Werewolf Santa (2023)

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Werewolf Santa (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[wind howling]

[gentle music]

- Tell me there's a

Bigfoot behind me.

[birds chirping]

No such luck.

Just bloody trees, grass.

Which is a shame 'cause it

costs quite a lot of money

to fly out here.

This place in general though.

So thank you, student loan,

for being there for me.

Even when Bigfoot was not.

[gentle music]

This week on, "Monster

Hunters" we're here in Scotland

looking for none other

than the Loch Ness Monster.

Is he under there?

I like to think so.

But we are, it must be

said, missing a monster,

one large monster short, we be.

[gentle music]

[chimney dirt trickling]

[boots thudding]

[werewolf growling]

[gentle music]

- [Joe Bob Voiceover] "It was

the night before Christmas

"when all through the house,

not a creature was stirring,

"not even a mouse.

"The stockings were hung

by the chimney with care

"in hopes that St. Nicholas

soon would be there.

"The children were nestled

all snug in their beds

"while visions of sugar

plums danced in their heads.

"And mama and her

kerchief and I and my cap

"had just settled our brains

for a long winter's nap.

"When out on the lawn

there run such a clatter,

"I sprang from my bed to

see what was the matter.

"Away to the window

I flew like a flash,

"threw open the shutters

and threw up the sash.

"The moon on the breast

of the new fallen snow

"gave a luster of

midday to objects below.

"When what to my

wondering eyes did appear,

"but a miniature sleigh

and eight tiny reindeer.

"With a little old driver

so lively and quick,

"I knew in a moment

he must be St. Nick.

"More rapid than eagles,

his coarser as they came

"and he whistled and shouted

and called them by name.

"Now Dasher, now Dancer,

now Prancer and Vixen.

"On Comet, on Cupid,

on Donner and Blitzen.

"To the top of the porch,

to the top of the wall.

"Now dash away, dash

away, dash away all.

[wind howling]

"As leaves that before

the wild hurricane fly

"when they meet with an

obstacle mount to the sky,

"so up to the housetop

the coursers they flew

"with a sleigh full of

toys and St. Nicholas too.

"And then in a twinkling,

I heard on the roof

"the prancing and pawing

of each little hoof.

"As I drew in my head

and was turning around,

"down the chimney, St.

Nicholas came with a bound.

"He was dressed all in fur

from his head to his foot

"and his clothes were all

tarnished with ashes and soot.

"A bundle of toys he

had flung on his back

"and he looked like a peddler

just opening his pack.

"His eyes, how they twinkled,

"his dimples how merry.

"His cheeks were like roses,

his nose like a cherry.

"His droll little mouth

was drawn up like a bow

"and the beard on his chin

was as white as the snow.

"The stump of a pipe he

held tight in his teeth

"and the smoke, it encircled

his head like a wreath.

"He had a broad face

and a little round belly

"that shook when he laughed

like a bowl full of jelly.

"He was chubby and plump,

a right jolly old elf.

"I laughed when I saw

him in spite of myself.

"A wink of his eye and

a twist of his head

"soon gave me to know

I had nothing to dread.

"He spoke not a word, but

went straight to his work

"and filled all the stockings.

"Then turned with a jerk.

"And laying his finger aside

of his nose and giving a nod

"up the chimney he rose.

"He sprained to his sleigh,

to his team gave a whistle

"and away they all flew

like the down of a thistle.

"But I heard him explain,

as he drove out of sight,

"Happy Christmas to all

and to all a good night.

"And then,

"well, things went completely

f*cking batshit crazy,

"if you know what I mean.

"And I think you do.

"Joe Bob says, be careful

what you wish for."

- [Radio Host] See that was

very bright, on the radio.

Now here's one that most

kids like, this kid does too.


[gentle upbeat music]

You better watch out

- Quick cameo for

my handsome face.

But I'm not the

reason you're here.


- Gray, Lucy Gray.

- [Dustin] Oh, hang on,

just wanna get a shot

of the Hastings sign.

He's making a list,

checking it twice

He's gonna find out

- [Dustin] Oh f*ck off,

mate, it's already clean.

- He's harmless.

There you go, Stan.

Go get yourself some real

meth, not that cheap shit.

- [Dustin] No, you're crazy.

- Tis the season to be

jolly, so say the idiots.

[car engine revving]

Can we please listen

to something else.

I'm so f*cking sick

of Christmas music.

- [Dustin] This is a classic.

Jingle Bells, Jingle

Bells, jingle all the way

Oh what fun it is to ride

on a one horse open sleigh

- Dustin.

- [Dustin] What?

- Change it please.

- [Dustin] What have you

got against Christmas?

- Oh, I don't know, you name it.

Parents are divorced

on Christmas Day.

Being so broke this year

that I stole my gifts

from John Lewis.

Legged it when the alarm went

off and twisted my ankle,

which I had for f*cking days.

All whilst this song

miraculously played

everywhere I hobbled.

So f*ck this song

and f*ck Christmas.

- [Dustin] Wow, I think

you gave me a semi.

- We're here to

investigate werewolves,

not to celebrate the profits

of certain retailers.

It is to ride in a one

- [Dustin] Can we stop

and f*ck somewhere?

- No.

[car engine revving]

Jingle Bells

- [Dustin] That stuff

about your parents.

I'm sorry.

- Why, it wasn't you

shagged the bimbo

who runs the bingo hall, was it?

- [Dustin] It wasn't, no.

Oh what fun

- [Dustin] How old were

you when it happened?

- Oh, please.

In a one horse open sleigh

[upbeat music]

How does it happen/

What, like you can't keep your

f*cking d*ck in your pants.

- Oh, gee, f*cking calm down.

You'd gone.

- Which, where am I going?

Am am I going left and right?

- [Dustin] Left.

- f*cking hell.

- [Dustin] It just happened.

I was drinking, she was

drinking, you were gone.

- It doesn't just

f*cking happen.

I didn't accidentally fall

on someone else's cock, did I?

- We're not exclusive, Lucy.

We go around telling people

that we're just f*cking,

why would we be exclusive?

- I don't, I don't.

- We never f*cking said that.

- Fine, fine.

So I'll just go around

and f*ck your best mate,

shall I?

- It's not even the best mate.

- Shut the f*ck up, Dustin.

- You keep saying how

much you f*cking hate her.

- You're f*cking, you dare

f*cking film this Dustin.

[car engine revving]

- [Dustin] Looks cozy.

- Do not be fooled.

[door knocking]

[gentle music]

- Lucy.

Why is there a

camera in my face?

- Merry Christmas to you too.

Doing a thing on my werewolves.

- Well I'm not a

bloody werewolf, am I?

- [Dustin] Just checking

the settings, Mrs. Gray,

as we might do some

interview stuff in here.

Gonna have to swing a lens Luce.

- But who the hell are you?

- [Dustin] Oh, I'm Dustin.

- Oh, you didn't tell me

you were bringing someone.

- Oh, so what if I did?

This is Dustin.

He's good enough in bed

for us to be casually

seeing each other.

He's in a band called

I Piss On Your Soul.

And annoyingly labels

himself as Wicken.

He's incredibly high and

he drinks way too much,

making Christmas his

favorite time of year

because everyone else

becomes an alcoholic too.

On that note, I would

love a Bailey's or three.

- [Dustin] Hi.

- Where's the Bailey's.

[clock ticking]

- [Dustin] Quiet in here?

- This is generally

how it goes, for hours.

Mum and I have

nothing in common.

- No, I'm not talking 'cause

I don't like the camera.

- Ignore it.

- I can't, it's in my space.

- Look at me a sec Luce?

- It's a charming T-shirt.

So how's university?

- I dropped out.

- Oh good God.

- But you're still working

at the coffee shop?

- I got fired.

- Lucy.

What am I gonna do with you?

Still, it's very nice

to have you down for

Christmas, darling.

- [Dustin] Thought we were

gonna interview your mum

about the werewolves.

- No, I didn't agree to that.

- No you don't have to

if you don't want to.

- I'd have to do my hair.

- Fine, so how have you been

mum, yoga stuff all okay?

- Well I'm still teaching,

if that's what you mean.

- I'm not sure that

is what I mean.

You know, I'm confused,

like we're having

conversation on Mars.

- Most likely yes, yes, if

you've been at the ganja again.

Oh, Lucy, take off that

stinky, stinky jacket.

Let me put it in the wash.

- You can't put a leather

jacket in the wash.

- What?

You practically

live in that thing.

Do you have a bed in there

or something?

- Funny.

- She used to be

such a sweet girl.

Here she is at the fun fair.

She was a hell of a shot.

[Dustin giggling]

Your old glasses.

Oh, put them on

Lucy, put them on.

- You want a cup of tea mum?

- No, I'm fine, thanks.

- Cool, let's just sit

here for a bit longer then.

[door knocking]


- [Dustin] I'm gonna grab some

exterior sh*ts at the house.

- What?

Oh great.


- Happy Christmas.

- You look great.

You're glowing.

- Ah, I feel pretty good.

What's with the camera?

- Charlie.

- Carol.

How's the yoga thing going?

- It's fine, thanks.

How's the drinking thing going?

- Touche.

- Look at you.

You're half cut already.

You know you can't just

turn up here like this.

- I can when my

daughter's in town.

- Lemme cook your steak.

- No, I better.

Love the T-shirt by the way.

Oh damn, I forgot to

bring your present.

- Ugh.

- Doesn't matter.

- Old habits die

hard, don't they?

Do you know he once forgot

to close the front door,

we were leaving the house

and burglars came in

and took everything

without even having to

break a bloody window.

[car horn honking]

Is there a woman in your car?

- Yes.

- Well,

show her in.

- The last time I

brought a woman in here,

you threw a toaster at her head.

- She deserved it.

- She said hello.

- Yeah, it was how

she said hello.

It was her tone.

A new bloody woman every week.

You're like a dog on heat.

Justin, is it?

- [Dustin] Dustin.

- Whatever.

Can you please turn

that bloody thing off?

This is personal stuff.

Pulling sluts off

Tinder all the time.

I know you are on there.

You're such a cliche.

I dunno what they see in you.

- Whatever you saw in me.

- Well, whatever it was, I

mustn't have had my contacts in.

- Touche.

- [Dustin] Shh.

[car engine revving]

It is like you are an

extra in your own life

when you should be

playing the lead.

You just sit about smoking

weed, watching life pass you by.

You wear all this crazy shit

but it's like it's wearing you.

You have to do something in life

to earn having bright red hair,

you're not even in a band.

Ignore me.

It's the weed.

- On my YouTube channel?

- [Dustin] With like,

four people watching it.

- At least my name isn't Dustin.

You ever heard of the

lead singer of a band

being called Dustin?


If Justin Timberlake

is Dustin Timberlake,

he'd be working at KFC.

[victim screaming]

- Oh my God.

- Lucy.

[victim screaming]

- Should I call the police?


Oh f*ck.

[wind howling]

[police sirens blaring]

I'd rather not break

into a police station.

- That way, there's back way in.

They all glorify my dad,

even though he's the only

chief constable in history

who doesn't drive.

It's so lame, they all

have to drive him around

Right then, Monster Hunters,

let's see what we can find.

- [Dustin] Okay, I've

decided you are crazy.

- Maybe, but I

don't buy the story

that guy simply got

mauled by some dog.

[police sirens blaring]


Maybe not.

[police sirens blaring]


Can you zoom in on that?

- [Dustin] Silver b*ll*ts.

Might be a joke.

- They made us believe it

was like a fireside story.

Like werewolves living in

caves, falling off the cliffs.

Why they choose to live

in Hastings of all places

is the biggest mystery.

[door hinge creaking]


Should we take the whiskey?

- [Dustin] I'm more

of a sherry guy.

Your parents are a weird fit.

How'd they meet?

- Dad met mum when

he arrested her.

She went kind of crazy

in a shopping mall

when they told her

she couldn't get

a certain bath mat in blue.

- [Dustin] I see

where you get it from?

- Seven,

I was seven when they divorced.

I ran outta the house, without

either of them noticing,

into these woods.

I really believe I saw

one of those werewolves.

- [Dustin] Batteries gone.

- Okay ugh.

So, Monster Hunters,

we have a rare full

moon on Christmas Eve

and we're back in the

park, hunting werewolves.

What was that?

Do you hear it?

- [Dustin] Nope.

[dogs barking]

- f*ck.

- [Dustin] Merry Christmas mate.

- Before you say it,

no I'm not scared of dogs.

You want a hash cookie?

- [Dustin] No,

they're too strong.

You made 'em wrong.

- No, I made them just right.

They're here in my pocket

if you change your mind.

Let's just explore a bit.

So yes, viewers, we have dr*gs.

Don't tell on us.

- [Dustin] I'm freezing.

- We'll have a hot

chocolate when we get home.

- [Dustin] With marshmallows?

- Yes.

- [Dustin] And a hand job?

- What is that?

- [Dustin] What's what?

- That.

- [Dustin] Oh, come on Luce,

you saw what happened

to that bloke.


[thunder rumbling]


We're lost.

[thunder rumbling]

- Well I know we

promised you monsters,

but it seems tonight

we're bringing you

an actual Santa sighting.

[Santa screaming]

[werewolf growling]

- Bless you my child.

Bless you.

It's safe.

It ran off.

- So much blood.

- It's okay.

I'm sure that I

can find my feet.

- We have to get

you to a hospital.

Aren't you in pain?

- It's the strangest thing.

[thunder rumbling]

No pain at all.

[Santa screaming]

[thunder rumbling]

- [Lucy] The hash cookies

fell out my pocket.

[thunder rumbling]

- [Dustin] Great, a

werewolf with the munchies.

Might have to save

the town, Luce,

the world even, save Christmas.

Nobody knows more about

monsters than you.

- Why would I wanna

save Christmas?

I couldn't care less.

Oh, come on, my only knowledge

comes from comic books.

- [Dustin] It's a start.

You owe it to your viewers.

Take the camera.

I'm getting an Uber back

to London no matter cost,

I'm out of here.

- Okay, fine, fine,

you're right.

People need to know the truth

about whatever

happens here tonight.

This is an episode

like any other,

just with an actual monster.

But I need you

behind the camera.

- [Dustin] No way.

You're on your own.

I'm getting the

f*ck out of here.

- Dustin,

Dustin, if you don't film me,

I will release our

sex tape online.

- [Dustin] Which one?

- The one where you made

me dress up as your mum.

- [Dustin] Okay.

Okay, okay.

- Where are the police cars?

- [Dustin] This prick again.

- [Shop Owner] Excuse

me, can I help you?

- Yes, I need some

silver b*ll*ts please.

Do some damage with this.

- [Carol] What are you doing?

- Santa's turned into a werewolf

and we're gonna k*ll him.

He's probably right now climbing

down chimney after chimney,

eating family's alive.

- Are you making this up

for one of your films?

- Yeah, if you like.

I'm gonna need to

borrow your car.

- Well what about your car?

- Police took it 'til

tomorrow 'cause I was high.

- No, it's my name

on the license.

- There are bigger

things to worry about.

- No.

- Fine, you'll just have to

come with us and drive us.

- Drive you, drive you where?

- To the wolf.

- [Dustin] How are

we gonna find it?

- We'll follow the

police or something.

Dad, we need to call dad.

- Look I don't know

what all this is about,

but okay, I'll do

the driving for you.

But in exchange, Lucy,

I would like you to help me

stuff the Turkey later, okay.

- Whatever, let's go.

Have you done your hair, mum?

- Yes.

If I'm gonna be on the

bloody camera all the time.

- You love it!

- I do not.

- Mum, can we go faster?

Dad, pick up.

- So I'm driving towards

the sound of the sirens?

- Yes.

I wish dad picks up

his bloody phone.

- Mm, tell me about it.

What do you need him for?

- Tell you later.

- Well, this is madness.

- [Lucy] Oh you love it.

- I do not.

- Actually, can we quickly

stop over at Rupert's?

He's only person I know

who's read more monster

books that I have.

- [Carol] There's something

wrong with that man.

- There are a lots of

things wrong with him.

- [Dustin] Who's Rupert?

- Best childhood mate.

[door knocking]

[dog barking]


- Lucy.

- Santa's turned

into a werewolf.

Might need your help

to save Christmas.

[insects chirping]

- I'll grab my jacket.

[car engine revving]

- Anyone want a jelly ring?

How do we k*ll it?

- I'm not sure.

Got an ice skate.

- Where's the other one?

- I don't know, lost.

- I take it that

blade's not pure silver.

- Obviously not.

- You need real silver

to k*ll a werewolf.

- Yeah, I know.

- Look, we can't just k*ll it.

- Why not?

- 'Cause it's Father Christmas.

- That thing is not

Father Christmas.

- It is, deep down.

But at least we'd be

sure of k*lling him.

A werewolf can only be k*lled

by someone who loves him.

And who doesn't love

Father Christmas?

I must say Lucy,

you look better

than you used to.

Pretty, almost.

- Thanks, I guess.

- [Dustin] Why are you

wearing a suit, dude?

You just come from

work or something?

- No, I was just at home, dude.

- It's just Rupert's thing.

Never seen him out of a suit.

- 'Cause I got style girl.

- Please, you look like a

disgraced kids TV presenter.

[werewolf growling]

- [Rupert] How are

you gonna do it, Luce?

- [Lucy] I'm gonna

smash the ice skate

into the side of his head.

[werewolf growling]

- [Rupert] Luce.

- [Lucy] I can't do it.

[werewolf growling]

[glass breaking]

- [Dustin] Why has it run away?

- [Rupert] Not developed

its k*ller instinct yet.

Inside he's still Santa.

- [Lucy] We'll

get him next time.

- [Reporter] Footage has

surfaced on social media

of this werewolf Santa,

in a local park, eating the

heart out of a child's chest.

Local residents said they saw--

- [Dustin] Looks like he's

found that k*ller instinct.

[window tapping]

- What happened to your eye?

- Night shifts can be tough.

Carol, what are you doing here?

- They asked me to drive.

I dunno what's going on there,

there's some horrible footage

of some child being

eaten on their phones.

But all these sirens.

- Go home.

- We saw him, Dad.

We saw Santa get bit by that.

- Werewolf.

- Yeah,

we were there when it happened.

So no police coverups.

- [Dustin] You are

such a dickhead.

- You weren't there, Rupert.

- Yeah, maybe not.

But I have this

video on my phone.

- Gimme that.

- [Rupert] Hey,

police brutality.

- I'm deleting it.

- Go ahead.

It's everywhere anyway,

on everyone's phone.

And I know about the UFO

coverup in this town too.

They're hiding aliens in the

old town Friar chip shop,

everyone knows it.

That's why the chips

there tastes funny.

Radiation coming in under

the door from the back room

where those things hide

under big glass domes.

- [Dustin] Great.

So on top of everything else

that's clearly f*cked with you,

you're also that annoying

conspiracy theory guy.

- Dad, I know how to

k*ll the werewolf.

- This isn't a comic

book, it's real.

And turn off that camera.

- What is, is all this real?

- Yes.

- Yes.

They have silver b*ll*ts

in the comics, Dad.

Same as you have.

I know everything.

- Lucy, what do you want?

- To document it.

Follow you around tonight.

You never know, you

might need our help.

You don't know

werewolves like I do.

[radio beeping]

- [Police Officer]

You're the last person

with access to silver b*ll*ts.

No backup is coming

as they thought I was making

this werewolf thing up

as a Christmas wind up.

- That's fine.

I have backup, from

another division.

- Yes.

- Yes.

- We're gonna be famous Luce,

you'll have like a

billion followers.

- It's here, in front of me.

[police officer screaming]

- I may need some driving about.

- Oh really?

You just expect me to

drive you about all night.

- That's not what I meant.

- Oh really?

Well, I'm not.

- Mum, Dad,

I know you hate

each other's guts,

but for now, we need

to focus on the thing

with claws that

wants to k*ll us all.

- She's right.

Anyway, for now, we'll have

to investigate on foot.

- You can stay in the

car if you want, mum.

- No, I don't want.

Not with a bloody

werewolf on the loose.

I'm gonna tear my jumper.

- Don't be scared Dustin.

- I'm not scared, dickhead.

- We need a plan.

- What, there's not a plan?

- [Rupert] My van.

- [Charlie] What?

- We need to get the werewolf

to chase us to my house,

to my ice cream van.

Then lock it inside.

- [Dustin] And then what?

- I don't know, blow

it up or something.

Call the army in to do it.

- [Dustin] Have them

on speed dial, do you?

- Maybe.

- Your house, four miles away?

- Yeah, that sounds

like a terrible plan.

- Like anyone else

has a better one.

- Of f*ck it, I left my

ice skate in the car.

- Can everybody please

just stop bloody swearing,

all the bloody time.

Okay, it's Christmas.

It's the birth.

- Dad,

you've got your g*n, right?

- I left it at

home, I'll go back.

- No, we don't

have time for that.

Plus we all need

to stick together.

- It's a bit of a habit

of his, forgetting his g*n

when he's had a drink.

You wouldn't believe the amount

of criminals who got away

because he left it at home.

- Wait, the police that perished

are in these woods, right?

So we just need to find

a dead cop with a g*n,

as I take it, they'll be

loaded with silver b*ll*ts.

- [Dustin] We best

find one of those cops

before that thing finds us.

- Listen.


There's people having sex.

- [Dustin] He's lost it.

I mean, instead of hearing

voices, he's hearing sex sounds.

Knew he had a porn fried brain.

- I did hear that.

We all heard that, right?

- Doggers.

It's a popular place for it.

Busted doggers here for years.

- [Carol] Are you

sure about this, Lucy?

- [Lucy] Yes, we

have to save them.

- [Dustin] Don't

be scared, Rupert.

[gentle upbeat music]

- [Charlie] Don't

film this you pervert.

[gentle upbeat music]

- [Rupert] What's dogging?

- [Dustin] Seriously?

- Couples who like

swinging the woods.

So I've read.

- [Charlie] Dustin.

- [Dustin] Oh f*ck.

[gentle upbeat music]

- [Carol] Lucy.

[gentle upbeat music]

- Carol?

- [Carol] Roger.


- You said you weren't

coming this week.

Said your daughter

was coming to stay.

- Yep.

Yep, she, she, she, she,

she is, she's here, she's,

she's there.

- Hello.

- Well, we're game if you are.

- No, no, that's not.

You all have to stop having sex

'cause there's a.

- Are you the police.

- No, but my dad is.

Run, all of you run.

[werewolf growling]

[people moaning]

[gentle upbeat music]

[people screaming]

[werewolf growling]

[people screaming]

[car alarm blaring]

[werewolf growling]

[car alarm blaring]

- Oh God, I saw a penis.

Oh God, tell me

that wasn't a penis.

- Gimme the camera.

- [Dustin] Lucy.

- [Carol] Lucy, no.

[gentle upbeat music]

- Right, I'm getting

the f*ck outta here.

It's been fun,

spending part of Christmas

with your family, Luce.

I'll call you.

- [Lucy] Stop being such a

square, it's an adventure.

- [Carol] Both of you, come on.

- [Dustin] I'll leave

you a better woman.

In some part, I think it's a

short time we spent together.

- [Lucy] Please.

Tell the world that

you're a coward.

- I'm no longer an extra.

I feel I need to

get off my chest,

the fact I got kicked out

of the band, months ago.

They thought I was a

bit of a square too.

- [Lucy] I know, I

follow them on Instagram.

- Got an interview

at KFC next week.

- Ah good luck.

- Rupert, go and deepthroat

an ice cream cone.

- [Lucy] You're just a

frightened little puppy.

- Guys, be quiet.

- Every dog has its day.

- Oh f*ck.

[werewolf growling]

- [Lucy] Why are you crying?

- He was a great guy.

- [Lucy] What?

- You're crying too.

- Dad, tell Mum

Dustin will live.

- Sounds like the

werewolf's gone.

- What, we're just, we're

just standing here like,

like lemmings on a,

I don't know what

the expression is.

Where the hell are we, anyway?

- I'm not really sure.

- Charlie, don't

tell me we're lost.

- I know the way out.

- Oh Charlie!

I've heard it all before.

We spent bloody hours on the

boiling hot streets of Italy,

wandering around

looking for a hotel

when apparently he knew the way.

And I got really bad sun stroke.

Do you remember that?

- Fondly.

- It was a really

nice holiday though,

wasn't it, in Italy, in the end.

And I really love those

tiny little Speedos

that you wore on the beach.

- [Lucy] Mum, please.

- You didn't look

half bad yourself.

- [Lucy] Rupert, you're gonna

have to film from now on.

- It would be my honor.

- [Carol] Oh, I dunno, Lucy,

maybe we should just

go back for that g*n.

- Rupert, I can feel when

the camera's on my arse.

We don't have time, mum.

- [Rupert] We're fine.

It's way over there.

- Yeah, but there's

more than one werewolf.

The one that bit Santa is

out there somewhere too.

- [Charlie] Lucy, maybe

you should just go home.

- [Lucy] He looks like lasagne.

- [Rupert] That shouldn't

make me hungry, but it does.

- Rupert, that's disgusting.

- [Rupert] I only had

a mince pie today.

- We are back at the sleigh,

listen, sleigh bells.

[sleigh bells ringing]

- What happened to the reindeer?

- [Lucy] He's eaten them.

- Oh.

[werewolf howling]

Maybe the werewolf's lost too.

- I don't think so.

He's coming this way.

- [Rupert] I make a

fine lasagne soon.

[all panting]

- We need to play dead.

Everyone lie down next to

Dustin's body, get really close.

- [Carol] I can't.

I can't even look at it.

- Mum, Dad, Rupert,

trust me, it'll work.

Rupert, keep rolling.

We might get real

with this thing.

- Carol.

- Oh God.

- Mum, get really close,

and no bloody

twitching or anything.

- Wolves are super smart,

if it senses we're

alive, we won't be.

- Oh God, it still

looks really strange.

Okay, just grab some

guts outta Dustin's chest

and rub them over yourselves

like you've been mauled.

- What?

Oh no, what are you doing?


Just the thought of it.

[Carol gagging]

- Mum.

- This is a health

and safety nightmare.

- Mum quickly.

- This is my favorite

Christmas jumper, okay.

It's from Harrods.


I've just got my nails done.


It's stuck.

- [Lucy] Pull harder.

- I feel something really gooey.

- [Lucy] Shh.

[werewolf growling]

- [Rupert] He is trying

to fly the sleigh

with a bunch of dead reindeer.

You said werewolves were smart.

- In general, yes.

Looks like the Santa

Claus part of it

that wants to deliver toys

is still active in

there somewhere.

- [Carol] Oh God, that

can't be hygienic, can it?

All those body parts

shoved in a sack like that?

- Yay, it's a policeman.

- [Charlie] Where?

- There.

[flies buzzing]

- Oh, he'd only

been with us a week.

- [Rupert] Oh, it's not all bad.

How many b*ll*ts inside his g*n?

[flies buzzing]

- Three.

- Failing finding any other

policeman, that's our lot then.

[g*n cocking]

- Leave it to me.

Needs to be a clean

shot to the heart.

Have to get in pretty close.

[flies buzzing]

- [Carol] Oh, let me guess.

- Forgot my glasses.

- Oh.

- First time that ever happened.


Think you can take the shot?

We won a lot of cuddly toys.

- Yeah but years ago.

- Just have to be careful of

the catch, it can be tricky.

- [Rupert] No way.

[Lucy gasping]

You know you have to

pull the trigger, right?

[werewolf growling]

- [Carol] Lucy, no!

- [Rupert] Lucy!

- It's okay, it's okay.

He's wounded.

- [Rupert] Lucy.

- I know, I know, it's

just, it's Santa Claus

and it just kind of throws you.

I'll be the person

responsible for sh**ting S--

We'll get him next time.

- Right, give me that,

just give me the g*n, okay.

I'm going to finish this.

[g*n firing]

- You just wasted one of

our only three b*ll*ts.

- Yeah.

Well, at least I'm not

afraid to use this.

- [Charlie] Crazy bloody woman.

- Oh great, it's gone.

[werewolf howling]

- It's following

the church bells.

Church bells ringing out like

a dinner bell for that thing.

Well is everyone at the service?

Half the town.

The baker, Happy

Harry the hairdresser,

the lollipop lady that stood

at that crossing forever,


- It is gonna be okay.

Look, Lucy, it's snowing.

Everything's better

when it snows.

- Didn't I read somewhere

that the lollipop lady

was a bit of a pedo?

- They're all pedos.

- Might be.

- What?

- No seriously.

- Every single person

that goes to that church?

- Everyone knows there's a

secret pedo ring in this town

and that they all

congregate at the church.

It's their cover.

A place where they can

meet and say stuff in code.

The vicar's most likely

in charge of it all.

When he says John 9:6,

what he's really saying is,

meet you all outside

the school at midnight.

- Yeah, makes sense that

a church full of people

would turn up outside

an empty school

in the middle of the night.

- Yeah, no, yeah.

- Stop talking shit Rupert.

Pedos or not, we have

to get to that church

before they all arrive,

provided that we can

find a way out of here.

- [Rupert] We're searching

the back streets of Hastings

in pursuit of a werewolf.

Best Christmas ever.

- [Lucy] Ssh! I heard a howl.

- Mum, what are you doing?

- As you can see,

it's a red light.

- There's a bloody werewolf

on the loose, run it.

- I'm not running a red

light, it's not right.

- Mum, you go dogging.

- For God's sake, Carol,

I'm the chief constable,

run the light.

- It'll turn green

any second now.

[gentle music]

Now it's green.

I only went dogging once.

- Yeah, right.

Can you at least speed up

a bit this time please.

- We're going 30 just

like the sign read.

- Mum, where are going, you've

driven passed the car park.

- I'm trying to

turn the car around

so we can get back into

the town center, darling.

Do you know what?

It was very hurtful what

you said to me earlier,

that we don't have

anything in common.

What about last

Christmas Eve hey?

We both loved watching

that film, you know,

with Hugh Grant being

the prime minister.

- I was pretending,

I was dying to watch the

horror film the whole time.

Mum, this is a dead end.

You just have to

stop and reverse.

- Damn it, I thought it had

an exit onto the main road.

- Oh great.

Just reverse already.

- Does anyone have any change?

- No.

- No.

[gentle music]

- [Lucy] We have to let

him in and unlock the door?

- [Charlie] There isn't room.

- [Lucy] He'll die.

What about the boot?

- [Charlie] I'm not risking

my life going out there

to shove a tramp

in the bloody boot.

- Fine, I need the g*n then Mum.

- Yep, it's.

I put it in the cup holder.

- Oh my God, quickly, Mum.

[werewolf growling]

- [Tramp] Hey.

- Oh my God.

[werewolf growling]

- There's an eyeball on my car.

I have a dead tramps

eyeball on my car.

- What do we do? Does

anyone have a plan?

- We just drive really

fast and it'll fall off.

- I'm speechless.

- Then you get out

really fast and sh**t it.

- Oh do I?

Thanks a bunch, Dad.

- It's your web show, wouldn't

want to steal your limelight.

- God, what is it

doing up there?

- Stuffing its face with

whatever's left of the poor guy.

- Right. Here goes nothing.

[werewolf growling]

[car engine revving]

- I can't believe that worked.

- [Charlie] You

were saying, Lucy.

- Let's cancel Christmas.

I'm gonna finish him.

[werewolf growling]

- [Carol] What's happening?

I can't see.

I can't see anything.

- He's down.

[werewolf growling]

No, he's up again.


- f*ck.

- We could just leave it,

all go home and sit it out

until the moon goes down

and he hopefully turns back.

- By which time half the

town could have been eaten.

No, it's not right.

[gentle music]

[werewolf growling]

Holy f*ck.

- My baby, wait, wait.

[baby crying]

- Hey, no, no.


[werewolf growling]

[g*n firing]

[werewolf growling]

[baby crying]

- [Rupert] Lucy, I hate ghost

trains at the best of times,

let alone ones with actual

real life werewolves inside.

- One last b*llet, mustn't miss.

- [Rupert] Well, we don't

have to go in there.

- Yes we do.

- [Rupert] So, so what

are you waiting for?

- I'm scared, okay.

Oh, come on.

- [Rupert] I can't.

I'm sorry, I really

can't this time, Lucy.

I'll meet you back in the car.

- Rupert, don't make

me tell everyone

what you did with that donut

when you were super horny.

- [Rupert] Ladies first.

- Is that real?

- [Rupert] I do not

even wanna know.

- That's f*cking helpful.

[machine ghosts laughing]

[piano keys clink]

- [Rupert] Sorry.

[machine monster growling]

Lucy, was that a sound effect?

- I think so, yeah.

[baby crying]

- [Rupert] Why is there

nothing happening?

- I don't know and

I don't like it.

[werewolf howling]

- [Rupert] Okay that

one sounded real.

- I just trod on something.

Feels like a hand.

[gentle upbeat music]

- [Rupert] Oh.

Come on, let's go.

[gentle upbeat music]

[Lucy screaming]

- [Rupert] Lucy, sh**t him.

- [Lucy] It's jammed,

it won't fire.

[werewolf growling]


Oh come on.

[Lucy panting]

[werewolf growling]

- Strange way to die.

- We're not going to die.

[werewolf growling]

- If we don't die,

can we have sex?

You can cover your eyes

if you want to, it's just.

- No.

- Do you have any mates

who might be up for it?

- No.

You're just gonna

have to turn gay.

- Do you know any guys

who might be up for it?

- Rupert.

You think we might actually die?

- I love you.

- Thanks.

I love you too, I guess.

- I didn't really have

sex with that jam donut,

it was a rumor.

- Whatever.

They found the jam donut

on your.

- No, it was

a cream filled donut.

They sell them in the bakers,

you can check their website.

- Rupert,

it really doesn't

matter right now.

- Huh?

The camera.

[werewolf growling]

[Lucy screaming]

- [Lucy] Dad, this f*cking

g*n doesn't f*cking work.

[Carol screaming]


- Oh God, oh God.

- It works.

You just have to release

the catch like this.

You're bleeding.

- Lucy, you're getting

blood all over my seats.

Look, just take this and wrap

it on your wrist, darling.

- It won't help.

I got bit.

Oh, that's all fixed.

- Now you listen to me.

You are not turning

into a werewolf okay.

And that's, that's that.

- How long do you

think 'til I turn?

- You need to keep out of the

moonlight, might delay it.

And make sure you don't

look directly into the moon.

Best to keep your face covered

with that stinky

leather jacket of yours.

- It doesn't smell.

- Actually Mum, stop.

Turn the car around.

Mum, stop.

I will jump out, I swear.

- Do you have a death wish?

- I can't just give up.

I have to end this.

- Look, I think you

really need to start

growing up.

- I don't care what you think.

Turn the car around.

[car engine revving]

[bells ringing]

- [Rupert] I think it's inside.

- I don't know what

to think anymore.

- Now don't you speak like that.

Listen to me.

It's all gonna be okay.

All right, I just,

I just know it is.

- Even for someone

who hates Christmas,

I just wanted it to be a bit

more Christmassy than this.

It's meant to be mulled wine

and Bond films and family.

- I'm sorry.

- It was my fault

you two divorced.

I heard you saying how hard

it was to take care of me.

I'm sorry.

- No.

No darling.

Me and your dad.

We just, we just

fell out of love.

- It isn't true, Carol.

Look however this night ends,

I have a question to ask.

Rupert gave me a

jelly ring earlier

and it's just been sat

here warm in my pocket.

- Where is it?

- [Charlie] He's in the grotto.

- He's crawled in there to die.

But I can't finish him off.

I can't k*ll Santa Claus.

I need you to use this

last b*llet on me.

I'm starting to change.

I can feel it.

Get away from me.

[Lucy gasps]

- [Carol] Do something!

- Moonlight's got

into her blood now.

Not much we can do.

- [Lucy] How come you know

so much about werewolves?

- k*lled a bunch of

them during a full moon.

The werewolves

living in Hastings

were the last ones in the world.

Wanting to put an end to it

all and drunk on cheap scotch,

I went on a silver b*llet

rampage in their cave,

k*lled every single one of them.

The last one put up

a hell of a fight,

was some kind of leader.

- The alpha werewolf.

- Well, whatever the term

is, he was a mean bastard.

- [Rupert] Could've saved

yourself a lot of hard work.

If you just k*lled the

alpha werewolf first,

all the others would've

turned back to normal forever.

- Huh, you learn

something new every day.

- You're a werewolf.

All the steaks and night shifts.

You k*lled it.

But it got you first, didn't it?

Don't you understand, Dad,

you are the alpha because

you k*lled the last one.

An alpha with no pack.

- I'm completely confused.

- Dad's a werewolf.

- That would explain a lot.

- No really he is.

In theory, if he dies,

I'd be okay again.

And so would Santa.

- [Carol] Well, he

looks completely normal.

Where's all the hair?

- [Rupert] Only the alpha

werewolf can change at will.

You can control it, can't you?

- Each full moon, when I feed,

I can turn into the wolf in an

instant and turn right back.

Like earlier today, that

poor man in the park.

But Santa Claus was

a bit of a tough guy,

he gave me the black eye.

- Oh my God.

- If your comic says me dying

will save the day, so be it.

That last silver b*llet has

my name written all over it.

- It might not work,

it could just be

something someone made up.

- No, it's worth a try, Lucy.

Could put an end to

all of this for good.

I was the only werewolf left.

Very easy covering up murders

when you're the chief constable.

Won't be so easy for you.

- [Rupert] He's right Luce,

just k*ll him already.

It's getting late and the

camera battery's about to die.

- Turn off that camera.

- No, keep rolling.

How can we be sure there are

no other werewolves out there?

- A victim would have

to survive the attack.

Your hash cookies

triggered a feeding frenzy

that left zero heartbeats.

Please, Lucy, take

me outta my misery.

Your mum out of hers.

You out of yours.

This town, out of its.

- But you're my dad.

- I'm the guy who

cheated on your mother.

Broke her heart with some woman

whose name I can't

even remember.

Some town tramp

with a cop fantasy.

You know what,

you were right.

You did cause the divorce

'cause you were a mistake.

- [Carol] Don't listen to him.

- You're still a waste of space.

Hiding behind some

bright red hair,

like it's some kind of

substitute for a personality.

You ruined our lives.

Just as every day you set

about ruining your own.

You just f*ck everything up.

Do the right thing for once.

[gentle music]

[Lucy crying]

Imagine that this is

just out of a comic book.

None of this is real.

[gentle music]

Well, at the very

least, forgive your mum,

if she seems a little

overbearing at times.

Because she's had to put up

with a hell of a lot from me.

She has the biggest heart

and I'm about to eat it

right out of her chest.

[Carol screaming]

[werewolf growling]

[Lucy screaming]

[g*n firing]


[both crying]

- Oh Lucy.

Isn't he supposed to

turn back to normal?

- Maybe he did.


- Where am I?

- It's been quite a night.

Do you remember anything?

- Good Lord, I remember its

wild eyes as it leapt out at me.

Are the reindeer okay?

[gentle upbeat music]

Here comes Santa Claus

Here comes Santa Claus

Right down Santa Claus Lane

[gentle upbeat music]

Vixen and Blitzen

- So here we are, a year on,

and Santa will be back to

work as normal tonight.

This I know for a fact, as

for the first time ever,

he sent me a letter,

thanking me for saving

Christmas, no less.

And people have been

making and sending me

these really cool cards.

They're even selling

them in shops.

And I got this cool scar

on my hand as a reminder

of everything that

happened last year.

Thought I would share that

with my 103 new

YouTube followers.

Oh my God, Mum, just come in

and stop pretending you

don't wanna be on camera.

- [Carol] I don't

wanna be on the camera.

- You love it.

- Come on Santa, let's

go and see Lucy-Lu.

- Anyone for a mini donut.

- No, not for me, thanks.

- I'm good.

Oh Lucy, this room

needs tidying.

- Yes I know.

- Well when are you gonna do it?

Here comes Santa Claus

- Listen, sleigh

bells, it's him.

Down Santa Claus Lane

He doesn't care if

you're rich or poor

He loves you just the same

Santa Claus

[dramatic music]

- Santa and his sleigh just

got sucked up into a UFO.

[gentle upbeat music]

Here comes Santa Claus

- He just blasted off,

Lucy, you missed it.

[dramatic music]

Told you there were aliens.

[gentle music]

[wind howling]

[sleigh bells ringing]

[wind howling]
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