12x22 - Classroom Training!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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12x22 - Classroom Training!

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Perched high above the snow-covered Snowpoint City

is Dawn's close friend and rival, Zoey.waiting in happy

anticipation for the arrival of her rival and the

rest of our heroes!

DAWN: Zoey?

ASH: Hey!


ZOEY: Hi! You're right on time!

DAWN: Well of course! Right on time! It is after all my mom who

says to always keep your appointments and be punctual!


ASH: Of course she forgets to mention the reason we're on time

is we were running away from her screaming at us that

we were going to be late.


ZOEY: Anyway it's been a long time, hasn't it?

BROCK: It has! The last time must've been back when you and

Dawn battled against Fantina!

ZOEY: You're right, Brock! Ash, I know you lost your Battle with

her, but what about your official Gym Battle?

ASH: You see? I won that one big time!


ZOEY: All right! That's awesome!

DAWN: I can't wait for you to show us around!

The town where you were born!


ZOEY: Right! Sparkling white with snow.

ZOEY: Welcome to Snowpoint City!

Sometimes it's hard to know,

Which way you're supposed to go.

But deep inside, you know you're strong.

If you follow your heart, you can't be wrong.

Stand up! [Stand up!]

For what is right.

Be brave!

Get ready to fight.

Hold on! [Hold on!]

We're friends for life.

And if we come,

together as one,

Complete the quest, that we've begun,

We will win the battle!

Galactic Battles! Pokémon!


ZOEY: One of Snowpoint City's

nicest things is its peace and quiet.

ZOEY: Even the townspeople are peaceful and quiet!

ZOEY: I love this town.


ZOEY: Everybody get back! Quick Glameow go!





ASH: So what's all this about?

DAWN: Let me see what that is.

POKEDEX: Abomasnow. The Frost Tree Pokémon, and the evolved

form of Snover. Abomasnow appear when snow flowers bloom,

and return to places unknown when the petals fall.

BROCK: Abomasnow could be a wild Pokémon.

CANDICE: Guess again!

CANDICE : Zo Zo and Glameow. Welcome back!

ZOEY: It's always a wild welcome from you eh Ms. Senior?

CANDICE: That is so cute!!

You must tell me! Where did you get it?

CANDICE: Veilstone City? Jubilife City?


DAWN: Uh.Actually my mother sent it to me.

CANDICE: If your mother sent it then it must be handmade!

CANDICE: It's adorable!! You're so lucky.

ZOEY: Please Ms. Senior at least introduce yourself!

CANDICE: Oh! Sorry about that!

CANDICE: Hi! The name is Candice

and I'm the Gym Leader of the Snowpoint Gym!

ASH: Gym Leader?

ASH: See I'm Ash from Pallet Town! And I'm here 'cause I want

to challenge the Snowpoint Gym!

CANDICE: Yippee! We haven't had a challenge in So long!

CANDICE: You see things have been a little on the slow side

at my Gym.

ASH: Slow huh? Wow that's too bad.

CANDICE : When you live in a town that's this far north and

this cold with not much to do here, challengers don't

come around all that much!

BROCK: Boy, I know what it feels like to have a Gym without a lot

of challengers around!


ZOEY: Yeah you see Brock was the Gym leader over at the Pewter

Gym in the Kanto region!

CANDICE: Really? Wow! That means we've got the same job then!

So are you on vacation?

BROCK: No, my family's running the Gym now. So at the moment

I'm out and about doing a little Breeder training!

CANDICE: Awesome! Look, up ahead, you see that?

CANDICE: That's the Pokémon Trainer School!

ZOEY: And that's where we went to school!

DAWN: Oh! So that's why you call her 'Ms. Senior.

CANDICE: And since I have so much free time on my hands I'm

actually a teacher at the school now!

ASH: Wow Gym Leader and a teacher!

CANDICE: So Ash, how many badges do you have?

ASH: I've got six.

CANDICE: That's great! I'm wondering if I could show you

off as an example to my students at training school!

ASH: You mean Battling?

CANDICE: No.I'd really like you to help me teach a class!

I think it would be a great experience for all of them!

Could we have the Gym Battle later?

ASH: I'd be happy to do anything I can! Right, Pikachu?


CANDICE: Excellent! And Zoey!

CANDICE: I want you to get your "kiai" on too!

ZOEY: Yeah! I hear you!

DAWN: Something wrong?

ZOEY: Take a look.

ZOEY: I just can't seem to earn my fifth ribbon!

DAWN: Yeah, me too! One more to go!

CANDICE: Zo Zo? You already managed to get four ribbons.but

when it comes to number five you fall a little bit short!

So this is your Ms. Senior with a big news flash.Put kiai in it!

DAWN: The thing is.what in the world's kiai?

ZOEY: I think Ms. Senior's telling me I need to battle!

CANDICE: Bingo! But before we do that I want Zo Zo to see how

good all my students are.how hard they work! You've got to

remember your roots!

ZOEY: The Pokémon Trainer School.

ZOEY: .the place where you study the basics of handling your

Pokémon up until the age of ten! Of course that's the main reason

for the school's existence, but there's another course older

students may take as well.

ASH: Yeah what's that?

ZOEY: It's a special course indeed!

ZOEY: Everyone here got their first Pokémon, but for one

reason or another all these people had to interrupt their

Pokémon journeys!

ZOEY: You see unlike other schools this school has a

practical side!

CANDICE: Today, I've got a special treat for you! We're

lucky enough to have a very special guest! He's come all the

way from Kanto's Pallet Town to challenge me here at the

Snowpoint Gym and his name is Ash! You're on!

ASH: Thanks! Nice to be here!


JESSIE: The Twerp!

CANDICE: Ash has earned an incredible six badges!

CANDICE: Would you like to show everyone Ash?

ASH: Sure!

PUNK: Woah! They're the real thing!

KIMONO LADY: Land! And he's still so young!

COOK: Wow! How cool is that?

CANDICE: So, Ash, would you mind giving everyone here a motto on

how to win a Gym Battle?

ASH: A motto huh? Let me see.

My advice is the best defense is a good offense!

COOK: Got to write this down!

JAMES: His worn out sayings are more boring than he!

MEOWTH: That's how you sell newspapers!

JESSIE: If his badges command respect my ribbons would produce

borderline hero worship!


CANDICE: Okay then class our assignment today will be to do

some studying right along with Ash!


CANDICE: And Dawn? You're welcome to join too!

DAWN: All right! What do you say, Piplup?


BROCK: She may be a teacher here at this school, but she's a Gym

Leader as well! She could be testing Ash while hiding it by

asking him questions, see?

ZOEY: Maybe!

ASH: Hi. How are ya?

JEREMIAH: I'm fine! My name is Jeremiah and I work as a

Pokétch Company rep!

ASH: Cool! You're from Jubilife City?

JEREMIAH: Right! The bulk of my time is spent selling Pokétches,

but then.

JEREMIAH: .after watching all those Trainers buy our product,

it hit me!

JEREMIAH: I decided I wanted to go out on my own journey!

JEREMIAH: So I chose this Skuntank as my partner and

started studying about Pokémon from square one!

ASH: Nice to meet ya, Skuntank!


POKEDEX: Skuntank. The Skunk Pokémon and the evolved form of

Stunky. It sprays a horrible smelling liquid from

the tip of its tail.

DAWN: I'm just here for the day.Hello!


JAMES: That's fine with me!

CANDICE: So now it's time for Candice Class!

CANDICE: I call this my Quick Kiai Quiz! Press the button on

your desk before answering!

ASH: A quiz?


JEREMIAH: It's good practice for winning a Pokémon Battle,

you know.

ASH: Winning a Pokémon Battle. Right!

DAWN: I just love this kind of quiz! Great! Piplup, just watch!


JAMES: Ready!

MEOWTH: James looks serious about this.

JESSIE: I'll bet there's a serious prize at the

end of this quiz road!

BROCK: This kind of a quiz is sure unique!

ZOEY: It's fun isn't it? That's my Ms. Senior's style!

CANDICE: Question one!

CANDICE: Pikachu is.

ASH: Okay I got it!

CANDICE: Nice speed Ash! Now I hope you're ready

with your answer.You're on!

ASH: If it's about Pikachu, I know it!

The answer is an Electric-type!


ASH: What?

JEREMIAH: Overconfidence can often lead to some serious

mistakes! True in quizzes and Battles too!

JAMES: If I may add one thing!


JAMES: In a quiz like this speed is vital! But! With a myriad of

twists and turns, you need to predict the end of

the questions correctly!

CANDICE: Good point from one of our newer students!

JAMES: I may not look it, but when I was a mere lad they used

to call me the Prince of Quizzes back in my hometown!

JESSIE: Where did he get the strobe light?

MEOWTH: Big budget school!

CANDICE: All right! Let me finish the question.

Pikachu is a Mouse Pokémon! So then.

JAMES: Tiny Mouse Pokémon!

CANDICE: Sorry! Wrong again!

JAMES: Starting with 'Pikachu is a Mouse Pokú' would

lead one to

Pichu would it not?

CANDICE: No, not this time. Listen closely!

CANDICE: What kind of Pokémon is Cyndaquil?

CANDICE: Mr. Jeremiah was the first!

JEREMIAH: Fire Mouse Pokémon!

CANDICE: That's correct!

JAMES: Drat! So the connection was through 'Mouse Pokémon'!

ASH: Man, this is tough!


DAWN: Wow, everyone's so fast!


CANDICE: Now, next question! Abra is.

ASH: He knows already?

CANDICE: Mister Jeremiah! The answer please?

JEREMIAH: That's twenty-four hours!

CANDICE: Excellent! Right again!

DAWN: Abra's twenty-four hours? What does that mean?

JEREMIAH: I think it goes something like this: An Abra

will sleep for eighteen hours every day. Okay, now how long

does the smell produced by a Stunky last?

CANDICE: Exactly right, Mister Jeremiah!

ASH: Whoa, talk about an awesome prediction!

JEREMIAH: So Ash, what did you think?

BROCK: That guy's incredible!

ZOEY: He must study really hard!

JAMES: Never say die!

JESSIE: All I need is a question I actually know.

CANDICE: Okay, next! Meowth's.

CANDICE: .powerful move that only Meowth can learn is?

MEOWTH: My brain burped!

JAMES: Wait! I don't sense any trickery! That question is

balanced and quite fair!

CANDICE: Mister Jeremiah! First again!

JEREMIAH: Pay Day, Ma'am!

CANDICE: And that's another correct answer!

ASH: How does he do it?


JESSIE: Excuse me genius! You're a Meowth. Why didn't you know?

MEOWTH: I'm dressed up as a person so I didn't want to blow

my cover, capiche?

PUNK: Excuse me?

CANDICE: Yes what is it?

PUNK: This quiz is supposed to have something to do with

battles, right? I came here to learn about battling.

CANDICE: All right then. Class is there anybody else here who

was wondering the same thing?

CANDICE: So! You see class my quick quiz was designed to help

tune your reflexes razor-sharp! In a quiz or a battle,

if you can learn to read a situation accurately it will

work to your advantage!

CANDICE: When in a battle, your Pokémon actually does the

battling, leaving all decisions to the Trainer! What we're doing

here is classroom exercises that will help you become a Trainer

your Pokémon can believe in!

BROCK: I should know as an ex-Gym Leader! She's definitely

telling it straight!

ZOEY: That's my Ms. Senior!

ASH: This stinks!

BROCK: Relax! You simply show off your true power when you're

in a Battle see? Desk-type work? That's really not your thing!


JEREMIAH: I wondered about that!


ASH: Jeremiah!

JEREMIAH: For a Trainer with six

badges, you don't seem to know that much.

JEREMIAH: To be honest, I'm surprised!

ASH: Hey, I'll do better next time!

JEREMIAH: I would hope so.

BROCK: Don't worry! It doesn't change the fact that you're a

genius at Gym Battles, really!

ASH: Yeah maybe. Hey! Where's Dawn and the g*ng?


ZOEY: Wow! It's still here!




DAWN: So what is this place?

CANDICE: What do you think it is?

ZOEY: Ms. Senior!

CANDICE: This is where it all started for Zo Zo and me.

DAWN: Started?

CANDICE: Right Dawn started!

This is where Zo Zo and I raised Glameow together!

ASH: Dawn!

DAWN: Ash! Hey guys!

CANDICE: Okay, you know how stubborn Zo Zo is.

ZOEY: Ms. Senior?

CANDICE: Well, with good reason!

You know exactly what I mean, don't you Glameow?


ZOEY: I first met Glameow.

ZOEY: .one super-cold morning when I was on my way to school!

ZOEY: I just couldn't leave Glameow like that.

ZOEY: .so I brought it back home!

ZOEY: But my parents told me I couldn't have a Pokémon until I

was a Trainer and to take Glameow to the Pokémon Center!

ZOEY: So at that moment I decided to secretly raise

Glameow.right here!

ZOEY: I made a promise to myself that when I became a

Trainer, I would make Glameow my partner.

DAWN: Wow.That's such an amazing story Zoey!


CANDICE: She tried to keep it quiet, but Mr. Honcho

found out right away!

ZOEY: I refused to give it up.

ZOEY: .and that's when Ms.

Senior stepped in and stood up for me!

CANDICE: Eventually Mr. Honcho gave in, but it was on condition

that both Zo Zo and I would be raising our dear Glameow!

BROCK: Of course! That explains why Glameow is

Zoey's number one partner!

CANDICE: Now don't tell me Zo Zo didn't give you an earful about

not approving of Trainers that want to compete in both Gym

Battles and Contests, right?

ASH: I remember something about that!

DAWN: Yeah at the Jubilife Contest where we first met her!


CANDICE: But as you can see, it's not always a bad thing to

have a bit of a stubborn streak.

ZOEY: Ms. Senior decided to put all her efforts into battling!

ZOEY: .while I decided to enter Contests and become

Top Coordinator!

ZOEY: You see in order to reach the very top, we promised each

other we would concentrate on pursuing only one career path!

Trainers that try to do both look like they're not taking it

seriously! And Ms. Senior gets so mad and says it's doing way

too much stuff!

CANDICE: "Too much is more than enough!" you know!

Tell me Dawn.You've got four Ribbons now right?

DAWN: Right! Although I did just attempt to win my fifth Ribbon

and I lost.But for some reason I feel relieved!

CANDICE: Relieved?

DAWN: Well since Zoey has four Ribbons like me it's almost like

we're feeling the same inside!

CANDICE: The same? Look! You two are rivals now aren't you?

You think you're gonna win with an attitude like that?

Where is your "kiai"?

ASH: Yipes!


BROCK: I suspected it during the quick quiz too .how intense she

gets in a win or lose situation!

I'll bet she really brings it in a Battle!

ASH: Yeah!

JAMES: You know recess time is playtime.

JESSIE: I also know when people are resting.

MEOWTH: That's when evil starts to squirm!


MR. HONCHO: Well then how is the special course going for you?

MEOWTH: We're having a ball!

JESSIE: Can't wait to have a Pokémon Battle!

JAMES: I'll bet you have a veritable plethora of Pokémon!

MR. HONCHO: Yes of course we do!

MEOWTH: It'd be great to get the grand tour!

MR. HONCHO: All right! Just follow me!

MR. HONCHO: All of the Pokémon you see here are divided by

their stage of evolution and by type as well!

MR. HONCHO: Of course these Pokémon are the

pride of our school!

MR. HONCHO: We've got every type of Pokémon available to use for

practice and in class.

JESSIE: Seviper! Use Haze!


ASH: What's going on?


JESSIE: I love recess!

MEOWTH: It's good exercise!

JAMES: Muscular and aerobic!

JEREMIAH: Now you hold it right there!


JAMES: Oh no it's the Quiz King!

CANDICE: Mr. Honcho sir!

CANDICE: Are you okay?

MR. HONCHO: Something's happened.Something terrible!

JEREMIAH: Stop, those aren't your Poké Balls and you know it!

JESSIE: Well, no sense them wallowing in school!

JAMES: We'll take them. We rule!

MEOWTH: You dopes can play the fool!

JEREMIAH: I don't know who you are.but you're certainly not

Trainers so I'll just have to take care of you myself!

Skuntank let's go!


JAMES: Carnivine! Follow suit!


JAMES: Big galoot! Now please, Vine Whip![EXCITED]



JEREMIAH: Oh dear! All right, use Scratch!

JEREMIAH: You can't? All right.Night Slash!


JESSIE: A class whiz does not a great battler make!

MEOWTH: Pete's sake!

JAMES: Spewing facts, but a battling fake!


JESSIE: Now Seviper! Get that poser!





JESSIE: No posing there!

CANDICE: Why you! What are you doing?

JESSIE: See we're graduates of the school for

awesome disguises!

JAMES: With a Master's degree in Poké Ball thievery!

MEOWTH: So dig! Any closer and the Skuntank gets skunked!

CANDICE: That Meowth just talked! Impossible!

JESSIE: When it comes to impossible,

you teacher-types should talk!

JAMES: We sprint through life while you eggheads walk!

JESSIE: Through the snow!

JAMES: And the sleet!

MEOWTH: 'Round t

JESSIE: Bringing chaos at a frosty pace!

JAMES: Dashing through snow with glee on my face!

JESSIE: Catching bad colds and taking Vitamin C.

JAMES: When everything's worse nothing feels good to me.

JESSIE: Jessie!

JAMES: And James!

MEOWTH: Meowth's the name!

JESSIE: Putting teacher and students in their place!

JAMES: We're Team Rocket!

JESSIE: In your face!

CANDICE: This is no joke! And I will not allow evil thieving

criminals into Snowpoint City!

ZOEY: Me neither! I won't sit by while you bad people

destroy my school!


CANDICE: Abomasnow, you're on!


CANDICE: Abomasnow and I will get those Poké Balls back!

Take care of Skuntank, Ash!

ASH: Right!

ASH: Buizel! I choose you!


MEOWTH: Leave it to kiddies to want to fight!

JAMES: Battle all you want. We won't bite!

JESSIE: Instead! We'll use Haze and do it right!


CANDICE: Abomasnow, Blizzard!



ASH: All right! Buizel, use Aqua Jet NOW!


JEREMIAH: Look at that!

CANDICE: I can't believe it!


DAWN: Wow! They're using Ice Aqua Jet!


MR. HONCHO: That's tremendous!

ZOEY: They've really perfected that move!


JEREMIAH: Skuntank! Are you okay?


ZOEY: Glameow! Shadow Claw!



JEREMIAH: All the Poke Balls!

ASH: Hey, now you leave that to us! Dawn!

DAWN: You bet! Piplup! Whirlpool!


CANDICE: You got every single one!

JAMES: So, what's the reason for this gaff?

JESSIE: Twerps, always the Twerps! If we had only stayed

inside that class!

MEOWTH: Hey! I know what to do next time! I'll remember it's

cool for a Meowth to talk!

JESSIE: Okay, we can wait!

ASH: Buizel, awesome job!



CANDICE: Wow, what a surprise!

That Ice Aqua Jet of yours was simply awesome!

ASH: Gee, thanks Candice!

BROCK: One of Ash's Battle strengths is surprise.

How will you deal with that?

CANDICE: You'll find out at the Gym Battle!All right,

got your kiai on?


JEREMIAH: I owe you a big thanks for saving Skuntank and an

apology for the rude things I said!


ASH: Nah.

JEREMIAH: Really! After seeing your Ice Aqua Jet, it makes the

quick quiz results seem like nothing!

JEREMIAH: I'm going to put my kiai into it so that someday I

can battle just like Ash!

Today's class was the best one I've ever had!

CANDICE: Great! Ash our work is done for today. But tomorrow is

our Gym Battle! So put your kiai into it!

ASH: Right!


NARRATOR: And so the time for Ash's long-awaited Snowpoint Gym

Battle is here! But there's no doubt Candice will have

surprises and kiai waiting for him, as the journey continues!
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