11x04 - Sweet C

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Aqua Teen Hunger Force". Aired: December 30, 2000 – present.*
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Follows the surreal adventures and antics of three anthropomorphic fast food items: Master Shake, Frylock, and Meatwad, who live together as roommates and frequently interact with their human next-door neighbor.
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11x04 - Sweet C

Post by bunniefuu »

* Y'all ready for this?

* My name is

* I'm Meatwad, I'm a beef blob

I'm street, I got the beat

you mess with me, you get concrete feet *

busted the mooninites for slinging moon rocks *


I like spraying booties with my ice-cream straw *

do fries go with that?

* Here come the drum break

* aw, doughnuts

doughnuts, doughnuts

* oh, yeah

Oh, no, you didn't!

So, you shrink me down,

and then when I watch tv,

it's like a big screen

at, like, the meadowlands or something, right?


That's right, man. Let's do it.

Uh, wait, hold on now -- oops.
Sorry. You say something?

I mean, uh, you know,

I wanted to think about it for a second.

I mean -- oh, sh**t.

You know what, I-I kind of already did it.

But I got an idea here.

You make me normal size again,

and then you make my tv huge.

Come on, Carl. That's not realistic.

I mean, where would you put it?

What do you mean, huh?

You put it in the backyard, right next to the pool --

let's do that. This -- this don't work for me.

This remote's hard to do now.

No, man, this works good.

See, you got to jump up and down on the buttons a couple of times.

You'll get it.

Say, you know what?

While I got you this small,

could you do me a quick favor?

See, man, all my bees are dying,

which means I can't get any honey.

Why don't you buy what you need at the store,

like Americans do?

Yeah, but this is my hobby, man.

You know, like, drinking beer is for you,

or jerking off. I don't get any fun out of that.

Sometimes I don't even know I'm doing it.

I look down, and it's in my hand.

It's like an addiction, you know?

But it's nice to accomplish something with your day.

Well, regardless, this is fun for me.

And I need somebody to go in there

and find out what happened. Well, good luck with that.

Now, take me inside right now and switch it to sports.

Let me set you down next to this snake

so you can think about it. Ohh, no, no, okay, okay!

Stop, stop! I'll do it!

That's wonderful, Carl.

Yeah, I'm jazzed. I need to spray you with pheromones

so they'll think you're a bee.

If they think you're an intruder,

they'll fill you with venom and dismember you.

Venom and what? Dismember me?

No, you take me inside, and you make me bigger,

or I will -- or you'll do what?


Take a tiny dump on your tongue.

I'll -- I'll do something.

Hello? Bees?

Are you there, bees? Are you there?

Worker! Yeah, ooh!

Oh, I can't get comfortable here.

Oh, put some more of that wax under my ass!

Oh! Ow, my hips!

Ow, bring me some royal jelly and water, please!

Aah! Aah! I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry I yelled at you.

I am just so ready for these baby bees

to get out of me.

You understand, right?

What a bitch.

Yes. Yes. Thank you.

She is difficult. Very demanding, too.

Oh, you worker bees,

get your asses in here and roll me over!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Get back here. You ain't got to take this shit.

You stand up for yourself. You grow a pair --

a pair of, uh, little bee balls.

Well, she is the queen. Yeah, she is the queen.

There's only one queen I listen to,

and they are the champions, my friend.

Not her.

Without her, we would be nothing.

Well, we are nothing in her eyes.

No. You're special. You are your own person.

Now, you listen to me,

and I'm gonna tell you where to tell her where to go.

You gonna give the business.

The bees-ness.

Yeah, I, um --

got to run out for a pack of cigarettes. Okay.

I will be right back to attend to your needs, honey.

Uh, I, too, must go out for cigs.

Go in pairs. That's good. Me, too.

I-I also have to go out for cigs.

Uh, me, as well. Cigarettes.

Very addictive. Me, too.

What a coincidence.

I also wanted to go out for cigarettes.

We must all go out for smokes at the exact same time.

Safety in numbers.

Somebody needs a bath.

Aah! You dirty, dirty bees.

Oh, Jesus Christ!

Bee #1: You are one outta-sight bee, Carl.

Oh, you better believe I am.

A bee owns a house?

This bee is a homeowner.

Dude, your tv is enormous.

Watch the free sports.

Updates every half hour on the hour.

Your beer tastes good.

Everyone fly inside the can.

There's enough light beer for everyone.

Hell, yeah! You are our new queen.

Queen? No, thank you.

I am the king -- king Carl.

And you will call me sweet c from now on.

Is that understood?

Let me hear you together.

Sweet c!

Bee #3: That's a great name.

We're done flitting around flowers

and spitting out lip balm for hippies

out of our butts.

I don't know how you do it.

- Yes!
-Sweet c is the coolest.

Yeah, sweet c is the best.

This dude rocks.

Carl is my knees!

Get it? Bees knees? 'Cause I'm a bee.

I pointed to my knees when I -- when I said that.

Look at me, guys.

k*ll this dork.

The -- the dork is our friend.

But he's bumbling me out.

So I want him dead.

Prove your allegiance to me.

I'm sorry, Jerry. I have to k*ll you.

Your joke was really bad. It's not personal, Jerry.

I'm sorry I offended you, sweet c.

I will pay with my life.


'Cause nobody parties for free.

I got rules in this house. And I got some ideas.

This field is rich and plentiful.

And yet no flowers. No pollen.

What is the deal? I don't get it either.

Hey, hey, it's artificial turf.

Eyes up here.

You see that number 14 over there?

If we put him in the hospital, I can cover the spread.

We only have one stinger.

When we use it, we die.

You drop number 14,

they don't have an experienced backup.

They're done.

But we die.

But then, you know, I win 100 bucks.

It all evens out, right?

All right, fair is fair. Shut up. Go do it.

I'm the king, remember? You got to keep me happy here.

Get him in the face!

I'm tired of seeing his ads for faster Internet.

We got a real winner here.

Had a little too much to drink there?

Wake up. You remember me?

5th grade?

That's right. You bullied me.

All I wanted to do was be like you

by copying off your paper.

You remember what you said?

You said, "Carl is cheating!"

Like the bully you are.

Let me tell you, I don't like bullies.

And neither do all of my friends.

I don't remember you.

Yeah, you don't look familiar, neither.

This ain't the guy.

Get him, anyways.

Give him the full-body bumble-bath!

Carl, how's it going in there, man?

Real -- real good, yeah.

I'm still, uh --

I'm still trying to un-tangle it.

A lot of politics... Going on in the hive.

Still trying to figure it -- I'm close.

I'm close to an answer.

I mean, I notice the hive is on the ground

and it's soaking wet.

I mean...Any ideas how it got that way?

I guess gravity just must have just pulled it down.

Gah. Right, guys?

Damn gravity.

Hey, you mind going in and, uh, popping the top

on some more beers for us? What do you mean, "us"?

Look, I'm still gaining their confidence here.

You can bond over a case of tallboys.

Hey, did everyone see that floating red dude

that I just ordered to open beers for us?

'Cause he's my sl*ve.

Well, now we're gonna drive him out.

Great thought. I love your spirit.

But we have no honey, no royal jelly.

I am so hungry right now. No bee bread.

We cannot live on cheap beer alone.

I am very dehydrated.

And you

Are starting to smell funny.

I smell fine.

I just got a little "b"..."O."

And if you don't like it, you can f.O.

Gather around, for your king has a plan.

Bring us the shrink g*n. Bring us the shrink g*n.

Bring the shrink g*n to Carl's.

Wake up tomorrow. Bring us the shrink g*n.

Bring you the shrink g*n.

Yep. There you go. Bring us the shrink g*n.

Where the hell you think you're
going with my shrink g*n?

I'm gonna give it to the bees over at Carl's house.

No, no, no. Don't tell him that. Wait, hang on.

Don't tell him anything. Make up something.

I'm not to tell you nothing

'cause I'm making up something.

Tell him you need to use it on his weenis,

but since his weenis is so small already,

that we won't use it on his weenis.

I'm supposed to use this on your weenis,

but since your weenis is so small already,

they're not gonna use it on your weenis.

He said your weenis is small!

I knew it! I knew it!


So what you're saying is

you don't need my shrink g*n after all

because my weenis is so small, right?

Yep. Here you go.

He said your weenis is small,

'cause why would you have a big one?

That's right, 'cause your weenis

is inadequate to please a woman.

We win. Bees take all.

Damn, son! What's that for?

Oh, sorry, Meatwad. You had a bee in your ear.

Oh, you know what kills them real quick?

I mean, it's -- it's like a razor blade

just cutting through the wax.

Well, you're grounded. Come on. Damn it!

I think we got us a big problem next door.

Hey, Carl?

Carl? Carl?

Come, enter the hive.

Carl, someone told me I was supposed to be over here

with Frylock's shrink g*n.

Yes, a little bee told you.

Carl, you're different somehow.

Have you grown a beard?

Fatherhood has really changed me, you know?

I do things with my bees that I never did with my dad.

Like inject all those who oppose us

with a deadly venomous neurotoxin.

I mean, dad and I talked about it,

but there just wasn't enough time, you know?

Cats in the cradle.

Unhand the shrink g*n.

Bless me, children.

Bees, unite on my brain.

Give me a mighty bumble-mullet!

Because I cannot afford plugs,
even on their financing plan.

Stop right there.

Buzz off, fryman, and leave us beeeeeee.

Ugh. Damn, man. You reek.

I don't want to shower the bee juice off.

It's what gives me the power to control them.

I think.

Wait. You're not a bee?

He has no wings.

He is bald, yet his back hair is plentiful.

He has genital warts.

We do not have genitals on which to have warts on.

I don't got genital warts.

Ah. Oh, I got a flare up.

Attack him, bees!

Attack the king!

Aah! Come on, man!

Aah! Aaah! Ah!

Just wait.

Okay, follow me.

Oh, also attack this one.

Wait, what'd I do?!

Oh, that hurts!



And when you're done with that,

give me some g*dd*mn honey!

* Dancing is forbidden

* forbidden

* Dancing is for-for-forbidden

* dancing is forbidden

* forbidden

Made in Georgia.

Made in America.

On these shores.
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