

- [Operator] Directory

Inquiries, how may

I help you today?

- Directory Inquiries,

what the f*ck?

This is not the operator?

- [Operator] No, sir, this

is Directory Inquiries.

- [Dancer] Since when?

- [Operator] What do

you mean, since when?

- I mean, are you an operator,

are you not an operator?

- [Operator] Yes,

I am an operator.

- Well, just say that

then, pal, will you?

Listen, do me a little

favor there, will you?

- [tuts] Jesus.

- Patch us through

to the County Hospital

intensive care unit.

- [Operator] No, sorry,

we don't do that anymore.

I can text the number

to your mobile phone,

once this call ends if you like.

- [Dancer] What, no

patching people through?

No switchboards?

- No,

we got rid of the

bloody switchboards.

- That's an awful

shame, isn't it?

- Put that f*cking phone down.

[phone beeping]

Before you waste the battery,

it didn't come with a charger.

- He's going to text me

the number, all right?

[phone alerting]

Would you look at that?

- All right?

- Yeah.

It's very efficient, isn't it?

[phone ringing]

- [Operator] County Hospital?

- How are you, what's the story?

Listen, will you do

me a little favor?

- [Operator] How can I help?

- I was wondering if you

can give me the names

of the people that were involved

in that terrible

sh**ting earlier on?

- [Operator] I'm sorry, I can't

disclose that information.

If you're a journalist,

I suggest you contact

our media department.

- A journalist? God, no.

Sure, journalism is

dead as we know it.

I didn't get your name?

- [Operator] Julie.

- [Dancer] Julie?

- What?

- [Dancer] Julie's my

dear, old ma's name,

God rest her soul.

Are you from Tallaght?

- [Julie] How did you know that?

- Sure, I'd know

that accent anywhere.

Born and bred, I was, you can't

whack the old Dublin accent.

Am I right, Julie?

- [Julie] [laughing]

You're some charmer.

- Go away with that, will

you? You'll have me blushing.

- [Clare] For f*ck's sake.

- It's always us

working class, Julie,

that are the backbone of the

medical industry, am right?

- [Julie] You're not

wrong there. [sighing]

- Don't I know it?

[gentle melodic music]

Listen, this is

gonna sound mental,

but are you seeing

anyone at the moment?

- [Julie] No.

- Right, well, how about this?

Do you know that new Italian

restaurant, Cassami's?

- [Julie] The mad fancy place

with a two-month waiting list?

- That's the one.

My best pal owns it, he's

hounding me all the time,

he is to drop in.

The only problem

is I haven't got

a lovely, little

lady on my arm, do I?

Would you be up for it,

one of the nights

next weekend maybe?

- [Julie] f*ck off,

you know the owner?

- f*cking sure I do, sure, I'm

a carer for his dear, old ma.

- [Julie] Really?

- Aye, God love her, she's

worried sick, she is.

One of the oldest

from the family

had to get messed up in all this

and there I'm watching

the telly now,

in Darren and Joe's free gaff.

I said I'd come in here,

give you the little call,

smooth it all out,

put her mind at ease.

- [Julie] I'd love to help you,

but with data protection,

I could lose my job.

- [Dancer] I know, I

understand and you know what,

I respect that.

- [Julie] Thanks.

- It sounds like you've an

awful tickle in your throat

there, Julie, do you?

Let's say if I was to say a

name that was not on your list,

you might have to

clear your throat,

have a little cough, yeah?

The name's Mooney,

Michael Mooney, Momo Mooney.

[Julie coughing]

Good girl, Julie, good girl.

- [Julie] So when are

you taking me out then?

- I'm afraid I'm gonna

have to pass on that.

- [Julie] What?

- There's nothing more

disgusting than a bird,

that has a total disrespect

for GDPR protocol.

Good luck.

- You little f*ck!

- No Momos were harmed in the

making of us millionaires.

- f*cking k*ll me.

[soft tense music]

[Dancer snoring]

[car rumbling quietly]

[soft tense music]

- Dancer, did you

hear that, Dancer?

[Dancer snoring]


Get up, will you?

[hand tapping]

[Dancer snoring loudly]

f*cking why are you

resting your eyes?



[bottles clattering]

[car engine idling]

- Move over, will you?

[soft tense music]

Momo, is that Momo?

- [Frankie] No, it's next door.

- Is that Sadie's gaff?

- Yeah.

- Oh, a gentleman

caller perhaps?

- No, looks like a woman.

- Has Sadie done the

dirty on you already?

With a woman, no less.

The dirty birdie.

- [Frankie] She's

not doing the dirt.

- Listen, man, we voted

so the LGBTQ community

could have their day out, now

don't be throwing your dummy

out of the pram just 'cause

it's backfired on you.

- Shut up, will you?

Look at that car.

- [Dancer] It's

lovely, isn't it?

- [Frankie] Yeah, very nice,

now who do you think would

drive a car like that?

[soft tense music]

[car engine idling]

- Plain clothes copper.

- Plain clothes copper.

- I f*cking told you, didn't I?

I f*cking told you, I knew

she was gonna rat on us.

- All right, okay, relax.

- Don't tell me to relax.

We have a hostage,

a g*nsh*t victim

and I've done more

cocaine than Maradona

at the bleeding World Cup

and you want me to relax?

- Okay, okay, like, the

Guard wouldn't show up

to your house on their own.

It's probably a friend off duty.

[car door thudding]

- Oh, this is bolloxed.

Look at her, she looks

like the ambitious type,

big, strong hole

and hips on her.

She's gonna be over here

in the next five minutes

putting a boot through that door

and me and you,

compadre, are bolloxed.

- It's not right, okay, think

about it, think about it.

If you called the

Guards on your neighbor,

that you suspected

was an armed robber,

they wouldn't show

up at your house

and send one copper, would they?

- Well, I don't know actually,

I've never rang the Guards,

surprisingly enough.

- Seems civil enough, man.

[car engine starting]

She's leaving.

[car rumbling quietly]

Get away from the window.

Get the f*ck out of the way!

[Frankie sighing heavily]

- You've done this.

- What are you talking about?

[soft tense music]

- You've f*cking done this,

going over there,

talking to her.

Now I'm gonna have to go

over there and find out

exactly what she's

had to telling her.

- f*ck off, will you? Give over.

- You happy now, are you?

- Happy now?

Yeah, I'm delighted.

She knows f*ck all, man.

We have enough

problems as it is.

- Yeah?

- Without throwing

another f*cking hostage into

the mix, do you not think?

- I don't f*cking trust that.

- 'Cause you're

paranoid, that's why.

- Yeah?

- Yeah, you little wino.

- This conversation

is to be continued.

[car rumbling quietly]

- [Frankie] Shit.

[soft tense music]

- [Dancer] Wait.

- Get down, ssh, ssh, ssh, ssh!

[car door thudding]

[soft tense music]


Check the front door.

Oh, f*ck, Jesus.

Oh, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck!

[soft tense music]


Listen, it's the other

woman from next door.

- Oh, bollocks!

- She probably

wasn't even a Guard.

She's probably not.

- Course she's a f*cking Guard.

[soft tense music]

- [Guard] [knocking] Hello,

it's An Garda Siochana,

can you open the door please?

- Oh!


- Ah, ah, okay, um, ah.

All right, I'll handle

it, I'll handle it.

- What?

- You guard Clare.

Okay, make sure she

doesn't make a sound.

- What are you doing?

- Right, listen to me.

- What's going on here?

- Open one of them bottles.

- What?

- Be out in a second!

[bottle cap clicking]

[beer hissing]

[bottle cap clattering]

[soft tense music]

- Here you are.

- Pour it on my head.

[Guard knocking]

- What?

- Hello?

- Pour it on my head,

will you, stop

f*cking wasting time.

[beer sloshing]

Be right there!

How do I look, like

I had a shower?

- You look all right, man, yeah.

If she takes one step

inside that door,

I'm gonna k*ll everyone,

all right, everybody dies.

- [Guard] Who's at that door?

[soft tense music]

- Keep your f*cking mouth

shut or I'll k*ll you.

[door clicking]

- [Frankie] Sorry about that,

I was just taking a shower.

- Detective Murphy,

have you got a minute?

- Yeah, is everything okay?

- I'm investigating the

disappearance of a local couple

from the area last week.

- [sighing with

relief] Oh, great.

- I'm sorry?

- I'm just, it's that's, it's

great that you're on the case,

I-I hope you find them.

- Is this your house?

- No, I'm just, ah, renting

it for a few nights.

- May I ask where you

were last Tuesday night?

- I was back in Dublin.

I literally just came down

here this morning, so.

- [Detective Murphy] And

your name is Frankie?

- How did you know that?

- Your neighbor.

- f*ck.

- Yeah, ah, well, actually

it's pronounced Franquai

with a Q-U-A-I, it's just

easier to say Frankie,

but it's Franquai, it's French.

- Can you tell me where

that came from, Franquai?

- That, that came from me.

Ah, I, I get nosebleeds

whenever I leave Dublin.

[laughing] It's mad, isn't it?

I actually get really

bad nosebleeds,

I thought I cleaned that

up, sorry about that.

[bottles clattering]

- Is there anyone

in there with you?

- Um, yeah, my friend.

- Shut the f*ck

up, or you're dead.

- But he's not feeling great,

so he just put his

head down for a bit.

- [Detective Murphy] I see,

would you mind if I come in

and look around inside?

- Actually, I-I don't think

we're actually gonna

be any use to you

in this investigation, we

just got down here today.

- I'd feel better if I could

just have a little look inside.

- Is it just yourself?

- Yes, why?

- Maybe it wouldn't be a

bad idea if you came in.

- Shit.

- Sorry?

- Just for a look

around, you know?

You're a good-looking Guard,

I'm a young Dub down

on his holidays,

all he has is a towel on,

I wonder what's underneath.

- Perhaps I'll come back

when you're fully dressed.

- Don't be like that,

will you not come in?

If you don't say anything,

I won't say anything.

- We'll talk again

soon, Franquai.

- Franquai, I like that,

remember that name, yeah.

Remember that name.

[door thudding]

Oh, Mother of Jesus!

[breathing heavily]

- What are you playing at?

f*cking Franquai.

- Well, I wasn't gonna give

her my real name, was I?

- She f*cking knows it's

not Franquai anyway.

Why did you go

and invite her in?

- If I say no to her coming in,

she'll be back in an

hour with a warrant

and then we'd be

f*cked, wouldn't we?

- Jesus, man, you went from

zero to Ted f*cking Bundy

there very quickly, didn't

you, you little creep?

- Yeah, I learned from the best.

[phone ringing]

- Jesus, it's all go

on this job, isn't it?

Happy birthday to me

[Dancer humming

"Happy Birthday"]

[phone ringing]

Happy birthday to you

The Bucket residence.

- [Chief] Paul?

[soft tense music]

- Speaking.

- [Chief] How's Gaz?

- Um, yeah, no, he's,

he looks like a White

Chocolate Magnum,

that's been left out in the sun.

- [Chief] Get some heavy

blankets on him, keep him warm.

Any word from Momo?

- No, no Momo.

- [Chief] Put

Frankie on the phone.

- I'll put us on

speaker, how about that?

[phone beeping]

- [Chief] Where's Momo?

- I don't know.

- [Chief] I thought you

said he got out before you.

- He did, but I don't

know where he is now.

- [Chief] All right,

now listen up.

Lynch's sister has

supposedly gone missing,

conflicting reports of what

happened to her, but either way,

Lynch is on a Jihad to find her.

- [Dancer] Jihad, is he

gonna blow himself up?

- [Chief] He's on a f*cking

mission to find her, all right.

- [Dancer] Ah, just say

that then, will you?

- [Chief] Now, I know

there was a lot going on,

a lot of adrenaline

and all that jazz,

but I need you two to be

completely honest with me,

did either of you see

Clare Lynch there?

- No, absolutely not.

[soft tense music]

- [Chief] Frankie?

- No, Chief.

- [Chief] All right.

- Who gives a f*ck

where she's gone anyway?

- [Chief] Because if we

involve family in this caper

or they think we involve

family, all bets are off.

- They don't know it's us, boss.

- [Chief] Leave the

thinking to me, Dancer.

Now, anything else

I need to know?

- Yeah, Frankie has a

little friend next door

and the Guards were just here.

[soft intense music]

- [Chief] What?

- She's not, she's not

even, she's not a friend,

I don't know what

he's talking about.

I-I couldn't find the key,

it wasn't where it was

supposed to be when I got here.

So I was just, I was

looking for it, she's seen,

so she came over and

tried to help me.

- [Chief] And?

- And then later she

brought over a lasagna.

- [Chief] Sounds like

a f*cking friend to me.

Does she know your name?

- Yeah, but it's the

countryside, you know,

everyone's friendly down here.

- And don't be worrying

about her, Chief,

I think she's a bit simple,

to be honest with you.

- [Chief] And the Guards?

- There was a-a missing

couple last week

and they were following

up on it or something,

I don't know, nothing

to do with us.

- [Chief] That's it?

- That Frankie fella

here invited her in

for an orgy, he did.

[blow thudding]

Ah, f*ck!

- [Chief] This isn't

sitting right with me

and this neighbor just

happened to have a missing key

and bringing over food

as well as the police

sniffing around, yeah.

- Do you want me to go

over and investigate?

- You're not going near her.

- [Chief] You're both

right, Frankie goes over,

find out what she knows.

- What? [laughing

nervously] Seriously?

- [Chief] I need to

know all the angles

before we make our next move.

- Either you do it or

I'll do it, all right?

[soft intense music]

- Right, I'll do it.

- [Chief] Good.

[phone disconnecting]

- Chief?


[soft intense music]

He's after hanging up on us.

I f*cking hate when people

do that, do you know that?

It's just rude, isn't it?

- Yeah, it's rude,

speaking of rude,

I had to keep all your

kidnapping secrets,

but when it comes to my secrets,

you're f*cking out with it.

- [tuts] The Clare Lynch

thing is easily sorted.

He needed to know the rest

and this cocaine, man,

it's not helping

me keep secrets.

- Now, I have to go over there

and make a f*cking

tit out of myself.

- Do you want some of

my courage powder there?

- f*ck off, will you, man?

All you have to do

now is keep Gaz alive

and make sure that Clare

bitch doesn't f*cking escape.

- Who made you the f*cking boss?

- f*ck off, will you, man?

Seriously, it's not a joke,

will you take something serious?

Look at us!

- "f*ck off, man, seriously."

Do you know what

your problem is?

You take life too serious.

Now go on over there,

sweet talk your little

country hillbilly.


- f*cking coke head.

You'd pay a few quid

on Airbnb for this.

[soft tense music]

[doorbell ringing]

[soft tense music]




[ominous chiming music]

Oh, f*ck.

[soft tense music]

[ax thudding]

[soft tense music]

[ominous chiming music]

[ax thudding]

What is that?

[soft tense music]

[ax thudding]

[wood clattering]

- [Sadie] You really

shouldn't sneak up on someone

with an ax, Frankie Boy.

- How did you know it was me?

- I could smell you.

- It's a long drive down.

What's going on here?

I mean, you're cutting wood

obviously, I can see that,

but like why?

A fire?

A fire, probably, these

are stupid questions.

- Are you okay?

- Yeah, yeah, I just, I came

over to check in on you,

see if you were all right.

- Why wouldn't I be?

- A detective came

over to our place

and ah, said a

couple went missing.

- [Sadie] Yeah, last week,

it's the talk of the town.

- That's crazy.

Anyway, I just

thought I'd check in.

Thanks for the lasagna.

- Oh, you're welcome, sure, I

was gonna throw it out anyway,

glad you enjoyed it.

- No, it was gorgeous,

10 out of 10. [laughing]

Do you want a hand?

- Well, have you ever

used an ax before?

- Have I ever, give me that,

will you? Give me that.

Like a lumberjack, I am.

- Go on.

- You hold it here

at the-the trout.

[Sadie laughing softly]

Stick one up there.

[wood thudding quietly]

You watching this?

[ax thudding]

[wood clattering]

That was a loose one.

Ah, now, see, that's

not sharp enough.

That's rusty.

- So Charlton seems nice.

- Charlton?

- Your friend.

- Oh, Charlton,

yeah, no, he's, he's,

he's all right, I suppose.

- [Sadie] Have you

known him long?

- My whole life

since we were kids.

- [Sadie] Yeah, long time.

- It is a long time, yeah,

he's one of them people,

that if you met him

now as an adult,

you'd never be friends with him.

It's just that we were

friends since we were kids,

we grew up together,

we've a history

and I'm just sort of

stuck with him, you know?

- So you wouldn't be friends

with him if you met him today?

- Ah, definitely not. [laughing]

[ax thudding]

[wood clattering]

Ah, still not working.

What about you, did you

grow up around here?

- [Sadie] Yeah, in parts, I've

kind of moved around a lot,

but um, I always seem

to find my way back.

- It's a lovely

part of the country.

- It is, but it's

not exactly a place

I'd think of for

a lads' getaway.

- Well, maybe we're

not your typical lads.

You shouldn't judge

a book by its cover.

- Well, how else are you

supposed to judge a book?

- There's something to

be said for the clean air

and the peace and

quiet, you know?

[ax thudding]

I think this is, I

think this is bolloxed.

I think-

- That's enough of that now.

- Yeah, you've loads of wood,

I think you, you're

good for wood.

You've plenty there, get

a nice fire out of that.

- Come on.

- I'll give you a hand.

[Clare moaning loudly]

- What the f*ck did I say

about keeping your

f*cking voice down?

[Clare moaning loudly]

You're a bleeding

melt, do you know that?

Hold on, I always

wanted to do this.

[tape tearing]

Did that not hurt you?

- Does it look like it hurt me?

- Oh, this must've lost its

stickiness, hold on a minute.

[tape tearing]

Here, you just give this

about 10 seconds, yeah,

let the stickiness

marry up with your lips.

One, two, three,

four, five, six,

seven, it's exciting, isn't it?

Eight, nine, 10, are you ready?

Steady, go!

[tape tearing]


- No.

- Oh, f*ck, this

is bollocks, man.

I might not get this opportunity

to kidnap someone again.

- Well then, it's a good thing

you didn't have to count

any higher, isn't it?

You'd have to take

off your shoes.

- You see, I'll have these

little piggies here, won't I?

If I needed them.

- What the f*ck?

- I'm sorry.

- Are you for real?

- I'm sorry.

[hand slapping]

Oh, silly Dancer.

I thought we had a little

bit of a spark there, no?

- You know.

- Oh. [breathing heavily]

Do we?

- I'm f*cking tied up, Dancer,

it's not exactly the

most romantic setting.

- We had a spark though.

- [sighing] Get

these ties off me.

- Oh. [laughing]

Hold on,

this isn't Stockport

syndrome, is it?

- Stockholm Syndrome and no,

I think you'd have to have me

captured for a couple of

months before that kicks in.

- Oh, f*ck that,

love can't wait.

- Not in here.

Come with me. [laughing]

- [Frankie] Was that your ma

or your Granny I seen inside?

- [Sadie] What?

- [Frankie] Your woman I

seen inside when I was around

at the door, there

was no answer,

so I just popped my

head in the window.

- [Sadie] Right, that's

a bit weird. [laughing]

So you like looking at old

ladies through windows?

- Yeah, that's

me, you caught me.

I get me kicks from

spying on old grannies.

So are you living together or

what's the situation there?

- Ah, it's just a recent thing.

She needed someone,

I needed someone.

[wood clattering]

So here I am.

- Sounds like man trouble,

[wood clattering]

or woman trouble,

whatever you're into.

- Never tell your problems

to anyone, Frankie Boy.

Sure, half the people

couldn't care less

and I think the other half are

kind of glad you have them.

- Yeah.

- Well, it was man

trouble, if you must know.

[gentle melodic music]

Oh, so you're not gonna

give the usual guy response,

like, "What man would be mad

enough to push you away?"

- I don't, I barely

even know you,

you could be a bunny

boiler for all I know.

Your man's probably

well within his rights

to have done what he done.

- So do you want the

rest of the tour?

- Go on.

- [Sadie] Trust me, if

there's a bad guy out there,

I'll find him, if

he's a bad one.

- [Frankie] There's a few bad

apples out there, all right.

- There, Clare Bear,

what do you reckon,

top bunk or bottom bunk?

- Do you ever stop talking?

Lie back and close your eyes.

[gentle melodic music]

- Oh.

[zipper whirring]

Sure, what else would you

be doing on a Tuesday, what?

[knife thudding]

- Uh!

- Uh, uh!

[tense melodic music]

f*cking hell!

- Like I'd ever f*cking

touch you, you creep.

[heads thudding]

- Uh!

[heads thudding]


[blow thudding]

[tense melodic music]

[Dancer coughing]

f*cking hell!

[Dancer thudding to floor]

Clare, I'm not into

this kinky shit.

- You know that couple

that went missing?

- No, I've seen them out and

about, but I don't know them.

- And the detective, is

she from around here?

- [Sadie] I don't know,

I've never met her before.

- Did you say anything to

her about me and my mate?

- No, she just said to me like,

who was renting in the area

and who were residents.

- And you, you didn't

say anything else?

- I don't know anything else.

- She, she knew my name.

- Yeah, because I told

her a guy called Frankie

checked in next door.

- That's all you said?

- Look, if you have something

to ask me, just ask it.

- No, I'm-I'm just curious.

[gentle melodic music]

[sighing] What's going on now?

[tense melodic music]

[Dancer groaning softly]



[Dancer coughing]


[Dancer groaning softly]

Holy Jesus!

The state of you!

- f*ck off, man,

there was a spark.

- Do you know what?

I'm not even shocked.

- Oh man, the universe

aligned, we shared a moment.

- [Frankie] Yeah and?

- It was magical and

it was consensual,

right up until she stabbed me

in the bleeding shoulder, man.

She weaponized love,

didn't she? The evil bitch.

- Shocking, isn't it?

- Yeah.

- And you thought you were

gonna get stuck into her,

you thought you were gonna

have sex with your hostage?

You big f*cking eejit, and

now she's out there escaping.

[Dancer chuckling]

Where'd she go?

- I don't bleeding know, do I?

- Well, when did she go?

- I don't know,

a few minutes ago, man,

I don't f*cking know,

before you came in.

Time isn't exactly as

it seems right now.

- If she gets to somebody

before we get to her,

then it's game over.

- [Dancer] This could

happen to f*cking anyone.

- [Frankie] No, it couldn't,

it couldn't happen to anyone,

it could only happen to a

stupid f*cking eejit like you!

- What are you

being so mean for?

- [Frankie] Oh, am I

hurting your feelings, am I?

- Yeah.

- [Frankie] The little, poor

baby having a bad day, is he?

- Obviously, I'm having

a f*cking bad day.

- [Frankie] f*ck's

sake, the state of you.

- [Dancer] f*cking

help me, will you?

- I'm not gonna

f*cking help you,

nothing wrong with

your legs, is there?

There's a knife in your

shoulder, not your knees.

Now stand the f*ck up,

will you and stay quiet,

Gaz is asleep in there.

[owl hooting]

[Frankie sighing]

[Dancer coughing]

- [Dancer] Frankie, help me

take this knife out please.

- My God, man, how

can someone constantly

make the wrong decision at

every step of their life?

You leave the knife in.

- Why the f*ck would you

leave the knife in, man?

This is a knife, knives don't

belong in, they belong out.

- Yeah, but once they're

in, they should stay in.

It's stopping the blood

from pouring out, yeah

and you dying.

- What the f*ck do you know?

You got an F in biology, man!

- Yeah, right, you're

right, we'll take it out,

we'll take it out.

- Ah, f*ck!

- [Frankie] We'll take

the f*cking thing out.

- You'd like that, wouldn't you?

- Ah, will you f*cking

look at us, man?

Look at us in the

middle of nowhere,

about to go hiking in

the woods for a bird,

that you thought you could

kidnap and have sex with.

Are you f*cking stupid?

Get the torches, will you?

We're gonna find her.

[Dancer coughing]

[Dancer vomiting]

[Dancer gasping]

[owl hooting]

[soft tense music]

[Dancer coughing]

- [Dancer] How was your date?

- It wasn't a date,

I was just going to see

if Sadie knew anything

and she doesn't know

anything about nothing.

- Bit an airhead, is she?

- She's not a bit of an airhead,

she just doesn't care

what we're doing.

- [Dancer] And you believe that?

She told a copper who you were.

- Hm, she didn't tell

the copper who I was.

Actually what she said was,

we wouldn't know anything

about the missing people

because we just got here.

- Did you kiss her?

- No, I didn't kiss her!

[owl hooting]

You bleedin' looper.

- I'm sorry, man, all

this coke and fresh air,

makes me very horny, you know.

Do you want some?

- No, I don't want some,

your blood is all over it.

[ominous chiming music]

[twigs snapping]

What the f*ck was that?

- Was that her?



It's all all right, we

can go back to the gaff,

do a bit of blow,

have a few beers,

there's a few board

games there, love.

It'll be all all right.

- Clare!

[soft tense music]

Seriously, it's-it's-it's

not safe out here!

Just come back

and we'll let you go as

soon as we leave, all right?

[soft tense music]


Check it out.

- f*ck off.

- Just f*cking check

it out, will you?

- Who's supposed to be

the boss around here?

You go check it

out, Mr. Big Balls.

- We wouldn't be here

if it wasn't for you.

f*cking just check it out!

- I could've been on f*cking

disability after this, man.

There's a f*cking knife

hanging out of my shoulder.

- Just bleeding check it out,

you smart bastard, will you?

Always talking back.

What is it?

- It's her jumper.

Oh, it's covered in blood, man.

- [Frankie] It-it might

not, it might not be hers.

- [sniffing] Oh, yeah,

it's her jumper all right.

- What you doing, you dirty

bastard, don't be smelling it,

will you put it down, will you?

[leaves rustling]

f*ck's sake!

- There's blood everywhere.

- Shit, man.


- What?

- Did you do this?

- No, I didn't do this.

What are you talking about?

- Did you k*ll Clare?

- No, I didn't k*ll

Clare, I swear.

- Just please,

please just tell me.

- I swear, man, I

didn't k*ll Clare.

[soft tense music]

- Was she bleeding when

she left the house?

- She gave me a few solid blows,

but I don't know

for all that, man.

- This is f*cked,

man, we have to go.

- I'm the victim in all

this as well, you know.


- You're the victim?

- Yeah.

- You couldn't be

further from the victim.

You're a walking,

talking f*cking disaster!

That's what you are!

- Jesus, Frankie, you

didn't hold back, did you?

Tell me what you really feel.

- What I really feel? [laughing]

You're a f*cking eejit!

You're a nightmare!

I can't f*cking stand

you, you're simple thick!

You can't do the simplest

thing, you're a f*cking eejit!

You're an eejit!

f*ck this, man, I'm going.

- I'd never say mean

things about you like that.

[coughing] Not after the love

of your life broke your heart.

[door clicking]

Do you think Clare

will take me back?

Do you reckon she likes

flowers or chocolates?

- Shut the f*ck

up, man, will you?

Go check on Gaz, I'm

packing this stuff up.

[door thudding]

We're leaving tonight.

- What about the Chief?

- f*ck the Chief!

- Oh yeah?

- f*ck him, man, I'm sick

of doing what he says!

- Oh, I wouldn't say

that now if I were you.

All right, Chief?

[Frankie groaning softly]

- You know, you two

are about as useful

as Anne Frank's drum kit.

[soft tense music]

- I can explain.

- Sit down, boy.

[Frankie sighing]

[soft tense music]

- We can explain it.

- Ah, don't bother,

let me guess, ah, the Clare

Lynch thing, that was you two?

She did that to your

face and your shoulder

and she managed to get away?

Did you find her?

Momo, I'm guessing

is still a no show?

- Yeah.

- And he got most of the cash?

Oh, your friend next door

is an undercover cop.

- Bollocks, she's just a nurse.

She's looking after

her ma or her granny

or whatever the

f*ck that person is.

- Really, because you

know, the funny thing is,

I've looked into this

missing couple thing

and there's very little

of it on the news.

- And we don't know,

that's just what she said

and the Guard and

Dancer heard it too.

- Story checks out, boss,

she came sniffing around

asking about some missing

couple or something.

It was right before

Franquai here

invited her round for a bukkake.

[Chief groaning softly]

- Well, Momo's nearby.

- [Both] What?

- Well, the phones I

gave you, I can track'em.

- Do you not trust us?

- [Chief] No.

- [Frankie] Where is he?

- Well, it's off now,

but the last ping I got

was somewhere nearby.

- You think the little bollocks

has after being picked

up by the Guards, do you?

- We'd know if he was,

he won't go that easy.

- I got a phone call earlier.

I-I think, I'm not sure,

it-it might have been Momo.

- Saying what?

- Um, something like,

"Get out, got, got out."

It was hard to hear,

the-the reception was bad.

- Well, you tell me this now?

You're a pair of f*cking

gobshites, do you know that?

- Ah, f*ck Momo!

Who cares, man?

- You know he has

most of the cash,

how do you know he didn't

f*ck us and do a runner?

- No way.

- Yeah.

- No way, not Momo,

Dancer, maybe, not him.

- Sticks and stones

may break my bones.

Leave it out, Chief, will you?

- Do you know what? It

doesn't f*cking matter anyway.

We need to get out

of here tonight.

We take what we

have and we split.

- Fair balls to

you, Frankie, what?

First bit of sense you've

been making all night.

- Stop.

I said stop!

We're not going

anywhere tonight.

Besides, there's

too many loose ends

and I can't just call up

a f*cking boat on Uber,

so we're gonna stay tucked

in right here tonight.

We're gonna get Gaz sorted,

clean this place from top

to bottom and then vanish,

like a fart in the f*cking wind.

- Yeah, okay.

- Yeah.

- Paul, go next door

and get that girl over.

- Lovely.

- What?

Now, hang on for a minute.

- She's already ID'd you both,

I need to know what she knows.

- I know what she

knows, nothing.

- Maybe, maybe not.

- [Frankie] We're supposed

to be cleaning up our mess,

not making it f*cking bigger.

[Dancer snorting coke]

No, we have enough shit going on

without throwing

that into the mix.

- He loves her, he does.

- I don't love her,

you f*cking dope.

- You do love her, don't you?

Like all true love,

there comes a time,

when you have to

let it go, yeah.

So you can kidnap her,

tie her to a chair,

hit her a few f*cking slaps

and find out what

she really knows

about your dirty,

dirty, little secrets.

- Yeah, you know all about

true love, don't you?

- [Dancer] Argh! f*ck off!

- [Frankie] See what

I have to put up with?

- I don't care, she's

already involved.

- [Frankie] Yeah, think

about it, Chief, will you?

We don't need to f*ck

up something else.

- I have already thought

about it, Frankie.

Paul, go and get her, will you?

- No, don't f*cking

go and get her.

- Oh, for f*ck's sake!

- Hey, come on, picking some

f*cking bird over us, are you?

- You're not going over there,

you're a f*cking coke head!

- Come on!

- That's enough!

Now, Frankie,

[tense melodic music]

she's already a potential

danger, you know that.

So Paul will go over and have

a proper look around, yeah?

- Just a little look,

Frankie, I'll be gentle.

- [laughing] I did that already.

- I said a f*cking proper one.

- Don't do anything stupid.

- Relax.

He won't.

[g*n clattering]

Now, come on, time

to get Gaz in here.

[door clicking]

[soft tense music]

- Here you are

with your door open

in the middle of the night,

any psycho could walk in.

[door thudding quietly]

Sadie the f*cking

aristocrat, huh?

Rich bitch, nurse, my bollocks.


[soft tense music]

[coins clanking quietly]

[soft tense music]

f*ck them.

Oh, Sadie, come out, come

out, wherever you are.

It's your old pal,

Charlie Charlton.

[soft tense music]

[soft ominous music]

[gentle melodic music]

[Gaz wheezing softly]

[soft ominous music]

- We actually thought

we'd get away with it.

[laughing] f*cking eejit.

- Yeah.

We're not done yet, fella.

- Yeah,

it's f*cked.

Not one of us is getting

out of this unharmed.

I didn't even wanna do it.

Dancer, he's coked

out of his head.

Momo's f*cked off with

the f*cking money.

Clare Lynch is in

the woods somewhere.

Look at Gaz.

That's no way to go,

bleeding out on the couch,

in the middle of this f*cking,



- Frankie,

shut up.

Now, what are we gonna

do about poor, old Gaz?

[soft tense music]

- Oh, oh, I don't believe this.

[Dancer groaning softly]

[zipper whirring]

Oh, you dirty bitch,

that's our gear.

[soft ominous music]

[soft tense music]

Straight from the

Columbian jungle.

Oh, f*ck, [breathing deeply]

these are Momo's bags.

What are you doing here, Momo?

Don't tell me you were

riding Sadie as well.

Oh no, f*ck this, man, I'm

absolutely snapping out.

It's time for Dancer

to get some answers.

[discordant piano music]

[soft ominous music]

- Let me take a look at him.

- Shit!

- Friendly neighbor, I presume?

- Sadie, it's not

what it looks like.

- You're that g*ng that robbed

the other g*ng in Dublin

and your friend got shot

in the middle of it.

- Okay, Sadie, it's

exactly what it looks like.

- [sighing] Frankie, you

should've just told me,

I could've helped him.

- Who else have

you told about us?

- No one.

- Now, don't f*ck with me.

- I'm not f*cking with

you, I didn't tell anyone.

Sure, who am I to

judge what you do?

- Where's Dancer?

- Charlton.

- How am I supposed to know?

- [Chief] We sent

him over to get you.

- Look, I was out for a walk

and I'm just back now, so,

[sighing] just let me

look at your friend.

- Chief, if she was

gonna rat us out,

the armed response unit

would be here by now

booting the door in.

Just let her take a look at Gaz.

- [sighing] All right.

[soft tense music]

- Oh, what the f*ck

is going on here?

Momo, is that you?

I'm gonna get you out of

here, it's gonna be all right.

f*ck, let me get something

to get these off.

[objects clattering]

What the f*ck happened, Mo,

man? This is all f*cked.

- It's not what you think.

- What?

- It's not what you think, man.

She's dangerous.

- What?

- She's k*lled-

[hand slapping]

- Will you stop talking

in riddles, man?

[soft tense music]

[Momo wheezing]


Who'd believe this?

[soft tense music]

[Dancer coughing]

[soft tense music]

Well, well, well, you

can't stay away from me,

can't you now?

f*ck you, look what

you're after doing to me.

We could've had it all, Clare.

You offered me your Clare Bear,

then you f*cked me, didn't you?

You cheeky bitch.

f*ck you, I'm moving on.

I'm gonna find myself a nice

ma, settle down. [coughing]

Come on, man, we need

to get these off you,

get you out of here, man.

- [Momo] f*cking hell.

[soft tense music]

- Can you help him?

- No.

- So you're not much

use to us then, are you?

- Relax, will you? She

came over here to help us.

- Look, I can make

him comfortable,

but the b*llet's after

hitting an artery.

If you don't get

him to the hospital,

he's gonna be dead by morning.

[soft tense music]

- Nana?

I don't want any trouble.

You clearly have your

own shit going on,

Lord knows, I have mine.

I just wanna get my pal and

get the f*ck out of here.

You can keep her,

the dirty bitch.

I don't know if you know,

but your Sadie and my Frankie,

that they wouldn't lie,

but if they were to get married,

I'll be the best man.

I don't want any weirdness

on the day, you know,

it wouldn't be fair to them.

[tense melodic music]



[Nana growling]

[flesh tearing]

[Dancer shrieking]

[Dancer thudding]


Ah, f*ck!

[tense melodic music]

What the f*ck?

What the f*ck?

[Nana spitting]

- Poison.

- You [inaudible]!

f*ck this, Momo, I'm

out of here, man!

I'll come back for you!

[rapid tense music]

- Right, I'm gonna take

him to the hospital.

- No.

- Yeah.

You and Dancer take the

bags and get out of here.

I'll bring him in, I'll

take my f*cking chances.

- I won't let you

do that, Frankie.

You get caught, we all get made.

- If we stay here, he'll die.

- He's dead already!

- [Frankie] Are you sure?

[g*n firing]

Oh, oh, oh, what the f*ck!

- Yeah,

I'm sure.

[rapid tense music]

- What the f*ck?

Why the f*ck did you do that?

- [Chief] Because you

didn't have the balls

to do it when you got here.

- You said you were

gonna send help for him.

- Get real, I did him a favor

putting him out of his misery,

while you f*ckers had

him suffer in silence,

while you played "First

Dates" with this one.

- Wasn't supposed

to happen like this.

Sa-Sadie, I'm very sorry that

we dragged you into all this.

- Spare me, look, we have

the money, we have the dr*gs,

most of us are in one piece,

so let's just f*cking

calm down, relax, smile

and we're f*cking

golden, all right?

[door thudding]

- Lads!

[Dancer thudding to floor]

[soft tense music]

I just found Momo tied

to a f*cking chair!

He's being drip-drained

by some f*cking old one!

She's on the juice

or something, man,

you wanna see this thing,

she's like Super Granny,

she threw me across the room

like I was a bleeding wet wipe!

[soft tense music]

Oh, f*ck!

Gaz! Your head's like

a f*cking bowling ball!

f*cking bastards!

They have Clare Lynch over

there too, the f*cking bitch.

They're eating and drinking

their blood or something,

'cause they're f*cking monsters!

Let's get our shit

together, head over there,

slap the f*cking

head off this granny

and save Momo, come on!

- How much coke did he do?

- A lot.

- She is a f*cking

psycho monster as well!

- What?

- Yeah.

- He said I'm a

bleeding psycho monster.

- Look, just calm down,

Dancer, now where is Momo?

- We need to k*ll this

bitch now, man! Come on!

- Nobody's f*cking k*lling her.

- [Sadie] He's right.

- [Frankie] Right about what?

- You need to k*ll me.

- What are you talking

about monsters?

- I prefer predator!

[Chief shrieking]

[rapid tense music]

[Sadie growling]

- Get off him!

[Chief shrieking]

Get off!

[Sadie growling]

- What's happening?

[Dancer screaming]

[Chief thudding to floor]

[rapid tense music]

[Chief gurgling]

- Chief, Chief, Chief.

Just put the, keep, keep

the pressure on it Chief,

should stop, stop

the bleeding, man.



[rapid tense music]

What's, [gasping] what's

going on, what's going on?

What are you?

- We have many names, the

old ones are my favorite.

I suppose you'd

call me a vampire.

- No, vampires aren't real.

- We're rare,

we're precious, but

we're very real.

[rapid tense music]

- This is f*cked, man.

What the f*ck are

you so calm about?

- You don't know?

Vampires are real, man.

- [Frankie] What the f*ck

are you talking about?

- Everybody knows it,

vampires are real,

I've known my whole life,

where the f*ck were you?

- [Frankie] No,

you f*cking didn't.

- I f*cking did.

I'll spell it out for

you, vampires are real.

Vampires, man, look,

there's one over there.

See, I have a secret too.

- [Frankie] Secret,

what secret do you have?

- I'm a werewolf.

- Is anyone f*cking human?

[Dancer yelping]

[soft tense music]

[Dancer groaning]

[cloth tearing]

[Dancer screeching]

[soft intense music]

I'm not a werewolf, am I?

[soft tense music]

- No.


- Oh, this coke has

me f*cked up, man.


any chance you can

make us into a vampire?

I'd be deadly.

- Charlton, my dear.

Not a f*cking hope.

[neck snapping]

[Dancer thudding to floor]

[rapid tense music]

- For f*ck's sake.

That's it, f*ck this.

[bottles clattering]

[door rattling]


[rapid tense music]

[Sadie growling]



I never would've

let him hurt you.

- Oh, my savior, whatever

would I do without you?

- Let me go please.

Take the money, take

whatever the f*ck you want.

- I don't need money and

I'm not letting you go.

I told you, Frankie, if

there's a bad guy out there,

I'll find him.

- I'm not like them,

I'm not like the rest.

I'm not a bad guy. [sobbing]

- Oh, yes, you are, Frankie

Boy and your bill is due.

[rapid tense music]

Now, what's that thing

you were saying earlier?

- What?

- Something about

men not screaming.

[Sadie growling]

[Frankie screaming]

[light melodic music]

- Police have confirmed that

they have discovered the bodies

of at least five men in

the property behind me.

It is believed that these

were the men responsible

for the robbery in

Dublin several days ago.

Also found in the property

was large amounts of cash

and dr*gs thought to be worth

over five million euros.

In a further development,

the body of a young lady

was also discovered.

For more on this breaking news,

we spoke with Detective Murphy.

- [Detective Murphy] The bodies

of five men and one woman

have been found dead inside-

[camera clicking]

and have been turned over

to the Coroner's Office

for identification.

[camera clicking]

[soft melodic music]

We believe the deaths may

be connected to a robbery

several days ago in the city

owned by the Lynch family,

which is still

under investigation.

- [Reporter] More on

that story as it happens

and in other news.

[soft melodic music]

[mellow rock music]

I never learned the art

of keeping people guessing

I have no desire to waste

my precious time on wanting

And somehow I have managed

to make it this far

Without learning

the art of hating

And depriving my

open heart, but

I am the cursed

I am the damned

There's fire in

my blood, boys

And there's pitchforks

in your hands, aye

I am the cursed

I am the damned

There's fire in my blood

And there's pitchforks

in your hands

And my words, they

move in the direction

That the water does the moon

But so unfamiliar

are these cycles

That I stand to be accused

Ah, but my pen will

not be silenced

And it cannot be destroyed

I'll write of devilment

and of roguery

And I'll help yous

fill your void, boys

I am the cursed

I am the damned

There's fire in my blood

And there's pitchforks

in your hands, aye

I am the cursed

I am the damned

Fire in my blood

And pitchforks in your hands

[mellow rock music]

No, my pen will

not be silenced

And it cannot be destroyed

I'll write of devilment

and of roguery

And I'll help you

fill your void

No, my pen will

not be silenced

And it cannot be destroyed

I'll write of

devilment, of roguery

I'll help you fill

your void, 'cause

I am the cursed

I am the damned

Fire in my blood

And pitchforks in

your hands, yeah

I am the cursed

I am the damned

[button clicking]

[Momo groaning softly]

- Sorry about that.

Now, who's hungry?

[Sadie growling]

[flesh tearing]

[robot whirring]

[logo whooshing]

[glass clinking softly]
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