Wrath of Dracula (2023)

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Wrath of Dracula (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

- Dearest Mina, forgive

the brevity of this note

but I am desperately

short of time.

Since my arrival

here in Transylvania,

nothing has been as I expected.

Every door is locked and bolted.

I therefore must conclude

that I am prisoner

here at Castle Dracula.

The Count himself

offers no solace.

I was led to believe

he lived here alone,

but there are others.

- [Maria] Jonathan.

(wolf howling)

I'm concealing this letter

in a package of documents

concerning the Count's

property purchase,

which is to be mailed to the

firm's offices in London.

I can only pray

that some kind soul

will send it on to you.

Yours always, Jonathan.

(suspenseful theme playing)

- My dearest Lucy,

forgive this letter not

being in my own hand,

but I am attempting to get to

grips with the typing machine

that Jonathan

purchased recently,

so that I might help

him keep his journals.

In future, I plan to keep my

own journal in the same way.

I do not suppose it'll be of

much interest to other people,

but I may show it

to Jonathan someday

if there's anything

worth sharing.

Speaking of Jonathan, I've

received nothing from him

since he departed for

Transylvania, but I

expect he is busy.

It must be so nice to

see strange countries.

London can sometimes

feel so stifling.

Ah, Emily, there you are.

- There's someone

at the door, ma'am.

- At this hour?

- He said it was urgent.

- I apologise for the letter

having been opened, Mrs. Harker.

A young colleague received

your husband's package

and failed to notice

that this particular item

was addressed to you.

- It says here he's

being held prisoner.

- Yes, that is rather

concerning, I must say.

- So what are you

going to do about it?

- Mrs. Harker, the firm

is not legally obliged

to provide assistance in

a situation such as this.

- Legally obliged?

- As you can see,

under the terms

of Mr. Harker's

employment with the firm,

any and all overseas

travel is undertaken

entirely at the individual

employee's own risk.

- How could you make him

sign something like this

and then send him

to Transylvania?

- Well, we are a firm

of lawyers after all.

- If they won't help Jonathan,

I'll just have to do it myself.

- Do what, ma'am?

- Go to Transylvania.

- Where is Transylvania exactly?

- That's a good question.

Here it is.

- What's that?

- It's Jonathan's

travel itinerary.

He had me type it

up before he left,

but I still kept the

original handwritten copy.

- Are you sure

about this, ma'am?

- I have no more discussion

on the matter, Emily.

I intend on traveling

for Transylvania

first thing in the morning.

Let's see.

"Take the morning train

from London to Dover,

followed by small steamship

to the Port of Calais.

Once in France, take the

Orient Express to Romania

via Munich and Vienna,

crossing the border

into Transylvania by carriage.

Once in the countryside,

local drivers will be familiar

with the location

of Castle Dracula,

and can deliver you

directly to the door."

(wolf howling)

(suspenseful theme playing)

(wolf howling)

- Good Lord, where on

earth did you get that?

- It belonged to my

husband's father.

- And his father before

him, I should think.

It's an antique.

- Still works, I assure you.

- You're English?

- Yes.

I traveled here

overnight from London.

- Alone?

- Yes.

- I've been away from

London for three years,

so perhaps things have changed,

but I didn't think it was

customary for English ladies

to greet a gentleman by

pointing a p*stol at him.

- Sorry, I only thought to keep

myself safe from the wolves.

- Transylvania has

the largest population

of wolves in the world,

and you'll need a good

deal more than that p*stol

to keep yourself safe here.

- What do you mean?

- Do you know quite

where you are, madam?

- Of course I do.

The only thing I'm not sure

of is to whom I'm speaking.

- But of course.

My name is Van Helsing.

Professor Van Helsing.

- Mina Harker.


- Mrs. Harker.

You say you traveled here from

London without your husband?

- I'm just as capable of

finding my way here as any man.

And besides, I had

no alternative.

My husband was already here.

- Here?

You mean, here at

Castle Dracula?

- Yes.

- Inside the castle?

- Yes, and I intend to join him

and find out exactly

what's going on.

- There'll be no

answer at this hour.

You could try during

the hours of darkness,

but I would strongly

advise against it.

There's a small inn just a

mile back down the mountain,

where I have managed to

arrange accommodation

for a few nights.

You'd be much safer there.

- I thank you for your

advice, Professor.

But I really do think-

(wolves howling)

I really do think that

securing accommodation

might be the most

sensible option.

- It's this way.

Mrs. Harker, your suitcase.

- Oh.

Yes it is, thank you.

(Val Helsing sighs)


(suspenseful theme playing)

- What time is it?

- Just turned six o'clock.

- No church bells.

We've not seen a single

soul since we came here.

Is this entire

village abandoned?

- On the contrary.

Behind every shuttered

window and locked door

is a family trying to get by.

- Why don't they come out?

- It's almost dusk.

Come along, Mrs. Harker.

The inn is this way.

- Two beer.

I've spoken to the inn-keeper,

and there is a room available

for you upstairs if you wish.

- You seem very

well-informed, Professor.

How long have you

been in Transylvania?

- Just a few days.

- Do you have some sort of

business with Castle Dracula?

- Business?


Unfinished business.

I've been pursuing Count

Dracula these past three years.

He led me a merry dance

right across Europe

and into the Orient,

where I followed,

down the length of

the Yangtze River

to the City of Shanghai,

where I put a stop to

his nefarious activities.

From there, he boarded

a boat to Persia,

where I forced him into a

retreat, overland via Russia,

back to his ancestral home,

that crumbling

castle you saw today.

- And you're quite

sure he's here now?

- Oh, yes.

Just a few days ago, a

young girl from the village

disappeared on their

way home at night.

No doubt, spirited

away to Castle Dracula

for Lord only

knows what purpose.


- Then my suspicions

were correct.

The Count, he's a

villain of some sort.

- A villain.


Most assuredly, he is that.

- What has Jonathan got

himself mixed up in?

- You said he'd managed to

gain entry to the castle.

- My husband is a solicitor.

Apparently, the Count

was in the process

of buying some

property in London.

- London!

So that's his plan.

My dear Mrs. Harker,

he must be stopped.

- What do you mean?

- Per square mile,

London is the most

populous city in the world.

If Count Dracula were

allowed to prosper there,

God knows what havoc

he would create

if his evil were

to be let loose.

- What evil?

Who exactly is

this Count Dracula?

- Let us speak

privately, Mrs. Harker.


The people here are a

superstitious and fearful kind.

Not only that, there may be some

whose allegiance

lies with the Count.

(thunder rumbling)


(eerie music playing)


There is room

similar to this one

directly across the

corridor, Mrs. Harker.

I've taken the liberty of

placing your suitcase there.

Now, please take

a seat, my dear.

I'd like to show you something.

- What's this?

- I fear, Mrs. Harker,

that if I were to

tell you everything

I know of Count Dracula, you

would simply not believe me.

I therefore suggest you

preface our discussion

by looking at chapter

seven of this publication.

- "Pseudomonarchia Daemonum"?

What does that mean?

- Well, it's Latin.

Surely you have a basic

competency in Latin?

- No, I'm afraid not.

- Good Lord.

What do they teach young

ladies in school these days?

- Needle work and the

pianoforte, mainly.

- It means "The False

Monarchy of Demons."

- Demons?

- This book is over

a hundred years old.

It lists 69 known

types of demons,

devils, and creatures

of the occult.

There, chapter seven.

- [Mina] What's that?

- The lamia was a being

known to the ancient Greeks.

Part woman, part beast.

She fed on the

blood of innocents

after satisfying her

earthly desires with them.

- Earthly desires?

- Do I need to speak more

plainly, Mrs. Harker?

- No, please don't.

This has to be the stuff of

myths and legends, surely?

It can't exist today.

- I wish that were true.

- So what does this have

to do with the Count?

- The Count is old, Mrs. Harker.

Older than me.

Older even than this book.

- That's not possible.

- When he was a young man,

Count Dracula encountered

a creature such as this.

Entranced by her

beauty, he fell in love.

And the lamia, once satisfied,

pierced his flesh with her

teeth and drank his blood.

For a normal man, this

would've meant instant death.

But such was the passion

of the young Count

that on the brink of death,

he willingly drank the blood

of the lamia in return.

He did not die.

And in fact, he will never die.

He remains, to this day,

in a perpetual state

known as 'undead'.

He is, Mrs. Harker, a vampire.

- Jonathan.

Who is Mina, Jonathan?

- Mina?

- You were saying her name.

- My wife.

I must get home to her.

- No.

You don't need her, Jonathan.

All you need is us and

our master forever.


- How do you know all this?

- This is my journal of

the last three years.

Everything I've learned from

every encounter with Dracula.

- What's this?

- Oh, nothing.

There was a small

village I passed through

between here and Bucharest.

I asked the villagers

about vampires

and the only thing they wanted

to speak about was this.

Some local legend of

men turning into wolves

during the full moon.

I simply made a drawing of

what was described to me.

- Do you believe in it?

- My experience has taught me

to keep an open mind

about such things.

Three years ago, I

never would've believed

such a being as

Dracula could exist.

But now, there is no doubt.

Where are you going?

- To find my husband.

If this horror is real, then

there isn't a moment to spare.

- You would march up

to Dracula's castle

in the midst of a storm?


My dear Mrs. Harker, you

haven't even a chance

of gaining entry to the place.

And if by some chance you did,

I'm quite certain you would

never make it out alive.

Now is not the time for

incautious, impulsive action.

I told you, I have pursued

Dracula for three years,

and each time I came this

close to him, he eluded me,

leaving a trail of death

and misery in his wake.

- I have so much to learn.

- To learn?

- If I'm to help you.

- My dear Mrs. Harker,

this is not your battle

nor a battle for any

young woman to undertake.

- I have my

father-in-law's p*stol.

- Useless against a

creature such as Dracula.

- Well, then, what

would you have me do?

- Go home, Mrs. Harker.

Go back to your needlework

and your pianoforte.

Leave this business

to a professional man.

(door creaking)

- Maria, Frida, Ilsa.

How dare you touch him?

Any of you?

How dare any of you

cast your eyes on him

when I had forbidden it?

- But master-

- Do not test me further, Maria.

Take him downstairs.

There must be no trace

of him in this room.

- This afternoon, I

encountered a most fascinating

young woman, Mrs. Mina Harker.

Fascinating not least

because her husband,

one Jonathan Harker,

is at this very moment

a guest or prisoner

of the Count.

I found Mrs. Harker to

be somewhat impressive

in her accomplishments,

having made her way alone

to the very foot of Castle

Dracula in a matter of days,

a journey that has taken

me these past three years.

However, I fear her

youthful impetuousness,

however endearing, will

carry her only so far.

She is wholly unprepared

for what awaits her

within the castle walls.

Mrs. Harker.

Oh, I do apologize

for the intrusion.

- Just say whatever it is

you've come to say, Professor.

- Well, you left

your overcoat behind

and I accidentally

stumbled upon this letter

from your husband in

one of the pockets.

- Give me that.

- Yes, of course.

- Is that all?

- I'm afraid I couldn't help

but take in the

contents of the letter.

Your husband speaks of three

others besides the Count.

- Yes.

- Mr. Harker's language

is deliberately oblique.

But I believe these

others to be, well, women.

- Women?

- As we discussed,

Dracula is a creature

of evil, of the night.

But he's also a man, with a

man's weakness for beauty.

For as long as I

have pursued him,

the Count has kept by his

side one or more women,

his brides, who he

compels to serve him.

- Compels them how?

- Oh, do not

underestimate his allure,

his pure animal magnetism.

Let him under your skin

and he can tempt you

with desires you never

knew you possessed.

Once under his control,

he supplies these women with

a little of his own blood

to transfer into them the

same lust for earthly pleasure

that resides within him.

- And what are these women

doing with my husband?

- Mrs. Harker, I mentioned

to you that I have so far

pursued Count Dracula for

three years without success.

- Yes.

- Well, it has occurred to me

that someone such as yourself,

that is to say a young lady

might have a certain advantage

with regard to the possibility

of obtaining a degree of

proximity to the Count.

- Professor.

Are you asking me for my help?

- Yes, Mrs. Harker.

I am.

- And in return for my help,

you will help me

find my husband?

- But of course.

You understand you may be

placed in very great danger.

You are stepping

into a battleground

for which you are

terribly ill-prepared.

- Then you must prepare me.

- Prepare you?

Yes, yes.

There's so much

you need to learn

about the ways of the vampire.

And you must be

prepared physically,

in case there should be a need

to act in a moment of danger.

- To act?

- To k*ll a vampire,

Mrs. Harker.

To drive a wooden stake

through the ribcage

and into the beating heart

of a blood-sucking

creature of the night,

to sever its head at the neck

and to burn its body to ash.

And for all this, and

more, you must be prepared.

Can you accept

such a proposition?

- Yes.

- Then rest well, Mrs. Harker,

for tomorrow morning,

we begin your training.

- I look forward to it.

But before I sleep, I must

make a start of my journal.

- You keep a journal?

- I've just begun to,

although I didn't

imagine I'd have events

such as these to record in it.


- You brought that thing with

you all the way from London?

No wonder your

suitcase was so heavy.

I could barely lift it.

- Well, I didn't expect there

to be so much walking involved.

- Good night, Mrs. Harker.

Sleep well.

- At the foot of Castle Dracula,

I encountered a quite

extraordinary gentleman

with whom I've formed

a tentative alliance.

Professor Van Helsing,

for that is his name,

revealed a great deal of

information about the Count,

which seems almost

impossible to believe,

yet there's something about him.

The very poise of his

head strikes one at once

is indicative of

thought and power.

The professor is either

a genius or a mad man,

and I'm left to ponder which.

What are we doing out

here at the crack of dawn?

- I wanted to know the

exact time the sun rises.

- Shouldn't I be inside

studying one of your books?

- I told you, Mrs. Harker.

You must prepare your

body as well as your mind.

But I do have a book

for you to study.

- Is this supposed to

be some kind of writing?

- The text is

Chinese, Mrs. Harker.

- I can't read this.

- There are illustrations.

I saw with my own eyes,

the practitioners of

these special exercises

perform feats of almost

superhuman ability,

crushing bricks,

splitting wooden planks

with their bare hands.

Not that I expect you

to accomplish such feats

in the short time

we have available,

but these ancient

techniques of the Orient

will prepare you for

the physical onslaughts

that may face us

in Castle Dracula.

Now, I must leave this with you

and continue with

my own studies.

- If this is some sort

of test, Professor.

I assure you, I mean to pass it.

I'm not dressed for this.

- What on earth are you wearing?

- Courtesy of the in-keeper.

You know, I now

realize why gentlemen

outperform ladies

in so many fields.

Our dresses are holding us back.

So a vampire can only be k*lled

by piercing its heart

or severing its head?

- Yes.

And they may also be harmed

by direct exposure to sunlight

and weapons of solid silver.

To go up against one with

anything else is futile.

These are the essential

tools of the vampire hunter.

A wooden stake with

which to pierce the heart

and a hammer to

drive it into place.

- It's heavy.

- As it must be, to drive the

stake through the sternum.

This is why we must build

the strength in your arms.

- And these?

- The crucifix is also

an essential tool.

Vampires, although

impervious to most suffering,

do have some limitations

on their power.

A vampire may not cross

the threshold of a building

unless invited to do

so by someone inside.

The crucifix, as a symbol of

the power of good over evil,

offers some protection to

the one who carries it.

When you hold the

crucifix aloft,

a vampire cannot approach you.

- And the mirror?

- Useful for detecting

the presence of a vampire

before they attack, for a

vampire casts no reflection.

- Just checking.

- Please, Mrs. Harker.

I do not show you these

items for your amusement,

but possibly to save your life.

Now, please show me again

how you hold the hammer.

You still find it heavy?

I thought as much.

To which end, I have

constructed a little something

in your room to assist you

in strengthening

your arms and wrists.

But, I must warn you,

you may find the effort

painful at first.

- Professor, I'm as

determined to rescue Jonathan,

as you are to destroy the Count.

And I'm not going to let little

discomfort stand in my way.

I will be the last to fall

I won't shed a tear

for them to see

I won't have

your name to call

'Cause I will be

the last to fall

- Young Mrs. Harker

continues to progress.

With each passing day,

my confidence grows

that my decision to

allow her to assist me

in my mission was a good one.

My only concern is her fixation

on retrieving her husband

from Castle Dracula.

Whilst totally understandable,

I fear her hope of

finding him unharmed

is quite unrealistic.

Though I keep my

thoughts to myself.

In truth, I do not hold out

any hope of finding

the young man alive.

- The professor's

strange training methods

are most invigorating.

I feel quite certain the

day is fast approaching

when the professor will declare

my training to be complete.

I will be the last to fall

I won't shed a tear

for them to see

And I won't have

your name to call

'Cause I will be

the last to fall

- Have you packed

everything I suggested?

- Yes.

- There's just one more thing.

- [Mina] I thought you

said it was useless.

- Perhaps not entirely so.

- What are these?

- Silver b*ll*ts.

As many as I could fashion

from the silver tip of my cane.

There's a fourth b*llet already

in the barrel of the p*stol.

If your husband's

letter is correct,

this gives us one

b*llet for each vampire,

the three brides,

and Dracula himself.

Now, place all these

in your suitcase.

Conceal them well.

We must be careful to

avoid arousing suspicion.

- And do you have a plan to

get us inside the castle?

- I do.

It'll involve a ruse.

And once inside the castle,

the ruse must be

continued until sunrise.

Then we will seek out the

Count's resting place.

But until then, whatever

happens, whatever you encounter,

you must play along.

It may be that along

with your husband's life,

the lives of many thousands of

innocent people are at stake.

I'm sorry, is there a problem?

- You are going

to Castle Dracula?

- Yes, but we do plan

to return, I assure you.

Would you like me to

pay for the rooms first?

- There is no charge for rooms

if you do one thing for me.

This is my daughter, Maria.

Four years ago, I

received note from Count

to make delivery of

glass bottles to castle

with much gold in recompense.

I was greedy.

I sent Maria to make

delivery of glass bottles.

I never see her again.

- You never searched for her?

- I tried.

I tried to gather a group

of men from village.

But men here, very weak.

They live in fear of the castle.

- With good reason.

- If you find my Maria,

please bring her back to me.

- We'll do what we can.

- Thank you.

- Remember everything I've said.

Whatever happens,

you must play along.

Ah, good evening, my dear.

My name is Professor Freudstein,

my carriage lost a wheel

somewhere down the road.

And well, it's rather late.

And I was wondering whether

perhaps you might be able

to offer some accommodation

for the night.

- Our master does

not allow guests.

- We'd really be most grateful.

- Yes, this is my niece.

- Mina.

- Yes, it's just the two of us.

We were on a research trip

to study rare wildlife

in the Carpathian

Mountains, and well,

we seem to have taken

a wrong turn somewhere.

- It's really very late.

We're sorry to disturb you,

but we have nowhere else to go.

What's happening?

- I believe she's

checking with her master.

- Beautiful room.

And my uncle?

- We have many rooms.

My sister Ilsa

will attend to him.

- But he'll be nearby?

- Please, you must rest.

My sister Frida will be along

with hot water for your bath.

- Sorry?

- Surely, you don't

take us for savages

here in Transylvania?

We bathe before bed, just

like you do in England.

- Yes, of course.

- Then you agree.

Frida and I will bathe you.

- Oh.

- I hope this will

be satisfactory for

your stay, Professor?

- Freudstein.

Yes, yes, quite satisfactory.

Thank you.

- Is there anything else

I can do to make

you more satisfied?

- No, no.

- The beds here are quite warm.

- Yes, and are perfectly

sized for just one person.

- You are correct, Professor.

If two people were

to share this bed,

one would have to climb

on top of the other, no?

- Well, quite.

Now, if you'll

excuse me, my dear.

I'm afraid I really must rest.

- Rest well, Professor.

- 11 o'clock.

Six hours to sunrise.

- You brush my hair

so delicately, Frida.

If only there was a

mirror to see myself.

- Our master doesn't

allow mirrors.

- Oh?

Why is that?

- You and your father

must be very passionate

about wildlife to travel so far.

- You mean, my uncle?

- Yes, of course.

Which particular animal from

this region do you admire most?

- I was hoping to

see the gray wolf.

I understand that this

area has the largest

population of

wolves in the world.

- We have many wolves.

You can often hear the

beautiful music they make.

(wolves howling)

You don't have

wolves in England?

- No, not anymore.

Edward the First had

them all put to death.

- Put to death?

But they are such

beautiful creatures.

- Yes.

But a creature can be

both beautiful and deadly.

Wouldn't you say so, Maria?

- You know my name?

You have a nightgown

in your case?

- Oh, no.

- You mean you

sleep without one?

- No.

I mean, yes, I do

have a nightdress.

I'll find it.

- What is that?

- My crucifix.

I always take this

to bed with me.

You don't object, surely?

- No.

But I think Frida and I

should leave you to sleep.

- At last, I find myself resting

within the very walls

of Castle Dracula.

My ruse involving young Mrs.

Harker appears to have worked,

though I have yet to set

eyes on the Count himself.

Thrilled as I am to

have made such progress,

I fear the time is soon

approaching when Mrs. Harker

must inevitably learn the truth

of her husband's condition.

No man could survive

unscathed more than a week

in the company of

women such as these.


- The man is dangerous.

He is the one I've spoken of.

- What will you have me do?

- You and your sisters may

deal with him as you wish.

Have your pleasure

with him if you must,

but leave no blood left in him.

- And the girl?

- I want her.

She must be made one of us,

by invitation if she wishes.

By force if she does not.

- Just a few minutes rest

before the onslaught.

(door creaking)

- Are you resting

well, Professor?

- Yes, yes.

Quite well, thank you.

- Mina, it's time

for you to join us.

- And you're sure that there

is nothing more I can do?

- No, no.

Thank you, my dear.

- You are quite sure?

- Join us.

Let us share our blood together.

- Well, perhaps you

could close the door?

It is rather droughty.

I knew it, you're a

creature of the night.

Get back.

- My master knows who you are.

- I said get back.

- You'll never defeat him.

We'll drink the blood

from your lifeless corpse,

and he will reign forever

as Prince of Darkness!

(Van Helsing screaming)

(g*nsh*t firing)

- Mrs. Harker.

Are you all right?

Oh, I'm so sorry

for the intrusion.

- For goodness sake, Professor.

Anyone would think you'd

never seen a woman before.

Surely, you have a wife.

- I-

Yes, I did before.

What's that?

- This is Jonathan's

travel itinerary

from London to Transylvania,

the one I typed for him.

He was here in this very room.

- Ah, yes, your husband.

- Well, we have to find him.

- Yes.

Yes, of course.


- Is it him?

The Count?

- We shall soon see.

- What are all the bottles for?

- I can guess.

Be ready with the p*stol.

Even at his weakest,

the Count is far more

powerful than his brides.

- (gasps) Jonathan.

- Wait.

There's a pulse.

Very weak, but it's there.

- You mean?

- He's alive.

- Ah.

- Mina.

- Drained him of almost

every drop of blood.

It's all here in these bottles.

The Count is preparing

sustenance for his

journey to London.

Must be stopped.

- Wait, what about Jonathan?

- We've found your husband,

Mrs. Harker, as promised.

I'm grateful for

your help thus far.

And from here on, you

may do as you wish,

but my priority is to find

and destroy the Count.

- You didn't have a plan

to get Jonathan to safety?

The truth is, I never expected

to find your husband alive,

or even to find any

trace of him at all.

Such is the unquenchable thirst

of Dracula and his brides.

And therefore, I never

formulated a plan to rescue him.

- And yet you had me

accompany you here,

after all that training,

just so you could

go after the Count?

- Mrs. Harker, do you understand

what is at stake here?

Dracula must not be permitted

to cast his malign shadow

over the greatest city

in the Christian world.

The possible consequences

are unthinkable.

- But I can't get Jonathan

out of here by myself.

- Mrs. Harker-

- You asked me

for my help, Professor.

And now I'm asking you.

I'm begging you for your help.

- Very well.

We'll take him back to the inn.

He'll be safe there.

My pursuit of the

Count can wait.

- What's that?

- Just a small injection of

Batleys Sedative Solution.

It has an opium

base to take away

any pain and help him to rest.

- You know a lot

about these things?

- Yes, well, I'm a medical

doctor by profession.

- So much I don't know

about you, Professor.

- There, he'll be calm now.

- Jonathan.

- It's best not to

disturb him now.

Let him rest.

- Thank you, Professor.

I know you didn't come all

the way to Transylvania

to rescue my husband.

- I should thank

you, Mrs. Harker.

And apologize.

I risked your life using

you as bait for the Count.

In any case, saving your husband

was the right thing to do.

If it'd been my wife

rather than your husband,

I'm sure I would've been just

as insistent as you were.

- You said you did have a wife.

- Yes.

- May I ask, did she pass away?

- No.

No, my dear, no.

She's not dead, but she...

She's no longer the

woman I married.

- Tuica. He make it himself.

- Thank you.

- Ah.

You might find this a

little strong, Mrs. Harker.

- We'll see.

(Mina coughs)

- Oh, why'd you

do it, Professor?

- I admit it is

an acquired taste.

- I don't mean the drink.

I mean, the Count.

Why do you pursue him?

- Well, isn't it self-evident?

He is evil, purist evil.

He must be destroyed.

Doing so is the single

mission of my life.

There's no question

of going back

to a normal

day-to-day existence.

Not now that I'm aware such

unholy wickedness

exists in the world.

- Of course, but why

take it upon yourself?

- Because nobody I spoke

to about it believed me.

Not until I met

you, Mrs. Harker.

- Don't you think

it's about time

you started calling me Mina?

- Well, if you insist.

- So you were telling

me about your wife?

- I was on a research trip.

We both were, in Bucharest.

I'd heard rumors of

a strange sickness

with no known treatment or cure.

Victims became

pale and listless,

suffered immense blood

loss for no visible reason,

and simply grew

weaker and weaker

until the heart could no

longer continue beating.

Little did I know,

it was all the work of Count

Dracula and his minions.

When we finally began

to uncover the truth,

we were witness to such horrors.

As a man of medicine

and science,

it was almost impossible for me

to come to terms

with what I'd seen.

For my wife, who was

of a particularly

sensitive disposition...

My wife's condition is not

an illness of the body,

but of the mind.

After experiencing

such shocking events,

her mind simply

ceased to function.

Perhaps now you understand

why I was so reluctant

at first to involve

you in all this.

- But I was involved, Professor,

from the moment I received

that letter from Jonathan.

Is there any hope that

she might recover?

- It is a very new

area of science.

Even I know almost nothing

of the inner workings

of the brain.

Fortunately, I

was able to ensure

she'd be well cared

for in my absence.

As for a recovery,

well, there's always hope.

I must check on your husband.

- Please.

You have been to Castle Dracula?

- Yes.

- Did you see anything

Of my daughter, Maria?

- Yes, I did.

- She's alive?

- I spoke with her.

She's very beautiful.

- Then there is hope.

- There's always hope.

- Mina.

I'm pleased to say your

husband's condition

is greatly improved.

- Jonathan, how are you feeling?

- Better for seeing you.

- Well, I'm sure the two of

you have a lot to catch up on.

I should get back to my studies.

Perhaps I could make

temporary use of your room.

- Yes, of course.

- I can't believe

you came all the way

to Transylvania to find me.

It was all like

some terrible dream

I couldn't wake up

from, until I saw you.

- It's over now.

- I couldn't stop them, Mina.

I know it sounds absurd,

but it was like they had

some strange power over me.

It was overwhelming.

- I felt it too in that castle.

I had dreams of those

women, and of the Count.

Let's just not talk

anymore about it.

The professor and I have dealt

with two of the creatures.

- But the Count, he never meant

for me to leave that place.

- You're safe here.

Professor Van Helsing knows

all about Count Dracula.

Get some rest.

- A quite extraordinary


The professor is either

a genius or a madman.

Your husband?

- Asleep.

- I suggest you try to

get some sleep yourself.

- I'm not sure I dare.

I told Jonathan we

are safe here, but,

I mean, the Count isn't confined

to the castle walls, is he?

What if he comes after us?

- Remember what I told you.

A vampire may not

cross the threshold

of a property unless invited in.

Since we have

previously ascertained

the innkeeper is no

friend of the Count.

I can assure you, we're quite

safe here in the inn, Mina.

- How could you fail

to k*ll the old man?

- But it was Ilsa.

- She and Frida,

both lost to us.

- I'm sorry, master.

- It is now all

the more imperative

that we turn her to our side.

- I think I know who she is.

- What do you know?

Tell me.

- She is the wife

of the young man.

- Harker?

How do you know this?

- Her name is Mina,

the same name he calls

out in his sleep.

- Such delicious irony.

You had the man.

Now I will have the girl.

If only we knew

where to find her.

- They are staying at

the inn in the village.

- How do you know this?

- She knew my name without

ever hearing it from my lips.

She must have spoken with

my father at the inn.

- This is why you will always

be favorite bride, Maria.


(door knocking)

- [Maria] Father.

- Maria.

- [Maria] I'm so cold.

Please, can I come inside?

(dramatic theme playing)

(suspenseful music)

- Hello?

I was wondering if you could

spare another glass of the-

- [Dracula] Mina.

Open the window, Mina.

Let me inside.

- My master and I know

who you are, old man.

- If you know who I am, you

must surely fear me, Maria.

- We fear nothing.

- That's not true, is it, Maria?

You fear daylight.

You fear the holy

crucifix, and most of all,

you fear your master.

- I love my master.

He gave me life.

- He gave you nothing

but death, Maria.

Nothing but an endless lingering

death where you can exist

only by leeching off

the blood of innocents,

even that of your own father.

- Dracula is my father,

my husband, and my lover.

- I can free you, Maria.

I can free your soul to enter

heaven, if you'll permit me.

- You cannot.

My soul belongs to Dracula.

- Mina!

He's taken her.

- Welcome.

You are confused.

Don't be.

Your own desire

brought you here.

- I have no desire to be here.

- Then why did you

open the window?

I had no power to force you.

- You tricked me.

The Professor warned me.

He said that you can

make people see things.

- I only showed you what

is already in your heart.

- Your touch is cold.

- Yet you still yearn for it.

- I despise you.

- Love and hate, Mina, are but

two sides of the same coin.

- I love my husband.

- Your husband? (laughs)

Young Mr. Harker?

How could you have

such allegiance

for one who has betrayed you?

- What?

- Here, in this castle,

night after night.

- You're lying.

- Am I?

- Stop it.

You're tricking me again.

- Are you sure?

- It's not true.

- Mina!

- What's that?

- You know what it is.

I want you to drink it.


Share my blood.

Share my power.

Be my bride.


Taste the blood of Dracula!

- It's over, Dracula.

The sun is risen.


- What are you going to do now?


- Finish him!

(dramatic theme playing)

- You did it, Mina.

You finally succeeded where

I've failed all these years.

- I didn't realize

it was morning.

I've got to get

back to Jonathan.

- Wait.

There's something I

have to tell you, Mina.

About your husband.

(bells ringing)

(dramatic theme playing)

- Dearest Lucy, I write this

journal now for your eyes.

I had intended to share

it with Jonathan, but...

But now, that is not to be.

Without him, I feel

utterly cast adrift.

The thought of

returning to London,

being greeted by all

those pitying expressions

fills me with dread.

I feel almost inclined

never to return at all.

The church bells are ringing.

- News has spread quickly

that Dracula is no more.

Life is finally

returning to the village.

- Then it was all worth it.

- I (clears throat),

I've made arrangements

for the transport

of your husband back to London.

I presume you'll be

accompanying him.

- I'm not sure.

I'm not sure about

anything anymore.

It's as you said, once

your eyes have been opened

to the darkness in this world,

it's difficult to go

back to life as it was.

What about you?

- Me?

- Yes, didn't you

say stopping Dracula

was your single mission in life?

- I did.

- So what will you do now?

- There was a village

I passed through.

- Araci?

- Yes, yes, that's the one.

- You mentioned it before,

where they said the men

turn into wolves

during the full moon.

- Yes.

Yes, the people there live

in fear for their lives.

Though my research indicates

that the silver b*ll*ts

I created might be effective

against such creatures.

- You said it was a

short distance from here?

On the way to Bucharest?

- That's correct.

- Then perhaps we should...

- Investigate?


Perhaps we should.

(dramatic theme playing)

(upbeat music)

- Action.


It didn't even break.

- [Emily] What's that?

- This is Johnathan's, sorry.


Stop saying it, stop saying it.

(dramatic theme playing)

I will be the last to fall

I won't shed a tear

for them to see

And I won't have

your name to call

'Cause I will be

the last to fall

(dramatic theme playing)

I will be the last to fall

I won't shed a tear

for them to see

And I won't have

your name to call

'Cause I will be

the last to fall

(dramatic theme playing)
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