Bloodthirst (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Bloodthirst (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[dark music playing]

[John Sheppard]

In a post-apocalyptic world,

two warring vampire factions

have taken over the world,

and only a few pockets

of surviving humans remain.

Both humans and vampires

are on the brink of extinction.

[rake scrapes]

[hay rustles]

[distant bird squawks]

[rake scrapes]

[hay rustles]

- [wife moans]

- [farmer] Who are you?

- Let her go!

- [wife crying]

You need to leave

my property now!

Leave this property,

I'm tellin' ya.

Get back.

I'm warning you!

[wife sobbing]

If you run now,

I'll let you live.

- What?

- She's going to die,

no matter what.

Do you think you can save her?

God will damn you

forever for this.


- [rake whooshes]

- [thud]


- [groaning]

- [sobbing]

- [strained breathing]

- Do it.

- [flesh squelches]

- [screams]

You should thank me.


I'm taking you away

from all of this.

[flesh squelches]

- [woman screams]

- [farmer chokes]

Drain her.

But leave this one alone.

I want him to turn.

- [drifter 1] Aw, shit.

- [drifter 2] What is it?

- That's not good.

- What?

I think they're vampires.

You best step back

away from the window.

[sighs] Alright man,

what are we gonna do?

Back away from the window.

That's what we're gonna do!

Come on, man. Get serious,

man. They're gonna

get k*lled down there.

And we can do what?

Best thing we could do

is not get k*lled with them!

Are you serious?

Man, these people

have been good to us.

Look, man, we have

to do somethin'.

We can't just stand--

What do you

want us to do?

[sighs] f*ck.


[sighs] I think

he saw me.

[tense music playing]

Like a shepherd,

I must tend to my flock!

[bag thuds]



- [flesh squelches]

- [groans]


- [chuckles]

- [drifter groans]

You belong to me now.

f*ck you. I'll never

belong to you! Ever!

- Well, you have no choice.

- [body clunks]


And what of you?


I'll-- I'll join you.

No will to live.

I have no need for you.



[tense orchestral music swells]

- [flesh squelches]

- [groans]

[brooding music playing]

[footsteps clack]

[door squeaks]

[door creaks and squeaks]

[footsteps thudding]

[chair creaks]


[vampires growling]


[vampire] We shall feed!

Well, don't just

stand there! Get him!


[vampire snarls]

Hey dude, you gotta

get me outta here.

Son, you got

bigger problems.

- What do you mean?

- You've been bit.

- Wha--

- You're already dead, man.

[groans, pants]


[drowned out

by motorcycle engine]

[g*n clacks]

[breathes heavily]

I wasn't stealing anything,

I was just looking

for something to trade.

You're a worse liar

than you are a thief.

Stand up, real slow.

The woman.

You didn't think

to bury her?

[blood drips]

That's my mother.

My-my adopted mother.

I wanted to bury her,

but if I did,

they would come back.

They'll know somebody survived

and come looking for me.

If they do,

they'll find two of us.

[ominous music plays]

Oh. Oh, my God.


People are coming.

I think they're vampires.

- Hurry, back door!

- Okay, come on, everyone.

Quickly, this way.

- Hurry!

- Hurry, hurry!

- That's it.

- Come on, come on!

[footsteps approach]

Who are you

and what do you want?

What do you think I want?

Your total obedience

for a start.

Now, where are

the others?

- I don't know what you mean.

- You're lying to us!

Your kind always lies.

And it always ends

the same way.

Where are the rest?

There's only us here.

Do I have to pluck out

an eyeball

to get an honest answer

from you, vermin?

Maybe she will be more truthful

when she is watching you suffer!

[metal objects clatter]

[women whine]

We know there are others.

I can smell them.

- They may be close by.

- I'll go look.

There can't be many places

to hide around here.

- No.

- Shh.


[women screaming]

[man] We'll be okay!

[Destias] Here they are,

my lord.

Retreating like cockroaches

into the darkest corner.

[villagers sobbing, crying]


I have faith.

Faith that will protect me

and these people.


[groans, growls]

The son of man has no place

to rest his head.

- [cross snaps]

- [screams]

God has failed you.

I still believe.

Which one is to be first?

You! Big man!

What of you?

[women sobbing]

[woman] No!

[low growl]

Big man. Big faith.

You will never be strong enough

to become one of us.


- [flesh squelches]

- [women scream]

[blood splatters]



All of you.

Weak! Worth nothing

but feeding upon.


- [flesh squelches]

- [women whining]


Take him.

But save the others.

We will need to ration.

Thank you, my lord.

Now, it's time to feast,

and rid the world

of one more waste of oxygen.

Yes, my love.

- [Destias roars]

- [women scream]

Hey, you still believe

in all this stuff?

Even after everything

that's been happening?

You got somethin' better?

We must endure.


we must believe.

What did she prefer

to be known as?

- Huh?

- Your mother.

Margaret? Or Maggie?

I found her ID.

Uh... Maggie, I mean,

I guess Margaret's

more appropriate.

If you're gonna be

a good liar,

you better recognize

who's lyin' to you.

She's not your mother,

is she?

[Charlie] Hey, are we leavin'?

Time to move.

But it's hot out there.

No point in staying here.

Zero transportation.

The horses are dead,

the tractor's dry.

I got a bicycle.

I can ride ahead

and get us some supplies.

Good. Go on, then.

You! Put your hands up

in the air and down

on your knees!

Hey, hey, hey!

Look what I found!

[chuckles] You like it?

So they made you

sheriff, huh?

Yup! Whole town voted.


Let me guess.

You were the only one

available for the job.

[chuckles] Yeah.

Why you have to ruin it?

Get out. I'm drivin'.

Oh, man.

[car chiming]

- You did good. Windows up.

- What? We're gonna melt!

Windows down creates drag.

We lose mileage.

It's gonna be hot,

but it beats walkin'.

Did you find any g*ns?

No. No g*ns.

Did you check the station?

Didn't find it.

- Hold on.

- [engine starts]

[windows hum]

[tires screech]

[Charlie] Why are we

creepin' around here?

[John] Just takin'

a look around.

[Charlie] Yeah,

but if there was anybody here,

they'll be dead.

[John] That means the Master

could've been here before us.

Stay here.

Keep the doors locked.

What? What am I, eight?

You hear me?

[brooding music playing]

[flies buzz]

[woman] He's dead!

Did you sh**t him?


What about her?

Shot her too.

Seems like you can

take care of yourself.

I get by.

- Did you see any others lately?

- Nope.

Well, I guess

I'll keep lookin'.

[Doris] What exactly

are you looking for?

The leader. The Master.

You best come in, then.

Where you're going,

you're going to need this.

What about you?

Danger's still out there.

When you k*ll the Master,

it's gonna take the world

a long time to recover.

I won't live to see it.

All I have to look forward to

is more of this shit.

Don't you wanna see

the beginning?

I know you'll do it.

Take this.

A man of the cloth

needs a crucifix.

It'll see you through

to your darkest hour.

Thank you.

You want us to bury

those bodies?

No, leave it.

Let it be a warning

to any other assholes

who come around.


[car door slams]

[Doris] You take care now.

Always trust in the crucifix.

- It'll see you through

to the light.

- [engine starts]

[engine revs]

[vampire moans]

Another dead town.

Are we to walk and walk,

with only dust

to cover our tongues?

The Master is here.

He shall provide

for us. [grunts]

What if he doesn't?


You worry too much.

What of this

can you change?


I'm just merely

voicing my concerns.


You are not alone.

We are all sharing

your concerns.

But unlike you,

I think my mind

is better than yours

to find the solution.


Do you want the Master to think

that you don't respect me?

No, my Queen.

I apologize--

Respect me!


[door squeaks]

[Master sniffs and growls]




[Master growls]

[speaks foreign language]

[sniffs deeply]

Good to see you.

I'm glad you are here.

Oh, it's good

to see you, my love.


How many have you raised?

Just these three.

I wish I could've

brought you more

but so many are--

There is no indignation,

my Queen.

Well, it's not enough.

The battle

is drawing close.

Well, maybe we could go forage

and step on others.

There is a hunter coming.

We deal with him.

Then we move.

- [sniffs deeply]

- [moans]

Oh, Master.

I haven't fed for days.


In the cellar.

But restrain yourself.

You must rest.


- [man] Master.

- [grunting]

- The spy has left.

- [grunts]

We only showed him

what I wanted him to see?

Nothing of our true force?

Of course not, my lord.

Good! What of our casualties?

For us, none.

- Oh. [exhales]

- For them...

all that we could find.


- What of their leader?

- We got him.

[Ultimate Master chuckles]

He was hiding

in a shelter like a dog.


Bring him.

Bring him to me!

Here he is, Master.

He hasn't been touched.

We k*lled them all

like children.

They put up

no resistance.

Most of them tried to run,

but no problem to us at all.

I am one of many,

and many more will come.

[screams, grunts]


You better.

You show

a little character.

Maybe we can have

use of you after.

I would rather die

than serve you.

- [flesh crunches]

- [screams]


- [heavy breathing]

- [body clunks]

[suspenseful music playing]

[vampires growl]

Ah. Finally.

[Vampire Queen sighs]

- Here! You want 'em?

- No!

- Take 'em!

- No! Dad!

Don't do this!

Why are you doing this?

It's you or me.

This is the way

you treat your daughters?

Step daughters.

They don't mean nothing to me.

Ah. Even the lowliest animal

shows greater morals than you.

I'm sure they won't be

missing you.

- [growls]

- [women scream]



Feed. [snarls]

[vampires growl]

Thank you, my Queen.

This shouldn't happen.

It's wrong.

[Vampire Queen]

You see what the world is now.

What? You'd rather

have taken his place?

There's plenty

of mouths to feed.

No. God, no.


And you. You took that man

to be your husband?

Look at the way

he treated your daughters.

He had money,

he was a good provider!

That's what this is about?

- [mother screams, cries]

- [flesh crunches]

You want a path

out of here?

- [screams, laughs]

- Yes, I want out of here.

I do! But not the way

you have in mind.

I'd rather meet my maker

with this pure soul!


Well, what about me?

Ain't I good enough for you?

[Queen chuckles]

That's right.

All you are

is blood to me.

And you will live

until I say you die.



I could join you.


There's a battle coming.

One that has been brewing

for centuries,

and all you'd be is a waste

of blood meant for others.

Feast. Feed.

- Thank you, my Queen.

- Enjoy.

Who are you?

Why are you here?

My name's Jeff.

I-I'm just a farmer,

they bit me.

I was forced

to follow them here.

You don't belong here.

I know.

I don't wanna be here.

I don't want any of this.

I want life to be back

the way it used to be.

It will never be

the way it used to be.

You're free.

But-- but where do I go?




[Philamena] We can't

just leave him here.

He'll attract flies

and maggots.

We need to draw

as little attention as possible,

and using half our manpower

to drag him up there

where they're at ain't it.

Why? You think

they're gonna

forget about us?

We're all

gonna die here.

Why don't you ask him?

- Please.

- [growls]

You don't want me.

I have hepatitis.

Oh, really?

So you think I should

just let you go?

You have the rest of us.

How many more

are suddenly gonna pop up

with blood diseases?

Or be near death,

if I show you mercy.

- It's true!

- [snarls]

[villagers sobbing]


This will do.

Watch me,

or you'll be next.



[woman gasps]

You turned fast.

Faster than the others.

Do you feel it?

I can't fight it.


I need... I need to.

[Vampire Queen]

And you're gonna start

right here.

Feed on the ones

you love.

- [women sob]

- [mumbles] ...feeding.

- [sobs]

- [Sarah] No...

Mom, no.

[Helen] Please.

You can't do it.

Fight it!

I won't do it.

I could never!


You're gonna feed

on your daughter.

Maybe the others!

No. I want you to feed

on your daughter.

You'll need the energy

and you will feel alive.

I refuse!

I'm not like you!

Oh, yes,

you're just like me.

You'll see. You'll see.

[follower] What is it, my lord?

I have taught

my apprentice well.

I don't understand.

For a long time,

I have felt a--

a contradiction within you.

As if you were

holding a secret.

I still don't understand.

My spy. Did he hide

himself well?

Not at all, my lord.

We knew he was there.

Almost from the start.


He sent a spy,

thinking I would

not notice the one

right beside me.

- [grunts]

- [Ultimate Master laughs]


You had everything!

But you betray me! Why?

I want to be

on the winning side.

[Ultimate Master laughs]

- You idiotic fool!

- [flesh squelches]

[grunts and groans]


- [engine revs]

- [John] Yo.

- [Charlie groans]

- We've got somebody up ahead.

[Charlie sighs]

He's probably been bitten.

We should just

run him over.

Just in case.

What is wrong

with you?

I wanna stay alive,

that's what's wrong.

Staying alive is one thing.

Keeping your humanity

is another.

Well, maybe

I don't have any.

Everybody's got it.

It's a choice whether

you keep it or not.

Get out! Real slow.

Just step outside

and keep cool.

[Charlie sighs]


You all right?

I'm good. I could use

a ride, though.

Where you headed?

I don't know.

Would appreciate it

if you lowered the w*apon.


You can ride with us

but I gotta check you

for bite marks.

I can understand that,

man, but I guarantee ya,

I ain't been bitten.

Hop in the back.

[brooding western music playing]

I'm John. This is Charlie.

I'm Rico.

- Hey, Rico.

- Yeah?

Not the first time in the back

of a police car, huh?


[John laughs]

You gotta love

the nerve, huh?

- Got one!

- Yes! Now we can try

- the garlic shotgun shells.

- Yes.

[engine roars]


Don't get too confident.

Some of them can move fast.

[Elena] Nah,

not this one. Look at him.

He hasn't fed

in a long time.

He's all... [moans, chuckles]


Let's get him.

- You gotta aim for the heart.

- I am.

[blood splatters]


Hey, careful.

Okay. I got this.

So bossy.

[Brooke] Well,

look at that. You got him.

That was a little too easy.

I like a challenge.

All right.

Get him in the trunk.

Uh, he's heavy.

Can I get a little help here?

You k*ll him,

you bag him.


[engine roars]

This could be trouble.

What are we gonna do?

Let's see what they do.

Get rid of the badge

and the hat.

Some people get nervous

around cops.

Well, let me out.

I don't look like no cop.

You can say that again.

[Charlie chuckles]

- [radio static]

- We are not cops.

I repeat,

- we are not police officers.

- [radio static]

Stay cool.

[car chimes]

[suspenseful music playing]

Good job. You told us

you ain't cops.

I figured that

was a good idea.

So if you ain't cops then

what are you doing here?

- We're vampire hunters.

- [Brooke chuckles]

- Really?

- Yeah.

So how many have you k*lled?

Well, I'm in training.

[both chuckle]

Listen, we do that ourselves,

so we don't need you guys.

Well, maybe you can help us.

We're lookin'

for the Master.

[ominous tones]

Follow us.

We'll take you to Daddy.

[brooding guitar music playing]

- Who are these?

- [Brooke] They say

- they're vampire hunters.

- [chuckles]

You k*ll any?


We're lookin'

for the Master.

He's come this way.

And you think you got

what it takes to k*ll him?

I aim to find out.

We k*lled one today.

Show me.

[trunk door opens]

That's Jeff Lockwood.

He had a place over east.

He was a good man.

Came from that way.

We buried a woman there.

That's why we're out here.

The old place

wasn't defensible.

At least out here

we can see 'em coming

and keep on runnin'.

Well, at least we've got

a way to fight back now.

You're mistaken.

This man wasn't fully turned.

Best way you can fight back

is help us.

Come on inside.

Let's go talk.

Chop that up and cook it.

Doesn't work on them.

Now how the hell

are you so sure about it?

Tried it.

[Brooke] You got bit?

But not turned.

What does that make you?

The chosen one or something?


You comin' or what?


It's alcohol.

It's for the vehicles.

They've been converted.

Where'd you get it?

I got a still hidden-aways off.

[John sighs]

You must do

a lot of drivin'.

Most of it's not for us.

There's a local militia

operating out of the mountains.

They come down here

and they claim it as their tax.

Bunch of bullies

and thugs, mostly.

Now they say they're Army,

but I can tell by lookin'

at 'em, they ain't.

- You served?

- Yeah.

And the man that

your daughter k*lled.

He came from the mountains.

Do you think

those bloodsuckers

are up there?

Ah, maybe.

But that guy could've been

walkin' around in circles.

Who knows where

he started from.

Now, you're gonna ask

the militia tomorrow.

They should be

turnin' up then.

You think they're

willing to help?

Yeah. If there's

something in it for them.

You'll have to ask.

Now, you're welcome

to stay here, if you want,

but you'll have

to sleep outside.

I've got a bedroll.

[Charlie] I don't.

Where am I sleeping?

I think he needs to be buried

next to his wife.

I'll take him

over there tomorrow

when our friends leave.

They're staying?

Yeah, just one night,

outside. It's okay.

Hey, guys. I left my bike

back there aways.

Is there any way

I can get a ride

and some gas?

I'll give you a ride.

- [Rico] We got trouble.

- Aw, shit. Vampires.

Sure looks like it.

What you gonna do?

Uh, I got garlic

shotgun shells. You down?

Hell, yeah, I'm down.

Don't get too close, though.

Those things move fast.

Don't worry, we got this.

How's this?

Wait till they get

a little closer.

Those shells

will spread out,

especially with

my sawed-off. Now!

[g*ns cock and fire]

Screw this!

Let's get outta here.

I reckon my bike

should be right up there.

[Elena] Yeah, I see it.

Nice bike.

Thanks. It's my pride and joy.

Only thing I've ever

really had, you know?

You know, that alcohol

isn't too good for the engine.

It's probably

gonna outlast me.

[engine stalls and churns]

[engine purrs]

Man, that sounds good.

Now the only problem we got

is them vampires down the road.

You want me

to run interference?

No, don't worry about it.

We'll just take

the long way home.

Okay. Well, I'll catch you

at your daddy's place.

[Elena] Okay.

[engine roars]

[tense music playing]

[vampires snarl]

Adios, mother suckers!

[engine roars]

[vampires snarl]

[engine roars]

[engine clacks, stops]

How is she runnin'?

No complaints,

but we got us a problem.

Ran into some vampires

back there.

- Elena?

- Oh, she's good.

She did a little detour

around 'em.

But you know

those garlic shells?

They don't work.

Looks like our friend

was right.

And I'm afraid

they're coming this way.

I'll stand guard tonight.

[sullen music playing]

[crickets chirp]

[fire crackles]



- [ominous music plays]

- [snarls]



- [chokes]

- [grunts]

[Daddy Thompson]

Get off of him!

- [screams]

- [flesh squelches]

[sobs] No! Daddy!

Daddy! [screams]


You! I will tear you

apart for that!

f*ck you, m*therf*cker!

[both panting]

- Get back!

- Oh, f*ck.

Get back!

- [grunts]

- Get back! Get back!

- [crossbow fires]

- [grunts]

You are the hunter

the Master spoke of.

I will make you

suffer for that!

- And you will suffer no more.

- [crossbow fires]

[electricity zapping]




- [electricity zaps]

- [Master] Something's happened.

- [Master sighs]

- [groans]

- [electricity zaps]

- [Master] He is dead.

The hunter.

He is coming.

[sighs] He's dead.

He ain't coming back

this time.

Looks like these crucifixes

are worth keepin'.

Problem is they split

when they hit the target.

Can't use 'em again.

Well, hell, we could

make some more.

Gotta be made

from certain wood,

blessed the right way.

Blessed by the right people.

Daddy, no!

No. Don't come close.

My blood is infected.

No! No.

It's all right.

I'm gonna join your mother.

No, Daddy. No,

you can't leave us.

Look, he got bit and

he's okay.

Maybe you'll be fine.

[breathes shallowly]

That's unlikely.

It seems your crossbow works.


That's good to know.

'Cause I think you got

another one to do.

- [Elena] No.

- [breathes shallowly]

I guess so.

[strained] I've raised

two strong girls,

who can take care

of themselves now.

You can do it.


You hear me?

[sniffles] Yes, Daddy.

[Daddy] Let's do this.



[Daddy groaning]


Many of your followers

have yet to arrive.

Do you wish us to start

search for them?

I have no use for the weak,

unable to get here

by themselves.

We are so few.

How can we possibly prevail?

The whole world

has been ravaged.

They will be facing

the same problems as us.

Now, go.

Trust in me.

Yes, my lord.

We've been talkin'.

When you're leavin',

we're comin' with.

I appreciate that.

Those shells of yours

don't k*ll 'em,

but seem to slow 'em down.

We'll get making some more.

Can I get some of those?

Figure with my two barrels,

I could blast 'em in the face,

and blind 'em temporarily.

Worth tryin'.

Think I'll get my chance?

I can guarantee that.

I just can't guarantee

we're gonna live.

Yeah, well, I'd rather take

my chances out there

than sit here and rot.

Hell, John, I should've

been dead already.

The way I look at it,

any chance to k*ll

one of those things,

I'm good.

All right.

Let's get some rest.

Let's see what the militia's

got to say tomorrow.

Hey. Be careful with them.

- [car door slams]

- [bird squawks]

You did this?

- Yeah.

- Vampire?

- Yep.

- I ain't buyin' that.

Exactly. Bullshit.

Check the teeth.

It's for real.

That don't mean nothin'.

Could've found him dead.

Are you trying

to impress us?

Maybe I am.

- [Ryan] Well, it ain't workin'.

- [John] Pity.

Could've used your help

to k*ll more of 'em.

[LaCroix chuckles]

Our help?

What do you need

our help for?

[bird squawks]

I'm lookin' for the Master.


Good luck with that.

I ain't going anywhere

near any Master.

I just wanna find him.

Big country.

Lot of ground to cover.

I suppose you want us

to do all your lookin'?

Like I said,

I could use the help.

Why don't you tell your boss?

He's not our boss!

He's our captain!

Well, then tell your captain.

Might be worth his while.


Hey, honey! How about

you get those crates for us?

So you're just passing

through, huh?


You stick around,

you gotta start paying taxes.




- Your bike?

- Yes, sir.

Really, I can-- I can get you

a good deal on that.

I'm good, man.

Thank you.

Oh, you sure?

Get you water, food.


Plenty of fuel

to roll with.

I am not interested.

Thank you.

Why don't you think

about that, hm?


But it's still

not for sale.

You know,

I'm startin'

not to like you.

Why don't you just

not be here

when I get back?

[bottles clinking]

Don't. It won't help.

[bottles clinking]

[blows a kiss]

Where's your daddy?


Had somethin' to do.

Is that right?

Is this your new boyfriend?

You look a little


You best make sure

he gets that message.


I will!

Just don't hold your breath!

You sure you know

what you're doin'?

I'm wingin' it as usual.

[Brooke] How long

you gonna wait for 'em?

I can wait two days.

He's close.

I'm feeling

he's getting stronger.

[tense music playing]

[bottles clink]

He's comin'.

"He's comin'?"

That sounds like an army.

[engine roars]


Okay, vampire hunter.

You got me interested.

Let's go talk.

So, how have you been doin'

out here, alone?

Still think you don't need

any, uh, companionship?

You better watch your mouth.

I'll cut your balls off

and feed 'em to your little pet.

Yeah, I, uh,

I don't need that,

but I'm sure Shelton here

can handle you.

I like it rough.

Think your sister here

would go for it?

- Hey, that's enough, boys.

- [metal clanks]

Y'all need to move on.

You gonna take us

all on yourself?

If I have to.

I should just

sh**t you right now.

Yeah, you could,

but I don't think you have

the authority, f*ck face.

Think you need to go ask

your little boss up there.


I need you two to get those men

away from the women.

Seems fine to me.

Do it.

Doesn't seem a problem.

Maybe we should ask Torque.

You don't need to talk to him.

I gave you an order.

We'll wait.

I don't see Torque interfering

with a little fun.

Okay, boys!

You need to calm down.

I am calm.

Oh, that's real good.

'Cause last time I checked,

we all had a common enemy.

The vampires.

You remember them, huh?

While you're all busy arguing,

they're gonna sneak up

behind you and bleed your ass.

Jesus! I wasn't talking

right now, you g*dd*mn idiot!

I was talking metaphorically.

Let's go before

they get rapey again.


I'm glad you like it.

What do you need us for?

[John] There's a lot

of terrain out there.

I assume you know it well.

I'd appreciate it if your men

could help me track him down.

Why would I help you?

When I k*ll the Master,

this country's gonna need

somebody to take care of it.

It seems to me

that you're the man to do that.

This world needs order.

Tell you what.

You hang around here.

I'll be back

within two days.

I believe that would be good.

If he's within 100 miles

of this place,

we'll find him for you.

What happened?

They're behaving

like pigs, like usual.

I didn't see nothin'.

All I saw was a bunch of guys

makin' polite conversation.


You stay away from them.

If you ask me,

she's too sensitive.

She's been on her own

too long.

Well, I ain't asking you,

and it seems like

you've been alone too long.

Maybe you should let things

work out the way they should.

I'd be very careful,

if I was you.

I apologize

for my friends here.

They're the sheep

that has lost their shepherd.

Mm. Maybe you need

new friends.

Yo! Let's go!

Take care.

You too, vampire hunter.

Do you trust him?


but I gave him the best deal

he's ever gonna get.

That man's gonna be

trouble, John.

That's what I thought

about you.

But I'm afraid

you may be right.

I have arrived.

I am Nosferatu.

[sighs] Yes,

we can see that.

I need to speak

to the Queen.

We will let her know

you have arrived.

I must speak to the Queen.

It is important.


If she wishes to speak to you,

she will come.



Where are the rest?

My Queen,

they're scattered.

I know not where.



Who is this that demands

an audience with my Queen?

I've seen

the dead bodies.

I can attest

to his existence.

We are both aware

of the hunter.

Now go rest.

[Williams] Looks kinda quiet.


What were you expecting?

I don't know. Doesn't look like

there's anybody here.

You think there'd be somethin'.

Take a drive down

that main street.

You spot anyone,

vampire or not,

hit the g*dd*mn gas.

Ah, crap.

I can guarantee

I'll be doing that.

We should've

brought bayonets.

Might give us

a fighting chance.

Should we aim our g*ns

out the window?

It's not gonna work.

It might be something.

I need every chance

we can get!

How many vampires

have you approached?

None, and I'm hoping

to keep it that way.

Uh-huh, so you got

no better idea

than we do on this.

I know what to do.

[Lambert] I wish I had my knife.

We should've spent last night

carving stakes.

They said they tried it.

Now quiet.

Head down the main street.

Keep the engine revs

as low as possible.

We don't wanna draw

any attention to ourselves.

All right.

[suspenseful music playing]

So, we checked it out.

Should we go now?

We can't. Torque will ask us

if we checked inside

these buildings.

So, we lie.

Screw all that.

We can't lie.

Torque will ask us

if we checked these buildings.

What if they are in there?

They'll k*ll us.

We'll leave

the car doors open.

We'll kick in the doors

of these buildings.

We see anybody,

jump back in the car

and we're gone.

[door thuds]


- [vampire snarls]

- [grunts]

- [vampire snarls]

- [flesh squelches]

[groans, screams]

Hey, where's Lambert?

I don't know,

I wasn't watching!

- [vampire snarls]

- [screams]

He's dead!

[Johnston] Shit,

get us outta here!


Hey! Hey!

Where you goin'?

There's no escaping.

- [screams]

- [snarls]

[door thuds, creaks]


That doesn't work for me.

- [Johnston pants]

- [g*n clicks]

[g*n clatters]


What are you doing here?

Please, I don't wanna die.

You're not going to die.

Now, tell me.

What are you doing here?

Vampire hunter,

he sent us.

He's nearby.

So he's coming.

You want me to send him

a message?


I would love

to send him a message.


I said you will live.

You will live...

- Forever.

- [laughs]


- [Johnston screams]

- [Master growls]

It's Johnston.

Looks like he's been bitten.

Keep goin'.

He was a good man!

He deserves better than just

being left out here to turn.

We'll let the vampire hunter

come and deal with him later.

He's not going anywhere.

You see, there you go.

You know, you'll never be

a great leader

if you worry about

the loss of every soldier.

This is f*ckin' w*r, you know.

[driver] We're almost

there now, sir.

- Pull over.

- [driver] All right.

Let 'em know we're here.

[horn honks]

I'm gonna go check things out.

You guys stay here.

I sure hope he knows

what he's doing.

[Destias] What on earth?

Are there still such

stupid people left alive?

I need to see it.

It could be a trap.

You still want to go?

Of course not, my lord.

I was just trying to serve you

as best as I could.


I have never met anyone

wanting to die,

as badly as you.

I'm here to see your master.

You assume I am not the Master.

I doubt that.

We all know the boss is never

the first to show his face.

I got a feeling you guys

are not too high up

on the totem pole.


I could k*ll you so quickly.

Wait here.

Coming here like this

is unexpected.

You are either very brave,

or very foolish.

I figure it's a risk

I'm willing to take.

What has happened

out there?

A human would like

to speak to you.

Send him in.

Yes, my lord.



- [coughing continues]

- [snarls]

Pardon, pardon me.

I, um... I come

to make a deal.

There's a vampire hunter.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,

whoa. Whoa, now.

I'd appreciate it if you kept

your distance. For real.

Very well.

But it won't save you.

You've got one minute.

There's a vampire hunter.

He's looking for you.

But I can bring him to you.

And in return?

Well, uh...

At the rate you guys are goin',

you're gonna run out

of people real soon.

Put me in charge

of the surviving humans.

Let us rebuild

the population.

They're too afraid

to deal with you,

but they'll listen to me.

Bring him to me.



What the hell

just happened over there?

I made a deal.

- With him?

- That's right.

Look, we gotta be

on the winning side of this.

- You sold out the human race.

- Sold 'em out?

You think that vampire hunter's

gonna save us all?

He kills one

freshly turned vamp,

and you wanna make him

your savior, hallelujah!

- But shouldn't we let him try?

- No.

This is a great opportunity.

We can run this country.

All we gotta do is supply

the Master with enough,

um, enough bodies.

[chuckles] Oh.

Oh, is that all?

That's all.

Look, after all this,

and you still don't understand

how this world works now?

See, that's why you'll

never be a great leader,

and exactly why I am.

Let's go.


This is all you bring me?

All I could find,

my Queen.

There are many empty towns,

with next to nothing

between them.

We have traveled a long way,

with nothing to sustain us.

We desire blood.

Well, there's none here.

When we leave,

we shall find some.

You don't seem hungry.

And your breath

is most fragrant,

as if you've just fed.

Unless my senses deceive me

after our difficult...


Do you accuse

our Queen of lying?

No, no.

And if it seems that way,

please forgive me.

Once we feed,

we'll be more civil.

We will find some,

but for now, we stay.

Stay? Why?

The battle is upon us.

We should go.

There is a hunter coming.

When he dies, we go.

What human requires

all of us to k*ll him?

One of us can stay.

That should be enough.

The Master wants

to do it personally.

Then he can stay

and rest of us can move on.

We can leave this barren

wasteland behind.

The Master wants us all to stay.

Where is the Master?

He is resting,

just like you should be,

after your long journey.

We wish to speak with him.

We will not keep him long.

Maybe we should disturb him.

I'm sure he would be

overjoyed to see you.


Go! Go rest.

There are many things

to be discussed.

Mm. There are more

of you coming.

When they arrive, we talk.



When your Queen decides,

and not before.


- Go!

- [growls]

We have traveled

all this way.

Treated like slaves.

And yet we're forbidden to enter

the Master's house?

They were there.

I could smell them.

I smelled the blood

on her breath.

They are there.

But it has been decided

they are not for us.

We're kept outside

and starved like dogs?

We should thr*aten to leave.

That will bring

the Master to us.

It will also bring

with it his wrath.

She cannot keep us

from the Master forever.

[chair creaks]

Rest now.

[crickets chirping]


Great news,

vampire hunter.

- You found them?

- Well, uh, not exactly.

But three of my guys

went into an old ghost town

not too far from here,

only one came back.

I think it's safe to say

we found your spot.

Now, what we need to do

is pack everybody up,

we head down there

and we kick

some bloodsucker ass.

Well, wouldn't it be best

if we went tomorrow morning?

They're strongest at night.

Well, uh, see,

that's the beauty of the plan.

Won't be expecting us.

Don't mind Mr. Rico.

He's loyal.

That's a good word, right?

I best get ready.

Stay cool, Rico.

Loyal dogs get put down, man.

Somethin' isn't right.

You're gonna have

to sit this one out.

What's the matter?

Our friends out there

have the look of guilt.

They can't be selling you out.

That makes no sense.

Maybe not,

but after we're gone,

you pack and head

in the opposite direction.

No, no way.

I told you we were going

to help and we are.

You know this ghost town?

I reckon I know

what he's talking about.

You give me two hours,

then get there unseen.

If what you say is true,

it could be

all over with by then.

That's a chance

we're gonna have to take.


When this is over,

we're gonna run this country!

[militia] Yeah!

- No more vampire problems!

- [militia cheers]

You know what I'm sayin'?

You know what I'm sayin'?

- This is gonna be

our country now!

- [militia] Yeah!

- We will be in charge!

- [militia] Yeah!

- And we will run

the human race!

- [militia] Yeah!

And we're here to join you.

Oh, yeah. About that.

- Take 'em.

- What--

Get the women too.

- Why the women? You said--

- Man, shut your ass up!

But you said...

You assh*le.

That I am. Tie 'em up.


Rico. Charlie. Relax.

If he gives you

any more problems,

put a b*llet in his head.

Loyal dogs get put down.

[lighter flicks]

I had faith in you.

Make me understand

why you betrayed me.

Because I don't have faith

in you, vampire hunter.

I've seen the Master

and you can't beat him.

And besides,

I kinda got this thing.

I like being

on the winning side.

At what cost?

Your soul?


Bought and paid for.

A long time ago.

That's why I'm still here.

Can't argue with that.

I brought you

what I promised.

And some.

[snarls] Send him over.

[fingers snap]

[tense music playing]

[chain clinks]


All that you've been through,

all that you've seen...

and you still believe?

How is that reasonable?

Are you judging me,

or my faith?

You carry the faith

of an empire

that has m*rder*d every

single one of its prophets.

And if you persist, John,

it'll be the same for you.

This isn't going

to be quick, my friend.

Every day, you'll grow

weaker and weaker,

until you no longer care

if you live or die.

And die you will.

Not so confident,

are you now, Hunter?

Be silent!

Does it hurt you so much

that I've chosen to live?

Having a bad day today, are we?

Screw you.


Yeah, whatever.

I know I got a sweet ride

waitin' for me back there,


Your mom was a sweet ride.

Put him in the cellar.

You can have

this one as well.

What do you think

you're doing?

This is wrong!

This is all wrong

and you know it!

This man is our only hope

for survival!

False hope, you mean.

Keep him alive.

As long as he doesn't do

anything stupid.

No matter what.

My lord.

We should finish them now.

They are too great a risk.

Especially the hunter.

Those two.

Do you?

Speak again,

and I will tear

your tongue out.


[footsteps recede]


- This one's mine.

- All yours.

- No! No!

- What the f*ck?

f*ck off my sister, you--

Hey, no! [grunts]

- [groans]

- Whoa.

- [yells]

- I can't wait to tear

into you tonight.

[laughs, groans]

Charlie. Be still.

Make a move, Hunter,

and I will not hesitate.

About your deal.


I don't make deals.

- I take.

- [grunts]

- [flesh squelches]

- [screaming]

Filthy vermin,

prepare to die!

They're flanking us!

You will be mine.




Submit to our will, now!

And we will be merciful.

- [snarling]

- [screaming]

- [grunting]

- [g*nsh*t]

Your leader has fallen,

and you are doomed

to follow him!

[screaming and yelling]

- [grunts]

- [vampire snarls]

Your adrenaline will only make

your blood taste sweeter.

I can almost taste it now!

All you're gonna taste

is my knife.

All right then, bitch.

Let's see what you got.

- [whooshes]

- [grunts]

- [flesh squelches]

- [groans, screams]

Where you think

you're goin'?

Get the f*ck off me,

you fucker!

- [screams]

- [militia] Get her!

- [screaming continues]

- [yelling]

What are you

gonna do now, hero?

I'm gettin' outta here.

That's what I'm doin'.

Now back up.

You need to help us.

You're one of us.

I'm not with you.

I'm with me and that's that.

If you leave us, you're

gonna end up

becoming one of them!

We're in this together.

What the hell is wrong with you?

I need a human shield

and you are it,

honey, let's go.

- [screams]

- Shut up!

Take me,

I'm better cover!

Yeah, and you're

more trouble too.

- Shut up! [groans]

- [screams] I don't wanna go!

- [grunts]

- [flesh squelches]

- [sharp thudding]

- [woman sobbing]

[body clunks]

- Charlie. Charlie!

- [rapid sharp thuds]


Save your breath.

You're gonna need it.

Cut us loose.

[Lena] Thank you.

Come get this,



- [groans]

- [blood splatters]

You k*ll one of mine?

You will take his place.

- Not today!

- Next!

So now what?

Now we find the leader.

We k*ll him.

Where's my crossbow?

Torque brought it,

just to make sure

the Master knew your existence.

I need it now.

We need weapons.

You take his.

Leave it to me.

I'm a thief, remember?

Go on, then.

What about us?

It's best you stay here.

It's safer.

If you get some weapons,

will you bring some

back down to us?

I'll do that.

They'll work

against the militia.

Not against those animals.

Am I gonna be okay?

I don't wanna be one of them.

Can't tell.

You haven't turned yet.

That's good.

If the militia get here,

you fight like hell.


I will destroy you!


I got weapons.

She saw me, though.

- They know.

- Better find the girls.

- [grunts]

- [thuds]

The Master will be pleased

I k*lled his nemesis.

You speak too soon.

Your arrogance amuses me.

I've k*lled many

like you before.

You haven't dealt

with anybody like me before.

- [snarls]

- [Charlie] John!

- [crossbow fires]

- [snarls]

- [groans]

- [body clunks]




[groans] Oh...

Ain't you got

somethin' to do?

Go. Go!

[vampire] I shall

make you one of us!

And we will be together

for all eternity! [laughs]

I would rather die!

Oh, you will feel so different

once you have changed.


Get away from her,

you f*ckin' bitch.


[snarls, growls]

[flesh squelches]

Take that bitch away!

[Brooke] I've felt acorns

bigger than you.

- [thuds]

- [LaCroix groans]

Get off her, fucker!

- [grunts]

- [thudding]

Run, bitch!

- [grunts, thuds]

- [clangs]

[Destias] Pathetic.

Give up and accept your fate!

You are like rat

trying to fight with a tiger.

And the rat always dies

a useless death,

soon forgotten!

- [electricity zaps]

- [groans and pants]

- [John grunts]

- [electricity zaps]

- [groans]

- [electricity zaps]


I should've k*lled you.

Yes. You should have.


[crossbow fires]


- [cross snaps]

- [groans]

[low growl]

- [John grunts]

- [electricity zaps]


You're out.

And you have lost, John.

This was always going

to end just one way.

And that cross

will never save you.

Let us stand together,

in the abyss, John.

Embrace me.

In infinity.

Think how powerful

we will be together.

- [engine stalls]

- [groans]

[Queen grunts]

- [electricity zaps]

- [groans]

[low growling]

- [groans]

- [cross snaps]



- [groans]

- [grunts]


- [groans]

- [body clunks]


[groaning continues]

[g*n cocks]


How you doin' there, boss?

[wheezing continues]

- John!

- John, you good?

- [John groans]

- John?

- John?

- [groans]

[gasps] Elena! Oh!

- Oh, God!

- I'm so glad you're okay.


I knew you could handle it.

Daddy would be proud.


Hey, John.

I'm gonna take

a final ride.

If I need you,

I'll find you.


What's next?

I have no idea.

[Ultimate Master groaning]

What is it, my lord?


He is-- he is dead!

Who is, Master?

My apprentice.


The one who dared...

[heavy breathing] challenge me.

After all these centuries,

he's finally dead.

So now there'll be

no battle?

That's-- that's right.

[exhales] That's right.

No battle.

No battle.


The world... [sighs]

The world is ours!


[brooding music playing]

[music ends]
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