Making Him Famous (2023)

Thanksgiving, Dramas Movie Collection.

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Thanksgiving, Dramas Movie Collection.
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Making Him Famous (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

So good to see you guys today.

Thank you for

coming. And don't fo

rget that youth choir.

I need somebody to lead that.

All right.Okay. Fa

ntastic. Good to see

you man Looking go

od, Pastor Sherwood.

Yes, ma'am. Come over

today for lunch?

I will. Not a prob

lem. Peach cobbler.

Got to keep the tradition,


Glory Glory.


Can I get an Amen?


Is that what I look

like up there?

I guess.

Come here.

Grandpa, will I be on

stage like you one day?

Don't know.


Maybe not.

But, you know, it doesn't

really matter.

Whether you're in front

of the stage, or

on the back corner of the room.

What really matters

is that you

humbly love God

and actually love other people.


We are so excited

you're with us.

But the blessings are

just beginning.

Grab those merch items, swipe

those cards,

and head on down to your seats.

Because Mario King is

coming to the stage


Alright, showtime.

Where"s he at?

Camera one, start

working the crowd.

Bring him out, let"s go.

Switch between

camera three and camera one.

Camera five on my call.

Lets give a royal welcome

to the man himself, Mario King!

And hit the lights.

Get up on your feet Camera one.

Put your hands together,

it"s time for Mario King!

I cant hear you.

Make some noise!

Switch to

camera two. Awesome.

You know him.

You love him.

Welcome to the

stage, Mario King.

Welcome, everyone.

My name is Mario King

and I'm here.

To share a message with you.

I see.

I know exactly what

it is long for.

You"re sick and tired

of constantly

trying to get by in life.

Tired of being.




want you to know that al

I that is going to change.

Now's the time

to make a name for yourself.

It's not just about Mario.

Feel it. Oh,

I feel it.

Okay, now it must be that time.

We're about to

get started.

We're about to get started,

but first.

I want to make sure

all my brothers and sisters stop

by those merchandizing tables

out in the lobby

and get some of those powerful

resources so that you can.

Love thyself and

grow thy wealth.


A discounted a special rate.


I of my brothers

and sisters of

Atlanta, Georgia,

in this audience.

We've discounted


at a special rate,


for my very good friends

in Orlando, Florida.

Clap it up.

And special rate specifically.

For all my Tar Heels.

Give it up from the

Tar Heel State

for everybody

in the Windy.

City, Chicago, Illinois.

You get a discount. You ge

t a discount. You

get a discount.

Everybody gets a

discount specifically

for Nashville, Tennessee,

baby Yeah.


my favorite city in America.

Austin, Texas.

For my people in Sin City,

Las Vegas, Nevada,

my favorite city, Cleveland,


Especially for all of the people

that I love

in Portland Oregon.

New York City.

Wake up. I'm not un

loading this stuff

and it ain"t unloading itself.

Yeah Let's go yeah yeah

yeah I'll be right there.

Hey, hey, hey.

What are you doing? Put that d


Hey, get outta there.

I'm a get you.

Man, got to be kidding me.

Evening Sir,

license and registration.

Mr King.

A dozen speeding tickets

in the span of 18 months.

And for about

half of those

they carried

mandatory court dates

for which you

failed to appear.

I mean, do you think

that was okay?

That's a tricky question.

That's not good. No,

no, that's not okay.

Not at all.

And I have to drive for work,

so I already got my

inspection stuff and,

you know, verification,

registration and all updated.

So, yeah.

The thing is,

you just don't look to be

too concerned.

Does he look concerned to you,


Mmmm Nope.

Here's what we're going to do.

I'm going to sentence you

to 240 hours of

community service.

I'm going to fine you

$10,000, but I'm going to let

that include your outstanding

fines and court fees.

Hey, I don't have $10,000.

What I should be doing is

revoking your license



At I'm trying to do here

is figure out a way to

serve justice

and still be somewhat merciful

so that you can

continue to work.

As for the community service,

I'm assigning you to

do that at Safe Harbor.

It's a homeless

shelter near here.

The people that we've assigned

there have had very positive


I'll try to make something work.

If you don't follow

through with this,

you will do some

serious jail time.

You understand?

Yeah. Wh

en you answer my question,

the last thing out of your mouth

should be sir

or your Honor.

Yes, sir,

Your Honor.

Hmmm this.

Ain"t gonna work.

No, no, no. We've given th

em instructions.

Everyone's setting up. I line

d up the news coverage

for the weekend.

I fully expect this

donationdrive will bring

in enough money

to get those numbers where.

We need them to be.

And if that happens, then we"ll

just have shhh shhh shhh.

Yeah I know, just listen,

just make sure everyone who's


d in the past

gets a reminder.


Man. You need help don"t you?

Yeah, could you uh You know.

I don't.

I don't normally do this,

but I can see it

in your eyes.

A few bucks Okay?

I ask that you spend it wisely.

Look, you don't need to

thank me okay?

Just don't come around here

trying to make some uh,

regular withdrawals.

Good luck.

Can I help you with something?

I don't know.

I'm supposed to report here

for community service.

Okay, come on in.

My name is Stephen

Young. I'm one of the

coordinators here. Most p

eople call me preacher

dude whether I like it or not.

So what am I supposed to

be doing here?

Most people respond to the

introduction with their name.

Devon. Devon? Yeah.

As far as community service, I

can answer some of the


but I'm not the one in charge.

That would be Olivia.

Speaking of which, hey.

Who are you?

This is Devon.

Oh, right. Judge

McBride said you'

'd be coming?

Nice to meet you, Devon

I got to run.

I'll catch you later

at the meeting.

So, community service at Safe

Harbor homeless shelter.

I mean, it could be worse right.

Nah doubtful.

That's the spirit.

Come on, I'll take

you on a tour.

Why not?

And this way is our kitchen.

This is where we serve

breakfast and dinner both.

And this is Nicole. Nicole.

This is Devon.

He's going to be working with us

for a little bit.

We can always use more help.

The mention it this way.

Set up cots, sleeping

bags and whatever we need.

And right now we have room

for about 20 guests altogether,

which includes the kids.

Guess Your guests aren't

expected to clean up after


Well, they are. But

with 40 people here

at any given moment,

it's bound to ge

t a little messy.

40 I thought you said that..

And we've had to set up

some sleeping bags too

and a few other stay in

tents behind the building.

If we have an empty space

we try to fill, it.

Doesn't seem legal.

Neither does

driving on a suspended license.

So that pretty much

concludes our tour.

What do you think?

I guess

I see all our tax money

I pay doing something?

Well, actually, we're

privately funded.

Most of our donations

come from First United church

jinx. Devon.

Devon Jinx.

Jinx is really sweet. Once you g

et to know

her, she's schizophrenic.

But as long as she's

on her meds, she's fine.

Yeah. I don't think this place

is going to be a good fi

t for me.

Okay, well, you

know, I'm

sure that Judge McBride would be


to accommodate your request.

You know, maybe I

could talk to him for you.

For real?

Do you know him like that?

Well, I know him well enough to

know that if you refuse your co

mmunity service,

he will throw the book at you.

And what makes

you so sure?

Olivia McBride.

Judge's daughter.

We got work to do.

Yeah, I appreciate the

tours and everything, but.

I got deliveries to do.

I got to go.

Hey, let me call you back

in five, okay?

All right. I love you, too. Bye.

I tell you, we're having a girl?

At least 100 times.

Well, you know, it's

four boys so far.

And then finally, a

little princess.

Ah, what an answer to prayer.

Oh, well that's


Hang on a second, man.

You got to see this.

Do you see the wink?

I do not.

It's pretty blurry.

Sign this for me.

Looks like a wink to me.



Why do you got so many people

that you got to see?

Don't you want to go home?

I do have a lot of people

to see don't I?

I want to thank you

for being so patient with me

this afternoon.

Want to know a secret? Yeah.

Some time. I do j

ust want to go home.

Old and tired.

But Mario, you have to

be very careful

always focusing on what we want.

We always have to

consider others.

You get it?


Do nothing from selfish ambition

or conceit.

But in humility, count

others more significant

than yourselves.

Let each of you look not

only to his own interests,

but also to the

interests of others.

Philippians two,

three and four.

All right. I'm here.


are done for the day.

Lets knock out some

of these hours.

You know, we planted

these vegetables in the spring,

and I cannot figure out why

they're not growing.

Okay, sorry about that.

You want me to, I don't

know, trim something, or?

I just wanted

to, like, brighten up the place

and give the guest something to

work on themselves, you know?


Yeah, for sure.

Maybe I should clock in

or sign in Or something

I have tended to this

garden three times.

2 minutes ago.

Oh, I guess on the brightside

I don't have to worry about

pulling up the weeds.

Hey, can you bring me

that trash can?

Sure. Why not?

That's all I feel like doing.

Getting you trash cans.

You got?


And when life gives you lemons,

you make lemonade. So.

That the best you got?

The old lemonade line.

Yeah, yeah.

I mean, maybe I came back.



All right, well, let's

make some lemonade.

Do I still need

to clock in


Yo. Oh,

how many grams of protein

was in the macaroni protein uh?


I don't know.

Bro I need two grams of protein

for every pound of body weight.

Brother, I can just

about guarantee however

much protein it had. It

ain't that much.

How about that? That

got protein?

Yeah. Ye

ah, I'm sure it does.

That"s what's up!

Here you go.

God bless you son.

You know, God's got great

things planned for you.

I see you.

I was just trying to help.

He obviously needed a

little extra.

So. Hey, you, you was scared?

You were scared you

were going to get a pounding.

Uh huh, yeah, you were.

He was a big guy.


He ain"t Teeny.


You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.


Then you can spot me.

What are you doing down there?

I dropped my keys Nice

of, uh.


I'm Jeanette.

Yeah, I'm.

I'm Devin.

You know, I see you

here just about every week,

and I'm pretty sure this

is the first time

we've ever spoken.

I try to stay focused, you know?

Yeah, I can tell you. You

don't even notice when a beauti

ful girl is trying to

get your attention.

Do I make you nervous?

Just hot I mean, like,

from the workout.



So what are you doing tonight?

I don't even know

I thought that you were coming

over to my place for dinner.

I don't know.

It's okay.

I'll see you tonight.


Come on.

Please Don't kick me out.

Ten thousand


Oh man.

Hey, it's Devin.

That dinner

invitation still good?

I"ll see you then.

So after that,

I decided to become a masseuse

because when so many of your

exes tell you that you're great

with your hands,

it only makes sense right? Ew.

Someone parked their

old nasty truck

in front of my place,


I'm sorry.

I drive that old nasty truck

outside of your house.


I"m a food delivery man.

Do you drive a JAG?

I don't.

Thank you

for all of this. I mean, you lo

ok wonderful, but

I think I should go.

You're leaving.

You don't know me.

I mean, does it matter?

Yes, it should.

I think this

was a mistake.

I I'm going to go.

I have a lot going on.

I'm sorry.

Morning. Hey,

Sun"s pretty bright in here.

Here you go. Make

yourself useful.

What is this? Getting ready fo

r the donation drive? Firs

t United church, holds one

every so often.

It's a silent auction and a

big push to donate, you know,

clothes, supplies, furniture,

money, of course, money.

We're always in need of that.

Ummmm Look,

we need all the help we can get.

I mean, if it counts

towards my hours, sure.

Am I supposed be counting those?

Look I'm kidding.

Of course I'm counting them.

I might even knock some off.

Now go help those guys

with the chairs Devon.

Devon. Devon

could be Avon because

he's smooth.

And then how did you. How did

you find this location then?

(Indistinct chatter) Connie.

Connie. So happy to see you.

Thank you so much for

your support.

Really appreciate it.

Thank you for entertaining

until I could get here.

No money on me today, man.

Sorry. Watc

h out for this

guy. He'll hi

t you up for some cash.

Bishop Miller, this is Devon.

He's a new member of our team.

The team like leadership.

Leadership team.

Okay, well, I run

the show over at First United

where Olivia and Stephen,


As part of the team now,

I expect to see you there on

Sunday mornings

starting tomorrow.

So talk about this first shot.

Great idea right

here. So I think I

t'd be great if I was

behind the counter, maybe,

you know, serving some people

and then you can ask

the pre-approved

questions while I do it.

I mean,

look, I know he can

be offputting at times,

but he is the reason our

door stay open.

Serious? That guy?

That guy?

Yeah. Alright.

I'm Connie Draper, and

this is WRFO.


Thank you. That's great, Scott.

Thank you, as always.

Was a pleasure.

Let's get out of here.

Hey. Hey.

Thanks for staying. Oh, well,

I knew you couldn"t do without


So I stepped in to save you.


Was that Miller guy actually

serious about tomorrow morning?

I mean, because I haven't

stepped foot in a church in a

long time.

And I just don't think.

If you can take that

guy serious.

Yeah, he was.

But look, you'll be fine.

I'll save you a seat.

Hey guys Hey We'll all be

there tomorrow.

Rodney's getting baptized. Yes.


, fine. I'll count it toward

s your hours.

Okay. I guess I'll be there.

See you then.

Go have fun.

Come in here.

What is this? That's it.

That's all we got.

That's everything.

That's everything.

You sent this to the board yet?

No, I haven't.

Okay, don't.

You don't tell anyone until

I figure something out here.

Yes, sir.

I"ve had enough of your noise..

Yo cut that down.

What you say?

This your apartment?

It might be why?

I live next door.

So So you want me to

call the cops?

I mean, because I'm sure this

kid ain"t old enough to drink,

and they love that.

You gonna call the cops?

If I have to.

Well we celebrating his

birthday, man.

How old are you turning again?

40 See,

he's 40.

Now. I got something

that"s 40 too.

How you like that, huh?

My man"s packing.

You know, you

can have him.

Come on man.

Ain"t funny.

What you laughing at?

Do you have any idea what

this is about?

I don't.

I'm sorry.


I never like

saying these kind of things,

but it's g

ot to be said.

The donation drive was

a bit of a joke. And

the fundraising efforts

you're doing aren't even

beginning to cover costs

and the shelter is

not performing.

What are you trying to say,


We simply can't keep dumping

cash into the shelter.

Well, look, I have some guests

coming this morning, but I can't

force peop

le to attend church,

if that's what you're

hinting at.

What I'm hinting at is our

congregation, they finance all

of this

and they don't want their money

going to a fledgling homeless


So I don't know.

I don't know. Maybe,

maybe get your

people hereon Sunday

mornings and a regular basis.

Okay. Maybe that might

spark some interest in the

congregation to t

o fund

your little project.

I'm trying here.

I'm trying. Do you

want this place to

stay open or.

Yes, I want the shelter

to stay open.

Then work with me.


We got to do something.

Well, I say that because

if not,

we will have to shut

down the shelter


Good morning.

Good morning.


Devon. Brother.

Glad to see you, man.

So happy you"re

Hey listen, I saved you a seat.

Oh, I'm just going to grab a

seat right there in the back.

No, no, no, no. I got you

one down front.

Okay, awesome.

Well, go on right ahead

Okay, I"ll be right there.

I'm just gonna... you got it.


om right quick Restroom

this way brother.

Hey good?

Man. I don't think I

can go through with this.

Okay. Oh, maybe I

should go get Stephen.

No. Oh, no, no,

no, I.

This is embarrasing.

Look man, If you don't

want to get baptized,

then maybe you should wait

until you're ready.

No, that"s Not. It is not.

It. I"m scared of water.

You"ll be alright.

I"m so proud of you,

Rodney. Such a goo

d to give your life to Christ.

Yeah. No it's okay.

It's a great day

Come here brother, come on It"s

all there Oh,

yes, sir.

It's good.

Rodney Quinton Thomas.

What do you believe about Jesus?

I believe

that Jesus is my hope.

And my salvation.

Oh, Jesus.

And upon

this profession of faith I

baptize you Rodney Quinton


in the name of the Father,

the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Amen!


(laughter) Well.

I have to admitthat was

much more entertainin

g than I thought it would be.



Thanks for the invite.

Of course.

I guess. I'll

see you all at the

shelter tomorrow.

Hey, we're about

to have lunch. You

want to join us Nah nah.

I got a good PB and J at home

that"s calling my name.

I'll see you all at the shelter.

Have a good day. You too.

You have one message.

Mario. Hey, this is George.

It's been a while sinc

e we spoke with some news

footage made it's made its way t

o my desk.

A local report on that

soup kitchen.

I had to do a triple take., man.

There you were in the

background, looking ragged.

I mean, no offense,

but nobody's seen you in years.

It's a brilliant move.

Seriously, you've set up a

storybook comeback.

I"ve pitched this to a

handful of players. An

d listen, Mario, they want

to make a move on this.

We've got an incredible

opportunity here call me back.


What are you doing?

I'm just talking.

You're just. You're

just talking.

Yeah. Trying to have some fun.

Looks like you need

to do the same.

Look, there's a

certain reputationyou need

to be trying to uphold

when we're out in public.


Please. Here, here.

Drink, drink away.

Would you just listen to me?

Have I not thus far?

If it wasn't for listening

to you, would we be in

ah... Oh, yo

u look so lovely.

Where are we?


Columbia, South Carolina.

Goodness gracious.

The country.

Mario, we're in Columbia.

The country,

not the state.

Thanks in part to you.

I mean, clearly, I'm the one

that brings in the crowds, but.

You have some say in that

you help reel them in

Look, watch this watch this.

Who all in here is here

because my man George

got you a ticket to

this after-party?

Best wingman ever. Come

on man don "t leave me hangin".

See what you

do in private?

It's one thing.

What you do in public

should be another.

Okay, you need to get a handle

on things because things are

going south

real quick,

I need you to take

care of yourself.

Yeah, I'm here.

There another donation

or something.

Down here.

And perfect timing.

If you"d like to help.

You don't even have enough room

for all these people.

Like I said, perfect

timing. If you'

'd like to help, help us,


Oh. Excuse me Sir.

I knoiw this might be a

dumb question.

Do you have any toys by chance?

I don't know.

I don't think so.

What kind of toy were

you looking for?

Not for me but for my

little sister.

She lost her. Doll

yesterday, and

she is pretty upset.

And I was trying to

cheer her up.


Well Hey, sweetie.

Did you say your sister

lost her doll?

Yes ma"am.

I think Olivia might have

something in the office.

I'll be right back.

You think she might

like one of these.

Yes ma"am. Let's go

see if she wants to play.

I don"t

know how.

You do this.

It's amazing.

Like you move as

if everything is

going to be okay.

I couldn't do that.

Thanks, I think.

No, no, I mean, it as

a compliment.

I suppose you don't get much


I don't really need to hear.

Good job, Olivia.

I just want to have what

we need to help people.

And Bishop Miller said there's a

chance we might get shutdown.

So not enough money

to fund our

little project.



Thank you,

Mr.Miller, for taking

the time to meet with me.

I have a busy schedule

and a lot to juggle,

so I'll get right to it.

I was worried about Olivia,

ummmmm, the shelter

and everybody

and I just want to know

what the plan was.

Devin, Why are you sitting

in front of me?

I have a very busy day asking me

what my plan is for the shelter?

I don't.


it's cometo a point

where the shelter is an


financial burden and one

that we can no longer afford.

No but there's something

that can be done right?

You can't just put a

stop to it there.

If there's one thing I've

learned since being here at the


the past several weeks

is that people need hope,


I think I can come up

with something

if that sounds nice.

Do you have a means to

finance this hope?

Because all that takes money

Devin, money that we

no longer have.

Let's say there was a way

for me to get the financing,

to keep the shelter open.

Can you give me your word

that you"llsupport

it 100%?

I'm listening.

There's something

I need to share with you.


Are you lost man?

I said are you lost.

You gonna

pull that trigger?

See you again.


Hey, hey, hey, hey.

You okay?

You Okay.

Oh, excuse me,

miss. Hi.

I brought in a young man, maybe

14, 15 years old last night.

A Caucasian brother

with brown hair all beat up.

I don't know his name, but I ju

st want to make sure he's okay.

Are you family?

No, ma"am I'm not. But I brought

him in and I've been

waiting here since last night.

Just wondering how he is.

If you could just tell me if

he's okay or not, and I'll get


t out of your hair.

I can tell you

that he's stable,

but that I

s all the information

that I can give you.

Oh, okay. Stable.

That's good. Thank you.

You're welcome.

Take care.


You have all been so

brave in the past few weeks,

sharing all your stories,

good and bad.

And I know that tonight

that I promise that I

would be brave enough

to share mine.

I've been sober for six years

and 23 days now,

but that doesn't mean

that I haven't

had some very close calls.

You know, growing up,

my life seemed

what you would say perfect

from the outside, and it"s

far from it.

And then one night after dinner,

my mom was k*lled.

And in that moment

was the first time in my life

that I had felt

truly lost.

I blamed God

for taking my mom away from me.

So I started drinking.

I walked around every day

hating everything.


But then I realized that it's

gotta to be more to life than


And I needed to find my purpose.

Were seeking the same thing.

It's love.

To feel, love.

To share your love.

And I want all of you to

know that here

we love you. Hey.

Hey. Wanna get some food?


Come on.

Waffles make everything better.

I see.

They do.

So how"d you end up here?

Come on.

I mean I'm

from a small town originally

moved to the big city

I made some bad choices.

Now I'm back here in

another small town.

So, yeah,

That's it. So

you hear my entire life

story back there,

and that's the best you

can do for me.

Small town, big city,

small town.

Wow, you know how to

paint a picture

with those words, okay?

And the man can laugh.

I don't even know what to

do with myself.

Ahhhh But I do

want to know

what makes you want to get ou

t of bed in the morning?

Alright alright.


Are you, Devin.

Mario King?

What"s this about?

I'm here on behalf of

Paradise Rentals.

And you're being served

with eviction papers.

No, um just.

Just Wait, I have money.

No judgment was awarded

in favor of the property owners,

and they have requested

your immediate removal.

I had every intention of

paying them back.

Okay, I've Just been really busy

alright let's just wait

right here, okay?

I'll call the company myself.

No look, I'll call them. No,


Look, there's nothing

more that I can do.

So you have to get your things

and you have to evacuate

the premises.

Work with me.

Okay? Look, I just.

It's fine, okay?

Just wait, okay? Mr.

King already know that you have

a record

now, please don't make this

any more difficult than

it needs to be.

I'm just wondering, you know,

if you could

maybe give me an

advance for a month

and I could get

back in my place.

At this point it"s

that's not even a possibility.

I know how it sounds,

but I just need a helping hand

I know the timing is terrible.

But we just signed a major deal.

You"re letting me Go.?

I tried to fight for you.

Trust me, I tried.

But I need time to find a

place to stay,

get another job.

You just can't spring something

like this on somebody.

Listen, I want to help, but we

start with Harper in a couple of


I'm sorry.

I really am.

I bet you are.

All right, so, look, man, I need

you to work with me, okay?

We got Seattle next. Mr K

ing, Kaitlin Strauss,

Celebrity Now magazine.

What do you have to say about

the allegations against you

by best Life Publishing.

Inside sources claim

that you owe best

life upwards of $13 million.

Are you at all embarra

ssed that you operated

outside of your contract

in order to secure higher


Yet still managed to lose

practically everything.

Does it look like I

lost anything?

I worked day and

night for my name.

Mario King worked

his tail off to get here.

Okay. That contract with

Best Life Publishing,

it was bogus.

Quote me on that.

Oh, I will.

Like that skirt, by the way.

Thank you, Mr.


You just keep making

things worse.

Do you know that you

keep making things worse?

Your contract isn't bogus.

It's completely legit. You knew

that when you

signed it? Yeah. Three

years ago, when I was fresh out

of college, inexperienced,

needed money.

I didn't know how this

business work. Yeah,

and you were a whole lot more

humble then.

The banks call you on

your loans, and that's it.

You need to contact

your attorney immediately.

And do what?

Are you. Are you insane? There'

s. There's a chance

that you could los

e everything.

Not Just the money in the bank,

the house, the cars,

the endorsements,


You done?

Yeah, I'm done

looking out for you.

Good. Let's go. Look out for me.

If you were to look out for me,

she wouldn't have been here.


You there?

Yeah George, I"m there.

Hey, Mario,

man, it's good.

It's good to

hear from you.

It's been too long, brother.

I'm so glad you answered.

Let me just.

Let me just ge

t right to it, okay?

I spoke with that

local news lady,

and she told me about

everything She was.

She was more than happy to go

on the record?

Best Life Publishing

is willing to let

bygones be bygones.

We've got a deal on the table

that'll pay 300,000.


Obviously, that

includes exclusively

to everything

multiple book

deals, the rights to your story,

yadda, yadda yadda.

Bottom line, you"ve

got a second

chance, Mario.

It's time to step back

into the spotlight.

You know how these things go.

You got to strike while

the iron is hot.

We've got to make a move on this

right now.


Who"s there? Hey, you

deliver here?

Who's there?

No, not really.

Mario, did you just hear

everything I just said?

Look man.

You got to go.

You can't park here. Okay?

Okay, okay.

Mario, did you just.

Did you just hear

everything I just said?

I heard you, George,

but I got to go.

Let me think on it.

I'll tell you what.

I'll send you

the contract,

text me your email address

and I'll send it right on over.

Okay? I'll s

hoot that right over to you.


There"s a saying. I like

to say that God doesn't ca

ll the qualified.

He qualifies the call.

Let"s bow your head and pray.

Lord Help us to see your love.

Help us to know your love.

A love that reaches deep

in the darkness of our souls

and calls us out.

Flood this room with your peace.

A peace that surpasses

all understanding.



It's not what it looks like.

You got to go. You go

t to go right?

You live nearby.

You sleeping in the

parking lot now?

It's a long story.

You know, I liked what you

were saying at the Bible study.

Glad to know you were listening.

I pay attention.

My grandfather used to

talk about it all the time.

Peace that surpasses all


It"s a thing.

Yeah Look.

I used to think it was just

something the church people say

they do.

I know. And

then I saw that

kind of peace.

. How"d

I get so off track, man.

We all get off

track at one point or another.

The beauty about it is that

Jesus said that He came to seek

and save the lost,

Devon if you recognized,

you"ve been off track.

He literally says that

I am the way.

He he said it like that

I am the way.

That"s how he said it,

he said it like that?

Just checking in.

You should have told us.

Stephen just told me

you were sleeping in your truck.

Oh, it's nothing.


It's not nothing. Ho

w long have you been

sleeping in that thing?

Not for long.

I had a nice spot by a

grocery store,

but the security guard there

is not going to let that happen.

Well do you have a plan?

Yeah I"ll Just stay in the truck

and try to figure things out.

Besides means, I have more

time to be here with you guys

helping out But you can't

just sleep in your truck.

That"s terrible.

At least have a truck.

Right? Stephen,

any words of pasto

ral wisdom here?

Come on. Why do I feel

like you guys are ignori

ng the obvious.

Is that on purpose?

Oh. Exactly.

You need a place to stay. She

needs a full time supervisor.

It's meant to be.

No, no, that's not.

That's not going to work.

It's perfect.

Isn't it amazing how God works?

No, no, it's not.

Look what you guys are doing

here is amazing.

But you're crazy If you think

I want to live

here, That's

a nice touch. Oh.

I guess this is home.

Let"s get comfortable.

Granpa, Are we lost? No, no.

We're heading in the

right direction.

I didn't have a compass

here to help.

Then we would be in trouble.

Pull it in guys.

Now, guys, think about

what that would be like

out here in the woods

without a compass.

Or a light..

We"d get lost for sure.

You're moving.

We're almost there.

This book contains

everything you'll ever need.

These aren"t just words.

In these words, are life itself.

It is a light, for your path

and a compass that

shows the way.

John 14:6 Love,

Grandpa Burton Amen

huh? Huh?

Hey, I Thought I'd

find you here.

Yeah, I just needed an escape.

You know? Trust me, you

take all the quiet

minutes that you can.

Helps drown out all the noise.

Mmmm hmmm You okay? I

still don't know what I'm doing.

You know, every thought,

every decision

leads to more questions.

I mean, this

all feels like a second chance.

But what if I'm wrong?

Why do I deserve a second chance

to rewrite my life?

Well, maybe it is a second

chance, but you're not the one

rewriting it.

Speaking of chances,

tonight is your chance

to run the group meeting solo.


No, not all by myself.

Why would Stephen has a

family thing and I have to run.

I've got to run and get Jinx"s

medicine across town so

look he's got notes on his desk

just use them okay?

It'll be fine.

Hey, everyone, I'm

Devon, as you know.

I don't.

I, Stephen and Olivia aren't

going to be able to make

it tonight, so I'm going

to be the facilitator

for tonight's meeting

by myself.

So would anyone like to

lead us in prayer?

Don't be shy.

Anyone No?

Okay. Well, as soon as I start,

I'll If you"ll just give me

a moment.

I'll look at the.





do me like Jesus.

He"s my fiend.

Oh, can"t nobody do me like.

Jesus Can"t

nobody do me like the lord

oh, Can"t nobody

do me like Jesus.

Jesus, he's my friend.

Amen Amen What's

going on in here?

I don't know.

It's kind of like church

is happening here.

Hey man.

Look, I loved you.

Good job,

Great Job I appreciate

the support bro.

Yes sir.

Thank you.

Yeah. See you soon.

Okay. Hey.

Hey. You think this might be it?

What do you mean?

You asked me at the diner.

What? My purpose I


I don't know. You

think doing this

might be it?

, uh.

Oh, yeah.

Olivia the first person

in my adult life

that ever cared about me enough

to try to keep me out

of my own way.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Hey, man what you doing?

Come on in the truck.

Let's get

something to eat.

Come on.

My treat.

All right, fine.

Suit yourself.


Bro uhh

why waffles?

Someone told me that they make

everything better.

So tell me, your dad.


He beats you.


Nothing like that.

No, I'm just trying

to figure out

why things are so bad at home.

My dad's too strict.

Your dad's too strict.

That's what I said. Oh,

yeah? We

ll, you got to be kidding me.

You're out running the streets

searching for a meal

because your dad has

too many rules.

I wouldn't expect you

to understand

then try me.

I was tired of being expected

to act perfect all the time,

so I left.

Found people who

respect me for me.

Like the ones that left

you bloody and beaten?

Those friends?

Hey, how old are you man?

Fifteen And in the

next 15 years,

where do you think you'll be?

I don"t know uh, running my own

business, making my own money.


Yeah, that's good.

You think you'll be

able to accomplish

that not knowing

where you're going to

sleep like tonight?

You haven't even made it

past high school, man.

What you want kids of

your own someday?

Yeah, yeah, sure.

With my smoking hot

wife Alright then.

When you have

your own son,

what if he thinks

you're too strict?

You want him to run away?

No I don't.

But I'm not like my dad.

The decisions you make today

shape your future.

The path you're headed my man,

you could have.

You could have died that night.

Seriously, That's what

the doctor said.

I got lucky.


You need to go back home, make

things right with your family.

I know.

Regardless of your

father's attitude

or any of that, just

humble yourself

and do what you can do to

make it right.

All right now eat those

waffles before

I grab some.


thanks, man.


Of course.

No luck?

No luck You know,

maybe you should try yelling.

In my work.



got something...

You know, I'm


I'm really happy that you got ar


because we both know

if you hadn't,

you wouldn't have ended up here.

So what you're saying

is that you'd be

upset if I left?

Hard to say.

Maybe a little.

Maybe a little. Oh, okay.


Seriously, though, what

would you say

if I went back to the

big city and

made some real money

and kept the she

lter open for a while?

Go for how long?

You know what I

saw in you when you

first got here?

A broken man who had

lost all hope.

What do you see now?

A man that not only found hope,


that's given it to others.

Look at me.

Make me a promise that you

won't just make some quick

decision and leave.


Oh, I forgot. I've

got something I'v

e got to show you.

Okay Well, I was going

through paperwork

this morning, and you've

already served 200 hours.

Now that you're here

full time, you'll

knock the rest

out in a week.

And here I thought you stopped

counting Nope.

Won't be long. You'

ll be a free man.

You know I can't thank you

enough for reaching out to me.

I've been trying to get Mario

to make a move

on this deal Yes, my pleasure.

Yeah, it's crazy, right?

How these things work out.

It really is.

But I feel like we have a

great plan now

and things are moving

in the right direction.


So you were going to

have him meet me at the hotel,


So we can finalize

everything. You're at the

the one right next to the


Right. That

way we can get signed off

and get out of here

as quickly as possible.

No offense.

None taken. Now I know w

here to find Mario,

and I'll get him to you

just as soon as

humanly possible.

That's. That's amazing.

You know, thanks again.

I really appreciate it.

I really do. We shoul

d, you know,

we should keep in touch,

you know, before this is

all said and done there

might be a play

we can make for you here.

Who knows?


I appreciate


It's already settled.

It's. It's already done.

It's already done. He and his

Georgie have worked out a de

al to sell the story.

The story of

how Mario King

turned over a new leaf

in small town America.

It was.

It was all a show, okay?

Just to make money off of

exploiting us.

How do you know

George is telling the truth?

Steven Come on.

Mario has done nothing

but mislead you

since he got here. Okay? He.

He purposely withheld

his identity, know

ing the devastating effects

it would have on the shelter.

I mean,

he played you two like puppets.

And now, because of him, we

have to close the shelter down.

Wait a m

inute. These people,

they rely on us.

They have nowhere else to go.

You can't do that.

I know. I'm sorry. And, and they


lied on you.

And you let them down

when you let that

criminal in here.

I'm sorry.

It's too late.

I'm shutting this down

effective immediately.

It's okay, though. It's.

It's over now.

It's over.

We can move on.

And look that's what

you need to do.

Olivia, I know you must

have grown fond of him

during his time here, but

he doesn't care about you.

He doesn't care about anyone but


It's going to be okay. Now,

we can.

We can move past this.

Move forward.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,


You stop right there.

Your little adventure here

is done.

We know everything

about you now.

Yeah, George filled usin

all the details that

you left out.

What are you

talking about?

You had, you had

everything right there in the p

alm of your hand.

You had fame, you had fortune,

you had influence, and you

ruined it all.

And that's not me anymore.

All that in the past is not me.

You think you can just

serve some hours at

a homeless shelter and

erase everything you'

ve done?

All the decisions you've made,

all the people you've hurt.

You really want to put Olivia

through more pain than

you already have?

You got nothing here.

You're done.

So I tell you what, George

is at the hotel

by the airport, waiting for you.

Just leave

before you ruin

someone else"s life.

Hey, I'm

ready to do this.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Throwing in the towel?

I was told to call the police if

you refuse to leave the


So you're going to

leave on your own?

Or do I need to make that call?

I'm sorry.

Don't say that to me.

Do not tell me... you

can save your sorries Okay?

You know what?

I actually believed you.

I believed all of this.

I believe that you

were this man that had made a

change and you were going to put


le first.

I believed you when you told me

you weren't going to leave and

you know what?

I actually believed I

believed that you really cared.

I do care.

You know what? It's too

late for that.

You need to leave.

Jinx Nowhere to go.

Rodney. Teenie

nowhere to sleep.

Felicia her little girl,

they are on the streets.

Clinton, Stacey Paul

I could keep going and going.

All these people that we

have been trying to help for

months are on their own,

and I'm about to lose my mind.

So you need to leave. Now.

Im certainyou have strong

opinions about


But I feel it's vital for our

ministry and of course, the


we serve at the shelter that you

should you should reconsider.

The decision"s made

and the decision"s final.

We just have to move on

at this point.

If you refuse to budge or offer

any sort of concessions.

I"m going to have to resign.

I accept your resignation.

Hey, you"re home.


I guess I am.

When? When you get back?

Oh, like uh thirty seconds ago,

I just...

Oh, wow.

Uh, you just got back.

Hey um, it's

a bit of an odd situation,

but I had to resign from the

church as the associate pastor.

I probably should get going.


That's the guy that. That"s th

e guy that convinced

me to come home. He.

He took me to

the hospital.

He bought me waffles.

He's the one that

told me I should

come home and try to

be more respectful to you.

Uh that's the guy.

I just wanted to let you know

that I'm on my way

so you could have

everything ready.

I'll be right there.

Okay. See you then.

Hello. We are live in our studio

with Evening Roundup.

We have a very special guest

with a special message.

Please introduce yourself.

Jinx, what are you doing?

No Jinx!

Oh, yes, my name is.

Devin. I've

been going by D

evin lately

because I'm ashamed of the name

most people know me by.

And the namethat most peop

le would recognize?

Mario King.

It is my bag.

It is my bag.

Several years ago I

had a few bestsell

ing books and toured the world

giving seminars and speeches.

About. What.

To be honest.

False hope.

Things have changed,

haven't they?

What is the name?

You would like people

to remember you for now.

I don't want people

know my name.

So why are you here today?

I was offered a chance

to get my whole life back

if I sold my story to

the right people.

But I have rejected that offer.

I'm not here

to make money, and I'm

not making money

from this.

I'm here because a homeless

shelter called Safe Harbor

just a few miles away from here,

was forced to close last night

because they don't have the


they need to help people

that are struggling.

People like a w*r veteran

who fought and served

on behalf of our country

but now can't afford a

place to stay.

People like a young mother

and her daughter.

Who fled an abusive relationship

but now have nowhere else to go.



So now what?

I don't know.

I'm stepping out on faith

doing this.

The Shelter needs help.

Shelter needs people

that are watching to give

whatever however

they can as soon as possible.

That's why I'm here.

I'm here to ask.

For your help.

IAppreciate your

time and I hope to se

e you at Safe Harbor

again sometime.

I hope so.

Thank you.

Best of luck.

Take care.

You too.

Wait a minute Devin,

I just got this

and you might want to hear it.

There's been an accident

at Safe Harbor.

It looks like a pedestrian

was hit by a vehicle.

Witnesses have identified

the unresponsive,

injured pedestrian as shelter

employee, Olivia McBride.

She's been taken to

the hospital.


Please don"t take her.

Please don't take her.





Help her!


You left me in that garden,

and I didn't think

I would ever

see you again.

I thought I

lost you. I was

trying to help Jinx.

She's so confused, and I.

I tried to pull her away.

I stumbled. I didn"t ev

en see it coming.

I made you a promise. I want t

o be here. Okay? Okay. I

feel like there"s something

you should know, When life hands

you lemons,

make lemonade.

I kind of think

I love you.

Welcome everyone.

I'm here to share a message.

God does indeed want

to reward you.

But probably not how you expect

this reward.

Well, it comes

with a peace

that surpasses all understanding

and crazy part is, it

won't cost you a penny.

And in fact, you can't buy it

but you can have it

despite your background,

your past, whatever.

You're currently in

the middle of.

You see throughout history,

God has worked through

flawed individuals

like you and I.

Elijah had anxiety issues.

Moses had difficulty

speaking clearly.

Sampson had some

serious relationship


Rehab, was a prost*tute.

Almost all of the

disciples abandoned

Jesus in his darkest hour,

and Paul did everything

humanly possible

to wipe the name of Jesus away.

But despite all of their flaws,

we still hear their names

mentioned today,

not because of their


but because when we

hear their names,

we hear the stories

of God's goodness.

It"s peace,


rehabilitation, my story

is one of God's love,


and relentless grace.

What's yours?


The servant of the Lord.

Yeah. He helps us a

lot. No.

No servant of the Lord. Him.

The the tattoo

on his neck.

It means servant of the

Lord in Hebrew,

You know Hebrew?

I know lots of languages


I didn't know that.

Hey say something in

another language.

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