Where Are You, Christmas? (2023)

Christmas & New Years movies collection.

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Where Are You, Christmas? (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Research suggests

that our stress levels

rise during the holiday season.

I know mine does.

Our Christmas marketing

campaign relieves that pressure

while still giving people the

connection that they need,

as you'll see here in 3, 2, 1.

Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.

Do you wish you could

shop and ship your gifts

faster than Santa's reindeer?

Scan this QR code to find

out how Quick Ship can help

bring joy to your holiday.

The wishes you make this

Christmas will last a lifetime.

Once someone scans

the code, they'll

get an option to get

a daily Christmas

reminder until

Christmas Day to keep

them engaged with Quick Ship.

And then I saw the

glow of Christmas

just reflected in their faces,

and I knew my job was done.

Ah, the true joy of Christmas.

Hey, I'll take a Jack Frost.

Can I have a peppermint twist?


Honestly, I don't

know how I got here.

Christmas used to be my favorite

holiday when I was a kid.

Now that my job

is Christmas, you

know, prepping these

campaigns 24/7 all year long,

it's like there's

only so much holiday

spirit a person can muster.

Too much of a good thing?


This is why I go to the

Maldives every year.

It's where I find

my Christmas spirit.

Oh, yeah.

Nothing says Christmas like

a bungalow on the beach.

Doesn't your family

want you home, though?

Oh, they do.

But they don't understand

what I need right now.

What I need is a week-long of

nothing but sea, sun, and sand.

Are you gonna be texting

all through dinner?

I'm sorry, it's work.

As a doctor and

as your best friend,

who is a little

concerned about you,

I'm gonna prescribe you put

your phone down and be present.

OK, let me just send it.


So proud of you.

Oh, thank you.


Merry Christmas.

So, are you still stuck

going to Kyle's for Christmas?

You make it sound

like it's a punishment.


I'm actually really

looking forward to it.

We're doing Christmas

Eve with them.

And then we spend

Christmas morning opening

presents with my family.

Ugh, I don't know

how you do it, Suma.

Juggling a medical practice,

family, Kyle, his mother.


I mean, if you're gonna

swipe left on every guy,

what's the point of

being on the app?

OK, I'm putting it away.

I just want to make

sure you're happy, OK?

I know you want to answer that.

It's my brother.

It's probably his, "Please

come home for Christmas," call.

Hey, Connor.

I know you're not calling

me to try and convince me

to come home on the

one time of the year I

actually get a break from work.

- I know.

But this year is

different, I promise.

I've already

booked my bungalow.

I'm proposing to

Sienna on Christmas Eve.

And I want the whole

family here when I do it.

Oh, my gosh.


I'm sorry to

mess up your trip.

But if ever there

was a reason, right?

What did Mom and Dad say?

They don't know yet.

I want it to be a surprise.

Of course, I had to tell you,

otherwise you'd be on an island


Will you come?

Of course.

Yeah, yeah.

I'll make it work.


I love you, Addy.

I love you, too, Connor.


Oh, I was so close

to the Maldives.

What happened?

Oh, my brother's proposing to

his girlfriend on Christmas Eve

and he wants me to be there.

When was the last time

you went home for Christmas?

Six years ago.

I mean, I pop in every now and

then, just not for Christmas.


You've never been

to my home town.

"Red Lake Falls, where

Christmas is not just a holiday,

it's a way of life."

That's the town motto.

That is actually adorable.

Everyone's great.

It's just, a person can only

handle so much Christmas.

Yeah, but you're gonna

be with your family.

I'm really happy for my

brother, but I don't know.

Things with my dad, they've just

sort changed over the years.

OK, so Christmas

Eve is in five days.

Connor proposes

that night, which

means I should probably

stay an extra day

for my dad's charity event.

But by the 26th, I'm on

a plane to the Maldives.

Sounds like you got

it all planned out.

Have you met me?


Hi, Addy.

Hey, Mom.

I'm just coming into town.

There's even more Christmas

decorations than I remember.

Well, nothing out

of the ordinary.


Since when do we have a flying

reindeer and a Christmas store?

The Christmas store is new.

We've had the reindeer

for a few years now.

You just haven't been home

for Christmas in a while.

Well, I'm here now.

Yes, you are.

And I'm sure your father

will be happy to see you.

What was that?


Are you all right?

I've been so busy I

haven't had a chance

to get my car serviced.

I told you a million times.

I know, I know.

I'll be home soon.

I love you.



Oh, hi!

Hi, Mom.


Hi, Mom.

You look exhausted.

That's lovely.

Thanks, Mom.

Oh, sorry.

Work, work, work.

Where's Dad?

He's still at the office.

But your brother stopped by.

Connor, your sister's home.

There she is.

Hello, Officer.


Mmm, hi.

Christmas Eve is in

four days, and I've

got cookies to put in the oven.

So you two have a little

brother-sister time.

I'll be back in a sec.

I see some

things never change.


- I'm so excited.

- Come here.

I'll show you something.

OK, take a look at this.

[gasps] Connor,

it's beautiful.

You think Sienna will like it?

Oh, yes.

It's perfect.

Thank you for trusting

me with your secret.

Oh, well, it's the

only way I knew I could

get you home this time of year.


Plus, you think radio-free

Mom could keep this from Sienna?

You make a very good point.


Oh, I'm glad you two still

have your little secrets.

I don't what--

Speaking of, I

found your diaries--


when I was getting the

ornaments out of the attic.

I put them on your bed.

I thought you'd have

fun reading them.

So I can relive my

awkward teenage years?

No, thanks.

You used to love journaling.

Maybe you can find a

little bit of that joy

since you're finally

home for the holiday.

You're even the guest of

honor at your father's

Christmas Day celebration.


Does Dad know that?

What are you doing?

I'm doing work emails.

I've been in the

car for three hours.

I haven't had a chance to sit.

You've been

sitting in the car.

Besides, Christmas is upon us.

There's no rest for the weary.

I have a list of things I

need you to get me from town.

Thank you.


More than a few

things, apparently.

Mom, do we really

need more poinsettias?

There's a space.

It's every year.


I'd do it myself, but I

have my own list of to-dos.

And you--

- Oh, no.

I have to go back.

I'm going to the station, so--

- Oh, really?

- Yeah.

- Oh, interesting.


You have to go

back to the station?

Really, a lot of

important things to do.


If you leave now, you

can avoid the holiday rush.

All right.

Love you, Mom.

Love you.

I'm so glad you're home.

OK, I'm off.

Is that Addison Dean

back in Red Lake Falls?

Hi, Dana.

I'm so sorry.

I'm just finishing this up.

No, I heard you

were coming to town.

But when your mom told

us, no one believed it.

And I know you're busy

based on your social media,

but I can see--

So sorry.

It's just, it's a work thing.

No, I hear you.

Hey, remember when we

used to do the Christmas

pageants together in school?

I am in charge of them now.

You know, I love that it

brings the whole town together.

Please promise me

you'll try to come.

Oh, gosh.

I will do my best.

Right now, I have to go get

these flowers for my mom.

Oh, OK.

No worries.

Yeah, but I'll see you soon. Bye.


Addison Dean!

Mayor Matt.

Welcome home, Addy.

It looks like your

dad owes me $10.

What are you talking about?

At last night's

town council meeting,

he told me that you were

coming home for Christmas,

but he didn't think that

you'd go through with it.


He bet me 10 bucks on it.

Did he?

The gazebo looks wonderful.

It's like straight out of one

of those Christmas movies.

That's what I was going for!

It's all part of my Red Lake

Falls Christmas Campaign.

Since you're the expert,

how about you help

me with my campaign branding?

Oh, you know what?

I have a lot on my plate

right now because I--

I want our town to be

a year-round Christmas

destination where folks

can slow their fast-paced

lives and appreciate

the small things.

- But--

- Smile!


Oh, yes.

I'm going to post

this #Christmasville.

You can make this

go viral, right?

I don't think

it works that way.

That's great.

Let's catch up later, and I can

show you what I have so far.

- OK, perfect.

- All right.

Yeah, I'll text you!


Can't wait.


Just the poinsettia, please.

Addison Dean?

Dr. Rago.


Let me guess.

My mom told you I was in town.

Oh, you know no one

can keep a secret here.

Candy cane?

You still keep

these in your pocket?

Never leave home without

them at the holidays.

Well, those are

pretty flowers.

Thank you.

They're for my daughter, Gina.

Oh, how is Gina?

I haven't seen her

since we graduated.

She's good.

Well, at least I think she is.

We'll see.

Oh, is everything OK?

Oh, everything's fine.

We had a little

argument, something

about cooking lasagna.

And it escalated.

And then we haven't

spoken for a while.

You know how stubborn

we both can be.

I do.

I'm sorry.

Well, nothing a little

Christmas spirit can't heal.

In fact, she agreed to come

to Christmas Eve dinner,

where neither one of us

will be making lasagna.

Thank goodness.

Well, you know what my

mother always says, nothing

a Christmas dinner can't fix.

Knowing your mother, I'm

sure she's already given

you a million things to do.

Don't I know it.

Merry Christmas.


Is anyone here?

Excuse me.


How can I help you?

I'm looking for

Mr. Blakeman, please.

That is me.

Oh, no.

The one that owns the shop.

You can tell him it's Addy.

I wish I could.



I'm Hunter.


You're thinking

of my grandfather.

I took over the

shop after he died.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

When did this happen?

A few years ago.

How can I help you?

It's my car.

Obviously, it's my car,

because I came to an auto shop,

you know?

Can I just show you?

You know, you'd probably get a

lot more business if the pumps

outside took credit cards.


It's just so weird.

I haven't seen you

here before, you know?

Although I haven't

been back in a while.

How do you like Red Lake Falls?

It's fine, I guess.

I see you don't have

many Christmas decorations.

You know, your grandfather

used to love the holidays,

although you probably knew that.

Yeah, it was always

really fun growing up.

I mostly just stay

to myself now.

Another reason to have a

credit card reader on the pump.

You know, so people don't

have to come inside.

From what you describe,

it could be a motor mount,

it could be a

transmission mount.

I really don't know.

I have to dig a little deeper.

Can I start it?

Yeah, of course.

Sounds normal.

Do you hear it?

Sounds fine to me.

It does.

But the banging noise kind

of happens out of the blue.

Please tell me

it's safe to drive.

Yeah, you should

be fine for now.

You should definitely

get it looked at, though.

Unfortunately, I'm

swamped right now.

Everybody wants their car

back for the holidays.

If you can get it here tomorrow,

I can take a look at it

for you.

OK, as long as I'm back

in Chicago on the 26th,

because I literally have

a ticket to paradise.

Have you ever been

to the Maldives?

Just last week.


No, that was a--

Oh, you're making a joke now.

So do you think you

could have it ready by then?

I'm gonna try my

best, but no guarantees.


I'll be here tomorrow.

Hey, Dad.

- Oh!

Oh, gosh.

Be careful!

Oh, my.


Should you really

be up on a ladder?

What, you think I'm too old?

Oh, no, no.

I didn't mean--

Hey, kiddo.

I have been trimming these trees

since you were a little baby,

so I'm just fine.

Don't worry about me.

- OK.

Merry Christmas, Addy.

I'm glad you made

it in one piece.

Merry Christmas, Dad.

Heard I cost you 10 bucks.

I was just, you

know, playing the odds.

But, no, super glad that I

lost, because it's great to have

you home for the holidays.

Well, I was thinking maybe

we could go for a walk, or--

You know what?

Promised your mother

I'd help in the kitchen,

which will be a disaster.

But I'm gonna try.

Connor and Sienna are

coming over for dinner.

So anyway, why don't you go get

washed up, and then, you know,

we'll catch up later?

Yeah, sure.


Oh, OK.

The roast was perfect, Mr. Dean.

Thank you, Sienna.

I tried that new recipe you

sent me on that app thing.


Since when are you

on social media, Dad?

It's been a while.

And maybe if you were here

more often, you wouldn't--

Mom, how did you have time

to make us so many desserts?

Oh, it was nothing.

I can't remember

the last time we

were all together as a family

like this at Christmas.

As the head of this family

and a duly elected Town

Councilman-- that's important--

I would like to make a toast.

Oh, here we go.

Christmas is a time

where we come together

with family and friends.

And this year, it's even

more special because of all

the people around this table.

Sienna, you have become

like another daughter to me.

I haven't seen Connor smile

this much since, I don't know,

I feel like since I bought

you the first skateboard.

And Addy, even if it's

just for a few days,

I'm really happy you decided

to join us this year.

I know this is not

some fancy island.

But sometimes it's important to

remember where you came from.


Hear, hear.

Thanks, Dad.

Actually, Sienna and

I have some big news

that we want to share.

Well, we got us all tickets

to this year's Christmas pageant

on Christmas Eve.


We thought it would

be really fun to go together.

Yeah, Addy hasn't

been in a while.

So we wanted to go as a family.

Oh, that sounds lovely.


And you'll still be here

Christmas Eve, won't you, Addy?

Yes, Dad.

I'll be here Christmas Eve.

And I'll be here

on Christmas Day.


Well, I'm joshing.

I'm just joshing.

No, no, no.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

This will give me a chance to

make sure everyone signs up

for Operation Christmas Smile.

This year, it is all

for the veterans.

You know, I was thinking back.

I remember how hard it was

to be away from my family

when I served.

Well, we have got vets and

families right here in town

with loved ones who are

serving overseas right now.

And I just want them

to enjoy Christmas

as much as I know we will.

That's beautiful, Mr. Dean.

You know, I actually met Mr.

Blakeman's grandson, Hunter.

I met him at the auto shop.

I think he's a vet.

I saw his service ring on him.

I didn't know Mr.

Blakeman had died.

Well, life still goes on here

when you're not around, Addy.

Anyway, Mr. Blakeman,

he was a good man.

Oh, sh**t.

OK, the game has

already started.


I think the Vikings are

gonna pull it out this year.

Let's go to the den

and figure that out.


Oh, I can handle that, honey.

Why don't you go watch the game?

Oh, I don't think

I'm wanted in there.

Of course you are.

No, I think I'll just go

upstairs and decompress a bit.

Addy, honey, your dad is

really happy that you're

home for Christmas, OK?

Just give him a little time.


Rise and shine, sleepyhead.

I see you found your diaries.

Yeah, I must've fallen asleep.

Oh, you're so lucky

to have these memories.

Once they're gone,

they're hard to get back.

Oh, look.

It's your Christmas gratitude

entry from senior year.

Oh, I'm not grateful

for that sweater.

Oh, please.

You're adorable.

"I am so grateful for my family.

Knowing it is my last

year living at home

makes me appreciate

them even more.

I'm gonna miss Red Lake Falls.

There's no place more joyful

and colorful at Christmas."

I wrote that?

Of course you did.

I thought that's why

you worked on all

those Christmas

campaigns, because you

love the holidays so much.

Yeah, maybe at first.

But now I see it

for what it really

is, which is just convincing

people to buy things.

OK, nonsense.

We've got a full agenda.

I need you to buy me a

tree for the front yard.

There's a space.

Mom, can I please bow out?

I just need one day where

I don't have to work

and I don't have to do anything.

It is not work.

It's Christmas.

Now, get up and go, go, go.

Ho, ho, ho, ho.

Just four more days

till Christmas.

Have you told Santa

your Christmas wish yet?

Remember, the wishes

you make this Christmas

will last a lifetime.

Honestly, Santa, sometimes

I wish there was no Christmas.

I need a break.


Better get going.

Looks like there's

a storm coming.

I could have been on a beach.

Oh, not again.

Do we really need another tree?

Addy, are you OK?



Yeah, yeah.


- All right.

You had an accident.

I'm gonna get you out of there.

fine, I think.

Can you stand up?

I don't know.

What happened?

You had an accident.

I don't know if you

hit your head or not.

Why do you look so pale?


What do you mean?

I look like I always do.

No, you don't.

Nothing does.

- Addy.

- Why?

What's happening to me?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


Are you OK?

How do you feel?

What happened?

You fainted.

Do you remember getting

in a car accident?


I remember I hit black ice.

After that, it's

a little bit hazy.

Do those-- do those trees

look different to you?


They look the same

as they always do.

They don't look a

little washed out?

Are you sure you're OK?

Maybe I should take you to

urgent care, just to be safe.

No, no, no.

I'm OK.

I'm OK.

I just, I've never seen

it so foggy before.

How did you find me?

Saw the storm rolling in

and I'm the only one in town

with a tow truck, so--


Those trees really don't

look different to you?

Must be the fog.

They took it all down?

Took what down?

The Christmas decorations.

The what?

The garlands and the trees and

the candy canes, it's all gone.

Thank you so much for your help.

I'm gonna walk you inside

just to make sure you're OK.

No, I'm fine.

Thank you.

Oh, hey. Hey.


I'll reach out to you

when your car is all fixed.

It's pretty banged up,

so it might take a bit.


Just take it easy, OK?


I keep calling and pressing

redial, redial, redial.

Hit it again.

She's got to be somewhere.

There she is.

Oh, Addy, thank

goodness you're home.

Oh, what's going on?

You have been gone all day.

We were calling and

you didn't pick up.

Yeah, I got in a car accident.

And I think my phone died.

I knew that knocking

sound was serious.

Are you OK?

Do you need to see Dr. Rago?

I'm fine.

And Hunter's-- he towed my car.

And he's gonna fix it.

Where did you go?

I went to get that

tree that you asked for.

Honey, why would I ask

you to buy me a tree?

For the Christmas

decorations, which

you've randomly taken down.


What is that?

Is that another one of

your branding campaigns?

Are you guys punking me?

What do you mean,

what is Christmas?

It's only your

favorite holiday ever.

Oh, don't be silly.

That is Thanksgiving.

Oh, your mother makes

an awesome turkey.

OK, you guys.

This whole, I don't

remember Christmas, thing,

I know I wasn't

very enthusiastic

when I first got here.

But I mean, every

joke has a shelf life.

This one has coded.

Honey, we're not joking.

You're starting to worry me.

Are you sure you're

feeling all right?

No, I feel fine.

Well, it's just that you

are acting a bit strange.

First you show up yesterday

out of the blue when, you know,

you rarely come home.

And now you're

going on errands we

have never sent you on talking

about some made up holiday.


It's not made up.

It's Christmas.

If you say so.

You don't feel warm.

Is there something

you're not telling us?

No, I'm probably just

rattled from the accident.


Well, why don't you go lie down?

I know how busy you are at work.

So a rest will do you good.


Are you sure you don't

remember Christmas?




I don't know.






Suma's a doctor.

Suma will know what to do.

Oh, just three

more days till Christmas.

Have you told Santa

your Christmas wish yet?

Oh, you're working.


Oh, my god.

I knew it was a dream.

the wishes

you make this Christmas

will last a lifetime.

I knew it was a dream.


PHONE): We're sorry.

Your call cannot be

completed as dialed.

OK, you got this, Addy.

You got this.

Oh, good morning, dear.

You slept right through dinner.

Are you feeling better?

You know, I did have

some weird dreams.

Dad, why are you eating cereal?

I think it's called breakfast.

I always have cereal

for breakfast, you know?

Well, of course you

would know that if you

were home more often.

I know you like cereal, Dad.

But it's Christmas week.

You know, Mom always makes

those big Christmas breakfasts.

Again with the Christmas.

Mom, where are all

the Christmas treats?

You know, like you were baking

up a storm the other day.

I don't remember

baking anything.

But if you want a cookie,

I'll go to the store for you.


Don't you mean that I should

go to the store for you?

Don't be silly.

You rest.

I got to go to work.



Wait, Dad.

What do you mean

you're going to work?

You always take this week

off to prep for the holidays.

If I didn't go

to work this week,

who would prepare the

end-of-the-year tax reports?

Accounting never rests.

Sweetie, I will be home

by 6:00 so we can begin

the New Year's movie marathon!

New Year's movie marathon?


Every year, they make like

100 New Year's movies.

And they start

airing them in June.

New Year's movies

aren't a thing.

Christmas movies are a thing!

Whatever you say, Addy.

Dad, please tell me you're

still doing Operation Christmas

Smile, you know, where you're

helping the veterans this year?

Enough with the

Christmas already, OK?

You know me.

I'm all about charity.

But with the way the

economy is right now,

it is enough just taking

care of my own family.

That's how business works, Addy.

And I mean, surely, you of

all people should know that.

You should see Dr. Rago.

Maybe you bumped your

head in the accident.

Hey, Dad.


What's with Dad?

He was in a mood.

Connor, someone sane.

Hey, I need your help in here.

- What's going on?

I know this is

gonna sound crazy.

Go with me.

Mom and Dad suddenly

forgot Christmas.

So I need you to tell

them it's a real holiday.

OK, you're acting weird

and I'm running late,

so I just got to--


What about helping Mom and Dad?

They seem fine to me.

You don't remember

Christmas either.

What about Sienna?

What about her?

Are you still proposing

on Christmas Eve?


What are you talking about?

Connor, this is the whole

reason that I am here.

You asked me to come home to

help celebrate your proposal.

OK, I don't know what

kind of game you're playing.

But you cannot just pop into

town every now and again

and cause all this craziness.

- No, no, no.

Connor, that's not--

There's not going

to be any proposal.

Sienna is great, but things are

fine with us the way they are.

Marriage, I-- it's way

too much commitment.

Can you tell Dad I

returned his tools?

Wait, wait, wait.

One more thing.

Do things look black

and white to you?

Everything looks

like it always does.

I got to run.


Everything seems fine.

All your tests look normal.


Because everything is still

in black and white, even you.

Well, there's

nothing wrong with you

medically far as I could tell.

You know, your parents

told me how hard you work.

Maybe you just need a

little rest and relaxation?

You have no idea.

You know, it's so weird.

I just-- I remember this town

being so much more colorful,

you know?

You always did have

a vivid imagination.

Never knew what was going

on in that head of yours.

I don't know.

Maybe you're right.

Everything ready for your

dinner with Gina tonight?

I don't know

what you've heard,

but my daughter and I will not

be having dinner anytime soon.

Oh, sorry.

Did something happen?

She was supposed to come

over for Christmas Eve?

Coming for what?

Until she apologizes,

my daughter

is not welcome in my house.

I don't suppose

I get a candy cane?

I didn't think so.

What is happening?

Everything is gone.

Hey, you!

Yes, you!

Get out of there.

You need a city permit

to be in the gazebo.

This is not your backyard!

Oh, Dana, Dana.

Hey, hey.

Do you know what's going on

with Mayor Matt over there?

- How should I know?

- Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Please tell me the pageant

is still happening.

Pageant, like

a beauty pageant?

No, no, no, no.

Like a Christmas pageant,

you know, the one that you're

putting on at the school?

You begged me to be there.

Why would I spend my winter

vacation putting on a pageant?

No, I work so hard.

I even give up my weekends.

And I barely have

enough time for myself.

And now you're saying I

should put on some show

with the small break I do get?

- No, no, no.

That's not what I--

I am surrounded by

children and parents

and teachers all the time

needing something from me.

So in the short

time off I do get,

I just want to

shut out the world

and have some peace and quiet.

And you of all people should

understand that, right?

- OK, sorry.

- Good.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have

to go clean up my classroom.

Please work.

You worked for

Santa this morning.



Hunter, I can see that

the light is on in there.

I know you're in there.


You read the sign?

Yeah, I've read it.

I can read.

I'm not gonna leave here

until you open the door.

Please, it's very important.

I told you your car

is gonna take a while.

You notice all the

other cars in here

that were here before yours?

- Yeah.

But hey, did you notice

anything strange when you picked

me up from the accident, because

after that, everything changed.

The world lost its color.

People are acting

completely bizarre.

And no one remembers Christmas.

No one remembers what?

Look, I got a ton of

cars in here right now,

so you're just

gonna have to wait.

OK, sorry.

I didn't mean to bother you.

I just-- I really need

to get back to Chicago.

Here, it must have

fallen off when you were

trying to check out my car.

So then you had to

fix the whole thing.

Of course I did.

What else is new?

Hey, hand me the 18, please.

That's amazing.

I'm gonna miss you, Pops.

I'm proud of you, Hunter.

And you'll be back

before you know it.

And I'll be here

waiting for you.

But until then, I

want you to have this.

Your service ring?

It's a Christmas gift.

No, I can't take that.

Yes, you can.

No matter how far away you are,

I want you to look at that ring

and know that I am

always with you.

I love you, Pops.

I love you too, kid.

I've been looking

everywhere for this.

I found it on the

floor of my car.

This was my Pops'.

He served in Vietnam.

He raised me after

my parents split.

When I deployed to Afghanistan,

it was at Christmas time.

Pops gave me this

ring so I would

know that he's always with me.

Excuse me.

Did you just remember Christmas?


How did I forget Christmas?


What's going on?

Why is everything

in black and white?

So you see it!

Of course I see it.

How could I not see it?


What happened?

That's what I'm

trying to figure out.

Everyone in the whole

world lost their color

and no one remembers Christmas.

And you're the only one

that's changed back.

- Oh, this is--

- Wait, I don't understand.

Why have you turned to

color and I haven't?

I am not OK with this.

Look, I came here

to disappear, not

stick out like a sore thumb.

Why do you want to disappear?

Can we just focus on

figuring out what happened?

Right, OK.

So did everyone lose

their color and then

forget Christmas,

or forget Christmas

and then lose their color?

I mean, either way,

everyone's lost their joy.

Yes, that's true.

I've started to

resent this place.

And I love this shop.

Some of my best memories are--

are fixing cars with my Pops.

But you changed back

when you put on his ring.

Wait, so what were you thinking

about when that happened?

I was just suddenly flooded

with all these great memories

of my Pops, especially

the Christmas

when he gave me the ring.

- So maybe that's it.

Maybe we just have to

get people to remember

the good times they

had at Christmas,

and then they'll change back.

It can't be that simple,

because you remember Christmas.

If that's all it took,

you'd be color, too.

I can't stay

like this forever.


Occam's razor.


I just-- I just trimmed

it this morning.


It's a theory that says

all things being equal,

the simplest answer

is the best one.

We just need to get people to

remember the joy of Christmas.

Let's go.

- Sorry, wait, wait.

What do you mean, we?

No, I'm not going out

there looking like this.

- Why not?

- Hey, hey, hey.

No, no, no.

Please, stop.



You don't know me, but I just

came back to Red Lake Falls

to get away from people,

not to stand out.

What happened to you?

Look, I just need to fix this so

I can get back to my old life.

I'm sorry.

I can't help you.


How hard can this be?

I mean, getting people

to remember Christmas,

that's my actual job.

Oh, hello, Sir.

I would love to help

you remember Christmas.

What did you wish for when

you were a little boy?

Did you ever sit on Santa's lap?

I'm still talking.


Excuse me.

They say that music

jogs the memory.

What was your

favorite music carol?

How about, oh,

We wish you

a Merry Christmas,

we wish you a Merry Christmas.

What is she doing?

I really don't know.

Excuse me.

Is it coming to you?

Is it coming to you?

Come here.

Oh, what about "Jingle Bells"?

Jingle bells, jingle

bells, jingle all the way.

Hey, Addy. Hi.

What's going on?

- Oh, Connor.

You're here.

I'm just trying to get

people to remember Christmas.

Oh, we're back to that.

All right, hey,

move along, folks.

There's nothing to see here.

It's not working.

No one remembers.

It's OK.

We can figure it out.


Oh, god.

I don't know how to fix this.

All right, let's start

by getting you home.

Do you remember

"Jingle Bells"?


Oh, it's such a good one.

Addy, thank god you're home.

All my Bridge friends

have been calling.

She's OK, Mom.

People have been

calling about me?

Jingle bells, jingle

bells, jingle all the way.

Oh, what fun it is to

ride in a one horse--

Oh, no.

I'm worried about you.

Wait a second.

Your phone works.

- Of course it does.

- Why didn't I think of that?

Mom, can I use this

to talk to Suma?

Thank you.


PHONE): We're sorry.

Your call cannot be

completed as dialed.

Connor, can I use your phone?

Something's wrong

with your phone, Mom.



We're sorry, your call cannot--

None of my calls

are going through.

It was working

just a minute ago.

Let me--

Did you see Dr. Rago?

I did. OK.


And he ran all these tests.

And he said that I

was totally fine.

He doesn't know what's

happening to me?

What is happening with you?

Honestly, I do not know.

It's just everything

feels very empty.

I can't believe I'm saying this.

I think I miss Christmas.

I miss the carols.

I miss the-- the decorations,

your excessive amount of trees,

all of it.

Honey, I cannot help

you with your Christmas.

But if you want

some decorations,

they're up in the attic

where we always keep them.

The attic.



No, no, no, no, no, no.

We're all set for the Fourth.

Where are you, Christmas?



What was I thinking

with that hair?


Where are my Christmas entries?

Honestly, Santa.

Sometimes I wish there

was no Christmas.

The wishes

you make this Christmas

will last a lifetime.

Oh, no.


Hunter, are you in there?



Can you open the door?

Come on.

What are you doing?

Listen, I know you

want to disappear

for some mysterious reason.

But you are the only

person that can help me.

I am not getting

involved in this.

So sorry, but

you are involved.

And I need you because

this is all my fault.

What do you mean,

it's all your fault?

I made a wish that

Christmas would disappear

and it came true.

I just-- I didn't think how it

would impact everybody else.

I'm sorry.

But you're saying

that that's the reason

that I forgot Christmas?

Look around.

Nobody remembers Christmas.

It's like it didn't even exist.

Plus, the Santa app that

I use for my Christmas

campaign told me.

- Come again?

Santa is counting

down the days.

And if I don't fix

this by the 25th,

Christmas will be gone out

of Red Lake Falls forever.


That's crazy, Addy.

Any more crazy than

you being in color

while the rest of the town

is in black and white?

You have a good point.

OK, and you really

think that I can help?

Yeah, I do.

If you let people

see you in color,

then they'll know it's

real, along with Christmas.

No, not happening.

I am not gonna let

people see me like this.


Well then, if you won't, then

I'll just invite people here.

And then they can just

see for themselves.

Are you blackmailing me?

Well, I am in black

and white, so I'm

just running with what I got.

Hunter, please.

I don't know what else to do.

We only have three days left.

One time.

I'll do it once.

One time, I'm gonna go with

you to see if it works.

And if I show myself

and nobody changes,

then I'm gonna come

back here and I'm

gonna wait this out alone.

If it blows over.

Thank you.

I know what a big

deal this is for you.

I don't think you

do, but you're welcome.

Wait, so how are we gonna know

how to change people back?

Seeing me in color and

you remembering Christmas

hasn't changed you back.

I haven't totally

figured that part out yet,

but I will by tomorrow.

You're a lifesaver, Hunter.

Let's hope this plan

of yours works, yeah?

It has to.

I have a feeling you and I

are gonna make a great team.

I'll see you in the morning.

Ho, ho, ho, ho.

Just two more days

till Christmas.

Have you told Santa

your Christmas wish yet?

Your act's getting

real old, Santa.

Remember, the

wishes you make this Christmas

will last a lifetime.



You ready?

Not really.

Don't suppose I can say no.

Do I look like someone who's

gonna take no for an answer?

What are you wearing?

I'm covering up.

I'm not really ready for the

whole town to see me like this.

What's so funny?

You look like a snowball

made of black ice.

Look, you're lucky I'm

even still here right now.

I had half a mind to run

off to my cabin last night

and weather this alone.

I'm glad you stayed.

So what's your big plan here?

I brought a bag of things

to help remind people

of their memories because

we both know I can't

just sing carols at people.

That's for sure.

Well, you did yesterday.

Got some good gifs.

I think you went viral.

That doesn't help me.

No, it has to be more

than that, right?

I mean, when you remembered

your grandfather at Christmas,

did you-- did you feel

anything specific?


It felt like he

finally forgave me.

Why would he have

to forgive you?

I let him down.

I enlisted in the Army and

I'm proud of my service.

But I saw things over there

that I'll never forget,

things nobody should see.

And when I got

back, I struggled.

I just didn't know how

to be around people.

Pops tried to help me,

and I wouldn't let him.

I didn't know how.

It sounds really hard.

It was.

And I couldn't do it.

So one day, I ran off to

this cabin that I know of

and I didn't answer his calls.

Then Pops died while I was gone.

I'm so sorry.

He still left me the shop.

You want to know why

I keep to myself?

It's just because I'm

not so good with people.

I let them down.

Your grandfather knew

what you went through.

I'm sure he understood.

When you gave

me this ring back,

I thought of Pops at Christmas.

And that was the first time

I felt like he forgave me.

Maybe that's it.

Maybe to fix this, we

have to help people

heal what's hurting them.

I mean, isn't that what

Christmas is about?

It's about forgiveness

and love and family.


I promised you that I would

give you one shot at this.

So let's do it.

Get your stuff.

I'm gonna drive.

All right.

Are you gonna be able

to drive with all that?

Just tell me

where we're going.

Back to high school.

All right.

Final papers on

my desk on Monday.

And please, do not forget about

office hours Tuesday, Thursday.

There she is.


I can't with that

scarf around your face.

Do you want me

to help you or not?

OK, sorry.




Addy, hi.

What are you doing here?

And why is your friend

bundled up like that?

It's not that cold out today.

I'm gonna get to

that in a second.

But first, I just wanted to

apologize for the other day.

I did not mean to upset you.

No, it's OK.

I'm sorry.

I always get in this

mood this time of year.

You know, you always

think about all the things

you didn't accomplish

and how much

people still want from you.

So I am looking forward

to some peace and quiet

over New Year's break.

You can take all that off.

We have the heat on.

Don't freak out.

Addy, I teach high school.

Nothing freaks me out.


Oh, god.

What happened to you?

I remembered Christmas.

Is that contagious?

No, Ma'am.

It's fine.

No, it's more than fine.

This is what we

used to look like.

This is what we

should look like.

I've never seen

anything like it.

But, may I?

Does it rub off?


It's beautiful, but

I don't understand.

It's because he's filled

with the Christmas spirit.

You keep talking about

this, this Christmas,

but I don't know what you mean.

Show her what's in the bag.

Christmas used to be

your favorite holiday.

You know that pageant

I was talking about?

It's real.

And your mom used to

do costumes for it.

And now you run it.

And you love that it brought

the whole town together.

We could sure use

something like that.

Parents have been

complaining so much lately.

Yeah, it's because

they forgot Christmas.

They've lost their joy.

Do you remember this?

It's a sweater.

Just look closer.

Why would I remember?

Wait, this is my

mom's stitching.

I love sewing with Mama.

She used to work nights, so

we never really got to spend

a lot of quality time together.

But every December, no matter

what, she would set aside

time for just the

two of us to sew

the costumes for the pageant.

She was so proud when

I learned her stitch.

And I remember

thinking, these sweaters

stitched this town together.

This is your sweater from

the Christmas pageant.

I remember.

Dana, look at you!

It actually worked.

It's all coming back.

Oh, god, I've been so

angry because everyone's

wanted something from me.

But really, they've just been

saying that they need me.

They need you and

they need their pageant.

Oh, no.

The pageant!

Christmas Eve is tomorrow,

and I haven't even

started on the costumes,

let alone the sets.

You don't have to do it alone.

You can ask for help.

From who?

Like you said, nobody

remembers Christmas.

Then you'll show them

like we showed you.

You'll help people heal

what's hurting inside of them

and find their joy.

That is the Christmas spirit.

I will try.

Now, go, go, go, go, go.

I can't believe that worked.

I couldn't have

done it without you.

You know, to be honest,

it felt really good to get

out there and help someone.

Your Pops would be proud.

I think so.

So, look.

If that creepy Santa

app of yours is right,

we've got two days

to figure this out.

Do you want to try

this on your family?

No, not yet.

Gosh, I've caused them

so much stress as it is--

I just want to make

sure that we're

right, because if we're wrong--

my Dad already doesn't want to

spend time with me as it is.

So, who should

we do this to next?

I don't know.

You and Dana changed

back because Christmas

healed something inside you.

Problem is, I've been

gone for so long,

I don't really know

anybody anymore.

I wouldn't know

how to help them.

I'm sure you know

more than you think.

Well, you know how it is.

I left town.

I got so wrapped

up in my own life.

And I just lost

touch with everyone.

Pops always said when I

needed to clear my head I should

go for a walk in the woods.

Fresh air helps you think.

I've got an idea.

I feel like

we're wasting time.

Maybe we should head back.

Oh, it's not gonna

k*ll you to relax.

He says, wielding an ax.

We're gonna figure

this whole thing out.

I smell the pine.

I missed that.

Do you like Chicago?

I do.

It has everything I want.

My friends are amazing.

My job is exciting.

There's never a dull moment.

Dull moments are underrated.

Sometimes there's nothing

better than quiet.

My life is anything but quiet.

I have a million

things to do every day.

But when I left Red Lake

Falls, I made a promise

that I would make my mark.

And I am.

What do you do?

I work in branding.

Christmas campaigns.

I help shape what

people think they want.

How do you know what other

people want when you don't even

know what you want yourself?

I know what I want.

Well, you said you work

in a job that celebrates

Christmas all year round.

But then the one thing

that you wish for is

a world without Christmas.

Says a man who hides from

the world in his auto shop.

That's fair.

I'm just saying, it

sounds like your life is

very busy like a hamster wheel.

And so you're always running

from one thing to the next.

But if you're always

rushing to the next moment,

you never really appreciate

what you have in that moment.

You don't know me.

I don't.

But I'd like to.

Since I remembered

Christmas, I also

remembered I don't have a tree.

What do you think of that one?

It's perfect.


Let's do it.

That's good.

- That's good?

Yeah, right there.

Locking it in.





Aren't you full of surprises?

I had nothing to do with that.

Hey, I got an idea.


Look at you, all inspired.

You know, I am.

Since you helped me

remember Christmas,

I'm really excited to

jazz this place up.

Jazz this place up?

Hold, please.

Ah, [hums].

Check this out.

So these were my Pops'.

I grew up looking at these.

Oh, they're beautiful.

And in color.

I think we started something.


I only got four

of them, though.

I don't think we're gonna find

any more ornaments in town.

It's OK.

Yeah, we can improvise.

We can make ornaments

out of these.

What are these used for?

Are these blinkers?

I got more of

those in the shop.


My mom and I used to

make handmade ornaments

all the time.

All you need is some

hot glue and some paint.

You got yourself a

fully trimmed tree.

OK, yeah.

It's like popcorn and string.


My mom would always say,

you know, that ornaments,

they don't have to be

shiny or expensive.

They just have to remind you

of good times you cherish.

We even have this little

stamp that we put on them,

our initials and the year.

That way, every ornament

would tell a family story.

I love that.

Hey, I've got an idea

how to change you back.

Really, what?

When Dana and I

changed back, it's

because remembering Christmas

healed something inside of us,


Now, you said you

feel like you've lost

connection with your family.

This kind of ornament seems

like a pretty important

memory for you and your mom.

Yeah, you might

be onto something.

Do you feel anything?


I'm running out of time.

It's almost Christmas.

We're gonna

think of something.

Merry Christmas, Hunter.

Merry Christmas, Addy.

Ho, ho, ho.

Just one more day

till Christmas.

Have you told Santa

your Christmas wish yet?

Remember, the wishes

you make this Christmas

can last a lifetime.


PHONE): We're sorry.

Your call cannot be

completed as dialed.

Good morning, sweetheart.

You're early.

Yeah, I couldn't sleep.

Is Dad up yet?

He had an early

council meeting.

On Christmas Eve?

Oh, right.

There's no Christmas.

You know I love you, right?

Of course I do.

What kind of question is that?

I don't know.

I've just been feeling

so disconnected lately.

And I didn't want you

and Dad to feel like I

was taking you for granted.

Oh, you don't have

to worry about me.

I'm tougher than that.

What about Dad?

Doesn't seem like he wants to

be in the same room with me.

Addy, your father loves you.

You're his little girl.

I just think sometimes he

feels like he lost you.


Because I moved away?

I built a life for myself?

I mean, I couldn't

live here forever.

Oh, you made that abundantly

clear even as a child.

There were bigger

things in store for you.

Just because you move away

doesn't mean you forget

about the people who love you.

I haven't forgotten about you.

You and Dad, you don't

understand the kind of pressure

that I'm under every day.

How can we if

you don't tell us?

Sometimes I think you're

embarrassed by us.

I can't remember the last

time you invited us to visit.

And when we did, you showed us

your office, your apartment.

But you didn't invite us to

meet any of your friends.

I was trying to

show you the city.

Well, we didn't

come to sightsee.

We came to be a

part of your life.

And it feels like

you don't want that.

I do want that, Mom.

Sometimes I don't realize

how I make people feel.

And I'm starting

to see that now.

I love you so much.

I love you, too.

I made something for you.


Oh, what is it?

Is it a reflector?

Well, sort of.

It's a Christmas ornament.

Everything you've taught

me, I've kept with me.

Even our little stamp.

Are those our initials?


This looks so familiar.

OK, Addy.

Now put your initial

carefully next to mine.

Oh, that's so good.

Now, see?

They're hugging because no

matter where life takes you,

I will always hold you tight,

especially on Christmas.

Our Christmas stamp!

I remember Christmas!

Oh, my gosh.


Mom, you look beautiful!

Why is everything so dull?

That's a very long story.


Don't move.

I will be right back.

Did you--


Did you?


Do you think we started

something with Dana?


I mean, we told her to

spread the Christmas spirit.

And look, the entire

town's coming together.

Go, Dana.

It's taking on

a life of its own.

Pretty soon, everything's

gonna be decorated,

and then everyone

will be changed back.

I hope everyone.

I have one day left.

And I still don't know why

I haven't changed back.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Take that down.

You are defacing city property.

They're just

string lights, Mayor.


Tonight's Christmas Eve.

Again, with the Christmas.

You guys, I can explain

what's going on here.

Stay out of this, Addy.

You've done more than enough.

Because of your

Christmas nonsense,

half the town is acting

crazy, and the other half

is afraid of them.

That's not fair.

I see Addy got to you, too.

She didn't get to me.

She helped me remember

the joy of Christmas.

If you could just be

open to the possibility--

You are just like my daughter,

always so certain you're right.

Oh, my gosh.

That's it.

If you could reconcile

things with Gina,

then you could remember

Christmas, too.

My issues with my daughter

have nothing to do with this.

Pardon me.

It does.

You don't want to lose any

more time with your family.

If I could have even one

second back with my Pops,

I'd take that in a heartbeat.

I can fix this.


We had an emergency town

council meeting this morning.

Your father presided.

Public decorations

of any kind are

hereby prohibited indefinitely

until further notice.

You can't do that.


When your father saw the

chaos you caused in the town

that he loves, I've

never seen him so angry.

He wants nothing to do with

Christmas or with people

turning weird colors.

Where is he right now?

He went home to find you.

Oh, my god.

My mom's in color.

I have to get home.

I never meant for any

of this to happen.

Hey, how can I help you?

Just keep everyone

calm and keep

spreading the Christmas spirit.


Come on, over a fireplace.

Nick, please, just slow down.


This is not up for debate.

What's going on?

I want this stuff

out of my house.

OK, Dad.

Let me explain, because Mom--

- No, Addy.

I want things back

the way they were.

Yeah, that's what

I'm trying to do.

Did you do this

to your mother?

No, Nick.

I did this to myself.

I remembered Christmas.

If I hear that word

Christmas one more time--

you turned away from me, Sharon.


Just like Addy did, years ago.

Dad, no one's

turning away from you.

You can remember,

too, if you just try.

I don't have to try anything.

We live a good life here

in a town that we love.

Now, I am sorry that it's not

good enough for you, Addy.

But you cannot just come

home here and blow it all up.

It's not fair.

I never said that you weren't

good enough for me, Dad.

I love you.

I am trying to

make things right.

You want to make things right?

Well, then help your mother

get rid of this mess.

I want everything back

the way it was by the time

I get home from work.

Who ever heard of

putting a pine tree

in the middle of a living room?

Don't say anything.

I wouldn't even know

what to say if I did.

Where's Mom?

She's upstairs taking a nap.

Dad called and told

me what happened.

Apparently Mom's in color now?


She remembered Christmas.

- Enough with the Christmas.

- It's true!

She remembered all the great

memories that we had together.

You should she--

- Just stop.

You always have an

answer for everything.

But what you don't do is listen.


I'm listening.

You're hurting people, Addy.

People like Dad.

And you need to stop.

I'm not trying to

hurt people, Connor.

But we're running out of time.

You don't understand

what we're gonna lose

if Christmas doesn't happen.

I mean, for some people it's

the only time of the year

that they get to actually

see their loved ones.

And for others, it's

a time that they

can just put aside

their differences

and celebrate what

they do share.

I mean, even for

the community, it's

a chance for people to help

those that are suffering.

I have spent my entire career

trying to sell Christmas.

But I never really knew what

it meant until it vanished.

I just-- I don't

want you to lose

out on what's important to you.

I know what's important to me.

Maybe you should just

go back to Chicago.

You like it better

there, anyway.

- Connor.

- I got to--

I'm gonna go check on Mom.

Look, your brother

just doesn't understand.

But he will.

Don't give up.

I don't know.

Maybe Connor's right.

Ever since I wished Christmas

away, everything's ruined.

But it's not.

The Christmas spirit is

spreading like wildfire.

People are out there

celebrating and having fun

and remembering what's

special about the holidays.

Not everyone.

My dad and Connor think

I've blown up the family.

And once Christmas comes,

they won't change back.

Neither will I.

Not with that attitude.

What am I supposed to do?

Everything I've tried,

I've made worse.

Are you kidding me?

The people that

you have helped--

I mean, look at this place.

Look at this.

Look at me.


I want you to come

with me right now.

This is all because of you.

Well, it all disappeared

because of me, too.

Oh, come on.

You got caught up in your

stress and you made a mistake.

We all do that.

Look at how happy they are.

Everyone really

does look happy.

Because they are.

Look, I can't speak

for all these people,

but because of your wish,

I am a better person than I

was before Christmas went away.

Truly, I mean that.

I didn't think that I

deserved all of this,

to be a part of this

community the way Pops was.

So I stayed in the garage

and life passed me by.

And then you came, and you--

you reminded me of what

Christmas is all about.

For what it's worth,

you've changed me, too.

What if they never remember--

I can't imagine a world without

dads Operation Christmas Smile

or Connor proposing to Sienna.

I got you on this, OK?

You're not alone.

Take a deep breath.


Now tell me, what was the very

first thing that brought you

home for Christmas this year?

Connor's engagement.

He wanted me to be there.

He had the ring picked

out and everything.

So step one--

help Connor remember

his Christmas proposal.

What's going on?

Everyone looks

different here, Addy.

Is this another

one of your games?

I already told you

I don't want this.

And there's nothing more to say.

When you love someone,

there's always more to say.

I was wondering when you

were gonna turn up, Connor.

I've had this ready

for a few days now.

Thought you might be

getting cold feet.

Excuse me.

What do you have ready for me?

Your engagement ring, son.

You bought that for Sienna.

You were gonna propose on

Christmas Eve at the pageant.

Don't you remember?


some figgy pudding--


Oh, I'm so sorry.

Are you OK?

I'm fine.

Don't worry about it.

Are you headed to

the Christmas pageant?

I haven't seen you at

one of these before.

Yeah, I just moved

to town with my family.

I don't really know anyone yet.

Oh, well.

Now you do.

Maybe we could sit together.

I would love that.


All right, let's go.

I met Sienna at the

Christmas pageant.

I remember.

And the second she smiled

at me, that was it.

I knew she was the one.

Oh, I love

Sienna so much.

Addy, I can't believe I forgot.

Your love for her

brought you back.

Sorry I didn't believe you.

That's OK.

I wouldn't have

believed me, either.


Tonight is Christmas Eve.

I'm too late.

Not if I have

anything to do with it.

Dana's already

starting the pageant.

All you have to do

is get Sienna there.

I'll take care of the rest.

She's gonna be surprised

to see me in color.

She'll love you no

matter what you look like.

Thank you.

Addy, if it wasn't for

you, I would have missed

the biggest night of my life.

I should be thanking you.

For what?

For reminding me not to

take my family for granted.

I love you.

I love you, too.

What about Mom and Dad?

They have to be there.

- I'm gonna get them there.

Don't worry.

All you have to worry about is

sweeping Sienna off her feet.

All right.

Hey, Dad.


Is your mother home?

No, she actually went

to the Christmas pageant

that Dana put together.

And it starts in an hour.


Yeah, I heard

that was happening.


Even the mayor got on

board as of this afternoon.

Mayor Matt

remembered Christmas?

And that's supposed

to be a good thing?

I am just so sick

of all of this.


You know what?


I'm tired, Addy.

I don't want to fight again.

I don't, either.

I just want to talk.

What's the point?

No one's listening to me.

I'm afraid if we don't talk

now, we might lose each other.

OK, well, that

was your choice.

You're always too

busy to talk to me.

Now this whole Christmas

nonsense is just one more thing

getting all your attention.

Dad, please.

Why are you so afraid of

remembering Christmas?

Because everything's changing.

I feel like I'm

getting left behind.

Why would you think that?

Dad, you lead the town council.

I look different

than everyone.

People remember

things that I don't.

I just want things to go

back to the way they were.

But you can remember, too.

But what if I can't?

Then what?

Then the people that love

you will still love you.

You're my dad.

Nothing's gonna change that.

But it has already, Addy.

Things have been

changing for a while.

Since you moved to Chicago, I

feel like you're worlds away.

But even more than that,

sweetie, I don't know where

I fit into your life anymore.

I mean, that's why I

joined that crazy app,

just so I could

follow your campaigns

and just try to stay

connected to you.

Oh, Dad.

Since the second you were

born, I've been your dad.

Now I'm feeling like

there's no more room for me.

Of course there is.

I know when I am overwhelmed

with work, when I am stressed,

I tend to lose sight of things.

Even if we're black

and white forever,

I will always be by your side.

I love you, kiddo.

I couldn't be prouder of you.

And I want the world for you.

I never realized how much I

would miss my little girl.

I love you, Dad.

I miss you, too.


Hi, honey.

I'm so glad you came.

Me, too.

Here, Dad.

Gina, hi.

- Hi.

You made it.

Good to see you.

Dad and I just had

the best dinner.

I brought over my

famous lasagna.

And it was wonderful.

No, it wasn't.


It seems like most

everyone's changed except us.

We're in this

together, OK, Dad?

I just want to thank all of

you so much for coming tonight.

As you know, we had to pull this

together pretty last-minute.

But none of it

could have happened

without all of you coming

together and pitching in.

And that's what Christmas

is all about, right?

So give yourselves a very,

very big round of applause.

You all deserve it so much.

Now, before we begin the

pageant in the spirit

of the magic of Christmas,

we have something special

in store for you.

Connor Dean, can you come

up to the stage, please?

What's happening?

You'll see.


Merry Christmas, everyone.

Thank you for indulging me.

You see, I met the

love of my life

at this very pageant years ago.

Sienna, will you

join me up here?

Come on.

Is he doing what

I think he's doing?

I hope he's doing what

you think he's doing.

If you would have told me

back then that the woman I met

that night would make

me happier than I

ever could have imagined--

because the second I

saw you, I couldn't

imagine my life without you.

He's doing it.

He's doing it!

Mom, inner voice.

I haven't done it yet.

Oh, my gosh.


I hope that you remember that

night as well as I do, because

on this Christmas

Eve, the only present

I want is to be with you.

Will you marry me?

I remember.

Yes, of course I'll marry you!

Dad, what's wrong?

It's a good thing.

No, I know it's a great thing.

I'm thrilled for Connor.

I'm just thinking that, if

watching my own son propose

to the woman of his dreams

can't make me change,

I don't know what will.

That's fine.

Excuse me.

Is that Mr.

Blakeman's grandson?

Yeah, that's Hunter.

He's cute.

Is he single?

Mom, shh.

Is this thing--

Yeah, that's on.



Sorry about that.

Hi, I'm Hunter.

I run the auto shop.

You all probably know me

as the guy from the gas

station, which is fair.

I haven't been the

most outgoing person.

I'm working on that because

the last couple of days,

I've really learned

how special it

is to be a part of

this town, the way

Nick Dean has always been.

Now, I don't think there is

a single person in Red Lake

Falls that doesn't have a story

about how Nick has helped them.

And believe me, I

know that because I

ran around all afternoon

talking to all of you.

According to Addy, Nick has

always celebrated the holidays

by helping others

through his charity,

Operation Christmas Smile.

Operation Christmas Smile?

Do you remember?

It's so familiar.

This year, when we all

forgot Christmas and donations

were low, it was looking

like the veterans' families

that Nick had planned to help,

they weren't going to have

much to celebrate, until you

all stepped up and you rallied

and you supported our

friend Nick for all

of his years of service.

All right, kids.

Bring it in.

Nick, would you please stand up

so that we can all acknowledge

you and celebrate you

for all that you've

given to our community?

Come on.

Welcome back.

Welcome to the family, Sienna.

Well, you know what this means.

We have an extra set of hands

to help out at the charity event


I would be honored, Mr. Dean.

I would be honored

if you called me Dad.

Oh, excuse me.

One sec.


ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.

It's Christmas Eve.

Have you told Santa

your Christmas wish yet?

Honestly, Santa, I wish I knew

why everyone else was in color

and I'm in black

and white still.

Remember, the

wishes you make this Christmas

will last a lifetime.

That's what I'm afraid of.

Creepy Santa app again?


Story of my Christmas.

Maybe I can add a little

more joy to your night.

Come on.

I meant what I said

earlier about you

making me a better person than

I was before I forgot Christmas.

You changed Operation

Smile all on your own.

No, no, no.

I mean, not that.

After Pops died and I just

gave up on all of this,

I gave up on Christmas.

But you came and you reminded

me what it was all about,

about being part of a

community and helping people

that you love.

And so now, I get to help you.


Thanks to Pops,

the one thing--

the one thing-- that I've always

been good at is fixing cars.

And so, yours is fixed.

It's parked out front.

You helped save the

charity and you fixed my car?

I'm a man of many talents.

I wish you could

change me back to color.

Please tell me you

don't think I'm

gonna stay like this forever.

I wish I could tell you that.

But Addy, no matter

what you look like,

you'll always be

beautiful to me.

Wonderful speech, Hunter.

And I am so glad the way

things turned out in the end.

It's like one of those

Christmas movies.

This is the perfect

story for my Red Lake

Falls Christmas Capital Blog.

Now we just need someone

to fall in love and kiss.

I really thought

that would work.

Wait, what?

Addy, it doesn't matter.

I did everything right.

I helped everybody

solve their problems.

And I still didn't

change back to color.

No, Addy, look at

everything you've done.

Everybody remembers

Christmas now.

No, not everyone.

Not everyone.

Not me!

Gosh, I even kissed you,

and I still didn't change.

Wait, what?

Is that-- that's

why you kissed me?



I don't know.


Well, when you figure it

out, just let me know.

What do you want from me?

I am running out of time.

I can't do this right now.

OK, I just have

to get to Chicago,

and then everything will

make sense once I'm home.

See ya, Red Lake Falls.


No, no, no, no, no.

No, no.

I have to get out of here.

You got to be kidding me.

Why can't I leave?


ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.

It's Christmas Eve.

I have had just about

enough of you, Santa!

Your mom tells me you hardly

said a word since you got home.

I'm-- I just need a minute.

I'm fine.

Well, you don't sound fine.

You have a couple of minutes

for your dear old dad?



This has certainly been one

of our more unique Christmases

that we've had in a while.

Dad, I'm so sorry that I

started all of this chaos.

If I hadn't wished

away Christmas--

this is all my fault.

Oh, no.

Nothing, honey, is

ever one person's

fault. Everyone plays a part.

I mean, little by

little, people have

been losing their Christmas

joy all on their own.

I'm scared, Dad.

Christmas is tomorrow.

I don't want to be

like this anymore.

But I don't know what to do.

Well, I have never

known you to give up.

Well, what am

I supposed to do?

I've tried everything.

I have tried solving

people's problems,

spreading the Christmas joy.

I even kissed Hunter

like I'm supposed

to do at the end of

those Christmas movies,

and that didn't--

why are you laughing?

Because, sweetie, you've

always done everything

because you thought you

were supposed to, because it

would help you succeed.

Well, yeah.

I'm an adult, Dad.

I have responsibilities.

Yes, and being an adult isn't

just about accomplishing things

and then setting new

goals, because sometimes,

speeding through life

is a way of keeping

people at arm's distance

because they can never catch up.

My life can be so

overwhelming, Dad.

I mean, there's

days that I wake up

and I don't even like the

person that I've become.

Well, then, change it.

Oh, Addy.

You're a good person.

And I always knew you

would do great things.

I mean, look at all the people

in town that you've helped.

Now, you need to help yourself.

I don't know how.

Start by asking

yourself, are you living

the life that you want to?

Or are you living the life

you think you're supposed to?

I mean, take Hunter for example.

Did you really kiss him

because you thought it

would change you back to color?

Or is there a chance that,

just maybe, you care about him?

Do I have feelings for Hunter?

Yes, I do.

Yeah, I kissed him because I

thought it would turn me back.

So you weren't honest with

Hunter, or with yourself.

Open your heart, sweetie.

Let him in.

But after

the way I treated him,

I mean, he'll probably

never want to see me again.

Oh, come on.

Give yourself more

credit than that.

You are not easy to shake.

Talk to Hunter at

the charity event.

What if it's too late?

Doesn't matter.

We're gonna love

you no matter what.

For now, forever, for always.

As they say, it's not

over till it's over.

You've still got Christmas.

Thank you for your service.

More blueberries?

Ah, thank you, kiddo.

What was that for?

For being my dad.

I've missed you.

I've missed you, too.

And I'm so glad you're

here to share this.

Look at the smiles you have put

on all these people's faces.

This is all you, Dad.

I have been gone so

long, I forgot how

happy this town makes me feel.

Oh, I have missed that smile.

I hope I get to

see it more often.

You will.

I promise.

Thank you for your service.


success, as always!

Thank you.

Any sign of him?

No, not yet.

But it's still early.

Have a little faith.

Thanks for helping

with the stuffing.

It was like old times.

Oh, Mom.

It was so fun.

We need to do it more often.

Hey, when you come

to Chicago, would

you meet my best friend, Suma?

Oh, I would love to.

I am starving.

This smells so--

Slow your reindeer,

Santa Claus.

I'll put the food out soon.

Have you seen him?

I wouldn't give up hope.

It's no use.

I mean, after the way I

treated him last night,

he's probably back

in his auto shop just

shutting the world away again.

You may

be a good kisser,

but you don't have that

much power over me.

You came.


Of course I came.

Think I would miss Operation

Christmas Smile after I helped

pull the whole thing together?

Hey, can we talk

privately for a moment?


Oh, my gosh.

I thought you

might want this back.

It was on the street

outside of my shop.


How did you know it was mine?

So, I made a wish that

you would come back to me.

And I guess the Santa app

on there made it happen.

You saw it, too?

No, I'm joking.

It's still dead.

Your initials are on the case.

Kind of tipped me off.

I did make a wish that you

would come back, though.

Hunter, I'm so

sorry for what I said.

I should never have

run off like that.

You know, I've kissed a

couple of women in my day.

But I've never actually had the

kiss scare someone out of town.

No, your kiss

didn't scare me away.

Your kiss was great.

Your kiss was really great.

Your kiss was like, wow, great.

I just-- I got in

my own way again.

I was so focused on getting

things back to the way

they were that I didn't

stop to appreciate

what was right in front of me.

Thank you for saying that.

I appreciate that.

I appreciate you.

Hey, if I haven't

totally freaked you out

in all of my black and

white neurotic glory,

I have another Christmas wish.


What do you got?

I'd like to kiss you for

the right reasons this time.

You twisted my arm.


are you, Christmas?

Why can't I find you?


Yeah, it was pretty great.


I mean, yes.

No, it was a perfect kiss.



You're back.


I'm back.

I'm back!

You are beautiful,

whatever color you are.


Ho, ho, ho.

- Is that you?

- That's me.


Christmas, Addy.

I'm so glad you got your wish.

Santa, are you talking to me?


this one last a lifetime.

Oh, my.

Is everything OK?

I feel you, Christmas.


I just think I've had

enough of this phone

to last me a lifetime.

I'd like to be

right here with you.

I know I've found you.

You'll never fade away.

The joy of Christmas--

What's so funny?

I need to get out more.

I've never even really

been to Chicago.


You know, I know someone

who could show you around.

Fills each

and every heart.

Fill your heart with love.
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