I Heard the Bells (2022)

Thanksgiving, Dramas Movie Collection.

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I Heard the Bells (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »



(WHISPERING) The cannon

thundered in the south.


And with the sound,

the carols drowned.

[w*apon FIRING]

And in despair,

[w*apon FIRING]

I bowed my head.

There is no peace

on Earth, I said.

For hate is strong

and mocks the song

of peace on Earth, goodwill


to men.




(SINGING) Hark, the herald

angels sing, glory to the--


Papa, they're singing

the last song!

Let's ring the bell.


(SINGING) God and sinners--

I'll take this side.

Christ be with you.

Henry Longfellow's

in attendance.

Yes, I know.

Wake up!

Christ be with you.

And with you.

Christ be with you,

Mr. Longfellow.

And with you.


born in Bethlehem.

Hark, the herald angels sing.

Christ be with you.

He's always doing that.


I know.

He's creepy.

I know!

I saw it.

(SINGING) Christ

by highest heaven

adored, Christ the

everlasting lord.

Look, it's Mary.

(SINGING) Late in

time behold him come,

offspring of the virgin's womb.


The bell!

The bell!

Is it Christmas now, Papa?

Not yet, Annie.

When is it?

Not until we get

past the Reverend.

Then it's Christmas.

(SINGING) Hark the

herald angels sing, glory

to the newborn king.


Merry Christmas, Cambridge!

Merry Christmas, Cambridge!

Merry Christmas, Boston!

Merry Christmas, Boston!



Happy Holy Day, Mr. Longfellow.

Uh, yes.

Happy Holy Day, Reverend.

Almost missed

America's greatest poet

and our most famous congregant.

Perhaps next year,

a Christmas message?

I have retired from

public speaking.


Well, perhaps then a

Christmas poem, hmm?

Perhaps a poem.

Say Merry Christmas, Annie.

But you said it's not Christmas

until we get past the Reverend.

[LAUGHS] Look how magical

the snow is, Annie.

Henry and I wish

you and your wife

a blessed Christmas, Reverend.

Always lovely to see

your entire family

at Christmas service, Fanny.

Oh, my heavens.

Well, it was Charles

Dickens who said,

"it's good to be children

sometimes, and never better

than at Christmas when

its mighty founder was

a child himself."

Perhaps Henry has been

corresponding a little too much

with Mr. Dickens.

Yes, perhaps.

A Merry Christmas to everybody,

and a happy new year to all the




[GASPS] Henry!



Let it be known, I warned my

sister about marrying a poet.

God bless us, everyone.


He hit him right in the face!

Come on.

Let's go home.

Between the dark

and the daylight,

when the night is

beginning to lower,

comes a pause in the

day's occupations

that is known as

the Children's Hour.

I hear in the chamber above

me the patter of little feet.

Edith, go that way.


The sound of a

door that is opened

and voices, soft and sweet.

[LAUGHS] From my study,

I see in the lamplight

descending the broad

hall stair, grave Alice

and laughing Allegra and

Edith with golden hair.


A whisper, and then a silence.

Yet I know by their

merry eyes they

are plotting and

planning together

to take me by surprise.

A sudden rush from the stairway.


A sudden raid from the hall!

By three doors left unguarded

they enter my castle wall.

They climb up into my

turret, o'er the arms

and back of my chair.


If I try to escape,

they surround me.

Oh, they seem to be everywhere.

They almost devour

me with kisses,

their arms about entwined!

Oh, till I think I'm the Bishop

of Bingen in his Mouse-Tower

on the Rhine!

Ha, ha!


Do you think, oh

blue-eyed banditti,

because you have scaled the

wall, oh, such an old mustache

as I am is not a

match for you all?




I have you fast in

my fortress, oh,

and will not let you depart--

Ha, ha!

But put you down

into the dungeon

in the round tower of my heart.

And there will I

keep you forever.

Yes, forever and a

day, till the walls

shall crumble to ruin

and moulder in dust away.

Again, Papa, again!


Little Annie Allegra says,

"again, Papa, again!"

Mama says, no, no, no.

Not again.

Tomorrow, my angels.



Christmas bells?

And tomorrow has become today.

Is it Christmas now, Papa?

Hmm, I don't hear anything.



[GROANS] Well, the

clock strikes midnight,

but it's not Christmas

until we hear the bells.

I do hear them.

Papa, listen.

Oh, perhaps you're hearing

the whistling wind?


Or a foghorn of a distant ship?

Papa, you're teasing us.

Would it help if

I open the window?


Guards, seize the maidens!


Yes, to know for sure

that it is Christmas--

Do not.

I must.



Guards, stop them!

Not so fast, little bandittis!

Take them to the dungeon!

What are you thinking?


Alice, I was at the piano first!

Move over!

Finally, I have

you all to myself.

Let me go, Mr. Longfellow.

Oh, it took me seven long

years to convince you

that you love me.

I am never letting you go.

Well, at least put on your coat.

You know, a famous poet

once said, "love withstands

the cold better than a cloak."

Well, poets have

heart but lack brains.

Oh, I do not believe anyone

can be perfectly well that

has a brain and a heart.

And I can say that in

eight different languages.

I saw that.

You're laughing.





They take me to sacred places.

They are ferocious, untamed

creatures who steal our food

and steal my wife.

Not the children.

The bells on Christmas Day.

The hopeful voices of the church

ringing out peace on Earth.

Imagine how hopeful it

would be if they were

the only voices of the church.

Oh, how delightful

to finally see you

at service, Mr. Longfellow!


Now, about that Christmas

poem you promised.

Henry, be kind!

Christmas is already

a poem, Fanny.

It doesn't need my help.

The Reverend is a good man

who brings goodwill to men.

Yes, I know.

However, he's--

And he knows that

within his congregation

there is a gifted poet,

one who could put words

to what we are all feeling

during these trying times.

[SIGHS] Everyone says

a w*r is certain.

Is it?


Charley wants to enlist.

He is not of age.

There are boys as

young as 15 enlisting.

You know that.

Yes, but with their

father's consent.

I cannot bear the thought

of losing another child.

Henry, you promise me you will

not let this w*r take our sons.

Fanny, you have my promise.

And with Charley, a boy's

will is the wind's will,

and the thoughts of youth--

I know.

Are long, long thoughts.

My poet.

My poetry.



There, you see?

They're thieves.

Stealing you away

from me once again.


Get back here!

(SINGING) Fall on your knees.

Oh, hear the angel voices.

Oh, night divine!

Oh, night when Christ was born.

Oh, night divine!

Oh, night, Oh, night divine.


How can you be fully devoted to

writing if you are more fully

devoted to reading your mail?

Well, how am I to know

the impact of my writing

if I never read the letters

of my many admirers?

You were never

good at being vain.


Well, I suppose I could

read your diary instead.

You will not.


To remain humble, I

should stay home tonight,

instead of being the center

of some hollow spectacle.

Let me see your hands.



This dinner is a ploy.

They are trying to flatter me

into writing some national song

or something of the like.

You should do it.

We need poets to change

the world, Henry.

Not politicians.

Such arenas I never enter.

Who, then?

Who will write the

anthems for our children

and their children?

I'm not a songwriter.

Besides, you are far

more talented than I.

There should be banquets

in your honor, not mine.


Frances Appleton Longfellow,

artist extraordinaire!

I like my place in this

world, tying your ties,

cleaning your hands,

fixing your poems.


You're beautiful.

I'm hungry, and I want you to

take me to a lovely banquet.

Ye are better than

all the ballads

that ever were sung or said,

for ye are living poems,

and all the rest are dead.

Ye are sweet, but we are late,

so don't forget your coat.

Our carriage awaits, my bride!

Your coat!


Should we ask him why--

No, never!

He's insufferable.

Senator, you have charmed

all the hearts of the North.

Must you now charm my own wife?

Your wife?

And all this time

I thought I was

speaking with the heroine

of a great romance.

Hyperion, have you read it?

Oh, indeed she is that heroine.

And indeed she has

since forgiven me

for that bold and blind

attempt for her heart.

Oh, have I?

Perhaps I should give it a try.

Yes, I will write a fictional

account of a factual maiden.

I would not recommend it.

And we will marry.

Thank you for inspiring

me, Mr. Longfellow.

Ms. Ashburton.

Oh, stop.



Ladies and gentlemen

of highest esteem,

thank you for adorning our

home with your lovely presence.

Now as you return to

your place at the table,

would you please

join me in warmly

acknowledging those responsible

for tonight's feast?


Tonight we also acknowledge a

few of Massachusetts finest.

Chief among them a man who just

five years ago lay near death

on the chamber floor

of the US Senate.

Beaten with the cane of a

sl*ve-holding congressman,

Mr. Sumner fought

for his life that day

but also for the lives

of helpless slaves

across this land who are

beaten daily by immoral men.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Senator Charles Sumner.


Now we turn our attention to

this evening's central figure.

Already enshrined

as America's poet

and referred to as America's

most famous person, his works,

well, have helped shape

the national character

and its legacy.

The New York Evening

Post casts Longfellow

as the nation's prophet.

Like Thomas Paine

of the Revolution,

his recent poem,

"Paul Revere's Ride"

is finding its

way into the ranks

and the rucksacks of a

gathering army of patriots.

Here, here!


Here, here!

It was reported that over

10,000 copies of his works

sold in London in a single

day, a day that Charles Dickens

called more frightening than

all the ghosts of Christmas

past, present and

future combined.

[LAUGHS] So who is this man?

He is the song of Hiawatha.

He is the belfry of Bruges.

He is New England's very own

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.


Lift your eyes, Henry.


Smile, nod.

Smiling, nodding.

Good boy.

Cheer and calm the wildest woe

and stay the bitterest tear.

But even Henry Longfellow cannot

stay those bitter tears when it

comes to the sin of

sl*very in our land.

Longfellow's poems on

sl*very have helped

ignite a national outcry.

I have chosen one

of these poems to be

read by a man who is all too

well aware of the dehumanizing

consequence of being

man's property.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Mr. Josiah Wilson.




A poem on sl*very by Mr.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

The pages of thy book, I read.

And as I closed each one,

my heart, responding,

ever said, well done.

Well done!

Thy words are great and bold.

At times to me they seem like

Luther's in the days of old,

half-battles for the free.

Go on.


Until this land revokes

the old and chartered lie,

the feudal curse whose whips

and yokes insult humanity.

A voice is ever at thy side,

speaking in tones of might

like the prophetic

voice that cried

to John in Patmos, "Write!"


And tell out this bloody tale.

Record this dire

eclipse, this day

of wrath, this endless

wail, this dread apocalypse!



Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

For the union!

For the union!

You are a good man, Henry.

Charles, you promised your

brother and sisters you would

help them fly the K-I-T-E

this morning at the P-A-R-K.

Well, I can't find the kite!

I want to fly a kite!

Did they already

take it to the park?

I want to go to the park!

I know.


Found it.

I want it, Charley!

I want it!

Thank you so much, Charles.

Can I go, Mother?

[SIGHS] Sure.

But first, let's recite

one of Papa's poems.

Yeah, the little girl poem.


I'll start.

There was a little girl--


--Who had a little curl--

Right in the middle

of her forehead.

And when she was good--

She was very good indeed.

But when she was bad--

She was horrid!

Charles Appleton Longfellow!


That's the poem.


That's how father wrote it.

Ask him.

Oh, my goodness.



I changed the ending for her.



Oh, goodness me.

Charley said you called me

horrid in your little girl



No, no, no.

The little girl with curls is

about a different little girl.

But I thought it was my poem.

Oh, it is your poem.

Just not that part.


Come along, little one.

To the park!

The park!

Charley's taking me to the park!


Did I grow, Mama?

Well, let's see.

[GASPS] I believe you did.

And we just measured

you yesterday!

Now go enjoy the park.

I love you!

Bye, Mama!

Ah, fresh stack of papers.

We should have

bought a paper mill.

Perhaps "horrid"

is a bit strong.

That's why I changed it.

You changed my poem?

What could possibly rhyme

better than "horrid"?

Changed my poem.

I'm Henry Longfellow.





I need you to stop

at the post office.

My father loves how Annie's

hair curls in the summertime.

I'm placing it on your

desk, under the watchful eye

of Johanne.




(MUFFLED) No, no!


[GASPING] Henry!

Henry, help!














(SINGING) Abide with me.

Fast falls the eventide.

The darkness deepens.

Lord with me abide.

When other helpers--

Would you please rise

for the last verse?

Would you take me to see Henry?

(SINGING) Have no weight

and tears, no bitterness.

Where is death's sting?

Where, grave, thy victory?



Christ be with you, Henry.

The service has concluded.

Everyone sends their

deepest condolences.

Is there anything we

can say on your behalf?


I understand.

It's the 13th day of July.

It is.

18 years ago today,

she became my bride.

She wore orange

blossoms in her hair.



Yes, Henry?

(CRYING) She would want

orange blossoms in her hair.


I will see to it.

Thank you for coming, Senator.







Christmas Day, 1862.


Yesterday, as I was passing

down the village street--


--I saw in a shop window, a

beautiful orange tree having

upon it six oranges and a

hundred buds and blossoms.


It is now flourishing

in my own window

and filling the

room with fragrance.

But the fragrance

opens graves within me.

How inexpressibly

sad are all holidays.

A Merry Christmas,

say the children.

But that is no more for me.


Measure me, Ernest.

Measure me!

You probably shrunk.

Did not.





Why did you say whoa?

You did shrink.


I did not!

Ha ha!

Anne shrunk!

Alice, stop!

Ernest, measure me for real!

Measure yourself!



Is that the book about Mama?



Did I growed smaller?

No, Annie, you've grown.

In fact, you've grown so much.

Are you standing

on your tippy-toes?


Are you sure?

Papa, stop.

Look at how you've grown.

I'm growing!


It's yours.

I have another somewhere.

I didn't shrink!

I didn't shrink!








If God gave me the

voice of a poet,

then why did he take

my poetry from me?

I will never write again.

As the dead lie silent,

my voice lies silent.

Let the w*r within me rage!







Come to the rescue

to save our Union!

Calling all able-bodied men.

It is time to

serve your country!

Here they come.

Here who comes?

54th Massachusetts.


Go Massachusetts!

Look, there's Mary's brother.



I'm proud of you, son!

How old is he?


Hi, Charley.

Hello, Mary.

Fine parade.

Yes, it is.

You'd make a brave soldier.

You think so?

But I'd rather you stay

here in Cambridge with me.

So it's got to be

one or the other?


You just said it.

Said what?

I can't stay in

Cambridge and be brave.

Charley, that's

not what I meant.

I'm sorry, Mary.







Where's Charley going?

What's happening?


Where's Charley?

All right, go ahead.

Next up.

Sign your name here, and

sign your name there.

You Longfellow's boy?

I am.

Suddenly a man?


Next up.

A boy's will is the wind's will.



And for our family.

It's in Christ's name we pray.





Did you watch the

parade today, Pa?

No, I did not watch

the parade today.


I watched you

watching the parade.

Pa, I'm the only man on Brattle

Street that hasn't enlisted.


I'm almost 18.

You've written poems that

rage against sl*very.

You've inspired the Union

with "Paul Revere's Ride."

And there are alternative

ways you can serve as well.

In the hour of darkness

and peril and need,

the people will waken and

listen to hear the hurrying hoof

beats of that steed and

the midnight message

of Paul Revere!

I intend for my pen to

raise unity, not swords.

It has raised an army of swords!

Please, sit down, Charles.

I will not sit.

I will stand, and I will fight!

We are fighting!

Fighting every day

just to survive!

I need--

Oh, you need?

You need?

What about us?

You never leave the house,

except to get more ether!

It's for the pain.

We cook the food,

we clean the house.

Your brother and sisters

look to you for--

For what?

To replace their absent

father and their dead mother?

For hope, Charles!


(SHOUTING) Hope in what?


Is Charley going to die too?


No, Charley is not going to die.

I will not let it happen again.

And again.

And again!





I know what you promised

Mother, but she's dead now.

Let that promise die too.

This is not God's will for you.

God's will?

You still believe in that?

What do you think he was

doing while she burned alive?


Was he sleeping?

Into each-- Into each

life, some rain must fall.

This is not a poem!

I am not a poem!

This w*r is not a poem!

I know!

You write about

the hopes of youth!

Well, my youth was

stolen from me.

And hope?

I will not put it in

a God who is sleeping

or a God who is dead.

There, I said of for both of us.

You don't mean that, son!

Charles, don't go.

Charley, please!





Senator Sumner, Charles has run

off to w*r without my consent.

Perhaps you can make

arrangements to protect him.

Please, I beseech

you, do what you must.

Your eternally grateful friend--


Adjutant Curtis--


(VOICEOVER) --Within

your ranks is a private

by the name of Mr. Charles

Appleton Longfellow.

Promote him to a rank that

would serve the officers

and prevent him from

entering the fray of battle.

Senator Charles Sumner.

Find Charles Longfellow and have

him begin reporting directly

to me immediately.




You too good to eat hardtack

like the rest of us?

Oh, is that why you officers

keep your shiny teeth?


Shiny teeth, shiny

boots, shiny promotion.

Shut your mouth, Richard.

Look, how do you get to

second Lieutenant anyhow?

You ain't even fired a r*fle.


What are you going to do?

Throw a silver spoon at him?

I said enough!


Just get back to

my reading then.

What are you doing with

that magazine, Richard?

Everybody knows you can't read.

I can too!

Two if by land, one if by sea.

That ain't even on the page.


Cause I'm a fast reader!


Would you believe

it if I told you

he's got more teeth than brains?

Yes, I would.

Brave, though.

Name's Elliot.

Elliot Gleason.


Just Charley?

Just Charley.

I heard your father's some sort

of famous writer or something.

He's a poet.

Is there a difference?

He says one rambles,

and the other rhymes.

[LAUGHS] That's good.

Could you tell us one?


One of your old man's poems.


Ah, come on.

It's either listening

to you recite poetry

or listening to ugly over

there gnawing on tack.


(SLOWLY) And he

climbded to the toe--


Tow-- Toe--


--Tower of the old North ch--



Ha, church.

Look, Charley,

these boys are going

to spend the rest of their

lives trying to forget

what happened out there today.

Give them something

to take their minds--

My mind-- Off it for a while.

All right.

Listen up.

This here is Charley.

Just Charley.

He's got something to share.

His wages?


No, not his wages.

His old man's a writer.

A poet.


His old man's a poet.

That explains it.


The stranger at my fireside

cannot see the forms I see nor

hear the sounds I hear.

He but perceives what is,

while unto me all that has been

is visible and clear.

There are things of

which I may not speak.

There are dreams

that cannot die.

There are thoughts that

make the strong heart weak

and bring a pallor into

the cheek and a mist

before the eye.

And Deering's Woods

are fresh and fair.

And with joy that

is almost pain,

my heart goes back

to wander there.

And among the dreams

of the days that were,

I find my lost youth again.

And the strange and

beautiful song, the groves

are repeating it still.

A boy's will is the wind's

will, and the thoughts of youth

are long, long thoughts.

Your Pa wrote that?

And a few more.


As you were.

Look not mournfully

into the past.

It comes not back again.

Wisely improve the present.

It is thine.

Go forth to meet the

shadowy future without fear

and with a manly heart.

You're not just Charley.

Who are you?


Yes, sir?

I'm assembling the

officers for a debrief.

Yes, sir.

Did he just say Longfellow?

Oh, and it's one if by

land, two if by sea.


Well done.

You just offended the son

of America's greatest poet.


You think his old

man'd sign it for me?

Could you read it if he did?


Get out!

Get out of here!

Get out of here.




You promise me you will not

let this w*r take our sons.




Forward, march!

Company, halt!







Yes, sir.

Take my horse.

They'll sh**t you

if you go in there.

We have every reason--

--An entire flank out on

the left side for this.

Sir, it's him again.

Excuse me, sir, for

the interruption.

Why are you not guarding

the supply wagon?

Well, sir, that's--

That's why I'm here.

I thought I'd be of better

service at the front, fighting.

Then who would be

guarding the supply wagon?


Excuse me a moment, gentlemen.

Charley, don't do this.



Sir, why am I continually miles

away from every engagement?

Isn't that the best place to be?


No, sir, it's not.

Your field glasses, sir.


Sir, does this have anything

to do with who my father is?

[LAUGHS] Ask the politicians.

So it's true?


Is that what you're looking for?

See those wagons over there?

Yes, sir.

They're empty.

You know why they're empty?

No, sir.

Because I just

ordered my officers

to march 200 men into

a slaughterhouse!

By noon, those wagons

will be stacked

with bloody heaps of men!

My men.

Officers like you.

So you tell me which

officer you want to be--


A dead one?

Or one who guards

the supply wagon?

Looks like your father

made that decision for you.





Dear Charles, I hope

this letter finds

you well and in good health.

Summer has arrived, yet

still no word from you.

Fearing my letters

are being lost,

I plan for them to

be hand-delivered

by your adjutant.

I hope this arrangement

does not upset you.

The flowers are in full bloom.

Nature's missive that

your birthday draws near.

Where have the years gone?

My son, suddenly a man.

Your uncle Thomas

sends his regards.

He has been a tremendous

support to us, constantly

coaxing me to get

out of the house.

A deeper brotherhood

has formed, and I

am reminded that he is

grieving the loss of a sister

as I grieve the loss of a wife.

Last autumn, he even persuaded

Ernest and I to a duck hunt.

You might be surprised

that I invited

the Reverend to join us.

Your mother was right

about the Reverend.

He is a good man who

brings goodwill to men.


Here they come!



The day proved that he is

a better shepherd of people

than he is a hunter of ducks.

There are two barrels

to this firearm.

I'll take that now, Reverend.

Your brother and sisters

miss you, Charley.

I miss you, son.


There are many things I miss.

How they long for a knock at

the door and for it to be you.

How I dread a knock at

the door with news of you.

Like all fathers

of fighting sons,

the knock is an awful

and beautiful obsession.

But I will heed the advice

of a once-famous poet who

wrote, "Let us then be up

and doing, with a heart

for any fate, still

achieving, still pursuing.

Learn to labor and to wait."

I'm proud of you, son.

Please stay safe.

Love, Father.

Lift your eyes.

Mr. Longfellow, lift

your eyes, please.

Thank you.

(WHISPERING) December 25, 1841.

Christmas morning.

Today for the first time

I have knelt before--

--The altar and

received communion.

I have many times

before shrunk back

as too impure to handle

those Holy things.

But today, this holiest Sabbath

of the year, this birthday

of the world, for

Christ was born

to bestow true

life on all, I felt

no dread, no

superstitious terror,

but overwhelming

tenderness and joy.


When the clergyman offered

me bread with these words,

"eat this in remembrance of

Christ," profound awe followed,

and I seemed already to

myself a new creature.

The wine completed this belief

in my innermost soul, warming,

reviving, recreating

its existence.

And happiness too deep

for speech or thought

succeeded, a blessed, blessed

peace, the Father's love

encircling me like

an atmosphere,

pressing evenly on my

whole being like light.

I chronicle this event

because it is one of the few

which makes life

memorable and death happy.



How long are you going

to stare at that church?

Until we freeze?


My mother always loved

hearing church bells.

She called them hopeful

voices of the church.

It looks like the

church lost its voice.




But the adjutant has not.

Here comes your guardian angel.

Gleason, report to your men.

Looking high and low

for you, Lieutenant.

Mail came.

Another letter from your father.


You know, your father's

words have comforted so many.

You'd think they could do

the same for his own son.

Yeah, you'd think.

Week after week he writes you,

but you never write him back.

I have nothing to say.

Nothing to say?

Do you know how many

young men I've seen

take their last breath?

And do you know what

every single one of them

says before they do?

Tell my mother and

father I love them.


Read his letters, Charley.

Write him back.

Quit running off, would you?

I have orders to

bring you back alive,

and I never disobey an order.


Go, Charley!




Two rebels ran through the camp!

Get them, boys!



Turn back!

Turn back!

Sir, two rebels, likely

part of a larger force,

behind that tree line.


And you turned back?

Oh, you should be so proud!


What are you doing?

We drew them out.

Give me your r*fle.

I want to secure the church.

Sir, those rebs wanted us out

in that open field for a reason!

If General Meade won't

end this, then I will.

I got them on the run.

I'm not going to

waste my time dragging

my wounded through those woods.

They are drawing us out!

Send a scout.


I'll go, sir.

I'll lead a small unit

along those trees--

You will stay here.

Lieutenant Longfellow will go.

I'm going with him.

Me too, sir.

One man goes!

That's an order!






Turn back!


Turn back!

[w*apon FIRING]



Who is it, Ernest?




A message from the

Army of the Potomac

for Mr. Henry Longfellow.


I-- I'm Henry Longfellow.


He's been wounded.


So severely wounded, Ernest.

Near death.

He could be paralyzed.

He's on train 475

headed to Washington.

I'll call for Uncle

Thomas to watch the girls.

We'll leave tonight.

What happened to Charley?

He got shot.

What if God takes him too?

Father, he's alive.

I'll pack our things.

We're going to find him.

Is Charley going

to be OK, Father?

Charley's going

to be fine, girls.

Uncle Thomas will be staying

with you while we're gone.

Father, we must pack!

We're going to find him.


Check the cars, please.

All aboard!

Check it.

Check here.

Are you Professor Longfellow?


I am Dr. Babayev of Riga.


Oh, give me your hand.

I am surgeon in US Army,

director of field ambulance.

My son, is he alive?

Your son?

Charles Longfellow.

He's a second Lieutenant.

I don't know a Charles.

(MUFFLED) There were three

men I wanted to meet--

Louis Agassiz, Emerson,

and Henry Longfellow.

I am desperate to find my son.

I too am a writer

and have translated

your "Hiawatha" into Russian.

I have it here!


Your "Hiawatha" meets the

hand that authored it.

Would you please place your

autograph in it for me?




Will he live?

I promised his mother.




I'm sorry.

No, no.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry, son.

I want to go home.

I'm taking you home, my son.

I'm taking you home.

I'm going to take you home.




Are you OK, son?

Never better.



Well, I don't want you

getting too comfortable.

I would like my

bed back someday.

[LAUGHS] The prodigal

son has returned.

What's mine is yours.


Hmm, the holly is nice.


Oh, your sisters.

I don't know which

delighted them more--

Searching for their gifts or

sneaking past you as you slept.

I see you've been

teaching them penmanship.

Oh, no.

The holly is from your sisters.

The note, the note is from Mary.


Have you been writing much?

No, I haven't.

When the times have

such a gunpowder flavor,

all literature loses its taste.

I haven't stepped foot

behind my writing desk

since your mother died.

The bell has fallen

from its steeple.

What's that?

I was so close to that

church when I got shot.

You don't have to

talk about this, son.

One minute I was on my

horse, and the next,

I was on the ground, unable

to move, except to open

and close my eyes, and I

preferred to keep them closed.



[g*nf*re, WHINNYING]


And the next time I opened

them, I was inside the church.


Go up front.

Right here.

Right here.



It's OK, Charley.

Take your coat off.

Put it on him.

Yes, sir.


You're going to be

all right, Charley.

You're going to be all right.




Elliot, we got him!

You got him?



going to be OK.



It's OK, Charley.

It's OK.

There must have been a

million b*llet holes.

The wood was

splintered everywhere,

metal, twisted and d*sfigured.

They laid me out on a pew.

And above me was sky where

the steeple once stood.


And beside me was the bell.


I just stared at it,

lying there, mocking me,

this voice of the church,

as mother would say, now

just a bronze corpse on the

floor of some blown-out church.

I got cold, Pa.

I got so cold.

I was scared that I was right.

Right about what, son?

What I said the night

I left, about God,

about God being dead.

It got so dark.

I could just feel

death washing over me,

so I just closed my eyes

and waited for it to come.

And then I heard it.

The bell.

And when I opened my eyes,

it was shining so bright.

And that's when I saw it.

Saw what, son?

What I had lost--


And even though that bell was

lying in a pile of rubble,

it rang more loud and deep

than if it had been hoisted

atop the highest steeple.

Pa, you are that bell, and

you are not done ringing.

I need to go.

It's Christmas Eve,

and there's much to do.







I chronicle this event

because it is one of the few

that makes life memorable

and death happy.

Christmas 1841, she

became the bride of Christ

and then became yours.

Was that the only

reason you came, Henry?

I just-- I just wanted you

to know of Fanny's deep faith

and devotion.

Everyone who knew Fanny knew

of her deep faith and devotion.

What are you carrying, Henry?

Whatever it is, you

can leave it here.

I was married once before.

Her name was Mary Potter.

We were childhood friends.

We were married in

the summer of 1831.

I never knew.

No, it was a thousand

lifetimes ago.

What happened?

We were young.

I was ambitious.

Mary wanted a home.

I wanted a name.

I was offered a professorship

of modern languages

from Harvard, with the

stipulation that I spend

a year of study in Europe.

Mary was six months pregnant

when my ambition took her

across the ocean.

She miscarried

somewhere in Holland.

The child had a brief existence,

born only to be buried.

Mary died a few days later.

I never blamed God

for their deaths.

I am to blame.

And even when Fanny and I

lost our daughter to illness,

Fanny's faith kept me strong.

But with Fanny's death--

What is a man to believe?

When Fanny was alive,

my faith was alive.

With Fanny dead, my faith is--

Thank you for

listening, Reverend.

I've taken enough of your time.

Henry, Fanny passed

from this Earth, yes,

but she still speaks

from those pages.

And so does He from these.

They are both very much alive.



Is it Christmas now, Papa?

(WHISPERING) Not until

we hear the bells.

Sleep well, my angel.




(WHISPERING) I heard the

bells on Christmas Day.

I heard the bells

on Christmas Day.

I heard the bells

on Christmas Day.



Of peace on Earth,

goodwill to men.

And the belfries.

[MUTTERING] Ringing, singing.

A voice, a chime,

a chant sublime.


But there is--

There is no peace.

(VOICEOVER) I intend for my

pen to raise unity, not swords.

(ECHOING) Well, it has

raised an army of swords!

(ECHOING) Henry!

(VOICEOVER) Why did you

take my poetry from me?




never write again.

Am I writing fiction?


is no peace on Earth.

And in despair, I bowed my head.

There is-- [SNIFF] There is

no peace on Earth, I said.

For hate is strong

and mocks the song--

[SIGHS] --Of peace on

Earth, goodwill to men.





(WHISPERING) My poetry lives.


God lives!



(WHISPERING) My poetry lives.

Then pealed the bells

more loud and deep.

God is not dead,

nor doth He sleep.

The wrong shall fail.

The right prevail with peace

on Earth, goodwill to men.





(SINGING) I heard the

bells on Christmas Day,

their old familiar carols play.

And wild and sweet the words

repeat of peace on Earth,

goodwill to men.

And thought how as

the day had come,

the belfries of

all Christendom had

rolled along the unbroken song

of peace on Earth, goodwill

to men.

(TOGETHER) Then pealed the

bells more loud and deep--

Papa, lift your eyes.

(TOGETHER) Nor does he sleep.

The wrong shall fail, the right

prevail with peace on Earth,

peace on Earth, peace on Earth!



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