A Job to Die For (2022)

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A Job to Die For (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

They offered me

an internship.

They said I don't have

enough experience

for a paid position.

How am I supposed to get

any experience

if no one will hire

me to get some.

I'm sorry, baby.

I know this is frustrating,

and I know how much you

were hoping for this one,

but maybe you should

consider the internship,

just to get your foot

in the door.

You don't have a lot of expenses

right now, living at home.

Except for the $50,000

I owe in student debt.

So you stay for a while until

you get your feet under you.

Thank you, mom.

I appreciate that.

This is just the last

place I thought it would be

at this point in my life.

Mid twenties and forced to

move back home.

Just want to work in something

that starts my actual career.

I feel like I'm going nowhere,


Something else will come along.

Something great.

I'm gonna go decompress.

Hey, kiddo.

How you doing?

You want to grab some sushi?

It always cheers you up.


Yes, this is she.

Yeah, of course I've

heard of them.

Um, tomorrow.

Yes, absolutely.

I'll be there.

Thank you.

That was the placement agency.

I have an interview first

thing tomorrow at Fabulique.


Even even I know that name.

I don't believe it.

They're one of my

favorite designers.

They said it was an

executive assistant position,

but that the applicant

would need design knowledge.

Sounds like you're

perfect for it.

I wonder if it's

working for her.

Claudia Moreau?

She's a legend.

She's an icon in the industry.

I don't know what to wear.

I told you something

great would come along.

I feel lovely

Makin' this year, makin'

this year

Hi, I'm Sadie Raskin.

I have an interview at 10:30.


Miss Moreau will see you now.

Please tell me you're not

going to cry like the last one.

You make one

constructive criticism

and whoop, there go

the water works.

Um, Miss Morrow, I'm

Sadie Raskin.

Um, here, let me do this.

I used to be a barista to

pay for school.

One sprinkle of sweetener.

Normally the previous

assistant would train you,

but whatever her name is

just stopped showing up.

No call, no angry, "I hate

you and I quit," email,

for which I've had my share.

Which is highly unprofessional

and all too common for

your generation.

Maybe something happened to her?

I could be so lucky.


I have a jam packed day,

and the last thing I wanted

was to be interviewing

another assistant,

and yet, here we are.

My alma mater, The

Fashion Institute.

Yes, I graduated top

of my class,

and I actually won the

spring fashion show

two years in a row.

You were actually a huge

part of why I went there.

That school should cut

me in on their tuition,

considering all the wannabes

that I've inspired to go there.

Your duties here would be

to entirely facilitate my

work and life.

Fielding calls, running errands,

scheduling my appointments,

getting my coffee.

A skill you've just proven

you're somewhat capable of.

It's 24/7.

Anything and everything I need.

Yes, that all sounds great.

I'm definitely capable.

I'll be honest with you, Stacy.


I demand perfection

and devotion.

This job is high stress

and high reward.

You'll be interacting

with the highest level

of fashion designers and

trendsetters in the world.

This job is highly coveted.

A job some would k*ll for.

Metaphorically speaking.

So, convince me.

How do I know you won't be

spending your lunch hour

crying in the bathroom

like the last one,

or the one before that,

or the one before that?

I understand the


that come with working

for an icon like yourself.

And it would be an honor

just to have the opportunity to-

Wait, stop, stop, stop, stop.

Try that again.

With a little less sucking up.

I would hate to

disappoint the woman

who knew she wanted more

and did something about it.

You're one of the biggest

fashion models in the world.

You could have done

anything you wanted.

You could have walked off

the runway and disappeared,

or started yet another

modeling agency.

Instead, you took

everything you created

and built an empire,

your empire, your way.

And if you'll permit me

just little sucking up,

everything you've accomplished

has been a huge

inspiration on me.

So there is fire in

there after all.

My daughter was the same.

Okay, you got your shot.


Thank you.

Thank you so much.

You won't regret it, I promise.

That remains to be seen.

Have the fashion blind desk

monkey in front take you to HR.

There's an NDA to sign.

Standard stuff.

I'm sure you understand.

Yes, definitely.

Thank you so much, Miss Moreau.

Oh no, it's Claudia.

You work for me, it's Claudia.

Last thing I need is for you

to make me feel even older.

I hate that almost as much as

my ex-husband, or my second.

Okay, Claudia it is.

Thank you so much.

Never linger darling,

it's unbecoming.

I am so proud of you.

I have nothing to wear.

What about this?

This is your go-to for

special events.

It has to be high fashion, mom.

We should celebrate.

Go to dinner.

I'm sorry, I just, I don't

want to jinx it, okay?

Let me get past my first week.

Claudia is tough.

What's this?

Um, an NDA.

I have to sign it

before I start.

This seems pretty extensive.

She said it was standard.

Just a non-compete

agreement, privacy clauses.

She just wants to make sure

I don't leak her designs

to other companies.

Well, we should probably

have a lawyer look at it.

Mom, a lawyer, seriously?

You know how

competitive fashion is.

I do, but this is more

about her than her designs.

It prevents you from talking

to the press, posting online.

I'm not even sure that

this part is legal.

Did you ever read it?

Mom, she's a public figure.

I'm gonna have access to

her entire life.

She just wants to make sure

I don't spill any secrets

about her to the press.

It just seems a little invasive.

Okay, do you want me

to not sign it

and miss out on all this?

Of course not.

I just think that-

Okay then, here.


Mom, can you please just

be happy for me?

This is huge.

I am.


Thank you.

Hi, Claudia Moreau's office.

No, she's on a call right now,

but I can have

her return your call.


Great, okay.

Hi, Claudia Moreau's office.

Um, yes.

I have that number

for you right here,

if you could just give

me one minute.


Hi, Claudia Moreau's office.

Uh, yes, she knows about that.

Um, you're on her schedule.


Uh, thanks.

Okay, bye.

Hi, Claudia Moreau's office.


Is anyone there?

Who is this?

Tell her Julius is

here for our 11.

Julius Stone.

Oh, sorry.

Um, Mr. Stone.

Yes, right away.

You're the new Kleenex.

I'm sorry?

Don't take it personally.

That's what we call all

Claudia's assistants

'cause she goes through

them like tissues.

Why do you think your

email says assistant,

and not your name?

'Cause she'd be changing

it every week, child.

Don't take it the wrong way,


It's not you, it's her.

That's why none of us

ever learn your names.

I'm Sadie.

Ooh, enchante, Sadie.


-Oh, so good to see you.

-Oh, looking good, girl.

Thank you, you as well.

You're looking wonderful.


-Love the bag.

Oh, Sadie, grab us

some of those scones

I love at the bakery.

I'm headed home.

You should, too.

Okay, uh, sure.


Adequate job today.


Tomorrow, do more with that.

-With what?

-Your attire?

What about it?

Just, everything.

Try harder.


Is somebody there?

Right, I know, slow down.

Probably a good idea.

You should be more careful

where you walk.

I will.

Wow, late night.

No kidding.

My brain is fried.

I don't think I

remember driving home.

First days are like that.

Everything is new.

Let me grab you some dinner.

So tell me about it.

What was your day like?

There is so much to learn.

Oh, give yourself some time,

you'll get it down.

Welcome to the grind, baby.


is everything okay?


I've gotten a few calls today.

Weird ones where they

don't say anything.

And I just got this email.


Looks like someone's upset

you got the job over them.

The calls were probably

just wrong numbers.

Maybe, I've had my share of

obsessive fans over the years.

You mean like stalkers?

One of the costs of

being in the public eye.

As you are finding out

the hard way.

Let me know if it persists,



Oh, yes.

I made you an appointment

with my stylist tomorrow.

Your stylist?

Just to freshen you up.

Make whatever this is

work better.

You represent me now.

We have an image to maintain.

Sergio will see you at 11.

Sadie, would you

come in here?

Something wrong?

Would you care to explain this?

It's a tabloid magazine-

I know what it is!

Why is that in there?


With her.

I don't understand.

Do you even know who he is?

That is my ex who left me for

her after I introduced them.

I'm sorry, I didn't know that.

It is your job to know!

One of your many


is to shield and isolate me

from things that might upset me.

Things that might make me

lose focus with my work

or distract me for more

important things.

Well this, this,

this upsets me!


You're all the same.

Every single one of you,

snapping and

flaunting your bodies.

Stealing all the good men.

Do you really think that

they're interested in you, huh?

Do you?

In you underdeveloped

millennial, gen Z brain.

All they want is your

tight little body.

Until the next one comes along.

Claudia, I'm really sorry,

I just-

Your sorry?

That's all you can say

for herself, you're sorry?

I'm in hell because of you,

and all you can muster

off is that you're sorry!

And I plan to make sure

that you're in hell with me!

Claudia I, I promise that

this won't happen again.

Get out.

Get out, get out!

Look what you made me do!

All of this!

It's 'cause of you!

You're up early.

I couldn't sleep.

Is everything okay?

A resignation letter?


I don't know what else to do.

Mom, yesterday, Claudia lost it.

She was crazed.

Screaming at me for not

cutting out photos

of her ex-boyfriend in a

tabloid magazine.

Whoa, that's terrible.

I guess we know why she goes

through so many assistants.

Are you sure that

quitting is the best idea?

You said this job

was a big deal.

It is.

Mom, she was out of control.

I don't think she's very stable.

I get it, I just,

I don't want you to lose out

on such a great opportunity.

You should give a two

week notice.

Two weeks?


you didn't see her.

But this way you're the

professional one.

You'll do what's best.

Sadie, could you come

in here for a moment?

I wanted to apologize

for yesterday.

My behavior was inexcusable

and totally unprofessional.

I'm so embarrassed.

I'm truly sorry.

I hope you can forgive me.

It's okay.

No, it's not.

That picture just set me off,

but that's not an excuse

and it's not okay, ever.

So, to make it up to you,

I would like to pay

off your student loans.


It's the least I can do

for putting you

through my outburst.

Now I don't know how

much you owe.

Bring your statement

in the morning

and I'll have accounting

take care of it.

I can't let you do that.

Of course you can.

I want to.

I know working for me

is not easy.

Yesterday was proof

enough of that,

and you're doing a great job.

Trying really hard.

Don't think that I

don't see that.

I don't know what to say.

That you accept my

apology is fine.

Apology accepted.

Thank you.

Is that for me?


She what?

She said she was going

to pay them off.

All of them.

That's unbelievable.

I know, it's great.

She says she wanted to make

up for her reaction yesterday.

You don't find that

a little odd?

Are you kidding?

It's amazing.

All of that money I owed,

and she's washing it

away with a single check.

I just think that this

is a little off,

like maybe she's trying

to buy your forgiveness

or your silence.

No, she was super apologetic.

She knows how out of

line she was yesterday.

I just don't want her thinking

that you owe her

something in return.

I thought you'd be happy for me.

I am.

I am, I just.

I gotta go.

I'll talk to you later.

She's already

started changing you.

Sorry, do I know you?

She does it to all of us.

I think you have me

confused with someone else.

Claudia, your new boss.

How do you know that?

She can't help herself.

She changes us.

You, me, all of us.

Makes us like her.

Are you the one who has

been calling the office

and sending me emails?

What happened to Lexi?

I don't know anyone named Lexi.

The assistant before you.

She quit.

Are you sure?

Who told you that?

Was it her?

She's a liar.

She is not who she claims to be.

She twists the truth

up to get in your head.

She makes you confused.

Stop it.

The calls, the emails,

all of it,

or I'm calling the police.

She's dangerous!

You have to quit before

it's too late.

Let go of me.

Stay away from me.

Ask Lexi.

Go ahead, ask her!

If you can find her!

Look at you.

So much better.

You think?

I know.

You look more like

yourself everyday.

Hi, it's Lexi.

Sing your song at the beep.

The mailbox

you are calling is full.

Please hang up and

try again later.

Oh my, I totally lost

track at the time.

Wow, you're right.

We'll pick this up in

the morning.


My car.

Oh, how awful.

Who would do this?

Drug addicts, probably.

I guess I should call a

tow and a ride.

That'll take hours.

Come on, I'll give you a ride.

No, I can't ask you to do that.

I insist.

It's already late.

In fact, you'll stay

with me tonight

and I'll bring

you back in the morning.

And that way we both

get our rest.

What about my car?

You can call and get it

towed in the morning.

Not like anyone's gonna

steal it now.

Wow, this is amazing.

I like to think so, too.

Oh, look at you.

You were so beautiful.

I like to think I still am.

Oh no, I didn't mean

that you weren't.

Of course you didn't.

Um, so, uh,

do you have a guestroom?

Not anymore.

I converted them into

studios years ago.

You can use my daughter's room.

Oh no, I couldn't.

It's not like she'll mind.

She's dead.

Sure you knew that, it

was all over the news.

No, I did.

Um, I just.

She took her own life, it's

not like she needs the room.

And well, the couch

would just be so uncouth.

Mom, I'm fine, I swear.

I'll come home

tomorrow after work.

Who would do that

to your car?

I don't know.

Probably someone looking

for something to steal.

There must be security cameras.

You should have them checked.

It's a good idea.

I'll ask tomorrow.

Are you sure you don't want

me to come and get you?

No, I'm fine.

It's just creepy.

I don't think anyone's touched

this room since she died.

God, that's awful.

I can't imagine what

she went through.

I mean, how do you get

over something like that?

Honestly, I don't think she has.

I'm exhausted, I'll

call you tomorrow.

Love you.

I love you, too.

Goodnight, baby.


Sorry to scare you.

I called out to see

if you needed anything,

but you didn't answer.

Oh really?

I didn't hear you.

Oh, well the shower must

have drowned me out.

You're up early.

Yeah, I was gonna go home

and got some clothes.

Don't be ridiculous,

that'll take hours.

No, no, no, follow me.

You're about the same size.

Yeah, Rebecca went through

a heavier phase, too,

but I'm sure there's something

in here that will fit.

Oh no, I couldn't.

Of course you can.

Why, you certainly can't

wear yesterday's clothes,

and you work for me now.

We have an image to maintain.

These are really high

end designers.

Some of them still have

tags on them.

Well make sure you cut them

off before wearing them.

Are you sure that this is okay?

I know it hasn't been very

long since your daughter died.


obviously she won't be

needing these anymore,

and well I just, I didn't

have it in me to donate them.

Oh, it would be a pity

to let them go to waste.

Don't you agree?

I guess, yeah.

Oh, great, then it's settled.

Pick something nice.

Oh, I forgot.

I am not going straight

into the office today.

I have a meeting this morning.

Oh, that's fine.

I can take a ride share.

No, just grab one of

the extra cars in the garage.

You'll need something to drive

while yours is getting fixed

and junked or whatever.


I told you working for me

has its perks.


What'd you do to him off?


Your ex.

Nothing, why?

I deal with this kind of

stuff every day.


it wasn't a break-in.

It's targeted, personal.

So whoever it was that did this,

they're pissed at you

about something.

Hey, you called.

Is that why you did it,

to get me to call you?

Did what?

What are you talking about?

My car.

Was it you?

Whoa, what happened to your car?

Someone trashed it.

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I was at work when it happened.

Sadie, why

would I do that?

I don't know,

'cause you're mad.

At myself, sure.

Well, who else would it be?

Maybe someone new you're

seeing that's jealous.

Sadie, no, I'm not

seeing anybody new.

I couldn't imagine that,

at this point.

I feel bad this had to

happen for you to call,

but it's really nice to

hear from you.

I miss you.

I miss you, too.

Maybe we should get together,



I gotta go.


No, really, my boss is coming.

Talk to you later.

Yes, a vast improvement.

How was your meeting?


They moved up the deadline

for the new designs and asked

that I meet the investors

in New York this weekend.

So I'll need you to

book that ASAP.

And you'll need to house

sit while I'm gone.

House sit?


Just one of the

perks of the job.

And most importantly, you'll

be doing something for me.

Yes, definitely.

I'll go get your calendar.


You like?

Yeah, I just honestly

didn't recognize you at first.

I made some changes.

More than some.

Were they your idea

or your boss'?

Oh um, well the hair

was her idea.

The clothes belonged to

her daughter.

First you sleep in her bed

and now you're

wearing her clothes.

And I think I'm driving her car.

This morning, when her

death came up,

Claudia had the

strangest reaction.

It's like she didn't

recall it at first.

Like I'd reminded her

that she died.

I'm gonna put these upstairs.

Dinner will be ready in an hour.

Oh, I can't stay.

You can't stay?

You just got here.

I know, but I told

Claudia I would house sit

while she was gone this weekend.

So she has you're

working all weekend as well?

Mom, hardly call staying

at her mansion work.

First student loans.

Now the clothes, the car.

Don't you think this

is just a little much?

They're perks of the job.

Oh, is that how she

describes them?


What is so wrong with that?

Why can't you just be

happy for me?

I am happy for you, but

I am also concerned.

About what?

It's high fashion, I have

to look a certain way.

And that means changing

your entire appearance?

I hardly recognized

you when you walked in.

It's like she's trying to

make you into someone else.

She is, her assistant,

which means I have a

certain image to maintain.

What is so wrong with that?

There is something off here

and it scares me that

you don't see it.

Maybe this is who

I've always been

and you just didn't see it

because we couldn't afford it.

Sorry, I didn't mean that.

I think you did.

You just don't understand.

But Claudia does?

I gotta go.

Who hasn't this woman dated?


Anybody there?


I got a call

from a security company.

They said the alarm went off.

Yeah, the back door was open.

I don't know why.

The cleaning people

were there today.

They probably left it

unlocked and the wind took it.

Cleaning people, right.

Everything else okay?

Yeah, um, yeah, that

just really scared me.


Well you might want

to check all the doors.

Sometimes they forget.

Uh, yeah, definitely,

I'll do that.

Okay then, goodnight.


Hi, I have a favor to ask you.

Come in.

Thank you so much for coming.

Of course.

I'm happy to be here.

Look at you.

Wow, you look great.

Want to go inside?

Yeah, yeah.

Uh, lead the way.

New boss?



loves themselves.

No idea.

This place is off the hook.

Perks of the job.

Good for you.

Oh, I come bearing food.

Is this Lo Pan's?

Your favorite.

I figured we can finally do

that meal we've been avoiding.

I'm sorry about

calling like this.

Don't, apologize.

I just got freaked out.

The motion lights went on

and the alarm went off,

and I checked and the

back door was open.

Claudia said that it was

probably just

the cleaning people

leaving the door unlocked

and the wind took it,

but I checked just in case.

Okay then, that's it.

Thank you, really.

It just, really freaked me out.

Hey, look, there's nothing

to worry about now.

We should probably eat

before it gets cold.

Gotta be honest,

I've never seen someone hang

so many pictures of themselves.

This job really seems

to suit you.


I guess.


Ever since I started, weird

things have been happening.

Like I've been getting

these phone calls

where the caller

doesn't say anything,

and I've gotten a few

emails warning me,

but feel a little more

like threats.

And then the thing with my car.

Did you talk to the cops?

Not yet.

I plan to.

I don't know, I didn't want

to make waves with Claudia.

She can be unpredictable.

You said this job was a

big deal, right?



Maybe it's just one of

the other applicants

who's jealous you got the

job over them.

That's exactly what

Claudia said.

Okay then, I am starving.

She does own plates, right?

Uh, maybe.


Have you seen these?


I don't go through other

people's things.

Sadie, these are serious dr*gs.



This one's an anti-psychotic.

Are you sure she's okay?

They're all made out to her.


My bad.

I spilled the tomato juice.

I, wanted to make you

a bloody Mary.

Since when do you make

me breakfast?

Maybe since I realized

some of the mistakes

that I've made.

But, since I spilled it,

there's only enough for one.

Well, we can share.

Good morning.

Good morning.


Sorry to interrupt.

You're back.

See you've made

yourself at home.

We didn't hear you come in.

The alarm was off.


No, I definitely turned

that on last night.

You must be the ex,

or maybe not anymore.

Uh, I'm Vince.

Claudia Moreau.

It's a pleasure.

Me too.

Claudia, you're back early.

Said you were coming

back Sunday.


Uh, and then I remembered

I had this banquet tonight

that I absolutely

have to attend.

I cleared her calendar.

It's for a dear friend.

So I'm gonna need you

to head to the warehouse

to get a dress.

Yeah, of course.

Pick out something for

yourself as well.

Unless of course you

have other plans.

No, I would love to come.

Thank you.

You might want to put

some clothes on first.

Um, right.

I'm gonna go do that.


Hi, I'm just getting

something for Claudia.


Who's there?

I saw you.


Stay away from me.

Whoa, I'm not gonna hurt you.

Then why are you following me?

To warn you.

I'm Elena.

I was Claudia's assistant

back before, before Lexi.

So what,

you want your old job back?

No, never.

I would never go back.

I had to quit before

something happened,

and it still didn't

stop right away.

What didn't?

The phone calls, the texts,

the figures outside my house

in the middle of the night.

You're driving her car.

That means yours

got vandalized, too.

She did it.

To make you need her,

that's what she does.

She lures us in.

She gives us things we need.

New clothes,

new cars, new hair, money.

But really she is just

making us into her daughter.

The one she k*lled.


No, no, no.

Claudia's daughter, she-

It wasn't a su1c1de.

She shoved her off that cliff.

And now she's making us,

her assistants, into her.

It's some crazy form of guilt.

I don't know.


No, she could've-

You've seen her behavior, right?

Her outbursts, her sudden

changes in moods, the meds.

She's dangerous, crazy.

Abusing us the same way

she abused her own child.

She is nice one minute

and then the moment you

disappoint her, she switches.

And then we get shoved, too.

She's here.

She can't help herself.

You're next.

Quit, before it's too late.

Sadie, are you here?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm here.

Oh, it's about time.

I could have designed

and sown a whole new gown

in the time that took.

This one on top.

You got the right one, I hope.

Yes, I double checked.

Exactly what

took so long?

Uh, there was, it wasn't where

you said it was gonna be.

Ugh, one of

my former assistants

must've mis-racked it.

Idiots, all of them.

No, you got the

wrong one!



Well obviously it is wrong

because it doesn't fit.

No, that's impossible.

That's the only one you

described in that size.

Well it's wrong.

Want to know why it's wrong?

Because you can't do

anything right.

Nothing. Rebecca, I asked you

to do one simple thing.

I'm Sadie.

Sadie, Rebecca, Bozo the Clown.

What does it matter?

You're all useless.

I don't even know how you

function in your daily life.

Nevermind, I'll just

wear this one.

But that one-

Did you say something?

No, nevermind.

I'll see you Monday

in the office.

Drop the keys

to the vehicle.

Step out with your hands

above your head.

What is going on?

They're saying the car I was

driving was reported stolen.


That doesn't make any sense.

Finally reached your boss.

She confirmed your story.

She's on her way

in to give a statement.

All charges will be

dropped then?

There's another problem.

These were found

in the vehicle.


No, that's not possible.

But you recognize them.

Yes, they're my boss's,

from her house.

What exactly are you implying,


I'm just presenting

the evidence.

I did not take these.

They were planted.

You have to believe me.

I want to, especially since

you don't have a single prior.


it'll really help your case

if you agree to a drug test.

Yes, absolutely, of course.

Okay then, I'll set it up.

Once that's done, you can go.

Detective, who reported

the car stolen?

I'll have to double check,

but I believe the call

was anonymous.

I'm very sorry.

I was at a banquet, my

phone was on silent.

I hope we didn't

inconvenience you.

My daughter's been sitting

in a jail cell for hours

while they tried to reach you.

I came as soon as I heard.

Do you know who reported

the car stolen?

No, it must be a


Was it you?

Excuse me?

Only three people knew that

Sadie was using that car,

and we're all

standing right here.

So who else could it have been?

Mom, stop.

Why would I want my

assistant arrested?

I don't know.

Maybe as a form of control.

Something to Lord over her.


Okay, mom, stop.

It wasn't her.

You should listen to

your daughter.

She's clearly more

knowledgeable on the subject

than you think you are.

As I said, this is all a


I'll call my lawyers

in the morning,

get them to have all the

charges expunged.

You do that.

Can we go?

I'm very sorry for this, truly.

Let me at least give

you a ride home.

Thanks, but I'll be taking

my daughter home with me.

You're still up?

It's getting late.

Yeah, I couldn't sleep.

What's all this?

Yesterday at the warehouse,

one of Claudia's former

assistants followed me.

Followed you?

She said she wanted to

warn me about Claudia.

That she k*lled her daughter.

I thought it was a su1c1de.

That's what the police

eventually ruled it.

She looks familiar.

Tell me about it.

She'd be about my age today.

Apparently she jumped

to her death

during a photo sh**t in

the Caribbean.

Oh, poor girl.

Apparently at first,

there were rumors

Claudia was involved.

Eye witness reports put them

together in the same spot,

having an argument

right before she jumped.

Police questioned Claudia.

They eventually cleared her.

There were rumors

Claudia bribed local police

to declare it a su1c1de.

Before that,

Claudia was involved in a

number of public altercations,

all of which were

handled privately.

And after her daughter's

su1c1de, Claudia disappeared.

Rumor was, she had some

kind of nervous breakdown

and went to some private

exclusive facility.

Well can you blame her?

After a loss like that?

Loss, or guilt?

You honestly don't think

that she's capable of k*lling

her own daughter, do you?

I know it's awful to say,

but Claudia has a temper,

a bad one.

It's like she's two

different people.

One of them cannot

control her emotions.

You can't go back there, Sadie.

You have to quit.

How can I now that she's

paid my student loans?

And she possibly had

you arrested

and charged with possession.


Who will hire me now?

I wouldn't have a

referral from Claudia

and I would have a

criminal record.

I have to make sure her

lawyers get the charges dropped

before I put in my notice.

This is exactly what I

was afraid of.

Her manipulating things.

Her manipulating you.

What choice do I have?


Miss Raskin,

it's Detective Wright.

Detective, hi.

I wanted to let you know

that your tox screen came

back negative.

You're all clear.

I told you.

I'm just doing my job.

Have Miss Moreau's

lawyers contacted you yet

about dropping the charges?

Not to my knowledge.

There's something else

that's come to the

attention of the department.

Do you know a Lexi McKay?


She was Claudia's

assistant before me.


She's been reported missing.



Roommate said she

disappeared over a week ago.

Hasn't called or texted and

left all her stuff behind.

Well do you think

she's all right?

Cases like this, a

bunch of times

it's someone needing a

break from their life.

Just getting off the grid

while forgetting the people

who worry about them.

What about the other times?

Foul play.

But, let's not go there yet.

If you find out anything or

she happens to reach out,

give me a call, would you?

Thanks, Detective.

Hi, Claudia Moreau's office.

It's me.

I won't be in today.

Reschedule everything.


Yeah, I'll, I'll

take care of it.

Bring anything I need

by the house.


Uh, sure.

Claudia, are you all righ-

Claudia, brought

everything you asked for.




Is everything all right?

I'm celebrating.

You should join me.

Celebrating what?

Her birthday.

She'd be 26 today.

Do you mean?

My Rebecca.

They blamed me, you know.

For her death.

Did you know that?

Yeah, I did.

Where'd you learn that?

Claudia, I don't think this

is the right time to talk-

Oh, come on.

I'm a big girl.

I run an empire.

I think I can handle a

little gossip.

Elena told me.

The other day at the

warehouse she followed me,

but I didn't know before that.

We were the gossip for a while.

Didn't help that we didn't

have the best relationship.

We weren't close like you

and your mother.

Sure you did a great job.


We were contentious.

We were too often, public.

Which only fueled the

flames of rumors.

Claudia, be careful.

But they were right.

It was my fault.

I pushed her too hard.


To model.

To walk in my footsteps.

To be the face of the company.

I wanted to leave it all to her,

but the pressure got too much.

So I had to stay in charge,

which made the conflict worse.

Took its toll on her, on us.


She wasn't well.

She was emotional, erratic.

At times she was violent.

She said I brought

it out in her,

and that I deserved it,

because she got it from me.

Her madness.

Come on, let's get that

taken care of.

You're such a good girl.

Just the way I raised you.

Just try to get to rest.

Good morning.

Um, Bridget Langdon

called twice,

panicked about the late

fabric shipments.

And Fashion Blog called

again about an interview.

Have you heard anything

yet from your lawyers

about getting the

charges dropped?

I left word.

Don't worry, they'll handle it.

God knows I've paid them

enough in retainers.

Are you feeling all right?

Of course.

Why wouldn't I be?

Your feet.

You stepped on glass last night.

Is that how it happened?

I couldn't remember.

I'm fine.

Should I be asking the

same thing of you?

I'm fine.

Well then great.

Everyone's fine.

Ugh, something came

up with the new line.

Book my usual travel

to New York.

-I'm headed home to pack.


Oh, and I'm gonna need

you to house sit again.

-House sit?



That should be okay.

Why wouldn't it be?

Email me my itinerary, stat.

Thank you so much

for coming again.

I really did not want to

sit here alone.

Happy to be here.


You sure it's just us this time?

Yeah, it should be.

Good, 'cause the last

time she was eyeing me,

she made me feel like

meat at a deli counter.

You order food?


-I'll go.




Must be from Claudia.

Another perk of the job?

Uh, it's not from her,

but it's for you.

"Sadie, so glad we met

at the photo sh**t."

"Thanks for the other night."

"Can't wait for round two."


Let me see that.


At least he was nice

enough to give these back.

Vince, I have no idea

what this is.

I thought we were fixing things.

Vince, we are.

I swear. I don't know

anything about this.

Vince, Vince, come on.

This job really has changed you.

-Good luck, Sadie.


I blame you.



Detective, I'm sorry.

I wish I could tell you more.

But what we've spoken to about

today is all that I know.

I hear-

Claudia, you're back.


Detective, is everything okay?

Well, apparently

Elena's gone missing.


Her roommate reported

it this morning.

Said Elena got a text

late last night.

Hurried out right after,

never came home,

hasn't been heard from since.

One night is hardly

cause for concern.


Normally we'd wait 72

hours before investigating.

But as this is the

second assistant of yours

who can't be found.

Do you think something

happened to her?

We're just asking

questions right now.

Did she ever mention anyone?

Places she liked to go?

Friends we need to know about?

Aside from her inability

to do her job,

I don't know much

about the girl.

I haven't seen her in

months since I fired her.

But Sadie's seen her, though.

Saw her the other

day, isn't that right?

Um, yes.

At the warehouse last weekend.

She followed me.

Followed you?

Any idea why?

No, she was,

she was mostly just bad

mouthing Claudia.

She wasn't really

making a lot of sense.

Probably just someone jealous

of me for having her old job.

Right Claudia, isn't

that what you thought?

I suppose.

That sounds like Elena.

She was frequently emotional

and she didn't handle

stress well.

So don't color me

surprised if she's run off.

We did think she

vandalized your car.

Your car?

Yes, when I first

started working here.

I filed a report.

So you think it was

probably Elena

who reported your car stolen,




I let her use

it when she worked for me.

Same as you.

So maybe

she was jealous.

In that case, yeah.

It's likely she's the one

harassing you with calls

and sending you

threatening emails.

It probably was her that tripped

the alarm the other night.

At the house.

We really should make


to get those locks changed.

You seem to have quite a bit

of bad blood with this woman.

No, we're, we're not

sure it was her.

We think it was her.

Right, Claudia?

Thank you for your time.

We'll be in touch if we

have any more questions.

I'd start working on my

resume if I were you.

Doesn't seem to be a lot

of future in this job.

When did you get back?

Last night.

There's too much work to

be done before the lineup.

Did you come by the house?

Uh, no.

I didn't want to disturb you

in case you had a visitor.

No, we broke up.

Oh, well that's not surprising.

If I'm being honest, the

other morning,

he was totally checking me

out the minute you left.

It was really uncomfortable.

So you didn't come by the house?

You're sure?

Yes I'm sure.


Someone put a mannequin

in the kitchen.

Just sitting on a chair,

propped up.

A mannequin?


So someone was inside the house.

Well I never got an alert.

That's because the alarm

didn't go off.

Which means that whoever

came inside had the code.

Was it you?


But I'll check the security

cameras to see who it was.

Security cameras?

Have you been watching me?

I've been keeping tabs

on my own house.

Not that I need to

explain myself.

I'll let you know what I find.

Hi, I'm calling from

Claudia Moreau's office,

she wanted me to

confirm her charges

from her stay last night.

You sure?

She never checked in?

Can you please double check?

Thank you.

Someone's jumpy today.

Maybe stay off the

coffee for a while.

I'm headed to my 10:30.

Forward all the important

calls to my cell.

What are you doing?

It was you, the whole time.

What are you talking about?

In the house.

You were watching me,

watching us.

What did you do to Elena?

Excuse me?

I told you I saw her at

the warehouse

and now she's missing.

I was out of town.

I called the hotel.

You never checked in.

Did you even leave town or

did you just need an alibi?

I changed hotels.

Sure you did.

It was you the entire time.

The calls, the emails, my car.

You were the only one

with access.

Don't lie.


You are out of line.

I want you to take the

rest of the day off,

and tomorrow we'll discuss

any future might have here.

Elena was right.

You try to remake us into her.

And then when we can't

live up to your standards,

we're discarded, dismissed.

Just like she was.

I'd be very careful

what you say next.

Is that what all of

this is about?

Your shame,

or your guilt?

How dare you.

She never jumped.

That's just what you told

everyone, including yourself.

Don't you ever talk about her.

Get out.

You're fired.

Don't bother.

I quit.

Before I go missing, too.

Sadie, it's mom.

Are you here?




I'm here.



You were right.

Claudia's behind all of it.

Elena, we have to go.

Where's my daughter?

The unemployment line, I assume.

She left here hours ago.

I haven't been able

to reach her.

You need serious help.

That was last night.

I was in New York.

I have no idea who that is.


How can you not know?

You have no idea how many nights

I've lied awake thinking of her.

Down in the cold, the dark,

all alone.

As a mother that can

drive you mad.

If you let it.

Where is my daughter?

They never found her body.

Did you know that?

You be quiet.


You're alive?

Am I?

Sometimes it doesn't

feel that way.

Where have you been?



Same way mommy kept watch on me.

I saw you, all of you.

Come in and try to

take my place.

Your place?

No, I never wanted to do that.

My hair,

my clothes,

my car,

my bed.

Filling the space that I left.

I left that space to hurt her!

Wait, wait, Rebecca.

Rebecca, let's just talk, okay?

You, me and your mom.

We should just talk.

Rebecca, she misses you so much.

Let's call her and let

her know that you're okay.


Rebecca, Rebecca, let's

call your mom, okay?

Let's call Claudia.

Maybe later.

You and I should just

talk for a while.

Just the two of us.

Why is she calling you?

My mother and I

aren't exactly on

speaking terms right now.


Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Come here, look at me.

Look at me, Rebecca.

Then let's talk.

Let's talk, it's just us, okay?


And we can go somewhere else.

Anywhere you want.

We don't have to talk here,

the warehouse.

I think we'll stay

here for a while.

This is where I came,

to escape her.

I couldn't live like

that anymore.

Feeling like I was

always failing.

The constant disappointment.

Rebecca, I'm so sorry she

made you feel like that.

When I did come back,

there was already

someone in my place.

Me, but not.

Same hair,

same clothes.

So I decided to make

her lose that one, too.

And the next,

and the next.

Some were more skiddish.

A few threatening emails

or calls was enough.

Others needed more convincing.

A vandalized car.

An arrest or two.

Ruined relationships.

A gift basket.

Lots of different ways.


I am so, so sorry for how

your mother treated you.

I know Claudia.

I know how cruel she can be.

I can't imagine what it

must've been like

growing up as her daughter.

Losing you cost her so much.


That was the whole point.

I want her to feel that

pain over and over again.

I want her to suffer the

same way I did.

She has, that's why

she takes it out on all of us.

Of course she does.

Because it's never good enough.

Nothing is ever good enough.

That's why they all

had to suffer.

Your turn now.

Rebecca, no.

No, no, no!

Rebecca, stop!

Baby, it's me.

It's mommy.

Put those down.

You don't need to do this.

Put those down.

We'll go home.

I'll fix it.

I'll make everything better.


This is all your fault.

I'm sorry.

All I wanted to do

was protect you.

Protect me.

You were hiding me.

You wanted to

steal it from me.

All of it.

Take me from the cameras,

from the catwalk.

For your own good.

Honey, you were sick.

You needed help, that's all.

You were jealous that I

was becoming more famous.

That's not true.

I did everything I

could for you.

I put your meds in my name

so no one could find out.

I took the blame for your

outbursts and your car accidents

I didn't care what it

did to my reputation.

Because you were ashamed.

Because I loved you.

I wanted to protect you.

You were protecting yourself.

Your image, your company.

All the things you

loved more than me.

You're right.

I was selfish.

But I will give it all

up for you, right now.

We can go away, start over.

Abu Dhabi, Paris,

anywhere you want.

Just you and me.



We can go.

Right after I k*ll her.

We need to

call the police.


reached 911 dispatcher,

what's your emergency?

You have reached the

911 dispatcher.

What's your emergency?

Are you okay, ma'am?

Are you in trouble?

If you're in trouble,

please stay on the line.


It's okay,

it's all right.

Mommy's here.

Okay, it's okay.

They're here for me?

Yes, baby.

All for you.

Your credentials are impressive.

Particularly working for

Claudia Moreau.

She gave you the highest


which is unheard of.

That's kind of her.

I learned a lot

working for Claudia.

About the industry and

about myself.

Things I didn't even

know were there.

Let me show you some

of my designs.
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